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Taken by the Dragon (Dragonspark Brothers Book 3) by Tully Belle (14)


Sometimes she couldn’t work him out and other times she felt like she knew him better than anyone. Juliana knew that Mac was right to take things slow, but that didn’t stop it making her want him even more for not rushing into anything.

Now that it was a possibility. That she could be with someone without the threat of burning them alive. She wanted to make the most of it. She could see no reason to wait.

She squeezed his hand as they approached the group of Dragonspark members sitting on the logs placed around the campfire. The fire was burning hotter than last night, the flames reaching nearly to her waist height. Yet she felt cool and calm. Normal.

No one paid much attention to them. At first, she was a little disappointed that the didn’t get a bigger reaction. She had a mind to kiss him in front of everyone, just to see what would happen. But no. It was foolish to care about what others thought about them. Besides, they were sharing a tent. It wasn’t like it was a huge shock to the world that there might be something more than friendship.

Caran glanced up, waved to acknowledge she saw them and then continued her conversation with Elle. God, if she had to go over there and join in that she’d kill herself. No, she’d stay with Mac. Why shouldn’t she? She wanted to be with him.

“One potato or two?”

“Two.” The server handed her a plate with sizzling chicken strips, two roasted potatoes, and boiled green beans.

She sat down and began to ate while Mac got his plate.

“I was expecting more of a reaction from the others,” whispered Juliana.

“Everyone has their own problems to deal with,” he added as he sat down next to her. “Does it make you feel better knowing that no-one gives a rat's damn about what we do?”

“Actually it does. It’s freeing not having to worry about everything all the time. I’m over exhausting myself about what other people might say.”

“People surprise you.”

She smiled as she thought about this. People do surprise you. Like Caran being completely fine with her curse. She looked across at Mac who had sauce from his chicken on the side of his beard. He grinned at her lopsidedly.

Juliana reached up and wiped it away. Mac would be fine with it too, she was sure about that now. Okay, she decided. Tonight when they were alone, she’d explain her curse to him and why she’d pulled back up until now. He was ready to hear it and she was ready to explain. Especially now that she had a solution to her problem. She didn’t want to have secrets from him anymore. Not now.

“I’m retiring to bed early tonight,” she said.

“Cool. You should rest. How is your shoulder doing?” He cocked his head to the side awaiting her answer.

She crinkled her nose at him. He could be so dense at times. “My shoulder is fine. That’s not what I meant.” She raised a brow to try and get the point across. “I want to go to bed early.”

It took him a moment before it dawned on him what she was implying. “I thought we were taking it slow.”

“I’ve been at Dragonspark for years. That’s plenty of time to wait.”

“You didn’t want me back then.” He chuckled. “That’s what I liked about you.”

She grinned. “You liked me back then?”

“Can’t deny that I was attracted, but I knew nothing could happen.”

“Ah, so you were wrong.”

“It wasn’t the right time.”

“And now?”

“Are you sure this is what you want?” He placed his hand on her knee.

“Hurry up and finish your dinner, I’m going to get ready. Meet me in ten minutes?” Juliana stood up. Ten minutes was plenty of time to get herself under control and ready. Now that this was possible she wasn’t going to waste a single second of it.

Normal felt wonderful.

* * *

She’d primed her veins with the cold saline solution that Juliana had brought over and made sure she was wearing fresh underwear. She was already in her bed, the covers pulled up to her neck as she waited.

She’d been thinking about this moment for so long she was past nervous.

God, it had been, forever ago, that she’d last been with someone. She’d been so young then, and stupid not to use protection. Now she didn’t need to use protection because she couldn’t fall pregnant, except . . . God, did she need to? She’d been so quick to want to jump into bed with Mac that she hadn’t even considered asking him about his sexual history and how careful he’d been in the past.

She knew about Tessa, of course, but before that? Or perhaps while he was at Dragonspark? She’d never seen him with anyone, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be discreet. Had he?

It wasn’t like her to be this unsure, but this was all new. It was like Caran had given her a new life to believe in. Maybe normal wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Juliana heard his footsteps outside the tent. Mac paused before he came in. He must be as nervous as he was. But it was fine, would be fine. It was meant to be. Wasn't it?

“Hey,” he said, keeping his gaze locked on hers, not daring to imagine whether she was wearing anything or not. Yep, he was definitely nervous. Good, it’d make this so much easier.

Juliana held out her hand to him as he came forward and sat on the side of the bed. “You were longer than ten minutes.” She bit her lip nervously.

“Yeah, Lyson held me up with some tactical nonsense.”

“Oh, has something happened?” She sat up in bed, the sheet slipping down to reveal her bra.

Mac gulped but didn’t look down at her chest. “Nope, it’s all good. Everything is fine.”

“You know it’s strange that Tessa hasn’t tried anything yet. I expected her to be storming Dragonspark by now.”

“Perhaps she thinks that’s what we expect her to do, so she’s doing the opposite.”

“I admit I don’t know her as well as you do, but she’s always been impulsive. Waiting until we make the next move seems out of character.”

Mac heaved a heavy breath as he pulled off his boots. “I don’t know her at all anymore. Not really.”

Still clothed he lay down next to her. Juliana rested her head on her hand. “I wish we knew. It’d make waiting so much easier.”

He didn’t respond, just turned to face her. Mac gently kissed her lips. She could get used to kissing him over and over. “Let’s not talk about her,” he said. He curled her hair behind her ear.

“Deal.” Juliana scooted over so he could get under the covers.

Mac studied her face, tracing his finger over the softness of her cheek and around to her neck. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She could smell his musky manliness and moved closer to his chest.

The stubble of his one day old beard tickled her neck as he planted small kissed down the side of her face and back down to her lips. “I like kissing you,” he whispered.

“I like being kissed.”

“Oh yeah? What else do you like?” He raised a brow.

Juliana lowered her voice. “Why don’t you try something and see if I respond?”

“Is that a challenge?” he asked.

She grinned as a response.

“Okay then.” He moved his hand across her shoulder and hooked his finger underneath her bra strap, sliding it down until it hung loosely on her arm.

Juliana took a sharp intake of breath. He repeated the movement with the other side. All he had to do now was unhook her bra at the back and it would slip off, leaving her breasts bare. A shiver of nerves ran up her spine. It had been a long time. A long time and something she needed. It was what normal couples did.

Mac kissed the top of her shoulder, his lips warm against her skin. Then he ran his soft lips across her collarbone and to the nape of her neck. She threw her head back as his tongue traveled back up to her chin and landed on her mouth.

Mac shifted, moving away as he unbuttoned his shirt but not taking his gaze off hers. His look was more intimate than his touch, looking right into her thoughts. She reached up to help him undress, trailing her hand lower until she reached his belt, unbuckling that.

He had to get out of the bed to finish removing his jeans, but when he was also down to his underwear he got back in, pulling her close to him.

She rested her head on his chest, his breathing coming quicker. Was he nervous too? She supposed he was. Well, she’d give him something to make him forget everything else except her. She sat up and straddled him. Her hands trailed over his chest before she reached behind, unhooking her bra and letting to slide down her arm. She held it to her chest for a moment longer before letting it slide away.

Carefully watching his reaction with each step.

Mac reached up, pulling her down to him and kissing her again. Her hair fell over their faces, but he didn’t seem to mind.

Now his kiss was becoming more urgent. His hands becoming stronger as they held her close to him. She liked how he held her as if there was nothing else but them.

From her position lying on his chest, she could feel his arousal deepening and hardening. Knowing what was coming soon caused her to gulp and pull back.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yes.” She ran her finger over his shoulder. “It’s been a while, that’s all.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” He furrowed his brow. “We don’t have to do this. We can still take it slow.”

“No,” she said. “I want to do this.”

A flicker of raw urgency came over him as he grinned. He pulled her back to him, his mouth devouring hers.

Juliana let herself fall deeper into the moment, let her body respond to his touch, knowing that nothing could hurt either of them now.

Mac’s hands began to explore her body, grazing over her breasts, gliding over the smooth skin of her back. He hooked his finger underneath her underwear and began to slide it down her leg.

She was naked. In bed with Mac. He still had his underwear on, but she wasn’t going to let it stay that way for long.

Biting her lip she grabbed the edge of his underwear and pulled them down. His erect cock sprung free and for a moment her eyes danced over it. He was bigger than she thought he’d be and for a moment she hesitated. It had been a long time, what if she couldn’t do this.

She looked up at him.

Mac maneuvered, flipping her so he was on top now. He stared down at her before kissing her again. His hands tangled in her hair and she let out a soft moan.

“Mac,” she whispered.


“Don’t wait.”

He didn’t. His manhood pressed between her legs. He hesitated at her entrance, waiting and watching. Just to see if she was still agreeable, she supposed. God, she was. She was beyond waiting now. She wanted this more than anything.

As if he could read her mind, in one slow deep thrust, he was inside her. He began to move slowly at first, taking his time.

His breathing was heavy and thick against her neck as he kissed over her skin.

Juliana grabbed his shoulders, arching her back so she could get closer to him. Closer, always closer. They stayed like this for, how long, she didn’t know anymore. Didn't care.

Forever. Minutes. It didn’t matter. This was where everything felt so right. Mac allowing her to experience what she’d given up for so long.

She loved him. She knew it as much as she knew the moon would always shine. She had felt this way about him for a long time, but now it was real. Now it was possible.

She decided that she would tell him. Not now of course. Not in the heat of lovemaking. Not when he was bringing her body closer and closer to orgasm. But afterward, she would tell him how she felt. It didn’t matter if he didn’t say it back, that wasn’t the point. The point was she didn’t want to have any secrets from him anymore. She would tell him how she felt and she would tell him about her curse. Nothing would be off limits now.

“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned into her ear.

The muscles in his shoulders were tensing as he neared closer and closer to his own climax. She could tell by the concentration that he was holding off, waiting for her first.

She reached for his hand and glided it down, pressing it against her clitoris, leading him to circle it gently. He took the hint and his touch was magic.

“Oh, god … yes … Mac.” She could feel the moment when all feeling flooded directly to her core. One more thrust and she cried out as she came.

“Juliana,” his voice deep and raspy as he too climaxed. He lay on top of her, careful not to put his full weight on her as he took in deep gulps of air.

Kissing her again, all over her face. She held him close, feeling his chest beating against hers. Their breath mingling and catching together.

Mac rolled to the side, his fingers entwining in hers and giving the back of her hand another soft kiss.

She pressed her back to him, letting his strong arms wrap around her body to protect her and hold her tight.

“Mac,” she whispered. Her voice was barely audible. “I love you, you know.”

He didn’t respond, just held her tighter. It didn’t matter. She didn’t care. Later she would tell him everything else. And then, only then, would she wait for him to catch up.