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Taming the Lion (Shifter Wars Book 3) by Kerry Adrienne (13)

Chapter Thirteen

Alicia ran, the precious elixir that would cure Marco safely stored in a pouch Tawodi had loaned her. The heat of the afternoon sun on her back slowed her progress and she panted. She’d have made better time as a bear but that wasn’t an option anymore. She paused to rest a minute and catch her breath. She couldn’t even find her bear when she looked inward.

What have I done?

She shook off the doubts. She did what she had to, and now it was done. She hoped Marco was still alive. Grandmother had stayed up all night working on the elixir, and Alicia had helped her as much as she could. It was one of the more complex combinations she’d ever seen, and she’d left her grandmother falling into bed from exhaustion as the sun rose.

Alicia wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep going herself. She’d slept two hours, figuring it was all she could spare. Getting the cure to Marco was critical.

As long as the cure worked, the sacrifice would be worth it. Alicia focused on that as she made her way through a dense patch of brush. Tawodi said the effects should start almost instantaneously. Marco’s fever should fade quickly and the bacteria should die off.

Gods, let it be true.

She hopped over the small creek and scrambled up the bank on the other side, her shoes muddy but the cure safely tucked away. Not much farther to the cave now. Elijah would’ve kept his word to take care of Marco, would the other bears?

The small meadow before the stand of trees that concealed the cave entrance buzzed with insects. Her fondest memory of the area was playing hide and go seek with Ria in the same meadow so many years ago. Now, not only was Ria gone, but many bears had spilled blood to protect the cave.

The cave that used to belong to all shifters. Was land worth fighting over?

Marco had thought so. Who would have ever predicted the way this summer would have gone. Certainly not Alicia. Torn between sadness and joy, she tromped through the meadow. Ria would want her to be happy, of that she had no doubt. It was time for all the past sins to be washed away.

An image of Marco popped into her mind. She stepped on a twig that snapped under her shoe. She wasn’t far from where she’d found him, injured and likely dying. Thank the gods she’d decided to help him. Tawodi had been right all along.

Every creature deserved care.

Mate. Warmth overcame her, and it wasn’t the heat of the sun. Did she sense his presence as she neared the cave? Fated mates’ attraction grew stronger as their connection developed. The blood offering she’d given had driven home how much she cared about the lion.

How much she realized they were going to be inseparable and bonded for life after the cure. Would he want her now that she couldn’t shift?

What was done, was done.

Her heart ached to know that while she’d been gone, Marco had suffered. She hadn’t recognized the mating attraction for what it was because she hadn’t even let the thought cross her mind. A bear mating with a lion was simply not a concept she’d considered. Now, she realized how being away from him physically hurt her soul.

He was her mate and even if he refused her, he’d always be the only one. Staying positive was important, Tawodi had taught her that. Alicia would save Marco, and then they would figure out how to tame the crazy world around them.

She crunched through dried bushes in a shortcut to the cave entrance. She wouldn’t tell Marco she’d lost her shifting ability yet. That wouldn’t help his healing. For the time being, he didn’t have to know anything about what she’d sacrificed. They could deal with it later, once he was completely well.

She pushed through the last bushes and came out near one of the Sentinels guarding the cave entrance. He nodded at her to pass and she waved. It had been the Sentinels that had spotted the lions’ attack and a few had lost their lives. Grateful for their protection, she made a note to thank them for their service again later.

The tall tree that grew right outside the cave entrance waved in the wind, welcoming her back.

Finally! She headed into the cave, the change in temperature striking and significant. She shivered and waited on her eyes to adjust.

Elijah met her in the anteroom, giving her a hug. None of the bears were with him. “Any luck?”

“I have the cure in my bag. Shoshannah was right, Tawodi knew exactly what to do.” She patted her bag. “Apparently, Marco has been stricken with a shifter-killing bacteria that resides deep in this cave and waits for a weakened host. Marco was exactly what it was looking for.”

Elijah stiffened. “I’ve heard stories of this sickness. Are my bears at risk? What do we do to contain it?”

She shook her head. “The bears seem to have developed an immunity to it, unless it has evolved. Tawodi said she was coming to take samples and try to figure out how to eradicate it for good.”

“I hope it hasn’t evolved.” Elijah motioned her ahead.

“Anyone else shown signs of illness?”

“No. Not that I know of.” Elijah paused. “I wonder why Shoshannah didn’t warn us. She’s so mysterious. It’s frustrating.”

“She did point us to the cure. Or the hopeful cure, at least.” Alicia debated telling Elijah about her shifting ability but decided against it. He’d be furious with her.

“True, and the bears have been fine. But I want that germ gone. As soon as possible.”

“Me too.” A lump formed in Alicia’s throat. She had to ask. “I need to see Marco alone to give him the elixir. Is he...alive?” Her breath caught in her throat as she almost choked on the words.

“He worsened overnight, but yes, he’s alive. We moved him to one of the hospital rooms with a real bed. He seemed so miserable. This way.” Elijah took off down the tunnel.

“Thank you. That was kind.”

Elijah harrumphed and quickened his pace.

Alicia tried to keep up, but Elijah moved faster than the big bear should be able to, and she had to near-run to stay on his heels.

He stopped in front of one of the few rooms with a built-in jamb and locking door. He motioned her inside. “He’s in there.”

“Thank you.” She nodded to him. “I appreciate all you’ve done for him.”

“I’ve done it for you, not him.”

She smiled at Elijah then stepped into the room. Derek sat in the chair beside Marco. He looked like he hadn’t slept. But Derek’s condition was nothing compared to Marco. Marco looked like he’d washed up on shore after a hurricane.

“Alicia,” Derek said. “Glad you’re back. Any luck?”

“Thank you for staying with him, Derek. Yes, I have the cure. At least what we hope is the cure.”

“Good.” He stood and stretched. “Maybe things will start to get back to normal around here now.”

“We can hope. I need to be alone with him to give him the medicine, please. We don’t have much time.” She heard the pleading in her own voice and hated it. Is this what having a mate did to you? Made you desperate to ensure his health and safety?

Derek raised his hands. “You got it. I’m exhausted—I’m going to go take a nap. I’ll see you later today.” He hugged her and headed to the door. “Good luck.”

“Thank you again. I’ll see you soon.” She closed the door behind him and flipped the lock.

She was alone with Marco now. Her mate.

He was so weak.

She moved to stand beside his bed. His eyes were closed, his lips parted, like he was sleeping restfully, but pain distorted his features and a sheen of sweat covered him. He’d clearly been in distress for a while and the sickness ravaged his body. She touched his skin.

On fire.

She pulled out the medicine and set her bag on the chair. Make it or break it time. She whispered a quick prayer to the gods and took a deep breath.

This has to work. Has to.

She shook him gently. “Marco,” she whispered, not wanting to startle him. He didn’t rouse so she shook him harder. No response. “Marco?”

He had to be awake enough to take the medicine without choking. She shook him again, a little harder. He opened his eyes to slits, the irises changing from mossy green to brown then back, recognition maybe there at first, but then gone. He thrashed in the bed, tossing his head from side to side like he was having a bad dream.

She waited for him to still. If she spilled the medicine it would be too late to make more. He settled down again, opening his eyes for a second, then drifting off again. She had no choice. He wasn’t going to wake up for the medicine. She’d have to give it to him as he was.

She opened the medicine and held the tube to his lips. He didn’t move. She dribbled the liquid into his mouth, a little at a time. He swallowed it instinctively and slipped back into his delirium, eyes closed. It took a few minutes to get it all in him, but he took it without choking.

Thank the gods for small miracles.

She sat on the edge of his bed, waiting and hoping for a miracle. She held his hand, rubbing his fingers and feeling the skin. Even though he was burning up, his skin was soft and his fingers strong. He gripped her hand and squeezed.

Tawodi had said the cure would begin quickly. Almost instantaneously, she should notice him improving. She waited, listening and watching for any change.

He began to calm down and cool off. Bit by bit, he relaxed, never letting her hand go. Even his coloring changed, from a deep red to a more normal tan.

The medicine seemed to be working.

She rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand. His temperature went down dramatically within minutes. Truly a miracle happening. Tawodi’s cure was working.

Soon, he appeared normal other than the gunshot wound, which was healing nicely and shouldn’t even bother him much at all. The bears had removed the bandage to treat it, and it was healed enough to leave uncovered. Someone had removed the stitches already—probably Derek.

Marco stirred, then turned toward her. “Alicia?” His voice was almost a whisper but still stronger than it had been in days.

“Yes, I’m here.” She couldn’t keep the smile from taking over her face. He was aware and awake!

“Where are we? What happened?” He rubbed his eyes. “Where’s my brother?”

“You’re still in the Cave of Whispers, and the bears know you’re here, but they’re mostly okay with it.”

“I don’t remember much. I I was in a lot of pain.” He looked around the room. “I wasn’t in this room.”

“No, you weren’t. The bears moved you here. You had an infection from a bacteria that grows in the cave. A particularly nasty and opportunistic germ. Apparently, in the past, it killed a lot of shifters, but the bears have built up an immunity—at least we think so. But not lions.”

“Why didn’t I die?” He struggled to sit up, tugging the blanket around his waist.

“It’s a long story, but short version, Shoshannah told me I had to get the cure from my grandmother. I went to her cabin to find out what was going on—I’ve told you she’s a really good faith healer. She knew about the bacteria and made a cure with my help.”

“Lucky me.” He pushed his hair out of his eyes.

“You almost died. You are lucky. The important thing is that you seem to be doing better. Do you feel okay?”

“I feel like doing this.” He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her.

She leaned into him, happy to be in the strength of his grasp. So much firmer than before, he held her tightly. Securely. No question, he was her mate. She didn’t ever want to be without him again. Ever.

He pulled away from the kiss. “You know now, don’t you? I feel it. You’re my mate.”

She cupped his cheek and looked into his eyes. “I think I always knew. I just hid it from myself for a while.”

He pulled her in for another kiss, and she relaxed into his arms. It felt good to not be stressed over whether he would live. Life hadn’t been better in a long time.

* * *

The taste of her lips on his dizzied him. Not the crazy dizziness he felt when he was infected, but a joyful dizziness, like spinning around until you couldn’t stand. The righteous feeling of being with his mate. He drew her close, taking a deep breath then loosening her red hair from its band and letting the strands cascade down her back. He gripped her hair and held her to him, sure he could feel her heart beating in time with his.

“You’re so beautiful, Alicia.” He didn’t wait for a response, instead began planting kisses along her neckline, loving the way she shuddered under his touch. He tried to memorize and capture her every movement as his lips trailed over her soft skin for the first time.

The first time of many times to come.

She tilted her head back, her hair hanging loose, all the way to the bed. He caught it in his hand, wrapping the strands around his fist and drawing her closer to his chest.

Mate. Mine. Always.

He pulled her fully on top of him, and she kicked off her shoes and wriggled out of her pants as he continued kissing her.

“I want you, mate of mine.” He growled the words. His strength was returning quickly and he had every intention of using it to please his mate.

She giggled. “Hold on. I can’t take my clothes off with your mouth in the way.”

“Hurry up. I need you.” His lion was so close to the surface, begging to be released. Pacing. It had been days since he’d felt like he could reach his other half, and his heart filled with joy that he could shift again.

But not right now. Right now, he needed his mate. Needed to be inside her, feeling her move against him. Relish her giving herself to him and him to her.

“Hurry.” His voice, deep and still close to growling, surprised him. Where had this strong passion come from? This ache he knew could never be filled and need that could never be sated.

But oh, by the gods, he would try. He slid his hands down to hold her hips, squeezing her with both hands and trying to be gentle when all he wanted was to flip her over and take her hard.

When she tugged her T-shirt over her head, he drew in a breath at the sight of her, then raced to beat her at undressing without knocking her off the small bed. He only wore underwear and some sleep pants the bears had dressed him in at some point, so he was ahead.

She laughed as she unclasped her bra and let it slip off her shoulders. “Good thing I locked the door. Heck, you’re lucky this room has a door. Most of them in the cave don’t.” She tossed her bra and shirt onto the chair beside the bed.

“I don’t care. It wouldn’t bother me if someone walked in.” He realized how foolishly male he sounded. How needy and oblivious to anything but her.

Her eyes rounded. “It would certainly bother me.”

“We don’t have to worry about it, do we?” He tugged her flat onto him, pressing her full breasts against his bare chest. Every part of him was aflame now, and not from fever, but a need deeper than anything he’d felt before.

“Your shoulder!” She pulled back. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“My shoulder is fine.” He moved under her. “You healed me, remember? Now I want to experience more of your amazing bedside manner. In bed.”

Alicia laughed. She got up on her knees and slipped her panties down, then she sat and pulled them off and flung them to the chair with the rest of her clothing.

He moved under her, the feel of her soft thighs against him driving him insane, his new fever higher. She was a need he had to quench.


He had to make her his—wholly and completely.

He looked into her eyes, trying to gauge her need. She caught his gaze and held it, and his heart nearly leapt with joy and lust. Her pupils dilated as she spoke to him without words. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

No more waiting.

He flipped her onto her back underneath him and held himself up over her. Beneath him, her hair spread around her face, framing her milky skin with a red-gold aura. In the lantern light in the small room, she seemed to be lit from within. Glowing. Soft. Perfect. He caressed her breasts, tenderly, then ran his fingers down her stomach. She shivered under his touch.

“Do you want this, Alicia?” He paused for her answer. “Do you want me?”

Half-lidded, she nodded.

“I need you to say it. I have to be sure.”

“I want you, Marco. I want you.”

“Are you fertile now? I have no birth control.” He ground his teeth together hoping for her to say no.

“No, I’m not. I assume lion shifters also cannot spread human disease?”

“They cannot.”

“I’d say we’re two of the luckiest shifters around right now.”

He bent to kiss her, holding his body above her. Gentle at first he moved to more vigorous kissing until she pulled him against her, her legs wrapping around him as he entered her with a patience he didn’t know he possessed. Though he wanted to take her hard and fast, something inside him needed to savor her, feel every stroke.

Whether it was because it was their first mating, or his recent illness that made him appreciate the moment, he knew he wanted to grab every second of their coming together and never let go.

He watched her face as he moved inside her. Sweat beads broke out on her upper lip as she pushed against him and grasped his arms for stability. He thrust, trying to hold back so she could take her pleasure first.

His eyes closed on their own and he moved inside his mate. So warm and so soft. He didn’t know making love could feel this way. Her legs started to quiver, then she tensed and a small moan escaped. He opened his eyes to watch her pleasure cross her face.

He’d never seen anything so beautiful.


He sped his thrusts till his own pleasure took over and consumed him in a heat of passion that blinded him with its intensity.