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Tease (Temptation Series Book 4) by Ella Frank (9)

Chapter Nine

LILA MADISON WAS a total heartbreaker, and just about the cutest thing Tate had seen. He scooped her out of her highchair and brought her close for a hug and kiss. With her pigtails held up by pink ribbons that matched her dress, the little girl who grabbed his cheeks and smacked a kiss to his lips stole his heart a little more every time he saw her.

When she pulled back and looked over her shoulder to see everyone watching her, she started to giggle, and then turned back to do it again.

“You know, little miss, you’re lucky I’m not jealous by nature,” Logan said, which had Rachel snorting and saying, “Sure you’re not.”

When Lila pulled away a second time, Tate shifted her around his body so she was resting on his hip, and he could see Rachel placing an open Corona on the counter in front of Logan.

“Thanks,” Logan said, glancing at his sister-in-law. Then he looked over at Tate and saluted him with the bottle. “Plus, it would be in poor taste to be jealous of someone who clearly has such fantastic taste. Who wouldn’t want to kiss Tate?”

“True,” Rachel said, joining Logan at the counter. “There is something about him.”

Cole coughed, which had his wife looking in his direction. “Is that right?” Cole asked as Thomas started to drive a Hot Wheels across the breakfast table.

Logan raised his beer, took a sip, and then nodded. “Yeah… It’s the hair. There’s something about those—”

“Ow,” Tate said as Lila grabbed a tiny fistful of said hair and tugged on it.

Logan laughed as Rachel winced, then Lila tugged again and announced, “Pretty curls.”

Tate reached up to try and pry her fingers free, but Lila had a tenacious grip. “Uhh, Logan,” Tate said, walking over toward the two in the kitchen. “A little help.”

Logan put his beer down and came around the end of the island to where Tate stood with Lila, and looked between the two of them. He smiled at his niece and then placed a hand on Tate’s shoulder and leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek.

As she laughed, Logan took hold of her iron grip and said, “Aww, come on now, hon. I’m the only one that gets to pull Tate’s hair like that.”

When Logan straightened and waggled his brow, Tate rolled his eyes, but Lila let go, clapped her hands, and pointed to her cheek.

“Again!” she said.

“A true Madison,” Logan joked, and then leaned in to give her another kiss. “Demanding and not afraid to go after what she wants.”

Rachel looked over at Cole, whom Thomas was now climbing all over like he was a jungle gym, and said, “Thomas, why don’t you take your sister into the family room and watch Peppa Pig for a little while so Daddy can help Mommy get ready to go and grill?”

Thomas froze halfway up Cole’s back and frowned, and the fierce expression on such a young face was almost comical. “I want to help grill.”

“And you can,” Rachel said. “But first Daddy and I want to talk to Uncle Logan and Uncle Tate. I’ll come and get you when the men head outside. Okay?”

“That sounds serious,” Logan said. “Sure I can’t go watch the pig too?”

Tate snorted, and Thomas looked between him and Logan with narrowed eyes, as if he didn’t trust what he was being told, before he slid off his dad’s lap and trudged over to where Tate was putting Lila back on her feet.

Thomas held his hand out for his sister, and when she smiled and took it, Tate had an unexpected flash of Jill when they’d been kids and the way she used to follow him around everywhere.

God, where did that come from? Tate thought, as he watched the two little ones head off toward the family room, Thomas steady on his feet as he guided the less-than-steady Lila. Scott Thompson, that’s where it came from. Bringing up his damn family. Actually, not his family, since his mother had disowned him when he’d started dating Logan, and Jill had followed her lead. At least he still had a relationship with his dad. A good, solid one.

“Hey,” Rachel said, coming over and handing him a beer. “You okay?”

Shoving the memory aside, Tate took the frosty bottle from her and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. You’ve got some great kids there.”

She looked over at the two small figures disappearing into the family room and then smiled at him. “I agree. Come on,” she said, looping her arm through his elbow and leading him over to where Logan was taking a seat at the table with his brother. Tate pulled out the chair beside Logan, and once he was seated, he looked over at Cole, who pushed back from the table so Rachel could take a seat on his lap.

“Why do I suddenly feel like I’m about to get in trouble?” Logan asked.

“Because you have a guilty conscience,” Cole said, as he wrapped his arms around his wife.

Rachel slung her arm around Cole’s shoulders and nodded. “It’s true. You do,” she said, and Logan turned his head to look at Tate.

“Did you tell them?”

Tate knew Logan was referring to his altercation at the bar on Friday night. But he hadn’t said a word, so he shook his head. “Nope. I don’t know what this is about, so any guilt you’re feeling is your own.”

Logan aimed a very funny glare at him before he looked back to Cole and Rachel, who were now staring at the two of them, waiting for an explanation of some sort.

“Oh, fine,” Logan said. “I got into a fight at the bar on Friday night and punched someone.”

“You what?” Cole said, as Rachel sat up and said, “Oh my God.”

“In his defense,” Tate said, “the guy deserved it. And it broke up soon after that.”

“Logan, you can’t just go around punching people,” Cole said.

“Gee, thanks, Dad,” Logan said.

“What did the guy do?” Rachel asked, and Logan took a swig of his beer and said, “See. That’s what you should be asking, Cole. I wouldn’t just hit someone.”

“I know that,” Cole said, and sighed. “Well, what did he do?”

“He was being an asshole,” Logan and Tate said at the same time.

Rachel frowned, and as soon as she did, her eyebrows drew down into a deep V and Tate started to laugh.

“What?” she said, the frown becoming even more pronounced.

“I just realized where Thomas gets his fierce look of consternation from.”

Cole hugged Rachel back against his chest. “She is fierce when it comes to protecting those she loves. This is also her don’t even think about it look.”

As they all started to laugh, Tate put a hand behind Logan’s chair and ran his fingers absently over the line of his shoulder. Man, he loved this family. Right from the get-go Rachel and Cole had taken him in and welcomed him as though he were already part of them, and as they sat around the table talking about last week’s big win for the law firm, he still couldn’t believe how fortunate he was to be able to call this amazing group of people his people.

“So, okay. Spit it out. What do you two want?” Logan asked.

Tate leaned over on his seat so he could press a kiss to Logan’s temple. “Very subtle, Logan.”

“Excuse me, I know when I’m being buttered up for something.”

“He’s not wrong,” Cole said. “We do want something.”

“See?” Logan said.

Tate’s lips twitched, and he couldn’t stop himself from kissing the know-it-all. “I see.”

Logan turned back to the two at the end of the table. “Okay, what is it?”

“Well,” Rachel said, “we were wondering if you were free next weekend.”

“Yeah, we don’t have any plans,” Tate said. “Why?”

“Oh good,” she said, flashing an overly enthusiastic smile at them. “You know how it’s my birthday this week? Well, Cole wants to take me away for the weekend and, uhh, we were wondering if you guys would mind taking the kids for the night.”

There was a three-second pause and then Logan said, “Like…the whole night?”

A booming laugh left Cole, and Tate couldn’t help but join in, and when Cole finally settled, he said, “You should see your face.”

“I mean, it’s not an unreasonable question,” Logan said, then aimed a glare over his shoulder at Tate. “I’m glad you’re so amused.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, you really look it. But have you thought about what this entails?” Logan asked, and then he looked back to the laughing parents. “Have you two? Are you really willing to leave your children in our care for an entire night? I don’t even know what to do with a kid after they’ve been fed.”

Rachel slipped off Cole’s lap and walked over to wrap an arm around Logan’s shoulders. “Oh, we totally trust”—she paused and looked over Logan’s head to meet Tate’s eyes—“Tate.”

Tate bit back a laugh and ran a hand over Logan’s leg under the table. “We’d love to,” he told Rachel. “And I’m sure we’ll manage. It’s not like we haven’t taken them off your hands for an afternoon before.”

“Exactly,” Logan said. “An afternoon. Not an entire night. What if we break them?”

Cole stood and headed into the kitchen. “If you break them, I’ll kill you. I thought that was laid out in the contract the first time you took care of them.”

“Very funny,” Logan said.

“Seriously, though,” Rachel said, “other than Mase and Lena, who are both working, there is no one we trust them with more. And it’s time. They love the two of you, and honestly, I really need a night away with my husband.”

Tate nodded, accepting on Logan’s behalf, knowing that Logan would always be there to take care of his niece and nephew, no matter how uncomfortable he might be about it. He loved those kids as though they were his own.

“We’d love to. Wouldn’t we, Logan?”

“Sure we would. But I have one condition,” Logan said, and Rachel cocked her head to the side. “You don’t come back from this night pregnant. Two kids I can wrap my head around minding. Three…I’m leaving the state.”

* * *

SEVERAL HOURS LATER, steaks had been consumed, drinks had been shared, and Rachel’s salted caramel chocolate tarts had been devoured. Logan was surprised they could actually walk from the back patio to inside with as much food as they’d all eaten, but somehow they managed.

As they headed into the comfort of the living room, Rachel and Cole took the kids into their playroom, Thomas declaring he was going to make the biggest Lego castle any of them had ever seen, and, of course, Lila was right there alongside her big brother to help.

Logan sat on one side of the large love seat facing the fireplace, and when Tate wandered his way, he placed his arm along the back of the cushions in open invitation. Tate took him up on the invite in a second, sitting beside him so damn close their legs were practically glued from hip to knee.

“Hmm…” Logan said, and Tate shifted and placed his lips to his jaw. “What’s that for?”

“No reason,” Tate said. “I’m just happy.”

“So I see.”

Tate placed a hand on Logan’s chest and smoothed it down over his polo shirt. “Yep. I’m very happy.”

Logan took Tate’s chin and bent his head to steal a kiss. His intention was to keep it nice and light, knowing that Cole and Rachel would be along as soon as they had the kids occupied. But Logan should’ve known better. The second he got the taste of cinnamon gum and Tate on his tongue, the word nice left his vocabulary.

He slipped his tongue past Tate’s lips, and when Tate moved on the couch so his front was flush against Logan’s side, the fingers he had on Tate’s chin traveled down his neck. Logan clasped the back of it, and Tate smirked, clearly about to shift away from him, until Logan brought his other hand up to grab hold of his shirt, keeping him in place.

The warmth he’d seen in Tate’s eyes earlier turned molten then, and as Logan’s gaze swept down to the shiny lips he wanted either back on his or wrapped around his cock in the next five minutes, he was trying his hardest to think of a good excuse to have them up and heading for the door ASAP.

“Sorry about that, guys,” Rachel said as she walked into the living room, and then came to an abrupt halt, which made Cole run into her. “Uhh…sorry. Are we interrupting something?” she asked, as she took in the picture they made on her couch of Tate practically lying over Logan’s lap, while Logan had his hand balled in Tate’s shirt like he wanted to rip it off him.

“Yes,” Logan said, just as Tate pushed away from him and said, “No.”

Cole grumbled something about them at least waiting until they got home. But Logan tuned him out the second Tate resituated his ass back against the couch close enough so he could wrap an arm around him.

“If you can contain yourself for five minutes, Logan, maybe we could finally talk to Tate and Rachel about the idea we’ve had,” Cole said.

Logan let out a put-upon sigh. “Why couldn’t you have brought this up before Tate decided he couldn’t keep his hands off me?”

“Is that what that was?” Tate asked. “You were the one holding on to me.”

“Hey, you were telling me how happy I make you then rubbing all up on me. How else am I supposed to take that?”

Tate shook his head, but the smirk on those fantasy-inspiring lips let Logan know this was one conversation that would be revisited the minute they got home.

Logan looked back to Cole and nodded. “Okay, if it’s only going to take five minutes then I think I can manage. Any longer than that and you can forget it.”

Rachel took a seat in her favorite spot. It was a reading chair by the fireplace, and they all knew better than to go anywhere near it.

Then Cole sat in his recliner and said, “As you both know, over the last couple of years the firm has been doing extremely well, and with Logan’s big win this week, Mitchell & Madison is set to—”

“Explode,” Logan ended for him. “Our firm is about to be featured everywhere, which will likely have clients calling from all over. Some who want to bring us their business, and those who want to make sure they’ll remain with us no matter what.”

“Okay,” Rachel said, as her eyes moved between the brothers. “What are you two thinking? Because as long as I’ve been married to Cole, you have never sat me down for a business meeting.”

Cole glanced at her and then looked at Logan, who nodded, as though agreeing it was time to tell them. “For the last couple of months Logan and I have been discussing scaling back a little, slowing down enough that we can enjoy ourselves. Me, with you and the kids.”

“And me, with Tate.” As Logan said the words, he brought his arm down so he could take Tate’s hand in his. “This past year has been insane. This case took up nearly all my time, and while I love my job, there’s something—actually somebody—who I’d rather spend my time with.”

Tate’s crooked grin just about melted Logan’s heart, and when he managed to tear his eyes off him to look at Rachel, she was sitting with her hands over her chest.

“That’s so sweet.”

“Oh God. You’re not going to cry, are you?” Logan asked.

She gave him a die now look, and Logan looked over at Cole, indicating he should start talking again.

“Anyway, here’s what we’ve been looking into, and we want you both to know we will only do this if you are one hundred percent okay with it. The floor above us in the building has come up for lease. It’s been vacant for the last seven months, and Logan and I have been tossing around the idea of expanding.”

“Wait a minute,” Rachel said. “How would expanding help you slow down?”

“Well, that’s the biggest thing we want to talk to you about,” Logan said, and then looked at Tate. “We want to bring in a third partner.”

“Wow,” was all Tate managed, and Rachel said, “Really?”

Cole nodded. “Really. We’ve thought about it for months now, and whoever we bring in would not be a name partner; the firm will remain Mitchell & Madison. But they will take on a third of the caseload and give Logan and me more time to spend with our families.”

“Oh my God,” Rachel said, and slumped back in her chair. “I’m in shock.”

“This is a little bit of a surprise, guys,” Tate said. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes,” Logan said. “We’ve been talking about it for a while. But we wanted to wait until after the Berivax case to make the final decision. We wanted to make sure we could afford it, first off. Because not only would we hire on this new partner, but we want to get a couple of first-year associates, and basically we’d put our offices upstairs with the conference room and several of the other senior attorneys, and have everyone else where we are right now. We want Mitchell & Madison to be one of the top firms in Chicago. But to do that and keep our sanity, we need to hire more attorneys and a partner with a fire under their ass.”

Rachel and Tate both nodded at that, and Rachel said, “I assume you both have someone in mind?”

“We do,” Cole said, and when his lips pulled into a smirk, he said to Logan, “I’ll let you tell them.”

Logan chuckled and looked between the two waiting for an answer. Finally, he said, “We’re going to call a priest.”