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Temporary Wife : A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance by Tara Crescent (6)



I usually spent a few hours in my office on Sunday, but the events of last night had thrown everything out of whack. At the moment, spending the morning at work was the last thing I wanted to do.

I had been stupidly impulsive last night to approach Zoe. Laurel’s investigators had compiled a pretty detailed dossier on Brad Wexley. From their report, I knew that Zoe was Wexley’s ex-girlfriend and that they were still close friends. Wexley definitely wanted Drake Towers to fail, and possibly, so did Zoe. I should have stayed away from her.

I hadn’t. Worse, I’d dug myself into a deeper hole. If Zoe wanted to embarrass me, she had all the ammunition in the world now. The papers would lap the story up. I could see the headline now. Billionaire businessman proposes marriage of convenience in order to sway city council.  

But I’d trusted Zoe to deal with me honestly. I’d told her the truth. I’d placed myself in a deeply vulnerable situation. Now, I had to hope that she never told Brad Wexley the truth. Because I was sure of one thing. If Wexley discovered the reason for our marriage, he would plaster it on the front pages of every paper in the city.

* * *

After calling my personal lawyer Ben to draw up the contract, I drove over to the Rosedale house where my half-sister Gigi lived. I was taking a chance that she was at home, but I really needed to talk to someone about the events of the last twenty-four hours.

Gigi answered the door herself, looking surprised to see me. “Ryder,” she smiled, standing on tiptoe to kiss my cheek. “You’re just the person I was thinking of.”

“Why?” I followed her to the living room, slumping on her couch. “Where’s Leo, by the way?”

“He’s playing golf with his buddies,” she replied. She looked amused. “I’m agog with curiosity about the girl you kissed at your party last night. You have no idea how many people have called me this morning with that little tidbit.”

I grimaced, massaging my forehead. “Great,” I muttered. I should have known I’d be the subject of gossip this morning. I really hadn’t been thinking when I kissed Zoe Robinson last night.

She chuckled. “Come on, Ryder, you had to know it would happen. You’re one of the most eligible bachelors in the city, and you guard your privacy with zeal.” Her voice turned teasing. “Spill.”

“Her name is Zoe, and I’m getting married to her.”

“What?” Gigi looked shocked. “Bullshit.”

“Nope,” I laughed at her expression, then I relented and told her the entire story. When I was done, I leaned forward. “Do you think I’m stupid?”

There was a peculiar look on Gigi’s face. “Not stupid at all,” she replied. “But why her? There are thousands of women in the city who would marry you.”

“I don’t know,” I said, wincing as I heard the defensive note in my voice. “When Bianca asked me if it was Zoe, I guess I just seized on it.”

“Really?” Gigi didn’t look convinced. “That’s uncharacteristically impulsive of you, Ryder, isn’t it? Maybe the reason you asked Zoe is because you like her.”

My sister Gigi was an incurable romantic. I had to quell this nonsense right away. “Nope,” I replied firmly. “I asked her to marry me because it was convenient, and we both want something from the deal. Something important. That’s all. Nothing else.”

“Okay.” Gigi’s eyes twinkled. “Sure thing, Ryder. So, what’s Zoe like? Is she nice?”

I thought back to this morning when I’d walked in on Zoe shingling the roof, though she was clearly terrified of heights. I remembered her concern for her grandmother, her distress at lying to the woman who raised her. If I closed my eyes, I could feel her in my arms, soft and warm, arousing protective feelings in me that I didn’t realize I had. “Yes,” I said, unwilling to share those memories with Gigi. “She’s nice. Give her a call, will you? She’s about to be dropped into our world, and you know what that feels like.”

Gigi nodded. “Oh, I do indeed,” she said wryly. “How can I forget the day when you called me out of the blue, told me you were my brother and then revealed that the father I didn’t know had left me half his fortune?” She shook her head. “I think I would have fallen apart without Leo. Yeah, Zoe’s going to need a friend.” She looked up at me. “When’s the wedding?”

“As soon as I can arrange it.” I frowned. “Zoe and I need to get our ‘how we met’ story straight. This wedding is going to be scrutinized. Both Bianca and Brad Wexley are bound to be suspicious, especially after the scene during the town hall meeting.”

“Indeed,” Gigi agreed. “Given all the complications, are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late to pick another woman for this role. Just pay Zoe off and find someone else.”

“No.” My reply was immediate. “I’m not going to do that.”

Looking at Gigi’s smug expression, I realized I had walked into a trap. Confusion flooded through me. I didn’t actually have feelings for Zoe, did I?

No, I told myself. Zoe’s need to save her grandmother’s home would keep her cooperative for the next six months. She was the best person for the job. That was all.

Nothing more.  

Which reminded me, I needed to send someone to fix her roof. The last thing I wanted to happen was Zoe tumbling to the ground and hurting herself. That would mess up all my plans.