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Tequila Haze (The Tequila Duet Book 1) by Melissa Toppen (2)

It’s nearly two o’clock in the morning when we finally exit the club. After spending nearly three hours dancing and drinking with Hudson, the night air feels incredible on my face.

Turning, I watch Emma step out onto the sidewalk, Colton fast on her heels. Hudson is the last to exit and the minute he steps up next to me I’m grasping at how I can avoid saying goodbye to him.

“This was fun.” He smiles down, standing a good six or seven inches taller than me.

“It was,” I agree, turning just in time to see the Uber car that pulls up along the curb and stops just shy of where we’re standing.

“Well, this is us,” Emma says, turning toward Colton like she too doesn’t want this night to end.

“Why don’t we go somewhere else?” Hudson chimes in, pulling my attention back to him.

“Where? Everything is closed.” Emma is the first to respond.

“We could always go back to our hotel room.” Colton grins at her, dropping an arm over her shoulder.

“Next suggestion.” She shakes her head at him.

“What’s wrong with going back to our hotel?” he counters.

“You’re cute and all, sweetie, but my father did not raise someone who goes to a hotel with a man she just met a few hours ago.”

I stifle a laugh. Leave it to Emma to lay it out there so bluntly.

“Ouch.” Colton grips at his chest dramatically with his free hand. “Here I thought you liked me.”

“I think we should probably call it a night,” I find myself saying even though it’s the last thing I want to do.

I have to agree with Emma going back to their hotel isn’t an option. Neither is taking them to our place. That pretty much leaves nowhere.

“I had a lot a fun tonight.” I turn my gaze back to Hudson. “Even if you were the worst dancer on the floor,” I tease.

“Oh come on, I wasn’t that bad,” he fakes offense, but he’s unable to contain the smile that stretches across his handsome face.

My eyes go directly to that damn dimple and my stomach dips for the hundredth time tonight.

“You weren’t that bad,” I finally concede, stepping up in front of him. “Have a safe trip home. Who knows, maybe we’ll run into each other again next year.”

Pushing up on my tip toes, I lay a gentle kiss to his scruff covered jaw before turning toward the small black car on the curb.

“Wait.” My hand freezes mid-air as I reach for the door, Hudson’s voice halting the motion. “Let’s flip a coin.”

I turn to see him already digging in his jeans pocket, his hand reemerging seconds later holding a quarter.

“What?” I question, not really sure what he’s saying.

“Let’s flip a coin,” he repeats. “Heads, we part ways now. Tails, we keep the night alive.”

“And go where?” Emma chimes in.

“Anywhere. How about the beach?”

“I’m in.” She shrugs indifferent, even though I know deep down she likes the idea of spending more time with Colton. “Besides, it is my birthday after all.”

“I hate to break it to you, honey, but your birthday ended over two hours ago,” I remind her.

“Tomato, tomatoe.” She swipes her hand through the air. “I say the man flips the damn coin.”

“Okay,” I concede. “Flip the coin.”

I watch Hudson twist the quarter between his fingers, studying it for a long moment before tossing it into the air. It flips a few times before he snags it, closing his fingers tight around the coin before slamming it down on the back of his other hand.

His gaze meets mine for the briefest moment before he looks back down right as his hand lifts.

“Tails.” He smiles, his eyes once again flashing to mine.

“Well alright then.” Emma giggles. “Looks like the adventure continues.” She skips to the Uber and throws the passenger door open, dipping her head inside. “You got room for four?” She says moments before she turns back to the group. “Well come on, bitches.” She grins and quickly slides into the front seat.

“You heard the woman.” Colton is the first to move, quickly pulling open the back door and climbing inside.

I turn to follow him in, but Hudson’s fingers close around my wrist and pull me back toward him.

“Wait,” is all he says before his face lowers toward mine.

I don’t have time to react, to even breathe, before our lips connect. The instant they meet my body turns to complete mush. Melting into his so easily it’s like it was made to do just that.

His tongue skirts along my bottom lip before gently slipping inside my mouth and it’s all I can do not to moan. His fingers tangle into my hair and he tugs gently, sending arousal shooting through my belly.

The kiss ends just as abruptly as it began. Hudson pulls back to look down at me, a satisfied smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all night.” He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Well it took you long enough.” I shove playfully at his chest.

“Are you two coming or are you gonna stand there making out all night?” Emma groans from the car and I turn to see her leaning through the open window. “Today, love birds.” She winks at me, quickly rolling up the window.

“Come on.” I grab Hudson’s hand and pull him toward the car, releasing it to climb into the middle of the backseat next to Colton.

Hudson appears next to me seconds later, sandwiching me between him and his friend.

“Where to?” the driver asks, not seeming the least bit annoyed that he’s been sitting here waiting for us to decide what the hell we’re doing for a good five minutes.

“9999 Gulf Shore,” Emma rambles, giving the driver our address.

“Em,” I start to object.

She looks over her shoulder at me. “We decided the beach, yes?”

“Beach, not our house.”

“Same thing,” she quips.

“Wait, you live on the beach?” Colton asks, his voice dripping with envy.

“Technically my dad owns the condo, but yes, we live on the beach.” She settles back into her seat, strapping her seatbelt seconds before the driver pulls out onto the street.

I open my mouth to say something else but snap it closed when Hudson’s hand settles just above my knee.

I turn in his direction, kneading my bottom lip between my teeth nervously when he hits me with a look that physically makes me squirm in my seat.

Deep breaths, Lennon. Deep breaths.

Facing forward again, I try to focus on anything other than how his hand feels on my bare skin, but it’s no use. I’m completely consumed by it. I feel every shift, every tiny movement caused by the motion of the car.

I’m so distracted that I don’t even notice we’ve reached our condo complex until I hear the car door open and look up to see Emma already exiting the front seat.

I flash my eyes to Hudson who’s watching me with an expression that tells me he knows exactly what his touch is doing to me.

“Shall we?” His lips tip up in a smirk before he turns, quickly exiting the car. Colton exits from the other side at the exact same time.

Shifting out of the backseat, careful to keep my dress from riding up too high as I do, I avoid looking in Hudson’s direction as I straighten my posture and turn toward Emma.

“Okay, boys. To the beach,” Emma instructs, pointing out to where the moon is perfectly accenting the water a couple hundred feet from where we’re standing. “Lennon and I will go get refreshments and meet you out there in a couple minutes.” With that, she hitches her arm through mine and quickly drags me toward the elevator that sits right inside the parking garage.

“Holy shit. Holy shit.” It’s the first thing Emma says when the elevator doors slide closed behind us. “He’s so into you.” She turns toward me, her green eyes wide with excitement.


“Hudson. Holy shit. He is so freaking hot too.” She fans herself dramatically.

“He really is,” I agree, not able to fight the smile that spreads across my face.

“And the way he kissed you outside the club. Holy shit.” She leans against the back wall of the elevator. “He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you all night, Len. Like at all.”

“What about Colton? He seems pretty smitten by you. Not that there’s anything surprising about that.”

“He’s okay.” She shrugs, almost indifferent.

Okay? He’s had his hands on your ass half the night. I sure as hell hope you think he’s better than just okay.”

“I mean, yeah, he’s hot and sweet and he’s definitely the kind of guy you take home for a one night stand and never see again, but he’s certainly not dating material. Not that I’d want to date him, I’m just saying.”

“Why do you think he’s not dateable?” I ask as the elevator doors slide open on the fifth floor.

“Have you not been paying attention?” she asks, shaking her head on a laugh. “No, I guess you haven’t. Anyway, Colton is a player. Like, with a capital P. I knew that within thirty seconds of meeting him.”

“Then why spend the whole night dancing with him?” I ask, following her out of the elevator and across the hall to our door.

“Because look at him. Plus, he’s been rubbing his crotch on me all night and I happen to know for a fact he’s packing down below. If you know what I mean.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me before finally clicking the lock and pushing her way inside.

“Oh my god, Em. Please tell me you haven’t spent the entire night with him because you think he has a big dick.” 

“No, I’ve spent the entire night with him because I plan to prove he does.” She grins, shimmying her hips as she crosses through the living room, flipping on lights as she goes.

“You’re not actually going to sleep with him, are you?” I ask, pulling my last ten dollar bill out of my bra and dropping it on the end table sitting next to the fluffy white couch that lines the back wall.

There definitely are perks to having your best friend’s dad in the real estate business. Not only has he allowed us to live in a condo well beyond anything we could dream to afford, but he also gave Emma pretty much an endless budget to decorate it however she wanted since he will rent it furnished once we move out. Needless to say, she went a little overboard. Buying way nicer things than either of us would probably ever buy for ourselves, leaving us with a gorgeous water front condo that looks like a successful business woman lives here rather than two poor college students.

“Um, of course I am,” Emma answers as she reemerges from the fridge, a bottle of Tequila in one hand and flavored vodka in the other.

Neither of us are huge drinkers. Well, except on Thursdays. We don’t have class on Friday so typically Thursday is reserved for margaritas or cosmos and a binge session of whatever we’re currently watching on Netflix. Hence the vodka and tequila.

“Tell me you’re not planning on banging that hottie who’s been following you around all night like he can’t see past that fantastic ass of yours,” she counters.

“Absolutely not,” I say adamantly, unsure if I’m trying to convince myself or Emma.

“Says the girl whose legs turned to jelly when he kissed her. You’re totally going to bang him.”

“Don’t do that.” I crinkle my nose.

“Do what?”

“Refer to sex using phrases like ‘bang him’. Makes me feel like some horny teenager.”

“As opposed to a horny twenty-two year old,” she quips, rolling her eyes at me. “Come on. Let’s not keep them waiting.” Emma slides out of the open kitchen that’s only separated from the rest of the living space by a large breakfast bar lined with round top stools.

“You go ahead. I’m gonna change out of this dress first. It’s pretty chilly outside.”

“Suit yourself. But make it quick, would ya?” She narrows her eyes at me. “You bail on me and I swear to god, Lennon, I will cut off your left tit,” she warns.

“Like I would do that.” I shake my head at her, instinctively cupping my left breast protectively.

“Five minutes, Len. Seriously. Five minutes or I’m sending Hudson up to get you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I huff, wondering if maybe I don’t want to test her threat. As much as I hate to admit it, the thought of having Hudson alone in my house causes my stomach to do more than just twist with excitement.

Turning, I quickly head down the hall, disappearing inside my bedroom seconds after I hear the front door close behind Emma.

Unlike the rest of the house, my bedroom is pretty blah. Clean but blah. Filled with hand me down bedroom furniture from my parents and a desk I got for dirt cheap at a thrift shop.

Flipping on the light, I quickly scour my closet for something to wear, settling on a pair of worn, ripped jeans and a long gray sweater. While it was in the mid-seventies earlier today, I know for a fact how cold the air coming off the water can get at this time of year.

I change at rapid speed, stopping in the hall bathroom to give myself a once over before heading out into the living room. Considering it’s the middle of the night and I’ve been drinking and dancing for the last several hours, I don’t look nearly as bad as I thought I would. My blonde hair a bit wild and untamed and my lipstick is long gone, but other than that, my makeup has held up pretty well.

Slipping on the flip flops I always leave next to the door, I grab Emma’s favorite sweatshirt off the coat hook, knowing she’ll probably need it, before quickly exiting the condo, locking the door behind me.

It isn’t until I’m on the elevator that the reality of the situation seems to settle over me. While I may be outgoing and flirty, I’ve never picked someone up at a bar before. This whole situation is new territory for me. I’m completely and totally out of my element and yet, I can’t deny the bubble of excitement simmering through me.

I spot Hudson, Emma, and Colton on the sand not far from our private beach entrance, all three barefoot and wading in the water.

Kicking off my flip flops at the edge of the sand, I quickly make my way toward them, tossing Emma her sweatshirt before stopping next to Hudson. The minute his dark eyes find mine I’m a ball of nervous energy.

“Much more you,” he says, allowing his eyes to travel down my body before coming back up to my face.

“I thought you liked my dress?” I question, biting my lip to contain my smile.

“Oh I did.” He gives me a heated look. “But this,” he gestures to my attire. “This is much more you.”

“Well, you’re not wrong there.” I shrug my shoulders, not really sure what to say.

“You wanna take a walk?” He reaches for my hand, squeezing my fingers the minute he grabs it.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” I turn toward Emma who already has the Tequila bottle extended to me.

“We’ll be back.” I smile, snagging the bottle from her hand.

“No rush.” She winks, shooing me away before I can say more.

“Tequila it is.” I hold the bottle up and give it a little shake once we’ve walked several feet from where our friends are.

“Considering you’ve been forcing it down my throat all night, a little more shouldn’t hurt.”

“I did not force anything.” I nudge my shoulder against his.

“If you say so.” He chuckles, reaching over to snag the bottle away from me with his free hand.

“Hey!” I object.

“Don’t worry. I’ll save some for you,” he teases, dropping my hand so he can open the bottle.

“You better. I’m parched,” I say dramatically.

“I have to admit, I’m pretty impressed by how well you can handle your liquor. I’ve known girls who could drink as much as you have. But never ones that could walk a straight line afterward.”

“Maybe because I haven’t actually drank that much,” I offer.

“Five cosmos and three shots of tequila, and that’s not counting anything before you forced your friendship on me.” He smiles, taking a swift drink of tequila before extending the bottle to me.

“Forced my friendship on you.” I chuckle. “As I recall I saved you from dying of thirst.”

“Is that what happened?” He cocks his head to the side, his eyes dancing with humor as he watches me take a long gulp of tequila.

“Not only that, but I also endured your dancing all night when no other girl was willing to take one for the team.”

“Is that how you saw it?”

“Yep.” I shrug, taking another drink before shoving the bottle back into his hands. “Way I see it you owe me a huge thank you.”

“Do I now?” He laughs, taking another long gulp.

“You do. Question is, how do you plan to repay me?” I take a full step closer, waiting until he’s screwed the cap back on the tequila before grabbing it from his hands and dropping it in the sand at our feet.

“How do you want me to repay you?” He swallows hard when my fingers grip his shirt, pulling his body flush with mine.

“I can think of a few ways.” I push up on my toes, nipping at the flesh below his jaw.

“Lennon,” he warns, his voice thick.

“What?” I question innocently, my lips sweeping across the base of his throat. “You don’t like this?” I flick my tongue across his Adam’s apple.

“I think maybe I like it a little too much.” He swallows against my lips.

“Mmm,” I hum against his skin. “Come on. There’s something I want to do.” I smile, taking a full step back.

I have my jeans half way down my legs when Hudson seems to realize I’m undressing.

“What are you doing?” he asks, mildly amused.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going swimming.” I toss my jeans at his head, missing him by a good six inches.


“Have you never gone swimming at night?” I ask, grabbing the hem of my sweater and peeling it up.

“Not in the ocean.” His eyes flicker to my body when I toss my sweater in the sand next to my jeans.

Normally I wouldn’t be so bold, but since I’m only partially visible in the darkness of the beach I don’t shrink under his gaze. Besides, my matching black panty and bra set are no more revealing than the array of bikinis I’ve worn over the years.

“Well, there’s no time like the present.” I plant my hands firmly on my hips. “Now, are you gonna stand there gawking at me all night or are you gonna take off your clothes.”

“I knew it. You’re just trying to get me naked.” He laughs, his eyes twinkling under the moonlight.

“So what if I am?” I quip. “Do you give all the ladies this much trouble? If so, I’m starting to understand why you were sitting alone at the bar tonight.”

“Who says I was alone? Maybe I blew her off when you came along.” With that he reaches for the buckle of his jeans.

My breath hitches in my throat, watching his large hand slide the zipper downward.

“You’re so full of it,” I recover, making sure my eyes stay on his face as he steps out of his pants.

“Am I?” he teases, sliding his t-shirt over his head.

Taking the brief moment when the material is covering his face, I glance at what was under his clothing. I don’t get to look long, but it’s long enough to see he’s got a killer body; broad chest, defined abs, thick muscular thighs. It’s impossible not to look at other areas as well but because his boxer briefs are black and it’s dark out, I don’t get a very good glimpse.

When my eyes come back to his face it’s clear I’ve been busted. Not really sure what else to do and feeling like I might die of embarrassment at any moment, I quickly turn and take off toward the water.

The waves no more than reach my feet when I’m lifted from behind and twisted in midair, somehow finding myself slung over Hudson’s shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I squeal, the words riddled with laughter.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He laughs, the action rumbling through him as he treks deeper in the water.

“Hudson, I swear to god if you throw me in this water there will be serious repercussions,” I warn.

“Serious repercussions?” He laughs harder. “What am I, ten?”

“Right now you’re kind of acting like it, yes.” I swat at his ass which happens to be just out of reach.

“Hey, you said you wanted to go swimming. So baby, let’s go swimming.” That’s the last thing I hear before Hudson shifts and I’m airborne, cold water engulfing me seconds later.

The water has quite a bite to it but it’s not unbearable. Even still, when I resurface the cool night air sends a tremble through me.

“You. Asshole.” I push my hair out of my face to see a laughing Hudson a couple feet from me.

“I’m sorry, but you asked for that.”

“How did I ask for it?” I hold my arms out for dramatic effect.

“Kissing all over my neck like that, stripping down to almost nothing right in front of me. You’re purposely fucking with me, Lennon. So, I found it only fair to return the favor.”

“Oh you think you’re so smart.” I jump toward him but he quickly moves to the side. “Fine,” I huff. “You want to play that way.” I reach around and expertly unsnap my bra, pulling the straps down my arms before he realizes what I’m doing.

The second it registers his eyes lock on my chest and stay there for several seconds before his now dark gaze hits my face.

“You really shouldn’t have done that,” he says, his voice deep and gravelly.

“Well I did. Your move.”

He’s on me in seconds, his arms closing around my backside as he effortlessly lifts me from the water. I wrap my legs around his waist, tangling my fingers in his hair.

“Good choice,” I whisper against his mouth, pressing my lips firmly to his.

Before I know it we are tangled tongues and ragged breaths. The water knocks Hudson backward a few steps every time a wave rolls in, but not once does it break his concentration.

His lips are on my lips, then my cheek, my jaw, down the side of my neck, nipping at the flesh below my ear.

His hands slide across my wet back, exploring the feel of my skin beneath his palms, blazing a trail of heat everywhere they touch.

Hudson handles me like he can read my mind, like he knows exactly what I want. So when his hand slides between us, and over the fabric of my thin panties, I’m ready for it. But no matter how ready I thought I was, nothing could have prepared me for the explosion that seems to go off inside of me the moment his fingers glide under the material and touch me for the first time.

“Hudson.” I drop my head back on a moan, loving the way his expert fingers glide along the sensitive flesh.

“Let me take you upstairs.” He growls against my throat, sliding one finger inside of me.

“Hudson.” I whimper again when he inserts a second finger.

“Upstairs, Lennon,” he almost demands.

Straightening my posture, I look down, meeting his heated gaze.


I barely get the word out before Hudson withdraws his hand and carries me from the water. We’re only a few feet in, so it doesn’t take him long to reach the shore. Depositing me on my feet next to our clothing, he quickly slides my sweater over my head seconds after I’ve managed to snap my soaked bra back on.

Getting my pants on is an even harder story, but somehow I manage to peel the material up my wet legs. Hudson dresses in record time and the second I’m situated, he grabs my hand and tugs me up the beach toward my condo building.

It feels like it takes an eternity and yet no time at all to reach the elevator in the parking garage. Hudson tucks me into his side, his hand skirting lightly along my hip as we wait for the doors to open.

I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my own skin by the time the lift finally arrives.

Hudson hurries me inside, watching me press the fifth floor button, his eyes hot on the side of my face. The doors have barely slid closed behind us before Hudson is on me again, pinning me to the elevator wall as his mouth once again closes down on mine.

He kisses me in a way that no one has ever kissed me before. I feel it all the way down to the tips of my toes and back up again.

I barely register the elevator stopping or the sound of the doors reopening. All I know is that when Hudson kisses me I don’t ever want him to stop.

“God,” he groans, forcing himself to step away from me.

“Come on.” I grab his hand and practically drag him into the hallway, thanking the heavens my unit is just feet away.

We barely make it through the front door when we collide together, hands everywhere, mouths connected, the sounds of our desperation filtering through the space.

I don’t know how I manage to get Hudson back to my bedroom. One minute we’re in the living room, the next he’s pressing me against the back of my bedroom door. Clothes are torn away with reckless abandon, both of our patience long since evaporated.

I don’t even realize we’ve moved until Hudson is depositing me onto the bed. I squint into the dark room, only able to see his silhouette in the dim light that’s seeping in under the door.

I hear the rustle of fabric and the rip of a condom wrapper seconds before Hudson crawls up my body. I hold my breath, trying to anticipate his next move.

He starts at my knee, his lips brushing gently against my skin as he kisses his way upward. Slowing when he reaches my hip, he nips along the bone and dips down, running his tongue upward along my seam in one quick movement.

I’ve barely recovered before his mouth moves to my lower belly as he continues his path upward. His lips graze the side of my breast, his tongue sliding along my nipple before moving to my neck.

He nips and licks the flesh until he reaches my mouth, pausing as he settles his body between my legs.

“Are you sure?” he asks, his lips hovering just above mine.

The question is oddly sweet. I reach up to cup his face in my hands, pulling his mouth back to mine. This must be the reassurance he’s looking for because seconds later he fills me with one powerful thrust.

The intensity of being consumed by him so sudden and so complete, causes me to cry out, the sound of my voice that of a complete stranger. He stills the moment he’s planted inside of me, letting my body accommodate to him as his mouth moves against mine.

But when he starts to move, his actions are anything but gentle; thrusting in and out of me so hard that our bodies smack together, the sound echoing off the walls around us. My body teeters between pain and pleasure, the combination leaving me feeling almost dizzy.

I’m drunk on Hudson. Intoxicated by his beauty, his smell, the way his body feels against me, inside of me.

Digging my nails into his back, I tighten my grip as I feel my hold slipping. It’s only been a couple of minutes and already I’m climbing. The pleasure coursing through me is enough to leave me disoriented and desperate. I grind against him, the feeling of him tight against my walls only dragging me closer and closer upward with each pull until finally, I can’t hold on any longer.

I explode around him, biting down on his shoulder in an attempt to muffle my cries. My body quakes, pulsing in a steady rhythm as I tremble in his arms. This seems to break what little control he has left.

Pulling out, Hudson flips me in one quick movement before driving into me from behind. He goes so deep I swear I can feel him in my stomach, but that doesn’t stop me from pushing backward, meeting him thrust for thrust.

His fingers dig into my hips so tightly I know I’ll bruise. I claw at the sheets, cry out his name, feeling so overwhelmed by him that I have no control over the things spilling from my mouth.

My second orgasm builds at an even faster rate than the first. It rips through me so quickly I have no time to brace myself, my entire body shuddering as I struggle to keep my weight up on my arms.

Hudson’s body goes rigid behind me as he chases his own release. His calculated, controlled thrusts are suddenly more wild and chaotic than before. A deep groan tears from his throat seconds before he spills his release.

After several seconds he starts to slow his movements, dragging two more deep pulls inside my body before finally stilling. Collapsing down onto my back, he buries his head into the crook of my neck as he struggles to catch his breath.

“That was...” he starts, pressing his lips to my bare shoulder.

“Incredible,” I finish his sentence, whimpering when he pulls out and stands.

Rolling to my back, I watch his silhouette as he crosses toward the door, jarring it open just enough for light to spill into the room.

“There’s a trash can right there.” I point next to my desk, realizing what he’s looking for.

Watching him roll the condom off and drop it in the trash can is way more erotic than I ever thought possible. The way his hand slides along his still hard erection has me biting my bottom lip to keep myself from moaning at the sight of him.

Reaching over to close the bedroom door, it’s only seconds before he’s climbing back into the bed with me. Rolling to his back, he pulls me into the crook of his arm where I’m able to nestle my head against his chest.

“You are full of surprises, Lennon Claire.” I hear the smile in his voice as he presses his lips to the top of my head.

“I guess the fact that you remember my full name is a good sign. Means I did something right,” I tease, my fingers running slow circles across his broad chest.

“You did a lot of things right.” He chuckles, shifting so I’m forced to roll onto my back seconds before his sweet weight settles on top of me. “The first thing being this.” He leans down and kisses me deep, my body instantly stirring back to life.

“Sweetest mouth I’ve ever tasted,” he mumbles against my lips before dropping his face to my neck. “And this.” He breathes in deeply. “Best smell in the entire world.” His hand trails slowly up my side. “Softest skin I’ve ever felt.” His lips are on mine again, his tongue sliding along the seam of my mouth.

“I’m gathering you have a thing for my body,” I whisper against his lips, loving every second of this.

“You’re gathering right.” He deepens the kiss as he starts to harden against my thigh.

“Well, Mr. Nashville, you better get your fill considering tonight is all you get.”

“Oh I plan to,” he promises. “But first, I want something else.” With that he starts to work his way down my body, not stopping until his face is nestled between my thighs.