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Texas Daddy (Sweet Texas Love Book 4) by Shanna Handel (5)

Chapter 5

Buttercup kept herself busy at the party. There were empty trays to be removed, spilled drinks to clean up and sour cream blobs to wipe up. Anything she could possibly do to keep her mind off the one thought that it would not stop repeating over and over. Jake was not at the party.

Buttercup had been overrun with conflicting emotions since her first date with Jake. She told herself she felt guilty for dating Jake so soon after Tom. And she wasn’t ready to date again. And Jake was getting too serious about her too soon. As she made up lie after lie, she buried the truth farther and farther within herself.

Buttercup was in love with Jake. After only one date. And that just wasn’t possible.

So, Buttercup had done the sensible thing and avoided Jake completely. She did not call to thank him for the bouquet of pale pink tulips that had come the morning after their first date. She did not come to the phone when he called. To Jessica and Ray’s dismay, she hid in the bathroom when Jake had come straight to the ranch, outright asking to see her.

Breathing a sigh of what she told herself was relief, Buttercup realized the party was wrapping up and Jake had still not yet shown up. She made her way around the crowd to the kitchen to start hand washing the crystal wine glasses. She was more than happy to help even before Ray caught her earlier in the evening, thanking her furiously when she was cleaning up a spill on the hardwood floors.

Ray and Jessica were too good to her. She would happily do the things she did for free, but the couple still slipped her money every so often. They paid for everything she could need and more and so the unused bills were stacking up in the back of her pajama drawer.

Passing by the foyer, Wes’ red truck caught Buttercup’s eyes. She peeked out the window to be sure Ms. Phillips still had a smile on her face and hadn’t gotten sick from the Jägermeister Carrie had accidently given her.

Carrie had found herself in a spot of trouble with her strict husband after playing bartender. Buttercup caught the arm grab and whispered words from Wes to his wife, overhearing him saying, “Just wait until we get home, young lady.” And the words had given Buttercup a delicious, shameful shiver.

Thankfully, the only result of accidently intoxicating Ms. Phillips was that she had outdone everyone with the Texas Two Step and had the night of her life. Having called it a night, Wes and Carrie loaded the elderly woman into the truck to give her a ride home. Ms. Phillips was in the middle of the bench seat and Wes was at Carrie’s passenger side door. Feeling her face blush as she peeked out the foyer window, Buttercup watched curiously as Wes buckled Carrie’s seatbelt himself, then kissed her cheek and closed the door.

Buttercup wondered what that would feel like—if Jake would ever do that for her. Images of Jake flashed in her mind. Lifting her out of his truck, his eyes gazing over the sad painting, his kiss. And the one that never seemed to stop playing in her mind—driving her to his house saying, “I should pull this car over and put you right over my knee for lying.”

Pushing the thoughts from her mind, Buttercup heaved yet another discontented sigh, heading into the kitchen. Seeing Wes and Carrie together, and now Ray and Jessica slow dancing in the living room, made a sliver of doubt wiggle its way into Buttercup’s mind. Maybe she was wrong to have avoided Jake after all. Maybe that could have been her tonight, being buckled tenderly into a truck, or being held close by a handsome man, twirling across the floor with all eyes on her.

When she reached the sink, and lifted the first crystal glass, she froze.

Buttercup.” The familiar Texas drawl instantly melted her as she stood, glass hanging mid-air in her hand.

She turned, her eyes meeting his.

Jake stood, stoically leaning against the kitchen door. He wore a white dress shirt tucked into jeans with that tan worn belt that she had come to know as a staple in his wardrobe. The crispness of the shirt somehow made his tanned skin and warm brown eyes even more captivating to her.

Just the nearness of him being in the same room had her tummy doing flip flops and her knees feeling weak.

His usually kind eyes had a hard look in them as they considered hers. “Can we talk?”

Clearing her throat, not trusting her wavering voice, Buttercup managed to choke out the words, “Just a minute.”

“I’ll wait outside.” Giving a nod but no smile, he left. She watched as he turned, opening the door without a sound and stepping out back.

Her hands shaking, Buttercup placed the glass down on the counter, fearful she would drop it. Placing both hands on the edge of the sink to support her weight, Buttercup looked at her reflection in the window above the sink, trying to gather herself.

A beautiful blonde came up beside her in the reflection of the glass. Jessica’s reassuring, motherlike hand smoothed down the flyaway hairs around Buttercup’s face. Releasing her hold on the sink, a shaky Buttercup turned to Jessica.

Jessica’s hands reached up to Buttercup’s cheeks. Her soft eyes locked on Buttercup’s. Holding Buttercup’s face in her hands for just a moment, Jessica asked, “Do you love him?”

She instantly whispered the word without thought, “Yes.”

“Then go to him, Buttercup. Jake is not Tom. Let him love you.”

The gentle words caused tears to spring up in Buttercup’s eyes but did not spill over.

Moving her hands to Buttercup’s shoulders, Jessica gave her a solemn look. “He is as patient as they come, but all men have their limits. He won’t chase you forever, Buttercup. Not if he thinks you don’t want him.”

Grasping Jessica in a tight hug, she gave her a grateful squeeze. Whispering a rushed, quiet, ‘thank you’, Buttercup rushed from the kitchen.

Jake was standing in the center of the yard, the moonlight shining over his dark hair. He was so tall and his shoulders so broad from the work he did, Buttercup almost found him to be intimidating. She slowed her gait, making her way hesitantly over to him.

Standing a few feet from where Jake stood, Buttercup looked up at him shyly, putting her shaking hands into the pockets of her short emerald and black checked dress. She did not know what to say so she continued to gaze into his warm eyes and waited for him to speak.

“Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

Speechless, Buttercup gave a shrug.

“Did I scare you, Buttercup?”

She shook her head. Nothing about him had scared her. It was the intensity of her feelings for him that had her avoiding his calls. Her fear of letting someone in and then getting hurt. But she could not put that into words. She shoved her hands deeper into her pockets, breaking his intense gaze.

Jake took a step towards her. He was close enough that if he reached out his arm he could touch her.

“You had your family lie for you, Buttercup. Telling me you weren’t here when I knew there was nowhere else you would be. I deserve at least an explanation. After our date—I thought it was...” Looking away and running his hands through his hair, Jake’s words trailed off.

“Magical?” the word was out before she had the chance to stop it.

A tiny light came into Jake’s eyes. “Yes, magical. So, why?”

Afraid she might cry if she spoke, she gave a shrug, feeling her throat tightening. She held his gaze.

The look in his eyes made her tremble as he took the last step to close the space that stretched between them. He reached out, stroking the side of her cheek, gently. The light touch made her shiver.

A small smile crossed his face, a knowing look came into his eyes at her reaction to the mere contact of his skin to hers.

His brown eyes considered hers. There was a warmth to his gaze but also something else. Hunger. Desire. “You’re just a baby, aren’t you? You don’t know what to do with yourself now that you’ve found love. So, you hide.”

“I’m a grown woman,” Buttercup managed to choke out. His hand did not leave her face.

Cutting her eyes to the ground, his words made her cheeks burn. She could no longer look at this man. She had not come here for this; her brother’s house was her escape. Her way out. Her place to end the string of unlucky in love. Of pain. Allowing yourself to love someone was a surefire way to get yourself hurt—badly.

The fingers trailed down her cheek, underneath her chin. The gentle pressure of his hand tilted her face upwards, forcing her eyes to meet his.

The hungry gaze was gone, replaced by a kindness. His touch dropped from her face, leaving a cold empty feeling there. “Just a baby that needs the tender love of a good man. The care of a man who loves her—deeply.”

Buttercup took in a gasp of breath. Love?

“How can you love me? You barely know me,” she whispered.

“You enchanted me from the moment you walked down the aisle of the barn, leaving that wedding ceremony. I just had this certain feeling when I was watching you walk down that aisle that one day you were going to walk down that aisle with me.”

“That was ten years ago,” she whispered.

“I’m a patient man.”

“You could have been married by now. Maybe had a couple of kids.”

“I dated—a bit. Nothing worked. But I had this feeling, a sixth sense almost. I knew that you would come back to Poke and the time would be right for us. I’ll admit, it took longer than I thought. A lot longer. But I got by with little snippets from Ray whenever he had spoken to you. Then he told me you were in town and I knew my time had finally come.”

“That was a long time to wait. What if you are let down when you finally get what you thought you wanted?”

“I’ve had a taste of life with you and it was already better than I imagined. Buttercup, answer me one question and if the answer is no, I will leave you alone. Do you want what I am offering you?”

The night of the date over the best steak she had ever eaten, Jake had described to her the relationship he wanted. He had called it, ‘taking her in hand’. A power exchange if you will. One where the man is responsible for the protection and care of the woman, giving her his full and complete adoration and dedication. In return, the woman would submit her will to her man. And at times, submit herself to his discipline.

It was what she had always wanted. He was the man she had been yearning for.

It was now or never. She had to make the move. Learning to trust would be a difficult road, but Buttercup knew Jake would help her through. She would have to make a leap of faith. There was no other way, for she had never met a more beautiful man inside and out. Holding her breath, she stepped forward, towards her uncertain future.

His arms locked around her, holding her tightly to his chest. Resting his chin on the top of her head, he whispered, “There’s my girl.”

* * *

Grabbing her purse, Buttercup went to find Jessica.

Her eyes shone as Buttercup told her that she was on her way to Jake’s—to talk.

“You might want to stuff a magazine down the back of your tights if he does the kind of talking I think he is going to,” Jessica said.

“It’s not like that, we barely know each other,” Buttercup protested.

Putting a motherly hand on Buttercup’s shoulder, Jessica said, “Let me give you some advice, little lady. You always—I mean always, return the phone call of a spanking man. Dating or not. Which you totally are by the way.”

“Are what?” Ray entered the foyer, joining the conversation.

With a sparkle in her eye, Jessica said, “Dating. Jake and Buttercup.”

Wrapping an arm around his wife’s waist, with a wink, Ray said, “Now, Jessica, mind your business and let my sister get on to her boyfriend’s house.”

Buttercup mumbled, “He is not my boyfriend. Not officially.”

Giving her a knowing look, Ray mimicked his wife, saying, “He is totally your boyfriend.” With a satisfied smile on both of their faces, Ray and Jessica left Buttercup at the front door. Ray called over his shoulder, “Have a great night!”

Ignoring the little voice in her head telling her to run to her room, slam the door and never love again, Buttercup took a deep breath and opened the front door.

There in the driveway, leaning against his white truck, Jake stood, looking like a model straight out of a glossy ad. His wavy hair hung haphazardly around his face, his arms crossed against his muscular chest, his legs casually crossed at the ankles. Long and lean and waiting for her.

Straightening the emerald, empire waist, mini dress Jessica had surprised her with for the party, Buttercup slowly made her way down the stairs.

A serious look crossed Jake’s face. His eyes narrowed at her, looking her over. “I’ve changed my mind.”

Mid-step she froze. Her heart lurched into her throat.

“I thought my favorite color on you was purple. But it’s green. Those eyes. They are the prettiest things I have ever seen, little Buttercup.”

She tried to hold it back, but the relieved grin made its way across her face. “Thank you. Jessica picked it.”

“Jessica has great taste, then.”

Walking the rest of the way across the drive to the truck, she paused by Jake’s side.

Opening the door, Jake said, “Hop in.”

Holding the handle inside the door, Buttercup boosted herself up onto the running board. As she made her way into the cab of the huge truck, she gasped when she felt a slap on her bottom. Quickly, she turned and sat down, protecting her derrière. Giving her a wink, a whistling Jake shut her door firmly and made his way to the driver’s side of the truck.

Butterflies flipped within her tummy. What if Jessica was right? Was she about to find out what happens when you don’t return the call of a spanking man?

* * *

Candles were lit, and a modern sounding version of classical music was playing softly within minutes of their entrance to Jake’s cottage. Buttercup sat nervously on the edge of the couch, waiting for him to return with the two glasses of red wine he had gone in the kitchen to retrieve.

Placing one half full glass before her, Jake smiled. Seating himself beside her on the couch, Jake left a little room between the two of them. He still had not touched her save for the hug in the yard and the slap to her bottom when she had gotten into his truck.

“So, how was the party?”

Taking a sip of the wine, Buttercup let it travel slowly down, warming her from the inside. “You missed quite a show. Carrie accidently got Ms. Phillips drunk and she two-stepped the night away.”

Giving a laugh, Jake asked, “What did Wes have to say about that?”

Remembering the look and stern whispers that Wes had delivered to his wife, Buttercup felt her insides melting. Jake’s expectant gaze rested on her, waiting for an answer.

“He—wasn’t very happy with Carrie.”

“I should think not.” Jake’s words were weighted. Taking a sip of his wine, he said boldly, “I believe she will be finding herself over her husband’s knee tonight, don’t you think?”

Damning her pale complexion to hell, Buttercup flushed even deeper just knowing the pink color of embarrassment was rising to her cheeks. She took a big gulp of her wine, avoiding his gaze. Finally, she managed to stutter out, “No, it was an accident, why should she be punished?”

Placing his own glass on the coffee table, Jake crossed his ankle over his knee, leaning back and casually putting his hands behind his head. “Because she wasn’t careful, was she? Carrie had no business bartending, and my guess is she knew that. A good spanking will remind her to proceed with caution next time.”

She couldn’t respond. She couldn’t look at him. She had known what he would say before he said it. The words, though not surprising, still made the blush run hotter. Her face was now burning.

Uncrossing his legs and leaning forward, Jake said, “And you, little lady, should have at least had the decency to answer the phone and tell me if you didn’t want to speak to me anymore.”

It felt almost like a game—role play. The stern man lecturing the naughty girl. But when she considered his eyes, she knew this was no game. This was real. He did not approve of her actions, and he intended to correct her.

Taking her glass from her hands, Jake placed it on the table next to his. “Tell me, Buttercup. Do you want me to spank you?”

Covering her face with both of her hands, Buttercup shook her head in shame.

Leaning in even closer, Jake placed a hand over her knee, giving it a tight squeeze. “Buttercup, do you need me to spank you?”

Peeping in between her fingers, Buttercup made eye contact with Jake’s eyes. Sensual, kind, and firm, they looked patiently back at her, awaiting her response.

His hand gently took hers and lowered them from her shamed face to her lap. Locking his gaze on hers, he asked her again, “Buttercup—do you need me to spank you?”

Her eyes locked on his, she gave the tiniest nod of her head.

If he had done anything other than what he did in that moment, he may have lost her—forever. If he had said, ‘then put yourself over my knee right now, young lady’, she would have run, mortified from the room.

Somehow, he instinctively knew her needs.

With one, fluid movement, Jake had Buttercup turned over his knee, her torso resting across the couch, and was spanking her bottom, hard and fast. She didn’t have time to think, to debate with herself, or question. She was only able to focus on the sharp, hard swats that were landing on her rear.

“It’s rude to not answer phone calls, after the date we had. You said so yourself it was magical. And avoiding my visits. You are a very lucky little girl that I didn’t waltz right into that house and take you over my knee for the whole house to see.”

She should have been running from the room screaming. Or at least been hit by a wave of conflicting emotions. But she wasn’t. Laid over Jake’s lap, having her bottom spanked as he lectured her, Buttercup felt for the first time in her life, she was truly home.

* * *

“Where is she?” Ray peeked through the curtains for the hundredth time at the empty driveway.

Groaning, Jessica laid her head back on the couch, saying, “Give it up, Ray. She is twenty-eight years old.”

“Doesn’t matter,” he said, pacing the room. “She is still my little sister.”

“She has been a full-grown woman for a decade now, baby.”

Ray turned quickly, pointing his finger at Jessica. “Don’t get smart with me, young lady. I know how old Buttercup is. And she’s still too young to be out this late.” Ray checked his watch again.

Jessica erupted in a fit of giggles. “Oh, Ray. For Pete’s sake. She’s with Jake, you know she is safe.”

A sheepish look came over Ray’s face. Joining Jessica on the couch, he gave a sigh. “I guess I’m being a little over protective.”

“A little?”

“Okay—but I just got her back. I’m not ready to lose her to Jake.”

Running her hand over her husband’s thick, dark hair, Jessica said, “Think of it this way, Ray. If Buttercup ends up with Jake she will be in Poke Town for good. Jake’s business is booming. He will not want to leave that house he has worked on so hard, and with Jake loving her, Buttercup won’t have any reason to leave. The tender loving care that a man like Jake can offer is impossible to give up. Trust me, I speak from experience.”

“True. I just hope that scumbag Tom doesn’t come around here. He had such a hold on her.”

“If he does, you and Jake will take care of it. And Wes if you need him for that matter. If you think Jake is going to let Buttercup out of his sight for a second now that she is back in his arms, you are mistaken.”

Giving his wife a look of utter adoration, Ray acquiesced. “You are right, honey. You almost always are. Let’s go to bed.”

“I think I’m batting higher than almost. I am just about always right.”

“Don’t push your luck. I haven’t given that ruler to Wes, yet.”

* * *

Tiptoeing over the threshold of the house, hoping not to wake anyone, Buttercup took one glance over her shoulder. Jake was leaning against his truck looking calm and confident. When he saw she was in safely, he gave a wink and a wave.

Buttercup closed the door softly, watching through the window as Jake pulled his truck down the driveway, not turning on his headlights until he was away from the sleeping house.

Leaning her back against the door, Buttercup took a deep breath. The smile that was stretched wide across her face seemed to be a permanent fixture. She could not stop the silly grin.

Feeling as if she was walking on a cloud, Buttercup made her way to the back of the house, closing her bedroom door behind her. Flinging herself down onto the bed, Buttercup let her mind wander over the events of that evening. The early morning sun was just peeking through her curtains as she thought of being held down over Jake’s firm thighs. Her cheeks blushed as she thought of the lecture he had given her—she had practically memorized it.

The spanking had not hurt too much. Just enough to make her focus on the pain, to get lost in the chastisement while Jake’s deep voice told her this was exactly what she could expect to happen if she ever decided to avoid him again.

Afterwards should have been the most awkward moment of her life. When he finished spanking and admonishing, he had pulled her up beside him on the couch, holding her in his arms. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was Jake, or Buttercup, or maybe it was just the perfect way they fit together. But when Jake held her, speaking to her softly, Buttercup felt no embarrassment. She felt complete.

He had smoothed down her hair, whispering, “There’s a good girl, Buttercup. Do you feel better after your spanking?”

Wordlessly she had nodded her head.

“You know I love you too much to let you get away. You do want to be with me, don’t you?”


“And you want me to lead you, discipline you, protect you?”


“You will let me be that man for you now, won’t you?”

“Yes, Jake.”

And then he had kissed her. And her mind left her body. She became the kiss, the connection, leaving all worry behind.

Her eyes started to close, laying on her comfortable bed and losing herself in the memory of the kiss.

There was a loud slam as the door to her bedroom flew open. “Buttercup. Time to get up!” The littlest Stevenson boy came bounding across the room, throwing himself onto her bed and bouncing up and down.

With a groan, Buttercup rolled over, trying to pretend to sleep. Two little fingers pried apart her eyelids. A little brown eye peered into hers. “Mama just dropped us off after our sleepover.”

“Why so early?” Buttercup moaned.

“She says she has a friend she had to go see. Evan says it’s a boy.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. But I told Mama we needed to be back early anyway because today is the day you said you would take us to the ranch.”

Buttercup had forgotten she volunteered to take the boys out the day after the party to give Ray and Jessica a little rest time. She had no idea when she had made the commitment that she would be the one who would be awake until the sun came up.

“And it’s going to be even better than I thought because we saw Jake at the end of the driveway when we were coming in and I asked him if he could come with us and he said, ‘sure thing, sport’.” The little boy paused only long enough to catch his breath. “But Buttercup, what was Jake doing here this early? Mama said, ‘I declare there is young love brewing on the Stevenson ranch’. What does that mean, Buttercup? Are you going to have a baby with Jake?”

Placing her hand gently over his mouth, Buttercup said, “Shh. It means nothing. Jake is my friend and he can come with us, but you had best be on your best behavior.”

Giving a wide-eyed nod, Harry bounced off to tell the others the news. Jake would be joining them.

Buttercup lay back on the bed, strangely not feeling as tired as she should after her late night. Her tummy did flips at the idea of seeing Jake again so soon. She thought she would have time to process the evening longer before she saw him—but this was even better. Less time to let her brain badger her heart into falling prey to her fears.

Choosing to let her past be her past, and live in the present, she leapt from the bed. Throwing open the doors to her closet, she giggled at the blouse she chose—an emerald green long sleeve tee shirt. and locked herself in the bathroom to shower and primp.

* * *

Coming out of her bathroom, Buttercup found three little Stevenson boys sitting at attention on her bed, waiting expectantly for her to emerge.

A smile spread across her face as she thrust her hands into the pockets of her worn jeans.

“You guys are ready to go, huh?”

Evan, the oldest brother and often the trio’s spokesperson said, “Uh-huh. We like Mr. Jake.”

“I thought you all were excited about going riding with me,” she teased.

“Oh, we are. It’s just that you know— you are great and all, but you are a girl. Jake’s kind of a guy’s guy.”

Trying not to laugh out loud, Buttercup considered the serious look on Evan’s face.

“How so?”

“He built his own house,” Harry piped up.

“He drives a big truck,” Colton chimed in.

“And he can jump a horse over two barrels,” Evan added solemnly.

“Well, all right then, let me just get my boots on and we will see if Jake is back yet.”

Sitting on the chair of the little desk in the room, Buttercup grabbed her tan, leather, riding boots. She froze as she began to pull the first one on over her tight jeans.

“Are you and Jake going to get married now? We saw you kissing in the chicken coop.”


“Yeah. Mom and Dad are married, and they kiss all the time.”

“It’s disgusting.”

She continued to pull her boots on quietly, letting the conversation swirl around her as she avoided the answer. Her face burned at the word ‘marriage’. Ever since Jake had told her of his vision of the two of them making their way down the aisle of the old barn, she couldn’t get the idea out of her mind. But she would die of embarrassment if anyone ever found out.

Thankfully, Ray popped his head around the doorframe just in time to break up the speculations of his sons.

“Buttercup—you sure about taking this rowdy bunch out riding with you?”

“Jake’s coming too, Dad. We bumped into him in the driveway this morning.”

Wanting to hide her face in her hands, Buttercup snuck a side glance at her brother’s face. His eyebrow shot up at the news. Looking at Buttercup, he asked, “Did you boys? Just this morning you say?”

“Uh- huh. And we’d better get going because we don’t want to be late for Aunt Carrie’s pancakes.” Harry grabbed Buttercup’s hand, pulling her from the room.

“Bye, Ray,” she called over her shoulder. She hurried along with her little pack of cowboys, thankful they had gotten her out of the talk she knew her brother wanted to have with her about Jake and coming home with the sunrise.

When the four of them reached the drive, Jake was there, standing against his white truck just like she knew he would be. Hair still damp from his shower; his eyes were bright and there was not a trace of fatigue on his eager face.

“Well, there’s the three best cowboys this side of Texas has ever seen!” he exclaimed, giving the boys each a high-five in turn. After buckling the boys across the back-bench seat in the cab of his truck, Jake waited for Buttercup to climb into the passenger seat.

“You’re next,” he said, smiling.

Buttercup climbed up into her seat, but Jake did not shut the door behind her as she thought he would. Instead, he reached behind her right shoulder for the buckle to the seat belt. Reaching across her, his brown eyes locked on hers as he clicked the buckle into the latch by her hip.

Kissing her lightly on the lips, he murmured softly, “Safe and sound, just like I like you.”

Whistling a happy tune, he shut the door, walking around the front of the truck.

“Jake and Buttercup sitting in a tree...” Harry began. “Ouch—what’d you do that for?”

“Be quiet,” she could hear Evan’s serious voice whispering. “Be good so they will want to take us again.”

“Oh, okay,” Harry whispered back, loudly.

Stifling a chuckle, Buttercup cut her eyes at Jake as he climbed into his seat.

“Comfy?” he asked her with a knowing look in his eyes.

The familiar flush that seemed ever present around Jake rose in her cheeks. She knew he was referring to her bottom on her seat after the spanking he had administered just a few hours prior.

“Very, thank you,” she answered primly looking out her window and hiding her blush from him.

“You’re even prettier when you blush,” he whispered, placing his hand on her upper thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Ooh—did you hear that? Jake called Buttercup pretty. Ouch, quit elbowing me, Evan,” Colton protested.

“What’s the matter with that? She is purdy.” Harry whispered again in his louder than talking whisper voice.

Jake flashed his wide, white smile at Buttercup. “She sure is, fellas. Purdiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

They made their way to the ranch. When they arrived at the barn, Wes, Garrett and Rose were all waiting for them.

The boys piled out of the truck after Buttercup, running up to the barn and talking excitedly.

Rose quickly rallied the boys and got things in order. After a friendly hug for each of the boys, she led them into her big, red barn that she was so proud of, letting them choose the horses they wanted to ride.

Jake and Wes carefully got each boy’s choice of horse saddled and the boys mounted up. Wes looked curiously to Buttercup as he mounted his horse. “You riding, Buttercup?”

“I was thinking I might head up to the house and chat with Carrie for a bit instead, if that’s all right.”

Throwing her a curious stare, Jake asked, “You sure you don’t want to ride?”

“I’m sure.”

Wes said, “Well, I’m sure Carrie would love the company. And the help in the kitchen cooking breakfast for all these young ones.”

“All right then. Be good, boys,” she called over her shoulder as she headed up to the big ranch house.

Feeling Jake’s gaze on her back as she walked away, Buttercup looked over her shoulder, blowing him a kiss. Might as well give the boys something to tease him about on their ride.

Catching the kiss in midair, dramatically on top of his steed, Buttercup laughed as Jake placed the kiss over his heart. With a great “Hiya” he was off, three Stevenson boys right on his heels.

Knocking timidly on the back-kitchen door, Buttercup hoped she wasn’t disturbing Carrie. Carrie had a bubbly personality and always seemed like she preferred company with a ‘more the merrier’ attitude. But she was showing up unannounced

The door flung open interrupting her worried thoughts. There was Carrie, her golden curls stacked haphazardly on top of her head, wearing a red apron that said, ‘Santa’s little helper’.

“Buttercup!” she exclaimed, opening the screen door and pulling Buttercup into a tight squeeze. “I am so glad to see you. I get so lonely sometimes since Mama left. I think she has herself a boyfriend. Did Jessica tell you? She never calls Friday and Saturday night, always saying she’s at bingo. Come in, Come in!”

“You like to cook?” Carrie ushered Buttercup into the warm kitchen. Grabbing a pink frilly apron off a peg on the wall, she handed it to Buttercup. Not waiting for an answer to her question, Carrie handed Buttercup a spatula of her own.

“I like to help,” Buttercup said, trying to be honest without hurting Carrie’s feelings. When one is responsible for making all their own meals from an early age, liking to cook was impossible for her. But she was always happy to pitch in and that was the truth.

Carrie’s excited chatter and upbeat personality was exactly what Buttercup needed right now. Following her directions to the T—only stopping working occasionally to rub her bleary eyes, Buttercup helped Carrie cook three pounds of crispy bacon, two dozen pancakes that were warming in the oven, and mixed up a dozen eggs ready to scramble when the crew returned.

“Whew,” Carrie said, pulling off her apron. “We have a few minutes before they get back. Let’s have a quiet cup of coffee together.”

Carrie handed Buttercup a warm mug of light brown coffee, having mixed in plenty of cream and sugar knowing Buttercup didn’t often drink coffee.

Sitting down side by side on the couch, Carrie took a sip of her coffee, then laid her big brown eyes on Buttercup. She demanded, “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“What do you mean? I was just coming up here to help.”

Chuckling, Carrie said, “You’re gonna have to lose that habit of white lying if you’re gonna keep your bottom comfy around Jake Hargett.”

Her face burning, Buttercup hid it behind her mug, taking a sip of the sweet, creamy brew. “You know?”

“Know what? That Jake Hargett has been over the moon for you since he was a wee thing spinning disks at Jessica’s wedding? That he’s a spanking man? That you are here because you want to talk to me about having a taken in hand relationship?” Carrie’s eyes twinkled in such a way that Buttercup’s nerves dissipated.

Giving a very non-Buttercup girly giggle, she said, “Yes, yes, and yes. I guess you sussed me out. It’s all just so new to me and I’ve seen the way…”

Her words trailed off, her gaze leaving Carrie’s face and hiding in her mug.

“Wes takes me in hand?” Carrie asked softly.


“And that appealed to you?”


“Then you are with the right man, Miss Buttercup. Jake will take just as good care of you as Wes does of me. And your brother does of Jessica for that matter. But I’m guessing you’re in my kitchen because as much as you love Jessica it might be easier to have the tough conversations with a woman who isn’t married to your brother. Am I right?”

“Yes,” she admitted shyly. “It would be a little less…”



Looking at the clock, Carrie said, “Okay, girl, we only have fifteen minutes and I detect that you are shy, so you are going to have to break out of that shell of yours and get right down to the nitty gritty questions you have for me.” With that, Carrie put her cup down on the coffee table with a little slam.

Taking a deep breath, Buttercup asked the first of her most pressing questions. “Is there ever a time where you don’t want to be spanked, but you get spanked anyway? Or can you say, no?”

“Yes. I have gotten spanked before when I didn’t want to or didn’t think it was fair. But over time you will respect your man for his consistency. And, no, once you sign up for this lifestyle, there is no saying no to it.” Carrie looked off into the distance before continuing. “But sometimes life circumstances will come up that might put the lifestyle on hold. Sometimes even for a long time.”

“Is it embarrassing? Do people know that you get spanked by your husband?”

“I will tell you the one time I was incredibly embarrassed. It was when my father asked Wes outright if he spanked me. I had to sit there in the chair next to my dad while Wes explained our whole relationship to him. But even though I was embarrassed at the time, afterwards I was glad it was out there. And Wes had explained it so beautifully, I felt my dad understood us better. I don’t really keep secrets—it’s nearly impossible for me. And gets me in trouble quite a bit. But I know that I am the only one of Jess’ friends who knows what type of relationship she is in. So, you can keep it discreet if you want. But you know you will at least always have me and Jess to talk to about it.”

“Does it always hurt? Last night, um, well, it only hurt a little. It was more like Jake was just trying to get my attention than punish me really.”

“Oh, girl. There are so many types of spankings. And some of them will have you unable to sit down for days while there are other kinds that will have you squirming and burning for your man. There is the classic you’re being naughty spanking, the you are in serious trouble punishment spanking and then, there are your playful spanks, your pop on the butts, the sexy spanks…”

The sound of clomping boots could suddenly be heard all the way in the living room. Buttercup willed the pink to leave her cheeks before she saw Jake, lest he guess exactly what she had been talking to Carrie about.

“Oh shoot, they are already back and here I was hoping to chat with you longer. You have my number and my address if you ever, ever need me for anything, Buttercup, I’m here for you.” Grabbing Buttercup’s hand Carrie gave it a gentle squeeze before popping up from the couch to greet the hungry cowpokes.




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