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The Baby Race by Tara Wylde, Holly Hart (13)


I bury my face in the crook of Caitlin’s neck, close my eyes, and inhale her fresh, clean scent. I’m perfectly happy to spend the rest of my life right here, like this. I don’t remember a time when I’ve ever felt more at peace, when I’ve felt like I was right where I belong. I suspect that eventually this will bother me, but right now I’m too content to worry about it.

Beneath me, Caitlin shivers, the movement somewhat different from the uncontrollable quaking that rocked her body in the aftermath of her orgasm.

I kiss the side of her neck. “Cold?”

Now that the blood is slowly returning to my brain, I’m becoming aware that the combination of the slightly cool temperature within my apartment and the drying sweat feels chilly.

“A little,” Caitlin admits.

I roll off of her, silently mourning the loss of her inner warmth as my cock slides free of her body.

I shift both of us around and grapple with the bedding until both of us are enveloped under the warm blankets.

Sighing with contentment, Caitlin turns to me, resting her head on my shoulder, her warm breath fanning across my chest. I gently stroke her soft, bright red hair as a few questions dance through my mind. I try to ignore them, but it proves an impossible task.


“Mmm,” she responds sleepily.

I search for the right words, ones that won’t make either of us uncomfortable, but none are forthcoming. I’m going to have to blunder my way through this and hope for the best.

“Have you …” I take a deep breath and force myself to finish speaking the thought out loud. “Have you ever done this before?”

She stiffens. I wrap my free arm around her shoulders, holding her in place when she tries pulling away.

“Did I do something wrong?”

The hesitation and uncertainty in her voice breaks my heart. I kiss the top of her head.

“Absolutely not,” I rush to assure her. “You were wonderful. It’s just … there were times when you seemed … unsure of yourself and how to respond.”

Normally, I’d just assume her hesitation was the result of being with a new partner, but this felt…different, somehow.

“This is the first time I’ve … gone all the way with a man.” Caitlin’s laughter startles me. “All the way. God, that makes it sound like we’re in high school still, doesn’t it? Back when everyone was obsessed with sex, but afraid to say the word out loud.”

I mumble a response, but the truth is that I barely hear her words. I’m too caught up in my own thoughts. She is … no, was a virgin.

“Probably I should have told you before, huh?”

Yeah, right. And how and when would that particular conversation have taken place? While we were eating dinner? When I had her splayed across the countertop? The instant before I slid into her?

And if she had told me, what were the odds I would have continued? Slim to none… Knowing beforehand probably would have scared me so badly, I would have bundled her back into her coat and ridiculous shoes and sent her home.

But now, knowing that I’m the only man she’s ever been with – that she’s seen something in me that allowed her to do things she hadn’t been comfortable enough to try with anyone else… The knowledge triggers a warm glow of pride in my chest. Makes me feel like the best man in the world.

It also causes my imagination to run wild, dreaming up all sorts of wild and wonderful things I could teach her. If she’d let me

A sense of propriety shoots through me. I pull her closer and run my fingers down her spine, loving the feel of silky skin against my fingertips. “It’s not something you’re required to disclose beforehand, though if you had—” I bow my head and gently nip her earlobe “—I would have taken things slower, made sure you were with me every step of the way.”

I feel more than see Caitlin smile. “If I’d been any more into things, I don’t think I would have survived the experience!”

Laughter bursts from me. “Good point.”

For a few seconds we lie in silence, both of us entirely lost in our own thoughts.

She speaks first. “Jeremy, I probably shouldn’t ask this. It’s not very sophisticated, but, um …”

Sensing the direction her thoughts have taken, I decide to spare her the embarrassment.

I reach for her hand and tug it to my mouth, dropping a kiss on each knuckle. “It was the most fantastic, mind-blowing, earth-shaking experience of my life.”

She tilts her head back, her wide gaze locking with mine. “Seriously?”

“Cross my heart.” I trace a small X across my bare chest before rolling to my side, pulling her with me and tucking her head against my shoulder. Having her here feels more natural than anything I’ve ever experienced.

I drop a kiss to the top of her head and breathe in the sweet, coconut scent of her hair. “You okay?” I murmur into her ear, sleep already thickening my voice.

“Wonderful,” she promises. She hesitates for a second before continuing. “Had I known it felt that good, I would have jumped you the second you said hello.”