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The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys) by Silver, Jordan (8)

Chapter 8




I tried my best to calm my nerves as he took my hand and walked me out of the house. I fought hard to concentrate on my surroundings, on how beautiful everything was. It was almost surreal to think this was going to be my new reality. That for the next forty or fifty years I would call this place home.

I had long made peace with the fact that my life had gone off the rails since that night just a short while ago when I met him. My friends all seemed happy for me, no one was telling me to put the brakes on and take it slow.

His mother was full of excitement. All she could talk about was the wedding and how great things were going to be. I think it was going to be a while before the butterflies in the pit of my stomach went away, but it was a small price to pay for the absolute happiness I was beginning to believe awaited me.

I’ve always been an observer, whether because of my career choice, the long days spent at my mother’s sick bed, I don’t know what it is, but somewhere along the way I had learned to silence everything else and focus. In the short time I’d known him I can honestly say I have yet to witness anything about him that was off putting.

Even with Carl’s craziness nipping at my heels, I felt no fear of taking this very huge step; in fact Wyatt made me feel safe, like nothing and no one would ever get to me as long as he was at my side. Everything was happening so fast though, but after listening to his mom and sister, I realize that it was just as fast for him too. That he was willing to take the risk, and that went a long way to putting me at ease. T              his amazing person was willing to risk everything on me, on us.

This morning while he’d been gone, I’d used some time between studying old case files to run a little research on him. It was better than hiring a PI. The Internet was a font of information.

I tried not to look too hard at the beauties on his arm as I scrolled but it was hard to since almost every frame captured him with his arms around some hot young thing. He’d already explained that to me and I chose to believe him. Not to mention his mom swore up and down that he had never brought anyone home, not since he was a teen and she had insisted.

“You’re thinking again, what is it this time, the wedding?”

“Among other things.” I swung our arms between us as I tried to get my thoughts in order. When I peeled back all the layers this was one of those things that you read about in books or saw at the movies, but never seemed real. I kept replaying our every moment together and trying to find that one thing that jumped out at me and said ‘here it is’.

We all knew how Wyatt felt, he had taken one look and fallen in love, or so his story goes. It had taken me a little longer, if you can call three days long. Even though I’d pretty much come to terms with my own feelings, I still thought it wise to ask one last time, kind of like giving him an out in case he needed one.

“Are you sure about all this Wyatt?”

“If you ask me that question a thousand times the answer’s not going to change. Look, I understand why you’re nervous, why you might even be scared, I can and will do whatever I can to alleviate that, but I’m not going to stop feeling what I feel and I’m not going to hold back.”

He didn’t give me a chance to answer, just turned and took my face between his hands. “Look at me sweetheart.” I lifted my eyes to his, my heart racing in my chest as I bit into my lip. His nose flared and there was a shift in the air as he drew me closer.

Whatever he was going to say got lost as his lips came down to cover mine in the softest, sweetest kiss we’d ever shared. When he finally lifted his head I was breathless and more than a little turned on. He had that strange affect on me, an ability to make me forget.

“You know when you go for a job and they want you to have experience first, and you’re wondering how you’re supposed to have that without having a job? This is kinda like that. How will you know if you never try? But there’s one thing I want you to think about, you see those two people back there, what they have; I want that. I’m not gonna get that by fucking around. I’m not gonna get that by cheating on you, lying to you or hurting you.

In all my years I’ve never seen my father make my mother cry not unless they were tears of absolute joy. That’s what I have to offer you. And since I love you I want the best for you, and baby that’s me. So you hold onto your fears and your doubts for as long as you need to, I’m not going anywhere.”

He says the sweetest things. All the things that make me feel silly for holding back like this. So what this was beyond unconventional? Haven’t I been happier in the last few days than I have ever been before?

And didn’t I sleep in his bed wrapped in his arms without being mauled? He’d proven time and again that he could be trusted and even more he’s shown that he does feel something for me. I can keep going around and around in my head with the same questions, but in the end I think I’ve already made up my mind. Still I couldn’t help putting him to the test, this was my life after all.

“Okay here’s the deal, can’t we just have a relationship first before jumping into marriage?” I can’t believe I found the courage to actually say those words out loud. I would die if he agreed but I had to know, had to give it one last shot. “I mean marriage is so final…”

He stopped moving and turned to me. “So what you’re saying is that you just want to use me for my body, but I’m not marriage material?”

“What?” My mouth hung down to my chin. He did not seem pleased, not one little bit.

“That’s what it sounds like to me. No deal cupcake, you get the whole package.” He passed. What guy in his position wouldn’t have gone for that? For some reason that one little thing removed the clouds and that nagging fear in my gut was gone. Now I had to make it up to him because he was steaming mad.

My smile when I turned it on him was from my soul. “What’re you grinning at Red, you playing me? What’s going through that head of yours now?” Before I could answer I found my lips captured once more, as he lifted me off my feet, the man was obsessed. “Fuck if I’m not marrying that.” He held onto my hand as we walked on as though afraid I was gonna bolt.

“You know I’m going to take you tonight don’t you?” It was good that he’d stopped us before asking me that, because my knees went weak.

“Do you do that on purpose?”

“Do what baby?” He trailed a finger down the side of my face.

“Make your voice go all seductive and dreamy?”

“Getting to you is it?”

At least it allowed me to sidestep his question. I wasn’t brave enough to have that conversation, because there was something he didn’t know, something that could be a dream changer.






She’s hiding something, I don’t know what, but I’m coming to know her, all her little nuances. Her eyes shift or changes according to what’s going on in her head. I think I’ll keep that little bit of knowledge to myself for now, but it sure did come in handy.

“Let’s head back in it’s getting cold out here.” The walk was meant to relax her a little and it had done its job. She was much lighter, her laugh less strained by the time we cleared the door. I took her straight to our room never releasing her hand.

I’d struggled with the idea of taking her to a hotel but thought better of it in the end, it seemed too much like something I would’ve done in the past and she deserved more than that. “I’ll be right back, I’m a little sticky after our walk.” She squeezed my hand before disappearing into the bathroom.

I looked around the room with a blank stare for a second. What the fuck? I was actually nervous; me Wyatt Hunter had flop sweat at the thought of taking her to my bed. I wasn’t afraid of the act itself or of disappointing her, but it was finally hitting home that this was it. I was about to claim my woman.

When she came out the bathroom I noticed the change right away. She was glowing. That look of uncertainty was gone from her eyes though there was something there that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Come here.” I reached out for her and she came to me without hesitation.

It had grown dark outside, and I had the lit the candles and the fireplace, and turned the bed down while she was making her transformation in the other room. “Close your eyes.” She complied and I attacked. Starting at her temple I placed soft kisses against her skin, making a trail to the corner of her lips where I licked her with my tongue.

She opened up, searching for my tongue with hers but I had other ideas. “I wanna play.” I teased her lips with mine before moving up the other side to her ear so I could nibble. “You’re so soft, so sweet.” I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of such warmth, such emotion I had to draw her in.

When I finally kissed my way back to her lips we were both starved for the taste of each other. It was like sharing my first kiss, everything else that came before faded away to nothing. There was nothing and no one else in our world, just us two.

My hands trembled just the slightest bit when I released the buttons on her blouse. Her flesh was warm and soft beneath my lips as I kissed my way across her chest to the tops of her plump tits. I stopped undressing her long enough to heft the weight of her bounty in my hands while sucking her tongue deeply into my mouth.

Her soft groan was just the beginning of what I wanted to pull from her tonight. I wanted to make her body sing, wanted to claim her in every way possible, but I wanted to take it slow, make it last. I wanted to give as much of myself to her as I was willing to take.

I led her slowly to the bed without releasing my hold on her. I don’t think she even realized she was naked or that I was fighting my way out of my clothes. She was too busy sucking on my tongue and grinding herself against me in heat.

There was a touch of innocence about her movements, or it could just be her innate shyness at play. Whatever it was it begged me to go slow. “Open your eyes.” She’d held them closed since I’d ordered her to, but I wouldn’t have missed the heated look in them now for anything.

I held her eyes with mine as I led her soft hand to my hard cock while lying next to her. “Feel what you do to me. You can squeeze him baby you won’t hurt him.” She teased me with a light touch before she grew bolder and let her hand glide up and down my length.

Gritting my teeth I found the strength to let her explore without taking over and falling on her like a starving wolf. I didn’t touch her, not yet. I let her enjoy herself before taking over. My cock jumped and spat in her hand, as she grew more confident.

I looked down at her fingers as they stroked my cock. I could smell the heat from between her legs as pre-cum wet her fingers from the head of my dick. “Open your legs for me sweetheart.” She shifted on the mattress and her legs fell open as she kept working my cock.

I got to my knees between her thighs and her eyes flew to my meat for the first time. There was a flash of fear but she was quick to hide it. Looks like my work wasn’t done yet. I wanted her too hot to worry about my size and length, something I’d not given much thought to in my haste to capture her. I’m sure my size must be daunting for someone as tiny as her, but it was too late to turn back.

With her legs sprawled open before me I took my first real look at her cunt. “Beautiful!” She was like a pink flower with dewy petals when u opened her with my fingers. Lowering my head I took a whiff of her scent and felt my cock jerk in response.

I touched her for the first time with my heart in my throat. She was wet against the fingers that I slid through her folds, searching for her clit. When my thumb rubbed against her rapidly swelling clit I thought she would fly off the bed. Her reaction drove me insane and I did it again, using just the pad of my thumb to bring her off.

“Wyatt…” She moved like a dream beneath my hand and I kept my eyes on her pussy as it dripped juice around the fingers I used to fuck her. “So tight.” I don’t think I’d ever felt anything this tight before. And the way she moved against me, how would that feel around my cock?

Her erratic breathing drew my attention back to the plump mounds on her chest and my mouth watered for a taste. For a split second I felt an overwhelming joy that this amazing creature was truly mine. That with all the luck I’d had thus far, she was the best thing to ever happen to me. “How did I get this fucking lucky?”

It was almost too much to believe. Was it only a few days ago that our worlds collided? I pulled my fingers out of her and sent them back to her clit as I suckled her.

When her clit was slippery wet I let my finger dip back into the mouth of her pussy. She was tight and hot around the first one and she damn near broke the second. By the time I bit into her nipple she was grinding herself against my hand in release.

“Nice and easy baby.” She was fired up and ready to go, begging me without words to come to her, but I had a lot more in store for her tonight. This morning had just been an appetizer, tonight I mean to gorge myself on her, in her, until she knows without a doubt just who she belongs to.

Making my way down between her thighs I lifted her legs over my shoulders spreading her open before letting my tongue take the place of my fingers. At the first touch of my wet tongue against her heated flesh, her body arched and her hands grabbed at me. Spreading her open wider I looked at her pink pussy and the thought hit that I had never seen a prettier sight.

Her pussy opened up like a flower for my tongue as I licked her with broad strokes, all the while holding her ass in my hands so she couldn’t get away from the onslaught. Her taste, like sweet ambrosia, rushed onto my tongue and I ate my fill until she came in my mouth with a loud cry.

I wanted to feed her my cock, wanted her lips wrapped around my meat, but I wanted in her pussy more. There’ll be time enough later to teach her how to eat my cock the way I like, for now I needed to get the branding done.

Things were moving fast now. That long drawn out loving I had planned was going to have to wait for another time. Right now it was all I could do not to slam my cock into her and go for broke.

I didn’t reach for a condom. I didn’t want anything between us, not this first time at least. It was a conscious choice, a risk I knew, one I’d never taken before, but somehow with her it felt right, like it was meant to be.

I slid the head of my fat cock into her and held. “You’re so fucking tight.” I figured her tightness and the way she braced her body was because we hadn’t done this before and because of my unusual size. Never in a million years was I expecting the barrier that stopped my cock halfway inside her.

Pulling back, I looked down into her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut but there was no hint of fear. “How?” I couldn’t get the words out, not past the lump that had formed in my lungs. I blinked away the sudden tears and just looked down at the wonder that was mine.

Her eyes flew open when I eased back before surging forward with enough force to breech her. I barely caught her scream with my mouth as I held still inside her. Everything in me wanted to own, to claim to brand, but that barrier held me in check.

“Shh, it’s over now I’m inside you, feel me.” She had cried out at the tearing of her hymen but now her body was fighting to get settled with me lodged inside her. I held still giving her time to adjust when all I really wanted to do was fuck.

My mind, my heart was all wrapped up in her. If I’d been gone over her before, this, the giving of her innocence only made me want her more. Her hot flesh squeezed around me and I had to move.

“Look at me.” I held her head in my hands and waited until her eyes focused on mine. “I love you.” My cock thumped inside her and her pussy clenched at my words. “I’ll never stop.” Taking her mouth with mine to seal the deal, our arms went around each other as the moment overwhelmed us both.

My cock started moving on its own, sliding in and out slowly at first, until I felt her pussy give just a little more as she made room for her man.

I knew I had to be causing her pain, but she stayed with me. I reveled her innocence and the gift she’d given me with each stroke into her sweet heat. I warned myself to go slow, to take it easy. The differences in our sizes became very clear to me in that moment.

Her tiny form was literally pinned beneath my much larger frame, but it was my cock that I was worried about. What if I tore her? I could feel the pull as her cunt stretched around my meat, but even as I told myself to go slow, my heart and my body cried out for something more.

Holding her as close as I possibly could, I eased in and out over and over until she loosened more around me before I slammed into her. The bed shook and knocked into the wall as our passions raged out of control.

“Mine.” The growl came from the pit of my soul as the enormity of what I held in my arms hit home. There wasn’t enough room in my chest to hold everything that was going through me just then, so I used my dick to release some of the pressure.

Her body moved beneath mine taking my cock and throwing her hips up at me. Her little pussy stretched around the massive girth of my cock as she dug her nails into my ass. I lifted her into my strokes going deeper and deeper, trying to reach the end of her.

“ I can’t…” The words left me as my head swam with emotion. I wanted to bond us together, to link her to me in a way that there would be no telling where one ended and the other begun. But I didn’t have the words, so instead I showed her.

I’d never in my life had this insane need to imprint myself on someone the way I do now. Lust and love warred within me as I tried to go slow, tried to treat her with the love and care she deserved.

“I want your mouth.” This kiss was wilder than the last. Our mouths didn’t so much meet as mated. Her nipples were hard as they poked into my chest, her nails dug into me as she begged me without words to fuck her harder, deeper, to take.

She planted her feet in the mattress and fucked herself on my cock grunting and groaning as she arched her body, threw her head back and opened her mouth in a silent scream.

“Hang on baby.” I pulled her hands above her head and wrapped them around the poles in the bed. “Lift your legs around my waist.” She was wider this way, her pussy tilted just right for my strokes. “Yes, right there.” I was finally where I wanted to be, feeling the tip of her cervix against my cockhead.

“Tell me if I hurt you.” With her hands holding tight to the bars in the bed, and her ass held firmly in my hands, I planted my knees in the bed and fucked into her over and over until that tightness eased even more, making it easier for me get in.

I still couldn’t fit my whole cock inside her, she was too fucking small, but the way she gripped me and squeezed was enough to make me want to howl at the moon. She was everything I’d expected her to be and more. The added bonus of her virginity was something I would appreciate for the rest of my life.

I tried to memorize every moment, every touch every sound.  As much as I knew I would have her like this a hundred times over, there was only one first.

I held back as much as I could when I felt her tighten around me in climax, not wanting it to end. But I knew it was over when my nuts hardened in readiness and my cock began to spew. Her body never stopped moving, never stopped milking me. When I finally came it was like a runaway train, something I couldn’t hold back, and had no control over.

I slammed into her over and over again, losing all control, lost in the feelings that bombarded me, until my nuts were empty. I waited until her breathing calmed down and her eyes lost their glazed look. “You okay babydoll?” I played with the hair at her temple that was now matted with sweat. Her nod and smile reassured me before I took her lips in a final kiss.

It was hell pulling out and rolling away from her. If it were up to me I’d never leave the sweet haven of her body again, but she might need to breathe and shit. I pulled her into my arms because I wasn’t ready to lose contact. If I wasn’t so worried about how much damage I’d done when I breeched her I’d slide my cock back inside, but I knew enough to know that would only hurt her, and that I could never do.

When she winced I looked down at her in question. There was blood smeared on her thighs and mine, scared me half to death. “What the fuck? Don’t move baby.” I got off the bed more than a little surprised at the blood on my cock. I thought that bleeding thing was an exaggeration, but from the looks of it I’d all but killed her.





Oh my word, I have to catch my breath, if there’s any left in my body that is. Why hadn’t I tried this before? The obvious answer was that I was waiting for just this man the right man, the only man.

He’d said not to move but I couldn’t if I’d wanted to, my bones were mush. I ran my hands over my body in a very provocative way as the memory of what we had just shared played through my mind like a movie reel.

Had that really been me? Where had all that wildness come from? And how could I not have known it was there, lying dormant all this time? I’m sure it had a lot to do with what I felt for him, that no one else would’ve ever been able to take me to such heights.

Could it really be true? Could such a thing as fate, destiny, be real? It must be. How else could I explain the last few days? What if I hadn’t let Cris talk me into going out that night? My stomach cramped at the thought. Of having never met Wyatt, never knowing this.

“Would it always be like this?” I asked the question as he walked back into the room. He was naked, that glorious piece of flesh between his thighs hung beautifully as he walked towards me. My eyes were glued to it. I think I was trying to see what it was about that part of him that could instill so much pleasure.

“I’ll do my best to make it so.” He lifted me from the bed and kissed my hair in that way that always makes me melt. This is real this is happening. This man who looked like every girl’s dream, who said all the things every wide-eyed innocent longed to hear, was truly mine.

“I don’t want to wait, I want to get married as soon as possible.” That stopped him in his tracks, shocked the hell out of me too. “That’s my girl, leave ma to me I know just how to get her to see reason.” He lowered me into the water and it was only then that I realized how sore I was. My body ached in places I didn’t know it was possible to hurt.

He was so attuned to my every move that I couldn’t hide my wince. “I’m sorry baby, you didn’t tell me you were pure or I would’ve gone much slower.” I brushed my fingers down his face to wipe away the worry there.

“It was perfect, you are perfect.” I’d shocked him again, but it was as though I had no control over my words anymore. Things that I would never dream of saying just rolled easily off my tongue straight from the heart.

“Let me take care of you baby.” I was trying to drag him into the oversized his and hers tub with me while he resisted. “No I want you in here with me.”

“If I get in there it would defeat the purpose. You bled a lot baby and I know you’re too sore for anything else.” I pouted, something that I hadn’t done since I was about three. It made him laugh and his laugh made me warm inside.

“If you’re a good girl I’ll lick you until it’s all better okay?” That sounded good to me so I behaved. As much as I wanted him to climb in with me, I wanted his mouth more. He was so careful with me as he washed between my thighs, his face set in concentration. When a red splash of color grew across his cheeks and his nose flared I felt an answering surge deep inside.

My body reacted and I was soon filling his hand with liquid heat. He dropped the washcloth and I felt the soft tips of his fingers as he played with me beneath the water. It wasn’t long before I was moving against his hand and making those embarrassing noises again.

His eyes flew to mine as I opened my mouth to scream. “Come for me baby.” I went to that place again where everything stopped and a million lights burst behind my eyes. “That’s it, so beautiful so responsive.” Even his voice was like some sort of trigger and my body, which had been coming down went up in flames again.