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The Cowboy's Nanny - A Single Dad Billionaire Romance by Emerson Rose (119)

Chapter Twenty-Four

Just Relax


The door swings open behind us, and we nearly fall into room 511. Major has reached the end of his self-control. I didn’t think we were going to make it out of the elevator. Our lips haven’t separated, and our hands haven’t stopped roaming since we staggered out and down the short hall to our room.

I’m glad Kimber and Garcia aren’t here yet. It wouldn’t have mattered who was in the elevator with us. Major is, for once, out of control, and I love it. This is just what I need before I break my big news. Everything sounds better after sex.

Major’s fierceness almost borders on frightening when he kicks the door shut and slams me against the inside of it. He’s pulling at my purse. It drops to the floor. He’s taking his shoes off as he devours my mouth, my neck, my shoulder. I hold onto his waist and toe off my shoes, trying to keep up with him, but it’s not good enough, not fast enough. Over my head my shirt goes. He throws it haphazardly somewhere behind us. I’m shoving his shirt up when he moves my hands and pulls it off from the back of his collar in one fast swoop. I work at the button of his jeans, but I’m fumbling, so he pops it open and yanks down the zipper.

I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, so I’m wearing my yoga pants . . . well I was wearing them. He’s got me bare in mere seconds. His hands cup my breasts as he takes turns sucking and pinching them. My head bumps the door when he crouches to lift my leg over his shoulder.

“Major, oh God,” I moan, not even considering that he is essentially face to face with my baby bump. It’s dark and he’s busy. No problem.

His tongue slips between my wet folds, and he slides two fingers inside me, curling them around to stroke my sweet spot. I’m wetter than usual. I think it’s the pregnancy, or it could be Major. Who the hell knows?

He’s kissing my folds like he kisses my mouth, with frenzy and fervor. He licks my entire slit back to front, electrifying every ultra-sensitive part of my body. I cry out, and he stands before I come, leaving me on the verge of ecstasy and nearly in tears with frustration.

“Turn around,” he says in his gravelly, sex crazed voice, and I do as I’m told.

He takes my hands, places them on the door on either side of my head, and growls in my ear. “Don’t move.”

I don’t know what’s next, and truly, I don’t care as long as he keeps touching me. I am his. He can have me, every single inch of me however he wants.

His energy changes. He’s slowing his advances. He has me where he wants me, and now he’s reigning in his control. He moves my hair over one shoulder and kisses the back of my neck.

I feel his lips against my ear when he whispers, “Violet, do you trust me?”

I can’t form words with my mouth, so I nod.

“Because I’m claiming every part of you this weekend, starting here.”

His hand slides between my legs, and his fingers drag the overabundance of moisture to the pucker of my ass, where he swirls it around and slips a finger inside me. I clench my jaw, and my muscles instinctively lock up.

“Relax, baby, you have to relax and let me in.”

I make a conscious effort to loosen up like I do in yoga class. I open my mouth and take a deep breath before blowing it out. He kisses my left shoulder, where I have my head turned, cheek against the door.

“Good girl.” Another kiss on my back, and his finger slides in easily and then another, stretching and preparing me for what’s to come. I’ve never done this, not even with Lucas. He wanted to, but I wouldn’t let him. Major doesn’t ask . . . he takes. I like it when he is in control. He has a way of making me want to give him anything he wants, even this.

His free hand pulls my hips back, and he slides it around front to stroke my clit while his other one is busy making room for his cock. It feels so damn good, I can hardly stand. My knees are weak, my muscles trembling as Major slowly presses his very big, very hard cock against my ass.

“Easy . . . that’s it. God, you’re so wet, Violet. I’ve never felt you get so wet like this. You like it, don’t you?”

He slides the head in and stops when I gasp, more out of surprise than pain.

“You okay? Am I hurting you?”

“Uh uh,” I manage to say.

“Good, relax. I’m going in deeper, baby.”

And he does, but his hand circling and stroking my clit has me so wound up, and the pressure from behind is so, so good and so intense, I claw at the door and moan.

“Fuck, you feel so good. I’m going all the way in now. Hold on.”

He slides into me gently, completely, and I’m amazed at how much I like it, how much different it feels than any other experience I’ve ever had.

He begins to work in and out, around and around. I’m dizzy and breathless with pleasure. Major’s groans and encouraging words in my ear are what bring me to climax. I pound my fist on the door and scream. He pumps faster and follows me into the insane portal of rapture.

I’m spent, sated, content, and completely weak. I collapse between Major and the door, unable to stand any longer. He slides out and scoops me into his arms. He maneuvers through the pitch-dark room like he has night vision and lays me on the bed.

He reaches out, and I panic when it comes to me that he’s going to turn on the light. There’s no place to hide naked on top of the covers, and I’m about to tell him to leave it off when there’s a knock at the door.

I thought I was ready to tell him. I really did, but the relief that washes over me when I hear that knock is tremendous.

“Shit, it’s Garcia and Kimber. I told them we would go to dinner right away. Cover up.”


He flips on the light in the bathroom and grabs a towel to wrap around his waist before opening the door a crack.

“Hey, sorry. We got distracted.”

I imagine Garcia looking at Major in his towel and smiling.

“No problem, man. Meet you downstairs in a few?” Garcia says.

“Yeah. Hello, Kimber, nice to see you again. You look lovely.”

Ever the gentleman. Even standing naked and post-coital in a hotel doorway, he greets and compliments a woman.

“Uh, thanks . . . you too?”

The guys both laugh, and I’m sure Kimber is wondering what the hell she’s gotten herself into this weekend.

“We’ll be down soon.”

Okay, man.”

The door closes, and I clutch the sheet and comforter to my chest.

Major crosses the room and sits on the edge of the bed. He tucks my hair behind my ear and looks at me with so many emotions, I can’t sort through them all.

“He’s asking her to marry him tomorrow night,” he says, smoothing my hair back over and over.

“What? No way,” I say, propping up on my elbow.

“Yep, he told me on the drive up. He’s pretty nervous, but I think he really loves her.”

Aw shit, here come the water works again. Tears fill my eyes in record time while I try to blink them back, embarrassed.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“N-nothing. It’s just so beautiful.”

He hops onto the bed and spoons me on the outside of the blanket.

“You’re a very emotional person, aren’t you?” he says, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

I draw in a shuddering breath. “Only lately. It’s embarrassing.”

Here’s your chance, Violet, tell him you’re pregnant. Tell him that’s why you’re a running faucet of tears. If ever there were a perfect time, it’s now.

“Well, I like it. Being passionate suits you.” He kisses me on the top of my head.

I can’t do it. The words won’t come. I physically opened my mouth, but they wouldn’t come out. This isn’t a secret I can keep anymore. I don’t know why I can’t just spit it out.

It’s because I’m afraid.

I’m so afraid that when I tell him, all of this will come to a screeching halt. We haven’t been together long. Things are so new, and we haven’t encountered any problems—no fights or roadblocks. This pregnancy could make or break us, and knowing his history, I’m afraid it will be the latter.

I’ve tried to imagine living in his house with him and our baby. The sterile, ultra-clean rooms messed up with toys and playpens, bottles and bouncy seats. It’s impossible, there’s no way.

What if he wants to still have a relationship but not live together?

What if he doesn’t want the baby at all?

What if he doesn’t want me?

“Let’s get cleaned up for dinner,” he says, swatting my ass.

I cringe, and he realizes his mistake. “I’m sorry, are you okay?”

“Yeah, just a little sore. I’ve never done that before.”

“Ah, yet another first.”

“Yeah, you took my ass virginity,” I say and elbow him hard in the ribs.

He laughs, “Never heard it put that way, but I suppose so. You liked it though. It was good.”

I have to admit, it was mind-blowing.

“I never thought it would feel so good.”

“I have so much more to teach you, Target girl. I’m going to enjoy surprising you with new things every night.”

Every night? I would love to spend every night of the rest of my life exploring new things with this man—and every day, for that matter.

If he doesn’t wile out and board the struggle bus when I tell him he’s going to have another messy, crying, unpredictable, unorganized human being to care for, then yeah, every night sounds amazing.