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The Divorced Omega: M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG (Three Hearts Collection Book 2) by Susi Hawke, Harper B. Cole (26)

Snowed In


Ethan and Bella stood at the window, watching the snow fall furiously. It was only one in the afternoon, but the clouds and snow were so thick, it looked like early evening.

"Can we go play in the snow, Daddy?"

Ethan shook his head and wrapped an arm around her in a side hug. Regular hugs were difficult for him these days. "I'm sorry, Bella-bear, but the snow is a little too strong for us to go out in right now. Once it calms down, it'll be super thick and fun to play in, though."

"Can we make snow angels?" she squealed.

We all laughed.

Larry joined them at the window. "It might be too thick for snow angels, Princess. But we can definitely..." he cut his eyes sideways at me with a smirk as I mouthed don't you dare " a snowman."

Devon snickered from the spare room, knowing exactly how I felt about that movie.

Bella jumped up and down as I closed my eyes, promising acts of vengeance on Larry for that. "Can we watch Frozen?"

"Sure baby, but in your room," Ethan said.

Ethan was getting kisses. Larry was getting spanks... but probably kisses, too.

Once Ethan had Bella set up and half-closed the door behind him, we settled on the couch next to each other, snuggled up under a blanket. It was fucking cold outside, and even working overtime, our heater wasn't quite keeping up.

"At least the snow will insulate us a bit," I joked.

Ethan didn't laugh. He looked at his watch. "Last I heard, Kai was still planning on coming over for our session today. I'd told him it was crazy, and I expected him to call and cancel by now."

"You should call him and make sure," Larry said.

At least the storm was good for one thing. I wasn't quite up for another round of smudging or crystal healing or whatever was on Kai's schedule today.

"Hey, Kai. I'm thinking we should consider today cancelled... Wait, what? You're where?"

Larry and I caught each other’s eyes.

"Dude. Are you okay? Are you dressed warmly enough? Yeah, that's not far. Are you sure? Okay, see you in a few."

"Tell me he's not..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence.

"He was coming over anyway, but his car slid off the road into a snow bank a couple blocks away, and he's walking here now."

"Dumbass." Larry was already on his feet, pulling on his layers of winter outerwear.

"Thank you. I was hoping you wouldn't mind finding him. I'm sending you his phone number in case you need it."

Larry left, tossing back a muttered comment about "floaty-ass hippies with their heads so far above the clouds they couldn't see a rainbow if it hit them in the ass."

I held Ethan close while we waited for them to return. I was trying very hard not to say, not even to think, about the concern that was weighing heavily on my mind: what if Ethan went into labor during the storm? His technical due date was still five weeks out, but twins tended to come early. Ethan's doctor hadn't been too concerned on our last visit, which thankfully had only been three days ago. The storm should be well-cleared up by our next visit in a few days.

Heavy stomping alerted us to Larry's return. He looked like the Abominable Snow Monster, just a fluffy white bear with a snow beard, and Kai's eyebrows were practically icicles. Ethan made him hot chocolate while Larry warmed up some of his special chicken soup we'd been devouring all winter.

"Thank you for your care, gentlemen," Kai said once he'd warmed up. Now he looked more like a bedraggled puppy than a snow fiend. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the universe has a purpose in everything."

I rolled my eyes.

"I think this calls for some reiki," Kai declared. "We could all use a good alignment, don't you think?"

Since reiki was apparently just Kai waving his arms slowly over your body, Larry humored him, while Ethan swore it actually did help him relax. I shut that down with a hard no, however. I wasn't a car; I didn't need any kind of alignments, unless I was playing a game. Devon disappeared to his room with Ramona, and Bella came out, curious about what Kai was doing. He took time to explain his hippie mumbo jumbo to her in words even I could understand. It was all nonsense, of course. The idea of aligning energies in a human body, like a magnet, sounded cool, but it wasn't reality.

We watched Trolls after that, and Kai was surprisingly silent. I'd expected him to make all kinds of statements. I wasn't sure exactly what about. About TV rotting kids’ brains. About the main character's relentless cheerfulness, whatever. But he watched in such absolute silence, I had to check a few times to make sure he was still awake and alive.

When Larry turned the TV off and Ethan told Bella it was time for bed, we all gave her good night kisses, and Larry pulled out blankets and pillows for Kai to sleep on the couch. We retreated to our room with Kai's admonition, "May your dreams be enlightened."

Before he'd gotten too big, we'd generally slept with Ethan in the middle, an omega sandwich, he liked to call it. I think Larry and I both liked knowing that our omega was safe between us, but we'd never put words to it. But as Ethan's stomach got bigger and he'd gotten grumpier, we'd had to rearrange, with him on the outside so he could lie somewhat more comfortably. Larry and I took turns being the middle of the sandwich, and I actually liked switching it up every night, surprisingly. Normally, I was hard core about sticking to patterns, but with my guys, I liked variety.

Tonight, however, as Larry and I flopped on the bed, checking news or whatever on our phones, Ethan crawled into the middle of the bed after his shower, buck naked, straddling our legs. "See anything interesting, alphas?"

We both set our phones aside quickly. Pregnant Ethan was horny Ethan.

"What do you want tonight, love?" Larry slid one hand into his shorts while grabbing my free hand so we were all touching.

Ethan groaned and palmed his own cock. "I need a knot."

I couldn't help myself. "Is that wise?" I could tell by the look my men gave me that they thought I was crazy. "I'm just saying, they say sex can bring on labor, and we're getting so close to the period when you could go into labor... especially with twins..."

Ethan leaned down and grabbed me by the balls, through my pajama pants. "I. Need. A. Knot."

Fuck... his hand on my balls should have been terrifying with that voice, but he was massaging them gently. How was I supposed to say no?

“Yeah, I’m not so sure,” Larry said, his face drawn in concern. “Let’s face it, we're not going to get a lot of ass action for a bit."

"Unless it's you and me," I quipped.

"Well, you'll be getting ass action then." Larry smiled and leaned over to kiss me, unsettling Ethan, who fell on our chests with an ooph.

Since the first time he'd mentioned it, Larry hadn't pushed the idea of knotting me, which had given me a lot of time to think. But I hadn't known how to bring it up. No time like the present, though, right?

"Hmm... I think we should even that out... maybe starting tonight?"

"You mean... you want me to take you?" Larry's eyes were bright and shiny.

Ethan groaned. "Fuck, that's so hot. Seeing you take your first dick, Ryan?"

“That’ll be safer,” Larry said. “No chance of bringing on early labor.”

Ethan shook his head. "Hell, no. Ryan can fuck me after you've knotted him."

“But—” Larry and I said in unison.

Ethan stopped us with a hard glare. “I’m getting fucked, one way or another. If you don’t want it to be a toy, you’re putting your dick in me. One of you. Whichever.”

Larry sighed and turned to me. "Ryan? Is that okay with you?"

To be honest, I was kind of overwhelmed with the whole thing. But it did sound fucking hot. "I'm up for giving it a try."

We didn't go straight to dick in ass, though. Ethan and Larry pushed me to the bed and must have licked every exposed patch of skin on my body. I felt a little guilty, just accepting their attention, but any time I tried to get up and focus on one of them, they pushed me back down until I submitted and lay as limp as a pile of noodles.

"Let me prep him," Ethan growled, his normally sweet voice practically gravelly. His rounded belly pressed firmly against my leg. And then his slender fingers were against my hole, sliding in me with slight resistance. I wondered when he'd slicked his fingers up—I hadn't noticed either of them grabbing the lube. It was strange at first. I'd been on the giving end of this without ever thinking of how it felt to be on the receiving end, until Larry had put the idea into my head.

Ethan stretched me, occasionally grazing my prostate, sending tendrils of warmth to curl in my chest and knees. At the same time, Larry kissed my fingers, sucking them into his mouth, twirling his tongue around them. Each finger Ethan added felt like too much, but I didn't want to stop. Even if I hated it, I wanted to try it this one time. And it didn't take long for that feeling to fade, to be replaced with a blissful enjoyment.

Too soon, Ethan slid his fingers out a final time. He slapped Larry on the ass. "Your turn, big boy. I'm just going to watch." He dramatically pulled over a chair we tended to use to toss our clothes on before throwing them in the hamper in the bathroom, but had also seen its share of sexy time usage. He slouched in it and began to slowly tug on his cock with an expectant grin. "Yeah, I think this will work juuust fine."

Fuck, that was a pretty view. His hard cock, his huge belly. Suddenly, I felt the heat of Larry at my entrance, and my attention was torn away from the pretty sight of Ethan.

"You won't be able to take him all in one go," Ethan advised me. "He's going to have to wait for you to get used to him. I got up to four fingers in your ass, and that still won't quite have prepared you for his thickness. Now breathe out while he slides in."

I followed Ethan's instructions, and he was right—all I could feel, all I could think about was Larry's width inside me.

"Short breaths in, long breaths out," Ethan said. "It'll feel good in a minute."

Larry must have been a fucking saint for how long he waited for me to finally nod, once the pain had receded.

"Now Larry's going to slide into you until you tell him to stop again."

This time, the stretch was uncomfortable, but not painful. I held my breath, waiting for the moment when it would become too much, but it didn't. And then the front of his thighs pressed against the back of mine.

"Yes..." Ethan hissed. "You two look so fucking hot. You doing okay, Ryan?"

"Doing... great."

"Sounds like you're ready to get fucked," Ethan said, and I looked over to him, that beautiful sight.

I nodded.

Larry didn't wait for instruction from Ethan. He simply started sliding in and out of me, and it quickly became... fucking incredible. How had I missed out on this for so long? My hand dropped instinctively to my cock, but Ethan made a negative noise and Larry pinned my hand to the bed.

"I still need a knot, Ryan. You're not going to deprive me of that, are you?"

Dammitt. I wanted to come so badly. Larry's cock felt so good. "Why don't you come over here?" I pleaded. "Ride me."

"Hmm..." Ethan stroked his cock lazily. "I really want to watch you, but I really just plain want you. He stood, and Larry leaned back a little. "I think we need some positioning to get this right."

Moments later, the two of them had my ass propped up on an angle with pillows. My thighs rested on Larry's hipbones, and Ethan was lowering himself over my cock.

"Nice thing about getting fucked every night? You need way less prep work."

Holy fuck. This was my new favorite thing. My cock in Ethan, Larry's cock in me. Once again, I felt a little guilty that I wasn't doing any of the work, but this position didn't give me much leverage.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Larry's grin was full of the I-told-you-so that he would never say. I could only respond in a moan of pleasure.

Ethan was riding me like it was a competition, and his eagerness spurred Larry on to fuck me harder. Ethan turned his head to the side and Larry kissed him fiercely. Their control of my body, the visual of that kiss, and my sudden need to grope Ethan's beautiful round belly fucking blasted me off the edge into my orgasm, and I felt the other two jump off right after me. Ethan's cum covered my face, and I licked my lips for a taste of it.

If I'd been upright, I would have collapsed. As it was, the other two collapsed against each other. We were all knotted tightly together.

After a moment, Larry looked up, his eyes half-closed with exhaustion. "We didn't think this through."

I tried to shift. He was right. There was no way we could lay down like this.

* * *

Even after our knots had gone down and we all curled up to sleep, I didn't sleep heavily. Ethan kept tossing and turning. I was tempted to make Larry switch places with me, but he was just as tired as I was, and that wasn't fair.

Not that it mattered at all, because at some point, in the dark, Ethan sat up in a sudden flurry. "I'm wet, guys."

"Like, sweaty?" I grumbled, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"No, like I peed the bed or my water broke. Guess which is more likely."

That had both Larry and I awake in a heartbeat.

"What do we need to do?" I gasped, trying to figure out where my clothes were. In the drawer. Clean clothes were in the drawer.

"Let me check the snow," Larry said, heading toward the door, butt naked.

"Dude," I said. "We have company. And Bella."

He looked at me in confusion before realizing I was dressing. "Right. You go check the snow."

I should have just let the bastard go. I went to the big living room window, but it was too dark to tell, so I had to traipse down the stairs—once more thankful that they were indoors—and opened the outside door for a peek.

We were lucky the door swung inward—the snow came up to the bottom of my rib cage. There was no way we were getting out of here without snowshoes or something.

"Bad news," I said when I returned. "The snow is about this high. We're not getting out of here. I'm calling 9-1-1."

"If it's that high, I doubt they'll get out here," Larry said.

"We have to try."

By that time, we'd woken Kai with our frantic movements and conversation, and he'd gone directly to Ethan to calm him, ignoring the fact Ethan was wearing absolutely no clothes.

"Okay, Mr. Davis, we have dispatched an ambulance to your location, but you need to be prepared to deliver this baby without help. Do you have any experience with delivering babies?"

"No," I squeaked, then caught sight of Kai. "We do have a doula here, though."

Kai looked up at me.

The emergency operator's tone relaxed. "Oh good. At least you have someone with professional experience. I can stay on the phone with you for support if you need it."

I held the phone away from my mouth. "She says she's not sure if or when the ambulance will get here. Do we need to keep her on the line? Kai's done the baby thing before, so I was thinking no."

Kai's face suddenly went white. "I've never delivered a baby before."

"You've seen it more times than we have," Larry said. "You'll be fine. Tell her we'll be fine, Ryan."

I ended the call with the operator just as Ethan said, "Guys? Guys! This is happening a lot faster than last time. I feel like I gotta push."

"We should see how dilated you are," Kai said, his normally calm voice shaky.

"Okay. How do we do that?" Larry handed Ethan a robe, and he and Kai helped him put it on.

"I guess... we need to look..."

Larry fluffed the pillows and helped Ethan lay down while I was researching dilation and birthing. Kai lay on the bed in front of Ethan, guiding his legs to a bent position, then pushing them up in the air for better access for the... viewing...

"Oh. Oh shit."

That was the first time I had heard Kai swear. "What? What's wrong?"

"I think..." Kai gulped. "That's definitely a head."

"I'm pushing now," Ethan commanded. "You better be ready to catch my baby."

Larry crouched by Ethan's side, holding his hand. Kai narrated the progress of the baby's head, and I typed frantically on my phone to figure out what else we needed. "Shoelaces!" I yelled suddenly. "We need to boil them." I darted from the room with Larry yelling behind me, asking what the fuck we needed shoelaces for. I didn't have time to wait for the stove to boil water, so I yanked the laces out of my cleanest dress shoes, threw them in a bowl of water, and put the microwave on high for five minutes before dashing back to the bedroom.

"The head is out!" Kai said frantically, holding the baby's head off the bed, but clearly uncomfortable with what was going on. "Just envision a beautiful forest," he shouted at Ethan. "There is a trickling brook, just trickling, trickling"

Ethan screamed in a huge push, and the rest of the baby plopped into Kai's hands.

"Oh. Oh my," he babbled. "What a beautiful... sticky..."

"I'm pushing again," Ethan growled. "Get ready."

I grabbed one of the receiving blankets from the bag we had packed for the hospital. I may have been a little overzealous, but now I was patting myself on the back. Or I would once I had a moment to think. I took the dark-haired baby from Kai's arms. "I got this one. You get the next."

Kai steeled himself. "Now envision a cloud. You're a fluffy, happy, floating—ugh!"

A dark glob of... something... landed in Kai's hands.

"Oh... oh... I think... I'm..."

Kai slumped onto the bed.

"For fuck's sake," Ethan shouted. "The motherfucker fainted. Get him out of the way. Larry, you get this next baby."

Larry gently lay Kai on the floor and took his position.

A little voice suddenly cut through the tension of the room.


I couldn't go to shuffle Bella out, and Larry was busy waiting on baby two, so Ethan, through clenched teeth, said, "Come here, Bella sweetie. We're having babies."

She gently patted her daddy's shoulder as he screamed through the second baby and afterbirth, and then we were able to wrap them up and place them on his chest.

"They're so tiny,” I whispered.

"And so different," Larry added.

He was right. The little boy was so blond, it almost looked like he didn't have hair. The little girl made up for that with her thatch of dark fur.

"Okay, we'll finish cleaning up, and then we'll figure out how to cut the cords and wash these little punks up."

"Oh! The shoelaces!" I ran to get them, washing my hands thoroughly before pulling them out of the too-hot water. I ran past a sleep and confused Devon just coming out of his room. Larry and Ethan looked at me like I was crazy when I came back in and lofted the shoelaces. "I sterilized them! For the cords!"

Kai moaned on the floor.




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