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The Fidelity World: Devious (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Solease M Barner (9)






I have several meetings scheduled for today but after receiving Silvia’s texts, I couldn’t concentrate on a damn thing but her. Staying there would have been counterproductive and nothing but torture for me. I’ve been waiting weeks for her to feel comfortable with me. I’m not sure what changed her mind, but I’m happy she did.

I called the personal chef I use for special occasions and had him prepare all her favorite foods. Her favorite flowers have been delivered and the champagne is already on ice.

I can see the parking garage on the monitor of my security system and watch her as she exits the car and makes her way to my front door. She looks so beautiful, but she also appears to be nervous. I’m hoping to help her relax and give her a night to remember. And I’ll be one step closer to having her love. Having sex with Silvia was never part of the plan, but the plan has changed. This woman has me twisted in knots, and I must have her.

I’m glad today is Friday, so we’ll have the entire weekend. Of course, in my business, there are no days off for me. It makes no difference whether it’s a weekday or a weekend, but I’ve left word I’m not to be disturbed unless it’s an emergency. And all my employees know, the only thing that constitutes an emergency for me is a death.

When I open the door, she’s bending down to grab her bag.

“Beautiful, why are you trying to pick up something you know you shouldn’t. That’s my job.”

“I…I don’t really know,” she admits. She looks up and gives me the sweetest smile, then blushes prettily. This woman never ceases to surprise, to be so worldly, yet so shy.

I step closer to her and place my hands on her waist, then gently pull her to me. I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her softly on the lips. She wraps her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss. Her eagerness to submit to me only confirms what I already know; she’s absolutely perfect and this will be a night neither of us will ever forget.

I pull her into my home, then quickly grab her bag and close the door.

“Mmmm…Something smells good, Jaxson. Did you cook or did you have your housekeeper whip something up?” she asks.

“No, baby, I didn’t cook but I did hire a professional chef to cook for us tonight. Are you hungry? I’m sure he’s cooked some of your favorites.”

“Yes, I’m starving.”

“Well, milady, follow me.” I take her hand and we walk into my gourmet kitchen.

The chef did a fabulous job with the setup. The appetizers are on the counter with wine and champagne on ice. I look over my shoulder, hoping Silvia is impressed.

“Oh, Jaxson, you didn’t need to do all of this for me, but thank you.”

Her appreciation is welcomed. I pour each of us a glass of wine as she takes small bites from several of the appetizers. The champagne is for our celebration much later tonight.

“Jaxson, you have a really nice place.”

I hand her a glass of wine and hold up my glass to make a toast.

“My place is not what’s on my mind right now, Silvia. I’d like to make a toast. Here’s to taking our relationship to a new level, over and over and over again.” 

Silvia beams and exclaims, “Cheers!”

As we drink our wine, my eyes take in her luscious body. This woman is the epitome of style, class, and grace. And she does it without even trying. She has no idea how beautiful she is. Tonight, she’s wearing a pair of black tuxedo pants and a sheer pink chiffon blouse with lace overlay. So sexy.

“I have an indoor heated pool, if you’d like to take an evening swim with me.”

“Darn, I didn’t realize you had a pool. I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

I give her a wolfish grin and she rolls her eyes. Over the last few weeks, we’ve had a lot of time to talk and get to know one another, which is something I’ve never done with a woman, but I’ve truly enjoyed it with Silvia. Thankfully, she’s become accustomed to my sexual references, and I’ve grown accustomed to her ignoring them. I’m hoping to change that tonight. I want her to crave me, and only me, every waking moment of her life. I want her to spend every minute away from me, thinking of nothing but how good it feels when I have my cock buried deep inside her body. And I plan to make it happen often.

“Jaxson, you’re always so eager to get me naked.”

“Baby, I’ve seen you naked, but tonight I want more. I want my cock buried deep inside of you.”

I look at her and arch my brow, waiting for her response. She’s not the only one who can raise a brow.

“I want the same thing, Jaxson.”

She takes another sip of wine and smiles at me. I laugh, because when I’m with Silvia, I can be myself.  Having her here in my home has made me both nervous and excited. Not because I think I won’t please her, but because I know I’m one step closer to having my revenge, closer to being able to finally heal and put the past behind me. Unfortunately, this also means Silvia is a vital part of the game, and necessary for the completion of my plan. The more I get to know her, the more I hate she’s involved. I hate she’s so perfect. And though, I’ve discovered she’s not a Demetri by blood, she’s still a Demetri, and absolutely nothing will ever change that fact. There’s nothing I can do about it now, so I push all the bad thoughts out of my head and focus only on the beautiful woman in front of me.

“Jaxson, show me your indoor pool.” She licks her lips and my cock twitches in my pants. It’s already so fucking hard, it’s about to burst through my zipper. The damn thing has taken on a life of its own. No matter how much I try to will it down, it just gets harder.

I walk over to Silvia and place her hand over my cock. She looks up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and her little mouth opens in a perfect little o.

“Baby, having you here near me and knowing you’ve decided to allow me the joy of pleasuring your body…”

I can’t even finish my thought because I may say something that shouldn’t be said. I relieve her of the glass and kiss her lips softly.

“Let’s get naked… and swim, baby. I want to see you naked and wet, in more ways than one.” I give her a wicked smirk and a very salacious wink.

She laughs as I guide her through my home to my private pool.

“Jaxson, this is beautiful,” she says, looking around in awe.

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.” I say, guiding her over to the changing area.

“Remember, it’s only me and you, so don’t be shy about undressing, plus I’ve seen most of it before, even if it was only a few sneak peeks.”

“I’m not shy, Jaxson. I’m just nervous.”

“Well, in that case…” I say, removing my shirt and dropping it to the floor, then unbuttoning my pants and pushing them down, now only wearing my boxers.

Silvia looks at me and tugs her blouse over her head. She throws it on top of mine and I look down at her full breasts encased in pink lace, then back at her face. I give her my trademark wolfish grin and shrug, as if to say – what do you expect?  I’m a man. She then unbuttons her pants and gracefully shimmies them down her legs, leaving her in only a pink lace thong and matching bra.

“Are you going to finish, Mr. Montgomery.”

“Finishing is not a problem for me, baby. My problem is stopping.”

I move closer, holding her gaze, then push down my boxers until I’m completely naked, my cock jutting upward, standing at full attention. She places her hands on my chest, then slowly moves them across my nipples and down my stomach and stops. I welcome her touch and shiver. I pull her roughly to me, our bare bodies pressing tightly against each other and fitting together perfectly, like the final two pieces of a puzzle.

I lower my lips to her skin, trailing kisses down her neck until I reach her shoulders. I slowly remove each strap of her bra, then unfasten the clasp in the back, causing her breasts to fall freely into my hands.

I stand, momentarily frozen and marvel at the sheer beauty of her luscious breasts and puffy pink nipples, hardening into two perfect pebbles right before my eyes. I can’t resist. I have to take them into my mouth. I push the two luscious mounds together and massage them gently as I move my mouth from one to the other, lashing each nipple with my tongue and suckling, softly at first then increasing the suction. She spears her fingers through my hair and arches her back, pressing her body against me as she moans and squirms beneath my touch.

“Jaxson, please, I can’t wait any longer,” she pleads, panting with rapid little breaths. I quickly slide her thong over her hips and down her legs, then lift her into my arms.

“Baby, I need you to listen to me for one minute. I know you said in a previous conversation that condoms are a must, but I swear I’m clean. I’ve never had sex with another woman bareback, but I want to feel you. I need to feel you. Please, baby. Let me take you raw. Give me this one thing and I promise you won’t be sorry.”

She closes her eyes for several seconds, then opens them again and nods her head.

“Jax, I trust you with my safety… I trust you with my body, but most of all, I trust you with my heart, Jaxson Montgomery. I’m yours Jaxson, take me however you want me. But if it makes any difference, I am on the pill, so there’ll be no happy accidents.”

With no further delay, I carry her into the temperature controlled water as I hold her tightly against my chest. I don’t know what I did to deserve the trust of such a remarkable woman, but I thank the universe for bringing her to me, even if it did begin for all the wrong reasons.

Something has changed. I’m not sure what it is, but I know something is different. As I watch her relax in my arms, her hair fanned out in the water around her like a beautiful set of wings, I realize that life will never be the same. I don’t ever want to be without Silvia Demetri in my bed and my life. But we don’t always get what we want. I know that better than most.

“Silvia, you do something to me, something I can’t even find the words to describe or explain. But one thing I do know, I’m the luckiest man in the world… hell, in the whole damn universe, and thank you, for giving me such a wonderful gift.”

She spreads her arms wide as I glide my hands over every delectable inch of her skin in exploration of the rich treasures she’s offered to me. God, how I want her. I wish with all my heart that the cruel and unjust circumstances that brought us together could be different, but they aren’t and can never be. I know I should stop and not accept the gift she is bestowing on me. A stronger man, a moral man, a good man might be able to stop, but I don’t possess the strength to be honorable, and I’m not a good man. God help me, but I just can’t stop.

I move to the side of the pool and place my back against the wall. I lift her legs and wrap them around my waist, then using one hand, I guide my cock to the opening of her sex and gradually begin to press forward.  I’m a large man with a big cock, and I know it will be hard for her to take me inside her body.

I want so badly to slam my cock inside her, but I never want to hurt this beautiful creation. Somehow, I find the strength to restrain myself, and slowly breech her entrance with short rocking movements, gradually pushing my entire length inside her gloriously hot center. I feel her tense as the walls of her pussy tighten around my shaft.

My lips caress hers and our tongues move together in a dance as old as time. Once I’m finally seated within her core, I slide one of my hands between our bodies and slowly circle her clit, then gently press her nubbin between my thumb and index finger.

Silvia locks her eyes with mine, her gaze one of awe and wonder, her chest rising and falling quickly as she chases her next breath. I kiss her again and softly whisper against her lips, “Come for me, baby… come now.

Instantly, I feel her channel spasm around me. Her body begins to tremble in my arms and I feel her clamp down on my manhood. She throws back her head and screams, then chants my name.

“Jax…oh Jax…oh my wonderful Jax.” Sweeter music I’ve never heard and finally, she calls me Jax. Now, I know she’s mine.

I don’t know how, but I somehow find the strength to resist following her off the cliff to completion. I allow my cock to slowly slide from her body. But I’m far from finished with my lovely angel. This night is about her pleasure, not mine. I intend to fuck her over and over, so she’ll never want another man but me.

I walk to the steps, her body held tightly against mine, and walk out of the pool. I carry her to my room and gently lay her on my bed. She opens her eyes and stares up at me with love. And yes, I know it’s love. I can see it, hear it, feel it, and taste it. I lay down beside her and wrap her in my arms.

“You didn’t come, Jax. Did I do something wrong?”

“No, baby. You did everything right. But I’m far from being done. We’re just getting started.”

She takes a deep breath and relaxes, then looks around the room, noticing the flowers for the first time.

“Oh Jax, they’re so beautiful, and you did this all for me,” she whispers, tears forming in her lovely eyes.

“I’d do anything for you, baby. I want you to lie back and relax. I’m going to the kitchen to get some food and wine, or would you prefer champagne?”

“Whatever you bring will be fine, Jax.”

I give her a wink and as I head toward the door, my cell phone rings. I turn back around and snag it off the nightstand and continue to the kitchen. I glance at the display and realize this needs to be a private call so I wait until I know Silvia can’t hear me before I answer it. This is a call from a special client and no matter how much I don’t want to answer it, I know I must.

“Yes,” I answer.

“Your services will be required in a few days. This problem requires discretion and sensitivity,” the voice on the other end says.

I’d left instructions not to be disturbed, but it’s clear I can’t say no to them. No is never acceptable with these clients.

“I understand. Send me the information and I’ll make sure I’m there to handle any business that requires my personal attention.”


The call ends and I glare up at the ceiling, angry and frustrated. I hear a noise and turn, finding Silvia standing at the counter staring at me inquisitively.

“Jax, you seem upset. Are you okay?” she asks.

“Yes baby, I’m fine. I’m sorry it took so long.”

“We can eat in here if you want.”

I suddenly realize she’s naked and I feel my cock harden again. The sight of her glorious body instantly brightens my mood. My eyes roam her curves as she leans against the kitchen island.

“I’d rather we eat in my room.”

“Well, I’ll help bring the food. Besides, it’s only right I help. We’re a team.”

Silvia and I gather the lobster, steak and a little of everything else, even the dessert which is lemon cake, of course, then take it to my room and spread it out on the floor in front of the fireplace. We eat and we laugh, then eat some more. I’m not sure how I’ll ever be able to walk away from this, but for me, there will be no choice.




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