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The Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway, Penny Reid (17)

@Joshblue93: @RonanFitz Why u such a dickhead?

@RonanFitz: @Joshblue93 Got too big a dick/I get too much head. You choose.




My ex didn’t have much in the way of brains; however, she did have enough cop on to know that I was mocking her. I’d always hated when people pretended to be something they weren’t, and Brona was a prime example of that. I was willing to bet she thought she could upwardly mobile her way into an engagement with Sean, who, unlike my good self, had the full backing of his well-to-do family and would inherit a shit-ton of money and property when his parents died.

And, big shocker, Brona was all over that.

I didn’t think there was a single person at the table who believed these two were a love match. Shit, I didn’t even get the sense that they liked each other. Brona was currently taking a break from shooting daggers at poor Annie in order to focus her arsenal on me. Her lips looked more enhanced, shall we say, than the last time I saw her, and she wore a tight red dress that barely covered her tits. I couldn’t believe I’d stuck my cock in that. Repeatedly.

Perhaps I’d been suffering from low self-esteem.

The biggest surprise of the night, though, was how little all this crap was affecting me. In fact, I was finding it kind of hilarious. With Annie close, her perfectly round arse pressing into my more than welcoming lap, the whole world was looking pretty fucking rosy. I wasn’t even bothered that my grandparents were pretending I didn’t exist, as per usual.

“Oh, Ronan, you look like you’ve been enjoying your time off from the team,” Brona chirped from her place across the table. “It must be great to be able to relax now and not to have to worry about eating right and training all the time.”

Was she insinuating I’d let myself go? Annie glanced at me, a look of bewilderment on her face like she’d just come to the same conclusion. Brona was clearly angling for a reaction because I hadn’t been in such good shape in years. I was too much of a stubborn bastard. Throw me off the team? Fine, go ahead; I’ll come back better and stronger than ever before. Brona knew I had a short temper, and she was playing on that weakness. I gave her nothing.

“Pretty much,” I replied casually, stroking my hand back and forth over Annie’s thigh and pressing a soft kiss to her bare shoulder. “But I have other ways of keeping fit nowadays.”

Brona pursed her ridiculous lips and barely managed to contain her sneer.

“I’ll drink to that,” Bryan put in cheerfully, lifting his pint.

Marta began to steer the conversation in another direction, and the table filled with chatter. I was quite happy to remain sitting there with Annie on my lap, even with sausage lips and fuckface across the table. I had a keen eye on Annie’s fresh glass of champagne because, as soon as she finished the last mouthful, we were out of there. Unfortunately, she was listening with interest to the conversation around her and seemed to have forgotten her drink.

“God, this party is so boring,” Brona complained loudly, and I saw Sean roll his eyes behind her back. The spoiled little shit deserved everything he got with her. He must’ve thought that, just because she was my girlfriend, she was some kind of prize. He met my eyes then, and I smirked at him. Yeah, enjoy that fucking prize, dickhead. I should probably thank him. Prick did me a favor. Just thinking of the difference in how Annie made me feel and how Brona did, I realized just how much I’d been missing out on.

“Bunny, some of the ladies are dancing out on the floor; why don’t you go join them?” said Sean with false affection. “I know you love to dance.”

Brona frowned and then pouted as she twisted in his lap. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Of course not, Bunny. You know how I love to watch you put on a show for me,” he said, voice dipping low to convey the double meaning.

Annie had just been bringing her glass up to her mouth for a drink and choked a little on the liquid. I rubbed her back. “You okay?”

She nodded furiously, her eyes watering like she was trying not to burst into laughter. I could tell she was tipsy because I didn’t think she meant to reply so loudly. “I’m fine. It’s just that Bunny as a nickname cracks me up, and he won’t stop saying it.” She smacked her hand off my knee in delight. Okay, maybe she was more drunk than tipsy.

“Fuck, they all heard me, didn’t they?” she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

I couldn’t have been more in love with her in that moment.

“You’re a little bitch,” Brona hissed, getting up from the table with a look of outrage on her face. Then she leveled her eyes on me. “Looks like you had to sink pretty low to find someone who’d put up with your proclivities, Ronan.” She let out a harsh laugh. “Then again, fat girls don’t have very high standards, do they?”

Annie might have been drunk, but she comprehended Brona’s insult loud and clear. She grew tense in my lap. I balled my fists to keep from lashing out. No way was she going to talk to Annie like that.

“Bitter, are we, Bunny?” I asked, channeling all my disgust into my words. “We all know you had to write to Santa for those knockers.”

I squeezed Annie’s thigh to soothe her; but her cheeks had grown red, and her lashes shaded her eyes. She was upset and embarrassed.

“Can we leave now?” she whispered.

I was already standing. “Absolutely.”

Brona looked like she’d won, her chin raised high as she watched us leave. I had to resist the urge to bark out a laugh because she hadn’t won a thing. In fact, I’d won just by the fact that I wasn’t with her anymore. I’d won by the simple fact that I had Annie under my arm instead of her. I led us outside and into a waiting taxi. She stared out the window on the drive, her voice quiet when she said, “I don’t understand how you could ever be with someone like that. She’s horrible.”

I ran a hand down my face and tugged her closer. “Don’t let the shit she said in there get to you. You’re beautiful, and she’s jealous.” I paused, letting out a tired sigh. “She wasn’t always so horrible, but yeah, the seed must have been there. I was just too blind, too preoccupied perhaps, to see it.”

“People aren’t always what you think they are,” Annie murmured, her head lolling to the side. She was exhausted, and it wasn’t surprising. She’d been through so much in the last twenty-four hours alone.

Her words piqued my interest, and I wondered if she was referring to her secret identity as The Socialmedialite. My heart pounded. Would this be the moment when she came clean?


She shook her head. “Human beings are really good at hiding stuff. You shouldn’t blame yourself for not seeing through Brona in the beginning.”

So maybe she wasn’t going to come clean, but at least she didn’t think I was an awful person for having been with someone like Brona. When we arrived at the hotel, I paid the taxi driver and tipped him handsomely. By the time we got to our suite, Annie looked just about ready to keel over from exhaustion. I fervently wished she wasn’t so exhausted because seeing her dolled up like she was tonight, wearing a dress that showcased her body to perfection, had me worked up like a sailor on his first day of leave.

I lifted her into my arms and strode through the suite, entering the bedroom and laying her down on the mattress. Tiredly, she thanked me before resting her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. A moment later, I heard her breathing deepen in slumber. Well, it didn’t look like I’d be getting any action tonight. Not that I would have gotten any even if she was awake. Annie was always a tricky one. You never quite knew if something was going to be make her scurry away or open up like a flower. Visions of her in the bath filled my head, how soft and silky and deliciously slippery she’d felt in my hands. How pliant she’d been to my demands, and how it had taken the willpower of a saint not to have her right there and then.

I was no saint, though.

The main reason I didn’t take her was because I wanted the first time I sank inside her to be perfect. I’d been fantasizing about it for weeks.

A little sigh escaped her, her long mahogany hair spread across the pillow like a dark halo. I sat down on a chair beside the bed, rested my elbows on my knees as I leant forward and just watched her. I let out a long, distracted breath. She was so beautiful, so perfect it was painful. I loved her thick, dark lashes, the delicate curve of her lips.

I loved her pale, flawless skin. I loved the way her eyes crinkled and lit up when she smiled. I loved her soft, rounded belly and her lush, curvaceous thighs. I loved the musical cadence of her voice when she spoke.

Shit, I just loved her.

Loved. Her.

I was in love with her.

And I was fucked.

Time passed as I imagined a hundred different ways of telling her how I felt. And every single time I saw her withdraw. I saw her tuck herself away into a tiny square of paper that I could never unfold. It terrified me. Then I thought of how much braver she was online. How she never minced her words or beat around the bush. How she was still Annie, just with the fear subtracted.

With trembling hands, I stood and walked out of the bedroom and into the lounge. My laptop sat on the desk waiting for me with all its potential for both creation and destruction. I opened it and began to type. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to send the message; it just felt freeing to get the words out in some way.


March 30

3:24 a.m.

Dear SML,

I know you’re away on holiday right now; but I need to talk to someone, and you seem like my best option. I’m all mixed up. If you’ve been following the “news,” you probably already know that I’m back home for a couple of days. Annie came with me. It’s been crazy. The press are twice as nasty and far more in your face over here, so it’s been really hard to keep calm. It’s been even harder for Annie. This isn’t the life she chose, and yet she’s doing it all for me. I’m not sure if I deserve it. She’s handling this shit better than I ever have—even though I know it must be twenty times more difficult for someone who’s unaccustomed to the limelight. And it’s a revelation because she’s actually so much stronger than I am. She’s handling it all so gracefully.

I’m in awe of her.

But here lies the rub: she’s all I think about. She’s the only person I want to spend time with. I’m fascinated by every little thing she does.

And the fact of the matter is, I’m in love with her. Heartbreakingly, soul-wrenchingly, earth-shatteringly in love with her.

It’s nothing like I’ve ever felt before. And I need her to love me back more than I need to take my next breath. I can’t imagine a greater agony than this big, pulsing, fierce love I have for her being unreciprocated. I would rather take a hundred blows to the head out on the field, suffer a thousand concussions, than not have her beside me for the rest of my life.

You probably think I’m being melodramatic. I’m not. I’ve always known what I wanted from life. I don’t have a single indecisive bone in my body. And I know with all my heart that I want Annie. I need to make her happy.

But how do I tell her? How do I explain to her the extent of my feelings without frightening her away?

I am a ship out on the ocean seeking a compass for guidance. Be my compass, SML; otherwise, I might screw this whole thing up spectacularly.




I read over the message several times, my finger circling the mouse, the cursor hovering over the “send” button like the ultimate test of courage. I was running on too little sleep to tell whether or not this was the move of a duplicitous fuckwad or the most ingenious idea ever. I thought that if I could give Annie advance warning that I was in love with her—give her some time to digest it and come to terms with it—then maybe she’d allow herself the chance to discover that she loved me back. I knew that she did. She just didn’t know it yet. I also knew from past experience that she would lie to herself instead of stepping off the cliff with me.

So, this was it. I hit “send.” I just hoped I wouldn’t regret my decision.

When I returned to the bedroom, Annie was still fast asleep, still fully dressed, too. Taking my time, I removed her strappy heels and her gown. I was oh, so careful not to wake her. She mumbled a little in her sleep; and I thought I heard my name pass her lips in a sigh, but I couldn’t be certain. Still, it made me hard enough to cut steel. Once I had her under the covers, I hovered. I knew sleeping on the couch was the gentlemanly thing to do, but I just couldn’t tear myself away from her. Her body was so warm and soft and welcoming. The couch was a dried-up old rice cake, and she was a filet mignon. Finally decided, I undressed in record time and slid under the covers with her. When I wrapped my arms around her, she rolled over, her body instinctively sinking into mine. It felt right. It felt perfect.

And it was like this that I fell into the most peaceful sleep I’d had in a very long time.


When I woke up, I got a feeling that someone was watching me. I couldn’t feel the warmth of her skin anymore, so I knew that Annie must be awake already. Blinking a few times, I turned my head to see her lying on her side, holding herself up on her elbow as she stared at my exposed torso. I must have thrown the blankets off in my sleep, because I was completely uncovered.

I shot her a lazy grin. “Enjoying the view?”

Her gaze snapped to attention. It was clear that she’d been so intent on studying my body that she hadn’t even realized I’d woken up. And yeah, I took a certain degree of satisfaction from that. I loved her eyes on me, looking at me like I was an éclair she wanted to sink her teeth into.

She cleared her throat, her cheeks growing pink. “I was just admiring your tattoo.”

I looked down at the thick black script that spelled Mo teaghlach, mo chroí from one collarbone to the other.

“It’s handy that’s there, isn’t it?” I smiled and shifted closer. “Otherwise, you would have had to admit you were ogling.”

I put my hand on her shoulder before gliding it down her arm to her hip. She was wearing a baggy blue T-shirt that I distinctly remembered not putting on her last night—which meant she’d gotten up and put it on herself. I didn’t like that she felt the need to cover up.

Her brows knitted together, but the hint of a smile played on her lips. “I wasn’t ogling. I don’t ogle. I was wondering what the words meant, if you must know. Sorry if you mistook my wonderment for oglement.”

I took her hand in mine and brought it to my chest, placing her palm flat to my skin. “First off, ‘oglement’ isn’t a word. And second, my tattoo is Irish for ‘My family, my heart.’”

She sucked in a breath and nodded. “So you got it for Lucy and your mom?”

“Well, I sure as shit didn’t get it for the Fitzpatricks.” I chuckled derisively.

“I told you last night. Not knowing you is their loss, Ronan.”

“Fuck yeah, it is. Family isn’t always the one you’re born into. Sometimes it’s about people who get into your blood, inside your heart, and under your skin all on their own.” I stared her intensely, gripping her hand tight. She blinked, like she’d been in a trance for a moment, and drew her hand away. When I realized she was about to scamper, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her back into the bed. She struggled a little—which ended up with me hovering over her, her wrists bound together above her head.

Her breathing grew rapid, which caused her breasts to move up and down, pressing them into my naked chest deliciously. She twisted this way and that for a moment before giving up. Her body went limp, and I sank myself into the space between her thighs. I rotated my hips just enough so that she could feel how hard I was. Her gasp was muted by the sound of the main door to the suite opening and Patricia’s voice calling, “Don’t mind me. I’m just leaving your breakfast out here, Annie.”

“I ordered food,” Annie whispered and bit her bottom lip. “I hope that’s okay.”

She seemed nervous, like ordering food was taking liberties or something. I put my thumb to her mouth and pulled her lip from between her teeth. “You never have to ask permission. Okay? Not unless I’m fucking you—then you always ask permission.”

Her eyes got big, but she didn’t breathe a word. I left her then, staring after me curiously. I was still hard but knew that if I stayed in that bed a second longer, I’d be inside her in no time. Everything about her was made to be fucked, pleasured, worshipped.

So yeah, I needed a minute.

I saw Patricia’s form retreating out the door just as I entered the lounge. It was a good thing, too, because all I had on was a pair of boxers, and I was still sporting some serious wood. I didn’t want to give her an eyeful. She’d left a cart of food by the table. Every item you could possibly wish for first thing in the morning seemed to be provided. I wheeled the cart into the bedroom, where Annie was still lying on the bed, a flush to her cheeks that told me she was still thinking about what I’d said to her.

Did the idea of asking permission during sex appeal to her?

God, I hoped so.

“Tea or coffee?” I asked in a cheerful voice that made her giggle, but I noted she was careful to stifle it.

“Are you my manservant this morning?”

“If that’s what floats your boat,” I replied, grinning. “So, what does the lady desire? Toast? Eggs? Sausage?”

On the last option, her eyes inadvertently wandered to my crotch, and I knew I had her. Come hell or high water, neither one of us was leaving this suite today, and I planned on playing dirty.

I let out a bark of laughter and winked. “Sausage it is then, you naughty little thing.”

“You’re so, so….” she began but couldn’t seem to find the word.

“Dashingly handsome? I know, it’s such a burden.”

She scowled at me playfully, crossed her arms over her chest, and leaned back against the headboard. “I was going to say big-headed.”

“Well, that’s also true.” I waggled my eyebrows at her. Seriously, there was no way she was going to win with me today. I poured her some tea, set it on the dresser beside her, then filled a plate with sausage and eggs. She brought the teacup to her mouth, taking a sip as she watched me climb onto the bed with the plate in hand. Yes, I was going there, and there was nothing she could do to stop me.

“Um, I can come over; you don’t have to….”

Silencing her with a look, up on my knees I straddled her thighs and sat, digging the fork into a piece of sausage and bringing it to her mouth. Her eyes traveled from the fork to the sausage to me in blatant disbelief. She seemed to have a moment of indecision before she finally leaned forward to take a bite.

Playfully, I withdrew the fork. “First, take the T-shirt off.”

I saw her throat bob as she swallowed. “I don’t see why that’s necessary.”

“You don’t make the rules. Take it off.”


I put the plate down, braced my hands firmly on either side of her head, and bent down so my mouth was a whisper away from hers. “Take. It. Off.”

Her lip quivered, and I saw the surrender in her eyes when her hands went to the hem of the T-shirt and lifted. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy her defiance. I liked a little bit of a fight before the inevitable surrender. And if Annie’s expression was anything to go by, she was enjoying this just as much as I was. Her pupils were dilated as fuck.

The shirt was gone a moment later, her peachy pale skin and lush breasts hugged perfectly by the black lacy bra she was wearing. I picked the plate back up and lifted the fork to her mouth again. This time I let her have the sausage. I didn’t even really know where all this had come from, but I did know that I derived a strange sort of pleasure from watching her eat. I guessed it made sense when I thought about it. I was a kinky fucker, simple as that.

I watched her chew and swallow with the same amount of rapt attention I’d give to her hand between her legs bringing herself to orgasm for me.

With the plate between us on the bed, I continued to feed her with one hand while the other traced the curve of her breasts. I could see through the thin fabric of her bra that her nipples were rock hard, and when I pinched one, it elicited a strangled sound of pleasure from deep in her throat.

“You are pure pornography, Annie Catrel,” I said, my voice low and husky. “Do you know that? Do you know how much every single thing you do tortures me?”

“Oh, God,” she moaned.

Moving the plate aside, I ran my knuckles down her stomach until I reached the hem of her underwear. The material was light and flimsy, and she sighed when I began rolling it down her thighs. She wanted this, too. This was my first time seeing her properly, stark sunlight streaming through the windows, and she was absolutely exquisite. I had to take a steadying breath in order to continue.

She grew rigid as I moved my body down the bed so my face was between her legs. I rubbed the inside of her thigh tenderly.

“Relax,” I whispered, bringing my mouth to her wetness, and then licked.

“Ahhh,” she cried out, clutching a handful of my hair. I chuckled and went at her in earnest. She was so soft and silky beneath my tongue. I met her gaze from below and came up for air, ordering, “Bra off.”

She didn’t even hesitate this time, reaching around to undo the clasp and revealing her perfectly full breasts tipped with tight, pink nipples to my greedy eyes. I saw her fist the sheets in her hands, her hips rising up off the bed when I sucked her clit into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue. I added some fingers to the equation, savoring the hot, tight feel of her.

“Please,” she murmured. “More.”

So I gave her more. I gave her everything. Before I knew it, she was touching her breasts, pinching her nipples as I devoured her, and I swear I could have come from the sight. She was simply glorious. When she came, it was with the most beautiful sounds I’d ever heard, all quick, shallow breaths and sweet little sighs. I couldn’t hold back any longer, my balls drawing tight as I emptied myself onto the bed sheets.

Chest heaving, Annie looked down at me, her eyes full of such tenderness and affection that I felt breathless for a moment. She seemed curious.

“Did you….”

“Yeah, you’re just too sexy,” I replied with a wink and a ragged breath. I had only woken up, and already I was exhausted but in the best way possible. She giggled and stroked my hair away from my face as I rested my head against her thigh.

“What are we doing here, Ronan?” she asked, still stroking. Despite her question, her voice was lazy with post-orgasm chill.

The smile I gave her was devilish. “I’m enjoying you, Annie. And you’re enjoying me enjoying you.”

“And when we go home?”

I nuzzled her thigh and felt her shiver. “You forget, I am home. And you know, I’m kind of considering not letting you go now.”

“I have to go back,” she said past a sigh.

“Yeah, I know. And I’ll be going with you. And when we get there, we can enjoy each other some more. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll feed you some more sausage, because we both know how much you like that.”

Her lips twitched as she said, “You know, it doesn’t always have to be sausage….”

Her sassy response caused an unexpected burst of laughter as I lifted myself up off the bed and went to the breakfast trolley. All this talk of food was making me hungry. Everything was either greasy and fried or loaded with refined sugars.

“Ah, fuck it,” I said and picked up a Danish, taking a big bite.

Annie’s eyes glittered as she watched me. “So good, right?”

“Too good,” I replied then pointed the Danish at her. “Not as good as you, though.”

She blushed. “Ronan.”

“Annie,” I said, mimicking her scandalized tone. “I’ve just had my mouth on your vagina. All embarrassment is no longer allowed.”

She glanced at me from beneath her lashes. “Okay.”

“Good. Now, on to the next item on today’s agenda. Bath or shower?”


“I’m thinking a shower,” I teased. “Sure I’ve already seen you in the bath—which, by the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you about. What in the world were you doing in there with all those bubbles and nothing but your hand?” My chuckle was devious. And then, if I ever had any doubts that I loved this woman, her next words blew them all to shards.

“Thinking of you,” she whispered bravely. I almost dropped the Danish. She glanced to the side and continued talking. “I’m kind of obsessed with your body. I mean, it’s easy for most women to be sexy. They were born with boobs and bottoms, and that’s what men like. But men have to work for what women like. That ‘V’ thing and the six-pack and, man, those thighs. You have to kill yourself with exercise and eating right to look like you do. I respect the hell out of that. And well, the least I can do is pay you the compliment of looking after all your hard work.”

She gave me a wicked little smile, and I was done for. She was literally holding my heart in her hands, warming it with her honesty and her openness. I strode toward the bed, and she squealed when I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

“For that little speech, love, you get a bonus orgasm.”




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