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The Indecent Proposal of Mrs. Cortez (Romance on the Go Book 0) by Scarlett J Rose (3)

Chapter Three


I got up and showered, giving my trusty, but now flat, vibrator a good clean with soap and hot water, ready for the next use. When that would be, I didn’t know. Batteries were an expense I didn’t usually account for, so I often went without. When I was clean and dry, having used the two minutes I usually got of hot water on cleaning, I wrapped myself up in my old-but serviceable robe and walked out to the kitchen-slash-dining-slash-living room of my tiny apartment. Technically, the place only had three rooms. One bed, one bath, and an ‘everything else’ room. There was a communal laundry for our complex, but it wasn’t the kind of place you used if you wanted to keep your clothes. I’d learned the hard way, having had my laundry stolen one day.

I looked to the door where I noticed the letters I’d accidentally kicked away when I’d rushed inside. One was from the landlord. The other, from Mom’s nursing home. I opened the nursing home letter first, sinking down onto the sofa as I read it.

“Dear Miss George:

Please be advised that Sunnyvale Nursing and Retirement Home has been purchased by Retire-Corp. The facility will no longer be under the former administration, and monthly fees will increase. The updated residency contract is enclosed. Please sign this contract and return, along with a $75.00 administration fee, and three (3) months’ advance payment for residency fees within one (1) week. This will ensure your mother has a place with Sunnyvale. If the contract is not signed, and subsequent fees are not paid, the resident will be removed from the facility and you will be required to make alternate arrangements for their care.


Andrew Lane, Administration officer, Retire-Corp.”

I felt a huge lump in my throat. I didn’t have that kind of money. I looked over the contract: they wanted more money for less service. I felt hot, angry tears slide down my cheeks. I thought furiously for a moment on how the heck I’d be able to afford to keep Mom in a care facility that looked like it no longer ‘cared’. I wiped my eyes free of tears, still coming up blank on a solution before I opened the other letter.

“Due to rising costs, rent will be raised by $50 per week. Please make sure all rent is paid on the first of the month, unless previously arranged for another day with the super.”

The lump became gargantuan. I leaned my elbows on my knees and ran my fingers through my still-damp hair. I had no idea what the hell I was going to do. I had a week to figure it all out and come up with the money for both the nursing home and my landlord.

I was so screwed.

I barely slept that night. I rode the bus to work looking like a zombie. No amount of coffee could keep my supervisor from telling me to go home, thinking I was coming down with a cold. The bastard was right. I wasted three days off work with a head cold.

By the time I was well enough to get back to work, I had decided.

I took the lift to the top floor of the Cortez building, and the elevator doors opened to a beautiful white, black and blue colour scheme. Black tiles shone with a mirror-finish as I approached the reception desk. A frazzled-looking girl sat behind the desk.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“Yes, uh, I’m looking for Mrs Cortez.”

“You have an appointment?” the girl asked, eyeing my second-, third- and fourth-hand office attire.

“Ah, no.”

“Then you can’t see Mrs Cortez. She’s busy all day,” the receptionist said with an attitude.

One of the two doors on either side of the reception area opened, and Mrs Cortez stepped out.

“Lydia! I’m so please to see you. Come in, come in.” She gestured me inside, before turning to the rude receptionist. “Ava, no calls, no visitors for the next hour. Please shift back Mr Cortez’s and my meetings too.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Ava said.

Mrs Cortez closed the door behind her, before she stepped in front of me, halting my progress into the comfortable office. Mr Cortez sat on the edge of the desk, a smile on his face, but it dropped when he saw my depressed countenance. Mrs Cortez put her hands to my shoulders and looked at my face.

“Lydia, is everything all right?” she asked, concern in her voice.

“Yes. No…” I sighed. “I was wondering, if I agree to what you and Mr Cortez want, what are the terms? You said you would look after me … how do you mean?” I looked at Mr Cortez for the answer. Mrs Cortez guided me to a couch. Mr Cortez stood up and sat down on the other side of me, while Mrs Cortez sat on the other.

“What we mean by that, Lydia, is that anything you need, financially or otherwise, we will help you out with. I notice the retirement facility most of your pay goes to was recently bought by Retire-Corp. I know what they are like … they charge exorbitant fees for little care to the residents. I take it someone close to you is in there?”

I nodded. “My mom.” I felt the hot tears break free, despite my fierce attempts to stop them. “She has MS, a non-hereditary type … her hands started to tremble one day and got worse. I tried to help and keep her at home, but as it progressed it became obvious to both of us that I couldn’t do it. She made the call behind my back. Her medical insurance only went so far, and I told her I’d take care of her.” I sniffled, and Mr Cortez handed me a handkerchief. “So, I worked two jobs and night school until I was able to get this job, so Mom can have a place where she can be cared for.” I sniffled again, dabbing my eyes. “Then, a few days ago, I got a letter saying that my rent was going up. I can’t afford it, I’ll be homeless by the end of the month.” I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face in dread of my situation.

I felt Mrs Cortez’s hand rubbing gently over my back. Mr Cortez slid his hand around my middle and pulled me close against him, and Mrs Cortez shifted closer, sandwiching me between them. “I think I might have the solution,” Mr Cortez said. “If you wish, we can go ahead with what has been suggested, and you will move in with us.” I looked up at him, his dark eyes cast down at me, desire in his gaze. Mrs Cortez slid a finger under my chin and turned my head until I was face to face with her.

“And we will take care of your mother as well,” she said, the same desire shining in her eyes. “All you have to do is say yes, Lydia.”

I swallowed thickly, the tangled scents of his cologne and her perfume making me swoon a little. Being so close to both of them, feeling their heat against my body made it go into overdrive, arousal slick in that secret place between my thighs. Mr Cortez’s hand slid up my back slightly until he curved it around the edge of my breast, fingers lightly massaging while Mrs Cortez leaned in and ran her tongue up over my neck and began to softly kiss my jawline. I knew she desired me, but I had never even thought of a woman in that way. Still, there was something about her that made me want to try, to see if I liked it.

I shivered as a hand slid up my skirt, and Mr Cortez’s, warm, strong fingers slid between my thighs, the tips rubbing against my dampening panties. I moaned softly, unable to contain the soft whimper when he slid a finger inside my panties, brushing it expertly against my clit before he slid the thick digit inside me, making my back arch as he slowly pumped his finger inside, curling it around to find my g-spot, while his thumb rubbed decadent circles around my clit.

I shivered as I felt the soft hand of Mrs Cortez slide under my blouse and up my quivering stomach to push under my bra and caress the fullness of my breast. Her thumb and forefinger found the stiffened peak of my nipple and gently squeezed it. Mr Cortez pumped his fingers harder, thumb rubbing. And as I felt the climax building, I whimpered as my body tensed with the beautiful orgasm that flooded my body. Mrs Cortez covered my moans with her mouth, her tongue sliding against mine as I rode Mr Cortez’s fingers. As she broke the kiss, her words drifted into my foggy mind.

“Say yes, Lydia…” she whispered against my ear.

“Yes…” I whispered in breathless gasps, sealing my fate. They’d played dirty to get what they wanted, and I wasn’t complaining.

Not at all.