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The King of Her Heart (Loving a Star Book 3) by Emma Kingsley (16)


Alex’s heavy steps on the sidewalk sent reverberations up his legs. His fingers tightened on the paper bags’ handles and his teeth gnashed.

“Alex. Wait up! Heels, remember?”

He slowed his pace to allow Rylie to catch up. “I apologize.”

She huffed and they fell into a slower walk. “It’ll be okay.”

“No. It is over. What I did tonight was incredibly foolish.”

Rylie was silent and they continued on for a minute. At Paul’s building, however, she stepped onto the stoop in front of Alex, blocking his access to the door.

“Foolish, sure,” she said. “But it also showed how crazy you are about this girl. I’ve never seen someone get you so twisted up.”

Alex avoided her eyes. “It doesn’t matter.”

“I don’t get it. How can you say that?”

“Hey!” someone shouted.

The two of them looked up to find Paul at his second-floor window, his face catching the street lights’ glow. “Will you two be bringing me dinner, or what?” he called.

“How about or what?” his sister sniped back.

“We’re coming,” Alex said. He stepped around Rylie and the door buzzed, allowing them access to the building.

“You’re not telling me everything,” she said, following him into the elevator.

“What do you mean?” He punched the floor button with more force than necessary.

Rylie crossed her arms and pouted. “I saw you texting at dinner. Were you talking to Paisley?”

“Not exactly.” Alex grimaced. You could not consider the short, petty exchange they had engaged in a conversation.

The elevator doors opened and they made their way to Paul’s apartment, which was only a few yards from the elevator. The door was already opening, and Paul, shirt untucked and sleeves rolled up, ushered them in.

Alex stopped a few feet into the living room and stared at the scene.

“I know what you’re going to say.” Paul took the to-go bags and set them on the card table against the wall. Besides the table, there were several folding chairs, and a bookcase filled with books.

“You have lived here for months,” Alex said.

“Seriously.” Rylie wrinkled her nose. “And it looks like you moved in yesterday.”

“I am busy,” Paul answered.

“Not tonight.” Rylie took a seat in a folding chair. “You got off after all.”

“Yep,” Paul agreed, opening the bag. “And thank you for bringing me dinner.”

“Alex wanted to leave anyway. His plan didn’t go as expected.”

Paul rolled his eyes. “Big surprise.”

Alex folded his arms and scowled.

“I still don’t know the whole story.” Rylie hooked an arm over the back of her chair. “Obviously, this girl is special. What’s the dirt?”

“She doesn’t want to date famous men,” Paul said.

“Oh, reality check. Alex is famous.”

“Right.” Paul took a seat and opened one of the takeout boxes. “Then she doesn’t want to date Alex.”

“Paul!” Rylie chastised.

Alex swore steam came out of his nose. “But it is true.”

Rylie frowned. “Let me ask you a few questions.”

“Here comes the love doctor.” Paul chuckled.

“Hush you. And give me some of those fried pickles.”

Alex’s chest ached. Even the mention of fried pickles made him sad. They reminded him of that first night with Paisley, when they went to the diner. Hiding his face in his hands, he dropped into the last folding chair.

“Alex,” Paul said. “It can’t be that bad. She’s just another girl.”

“No, she’s not,” Rylie argued. She turned to face Alex straight on. “How much do you see this girl?”

He lowered his hands and looked at her. “A few times a week.”

“How often do you talk?”

“All day long.”

“Starting?” she prompted.

“Um… early.”

“Like when you wake up, sometimes there’s a message from her?”

“Yes. Often there is.”

And when there is not, I am extremely disappointed.

Rylie slapped the table in satisfaction. “She likes you.”

“You can’t know that,” Alex said.

“She texts you all the time. You’re the first thing on her mind when she wakes up. Plus, didn’t you see the way she looked at you?” She turned her head to her brother. “You’re hogging those pickles.”

“They’re good,” Paul argued.

Rylie grabbed a plastic fork and stabbed several fried pickles at once.

“We shouldn’t have ordered those,” Alex said sadly, gazing at the pickles.

The siblings exchanged a look.

“She looked at me in that hateful way because she despises me now,” Alex said. “I ruined her date.”

Rylie shook her head. “I’m not talking about a hateful look. I’m talking about the longing in her eyes.”

“I didn’t see that,” Alex said.

“No, you didn’t, because it was subtle.”

Alex rubbed his brow. “If Paisley cared to date me, she would have said something.”

Rylie made a face. “Why would she say something? I know it’s the twenty-first century, Al, but a lot of women are still waiting for the man to make the first move.”

“She told me, before we met in person, that she did not ever want to date a famous guy. This was when we were chatting online and she didn’t know who I was.”

“You met in a chat room?” Rylie asked.

“Fo’ movie reviews,” Paul said through a full mouth. “Notin’ weird.”

“Thank you for the clarification,” Alex said.

“That’s such a random thing to say. Why would she say that?” Rylie asked.

“Her friends are married to famous men. She has seen behind fame’s curtains.”

“Interesting.” Rylie chewed on a pickle thoughtfully. “But then she met you, and you guys go out in public, right?”

“Nearly always.”

“Which means she’s not against having a close friendship with you that other people can see.”

Alex blinked. “That’s how it appeared. Except… these photos came out of us while I was in Belmonte. I haven’t spoken to her since then, but perhaps that bothered her.”

“It wouldn’t bother most girls, but it sounds like Paisley is an exception.”

“This conversation is hurting my head,” Paul complained. “You’re overanalyzing this.”

“You hurt my head,” Rylie volleyed back. “Right, Alex?”

Alex smirked, glad to have a break from the main conversation. “And to think my sister fancies you.”

Paul straightened up. “Wait. What now?”

“Impossible,” Rylie teased.

Alex picked up a plastic fork and stared at the takeout boxes. Where was Paisley now? Had she and Flynn left the restaurant? Gone on to spend more time together somewhere else? Did he kiss her?

Alex squeezed the plastic fork so hard it snapped in two. Rylie and Paul stared at him.

“Alex,” Paul said calmly. “If it bothers you this much, talk to her.”

Alex opened his mouth to disagree, then realized he’d run out of arguments. He could blame the situation on fate, ill-timing, or Paisley’s behavior, but the truth was that he had not been fully honest himself. Until he did that, he could hope for nothing to change.