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The Million Dollar Secret by A.K. Leigh (16)

                    Chapter 39

Tap. Tap. Tap. The sound shocked him from his sleep. Was someone knocking on his door? Charles groaned as he opened his eyes. Why had visitors come at the exact moment he’d decided to catch up on some much-needed sleep?

“Mr. Morgan?”

It was a deep gruff-sounding male voice. One he didn’t know. How had the man managed to get through the security gate? He pushed himself upwards and grunted from the pressure he’d placed on his bandaged hand.

“Mr. Charles Morgan?”

The voice was insistent now.

Charles called back, “Yeah, just a minute.”

He shrugged on his robe. Not wanting to hurt his hand again, he left the robe untied and stumbled out of bed. He rubbed his eyes with his unbound hand as he opened the front door. Staring back at him were two male police officers.

The crinkle-faced older-looking of the two asked, “Are you Charles Morgan?”

Panic ripped through his chest. “Has something happened to Mom?”

The men exchanged a look then the older policeman looked back at Charles, “Why? Have you done something to her as well?”


“What’s this about? Is my mother all right?” He paused then asked his previous thought aloud, “And how did you get through the gate?”

The same officer answered, “Your mother’s fine. We spoke to her a short time ago. She gave us the access code to the property. As to what this is about . . .” He glanced at Charles’s wrapped hand. “You’ll need to come to the station to answer a couple of questions.”




Was her face showing as much shock as she could hear in her voice?

The petite, black-haired policewoman sitting beside Sarah in her apartment threw her a sympathetic look, “It’s all right, Ms. Woodward. You can tell me what happened.”

“I tripped on the stupid bunched carpet outside in the hall.”

“And got a black eye and broken nose?”

The woman both sounded and looked unconvinced.

“My nose isn’t broken.”

“That doesn’t make it okay.”

Sarah exhaled, “Look, I appreciate what you’re doing. Really, I do––”

“Does that mean you’re ready to tell me what happened?”

“I have!” Sarah paused to calm her voice. The officers were just trying to help. She tried again, this time in a more controlled tone, “I know this is hard to believe, but there is cement underneath the carpet. I’ve warned the super about the danger of it numerous times.”

The female officer peered over at the male cop on the sofa to their left. He nodded at her.

She turned back to Sarah and said, “You’re not going to change your story?”

“No, because it’s the truth.”

The female police officer retrieved a card and handed it to Sarah, “Call me if you change your mind. We take reports of domestic assault seriously. You don’t need to be scared. We deal with cases like this all the time.”

She wasn’t sure which of those statements bothered her the most.

She accepted the card, “Thank you.”

In the silence after the police were gone, Sarah drew in a deep breath. This was all Paul’s doing. A ball of frustration grew in her tummy. She understood he’d been trying to protect her, but still. He should have listened. Next time she saw him, she would have to make sure he was clear that Charles Morgan had not assaulted her. I mean, the idea of Charles putting his hands on her in anger was just ridiculous!

The unexpected conclusion took her off guard. She let it linger. It really was ridiculous. Something deep in her cells told her she was right. Charles would never harm her.

The sound of her home phone ringing pulled her back to the present.

Paul’s voice filtered over the line when she answered, “How are you feeling? Have the police been yet?”

She lifted a hand to her hip, “Yes. No thanks to you.”

“What do you mean no thanks to me?”

She sighed, “You shouldn’t have called the police. Charles did not assault me. I tripped on the stupid carpet. Remember I told you I’d done it before? Other people in the building have too.”

There was a pause. “You’re telling the truth?”

She heard the exasperation in her answer, “Of course.”


“That’s all you have to say? If this had been leaked to the media, I could have been sued for defamation and my mentorship would have been over.”

“I’m sorry. I was just trying to show you how supportive I could be.”

“I appreciate that, but it doesn’t change anything between us.”

She ended the call before it could get any more uncomfortable.

Barely a second passed before the phone started to ring again. She exhaled through gritted teeth. The man was relentless. She snarled into the phone, “What is it now?”

A beat of silence passed. “Sarah? This is Charles.”

“Charles! Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

“I gathered that. Look, I heard about your injury. Are you all right?”

She groaned, “Oh no. Did the media get hold of it?”

“Not exactly.”

Why did his voice sound funny?

“What’s going on?”

“The police got hold of me.”

She felt her eyebrows shoot up, “What?”

“I just got back from the station. Somebody told them I’d hit you.”

“Oh Charles, I’m so sorry. It was my stupid ex. He wouldn’t believe me when I said I tripped after our session together.”

She heard her voice rise at the last part. She wanted him to believe her, and trust her, and to feel as safe with her as she did with him.

I did not just think that.

“I believe you. The police told me you didn’t accuse me.”

He sounded calm and relaxed.

Wow. If she’d been hauled off to the police station over something she hadn’t done, she wasn’t sure she’d be so understanding.

“Thank you. I’m so sorry for the trouble it’s caused you.”

“I’m fine, but are you?”

“I’m okay, a little bruised and tender, but otherwise all good.”

“That’s good.”

Silence enveloped them, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable. It was kind of comforting. So comforting that warm tingles started to zip their way up her spine.

Charles cleared his throat, “I should hang up.”

“You should.”

Though I don’t want you to.

“Bye, Sarah.”

“Bye, Charles.”

A click from the other line indicated the call had ended. The tingles remained. Sarah screwed her face. Her feelings for Charles Morgan were getting stronger. She’d told herself she wouldn’t give in to the feelings. But . . .

Maybe her heart knew better this time? He’d shown a caring and vulnerable side she found endearing.  Maybe she could risk giving in?



Thank goodness she was all right. When the police had accused him of leaving bruises on her, his stomach had risen to his throat. He hadn’t even been worried about the media finding out. Not even when Sarah had brought it up. Not even when the police had asked him about his hand and he’d had to tell them about the burn. Luckily, he’d gone to the hospital because they’d been able to verify it for him.

Sarah was fine. That was the most important thing.

His thoughts hovered on the phone call. How natural it had been talking to her. He hadn’t wanted to stop. It had felt like someone had kicked him in the stomach when he’d forced himself to hang up. He could still feel the remnants of the sensation. It had been so long since he’d felt anything like this, he’d started to give up on its existence.

What is “it,” Charles?

He knew without having to say.

Once the mentorship was over, would he be able to let her walk out of his life? To continue to live as though she meant nothing to him? With his mother agreeing to his plan, maybe he could think about getting involved with Sarah?

How would she feel about him moving to Germany? Long-distance relationships were easier now, thanks to modern technology, but some people still couldn’t do it. The distance would make it easier to hide the secret.

He made the thoughts stop.

All of this depended on how Sarah felt about him. Until he knew the answer to that, all the planning in the world would make no difference. What if she didn’t feel the same? A tight knot wound around his stomach at the possibility.