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The New Marquess (Wardington Park) (A Regency Romance Book) by Eleanor Meyers (26)


Mena quickly reached for the blindfold as the carriage pulled away. Her heart raced and for the first time in a long time, she asked the man who sat across from her in the carriage a question. “Are you sure he can’t come?”

The carriage was moving quickly, as if to answer her own question.

She’d received word from Creed that he wished to meet and could only assume he’d heard about the stabbing. Otherwise, it was unusual for him to reach out to her more than once a week. But, of course, there were other matters to discuss, like her engagement party and the success of it.

And she also wanted to tell him that he’d been right when he’d suggested she agree to Morgan’s marriage proposal. Mena couldn’t see herself with anyone else. She was in love and it had only been days. Morgan had been determined to have her once he’d known who she was, and it seemed he’d succeeded. Yet while she still had her concerns as to what he would do about her connection to Creed, she put that worry aside, certain Morgan would see to her happiness and understand that Creed was a part of that happiness.

And so, she was going to go see her uncle. However, she’d known when his message arrived that she couldn’t take anyone with her. Therefore, she’d had to lie to Ralph, claiming she would take a nap. The moment she’d heard his own door close down the hall, she’d slipped from her room and run from the house.

Creed’s escort, who looked capable of breaking most men in half, only slightly reassured her that she’d made the right decision. She was still protected, which was what Morgan wanted and while she felt terrible about lying, there was no other way if she wished to arrange her dinner party.

The man who occupied the bench across from her own said nothing, simply stared, and Mena sighed before placing her blindfold around her eyes.

The time seemed to pass quickly. Mena was moved from one carriage to another before they finally arrived at Creed’s.

She took off her blindfold when she stepped outside and rushed into the house once the door was opened.

Creed was in the sitting room just as he usually was, and his expression was grim. They hugged, and she found herself clinging to him longer than usual before he sat her down. He held her hand as they did. “I heard what happened. Are you all right?” He lifted a hand and summoned a maid to go and get tea.

There were moments in the day where she could pretend that she’d not seen her driver die, but the truth always came out when she was forced to talk about it. George’s funeral was set for later that day and Mena planned to attend.

“I’m all right.” She turned and watched the maid bring in tea. She reached for it, pouring Creed’s before taking her own. “It was a tragedy, but I’m very glad to see you, Uncle.”

Creed’s gray eyes went blank before he smiled again. “I’m glad to see you as well. Now, let’s talk about better news. Tell me about the engagement party.”

Mena told her uncle everything there was to know and was surprised at the flash of anger when she mentioned that Wardington would be walking her down the aisle. She leaned away.

He waved it off, and the heat slowly seeped from his eyes. “Don’t mind me, Mena. I’m only upset that I won’t have the honor to do it myself.”

Mena softened and smiled. “You’ll be with me in spirit.”

He smiled brightly, paused, and confessed, “In this dark hole that I’m to hide, you are light that casts away the shadows, my dear.”

Mena blinked back her tears and sipped her tea before resting it on her lap. “That’s a lovely thing to say.”

He cupped her shoulder lightly and took his armchair to stand. “I should be walking you myself, Mena.” His back was to her before he turned. “And I might have found a way to do it.”

Her eyes widened. “Is this the thing you mentioned on my last visit?”

He nodded and said, “Yes, and it was confirmed today that you have been invited to take tea with Princess Victoria next week.”

Mena stilled and felt her heart stop before it started again. She’d seen the princess before at one social gathering at Wardington’s residence, but she’d never spoken to the woman herself and to take tea… It was an honor. “I’m to have tea with the future queen?”

Creed frowned. “She’s only the princess.”

“But one day she will be queen.” When Mena’s smile was not returned, she let it fall away and took another sip of her tea. Her uncle was like that whenever the princess was mentioned.

“But let us not speak of George as though he is dead,” Creed said.

“Of course.” Mena sipped her tea again.

Creed smiled. “You’ve met royalty before. Prince George of Cumberland adored you. Now, if you impress the princess, you can express my innocence to her and perhaps get the rags to stop printing about me.”

Mena thought that a wonderful idea and smiled. “I will do my best.”

“I know you will.”

Heavy feet rushing down the hall made Mena turn just as a lean young man came into the room.

“We know what he looks like,” the young man said, holding out a sheet of paper.

Creed’s expression changed in a blink. The gentleman from before was gone, as he always seemed to do whenever he was conducting business. Creed took the paper and unrolled it. “This is the man in charge of all the stabbings?”

The young man nodded.

Mena gasped.

Creed looked at her then looked quickly away, color tinting his cheeks. “I’m sorry, my dear. In my excitement, I completely forgot you were in the room. We’ve been hunting this man down for months. If I find him then perhaps I’ll be able to change what is said about my name.”

Mena nodded in understanding. She knew how long the rags had been saying horrible things about him. She couldn’t imagine a life of hiding. If there was a way she could help, she would. “You know who’s behind it?”

Creed nodded and walked back over to her as the other man left. He sat down and sighed. “Apparently, his name is Miles Miash. This is what he looks like.” He handed the paper to Mena.

Mena put her tea down and unraveled the drawing. The painting of a man stared back at her, a face so clear and well defined that she’d not forget it. He had a square chin and bright blue eyes. He seemed too young to be in charge of anything. His hair was a soft blond, but that was the only thing soft about him. She could only see his face, but she thought him handsome.

A handsome criminal.

Miles Miash.

“If I see him, I will tell you,” she said as she handed the paper back.

Creed nodded. “Don’t let the man get to close to you, though. I was told he’s deadly with a knife.”

Images of stabbings flickered before her eyes. Silas stabbing Morgan. The stranger who killed George.

She would heed her uncle’s warnings and if it came to it, she would try to defend herself.

The clock announced the new hour and Creed helped her to her feet. “You’ve been here long enough. I’ll see you next week after your visit with the princess.”

Mena kissed his cheek and left.

When she returned home, she thought the house strangely quiet, though she didn’t know why.

She was surprised when she saw Morgan emerge from the top of the stairs and quickly make his way in her direction. She’d been ready to smile, but the look in his eyes made her back away until her back hit the door.

He was angry.

No, furious.

He grabbed her arms in a commanding grip and asked, “Where have you been?” The fury in his brown eyes was startling.

Mena heard what sounded like crying in the distance and turned to him. “What’s that?”

“Where have you been?” he asked as though she’d not asked her own question. His voice was lower, yet even with his tight hold of her, she didn’t think he’d hurt her. It was all startling, but she wasn’t afraid. He’d sworn he’d not hurt her and until he did, she would trust that.

“Who is crying, Morgan?”

“Allie. Where did you go?”

“Why is my lady’s maid crying?” she asked.

He leaned toward her and said, “Mena, do not test me at the moment. Ralph was to stay with you at all times, and you snuck away after swearing to me that you’d remain home.”

“I didn’t swear.”

His eyes narrowed. “No, but you led me to believe that it was your intention. Am I to make you swear to everything?”

She flinched at his words, at his expression. “Of course not.”

“Where did you go?”

She took a deep breath and knew he was only being this way because he was scared for her. She spoke slowly so that he’d understand. “I went to see my uncle. I couldn’t take Ralph with me, much less Allie. When I see Creed, it is always in private.”

“Why?” he asked suspiciously.

“Because everyone wishes to hurt him, including you. You’ve all forced him into hiding for his life.” She lifted her hands and tried to get him to release his hold, but he wouldn’t let her go. “Let me go.”

“I don’t want you seeing Creed,” he told her. “Not without protection.”

Her pulse slowed to an aching crawl along with her breathing. “I don’t need protection from my uncle. He always has his own guard escort me.”

“I don’t trust him,” he told her.

“I know,” she replied. “But you need to trust me. I am safe with Creed.”

“You’re not!” He shook her slightly, which surprised her.

She widened her eyes. “You need to let me go.” Before you hurt me.

He seemed to see that truth in her eyes and instantly his fingers left her.

Mena started around him.

“I’m not done.”

She started up the stairs. “I wish to know what is the matter with Allie.”

The stairway was silent for a moment, only the sound of their walking and Allie’s tears in the distance.

“I didn’t hurt her,” Morgan said when they reached the next level.

Mena didn’t stop. She simply kept walking until she reached her room.

She found Allie sitting in a chair, her hands covering her face while Ralph stood glaring over her. Then that glare found Mena, raking her over before returning to her eyes.

“You said you were napping.”

Mena walked farther into the room. “I lied. I’m sorry, but I knew that if I told you the truth, you would try and follow.”

Ralph replied, “I’ll know better next time.”

She flinched at those words. She’d broken his trust and that hurt, but all she’d been trying to do was the right thing. She had to protect Creed. No one else would. She had to remember that. She sighed, knowing there was nothing she could do about Ralph’s anger or the pain it caused her and turned to Allie. “Are you all right?”

By now, Allie was looking at her. Her face was stained red with tears. “Oh, my lady, they said that such horrible things could have happened to you. They told me that you could be dead if I didn’t tell them where you were, but I didn’t know where you were. I never know where you go when you do. I told them that, but still they kept telling me you could be dead, like George, laying on the street with lifeless eyes.” Her expression became haunted, and she broke into a set of new tears.

Mena went to her and crouched by her chair. She placed a hand on Allie’s back. “It’s all right, Allie. I’m all right. I’m right here.” Allie never did well under pressure. She’d broken into tears when Mrs. Gale asked how Mena had gained sun spots on her face last year. It didn’t take much to break Allie’s spirits. Still, she was upset that Morgan had done so.

“We didn’t hurt her,” Morgan said from the door.

“I know.” Mena stood and took Allie up with her. “Go to your room and rest, Allie.”

Allie stared at her with wide teary eyes. “Oh, no, my lady. I must attend you. I must stay at your side.”

Mena touched her shoulders and gave her a soft smile. “The best way to attend me is to go to your room. Knowing you are well rested will make me feel the world better.”

Allie stared at her, nodded, and silently left.

Morgan turned to Ralph. “Wait for me downstairs.”

Ralph left the room without looking at her and closed the door.

“Where is Mrs. Gale?” Mena asked.

“She went to see a friend when she thought you asleep.” The accusation was once again in his voice and his eyes.

Mena looked down. She didn’t know what to say. She thought she’d done the right thing, was almost sure she had when she’d done it, but Morgan and Ralph made her feel guilty in a way that was new and yet somehow familiar to her as well.

She always lost the ones she loved most. Her mother, her father, and now if she couldn’t get Morgan to see things her way, she would have no choice but to pick between him and Creed. She didn’t want to be pushed into such a position. She wasn’t sure who she would choose or who she should choose.

She looked up at Morgan, her heart beating wildly. “I can’t take anyone with me when I see my uncle.”

“Then you can’t see him,” he said. “Not after yesterday.” He moved toward her and touched her shoulders gently. The anger had left his eyes and concern replaced it. The look was an expression that was easier for Mena to take in, yet still, his words had said enough.

She remained silent as he went on.

“I know in my heart that Creed arranged that stabbing, I just don’t know why.”

Mena shook her head and said, “I’ll not stop seeing my uncle.”

His eyes flickered with heat again. “You will.”

“I won’t,” she whispered. “Not after all he’s done for me.”

“You will.” He was holding her tightly again. “If Ralph cannot go with you then you cannot go. I’ll not have my wife visiting that man without an escort that I appoint.”

Mena struggled to breathe, to pull air into her lungs, yet just enough made it before she said, “Then I cannot be your wife.”

His expression went blank. His hands moved until they circled her, sliding down her spine until they rested on the small of her back. “You will marry me.”

“Not if I must choose, Morgan. Don’t make me choose.”

He seemed surprised. “You’d choose him over me?”

“I’d choose him over you.” She was still whispering, but her words were not said with any weakness, and she hoped he could see the conviction in her eyes. “I’ve only known you for days. I’ve known Creed for years.”

He pulled her even closer and leaned down to rest his head on hers, still holding her eyes. “But you don’t know him, Mena. You have no clue who this man is. The rags are only given his slightest grievances for print.”

Mena stilled and played his words in her head again and then again before she narrowed her eyes. “You tell the rags what to print about Creed?”

He hesitated a moment, and his hands gathered in the material at her waist. “The spies are in control of certain papers.”

His words couldn’t have had more impact if they’d been laced with steel. “You ruined him.”

“Mena, he is not a good man.”

“No, and that’s because of you! You ruined his reputation!” She tried to fight her way out of his hold, but any inch she got, he took back.

“Mena, listen to me—”

“Let me go.” She started to fight him with all her might. Her heart bled at the betrayal. She should have known better than to trust him. She’d fallen too quickly. She didn’t know him. She didn’t know the monster he truly was. “Let me go!”

“No. Mena, look at me.”

She turned to him and pulled in a breath before screaming in his face, “Let me go!”

He didn’t. His own anger grew. “You’ll marry me.”

“I won’t! Never!” She pushed at his shoulders, but he didn’t even rock back. “I’ll never marry you.”

“You will!” His own shout stunned her.

She froze.

He leaned toward her again and said words that made her heart glad just as much as it ached. “You will, because I love you and I refuse to live without you in my life.”




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