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The Omega's Unicorn: A Three Rivers Valley Shifters Mpreg Romance by Lorelei M. Hart, Coyote Starr (5)

Chapter Five

Home Sweet Home… Kinda


The walk was short, but in the dark rain it felt insanely long. The lightning didn’t let up, and Adrian was certain he felt more trees crashing in the woods. Town was probably going to be a hot mess tomorrow. It had been a long time since they’d had a storm this bad. Part of him wondered if a naughty wizard was involved. Thank goodness their electricity was generator and solar powered because lines were going to be down. The wind was picking up by the moment. Yeah, he decided, there was definitely something supernatural about the storm.

As they rounded the bend to his clearing, he sucked in a breath. “It’s right over here.”

“Oh, it’s cute.”

“Huh?” He had to have misheard.

“Your cabin. It’s cute.”

It was cute, but how could Justin see it? He looked closely. Yep, the blurry edges were there; the illusion was still up. It had taken him a solid month to learn how to see past it, and now it was second nature. Rosemary had likened it to when a child first discovers their reflection. After they see it once, they always do.

“You can see it?” He didn’t know what else to say.

“Yeah? Oh, because of the illusion.” Justin picked up his pace as yet more lightning struck nearby. Adrian followed suit. That was one pissed-off wizard. “Don’t worry, the illusion is really strong. No one else would be able to see it. I just…it’s like sensing kinds of shifters. It is simply something I can do.”

“Well, that makes things easier.”

“How’s that?”

“I spent the entire walk over here trying to figure out how to explain my invisible house to you as we dodged some dumbass wizard’s storm.” They were finally at the step, and Adrian popped up quickly to get out of the rain.

“Witch.” Justin was now standing beside him on the porch, both of them watching the storm. It seemed to be focused to the north. If this was the outskirts of the tempest, Adrian could only imagine being in the center of it. There was most definitely going to be a meeting over this one.

“What?” He’d been so focused on the weather, he hadn’t really heard what Justin said.

“It is a witch’s storm. Not a wizard’s.”

He had to admit that felt right. “Let me guess. You can sense it.”

“I can.” Justin had so much power, yet seemed so, well, normal.

They both jumped a little as yet another lightning strike hit.

“Wait, you’re not really human, are you?” Adrian asked. He couldn’t be…and yet Justin felt so human that maybe he was.

“Never claimed to be.”

Well. Wasn’t that vague?

“Never told me you weren’t, either.” Adrian wasn’t really wanting to play games but was feeling antsy because of the storm.

“True, but to be fair it would have been kind of awkward to say, ‘Hi, I’m Justin. Nice to meet you. I’m a unicorn.’”

“A what?” Adrian had to have heard him wrong. He had only met one unicorn in his life, and she was no longer in this world.

“A unicorn.” Justin turned to look at him, momentarily ignoring the storm. He looked almost nervous.

“Justin, why are you here?”

The unicorn shifter began to fidget a bit with the box in his hand, and Adrian grabbed it from him, placing it by the door. He had a feeling they both needed to give their full attention to this part of the conversation.

“Because my great-aunt passed away, and I was told I needed to take care of some business with her estate.” He looked down as he said it.

I’m living in his house. Well, didn’t that blow. Adrian went from having a smexy day to being homeless in one sentence.

“Suck an egg,” he mumbled. He could probably stay with Paddy at the inn for two weeks with the money he had saved up, but then what?


“Well, let me show you around your estate.” He pointed to the cabin door.

“Now I’m confused.” Even as Justin said it, though, Adrian saw the lightbulb click on.

“My roommate was not so much a roommate as she was a mentor. Rosemary took me in six months back, and I was apprenticing with her to become a healer.” Justin just stared, so Adrian continued talking, needing to fill the silence. “This cabin is yours. Those”—he pointed to the file boxes—“those are actually part of my plan to get the house ready for whoever came to claim it. I had no idea you were coming so soon, or I would have worked faster.”

“This is my house?” Justin glanced to the cabin and then back to Adrian.

“It is.” Adrian was sad for himself yet glad Rosemary’s family knew of her demise. In the back of his mind, he wondered if anyone had found the man’s family. If so, they were oddly quiet about the whole thing. Three Rivers, he had come to learn, was like that, though.

“And you live here?”

Adrian swallowed hard and took a step back. He’d known this day was coming, but that didn’t make it any easier. “Yes, but I can be out as soon as you need me to be.” He spat it out so fast, he was sure it sounded like one word.


“I’ll just show you around and wait the storm out, if you don’t mind.” Justin liked him enough to bring him to orgasm, so Adrian was pretty sure the unicorn would allow him to avoid death by electrocution.


Adrian looked down. He didn’t want Justin to see the hurt in his eyes, but the other man was not having it. With one finger, he lifted Adrian’s chin until he caught the bear’s eyes with his. “No. I mean perfect that you live here.” He leaned forward and gave Adrian a chaste kiss on the lips—not that Adrian’s body got the “chaste” message. He was already wanting more. “I was not trying to be away from you,” Justin continued. “It was the only reason I didn’t get a room at the inn when you offered.”

“So I can stay?” Adrian had to be sure he was understanding Justin. It didn’t help that the stupid lightning kept startling him.

“You can stay. I mean, I want you to stay. I feel this need to be close to you.”

Adrian knew exactly what he meant. He felt it, too.

“You have my unicorn so close to the surface, and that has never happened before. There is something about you, Adrian. I don’t know what it is exactly, but you are mine.”

This. Could. Not. Be. Happening. Did Justin just declare intent? Guys didn’t do that on the day they met someone, especially when a blow job was already freely given. At least, not unless it was accidentally muttered during said blow job. In his experience, lips around cocks tended to get men to freely promise the world.

“You sound like those silly romance novels with true mates and all.” He would know. He’d devoured them while in college. It had been too long since he had read a book not related to healing. Not that he would complain. The skills he’d learned from Rosemary could take him far.

“True mates, no,” Justin stated with too much seriousness. “That’s the stuff of fairy tales.”

Adrian wanted to counter that he loved fairy tales, but the intensity of Justin’s voice told him now was not the time for silliness. The unicorn was holding his emotions out to him. “But every sense I have tells me you are why I am here.”

“Not to collect your great-aunt’s estate?” Adrian stepped in close, hearing his shoes slosh as he did. That storm got them good.

“Not at all.” Justin reached for him, wiping some moisture from his chin, the storm still raging around them. “I have all I need.”

He knew Justin meant money, but for a brief moment, Adrian allowed himself to pretend the other man meant him. That moment ended with another loud crash.

“Rosemary actually didn’t have much.” Monetarily, of course, that was accurate, but the knowledge in just one journal alone was priceless.

“People don’t need much.” Justin’s hand moved from Adrian’s chin, pushing his dripping hair back from his forehead.

“Isn’t that the truth?” He had been happier here, with nothing to call his own, than he ever had when money was no object as a child then a college student, or when money was tight but still flowing during his initial post-college life. The sky lit up, yet again.

“Can we go inside now?” Adrian nodded and bent down to pull his key from the backpack. “The porch is nice and all, but I would really like to get out of these clothes.”

“Yeah, sorry.” He carefully opened the backpack, hoping to prevent more water from falling inside. If he was lucky, the file folders were dry, and he wouldn’t have to replace them. “I kind of got overwhelmed by all the…” Victory! He found the key, and even better, the backpack was mostly dry. “Yeah, let’s go inside.”

He fiddled with the lock. He’d never understood why they locked the door in the first place. It wasn’t like people could see the house. “It is kind of messy in here. It was always clutter-filled, but in my attempts to organize things, I made it worse.” He opened the door and turned on the light. The comforting smell of herbs filled his senses. That scent would always remind him of the woman who took him in when he needed it most.

“I kind of assumed it would be. Aunt Laura and my mother were the same way.”


“Yeah, they’re both gone.”

Why had he asked? Somewhere along the line he had lost all his social skills. “I’m sorry.” Adrian had lost everyone, but his losses were due to choices, both good and bad. Rosemary had been his first real loss.

“No need to apologize. It was a long time ago.” Was Justin alone, too? Adrian wanted to know all things about this man before him, but the mood was getting too dark.

“Want the two-cent tour?” Adrian opted to change the subject.

“I’m dripping all over the floor.”

Justin really was dripping. Adrian then looked to his own feet.

“Suck. Me, too. Let me go grab some towels.” He pushed his shoes off and ran to the bathroom. He caught his reflection in the mirror. He was a mess. After a few attempts to smooth his hair, he gave up. It wasn’t like Justin hadn’t already seen him this way.

Walking back, he was startled to see Justin standing there in all of his naked glory. He still couldn’t see the intricacies of the unicorn shifter’s tattoos, but his chest was covered—Adrian would have to explore them later. He made the mistake of glancing down, and his eyes focused on Justin’s cock. It was standing there at full mast. The messy house, the serious discussion topics, and an angry storm didn’t put a damper on his mood. Not at all.

“Um, you’re…” What…what could he possibly say? Your amazing cock is standing there to greet me?


Oh yeah, there was an easy way to say that. Adrian stood in front of him and held out the towel. “Yeah, that.”

Justin grabbed the towel and began drying his hair.

“Why are you naked?”

“Because I was dripping wet, and the floor deserves better.” The tile floor of the entryway could easily handle the wet, but Adrian wasn’t going to argue if it meant he got to ogle the sexiness.

Justin pointed to the pile of folded clothes on the floor. “Is there a dryer in here?”

“Yes, of course. Let me grab those.” Adrian bent to pick them up. “Here is another towel. You know, so you can dry off more than just your hair.”

“Not trying to cover me up?”

Heck, no, he wasn’t. He could spend the rest of their time together naked and would be a happy, happy boy. “Seriously? Have you seen you?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys and wallet then placed them on the side table near the entryway. More accurately, he placed them onto the pile of papers on the side table near the entryway.

“You’re pretty wet, too. Maybe you should strip down?” Gone was all the seriousness of their earlier conversation, and back was the deep, sexy voice dripping with sex appeal and laced with lust.

“Maybe I will, but I will probably be cold if I do.” He should be throwing clothes in the dryer, but this was far more fun.

“Then I’ll probably have to warm you up.”

Yes. That is exactly what I need.

“It would be the gentlemanly thing to do and all,” Justin continued, his mouth quirking up in a grin.

“What about the tour?”

“Fuck the tour.”

Adrian dropped the pile of clothes and pulled his soaked shirt over his head, dropping it to the ground with a thud. His eyes widened. “I’d rather fuck you.”

What was the saying? Go big or go home?

“My, my, you have a dirty little mouth.” Justin took a step closer and began to dry Adrian’s hair. The unicorn’s erection was bumping into his wet jeans, but Justin acted as if drying Adrian’s hair was the only thing on his mind, even if his words said exactly the opposite.

“It would appear you bring out the dirtier side of my personality.” Adrian idly ran his fingers over Justin’s abs. He would need to inspect them closely later. For now, he needed to look at his face and into his eyes. He told him so much with those eyes, and the bear didn’t want to miss a thing.

“What can I say? It’s a gift,” Justin teased as he dried Adrian’s face then neck. He was taking his time as he did, and Adrian was ready to move full steam ahead.

“No, this is a gift.” Adrian wrapped his hand around Justin’s cock. It was still a bit wet from the rain, and Adrian gave it a slight squeeze, afraid running up and down it would cause too much friction. He needed it in working order for what he had in mind.

“Hear that?”

“No. What am I listening for?” All Adrian could hear was his pounding heart. He was so worked up, and they had barely begun. Hell, he was still standing there in his sopping-wet jeans, his own cock pressing hard against the denim.

“The rain. It stopped.”

Justin was right, it had.

How did I miss that? He had a feeling Justin’s naked body could distract him from all things.

“That means either she regained her temper, he adequately groveled over his cheating ways, or the sheriff stopped by and put a stop to it.”

Adrian could care less which it was. He wanted to get back to naked time. Justin must have been thinking the same thing because his hand was now working on Adrian’s button.

“With the way she was raging, my money is on the sheriff.” Justin spoke as if they were idly chatting over a cup of tea instead of standing there with Adrian’s hand wrapped around his erection and his own hand working to remove Adrian’s jeans.

“Yeah, most likely. I bet town is a mess.” The sound of his zipper sent a zing of anticipation through him.

“True. We should probably stay here while they clean it up.” He dropped to his knees, gently working to remove his jeans. They were formfitting on a good day, and being soaking wet, they clung to him.

“Probably.” He now had the jeans to Adrian’s ankles, and he tapped the bear’s left leg. Adrian lifted it as Justin removed his pants from his leg and then they repeated the process on the right side. Adrian was now completely naked, his cock standing at attention. Justin’s face was eye level with his belly button. His too-round belly was out there for Justin to see as he kneeled there, looking at his body.

“What?” he asked, a bit uncomfortable with the beautiful man’s scrutiny. He had learned to love his own body, but the intensity of Justin’s gaze was borderline overwhelming.

“I was just trying to decide where I wanted to begin.” He licked his lips as he said it.

“I say we begin in the bedroom.” Adrian pointed to his room. The faster they got there, the better.

“You’re not an only in the bed and only with the lights off kind of guy, are you? I got the impression you were a bit more open.”

Adrian chuckled at him. Clearly, he wasn’t. First, he’d tried to get Justin off in a parking lot, and then he blew him in the clearing. Nope, lights off and bedroom sex was only part of what he enjoyed.

“I’m hardly that boy, but the tile floor is wet.” He pointed to exhibit A. “And I have learned the hard way that makes it slippery. I was hoping more for orgasms than for broken limbs.” Lots and lots of orgasms, if he had his say about it. “As for the rest of the house, this is basically all there is.” He gestured to the space before them.

“What about over-the-couch sex?”

“Oh, there is rarely a time where over-the-couch sex is not top on my list but look at the thing.” Why, oh why had he not started his cleaning project with the sofa instead of the closet? Over-the-couch sex was fan-freaking-tastic, even with a mediocre partner. He couldn’t even fathom a guess as to how over-the-top amazing it would be with someone who could get him off in less than a minute.

“I see what you mean.” For a moment, Adrian thought he was going to say screw it and throw the papers onto the floor. He was glad when Justin decided not to. Those were his most organized piles, and while the immediate satisfaction would be great, he would never be able to bask in the afterglow. “Shower sex?”

“Are you saying you are a never in the bed kind of guy?” he taunted back. Shower sex might be fun, but not in the shower in this cabin.

“Oh, I am an in-the-bed kind of guy.” Score. Sometimes lazy bed sex was the best. Especially in the morning. “I was just preplanning the rest of the night…and tomorrow.” He winked. “The kitchen-counter clutter already told me no counter sex, the kitchen table told me no table sex. I had missed the couch clutter. This place really is a lot like I remember Rosemary being, although she always had a clean table.”

“This one was always clean, too. That mess is my attempt at organizing, but that worked out well in the end, so I regret nothing.” He grabbed Justin’s hand, hoping to lead him to the bedroom.

“How’s that?”

“The mess made me decide to go buy office things, and that led me to you.” They were halfway there when they passed the bathroom door and Justin pulled them to a stop.

“I think the table clutter is my favorite, then. Now, back to the matter at hand.” He pointed to the door in front of them. “Shower sex?”

“That would be limited to solitary sex, I am afraid.” Why, oh why couldn’t they have a glorious shower to share? “It is a single stall. You are probably going to have to duck in order to rinse your hair.” It barely qualified as a shower. Adrian was not close to being as tall as Justin, and he was barely able to get his whole head under the running water.

“Well, it looks like I found the first thing I need to upgrade.” He sounded serious, too.

“Yeah, ducking in the shower bites.” Justin would discover soon enough the water pressure also sucked.

“I was thinking more about fucking in there. We need more room for shower sex.” And they were back to sex talk. He had to get this man into his bedroom and pronto.

“You are really thinking I should stick around?” Adrian knew asking could put a halt to their evening of fun, but part of him was dying to know.

“Of course. One thing you will learn quickly about me is I mean what I say.” They were now in the doorway of his bedroom. It was tiny, and his full-sized bed barely fit, but it was clutter-free.

“That’s good to know.” Adrian crawled onto the mattress, giving his butt a wiggle as he did. “I try, too.”

“I appreciate that.”

Adrian wasn’t sure if he appreciated his ass wiggle more or him trying to say what he meant. He planned on doing both repeatedly, so asking for clarification was only going to delay his naughty fun time.

“Anything else I need to know?” He looked over his shoulder and saw Justin’s open-mouthed stare. Yeah, he liked his ass. He’d initially thought he was a shoulder man, maybe he was wrong. Maybe he was an ass man.

“There is lots and lots you need to know.” Justin climbed onto the bed behind him. “Let’s see if I can abbreviate them so we can go back to getting it on.”

Adrian was down with that plan. He turned over to watch Justin as he spoke.

“I always mean what I say.” He ran a fingertip down the side of Adrian’s neck. “I try to not question how I feel, and I jump in with both feet. I have seen how short life can be, and I plan to not lose a minute of it second-guessing myself.” His finger traveled down Adrian’s chest. The tattoos he’d seen at a distance were up close and personal. What he had thought was a bunch of random tattoos was actually an elaborate tribal piece. It was stunning. “How about you? What do I need to know about you?”

“I think you know most of it.” He was naked on his bed, and Justin wanted to have him form complete sentences. Was the man mad? “I am a broken, homeless bear shifter.” It was a superficial response, but he honestly couldn’t think much deeper than, Don’t lick the nice man yet.

“Not homeless.”

“Yeah, I kind of am. I appreciate you letting me stay here and all, but this place was never mine. I never even paid fair rent. I worked for my room.” Were they really having this conversation now? He reached for Justin’s cock, hoping to change the direction of the conversation quickly. The other man’s hand stopped his, though, so he settled. It looked like this conversation was happening now, like it or not.

“At the natural remedies business.”

“Yes, at that.” He looked at his cock and licked his lips. When he looked up to meet his eyes, Justin gave a smirk. Bastard knew what he was doing.

“That is yours, you know.” His cock? Goodness he hoped so.

“No, I am pretty sure it is yours.” He licked his lips once again. “But I wouldn’t mind playing with it for a while.”

“Not that.” He waited until they made eye contact before beginning again. As much as he’d tried to stop Justin from turning this conversation into sex, he could tell he wanted Adrian as badly as Adrian wanted him. His cock was practically shouting it at him. “I was talking about the business. When I got the call to come settle the estate, I was told there was a parcel of land and a bank account. It seems that no one knew about the house; Rosemary never even mentioned it in her will.”

“Why was that, do you think?” The townspeople seemed to not know where the house was, but none of them seemed worried about it, so he’d never paid it too much mind. He knew where it was, and that had been good enough for him at the time.

“Rosemary lost her parents when she was very young. They were killed for their horns. It sort of really shaped who she became. My aunt Laura told me Rosemary spent her life trying to stay hidden.” Rosemary had never mentioned why she did what she did, and he’d had never pushed, just like Rosemary never pushed Adrian for his history. They had an understanding that way, and he wondered if they’d lost out by keeping their relationship superficial when it came to their pasts.

“That is awful. I thought people stopped believing in unicorns and the power of their horns generations ago.” He had not met anyone other than supernaturals who seemed to believe in them at all. Sure, he’d met many a person who wished shifters existed, especially dragon shifters for some reason. They were more wrapped up in the one-and-only-true-love and living forever stuff, and that wasn’t reality even in the supernatural world.

“They did quit for the most part, but some remain believers to this day. Unfortunately, they’re mostly the types who would kill a unicorn for its horn.”

“What is wrong with people?”

“I have no answer.” Sadness replaced lust in Justin’s eyes. God. Adrian was his very own cockblock. Brilliant. “Now, about the website and herbal stuff.”

“What about it?”

“They told me she left it to her apprentice. It sounds to me like that is you.”

Rosemary had left it to him? Crazy. He had been there barely half a year. “That doesn’t make sense. She had family. She had you.”

“She did, but she also had you. And knew I was completely inept at healing.” Adrian found it difficult to believe he was inept at anything.

“So, I have a website and business.” It was finally sinking in. It felt overwhelming yet comforting. He would never be as strong a healer as Rosemary, but he had kept things going since the woman’s death. With the knowledge mixed in all the clutter, he could strengthen his skills further. He had a career. A purpose.

“You do.”

Adrian liked the sound of that.

“Whoa, did your bear just pop up and say hello?”

“I don’t think so.” Why would Justin say that? What had he felt that Adrian missed? He was going to have to pay closer attention to his inner self. If Justin felt his inner bear, chances were he was playing peekaboo, and his excitement over the news overshadowed it. “I can stay here?”

“I would prefer it.”

“Because you want my body?” he teased, although he knew Justin really did.

“There is no denying I do.” He reached over and ran a finger over Adrian’s nipple. “But that is not why.”

“Then why?” He shamelessly leaned forward, not so subtly asking to be touched again.

“Because it feels like you belong here.” This time he ran his finger over Adrian’s collarbone.

He needed Justin—and now.

“It kind of really does.” Adrian’s voice came out all husky and deep. Even if his lust hadn’t shown in his eyes, or the way his body kept leaning into Justin’s, his voice would have given it away.

“So, it is decided then?”

“What is decided?” Justin’s hands made things fall from his brain.

“You will stay here.”

Yes, he wanted to stay here, with Justin naked in his bed for the foreseeable future. “And pay rent, right?” He got up on his knees and inched closer to Justin.

“Yeah, sure.”

He watched Justin’s throat swallow. Please let this conversation be just about over.

“If you want to.”

“I really do.” He reached for the unicorn’s cock, and this time Justin let him.

“Then yes, you must pay rent.” As Justin spoke, Adrian ran his hand up his cock—after giving it a quick squeeze. “Lots and lots of rent.”

“Whatever you want.”

Justin brought his lips to Adrian’s and gave him a sweet kiss. Adrian wrapped his arms around his neck, not forgetting about his glorious cock so much as for fear he would pull away. Sweet was fine and dandy, but his body need more. It needed raw. It needed passion. It needed hard. He slammed his lips to Justin’s, who immediately took control back. Justin licked the seam of his lips, and Adrian ignored it momentarily, wondering what the unicorn would do if he denied him entrance. A quick bite of Adrian’s bottom lip told him all he needed to know. This man was more than a one-trick pony, and Adrian was going to enjoy tonight, immensely.

He granted Justin entrance, which he rewarded with a tweak of his nipple. The moan that escaped his lips fueled Justin’s passion, and his kisses traveled down Adrian’s neck as he pushed him back against the bed. Justin’s weight was on him; he loved the feel of it. He needed more. He needed everything.

As if hearing his inner prayer, Justin’s mouth made its way down his chest, playing with Adrian with his tongue and his teeth as his hand found his cock. This time he didn’t go straight in for the kill. This time, he circled the base, moving his mouth down, flicking his tongue against the tip, and smiling as it leapt toward him.

He lifted his head momentarily. “You are so hard for me. Do you know what that does to me?” He slid his finger around Adrian’s ass, slipped it in as Adrian arched toward him. Justin pumped his finger into him a couple of times before adding a second.

“What?” Adrian gasped. “What does it do?”

“It makes me crave you even more.” He lapped at Adrian’s balls before kissing his way farther. “It makes me crave a taste of you. You know we really didn’t get in a good lunch. I’m rather hungry.” He continued his descent. Adrian was a huge one for giving oral pleasure, but he’d found a man who was worth it. He was pretty confident that was about to change. “Mind if I break for a small snack?” Justin stared at his fingers, still fucking him slowly. My word, it felt good.

“It is only fair since I am the reason you are still hungry,” he bantered back. He pulled his fingers from him and put them in his mouth one after another, sucking his juices from them. It was freaking hot.

“Delicious.” He barely got the word out before he began with one long lick that ended with him circling then sucking his ass. Adrian almost came with that one little move. He was in for a treat tonight if the preview was this amazing.

“More.” He had never fancied himself a beggar, but with Justin, all his past rules of engagement were just that—the past. They seemed to be rewriting the rules as they went along, and begging became an acceptable tool.

“Oh, you will be getting more, have no fear. You will be getting plenty more. I have it in my mind to have you coming at least three more times before we rest.” Adrian was on board with the plan.

Justin repeated his long lick followed by the ass-suck move, only this time he sank his finger back into him and pulled Adrian’s entire cock into his mouth. A small shudder ran through his body, and Justin took that as a sign. Repeat. The next time his small shudder grew, his orgasm building. By the fourth rendition of his dance, Adrian was exploding into Justin’s mouth, clenching around his fingers, and screaming his name. That didn’t stop Justin from continuing, and he kept his fingers and mouth moving as he rode out Adrian’s climax. He had never come so hard in his life, and he was not a starry-eyed boy. This orgasm belonged in the record books as best orgasm ever.

He looked up to see Justin once again licking his fingers, his chin glistening with cum. Sexy. As. Fuck.

“That was…” He was too out of breath to finish his thoughts. What he needed was a quick nap.

“Oh no, gorgeous. It is not nap time. I owe you two more orgasms before then.”

“This one counted as at least four.” He struggled to keep his eyes open. Justin had worn him out.

“What that was, was number one.” Justin’s hands were back on him, this time sitting on his hips. “I owe you two more before nap time.”

“Sleepies now. Orgasms later,” he mumbled, now half-asleep. “Oh, fuck.” He opened his eyes to see Justin staring at him with a goofy grin on his face. Darn man was proud of wearing him out. He should be. That was some grade A work on his part. “You didn’t have your turn. Sorry.” He scrambled to sit. “I didn’t mean to…I mean, of course I wasn’t going to forget—”

“Whoa there, this is not about me.” Justin helped lean him back against the bed. “That is not completely true. It is about me in that I have this compulsion to make you come repeatedly, but it is not about you making sure I get my turn. You more than took care of my needs at the rocks.”

“I’m not going to argue about whether that was a super yummy time, but I think your glorious peen—the one angrily staring at me right now—would disagree with your assessment.” He reached over and wiped the pre-cum off, bringing his finger to his mouth. “He looks”—he popped his finger in his mouth, slowly removing it in what he hoped was a sensual way—“and tastes like he needs to be taken care of again.”

He could see the moment he won his case. He should have been a flipping lawyer. Justin covered Adrian’s body with his own and began kissing him as if he couldn’t get enough. His erection was hard against Adrian’s body. And, oh, he couldn’t wait for it to sink into him.

Justin ran his hand down Adrian’s side and reached between them to hold Adrian’s cock. The unicorn was nothing if not determined. Adrian was so hyper-sensitive from his last orgasm, he thought it would be hours before he could be hard again—but he was almost there with the first touch. He wanted this to last, his need for a nap gone.

Moving his kisses from Adrian’s lips to his neck, Justin kept working his cock. Adrian wasn’t going to last long at this rate. As Justin worked his way back up his neck and reached the sensitive area just below his ear, he gave up and let the sensations take him away. This ejaculation didn’t crash into him like previous ones did. This time it built up slowly then swelled through him in waves until he was sure he couldn’t come any more. It was glorious.

“Best. Orgasm. Ever.”

“I bet you say that about all of them,” Justin teased, moving to kiss his stomach again. The man was on a mission.

“Honestly, today I have.” Adrian’s goofy grin returned. “Now, get inside me. If I am only getting three orgasms today, I want at least one of them to be with you inside of me.”

“For the record, I never said three today. I said three more before resting.” He playfully smacked Adrian’s shoulder. “That said, I am down with having the next one occurring with me inside you. Where do you keep your condoms?”

“Condoms? Don’t you have one?”

Justin shook his head. “Not in your wallet?”

He shook his head again.

“Don’t all alphas keep condoms in their wallets?”

Adrian rolled off of him. “Fuck, of course you don’t have condoms. You live in an invisible house. Not like you could bring boyfriends home.”

“So, a no on the wallet.” It was fact, no use hiding it in the guise of a question.

“That would be more of an ‘I can’t believe I am such an idiot and never put a fucking condom in my wallet.’” He pulled Adrian closer, and he snuggled into Justin’s side.

“So, you’re not a player, I take it.” Justin absentmindedly ran his fingers over his tattoo.

“Not at all. I could never get into that. I am a one-man man.”

That made Adrian cringe. What would Justin think of him if he knew how many men he had slept with in his past?

“Want me to take care of that?” He pointed to Justin’s still-very-hard penis.

“Actually, not so much.”

Adrian’s face fell. Had he ruined the moment by not telling him to come on in unwrapped? He hadn’t gotten the impression Justin even wanted to, but maybe he was wrong.

“Excuse me?” The hurt in his voice was undisguisable. Oh, well.

“You told me the next time you came, you wanted it to be with me inside you, and since that can’t happen, I say we let Mr. Horny wait it out.”

“Mr. Horny?” He knew some guys named their penis, but he had never expected something so silly as that to come from Justin’s mouth.

“Unicorn here.”

He gave Justin a look before sitting up.

“Hey, where are you going?” Justin asked.

“I need to put your clothes in the washer, so I can then dry them and we can go into town. You owe me an orgasm, mister, and if it means getting all domestic and shit to collect, so be it.” He laughed and laughed as he walked out of the room buck-ass naked, shaking his assets. Thank goodness they had a ten-minute wash cycle on the machine. It was not good enough for a heavy load but should be fine for one set of clothes.

“I’m back,” he announced as he walked back into the room. He was feeling very playful and, oddly, not overly sleepy. “Miss me?” He climbed into bed beside Justin who lay under the covers, and it was oh so warm and snuggly, it had him second-guessing his need for a nap.

“Very much.” Justin’s words came across as more honest than playful.

“How come you didn’t push me for bareback sex?” The question couldn’t leave his mind, so he might as well throw it out there.

“Because that is a decision to be made when we have choices and not because it is bareback or nothing.”

Adrian snuggled in closer. He was so right. It was one thing to throw the condom on the floor and say, “Skip it.” It was another to say, “Crap, we have no condom. Screw it. Go in, anyway.”

“Most guys would have.” Justin was not most guys, though, and Adrian hoped his statement didn’t hurt the other man’s feelings.

“And what do you say to most guys?” The lightness in Justin’s voice felt forced.

“Fuck, no.”

“Good answer.” Justin ran his hand down Adrian’s arm.

“It was the honest answer. I won’t lie to you and say I’m virginal. I’m twenty-seven and didn’t spend my life making the best relationship choices.” Adrian already felt better putting it out there, so he decided to go for broke. “I made mistakes, far too many to get into, but I never made the mistake of letting anyone in unwrapped. My life is worth more than that.”

“But you wanted to with me?” Justin fingers continued to caress Adrian’s arm, and he could almost feel the tension draining away.

“Yeah, I did.” Adrian grasped Justin’s hand as it arrived at his wrist and interlaced their fingers. “Or at least I wanted you to want to.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you’re different.” He pulled Justin in even closer. “I can’t really explain it. You feel like more, and you trusting me enough to want that…well, it felt like I was that to you, too.” He looked up to meet Justin’s eyes. “I’m not sure if I’m even making any sense. It’s stupid, I know.”

Justin brought his hand to Adrian’s lips. “Not stupid. Honest. Brave. Not stupid.” He accentuated each word with a kiss.

“More like embarrassing.”

Justin kissed his hand again. “Endearing.” Silence filled the room, and Adrian wasn’t sure if he should break the moment with words. It was kind of nice simply being, yet there really was more to say. Justin made the decision for him. “Truth be told, if we’d had what we needed and you had wanted to leave it on the nightstand, I probably would have jumped all over that.”

“I know Alphas like it better.” He had had enough Alphas begging him to forgo the condom to know it must feel freaking fabulous.

“I wouldn’t know.”

Adrian loved the sound of that. Loved. It. “You never?”

Justin made sure he had eye contact with Adrian before answering. “Never.”

“But you might have with me?” Adrian was more to Justin, too, then. Sure he’d said the words, but knowing he was willing to follow those words up with actions solidified them in Adrian’s mind.

“I plan to with you.”

He couldn’t wait. “Not now, though?”

Justin shook his head slightly, his eyes dancing with amusement. He seemed to love the way he made Adrian feel just as much as Adrian loved the way he made Justin feel. This was all so new to him. This was not dating or a casual fling. This was…more.

“No, not now, handsome.” The loud buzz of the washer timer filled the room. “Now it sounds like I need to switch the wash.”

“Cut that out.” Adrian sat up, still holding his hand. “I will switch it.”

“You are not my maid, you know.” Justin sat up beside him, pulling him onto his lap. His poor erection was still bobbing between them. It had to be uncomfortable.

“You’d best remember that.” Adrian gave him a peck on the cheek. “Next time it is all you, but right now, me doing it is more out of laziness than anything else.”

“You probably should explain that.” Justin began kissing his neck, and for a moment he actually forgot the question. Justin must have sensed his distraction because he gave Adrian’s earlobe a quick bite. He knew Justin was a unicorn, but in many ways he acted more like a feline shifter—all bitey and such.

“The dryer is pretty craptastic…” Justin began distracting him with his lips again, and Adrian had to focus extra hard on forming his thoughts. “And you…don’t know the trick to making…um…it work.” Justin pulled his lips from his neck and gave him the I am a grown-ass man and can use a dryer look. “Seriously, after five minutes of listening to you fiddle around with the darn dryer, I would have to go in there and do it anyway.” Justin smirked and shook his head slightly before giving up and going back to work driving Adrian crazy. They really needed those clothes dry so they could go and get some stupid condoms. “My doing it actually saves me a lot of trouble.”

“But you will show me how to use it.” Justin wasn’t asking, he was telling him. He really wanted to know. Justin was not going to be a Where’s my sandwich? kind of lover. Heck, he might be the one making the sandwiches. Or better yet, maybe they would not even leave the bedroom for days at a time.

“Heck yeah, I will.” Adrian stood from the bed, wanting more than anything to jump right back into his lap. He loved how he could sit there on Justin’s lap, not at all self-conscious about his weight. The last time he sat on a lover’s lap was…well, never. It was a first and made him smile. “No way am I washing all your dirty socks all the time.” As he walked to the dryer, he turned his head to catch Justin unashamedly ogling his ass. “I have things to do, you know.” Justin’s gaze remained planted in place, so he gave it a little shake. “Did you not see the piles of paper everywhere?”

Justin’s chuckle filled his ears as he made record time switching the wash.

He had snuggling to do.