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The Other End of the Leash by NJ Cole, Oliver Durant (4)



Chapter Seven




It had been hard to leave her in the basement, and a few times while I was in the shower, I’d second guessed myself. I’d planned on going down to check on her once I was finished, but when I walked from my room, wearing just a pair of sleep pants, I could hear the water of her shower running.

My mind went back to earlier that day when I’d given her a bath. I’d like to have showered with her, given her a bath again, but I wanted her to have the time to herself, to process the scene, and recover if needed.

She didn’t take long and before I knew it, she was walking down the stairs toward me. I’d already had four orgasms, one from her morning blow job and three from sex, but you wouldn’t have known it by the way my cock was acting in my pants.

I ignored my cock as she set a brush down next to me and sat in front of me on the floor. “Do you want me to brush your hair?” I asked, picking it up.

She turned to me, placed her hand on her chest and signed please.

I loved how she was bringing something I’d taught her and applying it to other things.

For a moment, I wondered if she was unable to speak, but I quickly dismissed that thought. I’d heard her screaming and I assumed that if she could do that, she could speak. I’d have to do a bit of research though. It might be a question worth texting Seth about.

Brushing her hair was so relaxing. I half watched the news, while most of me was focused on the brush running through her hair. I wasn’t sure how long I was supposed to brush it, but the soft sounds coming from her and the sway of her body reminded me of when a woman was in subspace.

After about twenty minutes, I set the brush down.

Raven let her body relax even more and leaned against one of my legs.

It was a sign of affection, but looked uncomfortable. I wanted her on the couch anyway, so I called her name softly and patted the couch.

She smiled and moved up, sitting next to me, her head on my lap.

I caressed her shoulder and arm for a while. My hand moved to her breast where my fingers played lazily with her nipple.

As my hand moved to her ass, I felt her sink into me more. I played lazily with her tail. I was surprised how much it turned me on. At first, I just stroked the soft fur, but then I played with the plug that was seated in her ass. I pulled it gently, twisted it, turned it. She moaned softly when I pulled, so I pulled a bit harder, and it came free from her ass with a pop. I thought she’d be panicked, but she moaned a bit and looked up at me. Rather than put it back in, I handed it to her.

There was a moment of apprehension in her eyes, but when she held it in her hands, her head went back to my lap, and her eyes closed once more.

I let my finger run around her puckered hole for a minute, watching it close back up. Before it closed completely, I inserted my index finger. I felt her body tense up, but she didn’t open her eyes. I kept my finger still for a moment, and she relaxed again. I left my finger there without moving it for a full minute. After two, I slowly pulled it out, then pushed it back in. She moaned softly as I finger fucked her ass.

I was an ass man and I loved anal. There was just something about it, something about how a woman would have to submit to you fully to give you her ass that got me so hard. I wanted to bend her over the back of the couch right then and there and take her, but the day had been so perfect that I didn’t want anything to ruin it.

Instead, I settled for the pleasure of fingering her tight asshole while she moaned on my lap. I had two fingers inside of her easily, and with the third, she whimpered, but adjusted. I continued on, getting her more and more used to me. I wanted to fuck her so badly, and I vowed to myself that I’d take her ass before she went to Kennedy’s house, but I had a week.

I fingered her ass until the end of the news, then pulled it from her ass. I took her tail from her and pushed it gently back into her puckered hole. Grabbing her leash, I led her upstairs and to her cage. Though I wanted to fuck her again, I wanted her to rest, and if I were honest, my cock was spent.

She slept in the cage next to my bed. I’d fed her leash through the bars and help the leash in my hand as I slept. In the morning, I woke once again with her warm mouth on my cock. I fed her my cum, and then we went down and had breakfast.

I had a lot of work to do that I’d put off, so I set to doing that. It was just after lunch when I got a text from one of my coworkers, who was also a friend. I see you’re out on vacation this week. Poker still on?

I’d forgotten the day of the week and that it was poker night. My first instinct was to cancel it, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to show off Raven. One of the things I loved about her, besides her total willingness to serve, was that she actually seemed to enjoy being shared, and hadn’t shown an ounce of jealousy when Seth had let those other women suck his cock.

There was another reason I wanted to have the poker game. One of my friends, Mark, had a girlfriend who was smoking, but a huge tease. Assuming she was interested and Mark was into it, I was hoping for a swap for some play time.

I texted all of the guys that it was on. There were four of them coming over, five if you counted Jessica. I thought about leaving Raven how she was, nude and chained, but decided I didn’t want to shock them. Two of the four guys knew about my lifestyle because they were members of the club. The other two were work friends. They had an idea, but I’d never shown them my playroom.

The more I thought about it, the more I thought Raven should be dressed. It would make the first introduction more comfortable for my friends and also, it would be fun to undress her in front of them. The question was, would she be comfortable in clothing. She clearly hadn’t liked wearing it when she’d come to my house and took it off the first chance she got.

After we ate lunch, I pulled her up from the floor and sat her on my lap. The chicken salad she’d made had been delicious and I put the last piece in her mouth. “Raven,” I said, lacing my fingers together around her waist and over her belly button.

She turned her head to look at me.

“I’m having friends over tonight.” I waited for a reaction from her, for her to tense up, but she stayed calm in my lap. “It’s my poker night. There will be four guys. One will be bringing his girlfriend. I wanted to ask you about two things. The first is about clothing. None of them are used to seeing a woman walking around nude. I’d like you to wear clothes. You can choose what you wear. Is that alright with you?” I turned to look at her.

She nodded.

Well that was one down. The next question could be a little trickier. “They might want to play with you. Actually, I’m pretty sure that they will want to play with you.”

There was no reaction from her. She continued to sit on my lap.

“Raven, I don’t know how Seth decides who you play with. He told me you have a play date next Friday. I’d like to set that up for you tonight. Is that alright with you?”

She nodded.

“All four of them?”

Again, she nodded.

This woman was perfect. It would be amazing to fuck Jessica and I knew my friends would love to fuck her.

After lunch, I finished up my work. Raven was busy in the kitchen. I thought she was making dinner, which she was, but when I walked in to see what smelled so delicious, I saw her at the stove making hors d’oeuvres. She’d made a few dips and even had some brownies. Again, I was reminded of how perfect she was. I really hoped that Seth appreciated her.

We ate dinner together, me feeding her bits of the food she’d put on my plate and soft touches. I offered to do dishes so she could get ready. She seemed a bit flustered by that, but I told her I wanted her to look sexy.

When I said that, she smiled and disappeared upstairs. I had no idea what she’d be wearing, but as long as it covered at least some of her, I didn’t care. If I were honest, part of me wanted to answer the door with her nude, wearing only a tail and being pulled around by her leash.

The doorbell rang a few minutes after seven. I still hadn’t seen Raven, but the doorbell seemed to call her. I’d just opened the door when she came down the stairs. She made my jaw drop, as well as the jaws of my two friends, Carl and Ben, who were on the front porch.

“Come in,” I said, and they did, but their eyes never left Raven.

Raven was wearing a short black skirt and a white top. The top was transparent and you could see the outline of her nipples. The skirt was short enough to see her furry white tail hanging from it.

“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” Carl whispered.

I chuckled. “She’s not my girlfriend, she’s a fuck toy.”

Ben gasped and looked to Raven to see her reaction.

She just smiled at him.

Mark and Jessica showed up a few minutes later followed by Bill. Jessica didn’t seem all that thrilled with Raven or the attention she was getting. Jessica was slutted out, but she didn’t pull it off like Raven did.

We all went down to the basement and started playing poker. Jessica stood behind Mark, Raven knelt next to me. Jessica seemed to go out of her way to flirt with me despite the fact that Raven was there. She’d given me several glimpses of her breasts when she bent over the table and had wiggled her ass at me more than once.

She was really asking for it, and I knew just how to give it to her. I hadn’t told Bill, Mark or Jessica that Raven was my fuck toy, my submissive, and I hoped to work it into the conversation in the perfect way. It turned out that Jessica helped.

After staring for half an hour, she finally asked, “How is her tail in?”

“Raven,” I said, motioning my lap. She started to climb onto it, the way we sat at meals, but I moved her so she was bent over it. I lifted her skirt and spread her cheeks. I heard groans from all four men.

Jessica’s eyes were wide. “There is no way I could get something like that in my ass.”

I smiled.

“Well, that sounds like a bet to me. What do you say on a little side wager?” I looked at Jessica and Mark.

“What do you have in mind?” he asked.

“Well, I see how you’ve been looking at Raven, am I wrong to think you want to fuck her? That you all want to fuck her?”

There were quiet grumblings, no one wanting to admit it. After all, when did you admit to someone you wanted to fuck the woman he had living with him.

I stood and walked into the play room, returning with a butt plug in my hand. “The wager is this,” I said holding it up. “I get thirty minutes with Jessica where I can do anything I want, and in the end, if I get this plug in her ass, without her screaming out, I get to fuck her ass.”

“And if you lose?” Mark asked, looking from Jessica to Raven.

“Well then, I’ll have had one hell of a thirty minutes with your girl, but her ass will stay as tight as ever.”

There was a chuckle and Jessica’s cheeks turned pink.

“What do I get?” Mark asked.

“You get thirty minutes with Raven, longer when I fuck Jessica’s ass.”

“And them?” he asked pointing to Bill and Carl.

“They get to join you,” I laughed. “This is Jessica’s bet anyway, I’m just being nice enough to give you guys something to do while I’m railing your girl.”

I knew I was pushing it a bit hard, but I knew what kind of girl Jessica was. She was competitive and a tease. “So what do you say Jessica, is it a bet?”

She put her hands on her hips and pushed her breasts together. “I get what you get when you win, but what happens when I win? What happens when you can’t get that huge thing in my ass?”

I shrugged my shoulders. I had a lot of faith in my abilities. “Then you get to have time with Raven. You can torture her in my dungeon.”

I knew I was pushing the envelope, but I also knew that Raven was in no danger. First off, I was really certain I’d win. Second, Jessica didn’t know enough about any of the things in my dungeon to hurt anyone.

“You have a dungeon?” Jessica asked, with wide eyes.

I nodded, “Just on the other side of the door. It’s where I’m going to fuck you.”

She laughed like I was joking, but when I motioned for her to come, she did.

The rest of the guys followed and I heard gasps when they saw it.

“Jesus, it’s like that Fifty movie or something,” Bill said.

“Yep, and when Jessica agrees to the bet, I’ll bring her in here, and teach her about teasing me all night.”

If there was any wonder if I’d gone too far, that was removed when she said, “Deal, but WHEN you don’t get it in my ass, I get to tie her to that table and use all these things on her.”

“Deal,” I said with a smile.

We all walked back out to the game room. The only person who hadn’t followed me into the dungeon was Raven.

“Raven, take your clothes off. These men are going to enjoy your body. Show them what a good girl you are. Suck their cocks and fuck them well.”

My friends jaw dropped at my words, and even more so when she took her clothes off and stood next to the poker table nude.

My friends hesitated at first, but once they realized they could touch her, that this was really happening, they had her up on the green felt of the poker table and were touching her body.

I took Jessica by the hand and started to lead her into the playroom just as Mark sunk his cock into Raven’s pussy. Raven was moaning softly until Carl put his cock down her throat. The two of them were going at her, causing her to gag and cry out as I closed the playroom door. I didn’t want Jessica distracted and I didn’t need to see what Raven was doing. Just before I’d closed it, I saw Bill climbing up onto the table to tittie fuck her, and Ben had his cock in Raven’s hand. She was stroking it. I knew she’d be fine, and this would be the best night of sex any of my friends would have ever had.

Once the door was closed and it was just Jessica and I alone, I began to make my move. She’d been wearing a tight leather skirt and a low cut top that looked painted on. “Get out of those clothes,” I commanded, waiting to see if there was a submissive bone in Jessica’s body.

She turned and laughed. “Oh, you want to play Master/slave with me? Fine,” she answered, I’ll take off some of it, but you have to take off the rest.”

Again, she was being a tease. She removed her top and skirt, and stood there in an emerald green bra and panty set. It complimented her eyes and set off her auburn hair.

The animal in me wanted to rip them from her body, but I had a mission. Even if I lost, I still got to fuck her.

Gently I pulled her to me, slid my hand up her back and removed her bra.

She smiled, showing me how much she’d wanted that. “So, now that you have me in this room, what are you going to do with me?” she asked, her breasts bouncing as she moved around the room looking at the different pieces of furniture and toys.

“I’m going to put you over this bench and fuck the shit out of you,” I said, grabbing her and pulling her to a spanking bench. I grabbed a set of fur lined cuffs, strapped them to her wrists and secured her to the bench. I didn’t go over any safe words, because if she yelled no or stop, unlike a regular session, I would have actually stopped.

She never said stop though, or much of anything when I pulled her panties down and began spanking her ass bare handed. I spanked her hard and fast making her ass instantly pink. I didn’t give her time to catch her breath before I reached around and squeezed her breasts hard.

She squealed out as I twisted her nipples.

“You’ve been teasing me for months. Did you really think I was going to take it easy on you?” I growled in her ear, pulling her nipple away from her body.

I held her like that, pausing to let the pain sink in, and to get ready for the next part of her scene. I could hear Raven in the other room. Well, I couldn’t hear her, but I could hear the sound of skin slapping on skin, and the grunts of my friends as they were fucking her. I figured they’d be coming soon. She was that good, and they rarely got laid.

I listened to the sounds of them fuck her as I moved in front of Jessica never letting go of her nipple. “Do you suck cock slut?” I asked her lifting her head up. She was panting for breath. I gave her nipple a little extra squeeze and a twist.

“Ahhhhh… yes… yes I…. do…” she screamed between gasps of air.

“Ever been face fucked?”

She didn’t respond, just looked up at me.

“Let’s see if you can suck cock first,” I said. I let go of her now dark purple nipple and unzipped my pants. I let them fall to the floor, stepping out of them. I’d been commando and I was more than ready to go. I pressed my cock to her lips, and to my pleasure, she opened wide.

She wasn’t bad at blow jobs, but she was no Raven. Her head moved up and down slightly as she sucked on my shaft, her tongue making a circle over the head of my cock.

“Mmmm that’s good slut,” I said running my hands down her back and to her ass. I spread her cheeks slightly and she tensed up and stopped sucking. I knew she thought I was going to try to put the plug in right then, but there was far more to do before I attempted that. I needed her mind to be on other things to get the plug in.

“Did you stop sucking my cock?” I asked in a teasing but stern tone. “Is it because I’m near this?” I ran my finger in a circle around her puckered little hole. “Are you afraid that I’m going to stick something in it?”

She went back to sucking my cock, but I didn’t take my fingers off of her ass. One hand held her cheeks wide while the other continued to circle her hole, brushing over it occasionally. When she would take me just a bit deeper, I’d press in slightly, never actually penetrating her, but putting pressure on it, making her accustomed to it.

I thrust hard a few times with my hips, pushing just a bit harder. She gagged and I pulled out my cock. “I don’t think you’re ready for face fucking yet, slut.” I left the string of saliva that connected her lower lip to my cock there. It was hot, and it did make her look like a slut. She couldn’t wipe her face because her hands were cuffed to the sides of the spanking bench. I loved when a woman had her own saliva on her face.

“You look like a slut,” I said, staring her in the eyes, making her look down. “You’ve always wanted to be my slut, haven’t you?”

I could hear the guys in the other room with Raven. The sounds were getting louder and I heard Raven’s moans a few times. “You don’t even care what they are doing out there, do you? You don’t care what Mark’s doing because you’ve wanted my cock for so long.”

She didn’t look up at me.

“I can smell how much you want me, how much your pussy wants me.” I grabbed her chin and raised her face so she had to look at me. “Say it. Tell me you want my cock.”

“I want your cock,” she whispered.

“Well, that’s a start,” I said with a grin. “By the end of tonight, you’ll be begging me to fuck your ass.”

She shook her head that she wouldn’t, but I knew better. She was a slut deep down, and she wanted nothing more than for me to take that little ass of hers and split it open.

I moved behind her and grabbed a condom from my supply drawer. After putting it on, I rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her slit. Most of the sensation was cut off by the layer of latex, but my eyes still worked. Jessica pushed back against me, trying to get my cock inside of her. “You want this?” I asked, pushing in the tip slightly and then pulling it back out.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“This?” I asked once more teasingly, just giving her the tip again before pulling it out.

“Yessss,” she hissed, trying to push back into me.

“Slut!” I growled and slammed into her hard. My thrust pushed her forward into the spanking bench. I held her there, pinned to the padded leather. “Now I’m going to use and abuse your slut body.”

I pulled back and rammed her again. I’d been holding onto her hips, but my left hand slid around to pull on her nipples while my right played with her asshole. She tensed up at first, but after I fucked her for several minutes, she stopped squirming, and focused on my fucking and the torture I was giving her tits. I fucked her hard and fast playing with her ass and tits. She really was a good lay, and had I not just had the best lay of my life, I’d probably have been more impressed. Jessica’s tight pussy gloved my cock as I pounded in and out of her. I could catch her reflection in the mirror I had on the opposite wall. The drool coming from her mouth and the way her eyes rolled back occasionally had me harder than ever. I loved how it looked when you fucked a woman senseless. She was making groaning sounds that seemed to vibrate with each thrust.

My thumb had been working her pucker, but I replaced it with the plug. I didn’t push it in, just rubbed it around her tight hole. I kept it there, giving her pussy a few more thrusts before pulling out.

I paused a moment, the room silent except for the sounds of our heavy breathing. She was making soft whimpers with each exhale. I could hear the fucking going on loudly in the game room. “Holy fuck… she sucks… God damn… I’m gonna cooooome….”

“Hear that, little slut?” I said, moving back around in front of her and stroking her cheek. I kept the plug pushing slightly against her ass. I pulled off my condom and looked at her mouth. “Let me show you how a good little slut takes it.”

Keeping the pressure on her ass, I stroked her lower lip. “Now, are you going to keep your mouth open, or do I have to force it open?” My thumb and forefinger pressed against her jaw, showing her how I’d keep her mouth open wide. I released it for a second to let her speak.

“I’ll keep my mouth open,” she whispered, a lot of the fight gone from her.

It made me smile to know that I was moving in the right direction. “Such a good girl. Good girls get rewarded,” I said in a soft tone. “Now open wide and let me fuck your face.”

She opened her mouth, as if she were going to give me head, but with one thrust, she learned the difference between giving a blow job and getting face fucked. I pounded into her mouth at lighting speed making her gag with each thrust. Her eyes were watering as she looked up at me. “You like it slut?” I growled as I grabbed her hair and held her mouth on my cock as I fucked her face like it was nothing more than a flesh hole.

I didn’t leave my cock pressed against the back of her throat, so her gagging was coming and going as fast as I was fucking her. There was drool all over my balls. She had no time, no opportunity to swallow the saliva.

It was hot, taking her this way. Her lipstick was smudged and her mascara was running down her face. The choking and gagging sounds she was making had me fucking her mouth even faster. I used the opportunity to push the plug a bit into her ass. She didn’t tense up at all. I’d counted on the fact that she was focused on breathing and not vomiting that she wouldn’t notice a bit more pressure.

The plug was small, so it wouldn’t hurt if she relaxed. Even the widest part wasn’t much larger than my thumb. Just the tip of it was in, but I was making progress. I changed my pace, fucking her slowly, but deeper. She gagged and bucked her body, reacting to her natural gag reflex. With each buck of her body, each arch of her back, each tug of her head to try to get away from my cock, I held the plug still. I wasn’t even pushing it into her ass, she was pushing her ass onto the plug.

I pulled back and let her breathe, then thrust in again, holding her head there. This was it, the moment of truth. As she started to gag and gasp for air, I tightened my grip on the fistful of hair I held and moved her face back and forth at lighting speed.

“Ahhhhhggggg.... Ahhhhhh...uhhhhghhh….guuuuhhh…”

The sounds that were coming out of her were incredible as the drool now hit the floor in a sexy string, dripping from her puffy lips. What was even sexier was the plug that was now firmly seated in her ass. She’d been so distracted, she hadn’t noticed, just as I’d planned.

I let up for a moment, pulling my cock from her mouth.

She gasped for air, her head now hanging down.

I let her rest for just a moment before speaking. “I liked fucking your face slut, but I’d really like to fuck your ass.”

She lifted her head and smirked at me. She was still breathing hard and since her hands were bound, she’d not been able to wipe the saliva off of her lips and chin. “You’d like to, but I already told you that I don’t do anal.”

I bent down a bit and ran my finger over her lower lip breaking the string that connected her to the floor. I lifted her wet chin slightly. “No, you said you didn’t do anal, but you would if I got that plug in your ass.”

She nodded and then paused. I watched the realization come over her. She’d be able to feel it, but just slightly. “H-how?” she whispered, her eyes growing wide.

“How doesn’t really matter, what does matter is what happens next.” I ran my fingers over her scalp, down her back and over her ass, giving the plug a gentle tug.

“What happens next?” she asked, trying to twist around to see me.

“What do you mean what happens next?” I asked with a chuckle. “What happens next is that I use your body in the way I want. I’ve fucked your face, I’ve fucked your pussy. Both were enjoyable. I’m sure I will find your asshole just as good.” I lifted my hand from her body and walked over to my pants.

She was still trying to turn around to see where I’d gone. I loved the sense of panic that now filled the room. I took my phone from my pocket and snapped a photo of her ass. I did the same with her phone that was lying on the floor on top of her skirt. I’d show her the pictures later.

My fingers traced around the plug before grabbing onto it. I pulled slowly watching it stretch her asshole.

“Owwwwwww....ahhhhh” she cried out.

I gave her ass a hard slap, sending it jiggling. “Aww, that hurt? Let’s try again.”

I pushed the plug back in making her cry out once more. In and out, I pushed and pulled the plug. When she was whimpering nonstop, I pulled it out and set it down.

Making quick work of putting on a condom, I placed the tip of my cock against her slowly closing pucker. I knew my cock was far bigger than the plug and it could be painful to her if I didn’t enter her the right way. I pushed my cock into her ass, stopping when I felt the resistance.

I waited for her inner ring to open and I pushed in a bit more.

“Ohhh God. Please stop. It feels… It—it feels funny,” she groaned.

“Of course it feels funny,” I said letting my cock slip in slowly inch by inch. “You’re taking a huge dick up your ass. This is such a slutty thing to do.”

She didn’t respond, instead making even more sounds, some of them what could only be described as squeaks.

I pushed in slowly, with one steady thrust. Entering an ass for the first time was my favorite part and I wanted to make it last. Entering a virgin ass was exquisite. I watched her tight hole swallow my cock. I could barely tear my eyes from the sight, but I had to look up. The only thing more beautiful than the sight of my cock stretching her hole was the look on her face. I could see her in the mirror. She had her eyes closed tightly and was biting her lower lip.

“Please—no more—I can’t...please,” she was whimpering.

“You can and you will. You’ll take all of my cock. You’re an anal slut now.”

When I was all the way in her ass, I held still for a moment before pulling out just an inch and pushing back in. I did it a second time, thrusting in hard and fast. Jessica screamed out making my cock swell.

The more she screamed, the more I gave her the short hard thrusts. Once she got used to that, I pulled back more, letting my entire shaft slip out and then back in. “God, you’ve got a tight ass,” I moaned. “Now, open your eyes and look at me. I want to see it in your eyes, how much you love cock in your ass.”

My words weren’t necessary to me to enjoy anal, but in this case, they were. Most of what I loved about it was how humiliated she was.

She opened her eyes slowly. “Okay, you did it. Are you done now?”

“Done?” I laughed, pulling out and thrusting in again. “I’m just getting started. Neither of us has come.”

Grabbing onto her hips, I began fucking her again. As each minute passed, her moans and cries grew louder, but she wasn’t protesting as much. She was enjoying it and I knew it. Letting my hand slip down her stomach, I brought it between her legs. Her slit was soaking wet. She was an anal slut. I’d known it all along.

I played with her clit as I fucked her ass. It was so tight. I was glad I had experience with controlling my own orgasms, as I wanted this to last a long time. I’d push myself to the limit and when I was ready, I’d allow myself the release I’d been denying myself all afternoon while watching Raven. My mind went to Raven. Her dark hair, her haunting eyes, her perfect body, all filled my mind as I pounded Jessica.

There were still sounds coming from the other room, though it was getting quieter. While Mark was aware, I was fucking Jessica, seeing his girlfriend with another guy’s dick up her ass was a different story.

I focused on Jessica again. My finger had been rubbing her clit and pulling on her nipples. She was making a hell of a lot of noise. Her begs and whimpers should have had me ready to burst, but they weren’t.

I felt Jessica’s body tremble as I grazed her clit with my thumb. “Oh, are you going to come for me slut? Are you going to scream out and cream all over my floor with my dick in your ass? Are you going to show everyone just how much you like cock in your ass?”

“Noooo! I hate it!” Jessica screamed as she came all over me. Her words said one thing, but her body said another.

I didn’t slow down, just kept fucking. I wasn’t holding off any more, but nothing was happening. It had never happened to me before where I couldn’t get it up unless I’d had more than five orgasms in a day and I’d never had the occasion where I was hard, but couldn’t come.

I gave it a few more thrusts then bent down and whispered in her ear, “I could go all night, but I’ll stop if you admit that you love it up the ass.”

I could see the humiliation on Jessica’s face. It was something that turned me on. “I like it up the ass,” she admitted softly.

With a smile, I pulled my cock from her ass and disposed of the condom. I wondered if that might have been part of the reason, I had difficulty coming. I’d had sex for days now with Raven and no condom. Then again, I usually used a condom with a woman and had never had difficulty before. I shrugged, not worrying about it. As the saying went, “it happened to everyone.”

I walked around to the front of her so she could see the phones.

I’d opened my contacts list and made her ass with the plug in it Mark’s contact photo. “Now, every time he messages, I’ll be reminded of how sweet your ass was.”

I took her phone and went to her contacts. I created a contact for myself and used the photo I’d taken with her phone as my picture. “If you ever want me to fuck you again just message. I’d be happy to take your ass anytime.”

She gasped and looked away.

“And if you dare to come over again with Mark and act all flirty, like a tease, I’m going to lift up your skirt, pull down your panties and fuck your ass right in front of everyone. Hell, I’ll even let them all take turns face fucking you while I destroy that tiny little pucker of yours.”

I pulled on my jeans and then uncuffed her hands. I led her back into the game room, still nude. She didn’t protest. She’d been a tease to more than me. The other guys deserved to see her like this.

Mark and Carl were both recovering, sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Bill was still getting a blow job, but from the sound of it, you could tell he was close. “Fuck...fuck...fuck.. Shit… I’m gonna… FUCK!” he shouted, grabbing Raven’s hair and holding her onto his cock. He grunted a few times then finally let go of her head. He staggered over to a chair mumbling something about this being the best sex ever.

He hadn’t noticed Jessica yet, but Mark and Carl had. They were both staring at her nude body. Mark was a nice guy for the most part, but he could be a bit of an ass. It was my turn to be one tonight. “Jessica, don’t you have something you want to tell the guys?”

Jessica turned pink. “I um…” she stammered.

“If you want, I can show them.” I made a motion to move behind her once again.

“NO! No, I’m good. I can tell them.” She looked at the floor and said, “I like being fucked in the ass.”

Mark gasped and Carl laughed.

Bill looked up at her words. “This has been one hell of a night,” he said grinning. “I’m pretty spent, but if you want, come here, Jessica. I’ll get it up and fuck your ass.”

“The hell you will,” Mark said, standing. Bill had been kidding, but it was time to stop pushing buttons.

“Calm down everyone. Tonight was a lot of fun. I hope we can all have fun next time.” I knew once Raven was gone, I’d either have to invite over another girl or Jessica would have to learn how to handle four cocks at once.

Everyone did calm down. It was hard to be agitated when you’d just had amazing sex. We didn’t play anymore poker, and they all were gone pretty quickly.

After they left, I looked to Raven.

She was smiling at me, but she looked tired.

I took the leash from my pocket and clipped it on her, ready to lead her upstairs and let her sleep in her crate.

As good as it had felt to fuck Jessica, I was still a bit wound up from not coming. Walking behind Raven going up the stairs had me hard instantly. They way her hips swayed got me every time.

I knew I had to think of her first. If it were just me, I’d have tossed her on my bed and fucked her until we both passed out. Apparently, Raven had thought the same thing or something like it because when I walked her across my bedroom and opened the door to her crate she looked at me with confusion.

“Baby, you look exhausted. You need rest.”

She nodded, but her face fell.

“Did you want to fuck me?”

Again, she nodded, but this time it was enthusiastically.

There was no way to deny her. I was horny already and now she was asking me to fuck her. I’d have had to have been a monk to say no to her.

I didn’t hesitate after that. I kept the leash on her, bending her over my bed. I used the leash to hold her head up while I took her from behind.

Unlike earlier where I lasted forever and couldn’t come, I was worried that I’d end up coming in less than a minute. Half of me was afraid to hold off, not wanting it to end the way it had with Jessica, but there was no way I was going to come that quickly, especially if Raven hadn’t come. It was her idea to have sex anyway.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You were so sexy tonight. You made me so happy. I wish I could have seen them all fuck you.”

“Ahhhhh...ohhhh… annnghhhhhh!” she screamed coming all over my cock. I had to wonder if it was the sounds or the way she looked that had me coming hard and deep into her pussy.

I felt ready to collapse and she looked it. “Sleep Raven. Thank you for being amazing tonight.”

She smiled at me before she closed her eyes.

I had no trouble sleeping, nor waking up to Raven’s mouth on my cock. Things were perfect, each day better than the next. She’d only been with me a few days, and I was already used to her presence and dreading her leaving. I decided to focus on the here and now, and not worry about the future.








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