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The Redeemable by Grace McGinty (9)

Chapter Nine


Lux’s face had been the last thing I remembered about last night. When I opened my eyes the next day, it was to see Eli hovering over me. The anxiety coiled in my body instantly relaxed.

“We gotta stop meeting like this Doc.” I smiled, and then groaned as the pounding in my head made me instantly regret my mirth.

“I wholeheartedly agree. Despite popular opinion, I don't enjoy having you unconscious on my couch.” He shined a tiny light in my eyes, and then checked my pulse, his warm, strong fingers pressed against the delicate skin of my wrist. I realized I wanted to know what those fingers felt like in other places. I wanted Eli to kiss me. When had he gone from reassuring doctor to potential sex partner in my brain? I didn't matter, because I was having all sorts of torrid doctor/patient fantasies now.

My pulse must have jumped a little, because he looked away from the clock on the wall and back at my face, his concerned look melting away when he saw the heat burning in my eyes.

He leaned forward and gently brushed a kiss across my lips. It was a promise of something more. But not right now.

“I don't think you've suffered any lasting effects of the rohypnol. I'll give you something for the headache.”

He stood and I sat up on the couch. I expected the room to be full like last time, but none of the other guys were there.

“Where is everyone?”

Eli handed me to paracetamol and a glass of water. “They are… out.”

The hesitation wasn't lost on me. “And Lux?” I held my breath, having a vivid flashback to the dancefloor and his cold, dead eyes. What if he was in prison?

“Lux is in his apartment. He asked not to be disturbed.”

Oh really? We’d see about that. I stood from the couch. I was still in my playsuit, but the Hollywood tape had lost all integrity hours ago. My left breast slipped out, and Eli’s gaze shot to my chest with naked hunger that he didn't have time to squash before I saw it. 

I stepped toward him, into his arms and his hands pressed me against his body. He leaned forward, kissing me with gentle persuasion, his fingers skimming up over my hip, then my ribs, before he cupped my wandering breast in his hand. His thumb scraped over my nipple and I moaned into his deepening kiss. He plucked at it and I gasped, pressing myself closer.

I wanted nothing more than to succumb to the sensation of Eli, but I had to fix Lux first.

I groaned as I gently broke the kiss, and Eli let me. His hands slid back down to my hips, but he didn't let go.

“We’ll have our moment, I swear. But Lux needs me right now.”

“I look forward to that moment.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “Go take care of my brother. He will be feeling this very deeply.”

I hesitated at his door. “What happened to those guys? The ones who…”

Eli shook his head, his face completely closed down. “I do not know.” I looked at the neutrality of his face and knew he was lying, or at least not telling me the whole truth. 

I walked out his door and into the elevator, going straight to Lux’s floor.

Ace, are you there?

Silence. Panic gripped me. What if the drugs had burned her away? Ace and I had our differences, but I needed her. She was a part of me.

Aww, Cady, I didn't know you cared.

I'd never been so relieved to hear that snarky voice.

Yeah you did. We’ve got each other’s backs. I love you.

A long silence again, before Ace spoke.

Love you too, Kid. Her voice was husky and rough.

Do you know what happened last night, after my blackout? I asked.

Yes. Her tone was the coldest I'd ever heard. We owe Lux a debt.

And those men, what happened to them?

That cold flat voice again. They got what they deserved.

A feeling of dread washed over me.

Are they dead? Silence. Ace?

She didn't answer.

Giving up on interrogating Ace, I lightly knocked on Lux’s door but no one answered. I knocked louder, but still no answer.

“Mini-Oz, unlock user: Lux’s door.”

The lock slid across with a snick. I turned the handle and walked into the apartment. I'd never been into Lux’s space, and the heavy curtains shut against the early morning light shrouded the place in pockets of darkness.

But I could still see Lux. Hunched over on his couch, the only piece of furniture in the room, with a bottle of vodka dangling loosely from his fingers.

“Lux?” I called, but he didn't look up. I moved in front of him, but he still wouldn't look at me. I knelt on the ground at his feet, forcing him to see me.

His eyes lazily took in my face.

“You don't kneel in front of me, Arcadia. Never.” He wrapped strong hands around my ribs and pulled me up onto his lap. I curled into the strength of his body, enveloping myself in the warmth of him.

“What happened, Lux?” I asked gently, my hand reaching up to stroke the lines of his face.

“I happened. Wrath. Revenge. You may null our abilities, but we are still the same people who got sent to hell for our sins. I'm still the person who slaughtered whole villages.”

My eyes bugged out in shock. “That may be so, but I don't think the man who did those things in your former life felt such remorse.” He shook his head, and buried his face in my neck. “Will you tell me about it? Your life before?”

He shook his head. “I was a Spartan soldier. One of the army's most brutal. That is all you need to know. The rest isn't… pretty.”

I could see it then, in the hard edges of his face. I could imagine him in the armor, the helmet, holding a sword. My warrior. 

I pulled his chin towards me. “I will save you, Lux. I will be your redemption, if you'll let me. But I think it's fairly logical that you can't murder anyone else, okay?”

One corner of his mouth curled slightly. “I didn't kill those kids at the club. They walked out of there alive.”

I sensed more to that story, but I let it go. I would find out the details later. 

Such pain on his face that it hurt to see. I needed to replace it with something else. 

I turned so I was straddling his lap, our chests pressed together.  “Lux, will you take me to bed?”

Heat roared from his body and strong arms wrapped around me. “Yes.” It was a sigh, a chant, a proclamation, and without hesitation. 

His mouth came down onto mine, hard. He kissed me with a desperation that bit into my soul; that called to me to sooth his hurts and forgive his errors.

I obliged, kissing him back with my own desperation.

He stood, his hands under my ass, lifting me with ease. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked me towards what I assumed was the bedroom.

I broke the kiss. “Shower first.” He was still speckled with blood and I wanted to erase any trace of those guys from the club. 

He nodded, recapturing my mouth in another searing kiss. 

We walked into the dark marble bathroom, and he placed me on my feet. 

He reached into the huge shower stall and ran the water before turning back to me. His eyes devoured my body as he hooked to fingers around the top of my suit, and achingly slowly pulled it down, exposing my skin to the cool air inch by inch. My nipples pebbled instantly under his gaze, and he sucked a small breath through his teeth. Stooping a little, he pushed the rest of the suit down my legs until they pooled at my feet. I turned, stepping out of the fabric. 

He knelt in front of me, then he grinned. 

The smile was such a huge contrast I was momentarily shocked.

“There's a panda on your panties. It's wearing sunglasses.”

I groaned. Dammit, the unsexy panda panties.  But they were worth the embarrassment to see that smile.

I whacked him lightly on the shoulder. “Don't judge my panda underwear.”

He pushed them down over my ass, his fingers tracing their path. “Never. I love them,” he said, though his eyes were focused on other things.  He traced his hands back up my legs, over my hips before coming around to grab my butt with a groan.

He stood and moved me toward the shower stall.  

I stepped hesitantly into the shower stream, testing the water with the tips of my fingers. Of course it was perfect. The emotional part of me knew that despite tonight's show of violence, Lux would never do anything to hurt me, even have the shower water too hot. 

I stepped under the steady pound of the water coming from a shower head as big as a dinner plate. Lux stepped in behind, his clothes gone, and the hard muscles of his naked body pressed tightly into my back.

I went to turn, I wanted to see, but he stopped me with gentle hands on my shoulders.


He moved me out of the water and grabbed body wash from the little alcove in the shower wall, popping open the lid. The smell of Lux filled the stall and I inhaled deeply. Squirting a good amount into his hands, he put the bottle back.

His slippery hands went back to my shoulders, and he slid them down my arms, washing me.  His fingers were firm as they slid down my arms to my fingertips and then back up the sensitive underside, moving over my shoulders and then working in lazy circles down my chest. He leaned forward and trailed small wet kisses down my neck. 

His hands finally reached my soapy breasts and I sucked in a gasp as he kneaded them, tugging my nipples between his fingers, each tug pulling at my core. 

Those rough, strong hands slid even lower, down over my ribs and in big looping circles over my stomach, his finger dipping into my naval, making me suck in a quick breath. Lower, closer to the aching part of me that was desperate for attention.

His hands skimmed over my hips and down to the tops of my thighs, sliding inwards and brushing ever so close.

Instead of giving me what I wanted, he turned me, and I got my first look at Lux naked. He was beauty. Smooth, unforgiving muscle chiseled his body. Sitting hard and proud against his abdominal muscles was the biggest cock I'd ever seen. I swallowed hard in both fear and anticipation. 

“Holy shit.”

He chuckled as he fell to his knees in front of me, working the suds from my ankles upwards, building the tension all over again. His fingers skimmed the sensitive part behind my knees and he worked my thighs in long, hard strokes. Finally, he was back where I wanted him. He pulled me into the warm rush of water, rinsing off the rest of the body wash. 

His fingers grazed over the folds of my pussy, giving my clit a quick flick, making me buck towards him on a moan. 

“You're going to want to lean back for this,” he said and lifted my left leg, hooking it over his shoulder. I took his advice and leaned back against the cool, black tiles. I couldn't breathe as he looked at me, staring at my pussy like it was a work of art. Then he leaned in and licked my seam in one long stroke. 

The breath I'd been holding hissed out of me as he buried his face between my thighs, lapping and sucking like a starving man. My knees wobbled and he reached up, grabbing my other leg and placing it over his other shoulder until he was supporting my entire weight against the wall, two hands under my ass, kneading. And then he feasted. 

Orgasm after orgasm hit me until I was just a screaming mess. 

My body was jello by the time he stood, flicking off the water. He grabbed me up in his arms and carried me to the bedroom, both of us still dripping wet. 

“Our first time won't be in a shower. I want to make love to you right,” he whisper-growled at me. 

He placed me on the bed, his body immediately coming over mine. He traced his tongue up the scar on my sternum, before drifting to suck my nipple into his mouth, making me writhe. I was panting by the time he switched to the other breast.

“I can't wait any longer,” his soft voice was a plea.

“Don't. I need you inside me, Lux.”

He growled, his cock at my entrance in seconds.  He pushed the massive head into me, slowly, my gentle barbarian. The stretch was deliciously painful, but I was wet and ready for him. 

With one powerful thrust, he was seated all the way in me and I'd never felt so full or so right in my life. This was perfection. He began to move, and coherent thought left me as we became a wave of movement and sensation, building and building. I chanted his name on every exhale until the pleasure built so high that I exploded, screaming, and my dodgy heart thundering in an out-of-time staccato.

Lux kept pumping, his rhythm getting ragged as he reached his own climax on a roar.  Everything went black but I came around in seconds. Thankfully, Lux hadn't noticed my temporary lack of consciousness, or he might never give me such a mind blowing orgasm again. 

His body lay along mine, a comforting weight, and I wrapped my arms around his chest, my nails tracing light patterns up and down his back.  “That was…” There were no words. 

“Yes,” he groaned back, pulling out and rolling off me but taking me with him until I was lying on top of him. Stickiness dripped down my thighs. 

“I will clean you in a minute. I just want to hold you while I catch my breath.” His soft, rough voice did something to my heart. 

“I don't mind. It means we can shower again later. I really like your shower, with you in it.” I punctuated the words with a kiss to his chest.  Fuck, he was amazing. I desperately wanted to lick every inch of him, but I was exhausted.

“Sleep, Sweet One. There will be time for more later. Rest.”

His eyes closed, though his fingers traced light lines up and down my back, lulling me into sleep.