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The Royal Baby: An Mpreg Romance by Austin Bates (17)


“It was clever of you to make it into a robbery,” Malik told Kamar once they were alone in the office.

Kamar beamed, noting Malik still had the gun. It might be better that Asha and Suleiman weren’t tempted. Now all Kamar could do was trust that they’d do the right thing.

“I should probably go outside and check on your kitchen staff and General Ishmael.” Malik moved to the door, glancing back. His smile was warm, his eyes melting Kamar’s heart. If they weren’t unsure of how the rest of the night would go, Kamar would suggest they stay here and have sex, cuddle, and talk.

As it were, he had to let Malik go.

“I’ll check on the generator then, and get it going.” They walked out together, heading down the hall and back down the stairs to the first floor. Kamar parted ways with Malik at the bottom of the staircase.

Malik kissed him, his lips angling over his, hard and fast. “Later,” his merchant breathed, pecking his throbbing lips, leaving Kamar hot and bothered.

As planned, Suleiman and Asha met him outside, at the side of the house where the generator was housed. It was their cue. Suleiman and Asha had cleared the rebels out, and they were leaving with their loot, with Kamar’s blessing.

After promising to meet them tomorrow, Kamar sent them away. Now he could guarantee their safety, he activated the generator, watching the house light up.

He could hear the aftermath of the blackout ending from the back doors. His father and his guests would be very angry, but at least no one was hurt. This way Suleiman, Asha, and the other rebels had something to share with their poor families.

Instead of going in and pretending to be relieved that the robbers had cleared out, Kamar turned to the bath house, his strides quick as he wanted to see Malik. People were already emerging from the bath house. All the staff members who appeared relieved that the craziness ended, and now whispered to each other with the latest gossip.

Kamar smiled at them, amused they thought he cared about their harmless chatter.

Malik hadn’t emerged and neither had General Ishmael.

Kamar heard Malik first, before he saw him. He paused, smiling, enjoying his lover’s broad shoulders. The way his suit jacket tapered off around his waist before flaring. His ass in those dress pants

“You won’t be disappointed, General,” Malik was saying.

“This party was a disappointment. I don’t think meeting the King of Djanna will be.” General Ishmael replied.

“My brother is a most hospitable host, I assure you.”

Kamar’s mind blanked. Malik had mentioned a sibling, but why was he talking to General Ishmael about his family?

Kamar cleared the creeping annoyance that Malik had shut him out. Like headlights spearing the fog, Malik’s voice had him standing straighter, leaning in, and perking his ears for more. So far he knew they were talking about Malik’s brother. What did any of this have to do with the King of Djanna?

“He’ll serve more of that tarty fruit, yes?” Ishmael asked.

“I’ll personally put that order in for you,” Malik said. “And you’ll help us, then.”

Ishmael took a moment to answer. “Yes, of course. For the fruit, I suppose.”

They shook hands at Malik’s behest.

“You’ll have your fruit, and we’ll have reunited with our friend,” Malik said.

“What’s his name again?”

“Jibril,” Malik told him.

They were talking about Jibril. Kamar leaned in further, clutching the opening to the bath house. Had Malik located their friend?

“I’ll have to see what I can find, but if he’s been captured, then it should be easy.” Ishmael nodded, stroking his jaw. “I’ll be in touch with you until then.”

“And beyond, I hope,” Malik said, shaking his hand again.

Ishmael gave him a rare smile. It disappeared as soon as it alighted over his lips. “It’ll be fascinating to see if your brother is anything like you.” Lowering his voice, he continued, “And don’t worry–your secret is safe with me. No one will know the last King of Djanna is alive.”

Last king…?

Kamar’s mind blanked at that point. He had little time to react to Malik turning to face him, his intent to lead General Ishmael out forgotten when they confronted each other. Malik broke the silence first.

“We’ll talk later then,” he told the general, leaving the older, shorter man to find his way around Kamar and out of the bath house.

Alone now, Malik folded his arms, his face void of any telling emotion. Anything Kamar could grasp onto to make sense of what he’d heard.

“You heard me?” Malik asked, looking as if he knew the answer already, but still waiting on Kamar patiently.

Kamar nodded, unable to do much more as his brain worked on digesting the truth, turning it into kinetic energy. His hands fisted at his side, his jaw clenching as he stared down Malik.

Malik sighed. Dropping his arms, he palmed his face, massaging the tension that now gripped it. His dark brows slashed over his black eyes, his mouth drawn in a long, weary line.

“I should have told you.”

Kamar nodded again. He felt his lip quiver, his eyes heating up with the hint of tears. God, how could he be so stupid? Anger and deep hurt warred with each other. Afraid that either would win, he turned his back on Malik, and took deep breaths. When that didn’t help in the perpetually warm bath house, he stepped out to suck in the cool, night air.

Malik’s presence shadowed him, his fingers ghosting over his shoulder before Kamar jerked from him.

“I wanted to…But the whole thing with Jibril happened, and I didn’t think it was appropriate.” Malik swore. “You have to believe me, Kamar. I wanted you to know.”

Steeling himself, Kamar turned at the sound of desperation in his voice. “Just tell me one thing

“Anything,” Malik cut him off.

“Who are you really?” Kamar narrowed his eyes. “If you value anything that we shared, you’ll tell me the truth this time.”

Malik, or whatever his name was, sighed again.

Holding himself taller, he introduced himself. “I’m Mikhail Al-Amin…and I used to be the King of Djanna.”

He had heard enough. Kamar swiveled from him, strides carrying him back to the house, far from this truth, and far from the man who had tricked him–the man Kamar was convinced he truly loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

The tears came freely once he locked himself in his bedroom.