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The Sheikh’s Bride Arrangement (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 20) by Cara Albany (15)


Later, in the early evening, Kadeem readied himself in his rooms. He could hear the sounds of guests arriving. He walked to the terrace and glanced toward the far end of the main palace building. In the dim evening light, he could see part of the road which curved through the gardens and out to the main entrance gate of the palace grounds. He saw a steady stream of headlights lining up, waiting to deposit their illustrious guests.

Kadeem sighed. It looked like he was going to be on show, this evening. He was to be the prize on display for all to examine. At least that was how it felt, right now, as he waited to go downstairs.

He thought about earlier in the day. He'd loved every moment of being with Eliana. Discovering the place where she'd grown up. Where she'd become the beautiful princess who'd burrowed her way into his heart. It had been fascinating listening to her telling him of her time as a child.  He'd learned so much about her during that simple walk through the palace. 

And then they'd gone out to the garden. And, to his shock, something had come between them. Some unspoken barrier had appeared, just as he'd held her in his arms. He'd felt her body tighten, and he'd seen the sudden distance in her eyes. He wondered if he'd said something to offend her. Maybe his declaration had been too bold. Too decisive. 

Part of him understood how that might have troubled her. But, he'd had no choice but to speak with absolute sincerity. He wanted her to understand that, as far as he was concerned, this was no game.

But, the way she'd looked at him had truly shocked him. He'd seen her soft gaze become suddenly cold and distant.

He sighed heavily as he made his way back into the room. He examined himself in the mirror. He wore his traditional white robe and headdress. He had to admit to himself that it did look striking. As if he'd just emerged out of the desert on a wild, black stallion. 

He smiled sardonically. He looked like a fantasy version of what a sheikh should look like. It bordered on the undignified, he told himself. But he'd decided it was important to show people who he really was. 

Kadeem wasn't planning on leaving any time soon. It was important he make a bold, decisive gesture. And he could think of nothing more bold than walking into the reception hall, dressed in his finest robe and with the woman he intended to take as his wife.

Kadeem glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly time for him to leave the room. 

Eliana would be waiting for him.

They'd arranged to meet at the top of the stairs. He wasn't sure where her rooms were, but he guessed they couldn't be far from his.

Once they met at the head of the stairs, then they would walk down together. He considered it an appropriate way for them both to show themselves off to the guests. He didn't plan to let Eliana out of his sight for the entire evening.

There was a knock at the door. He frowned, wondering if it could be one of the servants. They seemed comfortable coming to him, attending to his every need. There was hardly anything he'd been allowed to do for himself since arriving. They'd even offered to help him dress, but he'd politely and firmly declined.

Kadeem opened the door and breathed in sharply. Eliana was standing at the door. She looked incredible, dressed like a true princess, in a stunning white gown, decorated with pearls. On her head she wore a very small, delicately fashioned tiara. 

He felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of her.

"Ellie," he gasped.

Her eyes brightened. She took hold of the gown's edge and flicked it outwards, showing herself to him, seeking approval. He didn't hesitate. "You look stunning," he murmured.

Her features lit up as she beamed at him. "You like it?"

"Like it? I love it," he exclaimed. "You're not supposed to be here," he added.

She tilted her head and smiled. "Who says? This is my home. I can do what I like."

"Weren't we supposed to meet at the head of the steps?"

She shook her head. "I didn't want to wait."

He smiled at that comment, because it had been exactly what he'd been thinking earlier as he'd been preparing himself.

Eliana ran her gaze down the length of his white robe. "You look different," she observed with a sly grin.

"This is who I really am."

She nodded approvingly. "I like it. You look like you just stepped out of the desert." 

He heard distant footsteps and glanced down the length of the corridor. Quickly, he reached out and seized her by the arm, drawing her quickly into his room. She giggled as she stumbled into his arms. He kicked the door shut and wrapped his arms around her. 

Immediately his lips crashed down upon hers. Her lips were sweet and warm and moist. He savored the tender sensations of the kiss, probing her mouth gently with his tongue. She responded immediately, moaning quietly and shifting her curves against him. He ran his hand down the length of her slim body, feeling the silk dress against his fingers. Her scent was intoxicating, filling his senses, triggering instant need.

Their lips parted and he looked at her. He saw how much the kiss had affected her. As much as it had done him, he reflected. 

Pure, mutual desire. 

Her features flushed slightly as he gazed into her eyes. He held her body tight against his, sensing his growing need. He wanted to act on it. But, he also knew that guests were waiting downstairs. 

Frustration twisted in him at the realization that there was nothing they could do to act on their need for each other.

But that didn't stop him from leading her over to the terrace. There was a full moon in the dark sky. He could think of nothing more romantic than kissing his beautiful princess beneath the moon. 

Eliana halted by his side and leaned a hand on the marble balustrade. She gazed up at the moon. The silvery light made her smooth skin look translucent. He couldn't resist the temptation to trace his fingertips along the smooth line of her jaw. 

Eliana smiled at him. Then he couldn't resist it any longer. He dipped his head and claimed her lips once again. He felt her breath drawn sharply in as he pulled her body against him. This was where he really wanted to spend the entire evening, he told himself. Not down there with a collection of strangers, some of whom would look disapprovingly on the sheikh who presumed he was worthy of the princess. 

But he knew he was worthy. Of that he had no doubt. Just holding her like this, feeling the exquisite shape of her curves, sensing her growing need, gave him all the happiness he would want this evening.

He noticed there was none of the hesitation he'd felt in her this afternoon in the garden. Maybe, whatever had troubled her there had faded away, he told himself. Perhaps, like him, she'd had time to reflect on that and come to some kind of understanding. It had been a momentary passion. Nothing more than an expression of his natural desire for her. So why had she reacted like that? 

She shifted suddenly and lifted a hand to her tiara. "Careful, you'll knock my tiara off," she said.

He laughed. "Do you realize how ridiculous that sounded?"

She squinted at him and smiled. "But, it's true. You don't know how hard it is to get it back on once it comes off." She shimmied away from him, fussing with the tiara. 

"Maybe I'll have to learn how to help you with that," he joked. "Or is that another one of those things you need servants for."

"I couldn't cope without Sayirah," Eliana explained. 

Kadeem had seen how much Eliana relied on the the young Zahram servant woman. There was obvious affection between the two of them. They were virtually inseparable. "I think you can look after yourself, pretty well," he replied.

She lifted a brow. "You think so?"

He nodded and moved closer to her. He gazed deeply into her eyes. "Do we really have to go downstairs now?" he asked slowly. He saw temptation flicker momentarily in her eyes. 

She furrowed her brows and shook her head. "You really are incorrigible, aren't you?"

He placed a hand on her hip, curving his fingers round her delicious curves. "I know what I want. And I always get what I want," he declared in a low growl. "Or didn't you know that, already," he added with a sly grin.

She lifted a hand and waved a finger at him. "We have guests to attend to," she reminded him. "And the last thing I want anyone thinking is that you and I have been up to anything before coming down to welcome them."

He nodded, feeling disappointed. She was right. They had an obligation to attend to, and there would be no sense in feeding the gossip mill.

He slid his arms around her waist. "Just one more kiss, Ellie," he said softly. "You aren't going to deny me that, are you?"

She smiled and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Of course not," she replied.

And then he kissed her, and it was as exquisite as before. 

As they left his room together, he glanced along the corridor. There had been a flash of color somewhere at the far end of the marble corridor. But when his eyes settled on the place where he thought he'd seen something, he saw nothing there. He dismissed it as he took Eliana's hand and started toward the end of the corridor.

"Are you nervous?" she asked glancing at him.

He shook his head. "Why would I be?"

"You're going to be the focus of attention for the whole evening, you know that, don't you," she said.

He shrugged. "I don't care what people think of me. Even if I'm the outsider, that doesn't mean I don't belong here. Especially since I'm here for you."

She smiled. "Some of the same people who will be here tonight are the same people who thought my mother had no right to marry my father."

He frowned. "Prejudice dies hard in Zahram," he observed.

"People have long memories," she said. "And sometimes their opinions never change."

"Maybe your father will have some allies, then," he said and immediately regretted it once he'd said the words.

Eliana frowned and peered at Kadeem. "Give him time, Kadeem," she said. "I think he'll come around to accepting this."

"I hope you're right," he replied as they reached the top of the staircase which led down to the entrance hall. Kadeem halted and looked down the stairs. He drew in a deep breath. There were a lot of people down there, he told himself. 

He glanced at Eliana and she smiled at him. "Ready?"

He nodded. "Let's go."

She extended her arm to him, in that royal manner which seemed to come so naturally to her. He took her hand and they started to walk downstairs. From the reception hall on the right at the foot of the stairs, Kadeem could hear the sounds of traditional music mingling with the hubbub of voices. 

Kadeem glanced at Eliana and saw that she had adopted an almost imperious expression. This was a role for which she'd practiced her entire life, he told himself. She was a natural. 

In that instant, he felt incredibly proud of her. She looked every inch what she was. A regal princess who was entitled to revel in every movement, every little gesture, especially when she was in public. He'd already guessed that, given a chance, she liked to show off. Given her station in life, anything less than that wouldn't have been normal, as far as he was concerned.

Kadeem glanced down to the foot of the stairs. All eyes were on them, now. And, most significantly, the eyes of Gretchen and Azem were on them. Eliana's parents stood at the entrance to the reception hall. They were shaking the hands of arriving guests. But, now that they'd noticed the sight of their daughter descending the stairs, with her hand held firmly by the sheikh, they were frozen, staring at Eliana and Kadeem.

As they reached the bottom step, Kadeem glanced at Eliana and smiled. Her lower lip was pouted temptingly and her brows were furrowed as she peered across at her parents. It was a defiant gesture, a signal of her confidence and her comfort at being with Kadeem.

Gretchen and Azem came to them. Gretchen smiled. "Eliana. You look wonderful," she exclaimed.

"Thank you, mother," Eliana replied.

Gretchen ran her gaze down the length of Kadeem's traditional robe. "And you, Kadeem. This is quite a sight." She squinted. "You look so different."

"Wonderful is the word I think you're trying to find, mother," Eliana interjected.

Gretchen nodded. "Yes, Eliana. You're right."

Azem looked impassively at Kadeem. "Is the room to your satisfaction?" he asked. 

"Very comfortable," Kadeem confirmed coldly.

Azem nodded casually. He seemed almost disinterested.

Kadeem wondered if Azem was simply determined not to recognize Kadeem in any way whatsoever. Dead set on refusing to grant Kadeem even the slightest acknowledgement.

Especially not now that Kadeem had gone to the effort of dressing in his traditional robe. Did Azem feel threatened by that? Kadeem knew that, this evening, he and Azem would be playing a game with each other. He just hoped that Azem didn't have anything planned which would spoil the proceedings. All he wanted was to get through the evening, have Eliana by his side, and make the best possible impression. Surely Azem wouldn't do anything to interfere with that, would he?

Guests were looking with great interest at Eliana and especially at Kadeem. Gretchen made a few casual introductions. And then they all made their way into the reception hall. Kadeem guessed there were around two hundred guests. That didn't bother him. He was used to grand banquets. 

Tables were laid out in rows in the room. There was one long table at the far end of the room. Kadeem knew that was where he and Eliana would be sitting. As they were shown to their table, various dignitaries of Zahram came up to Eliana and Kadeem and introduced themselves. Because of this it took a long time for Eliana and Kadeem to finally make it to their table.

Once they had taken their seats, Kadeem leaned closer to Eliana. "That was quite an ordeal," he murmured casually.

"They're all just interested in you, Kadeem," she replied. "I didn't see one single disapproving look, did you?"

He sighed. "I guess not. But, I can't help feeling like the prize animal on display at some trading stop."

Eliana frowned. "It's nothing like that, Kadeem. They're just curious."

Kadeem gazed down the length of the tables. Guests were taking their places, being helped by a veritable army of servants. He saw plenty of looks pointed his way. Heads leaned close together. Kadeem couldn't help wondering what they were all saying about him.

Eliana's parents took their place alongside Eliana. And, within a short while, all the guests were settled in their seats and the doors on the far side of the hall flew open. An army of servants emerged through the open doors. They all carried trays at head height. Dishes were distributed amongst the tables. While all this was happening, the room was filled with a steady buzz of conversation. 

Kadeem couldn't avoid coming to the conclusion that this kind of royal banquet was something to which these guests were quite accustomed. There was an air of casualness about the proceedings, as if this was just another invitation to attend the royal household.

But, Kadeem knew different. There was nothing routine about this evening. He glanced along at Azem. He was gazing out across the room. Azem's entire demeanor was stiff and very formal. Kadeem wondered if Azem was going to keep this up for the whole evening. 

Dishes were brought to the table. Eliana glanced down at the food. "I hope you like the meal," she said. "I made sure that some of your favorite dishes are on the menu."

"You did? How do you know what my favorite dishes are?"

She squinted at him. "I remember what you ordered on our first date. How much of a fuss you made about it. You didn't stop trying to get me to try that lamb dish, all night."

"You did like it, though, didn't you?" he asked.

She shrugged. "It's an acquired taste."

"That means you loved it," he said and laughed quietly.

Kadeem saw Gretchen watching him and Eliana talking. As was so often the case with Eliana's American mother, there was a noticeable look of appreciation on the elegant woman's features. Kadeem was sure that Gretchen understood what was going on between him and Eliana. How important it was to them both.

"Everything okay?" Gretchen asked, as if reading Kadeem's mind.

He nodded. "Perfect," he said. He looked longingly at Eliana. "I have everything I could ever want, this evening," he said.

And just as he finished saying those words, just as he declared his satisfaction, Kadeem saw Azem finally turn and peer sternly at him.

It was going to be a long night, Kadeem told himself.




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