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The Thief (The Islands Series Book 2) by Janet Berry (1)










Scarlett Kensington sat next to her cousin Queen Catriona Balfe, holding tightly to her cousin’s hand as they rode in the royal carriage of Elfyre Hollow to the castle Ashaven.

              They were there for Catriona’s island visit with Prince Alastair Brannigan. Scarlett had never been to Elfyre Hollow so she had agreed to accompany Catriona on this trip.

              Catriona and Scarlett had also been worried something might happen to Catriona due to the quick abdication of Scarlett’s uncle Art Balfe and Catriona’s quick coronation.

              Scarlett had offered her protective detail to Catriona to keep them both safe on this trip. Catriona had accepted and so Scarlett had been able to come along.

              Scarlett was distracted by the scenery and her thoughts that when the nearest guard to them sneezed, it caused both women to jump, Catriona squeezing Scarlett’s hand roughly.

              “Catriona, are you all right?” she asked.

              Catriona shook her head and motioned for Scarlett to come closer to her.

              Scarlett leaned in close enough for her to whisper, “I think something is going to happen.”

              Scarlett looked around, her amber eyes reflecting the fear she felt in her heart.

              Catriona pulled her closer again.

              “If something starts to happen, I want you to get down and don’t get up. Do you understand? They don’t need you. They would only need me to accomplish anything.”

              “Should we go back then?” she asked Catriona, looking at the company of guards.

              “I think we should—” Catriona stopped as the shouts of men broke the silence of the ride.

              The carriage jolted to a stop and they were surrounded by the entire company of guards.

              Scarlett yelped when Catriona dragged her to the floor of the carriage.

              She looked at Catriona when she said with a smile, “Why did you have to wear the very scarlet dress today?”

              Scarlett smiled back and said, “You know I don’t like dark colors.”

              Catriona squeezed and then looked up and around the carriage while Scarlett kept her head down, unable to see anything.

              She heard a guard shout, “My Queen, get down! We will take care of them!”

              Scarlett looked up at Catriona when she looked down at her.

              “Stay here!” she said, Scarlett nodding as she watched her cousin jump out of the carriage and on to the nearest horse to them.

              Catriona said something that Scarlett couldn’t hear to the man on the horse, but heard her yell, “Get Scarlett to safety!”

              Scarlett was jostled to her side when the carriage took off, but she could sit up straight and look out of the carriage side. She watched as a large group of men dressed all in black took off after Catriona.

              “Please watch out for her,” she whispered, going back to sit on the floor of the carriage as it rushed to the castle.

              Two hours later, Scarlett heard the guards calling out to someone so she moved back up to the carriage seat.

              When she realized that they were talking to the guards on the wall of the castle, she sighed with relief, knowing she was safe now.

              She looked back out over the expanse of the land they had ridden over and felt tears coming on, knowing Catriona was not as safe as Scarlett was.

              The large gates shut behind the carriage and the land was blocked from her view, making her turn back around to face forward.

              The large company of guards surrounded the carriage as they rode through the streets towards the large bridge of Ashaven, the villagers who were at the street market crowding the stalls to ensure they did not get run over.

              She waved to them as they went by and she received a few waves back, the villagers unsure of what was going on.

              Scarlett knew they had expected the queen and a parade, but instead it was just her being rushed through the streets to the castle.

              They arrived at the bridge and had to stop the carriage, arranging the guards two by two in front of and behind the carriage since the bridge was only wide enough for the carriage.

              They were given the go ahead by the watchman at the top of the guard tower for the bridge and the carriage slowly rolled into motion.

              Scarlett loved the bridge the instant she saw it.

              Ashaven lay across a long bridge of stone that connected the fortress and the actual castle together. The bridge had two layers of stone arches stacked one on top of the other, amazing Scarlett with their construction.

              She looked down at the water and was surprised by how clear it was. Scarlett able to see everything in the water below.

              Her enjoyment faded when she thought of how Catriona was not here to see it with her; instead, most likely trapped by the large group of men Scarlett had seen following her.

              The castle gates opened and they rode through, the guards surrounding the carriage once again when they pulled up to the front doors.

              Scarlett went to stand but was told to sit back down by the chief guard, Bradford.

              “Sit down, My Lady, until Prince Alastair comes out. I already sent word ahead we were coming and that something had happened.”

              Scarlett sat back down as gracefully as possible, the shock of what just happened settling in now.              Her hands started to shake so she clasped them together, her fingers woven tightly together.

              The doors opened and a man walked out.               He was tall and dark haired, with a strong jaw and a slight scruff on his face.

              From where she sat, she was not able to tell what color his eyes were, but she imagined they were either blue or green. His nose was long and straight and so were his brows.

              He said something to Bradford and he motioned for the guards to dismount, Bradford heading to the door of the carriage and opening it for her, taking her shaking hand in his as she stepped out.

              “My Lady, this is Alastair Brannigan,” he said, bowing to her and to Alastair.

              Scarlett did a quick curtsy and he bowed in return, taking a step back to motion her inside.

              “To the right is the parlor. Please sit down so we can speak about what happened.”

              She headed in the open door that awaited her and gasped at the opulence that was Ashaven’s parlor.

              “Your parlor is beautiful, sir,” she said, taking in the white couches and the huge bank of windows that lit the room.

              “Thank you, My Lady. I will have to tell my mother you said so. Her father’s mother designed it when the castle was first built many years ago.”

              She turned and looked at him, finally getting to see him up close.               His eyes were as green as the grass in the gardens of Ciomodors Garden. He went to stand by one of the white couches and instead of sitting down, he waited for her to sit first.

              Scarlett mentally scolded herself and went to sit down on the couch across from him.

              When they were both settled on the couch, he asked, “What happened out there? Where is the queen now?”

              Scarlett’s hands started shaking again and she took a deep breath.

              “We were sitting on the carriage on our way here and then a large group of men came racing towards us. The soldiers stopped the carriage to protect us, but I know Catriona didn’t want anyone getting hurt so she jumped on the back of a horse with one of the guards and took off. She told Bradford to bring me here to you so that I would be safe.”

              Scarlett stood up and walked back to the windows, pressing her fingers against her eyes to hold back the tears she tried not to shed.

              “I am safe, but she is not,” she whispered.

              “It is what a true ruler does. I would have done the same,” he said, moving to stand next to her.

              “They won’t harm her. They need her. I’m not sure for what, but we should know something within the next few days. If it is a ransom they want, then they will send notice.”

              Scarlett sighed, fear and worry mixing together in her chest.

              “I hope you are right, My Lord.”

              He sighed and walked back over to the couches.

              “Bard will bring us some tea in a few minutes. Why don’t you come sit down and rest a bit?”

Scarlett nodded and took one last long look out the big bank of windows before coming to sit down.

Alastair watched Scarlett out of the corner of his eye, curious about her. Her olive skin was pale from the shock of her ordeal, and the paleness extended to the rose of her plump lips. He had known that she was coming with the queen, but he had not expected her to be so lovely.

              Her face was narrow and long but not overly skinny; her eyes amber and deep set, the set of her eyes balanced by her high cheekbones.

              “I sent a message to your uncle and let him know what has happened,” he said, bringing her amber eyes to him.

              “Has he responded yet?” she asked.

              He shook his head.

              “No word has come yet. There is also no sign of the queen. I sent men out to look for her and have not been able to find her. We did find the abduction site. There is evidence of a struggle taking place and multiple hoofprints and footprints from the horses and the queen.”

              Scarlett sighed and looked down at her hands.

              “I am so worried about her. I have never been this long without her. It’s very frightening that Catriona was right about something happening to her.”

              At Alastair’s puzzled expression, she explained.

              “Before we left, Catriona was worried something might happen to her. Right before we were ambushed, she told me that if anything were to happen to her, to get down and avoid being seen. She said they would only need her to accomplish any task.”

              Alastair shook his head.

              “I think it might have been more advantageous to take both of you instead. That way they would have had both potential rulers to accomplish their goals. Having her would leave you to take over the throne.”

              Scarlett frowned and clasped her hands tightly in her lap, knowing that what Alastair said was true.

              “However, it is a good thing that they did not get you as well. This way we still have leverage to use.”

              Scarlett blushed red in fury.

              “Leverage? I am to be used as leverage now?” she asked through gritted teeth.

              Alastair flushed.

              “I’m sorry, My Lady. I didn’t mean to—” He stopped when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

              “To offend you,” he said, standing and going to the door.

              Bard walked in with the tea and set the tray down on one of the side tables next to Alastair who had resumed his seat.               He made Alastair’s tea the way he liked it and then walked over to Scarlett, asking her how she liked her tea.

              She told him and he went off to make it for her.

              When that was completed and Bard had left the room, Alastair looked at Scarlett who was still very flushed.

              “I do apologize but now, you will be used as some leverage. It is because you are now the acting queen. I would not be surprised if Art does not send the necessary people to make sure you get your coronation quickly.”

              “I do not want to be queen. Catriona is the queen. She is going to come home and when she does, I will not be in that seat. That would look like betrayal of the deepest kind,” Scarlett replied, setting her cup down after taking a small drink.

              “She will understand, Lady Scarlett, that it was only a brief interim rule. The kingdom has to have someone take care of it and right now that person is you.”

              Scarlett shook her head again and they were once again disrupted by the sound of a knock at the door.

              “Come in!” Alastair called.

              “My Lord,” Bard said, opening the door fully, “Lord Art Balfe is here to see Lady Scarlett.”

              Alastair looked at Scarlett and she was as shocked as he.

              They both stood and bowed when Art came into the room.

              “My Lord, what a surprise to see you here in person,” Alastair said, stepping forward to shake Art’s hand.

              The former king shook the offered hand and then waited for Alastair to step back.

              “I decided to come and make sure my niece was all right. To send a note would have been bad form, do you not think? When a family member is in trouble, you come in person.”

              Alastair nodded and stood back over next to the couch, waiting for Art to sit down.               He crossed the few steps it took to get him to Scarlett and reached out and hugged her, the hug so awkward between them even Alastair had to look away.

              “I know that Catriona meant a lot to you, but you are now queen in her absence,” he said, sitting on the couch next to Scarlett.

              Scarlett looked at Art and then away, the tears in her eyes threatening to fall.

              “My Lord, you don’t even know what has happened to your daughter. She is missing only, not gone forever.”

              Art scowled at Alastair.

              Alastair had to admit, he was afraid of Art.

              Art Balfe was a big man. At over six foot six, he towered over most men, and almost all women.               Even his wife Olivia Balfe was much shorter than he.

              He was big and broad of shoulder and carried a lot of weight on him.               He was very intimidating in physical ways but he was also a very shrewd and calculating man.               That was what had made him a great king.

              “Scarlett is queen now, regardless of what has happened to my daughter. She is not here to rule the kingdom. Scarlett will have her coronation at week’s end and that will be it. I will not have a kingdom without a ruler.”

              Scarlett looked anywhere but at them while Art spoke.               She could not stand her uncle and was very afraid of him.               The last thing she wanted was to be the queen.

              “My Lord, I am not ready to be queen yet. Perhaps you can rule in Catriona’s stead just as an interim ruler. I am sure no one would have a problem with that,” she said, watching the excitement Art couldn’t contain come into his cold blue eyes.

              As soon as the excitement came, it went, Scarlett’s heart sinking with it.

              “Scarlett, you know I cannot do that. It goes against the law,” he said, standing now.

              At his full height, he towered over Scarlett’s five-foot seven frame, causing her hands to tremble.

              Art had a way of making one do what he wanted, regardless of how one felt about it.

              “Scarlett, you will be queen now that Catriona is gone.”

              His tone brooked no argument but Scarlett was still so upset and terrified from what had happened to her that she snapped.

              “Catriona is not gone! She was kidnapped and you are doing nothing to find her! I will not be queen until there is proof that Catriona no longer lives. You can take that to the Counsel of Electors. They will either name another interim ruler or wait until I have the proof I need.”

              Alastair saw how distressed Scarlett was and reached out to her, catching her as she fainted dead away into his arms.               He picked her up and couldn’t help but notice that even though she was pale, her beauty was still very evident.

              “My Lord, I will have to ask that you give her time. Today was long and stressful for her and she has not yet recovered from her ordeal. I will take her upstairs to rest and then tomorrow you may speak with her.”

              Art looked upset but consented.

              “I will leave her alone for tonight, but tomorrow will resume our discussion.”

              Alastair nodded and waited for him to leave the room, following behind and heading upstairs to the bedrooms.               Art headed towards the door but turned and watched as Alastair carried Scarlett up the stairs.

              “Bard, did you get one of the guest rooms ready?” he asked when the butler appeared at his side.

              “Yes, My Lord, as you requested. Is the lady going to be staying here long?”

              Alastair sighed.               “That has yet to be determined, but I can assure you I think it would be safer for her here.”

              Bard looked down at Art with curiosity in his eyes and watched the man leave but said no more as he followed Alastair up the stairs.