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The Vampire Gift 1: Wards of Night by E.M. Knight (24)

Chapter Forty-Three




I can’t find my way back.

I can’t find my way back. I got twisted around when I tripped and fell over a root, and now all the trees look familiar, identical, and dark clouds cover the sky, and they block the moon and the stars, and I have no idea where I’m going, and I’m lost, and, and, and —

I cut off my thoughts before they can descend into deeper panic. I need to reunite with Raul and Phillip. They’ll know what to do. They’ll know where to go from here.

A branch snaps somewhere in the dark. My breath hitches as I spin toward it. My heart begins to pound.

I feel a… presence, looming in the darkness.

“Who’s there?” I call. I try to keep my voice strong.

Nothing. No reply, no acknowledgment… nothing.

The only thing I hear is the rustle of the wind through the redwoods.

But my vision allows me to see farther than before. I strain my eyes to pierce the black. And…


Was that a flash of movement in the night? Was that a darkened shape darting over the forest floor?

My whole body tenses. I’m still very much in vampire territory. For all I know, it could be one of them, drawn forth by my blood.

Anxious seconds pass. And then…

A wolf emerges from the trees.

My breath catches. He’s beautiful, with a full silver coat and sharp, gleaming eyes.

I stand entranced as he approaches. His eyes lock into mine… but I feel no fear. His steps are graceful and sleek. He’s a male in the prime of life, and he’s massive. He stands almost up to my chest. I feel power radiate from him. I feel his innate, inherent capacity for great violence. I should be terrified, but I’m not.

He walks right at me, and then, not five feet away, stops and sits on his haunches.

His cunning eyes pierce mine. I feel an instant familiarity with the animal. A kinship. There is no fear, only a wonderful sense of awe.

Am I crazy? Am I imagining things that are not there?

But if the wolf posed any danger to me, I would know it. Both of us remain very still, lost in the moment, admiring each other.

Then some kind of rodent runs through the bush, and the wolf spins and darts off. He’s gone as fast as a silver bullet.

The trance is broken, and anxiety replaces my calm. I’m all alone again.

At least until I find my way back.

I start in a direction at random. Anything’s better than standing still.

But I don’t get more than ten feet when a hand clamps over my mouth. I give a muffled scream. Something sharp jabs into my neck.

“Not so fast, my darling,” a dark, familiar voice whispers in my ear. I try to struggle but all my muscles are going lax.

The tranquilizer kicks in, and I lose consciousness.




I wake up with my arms and legs bound to a seat in a private plane.

Panic shoots through me. There’s a gag in my mouth that prevents me from screaming. Not that I would try. The sight in front of me is more than enough to silence my tongue.


He’s wearing a dapper black suit, sitting casually with his legs crossed. He appears almost bored as his eyes glaze over me.

I jerk my wrists against the bonds. There’s no give. I’m locked in tight.

“Silver.” James points a casual finger at my restraints as he rolls his head side-to-side and yawns. “In the middle of the rope, you see. I wouldn’t be so cruel as to let it touch your skin. That would prove very painful, for a half-vampire like you.”

I glare at him. Is he in league with his two brothers? He has to be.

But if they helped me get out… why am I bound tight now?

“Oh, you look mad.” He smiles. His drawl makes everything he says carry a sinister edge. “Don’t be. I am very, very pleased with you.”

He leans forward and smiles, placing both elbows on his thighs.

“You can’t imagine how much easier you made things for me, darling. I would have thought it’d take me weeks, maybe months, to smuggle you out. But then as I got close, a scent caught my attention,” he taps his nose. “And I knew you were Outside. However did you do it, I wonder? And with such fortuitous timing.”

He gives a languid stretch. I continue to glare at him. Does he really not know why I was out of The Haven? Or is he just toying with me?

All my instincts point to the latter.

“Where’s Raul?” I try to say. He betrayed me. I just know it. And to think, for a time I was starting to imagine having feelings for him.

“What’s that?” He brings a hand to his ear. “You must be clearer. I really cannot understand you.”

“Raul, Raul, Raul!” I say, the gag muffling all my words.

James spreads his hands. “I’m sorry, doll, but I just can’t understand you.” He shrugs. “Too bad.”

“RAUL!” I all but scream.

“Here’s an idea. What if I remove that horrible rag covering your mouth, and we can speak like civilized humans, hmm?” His eyes sparkle. “Or should I say, vampires?”

He reaches over and unties the rag. As soon as he does, I spit in his face.

He looks shocked. For a split-second he doesn’t react.

Then anger flashes, distorting his handsome features, and he slaps me.

My head snaps to the side. I taste blood from my cheek. Before I know it, James has my chin in a vice-like grip. He forces my face to him.

“That,” he growls dangerously, “was a very stupid move. You do something like that again,” his eyes drop to my neck, “and you risk inciting my anger. You’ve been warned.”

He lets go. His eyes continue to hone into me as he returns to his seat. He takes a white handkerchief out from one pocket and wipes the spit from his face.

“Now,” he says, putting it away. “Can I trust you to be civil? I know it’s a tall task for a teenage girl. But just… humor me and make the effort, will you?”

I keep my lips sealed and match his stare, one for one.

“Silence won’t get you very far,” he says. He gestures around the cabin. “Aren’t you curious where we are? Where we’re going?”

I say nothing.

He sighs. “I’ll tell you, then. Right now, we’re about halfway across the Pacific. We’ll be making a short stop in Eastern Russia before continuing on our way.”

“On our way where?” I ask grudgingly.

“Oh, but that’s the surprise.” He positively beams. “And you, my pure, sweet, soon-to-be-vampire, are the ultimate prize.”