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The Vilka's Mate: Scifi Alien Romance (Shifters of Kladuu Book 2) by Pearl Foxx (19)


Caj came the next morning with a twenty-guard escort. Most were lower-ranked soldiers closer to Caj’s age, and Gerrit knew only a few of their names. But he was grateful they’d come. Especially since word must have gotten back about the mountain pass.

Feeling sick to his stomach, Gerrit strode forward and clasped his brother’s arm in greeting.

Caj grinned. “Glad you’re still alive, brother.”

“Me too. Swanson made it back in one piece I assume?”

“Sent us straight here. We would have been here quicker, but the Draqons are riled up. I take it that crashed Falconer might have something to do with that?” Caj’s attention drifted over Gerrit’s shoulder to where Jude, wearing a filmy white dress the Hylan servants had laid out for her this morning, stood beside Tavorn.

Gerrit turned as Tavorn bowed to his brother. “Good to see you again, Caj. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Caj’s face tightened, his smile disappearing. “Thank you. You have the Vilkas’ thanks for offering my brother a safe haven. I hope he wasn’t too much of an inconvenience. We all know how Gerrit can be.”

As Tavorn hooted with laughter, the skin at the back of Gerrit’s neck prickled. Jude shot him a narrowed-eyed look. She’d heard the sharp tone in Caj’s voice too, but Gerrit forced himself to brush it off. His younger brother had always felt a competition existed between them, even when it came to their father’s affection. Perhaps it was because Caj’s mother was just a mistress, and he was always compensating in his eyes. But to Gerrit, he was just Caj, the skampy pup with too-long arms and skinny legs. He was family.

“Hosting Gerrit was certainly an experience,” Tavorn said, eyes glittering above pointed teeth. “But his mate has been an absolute marvel.”

“His mate?” Caj sputtered.

Jude lifted her chin in greeting toward Caj and the guards behind him. Her arms were crossed beneath her breasts, the tops of her cheekbones burnished from the sun out here on the ocean. She looked regal and powerful, not bowing beneath Caj’s hard stare, just as a mate should. As an Alpha’s mate should.

Gerrit’s stomach roiled. He really had to stop thinking of her that way.

“Caj,” he said, “this is Jude Quincy of Earth. Jude, this is my brother.”

Caj didn’t even spare her a glance. “And she’s your mate?”

“I am,” Jude said before Gerrit could come to her defense. “Is that a problem?”

Caj’s brows spiked; he wasn’t accustomed to being challenged so directly, especially in front of their soldiers. Gerrit bit his lip to keep from grinning. “I, ah … I mean, no?”

“Good.” Jude turned to Tavorn and took his hand, her smile warm. “Tavorn, it’s been a pleasure. Thank you so much for your kindness.”

Gerrit stepped forward and settled his hand on Jude’s shoulder. “Yes, thank you. The Vilkas are indebted to you.”

Jude had to tug her hand free of Tavorn’s before he would turn his gaze to Gerrit. “That’s what allies are for, right? Perhaps there will come a time for the Vilkas to repay the kindness.”

His words sounded like a threat, and Gerrit had to clamp his mouth shut to keep from growling audibly. Jude took over. “Soon, I hope. Hopefully, it will involve mawfin meat.” She rubbed her flat belly draped in elegant white Arakid silk. She’d tried to insist on wearing her tattered flight suit for the hike back, but Gerrit had convinced her that the Hylas would consider it a slight if she didn’t leave in the clothes they’d gifted to her. Still, she’d made certain he’d stored her precious blood-stained insignia patch in a secure pocket of his pants. “I’m already missing your fine delicacies. Right, Gerrit? You especially loved the mollusks.”

Her eyes glinted with mischief, and Gerrit’s stomach swept and dipped with love. Even here, right in front of everyone, she was teasing him with their private jokes, leaving everyone else slightly confused as Gerrit fought back laughter.

“We can certainly bring those as well as mawfin meat,” Tavorn said. His voice sounded tight; he knew Jude had made a joke at his expense, even if it wasn’t directed at him.

It was a dangerous game, and Gerrit schooled his expression. “Thank you, Tavorn. Giving us the medicine as a wedding gift is too kind. It’s a testament to your leadership for us all.”

Jude wrapped an arm around his waist and hugged him, smiling up at him. He wanted to turn and wink at her to show he’d learned from her last night, in more ways than one, but he kept a pleasant expression on his face as he stared at Tavorn.

After a bit too long, the Hyla smiled. “Certainly. It’s our pleasure. Merick?” he called to the Hylas gathered behind them.

The towering Hyla with purple scales sauntered forward, carrying a small wooden box. Golden straps were latched around its edges. The wood looked like it had been taken from the oldest jungle tree.

When Gerrit reached out to take the box from Merick, the Hyla held it tight. His eyes were sharp and menacing, promising dark intentions when he finally released his hold. Gerrit gritted his teeth and forced himself to sound pleasant as he said to Tavorn, “Thank you. You’ve been very generous.”

“What helps one clan, helps us all, right?”

A chill swept down Gerrit’s spine, and Jude tensed ever so slightly beside him. “It does.”

“Great!” Caj snapped his fingers to signal his guards to attention. “Now that we have the bone dust, Gerrit, and his new mate back in hand, shall we get a move on? I want to be hunkered down for the night before the Draqon patrols come out.”

Gerrit frowned, but Caj was already turning away after a perfunctory bow toward Tavorn and motioning the guards back to the boats, where a few shifted Hylas waited in the water. Gerrit didn’t remember Caj ever giving a damn about tactical strategies for navigating the jungle before, and he’d called their life-saving medicine bone dust. Strange.

Gerrit didn’t miss the offended look on Tavorn’s face as they shook hands and finished their goodbyes. Perhaps it was best that they left before any more damage could be done.

They boarded the boats. Jude followed him on without taking the help of the Vilkan guards, though she acknowledged them with a nod and a smile. Caj plunked down on some cushions at the head of the ship and stretched out.

Gerrit waited until all the guards were in positions before he waved one last time to Tavorn and his group of mages. The Hylas in the water swept forward, and the boats gathered speed. Gerrit sat down with a sigh of relief, the wooden box clenched tightly in his hands.

Jude reached over and squeezed his arm.

Home free, he thought the gesture meant. He dipped his head and pressed his forehead against hers.

“You two were really sucking up to that glittery snake, huh? What did he do? Give you guys the good wine or something?” Caj chortled, looking to a few of his guards to join in on the joke. They laughed uncertainly.

Gerrit growled. “Shut up, you fool.” He looked beneath them, where the Hylas had slowed ever so slightly.

“What?” Caj’s leer turned to a scowl. “It’s not like they have ears in their serpent forms.”

“They have far better hearing than you think, and we’re still at their mercy. Perhaps you should err on the side of gratitude that your brother and his mate weren’t killed by our kind hosts.”

Caj rolled his eyes. “Look at you. Father’s ashes are barely settled in the stars and you already sound just like him. Might I remind you we wouldn’t have to kiss Hylan ass if you hadn’t gotten stranded in the jungle? Which reminds me.” His pouty gaze turned to Jude. “How the hell did she come to land on our planet? Is she really your mate?”

“As real as it can get,” Gerrit said tightly.

Caj startled. “A true mating? You mean it?”

Gerrit gritted his teeth. Were he and Jude true mates? He couldn’t tell. How could he? The only examples of love he’d ever seen were his mother’s tears when his father had snuck out to meet his mistress, Caj’s mother. And when she’d died and his father’s heart had broken, that had been love. But this bright, perfect thread he felt between him and Jude? Was it a true mating?

Gerrit could only be certain that he’d felt no higher truth than what he felt for Jude.

“Either way,” Caj said to break the silence, “I’m happy for you and my new sister. If Father were here

“But he isn’t,” Gerrit couldn’t help but snap. Caj shrank back against the side of the boat and deeper into his cushions.

“You’re right, good brother.” Caj offered up a tight smile. “You always are.”

The water lapped against the sides of the boat. Everyone fell silent. Even Jude. Gerrit found her silence to be worst of all. What was she thinking? Talk to me, Jude. Say something just so I can hear your voice.

But all was quiet.

The ride back to shore was tense, the air charged. When the boats settled against the black crystal sand of the narrow beach, which was just feet away from the thick vines of the jungle, the Hylas barely even paused to let the Vilkas clamber off the boats before they whisked the boat away, sprays of water splashing off their flippers.

“They seem pissed,” Jude muttered under the breath while Caj stomped off into the jungle, the guards at his heels. Only a few stayed back to bring up the rear behind Gerrit and Jude. It wasn’t even close to a proper formation, but then, Gerrit doubted his brother even knew there was a protocol for trekking through the jungle.

So why did Caj care where they stopped to make camp?

“Let’s hope they don’t tell Tavorn how rude Caj was.”

“You know they will.” Jude tracked the departing boats with a hand shielding her eyes from the sun.

“Come on. Caj is right about one thing. We want to set up a good camp for the night.”

Jude turned a weary gaze to the jungle. “It’s just a two-day hike?”

“Should be. Let’s hope no other beautiful Earthen women crash on the way back.”

“Ha. Very funny.” She rolled her eyes and hitched up her dress, exposing long, tanned legs. She knotted the hem of the dress up by her thighs. Gerrit didn’t fail to notice the guards’ lingering attention.

He growled at them.

“You coming, or will I have to carry you?” Jude asked. She was already at the jungle’s edge.

“Coming, dear,” Gerrit said and trotted to catch up with her.

“Call me ‘dear’ again and I’ll kick you in the nuts.”

Gerrit couldn’t help but laugh. Now that they were away from the Hylas, he almost felt safe. Jude was one step closer to home and safety.

The foolish thought had crossed his mind before he could stop it. His mountain wasn’t her home, and one step closer brought her one step farther away from him. He might have claimed her as a mate, but she would never be his.

* * *

They hiked for miles before finding a suitably defensible spot to set up camp for the night. Not a single Draqon had been spotted in the sky, and Caj hadn’t let an opportunity slip to make a joke about the big bad jungle his brother had found himself stranded in. With each joke, more guards joined in the laughter, and the darker Jude’s expression became.

Her feet had to be killing her. Hylan sandals weren’t exactly made for treks through the jungle, but she hadn’t complained once. The guards’ looks at her had become less of a perusal of her body and more like ones of grim respect. She’d made the trip in a thin dress and strappy, flat-soled sandals, while they had struggled in Arakid combat gear and heavy boots.

They prepped a low-burning fire and dinner while guards collected water to boil. Others established a perimeter. A watch schedule was set up. It all happened under Gerrit’s instruction. Caj volunteered for none of the tasks and scoffed when Gerrit suggested he pitch in, which didn’t surprise Gerrit all that much. Caj had always been a bit lazy, something that had driven their father crazy.

Jude manned the fire and the boiling water, doling out rations to each guard before taking her own slight sips. Caj had demanded his first.

Seeing him out here, like this, Gerrit realized he didn’t particularly care for his entitled brother. In the mountain, Caj had always stayed under the wing of tutors and trainers; Gerrit had rarely seen him except for family meals or at Vilkan events. Perhaps he hardly knew the young man he called family.

When all the guards were hydrated and her feet had rested, Jude met his eyes and lifted her chin toward the darkening trees beyond earshot of the gathered guards.

Gerrit’s heart thumped in his chest. Did she want to sneak in some playtime? He couldn’t help his cock’s growing hardness at the thought. All day, his skin had itched for the feel of her, his hands aching to hold her tight to him.

She drifted off with the mumbled excuse of needing a nature break. A few minutes later, when most of the guards were preoccupied, Gerrit slipped off after her, passing his brother’s sleeping form.

He followed her scent and found her beside a small stream, leaning against a fallen log with her arms crossed. “Hey,” he murmured, pressing up against her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Before he could dip his mouth down against hers, she held a hand against his chest. “Wait.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I wanted to talk. Not everything is about kissing, you know.”

Gerrit sighed and stepped back from her. He adjusted his pants, which now felt much too tight. “I know that. Many things don’t involve kissing. Like

“I’m serious, Gerrit. Something doesn’t feel right.”

The thread snapped taut between them. Through it, he felt her fear. Her worry. Instantly, the humor was gone from inside him. He glanced around, inhaling deeply, assessing the area for threats. “What’s wrong?”

Jude bit her lip. “I don’t know. I’m just worried. I don’t …” She trailed off uncertainly. He’d never seen her mince her words, not around him.

“You can tell me. Whatever it is, Jude.”

She took a deep breath. “I don’t trust your brother. In fact, I don’t like him at all. He’s an asshole, but that’s not the point. I’ve worked with plenty of assholes before who were good at their jobs. There’s something about him I don’t trust. Something isn’t right.”

Of everything he’d expected, that wasn’t it. He let out a soft, relieved laugh. “He’s just a spoiled brat,” he said quietly in case any of the guards on watch had ventured close enough to hear them. “That’s all. Don’t worry about him.”

But Jude shook her head. “It’s more than that. He didn’t even care to appease Tavorn. That’s either stupid or careless. And all day, he pushed the pace, then he did nothing at camp. He doesn’t strike me as the type who prefers grueling hikes for the hell of it. What was he in a hurry for?”

It was odd, but Gerrit didn’t think it was anything to worry about. “He’s just

“An asshole,” Jude huffed. “I know. But he wouldn’t shut his trap the entire day, showing off and trying to make you look bad, and now he has nothing to say. I don’t like it. I’m sorry because I know he’s your brother, but something isn’t right.”

As they spoke, the sun set, casting the jungle into longer shadows than normal. Everything down here felt like perpetual night, with the shadows stretched denser and darker than usual.

Goosebumps spread down Gerrit’s arms.

The jungle was silent.

Jude heard it then too. Her eyes stretched wide. She’d learned the dangers of a quiet jungle.

Gerrit had just enough time to lunge toward her and pull her down before the jungle’s green-tinted darkness was shattered by blinding spotlights and the sudden, deafening roar of a spaceship. And it was landing right on top of them.

They had just enough time to scramble away before it settled into the new clearing it had burnt beneath it.

The exit hatch opened with a whoosh and a silhouette appeared.

Gerrit was already growling and pulling Jude behind him before the man even spoke.

“Hello again, Gerrit,” the man said, stepping out into the spotlights.





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