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The Woodsman's Baby by Eddie Cleveland (23)


I kick off my cute flats in the front hall and slump down on the couch, still wearing my office clothes. Normally when I get home, the first thing I like to do is get changed into something more comfortable than this pencil skirt and button up blouse, but I just don’t have the energy. I stretch out on the sofa and feel thankful that Marcus isn’t around much these days as I drift off to sleep.

The world around me begins to slide away. The long day at the office, answering calls at the dental office I work for becomes a part of another world, far away. Soon the only thing I see is a haze of shapes and colors that dance behind my eyelids and swirl around. Until they form up and I seehim.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

I spring up from the couch and look at the front door. For a second I think about ignoring it. It’s probably just some Girl Guides selling cookies or something like that. Although, on second thought, I could go for some mint chocolate right now. I make my way over to the door and turn the knob in my hand, my watering mouth drops open as the dreamy figure that was just visiting me in my sleep stands before me.

“Connor,” I whisper.

“Charlotte, I have something to say and I’m not leaving your yard until you hear me out. If you still want nothing to do with me when I’m finished then I’ll leave, but I at least deserve five minutes.”

Honestly, he’s a sight for sore eyes. My heart flutters as I soak him in. I know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but does it also make heat bloom in your lower belly, spreading out through your entire body, slickening your clenching pussy and burning up in your cheeks?

No? That’s not a thing?

I know that look of determination flickering behind his eyes all too well. It’s the same one he would get whenever the rest of us failed at something. If we couldn’t climb to the top of the tree, Connor would grit his teeth and that glint would appear in his eyes as he showed us all how it was done. If he says he’s not leaving until I hear him out, I wouldn’t be surprised if he camps out in my front yard until I give in.

Luckily it doesn’t have to come to that. The truth is, I’ve missed him.

“Fine, come in,” I step back from the open door and let him pass by me. “Let’s go downstairs, I’m not sure if Marcus is coming back or not.” I lead him down to my basement suite.

I never know when my brother will be home anymore. Ever since he found out I’m carrying Connor’s child, he’s been scarce. Not that I’d even know when he is home. He’s giving me the cold shoulder, barely uttering a word. Sometimes I wonder if he’d break his icy silence even if the house was burning down. Or would he just let the flames consume me?

Marcus and I have had our fights before, there’s no brother and sister in the world who haven’t, but this is different. I can see the disgust in his eyes when he looks at me. It’s hard not to feel completely alone when the only family you have left seems to hate you.

Connor silently follows me to my room and I plop down on the bed and look up at him expectantly. “I’m listening,” I tilt my head and try not to think about Marcus. Instead, focusing on what Connor has to say.

“I’ve been trying to call you all week,” I can see the hurt in his pinched expression.

“I know, I just needed to think things through,” guilt cyclones in my gut and the pain reaches his eyes.

Connor rubs his hand over his neatly trimmed scruff and then down over his black hair. His eyes are locked on the paper in his hand. Did he make notes?

“Charlotte, I’m sorry that I told Marcus. I really am. I never meant for it to slip out. We started arguing and before I knew it, I told him you were pregnant. It was an accident,” he looks down at me, searching my face for forgiveness.

“I know,” I nod curtly.

“I read your letter again today, the one you gave me when I left,” he looks down at his hand and unfolds the paper in it, holding it up like evidence at a trial. “Do you remember what you said?”

“I do,” my voice creaks as the memory of writing those tear-stained words come back.

“Listen, I know things have been fucked up. I know this isn’t perfect between us, but you’re perfect for me,” he closes the gap between us and kneels on the floor beside my bed, looking up at me.

I can’t move or blink, I’m not even sure if I’m breathing. When he looks at me like that, with the sunset glimmering over his rugged face and his eyes pleading with me, it’s impossible to look away.

“You wrote that you wished away the time between us. Between our ages and between our bodies. Well, it’s gone now, Lottie. I’m back and all I want to do is be with you. I want you to be in my life. I want to raise this child with you,” he grazes his fingertips over my belly. “Those five years between us don’t mean a single thing now. The only thing that matters to me anymore, the only thing I wish for, is for you to give me another chance. Because I love you, Lottie and every day without you is like a day when the sun doesn’t rise. I need you.” He lays his head down in my lap and I run my hand over his hair. Never in my wildest teen fantasies did I ever think Connor McLean would pour his heart out to me like this. For a second, I wonder if I’m still on the sofa upstairs deep inside a dream.

As I feel the heat of Connor’s skin against mine, I know this is real. Just like our love. It’s all real and I’ve been a fool to push it away.

“I love you too,” I confess, looking down at him. Connor lifts his head and I can see streaks of tears down his cheeks, disappearing into his beard. My own vision blurs as fat tears fill my eyes and spill down my face.

“Don’t cry, Lottie,” he climbs up onto my bed and scoops me up in his strong arms. He rocks me against him as I let all my confusion and sadness burst forth.

“I’ve been so alone without you,” I admit through my choking sobs. “Marcus hates me, he won’t even talk to me anymore. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve missed you so much,” I throw my arms around him and feel like the world is a place with problems in it that can’t touch me anymore. Like I’m protected and safe as long as I’m next to Connor. Instantly, the tension that’s been dragging me down like cement shoes is eased. I feel like I can finally breathe again. Like the crushing weight I’ve been carrying around all week has been lifted.

“Come live with me, Charlotte,” he holds me against his chest and I can hear his voice rumble against my ear as he speaks. I love how soothing his deep baritone is, washing away the last fluttering ripples of anxiety inside me.

“What?” I know what he said, but need him to say it again. I need to know that he means it. That he really wants us to take this step and isn’t just caught up in this moment.

“Come live with me. I don’t want you to stay where you feel lonely and isolated. Besides, I hate every morning that I wake up and don’t roll over to see your face beside me. I can’t stand any distance between us. Move into my place. Our place. Let me take care of you. Let me love you.” His voice is thick with a symphony of emotions. The same ones that are playing in my heart.

“Yes.” I whisper, snuggling in against his broad, hard chest. “I’ll move in with you.”