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Throttled by Chelle Bliss (6)

Chapter 6 ~ Making My Mark

“I can’t believe that shit can even be done,” Anthony said, holding his stomach as he laughed.

“She has mad skills,” Mike shook his head, all of us still stunned.

“When she shot that thing out of her pussy, I almost shit a brick.” Anthony scrubbed his hand across his face, shaking his head.

“A ping pong ball. Jesus Christ, I’ll never be able to see anyone play that fucking game again.” Mike grabbed the beer from the cup holder and downed it.

We were safely on the limo bus after a rather interesting trip to some shit ass dive strip club in Tampa. It wasn’t my idea of a good time, but since Mike and Anthony planned the entire night, I sat back and tried to enjoy the ride. I felt guilty watching strippers knowing that Suzy was off enjoying a peaceful night with the girls. Izzy promised me that they were just going for drinks and maybe dancing and that they’d be staying in a hotel room so they wouldn’t drink and drive.

“Why the fuck aren’t you talking?” Bear said as he nudged Tank.

I shook my head, laughing at the mix of guys on this bus. For some unknown reason, Mike and Anthony decided to invite Bear, Tank, and a few other guys from the Neon Cowboy. They knew each other from Inked since they were not only friends but also clients.

“I’m talking. Just listening about the pussy show.” I glared at Bear and then looked at Tank, tilting my head while I studied his face. “What the fuck is that smirk for?”

“You’re so pussy whipped.” Tank tipped his glass, his smirk turning into a smile. The corner of his eyes wrinkled as he chuckled and took a swig of beer.

“Fuck off,” I growled. “I’m not pussy whipped. Why look at ground meat when I have grade A platinum pussy at home? I know you boys don’t know the difference.” I smirked, looking to Mike. “Not you brother, you get the good shit too. You know what I mean.”

He smiled, nodding. “I do, but I am still in disbelief. Mia better never shoot anything out of that pussy. Shit’s too good to ruin with a ping pong ball or anything other than my dick, fingers, and tongue,” Michael said, making a V with his fingers and tonguing the void.

“Clearly you’ve had too much to drink,” I said, looking at him, unable to contain my laughter.

“Two fuckin’ pussy whipped bastards. You sure you two still have your balls attached?” Bear slapped his knee.

“Why don’t you suck my dick and find out, motherfucker?” I smirked as Bear stilled and gagged. “You’re just jealous, plain and simple.”

He mumbled, bringing the bottle to his lips. “You know I’ve always been fond of Sunshine. Couldn’t be pussy whipped over a better girl.”

“We’re here,” the driver called out as the limo-bus stopped in front of a beachside hotel.

“What the fuck are we doing here?” I looked out the tinted windows confused by the destination. I didn’t think we’d end the evening at a hotel. We’d already seen the strippers, so I didn’t think that awaited us inside.

“Shepard’s has the best fuckin’ nightclub in the St. Pete. Get your old grumpy ass up and let’s dance.” Anthony stood, taking the glass from my hand.

“One, I don’t fuckin’ dance without my woman. Two, don’t ever touch my beer. Three, this wasn’t supposed to be a night for you to find a piece of ass,” I said as I climbed off the limo bus.

“Fine, you drink and stew in your moodiness while the rest of us enjoy the ladies, right men?” Anthony pumped his fist, his body shaking with excitement. “Right?”

Michael cleared his throat, looking away from Anthony. “I’m with Joe. I’d rather drink and bullshit than look at any other women. Mia would have my balls in a sling if I even thought about looking at another woman. I’ll hang with my brother while you bastards find your next victims.” He laughed as he walked by and slapped me on the shoulder. “I got your back,” he said softly so only I could hear.

“More for us,” Tank said, heading toward the door.

“Yeah, this looks like your type of place, Tank.” I shook my head. “The girls are going to run away screaming from your ass.” The warm air of the Florida night felt good against my skin. The salty smell of the air and the gentle breeze of the ocean were soothing.

“I’ll show them what a real man looks like. They’re too used to these pansy ass boys that pluck their eyebrows and wax their body hair. They need a little Tank in their life. What the fuck are those douchebags called again?”

I rolled my eyes. The man was clearly full of himself. “Yeah, I’m sure they do. How the fuck am I supposed to know what they’re called?”

“Metrosexuals,” Bear said, giving a week smile.

“What the fuck?” I said, totally in shock. I never ever in a million years though Bear would know that fucking term. A big burly biker like him should not know that term. “You reading Vogue magazine or some shit?” I raised an eyebrow, studying his face.

His cheeks turned pink as he looked at the ground. “I have sisters, asshole. Their boyfriends are metrosexuals. Beats the fuck outta me. They throw the term around like it’s the most glorious thing. Someday they’ll figure out what they’re missing being with such a pussy.”

I laughed along with the rest of the guys. “Had us worried there for a second,” Tank said, smacking Bear in the back of the head. “I was about to do a dick check.”

“I know you’ve always wanted to get your hands on my cock, Tank. I don’t swing that way. Sorry, buddy.”

I smiled as we walked through the lobby. I had the best friends and brothers in the whole fucking world. Before Anthony pushed open the doors to the pool, the glass panes started to shake from the bass of the music on the other side.

“Ready boys?” Anthony asked, looking like he was about to enter a little piece of Heaven.

“Just open the fuckin’ doors already,” I growled.

He nodded, pushing open both doors at once. We took two steps and stopped dead to take in the sight before us. Girls in bikinis, skimpy dresses, and various other tiny barely there clothing writhed and danced to the beat of the techno music.

“Wow, I’ve been missing out at that hick bar,” Tank said, his voice filled with disbelief.

“Neon Cowboy women do not look like that.” Bear held his hand out, moving it up and down, motioning toward the crowd and licked his lips.

“There sure as fuck something to be said for city girls.” Tank headed toward the crowd, winding his way through the ladies.

At least Tank and Bear didn’t come in their camo or some other redneck attire. They wore clean denim jeans, black t-shirts, and boots. We looked like the redneck biker version of the Rat Pack. Our tats were clearly visible on our arms—metrosexuals we most definitely were not.

“Bar,” I growled, pulling Tank off the back of some chick. He had her by the hips and she was pushing back against him with a big smile on her face.

“What the fuck, man? I was enjoying myself.”

“She had a ring on her finger, dumbass,” I yelled over the loud music.

“Who cares? I was looking to hit it and quit it.” He laughed, making a smacking motion while thrusting his hips.

“Shots. We need them in mass quantities.” Bear threw a fifty on the bar.

“That won’t get you far here, Bear.” Michael threw an extra fifty on top. “This isn’t the Podunk bar you’re used to. This is the city and everything is three times as much.”

We leaned against the bar studying the dance floor like a scene from Saturday Night Live as we waited for our tequila shots and beers. I reached in my pocket for my phone as panic started to set in. Fuck.

“What’s wrong, Joe?” Michael asked, resting his hand on my shoulder.

“I don’t have my phone. Suzy’s going to be pissed if I don’t text her back.”

“I got it in my pocket. You’ll get it back tomorrow. Tonight it’s all about us and not our ladies. She’ll be fine. It’s her party night too. Trust me, those girls have her too busy to even bother looking at their phones. So chill the fuck out and drink.” Mike shoved the tequila shot under my nose as a smile crept across his face.

“You’re right.” I grabbed the drink from his hand and turned toward the guys. “What are we drinking to?” I asked, raising the glass.

“Platinum pussy and unlimited blow jobs.” Anthony clinked his glass to mine as all the guys joined in with a laugh.

I grimaced as I downed the liquid. Tequila and I were never friends. We slammed the shot glasses on the bar, grabbing our beer to wash it down.

“Another,” Tank said, motioning to the bartender. “Same,” he yelled as the man approached.

“Gonna be one of those nights, huh?” I said, sipping my beer as I looked around.

The setting was amazing. Suzy would love it here. She didn’t like to dance when I met her, but when we were on the dance floor together, our bodies moved as if they’d known each other a lifetime. She knew how to move, but being with me gave her the confidence to feel uninhibited in the sack and in a club.

“Earth to Joe.” Bear tapped me in the head, annoying the shit out of me.

I swatted his hand, ready to tear his finger off and turned toward him. “You wanna lose that finger?” I smirked, moving into his personal space.

“Shut the fuck up and drink, shithead.” Bear pushed my chest, knocking me back a step.

Grabbing the drink off the bar, I slammed it back, enjoying the warmth. “Ahh, another,” I said as I put the glass down, turning to see everyone’s mouth agape. “What?”

“Jesus, you’re going to be shitfaced. Pace yourself, brother.” Michael threw back his drink, calling the bartender over.

We spent the next hour laughing and drinking. We talked about women. Michael and I spoke of our girls while Tank, Bear, and Anthony talked about their plethora of pussy. The stark contrast of the caliber of pussy the three of them enjoyed was astounding. I knew the club bitches Tank and Bear spent their nights with and I wasn’t too impressed. They could do better and hell, they deserved more. They may be rough around the edges, but they were good, honest men.

Anthony was just Anthony. He was a manwhore to the nth degree enjoying life a little too loosely. I couldn’t blame the guy, but at some point, you have to give up the chase and enter the adult world.

“Here,” Anthony said, nudging me. “You look a little lost in thought or you’re already shit faced.” He laughed, pushing the glass of amber liquid in front of me.

“I’m not even close to being shitfaced.”

“I want to do a special toast,” Michael said, holding up his glass, waiting for us to follow suit. As we raised our glasses, holding them together, he spoke. “To Thomas. He couldn’t be here again, but this one’s for him.” He frowned, his eyes glistening a little in the club light. “To the best God damn brother out there. May he stay safe and come back to us in one piece.” A weak smile formed on his face as he brought the glass to his lips.

My chest felt tight thinking about Thomas. I wanted him to be here to celebrate this weekend with us, but he had gone too far under at this point. We were on a no contact basis the last few months. We could check in with his superior, but beyond that, we hadn’t heard from him. “Way to bring a party down,” I said, shaking my head. “To Thomas.” I downed the tequila before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

I looked at Anthony and his eyes were the size of saucers. He wasn’t moving, the shot in front of his lips, frozen in place. “What the fuck man?” I asked, turning to see what caught his attention.

What the fuck? My heart started to hammer, my mind racing as I fisted my hands at my side. There’s no fucking way. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the image, hoping it was an optical illusion. Fuck, it wasn’t.

Across the pool danced my bride-to-be with some motherfucker doing the bump-n-grind. I moved forward, but a hand stopped me, clamping down on my arm.

“Don’t cause a scene, City,” Bear said, griping me tightly.

I looked down at his hand, a growl starting deep in my throat. “That’s my woman. No one, and I mean no one, puts their hands on her.” Pulling my arm from his grip, I stalked across the pool, cracking my neck and preparing for the shit storm that was about to happen.

Sophia stopped dancing, her mouth hanging open as she nudged Izzy, motioning to me with her head.

“Fuck.” Izzy mouthed, shaking her head, her eyes growing wide.

With Suzy’s back to me, I grabbed the asshole groping Suzy’s collar, removing him from my fiancée. Suzy turned slowly, all the color draining from her face as her eyes found mine.

“Fuck off,” I growled, pushing him away as I tried to restrain myself.

“You fuck off, asshole. I’m dancing with the beautiful blonde. She ain’t yours.” He moved forward, standing toe to toe with me.

I snarled, moving closer to his face. “She’s my motherfucking fiancée. You had your shitty ass hands all over her.”

“City,” Suzy said, grabbing my arm. “Baby.”

I pushed her away, not looking in her direction. “You need to back the fuck off and go find some other pussy. This one is mine,” I roared, grabbing his shirt pulling him closer to my face.

“I didn’t hear her say no when I started dancing with her, motherfucker.” His words were slightly slurred as tiny droplets of his spit hit my face as he spoke. “Her ass felt so good in my hands.”

“City,” Bear said, touching my shoulder. “Not here, man.”

“What did you just say?” I asked, tightening my grip.

“Her ass…you can bounce a quarter off that shit.” His mouth slowly turned up into a cocky ass grin.

As I released him, I pushed him back and swung. I connected with his jaw, the bones crunching under my knuckles. His arms flailed as he fell to the ground and grasped his face.

“Keep your fucking hands to yourself, dickhead.” I spit on the ground next to him. “Worthless piece of shit.”

He dragged his hand across his lips, wiping the blood that had trickled out of his mouth. I fisted my hands at my side, waiting to see if he’d retaliate, but he stood slowly and walked away. Pussy.

Bear patted me on the back. “Can’t say the asshole didn’t deserve it.”

“He deserved more. If we were at the Neon Cowboy I would have beat him unconscious, but here it’s like a damn show.”

I looked around the crowd that had gathered. People were smiling and laughing and looked impressed. Such is city life at a club. They just wanted to see someone get their ass kicked. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my breath before turning to see Suzy.

Her arms were crossed and her head cocked as she glared at me. “You’re such a caveman. Does everything require violence?” She snarled.

I’d never seen Suzy so pissed off. She had no fucking right to be pissed. I was defending her honor, my soon-to-be-bride. “You’re pissed at me?” I asked with a confused look. “Why the fuck are you pissed off at me? You’re the one letting him manhandle you.”

Her glare turned ice cold as she walked toward me. Her hands dropped to her side as she stopped in front of me. “You knock a guy on his ass and you want to know why I’m pissed off?” She poked me in the chest, her nail digging into my skin. “It’s my bachelorette party and I was having some harmless fun. What the fuck is wrong with you?” She smacked me in the chest, trying to push me backward.

I grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer. “Some asswad has his hands on my woman and I’m just supposed to what? Tap him on the fucking shoulder and say may I cut in? No, I’m going to confront that shithead and do what I have to do. I’m the one that’s pissed and rightfully so. You let him touch you. What the fuck happened to faithfulness?” I released her arm as her eyes flickered to the ground.

Her eyes returned to mine filled with anger and hurt. “I was being faithful, you big dumb oaf. It’s a bachelorette party and I’m here with your sister. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. You’re just being your difficult, overprotective self.” She shook her head. “You always want to solve things with your fists. We’re not twelve anymore, City.”

“Sugar, I’ll protect you until my last breath. I don’t share, not now and not ever. You’re mine and only mine. No one is allowed to put their hands on you, no matter the situation.” I grabbed her by the waist, drawing her to my body. “Maybe I’m being harsh, but the thought of someone else touching you just pisses me off. I tried to control myself, but the prick had to keep running his mouth.” I touched her cheek, holding her face in my hand.

Her face softened as she leaned into my touch. “He did. I’m sorry. I’m drunk and we’re just having some harmless fun.”

I leaned in, hovering just above her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed as I inhaled in the smell of Suzy. The scent wasn’t right. “What the fuck?” I sniffed her cheek and neck. She had a sweaty musky scent on her skin. “Why do you smell like a man?”

Her eyes flew open and grew wide. “What are you talking about?” she whispered.

“You smell like another man’s been pawing you. That jagoff didn’t touch your face. Why the hell does your face and neck smell like someone else?” My heart started to pound sporadically, my chest felt hollow except for the flutter of my heart.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t touched anyone.” She grabbed my shirt, holding me to her.

“Like fuck you haven’t. I can smell him.” Nausea overcame me as the realization that Suzy had been that close to another man. Maybe she wasn’t the woman I always thought she was.

“City, I haven’t touched anyone. You’re making shit up.”

I backed away, dropping my hand from her cheek. “I find you with some guy with his hands all over you and now I can smell someone all over your skin. Don’t you have anything to say for yourself or are you just going to deny it?”

She looked to the sky and back to me, her eyes glistening in the light. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” she yelled, her hands fisted at her side.

I shook my head, feeling my heart shattering into a million tiny pieces. The thought of her cheating on me made me feel like death would be preferable. I didn’t want to look at her anymore. I couldn’t take the lies or the dull ache in my chest. “I don’t believe you,” I whispered, looking over her. I couldn’t stomach looking in her eyes anymore.

“City,” she pleaded, reaching for my arm.

I recoiled, moving my body out of reach. “No, not this time, sugar. I need some time to myself,” I said as I turned my back to her.

I didn’t want to see the hurt on her face. I didn’t have to look at her to know it was there, but I was too pissed off to stick around and talk about it. I needed to get away and cool off.

“Bro, where ya going?” Michael said, stepping in front of me.

“I need to be alone, brother. I’m taking a cab home,” I said, trying to control my breathing. I closed my eyes and breathed out through my mouth before looking him in the eyes.

“Come on. We have the party bus. We can go somewhere else.” Michael gave me a fake smile.

“Fuck that. I’m going home. Take the party bus and enjoy the night. Tell Suzy to stay here with the girls. I need to be alone tonight.”

I walked around him, leaving them behind. I found a cab and headed home. I tried to process how the night went so terribly wrong. Did I overreact? Probably. Did someone touch my fiancée? Most definitely. Could we be fixed? Only time would tell.

I closed my eyes; the blur of palm trees made my head hurt more than it already did. I thought about everything we’d been through in the last year. Suzy lost her good girl image and stole my heart. I wrecked on my bike and almost died. The woman nursed me back to health and waited on me hand and foot.

It may have been a bachelorette party, but the shit still stung. My over active imagination and the words the cocksucker spoke was like a punch to the gut. I knew my Suzy. She wouldn’t cheat, but the thought of someone else touching her made my stomach hurt and my heart ache. I literally pushed Suzy away and turned my back on her. I let my anger rule instead of using my head. I reacted without thinking and would have to deal with it tomorrow.

I rubbed my face, wishing I could wash it all away and go back in time. I’d been a total dumb fuck and there would be a heavy price to pay and most likely groveling. I wasn’t one to grovel and beg, but this was my sugar. I’d do anything for her, to keep her, and make her mine. The closer I got to the house, our house, the more I knew I fucked up.

After paying the cab driver and walking up the driveway, I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. Not a message since I left her.

Me: I’m sorry. I love you.

The house was eerily quiet. It had been quiet before, but tonight it was deafening. Suzy was missing. Her joy and laughter usually filled the space. The girl was a damn chatterbox at times and as I walked to the bedroom I realized how much I missed it—how much I missed her. The stillness of our house made me feel uneasy. I wanted my woman in our bed with me. I wanted to hear her giggle as I whispered in her ear before she fell asleep. She was the sunshine in my day; she softened me and filled my life with happiness.

I emptied my pockets, placing my wallets and keys on my nightstand. I removed my clothes, the stench of the clubs clinging to the fabric as I tossed them to the floor. No reply from Suzy as I crawled in bed, laying the cell phone next to me. I didn’t want to miss her message. I stared at the ceiling, watching the fan create moving shadows in the darkness. For the first time in months, I felt completely alone.

Fuck, maybe I was pussy whipped.