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Timeless Outlaw (Timeless Hearts Book 3) by Leigh, Anna Rose, Hearts, Timeless (13)

Chapter 14 - Decisions

Hey, sis.”

Abby pulled up a chair near the bed and sat close to William, leaning over to take his hand. “You know, I could have almost lost you last night.”

He rubbed a hand over his face, inhaling and releasing a long breath. He glanced at Abby with glassy eyes.

“I know, and I’m sorry. I’m a jerk, and I never meant to put you through that. It’s just, all these years, Dad made it known he thought I was a failure. I guess after so long, I just sort of started to believe the same.”

“Dad never thought you were a failure. He was just upset by your decisions.”

“I think it was a little more than that, Abby. He made it clear in his will he didn’t want me to have anything of his. He left you the ranch, horses, and the land. I’m not jealous. I love you, and you’re my sister. But when a parent purposely leaves their kids with nothing, you have to wonder why,” Williams words came out strained, his voice cracking. He turned away and rubbed his eyes.

Abby hadn’t seen him show such emotion since their mother had passed. She thought this was good—it showed a more human side to him, one she could relate to.

“Let me ask you this, William. If he didn’t love you, why didn’t he send you to jail for wiping out his accounts?”

“That’s easy…he didn’t know.”

She leaned closer, tightening her hold around his hand.

“He did. If you don’t believe me…” Abby reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. “…just read this letter he wrote addressed to you. Too, how do you think I found out?”

William drew in his brows. “Where did this come from?” he asked, examining the envelope.

“It came in the mail today, inside a letter addressed to me. He’d told his attorney to mail these out to us, three months after he was gone.”

“Did you read it?”

“Of course I did, but only because the outside label was addressed to me.”


“Maybe,” Abby said, raising a brow.

William smiled. “Could you read it to me?”

“Of course I can.”

Son. It is with deep regret that I write this letter to you, wishing we were on better terms. But since time waits for no man, it’s best I get the words out while I still can.

We’ve had our differences but it doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. The truth is, I love you so much, and that’s why I respond to your actions the way I do. Unless you straighten up, you’ll continue to go down, and one day you’ll hit rock bottom. When that day comes, I may not be there to pick you up, though, I would like to be.

The drinking and gambling leads to other things, like stealing from your family. Yes, I know. Which is why I left everything, at least everything you know about, to Abby. It’s because I know she loves you and will never leave you behind or shut you out.

I allowed you to drink your way into a pit while I was living, hoping you’d eventually find your way once the money ran out. I should have practiced tough, well tougher love, and cut off your supply a long time ago, just as my father did to me when I was on a path of self-destruction.

Yes, William, I was you back in the day, except my injury came from basketball rather than football. You’ll get past it. You will.

Now, I’ve made some changes to my will to ensure you and your sister always take care of each other. Abby gets the family home, horses, and land. Somehow, I have a feeling she’ll appreciate it more. And you get two properties I’ve never spoken off. You’ll both get the details when you speak with Mr. Landry, our family attorney. The only stipulation, William, is that you must remain free of all substances, including gambling, drinking, and drug abuse for at least one year. And you’ll need to put the degree I paid for to use.

I’ll end this now by saying I love you and your sister dearly, and I’ll watch over you always, regardless of where I am. But for now, I need you to take care of each other.

Love Always,

Your Father

Things were different. It was time for Abby to decide what was best for her. With so much to consider, she wanted to make sure her choice to leave or stay would be one she was willing to live with. And not one made because of someone else’s wants or needs.

Abby’s heart-to-heart with her brother had given them both new perspectives. And he’d had to make some different decisions about his life. He was doing an initial stint of rehab, then William would start Alcoholics Anonymous. As well as dealing with the undisclosed problem of gambling. Between drinking and betting, he’d manage to lose a lot, even himself. The night Jesse had come to his rescue, those guys had come to collect. When he didn’t have the money, they’d decided to make an example out of him.

He’d also admitted to draining her father’s account, which is how he’d supported his habit. It seems as though accessing another person’s information isn’t hard to do when you have the same name.

The gun he’d taken from the guesthouse, he’d intended to pawn for money. William would have a lot of work to do, but she’d be there for him, just not as she’d been before. It was time for him to take responsibility for his actions. A man had shot someone in his defense, and he needed to own up to that as much as Jesse would need to, even if it had been self-defense.

Moira would be returning in a day, but Abby hadn’t decided whether she’d talk to her about Jesse and the whole time-travel thing. She needed to address her feelings for what they were. She’d fallen for Jesse, regardless of where he’d come from or what he’d done. And with the dust settling, maybe somehow, she could look past him believing he’d traveled through time, though, she doubted it. It didn’t matter because he’d be leaving soon. Unquestionably, something had happened. But that something could have been anything from him falling off his horse Lady, who he was so fond of, to some other type of injury. With no record on file, she may never know the truth. But one thing was certain, he believed what he was saying, and her questioning him about it wouldn’t change that fact.

For some reason, she’d felt inclined to share her plans with Jesse. They’d become close, he was her friend, and someone she loved, who loved her. Perhaps if they were living in a different time, they could act on that love.

She found him in the stables, changing out one of the locks.

“Hey there.”

He looked up with a smile. As always, he’d give Abby his undivided attention.

“Abby,” he said, stopping what he was doing and placing the tools aside “Everything okay? You look, I don’t know…maybe, concerned.”

She sighed. “I don’t know how okay I am but I’m sure things will be fine.”

Jesse took her hand, and walked her over to the patio.

“I take it you wanna tell me something.” He cupped her hands in his. Abby loved it when he did that.

“Have I ever told you how handsome you are, Jesse Landers?” Abby said, looking him squarely in the eyes, unsure of where the boldness had come from.

Jesse blew out a short breath, shying away. “Now, I’m supposed to make you blush, not the other way around.”

Abby smiled, never veering away even when his hazel eyes met hers intensely. With time apparently not on their side, Abby felt the urge to make her feelings known. Besides, this may very well be her final chance.

“I’m going to miss you, Jesse.”

“I’m certainly gonna miss you too. I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna’ deal with not seeing you every day.”

Looking away, she closed her eyes and chanted to herself—I’m not going to do this. She pursed her lips together, to fight back the tears. Why were good-byes so hard? Abby dabbed the corner of her eye with her finger, and cleared her throat.

“Anyway, I think I may be leaving here for good.”

Jesse sighed, his gaze falling to the ground.

“Is it because of me?” his voice trailed off.

“No, Jesse. It’s because of me. I just think its best.” Abby sat her hand on his knee, waiting for his response. Jesse looked around as if he was searching the sky for answers. His eyes scrunched, bringing creases to his forehead.

Abby leaned in closer, resting her head on his shoulder.

“I knew you were considering it, but I just thought or hoped you might consider opening that children’s clinic here in Heartsbridge. They need those everywhere, now don’t they?” Jesse rubbed her back, resting his chin on her head.

Her mind raced, exploring the possibilities of what could be, but knowing it would never be. A heavy weight settled on her heart as she searched for ways to alleviate the pain.

Abby’s voice softened, “Yes, they do, Jesse. I just don’t think there’s anything left here for me. With both my parents gone, and William getting his life together, aside from friends, I’ll be by myself. Too, I got another job offer. This one came from Children’s Hospital in Michigan. The call came through this morning, and I’m thinking about taking it since the offer in California is no longer up for grabs.”

“I see. But what about William? He’ll still need you, at least for a while.”

“I think he’s in a good place now. We’ve talked about things, he admitted to his faults and seems to genuinely want to do better. For him, that’s a big start. He’s checking himself into a rehab, the day after tomorrow, so things are looking up for him.”

“I thought you wanted to settle down in Heartsbridge and start a family. Have you changed your mind?”

“Jesse, you have to at least be seeing someone to have children.” Abby gave him a sad smile.

“Abby, I don’t want to leave you. I love you.” Jesse turned to face her and caressed her neck gently. Massaging her throat, he looked into her eyes. “You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. As a matter of fact, I ain’t never really wanted to settle down before. But you changed that. And when I find Maya, I promise, I’m going to come back to you. I’m going to find you, and I’m going to marry you.”

He leaned in to kiss her on her forehead, cupping her face with his hands.

Abby placed her hands on top of his. Her heart was just as full as her eyes. She was certain that if she didn’t plead her case now, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. “Jesse, please don’t leave me.” She searched his eyes desperately.

He held her tightly. “I don’t want to, Abby. I don’t ever want to be away from you. I’m dying inside.”

The next day they would see each other, perhaps for the last time. They sat together, holding each other under the moonlight, until she fell asleep in his arms.