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Tobias: Shenandoah Brothers by Andi Grace (10)




Tobias was sitting at his desk going over paperwork when he heard a knock at the door. He didn’t bother saying anything because everyone in the office knew he didn’t want to be disturbed. He had been sleeping on the couch in his office for a week now and he didn’t care what anyone thought. So, when he walked in, Tobias wasn’t surprised to see his father. He thought it fitting that the one man he despised more than himself would be the first one to come talk to him.

“Go away,” Tobias muttered ignoring his father as he made himself comfortable in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

“You look like shit, son,” T.H. Shenandoah said, ignoring his son.

“And you are intruding. Leave.”

“Can’t do that. If I do, then I will have your mother to contend with and I make it a point, never to contend with your mother. So, are you ready to talk about this?”


“That’s what I told your mother, but she still insisted.”

“Go away, dad.”

“Can’t do that because there is a very upset young woman at Amelia’s and well, it was either me or Amelia. I figured Thomas didn’t want his wife in jail for murder, so you got me instead. Now, you can either sit at that desk all day and sulk, or you can go fishing with me. Either way, I am not leaving without you.”

Tobias put down his pen and looked at his dad. He really hated his old man, more than any of his brothers and for a good reason. Of course, he would never let his old man know that. His father was a true bastard at times, especially when it came to him. They never got along. Not once growing up could Tobias remember a time when he and his father did anything together except fight.

Of course, his father wouldn’t remember shit because his life was looking up, but Tobias remembered everything, even the night he found his father in bed with another woman. He was there, only his old man didn’t know it. Tobias watched as the man he looked up to, wanted to be, admired most of his young life, slept with another woman without a care in the world as to what it would do to his family. His father’s selfishness and desires overrode the most important thing in the world, respect and honor towards his family.

“You have a lot of nerve coming here,” Tobias said hatefully. “Considering you are no better than me. What gives you the right to chastise me for my past when you yourself have made many worst mistakes.”

“I’m not going to justify my past with excuses because there aren’t any that would make it all better. However, I will say that I did own up to them and let the chips fall where they may. I may not have been your ideal father, but I am your father nevertheless, and as such, you don’t get to sit there and lecture me on my past when you are making those same mistakes. Grace loves you, Tobias. Why I have no idea, but she does and what you said was cruel, mean and disrespectful. If there is one thing I did teach you was to respect a woman.”

“You didn’t teach me shit,” Tobias shouted. “You taught me how to ignore my responsibilities and never get attached to anyone. I caught you with so many women, and it was nothing to you. As long as you were getting laid, you didn’t care about the repercussions.  You hurt mom repeatedly and lost all my respect. When Jackson’s mother died, the best thing the family ever did was to make sure that boy was never raised by you. You are a selfish, hateful man, and I’m not going to sit here and listen to you lecture me on my past.”

“You’re right, Jackson was better off without me being around and that is why the family is taking Elizabeth away from you. You see son, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so enjoy your life. You reap what you sow, so to speak.” With that, T.H. Shenandoah got up and almost made it to the door when Tobias responded.

“You take my daughter out of my house and I will have you arrested for kidnapping, old man. Got me?” Tobias seethed angrily.

“Really?” His father turned and smiled. “You haven’t been home for a week Tobias. Someone must care for my granddaughter because God knows you never cared about anyone but yourself. When you decide to pull your head out of your ass and do the right thing, you know where to find us.”

With that, his father was gone. In a fit of rage, Tobias rose from his chair and swept everything from his desk. To make matters worse, Tobias knew his father was right. He had been cruel to Grace and he scared her, which made everything he did worse. There was no excuse for his behavior. He fucked up again and this time he knew the fallout was going to be much worse.

When he married Bridget, he married her because he wanted in her pants. She knew that and so did he. There were no underlying circumstances. Their relationship was based purely on sex. He wanted in Bridget’s pants so bad, he was willing to roll the dice and he lost. Now Bridget was dead, and Elizabeth lost her mother, all because he was too selfish and wanted something that never truly belonged to him.

Then Grace arrived. He didn’t ask for her, nor did he want her, but she stayed anyway and helped him, in ways no one ever could. She jumped right in and took care of Elizabeth, so he could work. She listened to him when he needed to talk. She was there when he needed a laugh, and she was the best mother to Elizabeth he could have ever asked for.

Over the last year, Grace had become more than just his daughter’s nanny, she became his best friend, someone he could rely on. She never judged him. She stood up for him, respected him and his decisions.  She became the one person he looked forward to seeing the most. With Grace, everything in his life seemed to fit, almost as if she were a missing piece he never knew was gone. She brought out sides of him he thought he’d long forgotten about, a softer more caring side he tried to keep hidden.

His family adored Grace, welcomed her with open arms. She was the perfect opposite of him. Where he was harsh and cruel, Grace was loving and kind. There wasn’t a selfish bone in Grace’s body. She would give her last dollar to someone if she thought it would help them. When Bridget died, Grace dropped everything to come to California to help him, a man she never met all because she felt it was the right thing to do. And what did he do, he went and slept with her all because he had an itch in his pants and she said she loved him. He was the one who fucked up, not her. She was just trying to live with the fallout of his mistake. Instead of comforting her, he yelled at her. Blamed her for getting pregnant. Hell, he was the one who took her virginity!

“God, I am such a dick,” he muttered looking out one of the windows of his office.

“Yeah you are, but we still love you.”

Tobias turned to see Jackson leaning again the door jamb of his office. “What are you doing here? Come for your pound of flesh.”

“Nope. Dad and I had a feeling that Pop would strike out, so I offered to come babysit you. You know something, this is getting confusing. You are technically my brother, but I still see you as my uncle. My dad is my brother and Pop is my father. I don’t know what the hell to call any of you half the time. I like the idea of brothers, yet I love you as my Uncle and Thomas as my father. But I also want to get to know Pop, grandpa better, because he is my biological father. See what I mean…confusing.”

“Yeah, maybe we should have told you sooner, but you turned out all right and I don’t need a babysitter, even if he is my nephew and baby brother.”

Jackson laughed, “See it’s confusing. Hey, I want to show you something. Care to go for a ride?”


Grace was sitting on the front porch out at the ranch, watching the sunset as another day passed without hearing from Tobias. She missed him terribly but knew he had to figure this out on his own. Bridget had warned her that this could possibly happen and technically so did Tobias’s family, but she couldn’t believe them. The man she knew was nothing like the man they described, and yet he was.

He proved that a week ago.

When Tobias stormed out of the house that night, Grace was left heartbroken and with no choice but to pack up and take Elizabeth with her. She knew Tobias wouldn’t be home anytime soon, and she couldn’t leave his daughter alone without any supervision.

So, she called Amelia.

Only it wasn’t Amelia who showed up. Instead, it was all of Tobias’s brothers. None of them said a word to her. They just hugged her and told her that everything was going to be okay. They helped her pack everything she was going to need for herself and Elizabeth and without a word, they brought her and the baby back to the ranch.  It was then that she knew that Jackson had spilled the beans. The whole family knew she was pregnant. Grace was mortified.

The family was understanding and sympathetic which she didn’t deserve. In her eyes, she was just as much to blame for this mess as Tobias was, yet, when she tried to explain, they family ignored her and told her that it was all Tobias. Grace couldn’t believe them because Tobias was hurting as much as she was.

“Grace,” Thomas whispered as he walked out onto the porch carrying Elizbeth. “Sorry to interrupt, but little bit isn’t wanting to go down. Can you help?”

Grace smiled and reached for her. Taking Elizabeth in her arms, she cuddled the little girl close to her heart. She loved Elizabeth as if she were her own and it killed her to think of leaving and beings able to see her every day. She made a promise to Bridget and now she was afraid she was going to have to break it. Something she’d never done before, and it broke her heart to even think about it.

“Are you giving your Uncle Thomas a hard time?” she cooed the little girl. “Alright ladybug, it’s time for bed.”

Grace started to rock as she began to sing, ‘I knew I loved You Before I Met You,’ by Savage Garden.

Thomas stood by the front door and listened to Grace as she sang beautifully to his niece. Grace was a remarkable woman, who had so much love in her heart that the world was better for her being in it. Moving to the side, he made room when the love of his life came to stand beside him. Wrapping his arm around her, he kissed the top of her head, thanking God for Amelia every day.

Looking to his right, his brother Truman nodded at him as he and Annalise stood wrapped in each other as Truman kissed Annalise’s neck. To his left, Theodore sat with Gabriella between his legs, as he lovingly rubbed her belly. Theodore smiled at him as they all listened as Grace sang to Elizabeth, listening to the words.

Thomas knew his brothers would do anything for the woman they loved, and they had. They were a blessing to them and they knew it. Love was something that eluded the Shenandoah men, but once found, they vowed to never let it go. Thomas just prayed that Tobias figured it out before it was too late because losing something so precious was something no Shenandoah man could recover from. 


“What are we doing here Jackson,” Tobias whispered, as they both snuck around the corner of the house. Tobias could see his brothers and their wives all on the porch, along with Grace who was rocking Elizabeth.

“Just shut up and listen,” Jackson ordered.

Tobias shut his mouth and listened. Instantly, he could hear Grace singing to his daughter. It was something he had heard hundreds of times before, but tonight it sounded different. It sounded hopeful yet heartbreaking. There was something about the words she sang that resonated with him, cut right to his core as he felt something deep in the pit of his stomach. Turning, he slid down the side of the house, sitting on the cool grass as his Grace sang from her heart. She had a beautiful voice, something he never admitted before until know. She had a gentle touch when his was rough, a warm compassion when he deserved none, but mostly she was everything pure and good in the world.

He never saw Taylor or Timothy walk up, choosing to listen to Grace. She was right with the words she sang. She was his best friend, his confidant, his lover. Someone he thought would never exist, someone he dreamed of before, but was never real. Then there she was, before him and she was real.

He loved her.

He truly loved her into existence.

She was made for him, a part of his soul that he kept hidden from the world. He couldn’t explain it, but Grace was the missing piece, the part of him he thought he never needed but wanted.

He loved her. He loved her…love…

“Oh God,” Tobias whispered, shocked as the realization of his actions came rushing forward.

“And Jackass, finally gets it,” Timothy said shaking his head.

“I fuck up.”

“Yep, you did.” Jackson agreed, smiling at his misery.

“Oh God, she will never forgive me.”

“There isn’t enough forgiveness in the world for your stupid ass, but for some reason, I think she will. Why I have no idea,” Taylor said sarcastically.

“What am I going to do?” Tobias asked, getting to his feet. He was in uncharted territory. He had absolutely no idea what to do. One minute he was mad at the world, himself, his family, Grace, for everything wrong in his life and the next, none of it mattered, except to find a way to make things better with Grace. He needed her, more than he truly knew, and he refused to live his life without her.

He was a true bastard to her and there was no excuse, except stupidity. But what worried him the most was that he feared he would never live up to the illusion Grace had of him. He wasn’t perfect, hell he was nothing but mediocre, but he now knew what truly mattered, what he wanted, and it was Grace.

He wanted Grace.

“Grovel,” Timothy said.

“Beg,” Jackson added.

“Kiss her ass,” Taylor suggested.

“Look, we better get out of here, before she sees you. I don’t think tonight is the night to start groveling like an idiot. Let’s go back to your place so you can start planning on how to get Grace back.” Jackson advised.

Tobias knew that Jackson was right. If he went to Grace now, he wouldn’t blame her for slamming the door in his face. What he needed to do was come up with something wonderful, something so perfect, so amazing she couldn’t say no.





















Chapter 16




Day One…


Grace woke to find her room filled with roses. She didn’t know how they got there but they were everywhere.

“What in the world?”

Slowly getting up out of bed, she grabbed her robe and put it on. Walking to the door, she opened it to find more roses. They lined the hallway, the floor, even on the walls. Making her way to the stairs, everywhere she looked, she saw roses of different colors. They were beautiful, but she wondered what was going on. Once downstairs, she stood shocked as the living room was overflowing with more roses.

“What is going on?” she asked, looking around her. She couldn’t step without running into roses.

“I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Amelia said angrily, picking up the flowers and putting them in a trash bag. “When I get my hands-on Tobias, I am going to throttle him. I already have enough crap to do. I shouldn’t have to clean up after him.”

“Tobias did this?” Grace asked, looking at the flowers.

“Yes. He came in last night with his delinquent brothers and they destroyed my house. I am going to be cleaning up roses for days!”

“But why did he do it?” Grace asked looking at the beautiful gesture.

“Because he feels guilty for hurting you.”

“Then why not say it,” Grace asked.

“Who knows. Look, Grace, I am happy for you that Tobias finally got his head out of his ass, but could you please help me clean up this mess before the girls wake up.”

“Sure Amelia. I am sorry about the mess, but the flowers are pretty, even if they’re not my favorite flower. I guess it’s the thought that counts, right.”

“Wait a minute,” Amelia said stopping what she was doing. “You mean to tell me that roses are not your favorite flower?”

“Actually, I prefer daisies. Roses are cliché, but daisies are personal. Did you know that daisies represent sincerity, purity, and innocence? Coupled together, they mean true love.”

Amelia laughed loudly. “Oh, this is great. He didn’t know!”

“Know what?” Thomas said coming into the living room carrying several bags of what Grace knew were filled with roses.

“He didn’t know her favorite flower and assumed it was roses. Boy, this is going to get interesting quick.”

“You’re joking,” Thomas asked, then looked at Grace. “She’s joking, right?”

“No. I was just telling Amelia I prefer daisies.”


Day Two…


“Grace!” Thomas shouted from outside. Running outside to see what the problem was, Grace met Thomas and Theodore out by the corral. A little out of breath, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You got another gift from Tobias,” Thomas replied.

“Really,” Grace said happily. “Where?”

“There,” Theodore said pointing at the corral.

Grace turned and only saw a horse. It was a pretty horse, almost the color of a cappuccino, with a white star-shaped mark on its chest. It really was a magnificent creature, scary but pretty. However, she didn’t see any gift.

“I don’t understand. Where is the gift?” she asked.

“He bought you a horse,” Thomas told her, staring at the horse shaking his head, then asked. “I wonder how much he paid for it?”

“Knowing Tobias, that horse is a purebred and cost a small fortune.”

“But I don’t even know how to ride,” Grace sighed. “Besides, I can’t even ride it if I wanted to. I’m pregnant.”

Thomas and Theodore started to laugh. Though Grace didn’t think it was funny because horses did cost a lot of money. She was more upset with the fact that Tobias spent so much on a creature she didn’t know how to ride, or couldn’t ride because of her condition.

“Why can’t he just say he’s sorry like a normal person?” Grace asked, turning to leave, when she was stopped when Theodore asked, “Hey Grace, if Tobias buys you a Maserati, can I have it?”

Throwing her arms in the air, Grace walked back to the house with the sounds of Thomas and Theodore’s rolling laughter.


Day Three…


“Hey, Grace. There’s a delivery for you!” Amelia shouted from the living room. Grace didn’t want to know what it was because she already knew it was something from Tobias and it was probably something she wouldn’t like or something she couldn’t use. It was bad enough that she was staying with his family, but to listen to their laughter at Tobias’s expense was getting on her nerves.

All she wanted was him to come to her and say sorry. And if he was inclined, she wouldn’t mind hearing that he really loved her. Instead, she was getting gift after gift that literally had nothing to do with her.

Walking to the front door, she smiled at the delivery man. “I am Grace Thomas.”

“Please sign here, ma’am.” The man said handing her a clipboard.

Doing as instructed, Grace signed her name and was given an envelope. When the man left, she turned to see Amelia, Gabriella, and Annalise staring at her.

“Open it,” Gabby grinned.

Figuring it was the only way to stop this charade, she opened the envelope to find four tickets. “Oh my god!” Grace exclaimed happily.

“What is it?” Annalise asked.

“He got me tickets.”

“To where?” Amelia asked curiously.

“To see the Backstreet Boys in concert in Atlanta,” Grace said clearly. “There’s also a going to be a limo to pick us up, and Hotel Reservations, we also have an appointment to go to a spa and get pampered. The whole trip is planned. Tobias has taken care of everything. All we have to do is get packed.”

“What do you mean we?” Amelia asked.

“There are four tickets. One for each of us.”

“We can’t just leave out of the blue. What will the guys say?” Gabriella asked.

“The hell we can’t,” Amelia said walking towards the stairs. “I don’t know about you ladies, but my ass is getting in that limo. I am going to a luxury hotel. I am going to get pampered, buffed and fluffed. Then I am going to that concert and I am going to dance my ass off. Why, because Tobias owes us all this. So, get moving, that limo is going to be here in an hour.”

With that, Grace watched as Amelia, Gabriella and Annalise scatter, leaving her alone in the living room. Though she loved the gift, she wasn’t sure how Tobias owed Amelia, Gabriella or Annalise.


By day seven, Grace hadn’t come home, and Tobias was getting worried. He knew Grace went to Atlanta with the girls, because his brothers voiced their displeasure with him, venomously. To make matters worse, the roses were a bust, the horse was a waste of money and everything else he had done, was returned, except for the trip, which now that he thought about it, barely cost him anything, which got him thinking.

He was getting nowhere with Grace. He had to come up with something quick before she realized she was better off without him. He had an idea. It was a risky one, but it was a chance he was willing to take. He just needed his brothers help to pull it off.

Later that day, Tobias, sat in Truman’s house, listening to his brother shout the roof down. Tobias didn’t understand Truman’s frustration. It wasn’t like he was asking him to commit a crime or something.

“Are you fucking crazy?” Truman shouted at him, pacing in the living room, “This is my wedding. Why should I let you do this? Annalise is going to flip!”

Tobias sat and watched as his oldest brother fumed, ranted and literally looked like he was about to bust a vein.

Oh, and he was beyond pissed.

Tobias thought and thought about the idea before even bringing it up to Truman. He knew this was Truman and Annalise’s wedding and he also knew that Grace was going to be there. For the first time in weeks, he was going to be in the same room with her. This was going to be his only chance to make things right and he needed his brothers help.

Tobias looked at Jackson, who just happened to be at Truman’s for moral support. That kid was laughing so hard, Tobias wanted to punch him in his pretty baby face.

“Awe come on Tru, it doesn’t sound that bad, it could be fun. Especially if we let the girls in on it, they can record it!” Jackson sat in the kitchen laughing.

“I see a fucking camera and you will never use that little prick of yours again.” Truman threatened, as he pointed his finger at his youngest brother, who quickly sobered.

“Truman, I have tried everything. She won’t come home. She won’t even talk to me when I call. I am sorry I’m dropping this on you, but I really need your help here.” Tobias pleaded. He knew if he couldn’t get Truman on his side there was no way, he was going to get his other brothers to agree. He needed them all…badly.

“But why this, why my wedding?” Truman said running his hand through his hair in agitation, “Are you trying to make all of us the laughing stocks of Athens? Cause if that’s what you’re lookin’ for, it’s going to work.”

“I am just trying to get Grace to forgive me. I have thought of everything. This is all I have left. She won’t expect me to do this.”

“You mean she won’t believe that you could come up with something this stupid!”

“Come on Tru…give Tobias a break. I have been with him over the last couple of weeks, our brother has tried everything. Nothing is working. Let’s help him.” Jackson said walking to the fridge, snagging a beer.

“Do you know what he is asking? This must be the craziest thing he has ever come up with. He wants all of us to embarrass ourselves for his sake. Look, Tobias, I feel for ya, I really do but there is no way I am going to embarrass myself or my wife on her wedding day. Think of something else.” Truman said getting up, and grabbing the beer out of Jackson’s hand.

“Truman, please. If you don’t help me the others won’t either. That means I will be left with no other choice. I will have to go over your heads and I don’t want to do that.” Tobias threatened. He flinched as Truman turned quickly, pinning him with his gaze, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

Just then, the front door opened, and a soft voice said, “He is talking about me, Truman Harold.”

Tobias smiled as she walked in and stood next to him.

Thank God, reinforcements have arrived! “Hi, mom.”

“I am not doing it. You can’t make me!” Truman yelled as he stormed out his back door like a petulant child.

Tobias sighed and looked at his mother for support. This was going to be harder than he thought. Somehow, he had to get his brothers on his side. He knew he was a big fuck up, but damn it, they all fucked up with their women and he helped them.

It was their turn to help!

“Can’t make him do what?” Thomas asked as he walked in.

“Damn, who pissed off Truman?” Timothy questioned following Thomas.

“That boy is going to need new tires if he keeps peeling out like that,” Taylor said trailing in, heading straight for the fridge.

 Theo whistled as he brought up the rear, “Wow, I hope Annalise didn’t want that mailbox, cause Truman just ran over it.”

“Well, we are all here…what’s so urgent?” Thomas asked as Taylor offered him a cold beer.

“Tobias needs your help and I want you boys to help him.” Their mother told them bluntly kissing each one as they walked in. With purse still in hand, she looked at all of them, “I expect you boys to work together on this. No fighting.” With that, she left them to discuss what was bound to be a heated discussion.

“Sure, mom anything, what do ya need Tobias,” Timothy asked looking at him.

Before Tobias could speak, it was Jackson’s laughter that filled the room, “Yeah Tobias, tell them what ya want them to do.” He said doubling over hysterically.

Thomas should have drowned that kid at birth! He was not helping.

Taking a deep breath, Tobias explained what he had been through over the last couple of weeks. He had to give it to his brothers, they all listened and didn’t laugh or make fun of his efforts, but the moment he told him exactly what he wanted them to do… all hell broke loose.

“Are you fucking crazy? I am still recovering from the total asinine thing I did to get Gabriella back. You know that shit is still floating around on YouTube!” Theo shouted first.

“Hell no! I won’t live that shit down. I live in this town, so does Truman. The whole damn town has been invited to this wedding. Sorry, count me out.” Thomas said shaking his head.

“Sorry bro, not for all the tea in China. Never gonna happen. Not in this lifetime.” Timothy laughed.

“Dude, I feel for ya but I ain’t about to make a complete ass out of myself, just so you can get some pussy.” Taylor said crudely and was quickly pinned against the wall by Tobias, “Fuck you, Taylor! I can’t wait till you fuck up. You just wait and see what you will do for the woman you love. Trust me, when you fuck up and you will, you will do anything to get her back.”

Letting Taylor go, Tobias turned to his other brothers, “I have done everything I could to help each of you when you all fucked up. Thomas, I rode across the United States on horseback to help you snag Amelia. I flew across the damn ocean twice and was beside your dumbass when you got Gabby back, and as for Truman, well, he wouldn’t even be alive and having this damn wedding if I didn’t stop what I was doing to go find him. None of you would have the women you loved if it wasn’t for all of us working together. I am not asking for your help because you are going to do this for me. You are all going to help me.”

With that, Tobias stormed out of the house and left.

The brothers sat around the living room, stunned from the realization that Tobias was right. He had been there, for all of them, at one point or another. They all knew that at some point in time, Tobias had dropped whatever he was doing and came to their rescue.

Hell… they all had.

Looking at each other, they all just shook their heads, because they knew at that moment, they were going to be making complete asses out of themselves real soon.

“So, does anyone have any idea how we are going to pull this off?” Thomas asked.

“I’m more worried how the girls are going to react?” Theo grimaced.

“We’re making asses out of ourselves for love…they will love it.” Timothy smiled.

“Could be worse, Tobias could want to choreograph the whole thing.” Taylor huffed.

“Oh, he does,” Jackson advised walking into the living room, taking a swig of the cold beer in his hand. “He has it all planned.”

“Give me that,” Thomas growled taking the beer from Jackson, then asking, “What do you mean?”

“What do you guys know about 90’s boy bands?”































Chapter 17



It was a few days before the wedding and Tobias was worried. He had found out through Thomas and Amelia that Grace was going home to Oklahoma after Truman’s wedding and she wasn’t coming back. His brothers had been dragging their feet, and he was running out of options.

So, when his brothers finally agreed to help him, he was ecstatic. They had agreed to meet in the barn, so no one could witness their downfall. They were all in the barn, fidgeting and sweating. None of them could believe they were even contemplating this let alone how they agreed to it. One thing was for sure, all of them were in agreement, that they were going to hands down, make the biggest asses out of themselves.

They were never going to live this one down.

“Did you bring it?” Thomas asked as Jackson walked into the barn smiling.

“Yeah…got it right here,” Jackson replied waving the video in the air. “Man, sneaking this out of Grace’s bag wasn’t easy. Too many people in the house, I had to sneak in while she was in the shower.”

“You what?” Tobias shouted, walking towards Jackson, intending to pulverize the young peeping tom.

“Dude! I kept my eyes closed…I swear!” Jackson replied darting behind Thomas, who sidestepped and pushed Jackson to the forefront.

“Enough,” Timothy laughed, “Let’s just get this over.”

“I can’t believe we are doing this. I must be fuckin crazy.” Truman said running his hands down his face, “I swear Tobias if this doesn’t work, I’m going to kick your ass.”

“The line forms behind me,” Taylor muttered.

“It will work, it has to,” Tobias replied nervously, looking at everyone.

“Where are the girls?” Timothy asked looking towards the house.

“Gabby has Annalise in town shopping. I saw Mom and Amelia take the babies for a walk and Abby is out riding with Jimmy and Brutus, so I figure we have about an hour before they get home.” Theo replied looking at his watch.

“We need to line up.” Jackson ordered, standing in the open space they had set aside for this fiasco, “We need to be spaced far enough apart so that way we don’t bump into each other.”

“Who the fuck put you in charge?” Truman snarled at the little ingrate.

“I did…so stop complaining and get your ass over here. I think it will look better if we are in order of birth.”

“Keep cursing’ me like that and you won’t be alive to see nightfall,” Truman warned.

With everyone, all lined up with Truman first and ending with Jackson. All seven of them, stood, each disgusted with themselves, except for Jackson, who was the only eager one to help.

“Thomas, can you push play?” Jackson asked.

They all heard Thomas sigh, hitting the play button on the remote.

Standing there watching the television that Tobias had set up in secret, the groans and sighs were plentiful. For the next four minutes, they all watched in horror. When the video stopped, nobody spoke. The tension in the air was thick.

Just when they thought things couldn’t get worse, it did.

Each brother turned to look at Tobias with death and retribution in their eyes.

Tobias, who just stood there staring at the TV in disgust, realized this whole situation had spawned into what was now his worst nightmare. At that very moment, he wasn’t so sure about this plan anymore.

“Dude…you are so screwed!”  Jackson said falling into hysterics’.


They spent the next hour practicing, laughing, joking, and in utter revulsion at what they were doing. It didn’t take a genius to realize they were all pitiful.

Tobias looked at his brothers. He had to give them props for trying, but it wasn’t coming together the way he had planned. They needed help.

Pulling his cell from his back pocket, he dialed the one person he knew who could make this fiasco work. When he heard her on the other line, he immediately began talking, “Hey beautiful, you busy? No, good…I need your help...” laughing he replied, “No sugar, not that kind of help, I need your professional expertise…Yeah, I’m in Tennessee for my brother’s wedding…I was thinking sooner rather than later if you can…Sure, no problem, I’ll have the ticket waiting for you at the airport…Thanks, Dani, you’re a lifesaver.” With the conversation over, Tobias turned to his brothers and smiled, “Reinforcements are on the way.”

“Who the fuck was that you were sweet-talking on the phone?” Truman scowled.

“Yeah, you sounded pretty chummy to me,” Taylor said stepping next to Truman.

“Damn-it Tobias, if you’re fucking around on Grace, I am going to beat the shit out of you. What the fuck?” Timothy asked angrily.

“Shit…Dani is just a friend I met threw Bridget. I wouldn’t do that to Grace. I love her. Why the fuck do you think I am doing all of this. I would never do that to her. I called Dani because she has the experience we need to pull this off. She is good at what she does and is willing to fly out tonight, to help. She loves Grace and she would never do that to her. Fuck guys, give me some credit…I am not a total fuck-up!”

“Yeah, well that jury is still out on that one,” Thomas whispered, looking skeptically at him.

“Explain to me why you just can’t go to Grace, tell her you love her and say you’re sorry,” T.H. Shenandoah asked, but Tobias knew his father already knew that answer. The old man was just trying to dig Tobias’s grave a bit deeper. The bastard.

“Yeah,” Truman piped up. “Why can’t you just grovel like the rest of us instead of making us all look like morons.”

“Because Grace wouldn’t believe me.”

“Have you tried?” Timothy asked. “Grace seems to be a very forgiving woman where you are concerned.”

“Look, it’s not that simple.”

“Sure, it is,” Thomas said. “You walk over to her, tell her you love her and say SORRY!”

“I can’t.”

“Why not!” all his brothers shouted at him.

“Because Tobias has never said those words to anyone. Isn’t that right son?” his father said for him. Tobias groaned and for the first time in his life, he wished he was an only child. It was bad enough that he was asking his brothers to join him in making a scene, but to have his own father, his flesh and blood rat him out like a coward, well that was just plain mean.

“You know what old man. I’ve had enough of your shit. You are no better than me, okay, so shut the hell up. You’ve made many mistakes in your life and I don’t remember one time someone rubbed your face in it. So, I fucked up. I admit that, but whether or not I’ve told Grace I love her is none of your damn business.”

“Actually, it is. It’s all of ours, especially if we are going to humiliate ourselves so you can get her back, so let me ask you,” Thomas said. “Have you told Grace you love her?”

Tobias looked at all his brothers, each questioning him, and Tobias couldn’t lie to them. So, he took a deep breath and simply replied, “No. I haven’t told her I love her yet.”

“Why the fuck not!” Truman shouted. “You do realize that those three little words would probably end this fiasco, and save all of us from making asses out of ourselves.”

“I can’t just tell her. I have to show her.” Tobias countered.

“You mean to tell me that beautiful woman, that angel from God, has lived in your house for close to a year, has taken care of your daughter, feed you, kept your house clean, been there for you, has even slept with you and not once have you said, I love you?” Timothy asked shocked.

“Pretty much.”

“Damn, maybe I should tell Grace I love her, maybe then she will forget about you and concentrate on someone who actually gives a shit about her.”

“You stay the fuck away from Gracie, she’s mine!” Tobias snarled and with that, practice was over. Tobias stormed out of the barn, only to run into the one person he never expected to see…Grace.






















Chapter 17



Grace didn’t know what Tobias was doing at the ranch, but she wasn’t in the mood to see or talk to him. She had spent her morning crying and packing. She was leaving in a couple of days, though it broke her heart to do so. Tobias had left her no choice. Instead of coming to her and telling her what she wanted to hear, he overwhelmed her with gifts that meant nothing.

She couldn’t understand why he just didn’t talk to her. She was a reasonable woman. She knew the stress from moving his company had weighed heavily on him and then coupled with her pregnancy, well, it would have thrown anyone. Hell, she was carrying his baby and she was worried.

“We need to talk,” Tobias said grabbing her arm, leading her to his vehicle. “Alone, with no interruptions. Get in.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Tobias,” Grace said standing her ground. She had done whatever Tobias had said from the moment they met, but no more. She had a voice in their relationship and it was high time he started listening to her. “Whatever you have to say, say it here.”

“Get in the damn car Grace, before I put you there myself. I am not leaving without you, and we are going to talk. This has gone on long enough. I’m miserable, you are miserable. I want my family back.”

“You should have thought about the sooner. Or maybe you should think before you speak, Tobias.” Grace advised, standing her ground.

“Look, I didn’t mean what I said. I had a bad day.”

“Don’t,” Grace interrupted. “Just because you have a crappy day at work, doesn’t mean you get to come home and take it out on me. I don’t deserve that. As for what you said, you did mean it. I dropped a bomb on you and you reacted like everyone said you would. It’s who you are, I get that now, but what you said was hurtful, mean and callous.”

“I know, and I am sorry for what I said. Please let’s go home so we can talk.”

“No,” Grace said shaking her head. “I am leaving after the wedding and then you will have your uncomplicated life back. And don’t worry about the baby, I will take care of him or her without you.”

“I don’t want you to go, Grace. I want you to come home.”

“Why? So, you can have everything without taking any responsibility for it. Life doesn’t work that way, Tobias. I may be meek, simple and uneducated of the real world, but I know what I want. I thought it was you, but I made a mistake. I thought I could love you enough for the both of us, but I was wrong on that account too. Well, you won’t have to worry about me anymore, because I am leaving and going home.”

“Damn it Grace, I don’t want you to leave!” Tobias shouted, making her jump. When Grace looked around, she saw all of his brothers standing by the barn, watching. She had made another scene.

“Tobias, please go home.”

“Baby please talk to me. I am sorry.”

“I know you are, and I am sorry too for my part. But this isn’t going to work.”

“Yes, it can. I want you, Grace. I choose you.”

“Why?” She asked looking him dead in the eyes.

“Why what?” Tobias asked, not understanding her question.

“Why me? What is it about me that you want?”

“Everything. You are great with Elizabeth, you are a good cook, you keep a clean house.”

“You just described a nanny, Tobias,” Grace replied sarcastically.

“Damn it Grace, that’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

“Then tell me. What did you mean?”

“Your beautiful, kind, loving, generous, my best friend, my lover, the best mother to my daughter I could ever ask for and I want you in my life. In Elizabeth’s life.”

“That’s not enough,” Grace said turning to walk away. She had made it only three steps when Tobias shouted, “What do you want me to say and I will!”

Turning, Grace looked at the man she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with, but if he couldn’t figure out what to say, then he wasn’t worth staying for. “Goodbye, Tobias.”

Tobias stood there as Grace walked away from for the second time. It was gut-wrenching to see her leave when all she wanted to hear were three words he couldn’t bring himself to say.

“You know you just missed the perfect opportunity to tell her how you truly felt,” Theodore said coming over to stand next to his brother.

“I know.”

“Tobias, just tell her how you feel. She will forgive you. I know it, so does everyone else. I also know you love her more than life itself. Why are you making this harder than it has to be?”

“Because of Bridget.” He said telling his brother the truth.

“What?” Theodore asked confused.

“I fucked up Theo. I married Bridget when I didn’t love her. I got her pregnant, and then she died. Bridget is dead because of me.”

“Tobias, that was not your fault. Bridget knew the risks. She chose to continue with the pregnancy. She left you the best part of her, your daughter. Just because you married Bridget without loving her, doesn’t mean you are going to make the same mistake with Grace. Grace is a different woman. You know this.”

“And she is pregnant.”

“Tobias,” Theo looked at his brother and cautiously asked, “Are you afraid that Grace is going to die in childbirth?”

And just like that Tobias broke down in front of his brother. He cried, letting go of the pain of losing Bridget, of knowing that he was going to have to explain to his beautiful daughter what an ass he was to her mother. He cried for the cruel way he treated Bridget and Grace and the knowledge that he could lose her too. Mostly he cried because he hadn’t cried since he was a child. Letting go of all of his worries and fears was something he wasn’t prepared for. Once the dam opened, he couldn’t stop it. The pain was too much. The grief unbearable. Tobias knew he’d love Grace for the rest of his life and the thought of not spending every second with her tore at his soul. He’d never wanted anything as much as he wanted Grace.

“Damn, Toby,” Thomas whispered. “We all heard.”

His brothers held him, comforted him as he cried, releasing all the emotions he kept bottled up for years. “It’s going to be okay. I promise,” one of them said. Tobias wanted to believe them, but until Grace was back in his arms, safe from childbirth, he couldn’t. He couldn’t hope for the best because the best thing that ever happened to him was leaving.

“We’re going to help you fix this Toby,” Truman said, consoling his brother.

“Me too, brat. I’m in,” Taylor added.

“Don’t worry. That girl isn’t going to know what hit her.” Timothy said smiling.

“Son,” T.H. Shenandoah said, placing his hand on Tobias’s shoulder. “There is nothing you can do to change the past, but your future is beautiful and waiting for you. I know I’m not your most favorite person, but if you will let me, I would love to help you get your girl back because hear me when I say this Tobias. You are my son, and I do love you will all my heart.”

Tobias looked at his father for the first time in a long time and really saw the man who was his father. He wasn’t young anymore, not as strong, not as virile, but what he saw in his father’s eyes gave him hope. He saw the undying love of a father’s love.

Grabbing his dad, Tobias hugged him as if it were the first time he’d ever done so, and when his father’s arms wrapped around him, Tobias knew that everything was going to be okay.

For the next two days, the brothers stuck by Tobias, giving him support and the encouragement he needed to get Grace back. Theodore who knew the pain his brother was going through, having lived through death and survived. Theodore talked about those few minutes after Gabriella was pronounced dead, and what it did to him psychologically. How the aftermath of that day had changed him into the man he was today. Theodore explained that even though Gabriella survived, the pain of that horrifying day still haunted him, but it was the joy of living his life with her, the laughter and love that helped diminish his nightmares.

Timothy sat with Tobias and explained at length the process of pregnancy and childbirth for a woman and what could happen during labor. Most importantly, Timothy stressed that with the medical technology today the chances of Grace dying during childbirth were slim to none. That Bridget’s pregnancy was a rare case due to her cancer and that though the risks were given to her, Bridget knew the possibility of her surviving the birth were almost none existent. Timothy explained Tobias that Grace was a young, healthy woman in the prime of her life and that there was a greater chance of her having twins, than dying.

Thomas sat with him and explained that life was scary enough, but to not do anything, to walk away was more painful. Thomas told him if he wanted Grace, he was going to have to fight for her with everything he had, to follow her, to be there for her, to help her when she needed him most like he did with Amelia. That sometimes, he was going to have to give up his own desires for her, because having a life without her meant nothing unless she was there beside him.

Truman talked about his fear of never seeing Annalise again. He talked about his time, lost in the jungle and how he was afraid that he would never get back home to the woman he loved. Tobias knew Truman loved his military life but was shocked when Truman told him that he gladly gave it up, because it was the fear of never seeing her again, holding her, laughing with her, that he feared most.

His brothers all talked to him, encouraged him, helped him to understand that it was the love of a woman, that gave them the strength to succeed. None of them needed the fame, needed the prestige of accomplishment, the power of independence, or the strength of glory to make them the men they wanted to be. It was the love of one woman, her heart, compassion and joy that made them the men they were. Without those women, they were nothing but a shell of a man.

Tobias appreciated each and every one of his brothers. He loved them dearly and knew what they were telling him was correct. He wanted what they had. He wanted Grace with him for all eternity.  


























Chapter 17




It was the day of Truman and Annalise’s wedding and the whole house was in utter chaos. Grace wasn’t sure how she could help, so she mainly stayed out of everyone’s way, unless she was specifically asked to do something. In the end, she found herself with all the kids, entertaining them. She didn’t mind and actually preferred it to the drama she was witnessing.

Kids were easy in her book. They didn’t need much to keep them occupied and they were brutally honest. She wondered what kind of child she would have. Would it be healthy, funny, caring, the possibilities were endless. However, the main thing she wondered was if her child would have a father.

She missed Tobias terribly, and a few times she thought about going to his house and forgetting the pain he caused. But in the end, she couldn’t do it. If she did, then Tobias would never learn, and she would never forgive herself.

“Grace,” Abigail said interrupting her thoughts. “Are you going to marry Uncle Tobias?”

Abigail Truman Shenandoah was a precocious nine-year-old girl who looked exactly like her momma but had the spirit and gumption of a true Shenandoah. Abigail spoke her mind, without a care in the world, and boy was she smart. That little girl could see through any façade and called stupid when it counted.

“He doesn’t love me. I can’t marry a man who doesn’t love me. Would you?” Grace asked.

“No,” Abigail whispered and then said, “Boys are stupid. That’s what momma says.”

“I guess in some cases, boys can be stupid, but they don’t mean it.”

“I think Uncle Tobias is being a weenie. You know momma always said that Uncle Tobias would have to fall flat on his face before he said he was wrong. Did he fall yet?”

Grace smiled. “Not yet.”

“Well, Daddy says he’s an idiot. Maybe someone should trip him.”

“I don’t think it works that way,” Grace advised.

“I like you, and you are a good momma to Bethy Jane. I don’t want you to leave.”

“Thank you for saying that Abby, but I am not Elizabeth’s momma. I’m her second cousin.”

“That’s not what Bethy Jane said.”

“Abby, Elizabeth is still young. She hasn’t learned to talk yet.”

“Yes, she has,” Abigail said and grabbed her hand, to drag her over to where Elizabeth was playing with Gabby and Theo’s boys. “Bethy Jane! Look who I brought.”

Grace smiled down at the little girl, with all the love she felt. She was an adorable child, full of life and vigor. She was going to be a stunner, just like her mother and Grace wished that Bridget could have been here to see her daughter grow up. It still pained her to know that Elizabeth would never know the strong woman who gave birth to her, but knowing that Elizabeth had other women, strong women to look up too gave her some comfort.

“Come on Bethy Jane, tell Grace how much you love her.” Abigail encouraged. Grace didn’t know what was going on, but when Elizabeth held out her little hands and said, “Momma,” Grace’s heart burst.

She heard Elizabeth speak for the first time.

“See, I told you!”

Grace picked up Elizabeth and held her close. From the moment Grace stepped into Elizabeth’s life, all she did was care for and love the small girl. Watching her hit her milestones was exciting, but hearing her say her first word, was something Grace would remember for the rest of her life. Grace didn’t know what the world had in store for the beautiful little girl, but with a strong family around her, who would support her and love her, Elizabeth would have the world. Though, it pained Grace that she would not be there to see it all.

“It’s time to head to the church!” Amelia shouted, as everyone around Grace, hurried, grabbed kids, and ran to and fro. Grace smiled, looked at Elizabeth and said, “You know something Ladybug, I think you are going to love your family as much as I do.”


The reception was in full swing. The wedding was absolutely beautiful, Grace thought as she watched everyone laugh and enjoy themselves. Truman looked so handsome in his dress uniform, and his brothers did too, in their simple black tuxedos. Annalise was stunning in her simple yet elaborate white gown, and the other women complimented her in their soft yellow dresses. But what Grace loved the most, was seeing Tobias, as he stood next to his brothers, supporting them, and smiling.

As the guests of honor walked in hand in hand looking so in love, it warmed Grace’s heart to know that Truman and Annalise would live happily ever after. It was every girl’s dream to find the right man, who would complement them the most, and Annalise had.

The love Truman felt for Annalise brought a tear to her eye as she remembered them saying their vows. Yet, trying as hard as she could, Grace could not help but look at Tobias through it all. Standing fourth in line, he stood proudly next to his brothers. Dressed in a black tux and crisp white shirt, he took her breath away. And when the preacher announced the couple man and wife, and the crowd cheered, she noticed Tobias was looking at her.

It was a wondrous occasion.

The music was blasting as the happy couple took their first dance and Grace couldn’t help herself. Turning her head slowly, she saw Tobias near the back of the large room talking to his brothers. He was laughing and seemed genuinely happy. She was glad for him. He deserved to be happy, but no matter how many times she told herself that, it still broke her heart. She missed him so much. The pain was unbearable at times, but she knew she made the right decision. He was not ready to settle down, and if she stayed, she would only in enable his tendencies.

With the first dance over, the floor soon became crowded with couples dancing to the country music blaring through the speakers. She never could get used to country music, but this was not the place to be judgmental or voice her opinions. This was not her wedding. It would never be her wedding. Looking back at him once more, she knew she would never marry, for the man she loved, didn’t love her. Sighing, she took a sip of the water before her, reaching for her purse.

It was time to go.

If she stayed, she would only be punishing herself. As she stood, a warm hand gently took a hold of her elbow. Turning, she smiled when she saw him, “Dance with me Grace?” he asked.

“Mr. Shenandoah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I better go.”

“Just one dance Grace and then if you still want to leave, I’ll have a car brought around for you to take you anywhere you want to go.”

“Alright, just one dance.”

She smiled when he offered her his arm, nodding when she tucked her arm in his, allowing him to guide her to the dance floor. Reaching the center of the floor, she smiled at the elder Shenandoah as he took her waist with one hand and held her with other, slowly moving to the slow country tune.

“He misses you, you know?”

“Missing me isn’t loving me, Mr. Shenandoah.”

“I know darlin. I have messed up allot over the years, and there isn’t a day that I don’t get down on my knees and thank the good Lord, that my Sarah is still with me. As many times as I’ve messed up, she has found it in her heart to forgive me.”

“I wish it were that easy.”

“Forgiveness is easy Grace, it’s living with us that’s hard, and God knows Tobias is hard to live with, but he does love you. He just has a hard time saying it.”

“I don’t think your son has ever told anyone how he truly feels. He keeps everything close to the vest. He prefers his world to be emotion-free. I thought maybe I could change that, but he made it perfectly clear, that he doesn’t want to change.”

“He will come around. The stubborn ones just have harder to fall than others before they see the error of their ways.”

“I wish I could believe that.”

“Well Grace, I want to thank you for the dance.”

“It was my pleasure and Mr. Shenandoah, don’t let what Tobias said to you upset you anymore. I heard through his secretary, Gail. I know he didn’t mean it. You are a wonderful, loving father and you raised an exceptional son. He should be proud to have you for his father.” With that said, she quietly turned and headed back to the table to retrieve her purse, when the music changed, and a familiar voice began to speak.

“Gracie, I’m sorry. Forgive me. I know I have never said the words so please let me say them now.”

Turing quickly, she saw Tobias standing center stage, flanked by all his brothers. They all had changed in denim jeans and black tee-shirts, each wearing boots and their signature black Stetsons. Each swinging from hip to hip, snapping their finger to the beat of one of her favorite 90’s boy band songs, “I Do Cherish You” by 98 Degrees. Before she could do anything…Tobias began to sing.


All I am, all I’ll be

Everything in this world, all that I'll ever need

Is in your eyes, shining at me

When you smile I can feel, all my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine

And a thousand sensations seduce me ‘cause I,


Oh My God! I cannot believe he is doing this! He must be drunk. That’s the only logical explanation. She couldn’t believe he would upstage his own brother’s wedding. Then again, this was Tobias, so she shouldn’t have been surprised. Yet, to make a spectacle in public, it was so unlike him. However, when he hit the chorus, Grace stopped and listened to his words. He may not have been able to tell her directly, but with the help of his brothers, he was able to say the words, that she always wanted to hear him say.


I do, cherish you

For the rest of my life

you don't have to think twice

I will, love you still

From the depths of my soul, it's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do


Grace couldn’t believe her eyes or her ears. He said it. He said the words. Tobias, the man who was afraid to express himself, was singing on stage in front of the whole damn town, just for her, telling her he loved her, with all of his heart. If she weren’t so angry at him, she would have been crying.

As Tobias continued to sing, Truman, Thomas, and Theodore all left the stage and walked over to the women they loved most. Taking their hands, they all began to dance with them, singing to them, as if they were the only women in the room. As she watched the beautiful gesture, she smiled, when Tobias walked her way and simply held out his hand.

Grace felt a tear slid down her cheek as she placed her hand in his. Swaying to the music she loved, sung by the man she adored, Tobias sang to her.


In my world, before you

I lived outside my emotions, didn't know where I was going

'til that day, I found you

how you opened my life to a new paradise

In a world torn by change

Still with all of my heart until my dying day

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do, oh, I do


She did love Tobias, so much, she knew that she wasn’t going anywhere. Tobias had taken that option away from her the moment he got on that stage in front of the whole town, his family, and friends and professed his true feelings. It was the most magical, romantic thing that had ever happened to her, and Grace was so eternally grateful.

Loving Tobias was going to be an adventure, she knew that, but as long as she had his love, they could do anything, become anything because he loved her.

As the song ended, Tobias smiled. “I do love you, Gracie. With all of my heart. Please stay.”

Grace couldn’t stop the tears from falling as she nodded yes. Wrapped in his arms, she knew she was home.




















Hey Jackass,


If you are reading this, then I am dead, and you are living the life I’ve always wanted and just for the record…it sucks!

Let’s face it, our marriage was a sham, and you know it. So, don’t go getting all sentimental on me now, because that’s not who you are. I knew that you never wanted children and I accepted that from the very beginning. With our jobs and the lives we led, it was impossible. However, when I found out that I had become pregnant, I had to change my way of thinking and I started to make plans. Honestly, I made plans to leave your sorry ass, but life got in the way of that, and everything changed. Of course, finding out that I had ovarian cancer really put a damper on everything.

When I received my diagnoses, I knew there was only one option left for me. I couldn’t terminate my pregnancy and I just prayed that I survived to see our daughter born. 

From that moment on, I started making sure that you would have everything you needed when I died. You know, just for the record, I want you to know that it really pisses me off, that you of all people will get to see our daughter grow up and I won’t. How’s that for Karama, huh?

Anyway, when I knew the possibility of surviving the birth was not an option, and there was only one person I knew who could tell our daughter about her birth mother, and love our daughter as if she were her own, my cousin Grace. So, I asked Grace to do the unthinkable. I asked her to move to California after my death and to raise a child who wasn’t hers and to find a way to fall in love with you. Yes, I even plotted and planned for your next wife. See, I told you that I was that good at what I did!

You see butthead, I knew I wasn’t meant to live happily ever after with you, but Grace, well she is ten kinds of special, and even though you will never deserve her, I hoped that with time, that you would fall in love with Grace and if you are reading this, then you have. God, I love it when a good plan comes together, and of course, that makes me right, once again.

Don’t worry, I’m not upset. I am actually happy that you found someone who can love you, for who you really are. And if you love Grace, then everything was all worth it. I knew I wasn’t meant to be your wife, Tobias. I didn’t have the patience or strength to deal with your tantrums, but I knew one thing, that you were capable of showing great love. Don’t tell anyone I said that, or I will come back and haunt your sorry ass for eternity!

Yes, you are a good man, Tobias. You are honest, strong and you have so much love in your heart to give…if you let it out. Don’t hold back with Grace, she is going to need you to show her, tell her and be there for her. She is a one in a million girl, and I pray that the two of you live a long and happy life.

As for our daughter, love her Tobias. Love her as if your life depended on it. She is going to need your strength and patience if she is anything like me, but most importantly be the father I know you can be.


Be happy Tobias…











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