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Topaz (The Silvia Saga Book 2) by Jenna Lee (3)



We’re all gathered around the kitchen table, maps of Silvia laid out in front of us. Albert - my warriors’ father - is standing at the head of the table with Declan beside him. After losing his son, Albert has tried to do everything in his power to work out how to get him back.

The love that everyone has for one another is almost tangible. Knowing what I’m up against, who I’m up against, I realise I’d gladly die to protect every single one of them. For the first time in my life, I have a family and a place to call home, and I’d be damned if I couldn’t keep them safe.

The community of Silvia had been so kind to us this past week. Bringing over meals daily, knowing that we wouldn’t have the time or energy to cook for ourselves.

Albert clears his throat. “Dara has successfully retrieved and gained the power of Emerald. Despite losing an important family member, the mission was a success - we secured Emerald - James will pay for the pain he’s caused not just to us, but to Blair as well. That’s why the first order of business is for Jolie and Dara to go and practice the new skills Emerald has brought.”

“My father’s message did tell me that Emerald would bring me insight and healing power,” I say. “I think that I just may be able to break down the block stopping our connection to Blair and check in with him.”

“Yes. Brilliant, Dara. You go with Jolie now. Learn what you can from the Emerald stone. We’ll hash out how this is going to work. When you both return, we’ll work out the best plan of attack. We have ten hours until first light.” He gives me a pointed look, and I realise the similarities between him and Harlan are scary. “I want to have all of this sorted out by then.”

I turn to leave, but stop when Jolie says, “I think we should practice this outside, in the forest.”

I glance over my shoulder to see she’s speaking to her father. Albert’s brown eyes cut to me briefly before returning to her face.

“She works best out there; it’s her happy place,” Jolie adds. “Please.”

“It’s a good idea, Father,” Declan says, and I can see Albert’s starting to consider it.

Eventually, he nods. “Take four guards with you and stay within sight of the house.”

Turning back around, I slowly walk towards the door, rubbing my hand over my face. My belly is a mess of nerves right now. I’m on edge about going outside the safety of our house. Having Jolie and the guards there will hopefully settle these worries.

I take a huge breath of the fresh forest air as soon as I step outside. God, I’ve missed this. I haven’t been out here since we got back from retrieving Emerald. Following Jolie’s lead, we walk past the houses in our village to a clearing in the forest. Seeing the tree houses will never fail to amaze me. They truly are a work of art, I think as I follow Jolie. A memory hits me of when I first laid eyes on them, the way they felt like home. Not realising that the large oak trees had in fact hidden secret homes inside. Shaking my head, I notice that Jolie has stopped.

Taking my hands, Jolie says, “Now, Dara, I hope this will work.”

I give her a pointed look. “You hope? Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I deadpan, resting my hand on my hip.

Jolie’s face falls, looking towards the ground. “Shit. Sorry. I mean it will work. We just have to work hard,” Jolie says, correcting herself. “Now, I want you to find your happy place - bring forth your inner Zen - just like you’ve done many times before.”

Closing my eyes, I try to drown out all the noise of my thoughts. Once they’re quiet, I do as she says - getting into the right mindset. Right where I am surrounded by Silvia. With the large alien oak trees with their blue and pink leaves. The way the forest floor feels beneath my feet. The smell of fresh wild jasmine mixing with earthy scents. Together, it all contributes to calming me down.

“Good, Dara, now reach out to Blair. Find the cord that connects you and reach for it. Can you see it?”

I nod.

“Grab on to it and try to send out a mental message to him - just like you do when you have a conversation with him in your mind.”

With a deep breath, I focus my attention on the rope that connects Blair to me. Reaching out with invisible fingers, they sweep over the connection, but before I can get a firm grip, it seems to evaporate.

Letting out a huff, I try again. With the exact same result. My head starts thumping, reaching up I squeeze my temples attempting to dull the pain.

There must be a block between us. Or something that’s stopping us from connecting. I open my eyes and look at Jolie, asking her for guidance. Kicking the ground lightly, I knock a stump causing my toe to hit. I curse under my breath, while jumping around on one foot. Come on Dara pull your shit together, I tell myself.

“Trust yourself, Dara - and your abilities. Try again.”

I give her a firm nod. I feel my body deflating. Aches start from my head down to my chest. Exhaustion is taking its toll on me, but I mustn’t give in to it; I need to keep going.

We stay this way for hours, repeating the steps over and over again. Each time I reach out to Blair’s cord, it moves just out of my grasp. With a defeated sigh, Jolie lets go of my hands.

“I think we should have a break, Dara.”

“What? Why?” I demand weakly, ready to fight her on this even though I can feel the mental exhaustion roll through me in a wave.

Looking up at Jolie her, eyes tight, worry written all over them. She places her hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze.

“You’ve pushed yourself too far. Lay down and rest. Then we’ll try again.”

I shake my head. “No. Let’s keep going. Blair is counting on us - he needs us. I won’t let him down. Not again.” My words come out in a long, uncontrollable stream and I gasp, my breathing laboured.

I refocus myself, pushing aside the pain tearing through me. I continue trying to link to Blair. My legs start to wobble but I push on. I keep going, ignoring the signs my body is giving me. Its shutting down starting from my legs working its way up after each minute. I can’t give up. I won’t give up.

“Dara, sto—”

With a strangled gasp, I spiral into darkness.

* * *

My eyes flutter open when I feel Jolie’s fingers on my wrist.

Shifting my legs to test for any pain, I croak, “I’m okay.”

Jolie’s head whips up, her eyes scanning my face briefly before she says, “Oh, thank Silvia you’re okay. You scared me! How many times do I have to tell you to stop pushing so hard, Dara?”

I pull myself up to a sitting position only to find all of my warriors lined up in front of us, their faces pale and drawn. Jolie must have gone to get them when I passed out. Ignoring them, I slowly stand up, doing a mental inventory of how my body feels. My legs struggle with my weight on them. But I try to hide the pain, plastering a smile on my face. All my muscles feel stiff.

Come on, Dara, pull your shit together. Don’t let your warriors see how much the magic puts a strain on your body. Be strong; you can do this, I tell myself.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes once more before going in search of Blair’s cord. I concentrate on our mental connection, reaching out, desperately willing it closer. This time I push past the block. Ignoring the pain that starts to build from my legs. I keep going, finally breaking through and grasping Blair’s cord.

Blair, it’s Dara. Can you hear me? Please, please, tell me you’re okay.

I hold my breath, waiting. Several minutes go by, but there’s still no answer. I’m about to let the tether go when I hear it - hear him.

Dara? he says weakly.

Talk to me, Blair. Are you okay?

Silence fills the space for a moment, and I think I’ve lost him. I’m… I’m okay.

We’re coming for you.

…don’t know how much longer…

I turn around, looking for Oliver. I’m sure he can see the desperation, the pain, written on my face. He takes a step towards me, but stops when I shake my head. I need to concentrate. I need to -

Blair! I say, Blair, just tell me where you are.

In a chamber in the Kingdom. I… don’t know… anything more. His voice fades a little more with each word, with each breath, he takes, and I realise he might be dying.

I feel sick thinking about the pain he must have already suffered through - is probably going to suffer again the longer he’s there.

Hang in there, Blair. We’ll be there soon.

Reluctantly, I break the connection and look at my warriors.

I raise my chin, praying my voice doesn’t break. “We need to get him out. Now.”

We make our way back to the house in silence, except for the sound of our feet slicing through the dead grass. I’m trying so hard to keep it together, to not let my emotions overwhelm me. I can fall apart when I’m alone, not now. When we get inside, a large hand wraps around my arm, pulling me to a stop.

“What happened, Dara,” Harlan demands, his voice soft despite the rage in his eyes.

“I talked to Blair. He’s barely hanging on.” I feel the sting of tears at the back of my eyes, but I press on. “He said he’s in the Kingdom’s chambers.”

Declan’s eyes grow cold. “Everyone, follow me,” he says. We trail behind him into the kitchen, where he grabs a piece of blank paper and starts drawing a map.

“According to Alaric, there’s a disused tunnel entrance to the chambers. You enter it here.” He points to a spot on the map. “The tunnel is at least five kilometres away, which will give us easy entry and the element of surprise. Alaric has assured me nobody else knows of it.” Declan confirms. “Remember, when we go through the secret door at the end of the tunnel, we’ll not only be entering the chamber, but one of the cells.”

My hand shoots up, waving it around I gain their attention. “How well do we know these tunnels? Are we confident with Alaric’s details?” I pause, looking to Declan.

He runs a hand through his short hair. “Alaric has given us a detailed outline of the tunnel. I am confident that we will be able to get in and out. We trust Alaric with our lives, he wouldn’t give us the wrong information.” He tries to reassure me. I trust the guys with everything I am, I just hoped Alaric’s loyalty lies true.

“We need to ensure we have a solid plan. To be ready for anything that may happen.” I say looking down at the map one last time. Memorising the details of the tunnel, storing it in case anything went wrong and we got separated.

Declan spends the next twenty minutes going over the details of the plan. Ensuring everyone knows what we need to do. Back-up plan in case we got separated. Basically we, my warriors and I head to the hidden tunnel. Albert stays outside the tunnel on guard. We’ll go in and out as quickly and smoothly as possible. Grab Blair and get the hell out of there before James has a chance to get us. Shaking my head, I know it won't be that simple or easy. That’s why we came up with back-up plans in case we get separated.

“Everyone knows what you need to do. I want us to get in and out as quickly as possible. We aren’t ready for an all-out war, just yet. Any questions?” Harlan asks. Everyone shakes their heads. “Good. We leave at midnight.”

Albert comes over and slaps his son affectionately on the back. “Brilliant, Harlan.”

Everyone goes their separate ways. I look at the clock - it’s 11pm, we have an hour to get our shit together.

I take a quick shower and put on my clothes - camouflage pants, shirt and black boots. Sliding on my belt with its knife sheath already in place, I adjust it on my waist then put in the blade I got from Declan. I pause when I look at the bow Blair had made for me. Picking it up reverently, I stare at the engraving there:

Dara, Love your Blair.

My Blair.

I had to get him back.

There’s a knock on the door. I watch Oliver through the mirror as he comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. In my ear he whispers, “You’ve got this, Dara. Let’s bring him home where he belongs.”




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