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TORN BETWEEN TWO BROTHERS: Angel vs. Demon by Jacey Ward (13)





  His hands were trembling, but he hoped his brother could not see his fear that he was losing control of the situation.
 “Let me go!” Sera gritted out, the movement causing a drop of blood to trickle down her throat and Nathaniel suddenly realized he had bigger problems than just Cassiel on his hands.
 Without warning, Sera’s elbow flew upward to smash his jawline and Nathaniel toppled backward, shocked by the unexpected move.
 A woman who can fight? He thought, aghast. He had never known such a thing.
 Cass roared, an otherworldly sound which caused Nath’s intestines to quiver.
 “Run, Sera.” Cass ordered her, his body looming over that of his stepbrother.
 “I’ve had the powers for much longer than you have, asshole. You want to see how to really use them?” With that he caused every nerve ending in Nathaniel’s body to burn, giving him the feeling of roasting in the pits of hell. Nathaniel howled and tried to conjure whatever powers he could, but his fear was overwhelming and he couldn’t concentrate. Either that, or Cass knew how to block him now that he realized Nath had them.
 “You will pay,” Cassiel promised him, his frame growing larger as horns sprouted above his head.
 His eyes were glowing amber coals.
 “No one. Touches. Sera.”
 He reached forward to his brother’s neck and Nathaniel could feel the sickening crunch of bones beneath Cassiel’s hand as the life was squeezed from his body.
 “You…cannot…kill…me…either…” he choked, and the words only seemed to incense Cassiel more, as he shook Nathaniel like a rag doll.
 “Cassiel, put him down.”
 Nathaniel’s eyes bugged from his face as Cassiel crushed his larynx.
 “Cass, drop him!”
 “Whatever it is you think you are doing will not affect him in the least.”
 “He ruined everything!” Cassiel growled. “And he just continues to get away with it.”
 “Not this time, he won’t.”
 It was then that Nathaniel recognized the voice.
 Cass’ fury seemed to lessen, his hand loosening as he tossed Nathaniel aside like trash.
 Slowly changing back into his mortal form, Cass gazed at Lucifer.
 “You lie. You always lie,” Cass spat. “You would rather Sera be killed than lose a bet!”
 Lucifer looked hurt.
 “First of all, if I wanted the girl dead, I would have killed her myself,” he replied easily. “I just like a good game as much as the next guy. It’s fun to up the ante here and there.”
 “Fun?” Cassiel hissed, his eyes flashing red again and the horns trying to push through his skull. “How dare you play with my existence like that?”
 Lucky’s eyes flared as he pinned Cassiel with a satisfied look. Nathaniel began to skulk away, hoping to hide himself during the distraction.
 “You are going to regret those words in a minute,” he replied, his eyes darting toward Nathaniel. “Where are you going, boy? I’ve got someone here who wants to talk to you.”
 Nathaniel became statuesque as he realized the devil was speaking to him.
 “Nowhere!” he croaked. “I am here.”
 He peered at the devil with bloodshot eyes and his mouth fell open when another form appeared at his side.
 “Hello, Nathaniel,” Josiel glowered. “You have deceived us all. And betrayed your own brother – despite all he has done for you!”
 Nathaniel’s mouth fell open and he shook his head in protest.
 “You cannot believe anything that Cassiel says!” he yelped. “He is a murderer, a – “
 “Enough!” Josiel ordered, advancing on him. “Can you not see that we know about you? You have been condemned to Hell – seventh circle,” he sentenced.
 “No!” Nathaniel screamed. “I did what you asked, Lucky! I – ”
 But Lucifer just tsked, “You do not get to call me Lucky. You, my boy, are a failure – on all counts. Moreover, you have cheated me out of two centuries. You have much to make up for, Nathaniel. I am happy to have you,” he declared with a vicious promise in his eyes.
 “Cassiel! Cassiel, speak for me! Do not let them do this!” he begged.
 His brother turned away, the contempt in his face apparent.
 “He does not deserve to go to Hell,” Cassiel said and Nathaniel felt a rush of relief.
 “Oh, thank you, brother, thank – ”
 “He should be sent to purgatory for eternity. I believe that would be more fitting. Where he is out of touch with any souls, damned or otherwise.”
 Josiel nodded at the recommendation and Lucky chuckled.
 “You really screwed up this time, Nath,” he laughed.
 “Lucifer? Do you agree to have him condemned to purgatory?” Josiel asked, wrinkling his nose as if speaking with the devil was beneath him.
 “No,” Lucky replied happily. “I have very special plans for him now that I have lost Cassiel.”

  Cass’ head shot up at the statement. “Lost me? What do you mean?”
   Lucky and Josiel exchanged a glance.
 “You will return to Heaven where you belong,” the angel explained. “Is that not what you wanted?”
 Cass hesitated, looking towards Sera.
 Josiel seemed offended that Cass was not genuflecting before him and thanking him for this chance.
 “His deeds in Hell were not deserving of a place in Heaven,” Lucky interrupted and Cass’ head jerked up to his old acquaintance.
 “What are you saying?” Josiel snapped.
 “I am saying he was the worst kind of sinner in Hell; debaucheries like you would not believe. I think he even killed a man once – isn’t that right, Cassiel?”
 Cass eyed Lucky levelly, wondering what he was up to, but did not speak.
 “Well…I am sure that Michael will be forced to overlook those indiscretions…”
 “I wouldn’t,” Lucky sighed. “I would just leave him here on Earth and let him roam around in this cesspool for eternity.”
 “No!” Nathaniel yelled. “That is exactly what – ”
 Suddenly Nath found himself unable to speak, his lips welded together sickeningly as Satan glared at him.
 Josiel looked uncomfortable.
 “Well it does seem like a proper solution,” the old angel muttered. “I should clear it with – ”
 “There is nothing to clear. It’s done. Run along now, Cassiel. Our business is concluded.” Then he turned to look derisively at Nathaniel.
 “But for you however, our time has just begun,” he murmured maliciously. Nathaniel jumped to his feet, staring after his brother with hate filled grey eyes.
 You cannot leave me here to burn! He tried to scream. I am your brother!
 But the only one who seemed to hear him was Lucky who leered at him, his mouth curled grotesquely.
 Cassiel did not turn to acknowledge his brother as he turned to leave the room.
 It is not fair! I deserve better than this! Nath cried.
 No, you do not,” Lucky assured him from within his head. “But soon you will get precisely what you deserve.”
 He shook his head reprovingly.
 “Trying to steal your brother’s woman. What kind of monster are you, anyway?”  the devil asked mockingly.
 There was no chance to reply.
 Heat filled the room and in moments, Nathaniel was consumed in flames.
 “Welcome to Hell!” Lucky chortled in his ear. “Poker night is every second Thursday!”