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Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) by E.S. Carter (8)

My lips still tingle from the blistering kiss we shared.


We are on our way to the hotel; Emma is sitting with her head resting against my chest, I have one arm wrapped tightly around her back, cradling her to me and the other hand holds hers across my heart. My frantically beating, yet soothed beyond words, heart.

She disentangles herself from my embrace and looks up at me. Her eyes, those same eyes I felt I’d drown in months ago, look up at me filled with both excitement and contentment.

Her plump lips are still swollen from our public make out session, one that we would undoubtedly still be engaged in, if Nina hadn’t tapped me on the shoulder to make me aware of the crowd we’d drawn, many with their camera phones out after recognising me.

“God I’ve missed you.” Four simple words pass from her lips but I think they might just be the four, most spellbinding words, I’ve ever heard.

They are so intoxicating that I need to taste her again, need to taste where those words that make my heart stutter and my dick thicken, have come from.

If I could, I would lay her out across this back seat and finally make her completely, totally and utterly mine.

That’s going to have to wait though, I have a surprise for her back at the hotel and it’s not conducive to private lovemaking, plus when I do get her in my bed, she isn’t going to be leaving anytime soon.


Instead I place a gentle kiss on her lips and a sigh leaves my mouth, a sigh that tells of all the things I want to do to her and can’t.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you too.”

As soon as I get the last word out she’s out of my arms and straddling my lap. Then her soft lips and warm tongue devour me.

She owns this kiss, she controls this kiss and I can do nothing but submit. Fuck if it isn’t the hottest thing ever.

I pull away gasping for air and smooth some errant strands of hair, out of her face and behind her ear. Her breathing is as ragged as mine and when she swipes her tongue across her already wet bottom lip; I have to physically stop myself from throwing her on her back and sinking into her addictive heat.

“I have a surprise for you back at the hotel.” My voice is hoarse, like I’ve marched through a desert and haven’t had a drink in days. The sound betrays just how parched I am for her.

Her eyelids lower a fraction, desire evident in their beguiling depths.

“A good surprise?” she emphasises the word good by grinding herself over the bulge in my jeans and my hands automatically grip her hips, wanting to encourage her movement but knowing I need to stop it all the same.

“Well, at the time I thought it was a good surprise but now I’m thinking it was an absolutely, fucking, stupid surprise.”

Confusion passes over her face, overriding the previous lust she openly displayed. She hesitates for a second before attempting to lift herself from my lap. My grip tightens and as much as it kills me and causes my dick to ache, wanting to free itself by punching its way out of my clothing, I still her, keeping her pressed tightly against the evidence of my desire.

“Hey…” I can see she thinks I was referring to us taking this further and not the three people I have waiting for our arrival, in my suite.

“I wasn’t talking about anything between us being stupid; in fact, it’s killing me that I have to stop myself from fucking you right here, right now.” I lift one hand from her hips and trace the outline of her face, pausing for a moment before running my fingers over her full, pouty lips.

“There’s a few people waiting for us that’s all, I thought it was a good surprise but now I’m not so sure.”

“Who’s waiting for us?” she seems genuinely perplexed, “I thought you said you had a day or two off, I thought I had you all to myself, finally.”

I want to laugh, I don’t think she realises she is sulking but fuck if it doesn’t look cute on her.


Normally any kind of pouty, girly shit would make me want to kick someone out of my bed but it just looks adorable on her and she doesn’t even know she’s doing it. It’s not in a pathetic, whiny way like some chicks do, she is genuinely disappointed that it’s not going to be just us and she can’t help but wear it all over her face.

Damn if that doesn’t make me want her even more.

“I think you’ll like it Emmy, I did it for you, I was trying to show you that I appreciate what you’ve given up to come and be with me. I only said it was stupid because I cannot keep my hands off you and I don’t want an audience.”

She blinks once and the pout evaporates from her face, a small smile replacing it.

“I’m sorry; I sound like a spoilt child. I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately.”

“Well I don’t know either but I know what is getting into you very soon.”

She smacks my shoulder and laughs.

“What? I’m being serious. Once you’ve seen your surprise and spent time with them, you and I have something that needs attending to.”

She laughs again before resting her forehead on mine and bewitching me with her smiling eyes.

“Next time no surprises Okay?”

“Oh trust me Emmy, I won’t be making the same mistake again.” I tip my head back and bang it against the headrest, causing her to laugh even more, the movement forcing her firm arse to bounce on all the right parts of me.

“Bloody hell Emmy, stop laughing please?” I groan. “My dick is attempting to fight its way out to meet you as it is, feeling your arse rub up and down all over it is fucking torture.”

Yeah you guessed it, she laughs even more.


After the sexually frustrating limo ride, we get back to the hotel and I still haven’t let slip the surprise, even thought she tried her best to get it out of me.

We have to enter from the underground parking garage. The front of the hotel is under siege from VB fans, who are trying to get a glimpse of me, or my other co-stars, as we have all be booked into this place by Redlight Productions.

Security ushers us into a private lift and my nerves start to build with every floor we ascend.

“Still a chance for you to tell me who’s waiting for us up there.” she squeezes my hand. I’ve not let hers go since we left the limo.

I look down and arch an eyebrow at her “Not happening Emmy, you’ll find out soon enough.”

Excitement fills her eyes “Are they famous? Shit, am I gonna make a fool of myself like a crazy fan girl?”

Now it’s my turn to laugh, “Well I think one of them thinks he is famous, just wait and see.”

Leading her into my suite on the top floor, I give a nod of thanks to the security guys who stay stationed outside and all but pull her through the main doors. Now I’ve got her here, I just want our guests to bugger off, so I can carry on what we started in the car.

Loud laughter echoes from the living room and I catch Emma’s eye with a smile before she positions herself behind me, obviously still worried about who she’s going to come face to face with.

We enter the living room and the first person to speak is of course H.


“Well there goes my twenty quid, I thought I knew you J, you’ve let me down.”

Nate smacks him on the back and Liv holds out her hand to collect her cash.

Emma peers around my back before breaking into a wide smile and launching herself into Liv’s arms.

“What the hell are you guys doing here? Are you my surprise?”

She lets go of Liv and looks right at me. The look on her face penetrates straight into my chest.

If surprises get me that look, I’m gonna give this girl one every day for the rest of her life.

“Surprise!” Liv shrieks, “Jake flew us out for a few days to help you settle in to the jet set lifestyle.”

Her mouth gapes open, shock evident on her face.

“You did this for me?”

I walk slowly up to her and Liv steps away, so I lean in to her side and link her fingers with mine, whispering into her ear so no one else overhears, “I just want you to know that I understand what you’ve given up and I will do anything in my power to show you, that your faith and trust in me, is warranted.”

I lean back, look directly into her eyes and place a soft kiss on her slightly open lips. Her warm, sweet breath washes over me, stirring up my lust once again.


“Alright put her down, I’ve not even gotten a Hello yet.” H interrupts; it seems it’s his favourite thing to do.

We both look over at him and see him begrudgingly handing over a £20 note to Liv, who is now smirking like the Cheshire Cat.

“So what was the bet, or do I not want to ask?”

Nate and H answer at the same time, Nate with “Don’t ask”, H with “Well the thing is ….”

“Spit it out H, this has you written all over it.”

I wrap my arm around Emma’s waist and she leans into my embrace. I’ve never had the feeling of being part of a couple before and it feels …. nice.

“I bet these fools twenty quid that you pair would not come straight here. I said, I know Jake too well and he’ll sweep her off to another room or even a hotel for some ….”

“Don’t finish that sentence H.” I warn, glaring at him wishing he’d just shut his gob.

Liv interrupts, mischief evident in her teasing smile, “And I said Emma just isn’t that kind of girl, so thanks for keeping your knickers on Em.”

“Bloody great friend you are.” Emma mumbles under her breath, her embarrassment evident on her cheeks.

“Alright folks, let’s stop winding up the love birds or Jake is gonna show us that temper he’s renowned for” Nate nods over to me before wrapping his arm around Liv’s shoulders and guiding her and H from the room. “I’ll take funny guys one and two back to our suite for a few hours and we’ll catch up with you both for dinner later.”

Liv goes to protest but Nate whispers something in her ear and she shrugs, turning her head slightly to shout over to Emma “Have fun” and then she leaves on a wink.


Finally the door to the suite closes and I wonder again if the reasons behind my surprise were worth it. That is until Emma swings herself around in my arms and places a sweet, soft kiss on my lips, “Thank You.”

Then she places another to the corner of my mouth, “No-one has ever put me first before”, another kiss to the opposite corner, “What did I do to deserve you.”

Then her lips are firmly upon mine and she rises up on her tiptoes, pressing the full length of her body against mine.

Not wasting any time, I lick over the seam of her lips and plunder her mouth with my tongue, using both hands to caress the swell of her sweet arse. I lift her and she wraps those long, shapely legs, tightly around me. Her warm heat is placed perfectly over my rock hard cock.

We both groan at the contact and I break the kiss to suckle my way slowly down to her jaw. She tilts her head back, giving me full access to the soft skin of her neck and I nibble across to her earlobe, before taking it between my teeth and licking the shell.

Her groan is accompanied by a rocking of her hips, the friction almost making my combust.

It’s time to take this into the bedroom or I will bend her over right here.


Legs still wrapped around me, I carry her swiftly to the master bed, kicking the door open with my boot, never taking my lips from her skin.

I allow her to unwrap her legs and slowly slide her down my body, “Are you ready for this Emmy because once I start I won’t be able to stop?”

Her answer is to take one small step back, grab the edges of her tight fitted t-shirt and pull it over her head in one swift motion.

My greedy eyes roam over the revealed expanse of flesh. Her perfect tits are encased in pale lemon lace, her dark nipples clearly hard and poking through the fabric.

She keeps her gaze steady on mine, before she slowly reaches the top button of her jeans and pops it undone. Her hand moves down towards her zip, her eyes never straying from mine.

“Stop.” The word leaves me sharply, stilling her hands. “Let me undress you, let me unwrap you so I can taste every, single, piece of your skin until my tongue knows by memory, each and every inch of you.”

Her hands fall limply to her sides, her chest heaving with every breath, “I’m yours.”

My two new favourite words.


One step forward brings us toe to toe, her eyes are now a deep sea green, the blue overcome and consumed with her desire.

I take in her lust filled face and dishevelled hair; she has never looked more beautiful than she does now.

Quickly dropping to my knees, I look up at this woman, this woman who deserves to be worshiped and who I’d gladly kneel down in front of every day of my life.

This woman I desire over all others, this woman I love.


Is this what love feels like?

No wonder wars are fought over it, songs are written about it and men go mad without it.


Warmth invades my chest and electricity skates over my skin.

“No I’m not going to fuck you Emmy, I’m going to worship you with my cock, I’m going to love you with my tongue, I’m going to use every, single, part of my body on yours, until you are branded by my essence, until you are finally mine.”

Slowly I ease down her zip, my head level with her belly button, my eyes still locked on hers.

I slip the fingers of both hands into the back of her jeans, using them to push the denim over the swell of her arse, my fingers running lightly over her skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

Once I get them over her hips I lean in and trace my tongue around the edge of her belly button. The sensation causes her to suck in a breath, her stomach contracts and I can feel her legs shake slightly.

My hands keep pushing the fabric down, over her smooth, tanned thighs, past the back of her knees and down her calves, until they pool at her ankles. I encourage one foot up so I can slip the leg off and then repeat the motion with her other foot.

Looking up at the apex of her thighs from my crouched position, I can see matching pale lemon lace boy shorts covering her most intimate parts. The contrast against her tanned skin is just too delicious not to stare at.

She squirms slightly at my perusal of her body, her cheeks betraying her lack of confidence.

“You are so fucking beautiful Emmy. So. Fucking. Beautiful.”

I punctuate each word with a kiss, my tongue unable to stop itself from tasting every bit of skin my lips touch, leaving wet marks, glistening in my wake.

“Jake.” Her voice is nothing but a breath, filled with yearning.

I kiss right up to the edge of those tiny lace knickers, my hand mimicking the actions of my lips on the other leg, so dual paths of sensation travel the full length them.

“I’m going to kiss you now Emmy, I’m going to kiss you so long that you’ll see stars.”


She gasps when I press my face into the apex of her thighs, my nose skimming over the lace of her knickers, my tongue soon following its path.

She smells fucking unbelievable, sweet, musky and so enticing I need more.

I trace the pattern of the lace with my tongue, slowly reaching her core, just a scrap of fabric between the firm strokes of my tongue and her wet heat.

I can feel the shakiness of her legs, so I reach for her hand, placing it on my shoulder to aid her balance, before nudging her legs apart to widen her stance and allowing me full access.

I slip my fingers under her knickers, pulling the delicate fabric to one side, to finally getting a full view or where I crave to be.

I’m going to make her come apart with my tongue, then my fingers and finally my cock and then I’m going to do it all over again.


I blow slightly on her glistening flesh, flicking my eyes up to hers, needing to see the reaction on her face. The looks she gives me is scorching and my balls draw tight to my body while my dick pounds against the unforgiving denim of my jeans, begging to be freed.

My well practised control snaps and I dive into her heat. My tongue exploring, lips caressing, teeth nipping, fingers stroking, unable to stop my desire to devour her.

Small whimpers and groans leave her lips, her hand weaves through my hair, gripping my head and pulling me in closer. Her hips move to the rhythm I’ve set, riding my face, taking her own pleasure.

With an arch of her back and loud gasp, her whole body tenses, my fingers and tongue picking up speed. With a final thrust I suck her swollen clit hard and she explodes instantly, her core clenching and releasing tightly on my fingers, her legs like jelly and her hand pulling my hair so hard, I think I’ll have to check if I have any left later.

Fuck if I don’t want to make her do that all over again but this time with my cock.


I stand slowly, entwining our fingers, allowing her to come down from her blissful high.

Her face is flushed and her eyes are heavy and hooded, her whole body still trembling from the effects of my tongue.

“Now that was just for starters, let’s move on to the main course.”

I kiss her forcefully, encouraging her to taste herself on my lips before picking her up and laying her down on the bed.

“Fuck Emmy” I can’t help but take in her every curve laid out before me, like the most edible buffet I’ve ever seen, “you are unbelievably beautiful…. and mine. Say it, say the words, and let me make you mine.”

A shaky breath leaves her lungs and her eyes search mine, boring into the depths of my soul.

“I’m yours Jake.”



My lips still tingle from the blistering kiss we shared.


Jake ushers me straight into the back of the limo, away from the gathering crowd. I guess we put on one hell of a show, especially when they realised who he is. I mean, it’s not every day you see a big TV star, making out like a teenager in full view of the public.

I can’t help but giggle breathlessly as I sit on the cool leather seats, the air con soothing my heated skin, causing chills to take over my body.

Glancing over at Jake he gives me a devilish smile before holding out his hand for me to take.

I entwine my fingers with his and he wastes no time in dragging me across the leather seat and into his arms, but not for a kiss, he just holds me. He holds me like he cannot bear to sit here and not touch me, like my very presence requires him to use all of his senses, especially touch, to ensure I am really there. I melt into his embrace and curl myself around him, my head on his chest, one arm wrapped around him from behind, the other still holding his hand.

He places a soft kiss to my wrist, inhaling my scent and then holds it tightly to his chest, right over his heart.

Sitting here, in total silence except for the noise of the car and the strong beat of his heart, I feel content.

No it’s more than that, I feel complete. Like I’ve finally found my place and after so many years of not knowing where I belonged. I’m replete, at peace… home.

For so long the place I called home was cold, often lonely and filled with darkness. The only true light being my Dad but now, here in Jake’s arms, I feel bathed in it, the warmth of his light seeping into my blood, filling my veins and making me whole again.

“God I’ve missed you.” I lift my face from the heat of his chest and look into eyes, eyes I’ve dreamed about for many months, long before I even knew who they belonged to.


He places the most gentle of kisses on my lips, the words “Fuck I’ve missed you too”, leave his mouth on an exhale.

The need encased in those few words is my undoing.

Within seconds I’ve straddled him, my mouth attacking his in a ferocious kiss, a kiss he gives in to and allows me to control, and bloody hell that turns me on even more.

His lips leave mine, only to tell me in a wickedly seductive voice how he has a surprise for me. My mind immediately spins with lustful thoughts of soft naked skin, stretched taut over lean muscles.

“A good surprise?” I ask with both my mouth and my hips, as I shamelessly grind the ache between my legs, over the erection in his jeans.

His eyes roll back slightly at the contact and he mumbles something about it being a stupid surprise. My heated blood cools instantly, and embarrassment blankets me because of my slutty actions.

Here’s me thinking about licking and sucking and nibbling and tasting, and he’s backing off while I have my crotch rubbing against his.

You’re such a fool Emma, stop trying to be a seductress; you are obviously not as much of a turn on as you thought.

I attempt to clamber off him and he grips my hips tightly keeping me firmly in place.

“Hey, I wasn’t talking about anything between us being stupid; in fact it’s killing me to stop myself from fucking you right here, right now.”

Hey traces a finger across my jaw, then over my lips, leaving electricity in its wake before telling me that there are people waiting for us at the hotel.

I can’t contain my disappointment. I selfishly thought he wanted alone time with me as much as I do with him.

I ask who but he won’t tell me, only saying that it’s a surprise he set up for me, to thank me for agreeing to drop everything to be with him.

He laughs at the sulk I’ve obviously not hidden well and I quickly apologise for acting like a child. This is so not like me, I don’t pout or throw a tantrum if I can’t get me own way but I’m guessing I’ve worn my disappointment all over me like a flashing neon sign and he thinks it’s funny.

Well laugh it up big boy; if what I can feel pressing between my legs is anything to go by; it’s you that will be suffering with a case of blue balls all afternoon, not me.


It’s only when we get to the stunningly extravagant hotel that it hits me.

People who stay in a place like this are either famous or seriously loaded, he had better not be about to throw some surprise celebs at me, I’ll die of nerves and make a total prat of myself.

The crowd of paparazzi and fans, outside the hotel, is ginormous, practically engulfing the place and forcing us to enter via the underground parking.

“Has the whole tour been this crazy?” I look over at Jake, who is running his hands through his hair almost nervously.

“Yes and No, VB is huge worldwide, some fans are slightly more reserved than others, as you can see, the Japanese are not.”

The limo stops directly opposite a big, brushed steel, elevator with a keypad entry system.

The security guys get out first, to assess the area, before giving Jake the nod and opening the car door for us to step out.

Jake’s hand never leaves mine as he leads me to the now open doors and into the spacious, mirrored interior, his security guards following us closely behind.

“So I’m guessing these guys go everywhere with you now?” I eye the backs of the burly minders who take up the space directly in front of us.

He squeezes my hand before kissing the top of my head “It’s a lot to take in a first but you get used to having them around and I’ve found out just how necessary they are.”

The lift begins its journey upwards and I have to ask to prepare myself, “Still a chance for you to tell me who’s waiting for us up there.”

He just laughs at my continued questions, hinting that one of them thinks he’s famous.

Great. I’m about to meet a primadonna. Albeit, a famous primadonna.


The doors open on the top floor, letting me know that we are headed to the penthouse.

Everything is so plush and screams money and I don’t want to touch a single thing, in case I break or smudge something.

So this is how the other half live, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.

Burly minders one and two stop outside a set of ornate, double doors, allowing Jake to enter a security code to allow us entry into the suite.

The polished marble floors look like they have been buffed to within an inch of their life; in fact I think I could see my face in them if I leaned down a little.

Jake leads me further through the entry hall and a noise coming from the room in front of us, means his guests are already here.

Nerves and anticipation overcome me and I scoot closer to Jake but remain a step back, half trying to hide myself from anyone’s view and half trying to gain strength from his presence.

I hear a familiar voice asking for £20 and just as we round the corner, into the main room, I look up to see Liv, Nate & H standing up to greet us.

Oh my God. He brought these guys out here just for me?


I drop Jake’s hand and run at Liv, squeezing her in a bear hug as she laughs out a “Surprise!”

I let her go and spin around to look at Jake; I can’t believe he flew our friends half way across the world just to make me feel comfortable.

“You did this for me?”

His smile is magnificent and I notice one small dimple on his cheek that has never popped out before.

I want to trace it with my tongue.

For Christ sake Emma, stop wanting to molest the boy every time he looks at you.

He walks slowly over to me, his strides purposeful, and happiness evident in his features. Taking my hand in his and entwining ours fingers he leans in close and whispers, “I just want you to know that I understand what you’ve given up and I will do anything in my power to show you, that your faith and trust in me is warranted.”

Then he places a soft, delicate, but filled with promise, kiss to my lips.

How did I get this guy to even look twice at me, let alone want to fill my life with everything I hold dear?

H interrupts us and I look over at him, finally noticing the t-shirt he wears that says “Blink If You Want Me”.

He is such a clown, I can’t help but laugh.

That is until he explains that he had a bet with Liv, to see if we would turn up here or go off shagging somewhere else.

Great, we’ve not even done the deed yet and my friends are already putting wagers on our sex life. Someone remind me why I was so pleased to see this lot here?

After a lot more banter, Jake makes it evident that it’s time for them to all leave and we will catch up later with them for dinner. Normally, kicking Liv out not five minutes after seeing her would bother me but we are both on the same page. I want him alone, now.


No sooner than the door closes behind them with a loud click, I am on him.

Kissing him, thanking him with more than just words for what he has done to surprise me.

My kisses begin sweetly; my words soft and thankful, until his warm tongue licks over my lips seeking entrance and his hands cup my arse pulling me tighter against him.

I act on pure carnal instinct, wrapping my legs around his waist so he carries my full weight. I must be out of control with desire or else I’d be worried about pulling a move like this, worried he wouldn’t be able to hold my weight, worried he’d think me too heavy. Not one of these worries enters my head. All I can think of is him and the sweet, sweet ache between my legs.

An ache that is quickly turning into a throb with each press of his hips into mine; his impressive bulge hitting just the right spot to make me moan.

I am so consumed with him, with these feeling thrumming through my body that I do not feel him carry me into the bedroom.

I am raging with desire for every inch of him, from the feel of his breath skimming my needing lips, to the taste of his exhales on my tongue.

From the rumble of his voice in my ear, that sends tingles down my spine, to the hard length of him taking me, making us one.


I unhook my legs and slowly slide down his hard body, until we are chest to chest, hip to hip.

The firm contours of his body meeting the soft curves of mine. We fit perfectly, like we were always meant to be.

It’s then I realise that my lust is not only a desire for his body but another feeling altogether.

It overwhelms me, catching me by surprise and although the feeling is new to me, I recognise it instantly; it is love.

Lust craves his body but it is love which desires his soul.


“Are you ready for this Emmy because once I start I won’t be able to stop?”

The way he’s looking at me in this moment is more than just his need for sex; I know he feels this too. He may be able to control his tells better than I but it’s always his eyes that give him away. Every time I look into them, I feel everything that he is and everything that he wants, as if he were part of me.

Can he feel those things when he looks at me? This connection between us, that transcends lust, is so powerful that he must feel it too.

I take a step away from him, losing the warmth of his arms but gaining the heat in his gaze. I maintain eye contact, needing that deep connection between us, while I brazenly peel my top off and drop it to the floor.

I now stand before him in nothing but a lacy, balconette bra and boyfriend cut jeans that hang loosely from my hips. Slowly I open the top button of my jeans and take hold of the zip, ready to pull it down but my hands still immediately when he commands me to stop.

The word is harsh coming from his mouth and it hangs in the air between us before he adds, “Let me undress you, let me unwrap you so I can taste every, single, piece of your skin, until my tongue knows by memory, each and every inch of you.”

Oh. My. God.

I want that too, so much so I offer myself to him the only way I know how.

“I’m yours.” The words come from deep inside me, a declaration of me offering him more than just my body.


Then next ten minutes he spends on his knees, worshiping my body, wringing from it pleasure unlike that I have never known.

His hands, his lips, his talented tongue and wicked fingers, all being used to bring me to an orgasm more powerful and euphoric, than any I have had by my own hand.

I’m not a virgin but a man has never kissed me there, never used his mouth on me like he’s parched and I am the amber nectar that quenches his need.

No wonder women gossip and tell tales of these things, like it’s the golden grail; like finding a man who enjoys giving head and does it well, is some mystical, elusive dream.

Well I can safely say Jake does that really well, so well that he has left me boneless, unable to hold myself up on my weak legs.


When he stands and links our fingers he begs, no he demands that I tell him again that I belong to him and the words fall from my lips effortlessly.

“I’m yours Jake.”

His eyes flash with possessiveness and I see his control break, the blue in his gaze darkening as his pupils expand and take over the colour of his irises.

He looks primal; he looks like he’s about to eat me alive and I can’t help the shiver that follows a ripple of electricity over my skin. Then I am flat on my back in the centre of the bed, looking up at the perfection that is Jake, getting undressed before me.

The way his body moves, his muscles flexing under his tanned, flawless skin, is utterly mesmerising. I am front row at my very own Jake Fox strip show; women worldwide would kill for this view.

He cocks his eyebrow at me catching my blatant perusal of his naked form.

“What? You expect me not to look?” I smile up at him, hoping he’ll soon bring that exquisite body closer, so I can do to him, what he’s just done to me.

“Oh Emmy, my sweet, sweet Emmy. You can look all you want, after I’ve had my fill and I’m going to warn you, I’m about to fill you to the brim.”

With that he whips off his skin tight CK boxers, revealing to me for the first time, his thick, smooth, beautiful and very big cock.

It stands straight and proud pointing upwards and bouncing slightly as he stalks towards me on the bed.

“Oh Emmy, you look like you want to taste me almost as much as I’d like you to.” I lick my lips in agreement, “But not right now, right now I am going to spread those beautiful legs and sink into you so deep and so hard, we won’t know where I start and you end. This is where I make you mine Emmy.”

Then he’s on me, spreading my legs wide, running a single finger through the evidence of my arousal, making me squirm with need.

Ripping open a condom and making swift work of rolling it over his length, I lie back and wish I could help, but something tells me Jake is seconds from finally taking me and I am doing nothing to stop that from happening.

Later I will show him everything I want to do to him. Right now I just need him.


He rubs the tip of him over me, once, twice, using the silky firmness of his cock to rub delicious circles over my clit.

My back arches and my legs spread wider, inviting him, enticing him. If I thought his tongue was the only part of him with talent, then I was seriously mistaken. What he is doing to me right now, is about ten seconds away from causing me to explode again.

As if reading my mind, he stops the cock teasing and sinks into me in one, smooth, thrust. Filling me almost painfully, the fullness an exquisite feeling, stretching my inner muscles and hitting sensitive spots that I never realised I had.

The moan that rips from my throat is encouragement enough for him to hook my knees over his arms and for his thrusts to become longer and harder. The grind of his pelvis over my clit, every time he fills me completely, strokes me in the most deliriously amazing way and I am seconds away from coming again.

He leans down, first claiming my lips in a sinful kiss, then moving down to my breasts that are still in the confines of my bra. He licks over the lace covering my nipples, before tugging the cups down to suck and nip at my sensitive flesh. Each pull of his mouth sends shockwaves to my clit, amping up the intensity of my impending orgasm.

It crashes over me without any further warning. Not because of his talented tongue, huge cock or grinding hips but because he braces himself on his forearms, looks deep into my eyes and on one driving thrust, that hits a spot inside me that makes my toes curl, he whispers, “I love you Emmy.”




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