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Unfinished Business: A Riverton Crossing Novel by Savannah Maris (19)


Monday came and went in a blur with Evan on the phone most all day and Ginger helping get everything together for his trip. Tuesday, Ginger woke fully anticipating their leaving because she couldn’t wait for Evan to see her house. It had been over a month since she had been there.

Evan had been so worried with everything that had happened, that even now he had a phone to his ear. As Ginger packed her clothes, he disconnected his call. “You’re leaving some your stuff here, aren’t you? There’s no need for you to take something and then just have to bring it back,” Evan’s voice washed over her.

“I wasn’t. What if you’re not coming back for a while? There’s no need for me to leave stuff here if I’m flying west.”

“Gin, if I come back here, will you come with me? Right now may not be the best time to ask, but Riverton Ranch really is safe. It’ll be even more so once the security system is in place.”

“Of course.”

“Then leave some things here. It doesn’t have to be many, just a few.”

“Okay, but can I ask why?”

“Just do it for me. Please.”

“Yes, sir,” she said with a sassy smile. With everything he’d been doing for the last three days, she didn’t want to give him anything else to worry about.

“Don’t start that unless you’re willing to live by it,” he said as he swatted her ass. His expression looked as if he hoped she’d say she was.

She let the subject die then said, “I’ll be ready in ten minutes. My makeup and laptop bags are on the bed.” She closed her suitcase and said, “And this. I think that’s it. Let me make the bed so it’ll be nice when we come back.”

Evan’s whole body relaxed when those words left her mouth. He must’ve been worried she wouldn’t come back. She only had today to convince him she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She started for the door with a couple of bags when he stopped her. “Grab the makeup bag. I’ll take the others.”

“You can’t get yours and mine.”

“Mine’s already in the car, darlin’. I’m a guy. We pack light.”

They left their room for the main area of the house where Mitchell and Kayla were waiting to say good-bye.

“You know you could stay here while he’s gone,” Mitchell said.

“I know, but I need to go home. I’ll be back with him though.”

“You better. I’m going to miss you like crazy,” Kayla said.

“I’ll keep check on your place while I’m there.”

“Don’t forget the men that were here on Sunday may need a place to meet that’s off the radar. If you need me, I’ll have my cell on except when I’m flying. That security system needs to be installed before we get back. Got me?” He hugged Mitchell and then Kayla.

When Evan opened the passenger door for her to get in, Ginger realized it gave her a sense of security since Kayla was staying for now. Ginger took comfort in knowing she wasn’t going home alone.

As they made their way up the interstate toward North Carolina, Evan discretely made sure they weren’t followed. As they settled in for the ride, Evan told her he had called Nathan, who was concerned for both of them. He even offered to stay with Ginger while Evan was gone, but the idea was quickly shot down.

Ginger was staring out of the passenger side window when Evan took her hand. “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

She took a deep breath before looking at him. She needed his professional opinion as much as his personal one. “Last week you made the comment that if this person could find me at Riverton Ranch, then they’d know where I live as well. Do you think that’s true?”


“Evan, if I were under your protection, what would you tell me to do? That picture rocked my sense of security. I’ve been on my own for several years and always had good instincts, but now I doubt myself.”

He glanced at her. “If you were under my protection, you wouldn’t leave your house without me. That’s why we’re stocking your house on the way into town. The only time you’ll have to leave is to take me to the airport.”

She nodded. “I can live with that. Then at the café. I’ve never had someone, especially a man, speak to me as crudely as Chief Taylor did. I don’t know if I was more embarrassed or repulsed. Part of me was embarrassed for Ruby because she was with another man. It wasn’t like he whispered it, and the café isn’t very big.”

He shook his head. “I never thought my boring hometown would be corrupt. I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into it.”

“If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met you.”

“I’m gonna keep you safe, darlin’.”

“I know. You Riverton boys are quite protective.”

“Damn straight. So how was the food at the café? I haven’t eaten there in years.”

“It was a quaint place. The food was good. It’s given me an idea for a new article.” She paused for a few seconds then asked, “Do you know that Sally girl?”

“Yeah, she and Mitchell dated after he returned from Vegas. Even though Mitchell told her he wasn’t in the market, she wanted the ring, wedding, and children. I guess she thought if she waited long enough he’d change his mind. He didn’t. In fact, he called her Mak a couple of times in bed which I do believe lead to their breakup. That’s when he knew if he ever got the chance to tell Kayla how he felt, he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity. He didn’t.”

“Oh, wow! That explains a lot. Kayla never told me why she didn’t like coming home. She always said that her life had moved on without her in it. I didn’t understand because I knew she was the one who’d left town. I’m glad they found their way back to each other because they’re perfect together.”

Evan smiled and nodded. “Yeah, they are.”

She watched his body language. He seemed at ease so she brought up a topic she knew could upset him. “Ruby wasn’t what I imagined.”

“Really? Did she say something to you?”

“No, she just stared at me from across the room.”

“It’s a small town, and we went to the bar a couple weeks ago. I’m sure people are talking. That’s what they do here. Do you think you can handle it?”

“Y’all were a long time ago. Before she became who she is. Can you handle being there?”

Evan flashed a small smile at her. “Yes, darlin’. If anything, I pity her. Even though everyone knows prostitution is against the law, they also know who she is and what she does. She’s not on some street corner. She just has visitors. As long as she doesn’t take it out on the street, no one says anything. Besides, do you think some man, especially a married one, is gonna tell the police he just paid Ruby for sex? I’ve already told you I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel about you.” He shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. “Plus, I never slept with her.”

“But you wanted to.”

Evan chuckled. “I was eighteen and horny. Of course I wanted to. But thank the heavens above, I came to my senses. I would’ve been humiliated if I had. As it stands, I’ve no knowledge of her.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “I promise you, darlin’, she’s just another person in town to me.” He turned his head toward her for a moment to drive his point home.

“I believe you.”

“I love you, Gin. Please don’t forget that.”

“I love you, too.”

They were quiet for a few minutes only to realize there was nothing but static on the radio. Ginger found her normal station as they were in range, which meant about an hour to her house. As she sat back, “Seein’ Red” by Dustin Lynch was on the radio. “I think of you every time I hear this song, too,” he said.


“Yep. You’ve got me seeing red, and I don’t just mean your hair.”

“I thought red made bulls charge.”

“Darlin’, I’ve been charging you since I first laid eyes on you.” He wiggled his brows.

“Are you always like this?”

“You’ve lived with me for a month. What do you think?”

“What do I think? I think the last few days were more indicative of what life with you will be like, the rest of the time we’ve been on vacation. I think if we’re going to give this a shot, I’m going to become more of a praying woman. I think–no I know this one–I love being wrapped in your arms and waking up beside you in the morning. Having said that, I’m just scared you’ll change once the newness of us wears off.”

“Wow, you’ve been thinking a lot,” the chuckle in his voice was kind of sad. “You’re right. When I’m on a case, what you’ve lived through the past couple of days is me. I’m intense and focused. It used to be so I could close a case and move on to the next one. This time you’re involved. I want this shit dealt with now because I don’t like seeing you worried. If there’s a little one in there, worrying isn’t good for either of you.” He squeezed her hand. “Yes, we started out just being each other’s escape, but that changed quickly, at least for me. Why would you need to become more of a praying woman?”

“I can handle all the meetings, even the secrets I know you’ll have to keep, but thinking about someone shooting you? That part scares the shit out of me, especially when there’s a little one in the picture.”

“I can see that. That’s one of things I’m looking to fix this week.” He quickly glanced at her and smiled. “And for the record, I want more than just a little one. I want two or three. With us, everything we do is new, so how can the newness wear off? I’ll always strive to make you feel loved. I saw my dad do that with my mom, and they were married for over twenty years when he died. If they can have that kind of love, I think we can, too. I see it with Mitchell and Kayla. Maybe it runs in our blood,” he said with a wink.

Ginger swore this man brought out all of her emotions as her vision blurred from his words. She thought about her parents. Did that kind of love run through her blood, too?

As they drove through her little town, she directed him to the grocery store. By the time they loaded the car and started up the mountain, it was early afternoon. None of the houses were really big, but they were bigger than they looked from the road. This time of year was easy travelling, but even with the roads paved, the winter would be a different story. The higher they climbed, the fewer the houses, and Kayla’s was the only one higher up than Ginger’s.

“Now I know why y’all have all-wheel drive vehicles. I don’t know if Betty will make it up here in the winter.”

“Who’s Betty?”

“My car. She’s a black Camaro and the only thing of importance I have waiting on me at home.”

“So you consider where you live home?”

“I’m assigned to the Iowa office. That’s where I have an apartment, but we cover the Midwest. I go where my assignment is, so it’s really no more than a place to sleep. I have Betty, a little furniture, but not too much on the walls.”

“I see.”

As they pulled into her garage, she pressed a button programmed into her phone. They grabbed the groceries and their bags on the way in. She showed him the downstairs that consisted of a bedroom, game room, laundry room, and bathroom with a hot tub on the deck just through the double doors. He followed her upstairs to the main living area that consisted of an open kitchen, half bath, living room, and master suite. Even though the outside looked like a country cottage, the inside was modern.

“When did you turn on the lights and music?”

“When we pulled into the garage. I did it from my phone because I don’t like coming into a dark house. Since I rent it when I’m not here I can check on it before and after people visit. It gives me a little more security.”

“I’m glad you have it.”

He stepped onto the deck while she unpacked the groceries. She declined his offer to help because she wanted to see his natural reaction to his surroundings. At the ranch, he was on his own turf. Here, he was on hers. When she walked out, he turned as soon as he heard the door open. “Want to stretch our legs after riding for so long? I’d say let’s get in the hot tub, but …” she let the words die.

“Yes, let’s go walk. This view is beautiful though,” he said with open arms for her to step into. “We’ll make our own hot tub later. It’ll just be in your bed,” he said.

She melted into his hug. “Is it really just my bed now? ‘Cause that’s not what you called your room at the ranch.”

“Darlin’, it was our room. You lived with me in that room for a month. I don’t wanna just assume you see me fitting in here the same way.”

“Do you want to fit in here the same way, or do you see us leaving here permanently?”

He looked out over the mountain ridges then said, “I want us to keep this place. I wanna taint every room in this house like we did at the ranch and drive you just as crazy with need. I wanna do things here that you’ve never done before. When we come here, this needs to be a place where we’re free to do whatever we want. Since this has been your place, I thought you’d feel more comfortable experimenting here.”

“Even though I’ve been nervous, it’s you that gives me the courage to try new things. As long as it’s you, I’m willing.”

“You’re perfect for me.” He kissed her temple. “Can we walk to Kayla’s place?”

She led him back through the house and out the front door. Kayla’s house was up the mountain with a bit of an incline between the houses, but once they were there it was gorgeous. They walked around back and up the stairs to her deck where they could see for miles.

“Damn. I don’t know how y’all found these houses, but I’m glad you did. This is paradise.”

With a chuckle she said, “It is as long as you don’t leave trash outside. The bears can be quite ornery, but the wildlife is beautiful to watch.” They sat on Kayla’s deck taking in the views for what seemed like hours. It really was peaceful, but she’d rather do this on her own deck. “Ready to head back down?”

“Yes, I wanna go down.” When he wiggled his brows, she knew his meaning and laughed.

“Well, I think it needs to be a little bit of a challenge,” she countered.

“You want me to think of a game?”


Evan hadn’t said a word since they left Kayla’s deck. She knew he really was thinking about a game. When they got inside the house, he disappeared, but she heard him plundering in the bathroom and downstairs. A few minutes later he found her in the kitchen making a snack. “Do you have a deck of cards?”

“Yes, they’re in the coffee table drawer in the game room. Why?”

“You wanted a game so we’re playing strip poker on the deck.”

“Okay, let’s see how much fun we can have.” She was pretty good at poker.

He ran downstairs to find the cards while she finished in the kitchen. Just before they reached the French doors he asked, “Do you wanna put on more clothes?”

“I don’t think I’ll need them. What about you? Want an extra pair of socks?”

“No, darlin’, I want out of my clothes as soon as possible.”

Her mouth gaped in surprise as warmth pool deep inside her while she took in his breathtaking smile. It was late afternoon by the time they sat at the table on the deck and decided on five-card draw. She won the first two hands and questioned if he was letting her win or if he was that bad. He’d lost his shoes, but he still had his socks, pants, underwear, and shirt. They were pretty evenly matched clothes wise now. His demeanor changed, and he took on a more serious expression. He won the next three hands. She lost her flip-flops and shirt. She still had on her lace bra, but it didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her nerves increased because she only had two garments left. The card gods looked in her favor as she won the next hand. Just as Evan removed a sock, a cool breeze blew through, and her nipples hardened. His eyes went straight to her chest.

“I can’t wait for you to lose that bra,” he said as he licked his lips.

“Is this why you wanted to play out here?”

“Yeah, I wanted to see your nipples pucker and knew at these elevations the breeze would be cooler. Seeing them through that lace makes my mouth water.”

Even though his words caused her concentration to falter, she managed to win the next hand. He took off his other sock. It was his deal, and he took his time as his eyes moved from hers to her chest and back. He didn’t even try to hide his hunger, and her breathing started to quicken. At the end of the hand, his full house beat her three of a kind so he stood and walked around the table as he said, “Let me help you with that.” He unfastened her bra as he stood behind her. While he slipped the straps down her shoulders, he kissed each one. “Beautiful.” Once he had retaken his seat, a smile stretched across his face. “Darlin’, I didn’t think your nipples could get any harder, but I think they just proved me wrong.” Her face was hot. “Why are you blushing?”

“I’m not used to men talking to me the way you do. It’s not repulsive, it’s suggestive, sexy.”

“Gin, other men better not, but I will.” He held her gaze. “You need to get used to it because your body drives me crazy. Every inch of it belongs to me, and I intend to worship it every chance I get. Your responses to my words, my touch, turn me on. Just watching you is an aphrodisiac.” As he finished the last word, she started to get out of her chair. “Where are you going?”

“I want to kiss you.”

“No, ma’am, keep your seat. Let’s finish this.”

She was aroused. It was her deal and she couldn’t focus. His words kept playing in her head. Could she get used to him talking like that? Did she want to? She thought it turned her on so much because she wasn’t used to it. She squirmed in her seat trying to find some relief.

“Sit still and deal,” he said through a chuckle.

If he won, it’d be the last hand. If she won, they’d keep playing. She threw away two, but picked the wrong two to toss. If she’d kept them she would’ve had two pair. As it stood now, she had nothing. When they showed their hands, he’d won with a pair of threes.

She stood to remove her shorts while he sat back to enjoy the show. As she moved the zipper down and opened the fly, he saw he’d won and delight twinkled in his eyes. “Since that was the last hand, let’s step inside then you can finish sliding those little shorts down those beautiful legs, darlin’.” They took everything inside and unceremoniously dropped it on the floor. “Take them off.” He couldn’t have hidden the bulge in his shorts with an umbrella. She reached out to touch him, but he took a step back. “You lost. Strip.” Since she knew he was as bad as she was, she slowly slid her shorts down and moved her hips in a slow roll to tease him even more. “Gin, don’t do that. Right now, I could bend you over this couch.”

“I’m good with that.” She gave him a begging look. “But I’ll wait if you want me to.”

“Aww Fuck. As much as I wanna make you wait, I want you more. Come here,” he said as he led her to the back of the sofa. “Turn around, spread your legs.”

She did as he said, but the sound of his zipper made her want to squeeze her legs together. He swatted her ass and whispered in her ear as he leaned over her back, “Be still and wait. This is happening sooner than I’d planned so show me you can be a good girl.” He ran his hand from her puckered hole to her wet one. “Stay like that.”

She whimpered as she felt him move away. She never thought a man could ever bring her to this wanton state—a place where all her carnal desires and needs were opened to someone else. He did this to her and made her feel beautiful while he did it. With him, this was right.

She heard his footsteps before she raised her head to see him walk out of the master bedroom with a bottle of lube in his hand. When he repositioned himself behind her, she felt his hard ridge as he ran his hand from the top of her spine to the bottom, and she bowed her back like a cat. His touch, his words, were an elixir to her body. He’d told her he wanted her soul. Today, she thought he had it. “You, like this is all I’ll ever need.” When she tried to wiggle her ass against him, he pinned her harder to the sofa. “I’m gonna play before I give you what you want. Be sweet and just relax. Remember how good your rewards are when I get what I want.” She nodded. “Let me hear the words.”

“I’ll be good.” She heard him open the bottle and waited patiently for his touch since she’d been mentally preparing herself for what she knew was going to happen. “Relax, relax, relax,” she coached herself. He didn’t touch her where she thought he would so she tensed when he touched her pussy.

“Don’t try to predict what I’ll do. You’re my priority at all times. You know I’m not gonna hurt you, but I want you to trust whatever I do is with you in mind.” It didn’t take long before the urge to pee overcame her again, but this time she knew to let it go without him telling her.

“Ahh!” She felt the gush she didn’t know could happen with the first orgasm. Her legs wobbled, but the sofa held her weight.

“The flush of your skin is halfway down your back. That’s beautiful. Don’t move.”

His fingers retracted from her body as he rubbed her juices up to her little hole. She tried to tense her legs, but she didn’t have it in her. His hand moved away just before she heard the tear of the foil pack while the other rubbed her back again. “Relax,” he said. She let herself go and trusted he had her heart, body, and soul.

With her juices smeared where he wanted them, his finger massaged her puckered hole then slipped past the first ring of muscles. Her body tightened around his finger so he rubbed her back and whispered in her ear. He didn’t have to whisper, but she was glad he did because it made this intimate act even more so. Their connection was unreal. As her body became used to the invasion, his finger moved past the second ring of muscles. “Hmm,” she said as she tried to relax with a deep sigh because it was more uncomfortable, but he held his hand still while she grew accustomed to him being there. Just as she thought this was what he had in mind, he pushed his cock into her waiting pussy. She’d never felt so full in her life. “Ahh!”

“That’s right, darlin’. Let me hear you.” He withdrew and moved in again. “Damn, this feels good. Are you okay?”

“Evan,” she cried. “I feel like I’m going to shatter.” She shook from head to toe as he drove her straight to the edge again with a floored accelerator.

“Let go, Ginger. I’m right behind you.” His thrusts became harder and faster as he said, “Come on, darlin’.”

She screamed as she fell apart, but Evan’s groans were primal. With heavy breathing and a faint ringing in her ears she stilled while she came back to herself from her flight. As she caught her breath, his heartbeat pounded in her back. “Oh, Evan. My God, I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.”

“Oh, darlin’, that was fan-fucking-tastic.” He moved to leave her, but she begged him to stay. “If I don’t pull out now, I’ll make a mess on the floor. Do you think you can walk?”

“Yeah. Maybe.” She tested her balance preparing to walk to the bathroom, but he picked her up and carried her instead. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. It wouldn’t take much for her to get used to this.

As they showered, they didn’t speak. She didn’t know what to say about the experience, but he watched her carefully. Once they were snuggled in bed he asked, “Did I hurt you in any way?”

“No. I’ve never experienced something so hot, but intimate. I don’t know how to express what I’m feeling right now. I’ve never felt this connected to anyone before nor knew sex could be so deep I’d feel it to my soul. The soul you wanted. The soul you now possess. Am I making sense?”

The smug look on his face was adorable as he said, “I fucked you incoherent.” He chuckled as he pulled her closer. “I’m kidding. I’m glad you get how close I want us to be. I need this, us solid before I step on that plane tomorrow. If you aren’t in this a hundred percent, I need to know now because I am. I want this life with you.”

She smiled as she said, “I want this with you, too. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

“Not this time,” he quietly said.

“Okay.” His smile faded and his mood changed. “What’s going on? I thought you’d be excited to get back to work.”

“I know you’re safe here. You’d know if someone was out of place. I’ll be halfway across the country, and Mitchell is five hours away. Do you have someone to call in case something happens?”

“The police?” She smiled.

“Funny. How far away are they?”

“About ten minutes, I guess. My security system is top of the line. They’ll call me and the police at the same time.”

Determination was written all over his face. “I’m either transferring or quitting when I get back.”

“What? Why? I thought you loved undercover work.”

“I do. One of the reasons I wasn’t ready for you was because I didn’t wanna give it up.”

She furrowed her brows. “Then don’t. It’s not fair to put that on me.”

“I’m not. It’s on me. I always said I’d stop if I ever had a reason to. I have a reason, now…you.”

“I don’t want you resenting me later. You have to do what makes you happy.”

“I am.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought a lot about this.”

“Yeah, for a couple of weeks now.”

“Because of my birth control?”

“No, actually before that. I knew how I felt and needed to do something about it. It was why I wanted everything discussed last week when Mitchell and Kayla were here. I just didn’t know it’d come out like it did.” He played with strands of her hair. “I know you said you’d go to Iowa, but the more I was at the ranch the more I wanted to be at the ranch. The more I wanted this.”

The tears stung the corners of her eyes. “You’ve got to stop making me cry.”

He looked directly into her eyes. “Do I need to meet your family before we get married? We don’t have time before I leave, but I’m ready when you are.”

“To meet my family or get married?” She asked with a small chuckle.



Very slowly he asked, “What do you think about next month?”

“For what?”

“To get married.”

She gasped. “Evan, you cannot be serious.” Six weeks. They’ve only known each other six weeks.

“I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

She searched his face for any indication that was a joke or he’d been fucked incoherent, but only found sincerity. “You’re serious?”


Her heart was pounding as she thought of the possibilities. Oh God! Could she do this? “Then, yes. Yes, I’ll marry you!”

He kissed her with such passion that she melted under him as he moved his hands to cradle her face. When he ended the kiss, he ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek. His expression told her all she needed to know–his love for her was real. She raised her head to gently kiss his lips. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you, too.”

The moment drew to an end when her tummy rumbled. They never did eat the snack she made, but now it was past dinnertime. She blushed at the sound as she said, “I think I need a bite to eat. Do you want something?”

“You, but I’ll settle for food,” he said.

Ginger replayed their conversation in her head while they ate cheese and crackers. “Were you talking about meeting my parents next month? Because we can’t get married then.”

“I wanna meet your parents before we get married, but why the hell can’t we get married, too?”

“Mitchell and Kayla.” When he raised a brow, she explained. “They got engaged before us, they should get married before us.”

“It took them five years to figure their shit out. I’m not waiting that long for them to plan their wedding. I’ll talk to Mitchell when I get back.”


“We’ve got to get up at five to drive to Charlotte if I’m gonna catch my flight. As much as I hate this night to end, we’ve got to get some sleep.”

“We’re getting up at five? You never told me I had to get up that early. Maybe I’ll just call you a taxi,” she said with humor in her eyes.

“Nah. I want every minute I can get with you.”




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