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Unmatched Love by Mary Nixon (2)

From the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of blue eyes gazing at me. He smiled slightly and stood up walking towards me.

"You scared me baby brother." He spoke softly. "We haven't left this room all night. Mom has been praying all night at the chapel and you know she is not that religious."

I wanted to laugh but the pain I was in didn't allow me to even wince without faltering.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Jacob asked.

"Can you move Bianca from my shoulder? I'm in

a lot of pain."

He gently pulled Bianca up and a plastic container fell on the floor.

"No wonder she's not waking up. She's pumped up on sleeping pills." Jacob informed me as he carried her to the couch and set her down.

He walked back and placed his hand on mine.

"Next time, when someone wants your car give it to them. Okay? Your life is more important."

"I was beginning to wonder when the scolding would come." I joked as much as I couldn't laugh.

"Its not funny Tony. Ferrer says you gave out three times during surgery. So per favore, if you have no regard for your own life have some for mom and I."

"You know me, I couldn't just hand them the keys."

"It's just a car. I'll get you another one."

"It's a rare car." I reasoned with him.

"I'll have another one custom made for you. Just promise me this will never happen again. If it does, I'll personally kill you with my bare heads if it's a death wish you're after."

A small smile escaped us both. But my attention wandered to Bianca.

"How is she?" I asked Jacob.

"She was just as worried. You scared her."

"I thought I would never see her again. I love her."

Silence followed as Jacob watched me keenly. Love was something neither of us had anticipated would happen but we both had fallen in love. Jacob had lost the woman he loved but mine was here with me.

My close brush with death had made me realize how short life can be. I wanted to make Bianca mine.

"I love her. I want to marry her."

"Are you sure?" Jacob asked. "She's only twenty one.

She still needs to... grow."

"She can grow with me." I countered.

"Tony, you can love her, date her but marrying her is not a good idea. You two have known each other for what, four months?" Jacob argued his point out.

"Look at the pot calling the kettle black." I said stubbornly. "You married Margaux's within three months. You didn't give a damn who was opposed to it. Now you're inflicting your self righteousness on me?"

Jacob's eyes narrowed and he scoffed bitterly.

"It's not the sane thing. I loved her and she loved me."

"I love Bianca and my love is enough to sustain us both. I'm marrying her and you can support me or not but I'm marrying her."

As I spoke I began to get feeling back into my body. I tried to sit up as Jacob watched me struggling. He was probably cursing me mentally in Italian.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

"Be careful, you don't want that wound to open."

We turned to see the dark haired woman smiling affectionately.

"Mom, thank you for coming. Jacob was just about to kill me." I joked.

Neither of them laughed.

"Too soon, I'm sorry." I apologized.

She kissed my forehead and examined my face. She looked tired as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Look at what those brutes did to your brother Jacobo. You have to do something."

"Bruce and I are working on it."

"Good. We can't let this go unpunished." She added before kissing my cheek. "I was so worried my baby boy. I'm glad you're okay now."

She wanted to hug

me but my wounds wouldn't allow it.

"Now, why would Jacobo want to kill you?" She asked with a brilliant smile.

It was my turn to grow serious. At that moment, Bianca suddenly sat up and stared at me bug eyed. It tool her a moment before she blinked and walked towards me.

Her emerald eyes teared up as she held me by the shoulder. She leaned down and kissed my lips in tender slow kiss.

"You're awake."

"Yes love I am. I'm here and I'm never leaving again."

"Promise me that?"

"Life is not forever bug my love for you is eternal." I assured her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Her declaration surprised me. I didn't know she loved me back. Or maybe she realized it after I came close to death.

"That's brilliant love. You just made me the happiest man alive."

And that had to be my best moment. She loved me back.

"Mom, this is Bea Bianca. The woman I am madly in love with. The woman I want to marry as soon as I get out of this bloody bed."

Surprise registered in all their faces except for Jacob whom I had already told my plan.

"Cazzo!" Erma exclaimed. "So soon?"

"I love her and she loves me. I don't see a reason to wait."

"Well what does she have to say about it? Marriage is two way

Tony." Jacob intruded.

We all focused on Bianca who suddenly looked paler than death.

Bianca's POV


I was not ready, I hadn't even thought that far ahead. They were all staring at me waiting for an answer. Jacob's pale blue eyes were urging me to be honest with myself. Erma looked doubtful and Tony was anxious for a positive answer.

What was I to do?

When the door opened and Ferrer walked in, I was relieved for the welcomed interruption.

"What are all of you doing in here?" Ferrer asked. "He's supposed to be resting."

"He has just asked Bianca to marry him." Erma announced. "We are waiting for an answer."

Another pair of eyes settled on me.

The pressure to say yes was immense but things would be moving too fast.

I just met Tony four months ago. He loves me and I just realized I love him too. Now he wanted to marry me.

It was a bloody whirlwind. I was not ready to commit to such lengths.

"Tony, I think we should think this through."

"Yeah buddy you should. This is probably the morphine speaking." Ferrer jumped in to save me. "You came close to death and you're looking for some stability right now."

"I want to be left alone." He told us before he sunk back in his bed and pulled the covers over his head.

We all left except for Ferrer who remained to examine him.

Once we were outside,

I felt my chest constricting in pain. I had just turned him down and the disappointment in his eyes was still eating at me.

"Good choice." Jacob whispered into mg ear. "Neither of you are ready for marriage."

He stepped aside and Erma stared at me. Her brown eyes had a striking resemblance to Tony's. She had the same look Jacob had.

"I waited to meet you in Prague. But it seems we were both rushing to Tony." She spoke in slightly accented Italian.

"You're the designer I was Ti meet?" I asked.

"Si bella I am."

I had modelled for her before but I had never thought she would want me to exclusively work for her. Suddenly my declining Tony's marriage proposal made me feel awkward in front of her.

"About Tony, I don't think he took it too well when you turned him down. But again take it from me when I say that you're too young to commit to a man. I can see he loves you and I hope you love him as much. Take your time and get to know each other."

"Thank you."

"You should go home and freshen up. Get him a few clothes and anything you think he may need."

After Erma left, I faced Jacob.

"Where does Tony live?"

An awkward question based on Jacob's blue eyes.

"You two want to get married and you don't even know where he lives?" He asked with a light laugh in his voice.

"We've not known each other that long."

"Okay. I can drive you." He offered.

An hour later, we were in Tony's penthouse. I met his entire staff as Jacob updated them on Tony's condition.

I went into Tony's too and packed up a few of his clothes. He hadn't worn most of them and I spent my time ripping off price tags.

He had a full closet. No doubt he loved clothes. I personally had a fetish for shoes.

After he was packed up, Jacob came into the bedroom. I sat on the bed staring at the man who badly reminded me of a Greek god. He looked so good it was hard not to stare. Actually a of Tony's friends were drop dead gorgeous.

"You should move in at least for the time he's recuperating. It will console him especially because you didn't say yes to his marriage proposal."

"I couldn't say yes."

He sat down beside me and I caught his alluring scent. He was not like Tony. He didn't have a playful side, he didn't smile much. He was constantly in deep thought. He was a mystery.

"There is no need to rush into something you're not sure about. It's not healthy for either of you but should you decide you want to be with him then nothing should stop you."

"Is he mad at me?" I asked.

"Of course he is. Tony has never handles rejection well. But you should know, he loves you and he will get over it."

"Thank you Jacob. We should probably be heading back."

He left me thinking as I finished packing up. Just as I was about to walk out with the bag, my phone vibrated.

Unknown: You're one hour has been long up Beatrice. Tomorrow's papers will be overflowing with your secrets.


Chapter eleven: Sweet love

James Lyons's POV

After being in the hospital for a month, I was glad to be in the luxurious comfort of my penthouse.

I was still nursing my wounds and a broken heart after Bianca didn't say yes to my marriage proposal.

What was consoling is that she agreed to move in. At least I got to see her every morning and every night as she fully dedicated herself to my recovery.

We hadn't gotten intimate just yet and I was going crazy out of my mind with raw desire for her. Ferrer had repeatedly warned me against any strenuous activity including sex.

I hated the celibacy but I also wanted to heal properly. I needed to get back on my feet and find the bloody pieces of scum that almost ended my life.

In the mean time, I had put on some weight. Who wouldn't when you got constantly pampered with breakfast in bed, and constant attention all day long?

My best part was each afternoon when I got to hold Bianca in my arms when we watched a movie.

She loved romance and I loved action packed movies. I ended up compromising if it meant I could hold her for an hour or so.

She felt so good in my arms, her petite frame a perfect fit.

This particular afternoon, I was focusing on her lovely face as she watched telly. I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me.

"Do you need anything babe?" She asked.



"You. I'm starving for you."

She reddened slightly and tried to escape my hold but I flipped her beneath

me and pinned her down on the bed.

"I want this." I told her.

"And Ferrer said-"

"Screw Ferrer. My whole body is aching for you. It's been a bloody month love, please don't torment me any further. Let me make love to you."

She was just as hungry and I could tell from the way she licked her lips.

"Okay but I'll make love to you so that you don't strain yourself." She offered.

"I'd love that." I agreed and got off her.

I watched as she slowly undressed stripping down in such a sexy manner it drove me absolutely crazy.

After she was naked, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her breasts, the hardened pink tips that were so bruised the last time my mouth tasted them.

"Now let's get you undressed."

She worked on my shorts and slowly pulled down my boxers. My interested was large, heavy and threatening to blow. I needed to a release.

After I was naked as well, she searched my drawer.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.


"I haven't actually restocked. In between death and coming back to life it must gave slipped my mind."

"Then we can't do this." She spoke shyly.

"Are you scared of getting pregnant?"

She nodded and cupped her breasts.

"I want you to have my babies. So don't worry, I won't mind if you do."

"I'm not ready to become a mother Tony. I'm sorry but we can't have sex without protection."

I felt frustrated.

"I'll withdraw before I cum."

She didn't look convinced. She was about to get off the bed when I decided that I was going yo have her no matter the cost.


hold of her waist, I flipped her over and spread her legs.

She tried to protest but I silenced her with hot desperate kisses. I was going to love her until her objections faded.

In one swift move, I delved deep into her. She dug her Cheryl into my back and I groaned out in pain as they dug into my flesh.

pool of blood looking paler than death. He had slit his wrists and he had lost a lot of blood.

would compensate for the pinch.

Half an hour later, just when I was about to explode inside her, I pulled out and spilled myself on her belly.

It felt so good to get my release.

It had been so long.

She just stared at me dazed with passion.

"I've kept my promise love. Hold on I'll clean you up."

As I was in the bathroom grabbing some tissues, I saw Bianca's phone vibrating. I was about to take it to her when the unknown caller hanged up.

Knowing it was bloody rude to go through someone else's phone, I picked on an application that I assumed was her private calendar.

I had been with enough girls to know about safe days and what nots.

According to the calendar, she was ovulating. Paying attention in biology suddenly paid off. She was ripe to conceive if I came inside her.

I wanted a baby.

A little girl with her green eyes and her sun kissed blonde hair.

She was obviously avoiding commitment. She had turned my marriage proposal down and the only reason she had moved in was because I was still recovering.

After I would heal, she would leave. She

had made it clear.

What I was thinking was unfair but I needed to get Bianca to commit even if it was this way.

Jacob would have probably disapproved bit he wasn't here. This was a choice I was making on my own. It was a bad move but I was growing desperate for her.

"Tony?" She called.

"I'm coming love."

If I was a straight shooter, then I would knock her up soon.

I returned to her and cleaned her up.

"Thank you for pulling out. A baby is not in my calendar as yet."

If she only knew that I intended to knock her up, she would be cursing me instead of thanking me.

Bianca's POV

I arrived at the agency an hour late after Tony had insisted on another round in the bathroom. I had made a mental note to see a doctor so that I got on birth control right away.

I loved that Tony kept his promise to withdraw but then again t was not a guarantee he always would. If he got caught up in the moment, then we would have a big problem.

An unwanted baby...

"You're late, again!" Arra yelled as soon as she saw me.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I got you a show in Milan."

"But I told you I can't travel. I'm taking care of


"Do I look like I care? He's not s baby! He's a grown man with enough money to hire a dozen nurses to attend to him. Here's your ticket."

I stared at the date and the plane was leaving at dawn. Tony would be so upset with me but I had been missing from the scene for almost a month now. I needed to get back in.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes." I agreed.

On my way home, I kept thinking about Milan. I needed the money. I had paid Ben over quarter a million; all my savings. I barely had a penny on me.

I paid Ben to shut him up but I felt he would soon be asking for more.

Maybe telling the truth to Tony would help but then would my employers still give me modelling contracts?

I passed by the house Tony bought me to pack a bag. I took sometime and soaked myself in the golden tub enjoying the hot water.

I was glad for the privacy away from Tony. I liked being alone at least for a time within the day.

As I soaked rubbing a soft towel over my skin, I received a text message.

Unknown: I call and you don't answer.

It had to be Ben.

I sat up slightly and he texted again.

Unknown: That golden tub must have cist your boyfriend a fortune. You look like royalty inside it.

I suddenly got out of the tub when I realized he may be watching me.

The bathroom window had stained glass there was no way he could see through it.

I called him almost immediately.

"What the hell Ben!"

"From a street rat to a billionaire's girlfriend. How died it feel Beatrice?"

"What do you want?" I asked impatiently as I wrapped my body in a towel. "I already sent you half a million pounds. What more could you possibly you want?"

"I live a very high end life. I already spent that money. I need more. I'm thinking the bath tub. How much is it worth?"

I turned my head and gazed at the gift Tony had given me. How could I possibly hand it over to that pathetic man?

"Anything else but the tub."

I was negotiating with a criminal. This was extortion at its best.

"Fine. A million by the end of the week."

"Why you bloody idiot! I don't have a bloody money tree growing in my backyard! Where am I supposed to get a million pounds?"

"Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth? By the way, how is he? I heard he got shot."

"Don't pretend you care."

"You know I don't but maybe you should ask him for the money."

"I can't do that."

"Actually since we've agreed your asking him, I want ten million by the end of the week. Later baby."

The line went dead and so did my entire body.

Ten million bloody pounds?

If I asked Tony, he would freak. He would

ask questions that I wasn't willing to give answers to.

I had always known my past would catch up with me but not this soon.


I got back to the penthouse two hours late and found my boyfriend reading a book in the living room.

As soon as he saw me, he set it down.

"Where have you been?".

"At the agency."

I don't know why I had the sudden urge to lie to him but then again it was a bad habit.

"I called Arra and she told me you left over two hours ago. Why the bloody hell are you lying to me?"

He was definitely pissed as he stood up and gazed at me intently his brown eyes mere narrow slits that could kill.

"I'm sorry. I passed by my place to have some me time."

"There is no me in a relationship." He countered.

"I needed some space."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Actually Tony, I need space. I need to rethink what we have."

I saw the sudden pain in his eyes.

"Rethink? Am I not good enough for you?"

"It's not you it's me- "

"You sound like a bloody man right about now. I've given that crap to over a dozen girls so please, tell me the truth. What's really going on?"

This is the part where I should have told him the truth. The part where I could have relied on my boyfriend to deal with Ben but being the obstinate girl I was, I declined the road to honesty and took the highway of deceit.

"Nothing is going on. I just think we have moved too fast. I'm sorry Tony but we should end this."

I had to cut off my connection to Tony so that Ben wouldn't use me to get to him. It was not fair. He had been more than generous with me and he didn't need me milking him dry.

He had a hurt look in his eyes. He took a step forward and cupped my face. The pain faded into something I could only describe as love.

"Listen to me Bea."

He only called me Bea when he was serious.


"I love you. Whatever this is we can work it out together. You don't need to leave. Talk to me baby. Tell me what I can do to make this work. I need you, I love you."

He was making it hard for me to walk away.

It even got harder when he gently palmed my breasts, slowly unzipping my dress and with one look at me, he took my nipple into his hot mouth.

I allowed it.

I loved it when he made love to me.

I surrendered myself to him that night as he repeatedly took me the highest points of pleasure. I never wanted to come back down but everything sweet comes to an end.


Chapter twelve: The mother and father

I ran towards him. He was lying in a pool of blood looking paler than death. He had slit his wrists and he had lost a lot of blood.

"What happened?"I asked. "Someone call an ambulance."

One of the servants, the housekeeper stepped forward as another servant took off probably to call an ambulance.

I wrapped his wrists with a scarf draped over the chair.

"What happened?" I demanded once more.

"I was coming to clean the office when I found him like this." She said frantically.

"Would you happen to know how long he has been like this?" I asked as I searched for a pulse.

"Not long sir because he arrived only half an hour ago." She said.

I finally found a pulse but he was not breathing. I immediately began performing CPR. I kept going as much as I saw no response.

"Come on Rei!" I called still putting pressure on his chest with my hands.

Seconds later his eyes batted open and he murmured something I couldn't quite comprehend. I could hear the ambulance siren and a few minutes later Rei was being rushed to the hospital. I followed in my red corvette still wondering why he had tried to kill himself.

Was it the embezzlement issue?

Reinaldo had made away with a lot of my father's money, enough to sink the family business but I didn't understand why. To spite the old man maybe? It however explained why my father was desperate for me to take over. He couldn't count on Rei and he was probably hoping I would pump my wealth into the business.

At the hospital, I decided not to see or

tell the old man what had happened with Reinaldo. I would handle this myself. After some time, the doctor in charge allowed me to see him. He was wide awake and he gazed at me as I walked in.

"Reinaldo," I called his name. "What the bloody hell were you thinking?"

"I was hoping I would be dead by now. Why did you have to save me?"

"You said you wanted to talk so I came over. Besides that, what BS were you feeding my girlfriend this morning?"

I knew that I should not have been more understanding and compassionate but I was pissed. After Bianca and I had made love, she had agreed to stop the breaking up madness. Reinaldo had however showed up after I had gone for a morning run and convinced Bianca I was cheating with on her with Brianne.

"You should have let me go Tony."

"Your my brother above everything else." I assured him.

"Jacob is your brother. He has taken my place leaving me out of the picture. You look up to him more than you do me. I just wished you treated me like you do him. "

It was true. I would pick Jacob over Rei on any day. He took care of me when I had no one else. He took me in when I was kicked out. I looked up to the man more than anyone else.

Should I be blamed for preferring Jacob over my own biological brother who never even showed up at the hospital after I was shot?

Hardly. After being disowned by my own family, Jacob

and his mom were all I had.

"Jacob was there for me when you weren't. Don't drag him into this. This is about you running away from taking responsibility for your actions."

"You don't know why I did this."

"Because you don't want to go to jail?"

"That is part of it and because father named you his heir. I read his will. Just you Tony, nobody else. If I go to jail, I won't even have a penny if I ever get out. My life is over."

"It's not. I am not interested in Bellingerre Consolidate or father's estate. You can keep it all. All I want is some peace of mind."

I placed my hand on his own.

"I'm leaving for good this time. I wanted to let you know that I'm not competing for any of Wayne's property. You are his sole heir. About the money you embezzled, I will make it disappear. No one will trace it back to you. That way, De Latour has no evidence."

"Thank you Tony. But how will you do it?"

"I know a guy. Get well soon. Goodbye."

I left before Reinaldo could get sentimental. He was weak. I loved him no doubt but my loyalty is with Jacob. Reinaldo and Jacob hate each other and if I had to choose between them, I would choose Jacob.

As I was on my way out, my phone buzzed.

Bruce: I have the information you needed. You were right about the dossier on Bianca. It was thin. I found

out more.

Me: What did you find out?

Bruce: We should meet up. You'll need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you. Your place?

Me: That's cool.

Bianca was acting strange.

Besides that, I had to find out more about her. She was closed up not letting me in. Since Bruce ran a security company, I had asked him to look into her.

In the meantime, I had set my plan to trap Bianca in motion. It was only a matter of days before she would be pregnant with my child. Maybe then she would realize there was no other way but my way.

I got to my penthouse a little later and found Bruce digging into a piece of chocolate cake.

"Your chef is awesome." He said as he finished up the cake.

"I know. Can't you see how much weight I've put on?" I asked him.

"You don't look as chubby as I expected you'd be after being pampered all day and all night." He teased. "I like the stubble, it suits you."

Sitting down on the bar stool facing the kitchen, I was also presented with a cake.

"Talk to me."

"Her real name is Beatrice Brooke. She's originally from Canada. She grew up as an orphan."

"Anything more?" I asked fearing the look Bruce gave me only meant there was much


"Yes. She has a juvy record."

"My Bianca has a juvy record?"

"Yes but as Beatrice Brooke not Bea Bianca Buchanan."

"What did she do?"

"Petty theft, breaking and entering, drug possession and she was busted once for assault."

I raised my eyebrow.


"She knows the inside of a prison cell better than a mall. She was locked in for two years. She went in when she was fourteen and once she was out, she got a new name and started over here in London."

I was speechless.

Bianca has always seemed feisty but an ex con? No. It didn't suit her. What pained me was that she was only fourteen when she went to juvy.

If Erma Bale had not taken me in when she did, I probably would have descended down a bad path. I didn't blame Bianca. She had no one to guide her.

"Here, more information is inside. I have to go." Bruce announced as he received a cake to go from my chef.

"By the way, about the parking lot incident, I should have been there." He told me.

Jacob had mentioned that Bruce had been beating himself up over it.

"I'm glad you weren't. It would have been a bloody mess."

"Not really. I'm a sniper, don't forget that. I need to go."

"Later buddy."


I spent the afternoon reading through the dossier page by page word by word until I literally had Bianca's past memorized.

I started to understand her. She was a runner. She feared commitment. She was used to everything around her being so temporary that permanence unnerved her. Her being alone for so long also explained his insistence for personal space.

After the lies Rei fed her she had left for Milan. I had hustled information put of her manager and had found out that she was doing a lingerie shoot.

My sexy girl in lingerie for the whole world to see? It pissed me off.

Checking my phone, she hadn't contacted me. Irritation surged through my veins.

What if I flew to Milan and took her forcefully? I had bought a mansion in Monaco. I wanted to get away from my old man and all his lies and trickery. I didn't want Rei to view me as competition. I didn't want to be the reason he fell apart.

I had bought the mansion for Bianca and my soon to be unborn child if I was indeed a straight shooter.

I intended to see my old man before leaving. I didn't want him to think I was running.

Later that evening when I didn't find him at the office, I went to the manor.

I was walking along the hallway to his bedroom after the housekeeper directed me there looking at the portraits on the wall.

All portraits of Bellingerre men and women. The last portrait was my father's. It said a lot about how he felt about his children. None of us graced the wall of fame.

Rei was probably a disappointment for being so weak and indecisive.

I was a disappointment for constantly rebelling against the old man.

Cheryl, my sister was probably a disappointment for turning down a marriage proposal that would have made my father one of

the richest men alive.

I still remembered that summer afternoon when Jacob had been busted in between my sister's legs. Cheryl had always been my father's favorite child. The fact that he thought her a virgin while she was actually sleeping around with Jacob, destroyed him.

He had demanded that Jacob marries her and Erma had been greatly opposed to the union.

When Jacob proposed a month later, Wayne Bellingerre watched his dreams to sink his claws into the Berlotelli fortune fade as his daughter turned Jacob down.

Honestly, I had been relieved.

A union between Jacob and Cheryl would have been a blood bath. The only thing they agreed on was sex, sex and note sex. Outside the bedroom they fought like two alphas.

I heard the sound of high heeled shoes meeting the wood floor. The only other person within the Bellingerre household who wore heels was Cheryl and she had been gone for the last few years.

Raising my eyes, I was shocked Ti see Erma Bale coming out of my father's bedroom. She was equally surprised to see me but knowing Erma, she recovered quickly.

"Lyons," she literally sang out

my name and kissed my cheek.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

My answer lay in the misbuttoned blouse she had on. She followed my eyes and slowly buttoned up. I looked away.

"Don't be shy." She teased.

I had seen Erma in a tantalizing bikini. She had the body of a twenty year old despite her being slightly over double that age.

"Are you sleeping with my father?" I asked bluntly.

Her smile faded.

"Yes." She admitted it.

Hurt sunk in deep inside me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you have sex with Bianca?" She countered my question.

While raising Jacob and I, this is how Erma always managed us. She always asked a question in response to a question we had raised but today, I had every intention to pry.

"To demonstrate my love for her and to satisfy my hunger. You?".

"To satisfy my urges." She spoke openly. "Don't worry, I'm not marrying him."

"But you're sleeping with him. That's my problem."

"You don't approve of me James Lyons?"

"No, I dong approve him for you. He's the enemy. Besides that, aren't you still married to Jacob's dad?"

A wave of sadness swept through her beautiful face.

"I haven't seen Nathan Bale for the last twenty three years I'm sure he moved on just like I have. Let me make this clear, my sex life is none of your business. Ti amo figlio."

She kissed my cheek and left.

The next set of eyes were saw were a silver set.

"Stop it." I warned him.

"Stop what?" He asked.

"Sleeping with Jacob's mom. It's not right."

He laughed sarcastically.

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me who to bed?"

"Someone who cares about her. I know you still want in on the Berlotelli fortune and since you couldn't get in through Jacob you're now using his mother?"

"Don't you want us to be a big happy family?" He asked.

"You spread despair and pain everywhere you go. The Berlotellis don't need you in their lives."

"I know one thing, Jacob would be a better son. Do you know he manages to multi billion companies?"

That was like Wayne Bellingerre to stoop so low and compare me to Jacob. He knew it pissed me off but I honestly had outgrown it.

"I do. He's good at what he does. I'm not here to meddle in your private affairs but if you don't stop bedding Erma I will tell your dream son about you having your hand up her dress. I don't think he'll approve of a piece of scum like you."

My father and I had no respect for each other.

"Do as you please, I don't care."

He didn't even know where Rei was. Cheryl had been gone for years now and he didn't bother. I was about to leave as well and I'm sure he wouldn't even bat an eye.

"You'll die alone old man. All your children are leaving you."

"You're still here."

"I'm leaving for Monaco tomorrow. I'll be stating there permanently. All the best Wayne."

A flash of disappointment was evident on his face.

"Take care Lyons." He said in a serious and solemn tone.


Chapter thirteen: Baby on the way

Bianca's POV

I had a long night. I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Tony and our unborn child. I was not ready to become a mother let alone give birth to a child.

I was only twenty one. I had a lot to do with my life before I even thought of parenting.

I closed my eyes and rolled off the bed. I still wondered how it was possible. Tony had been withdrawing...

Blasted hell! Except for the night before I left for Milan. He hadn't withdrawn. We had been so consumed by passion I barely paid attention and neither did he.

Did he do it on purpose? He did mention he wanted a baby with me.

I was pregnant.

I was pregnant.

I was pregnant.

I couldn't believe it.

How could I when it was the last thing I ever wanted?

I stared at the city below and as far as my eyes could see, it was snowing heavily. I had grown up in Canada. It was constantly cold there.

I never missed it, not even once. My past was something Ben kept holding over my head. I had taken out a million dollars as a loan and handed it to him. He promised to leave me alone but I knew it would

only be a matter of time before he comes knocking again.

In the meantime I had bigger problems. Arra had given me a phone number for a doctor who would make sure my pregnancy never saw the end of my first trimester.

Why bring a child I couldn't raise into the world? Giving the child up for adoption was an option but wouldn't he or she wonder who their real parents are? Why would I subject the child to that? Why not end it all before it begins?

I wondered how Tony would feel about it but again, what he doesn't know don't hurt him.

I didn't want a baby and I didn't want a relationship with Tony. I was okay on my own and I didn't want any commitments to hold me back from my full potential.

After tossing and turning for most of the night, morning came. I quickly got dressed and made an appointment with the doctor who would separate me from the pregnancy.

The drive there was not


I parked my car a little further and pulled my hoodie down my head so that I couldn't be recognized.

The clinic was a dingy place with not much going on. It was under the guise of a store.

When I walked in, there was a woman by a counter filing her nails. I kept my head low and my hoodie on.

"Doctor Francis," I began. "I have an appointment."

"Have a seat, he's with another patient."

"Thank you."

I took a seat but sat on the edge. I was uneasy. What I was about to do was cruelty at its best but I didn't want a baby. I never ever wanted one.

I tried to block out the thought of what I was about to do but it kept weighing me down to the point I felt I couldn't breath.

I started fanning myself as I imagined the baby growing inside me begging me not to do it. I imagined how I had been abandoned and I felt immense guilt eating me inside out.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the woman at the reception watching me. Maybe she was quietly accusing me of murder.

"If you're not sure, don't do it." She told me.

"Bianca?" A woman's voice called.

She was a nurse.

My eyes darted between her and the receptionist who was probably wondering if was okay.

"You're next." The nurse insisted.

Grabbing my purse I stood up. I gazed at the door and then at the nurse.

Two options.

Walk out still pregnant or walk out without the baby.

Without hesitation after thinking of how my career would end, I walked towards

the nurse. The receptionist gave me a sad look before she went back to filing her nails.

The inside was bright. White fluorescent lighting lit up the place.

"Read these and sign for your consent."

I barely read it and signed it.

"Let's just get this over with." I spoke.

She handed me a hospital gown. I changed into it and walked into the room where an old man was.

He barely smiled as I got on the surgical table.

"Spread your legs."

I nodded and did so.

As he examined me, I stared at all the sharp pointy things clumsy lying all over the place. My heart started pounding.

What the hell was I doing?

James Lyons's POV

I had a private investigator following Bianca is nice she left for Milan. It had been a month now and she was not talking to me.

She was currently in another city and I had flown in to talk to her. As I cleared my luggage, my phone started ringing.


"Sir it's me. I've followed her to a strange looking store."

"What store?"

"I have asked around and the residents here say it's an abortion clinic."

My throat ran dry.

"She went in half an hour ago, should I get her out sir?"

I was still dumb. If she had gone there it meant she was pregnant.

She was going to kill my child!

Dropping my bag, I ran out like the hounds of hell were after

me. I hailed a cab and handed the cab driver a lot of money to drive quickly.

We hit some traffic and frustration surged through me.

"How far is it from here?" I asked after the cab had not moved for five minutes.

"Ten blocks away. If you walk really fast you'll be there in ten minutes."

Without wasting a second later, I got out and ran the entire way. I had to get to her before she killed my baby. I bumped into people, almost got run over twice but the only thing I wanted to do was stop Bianca for making the biggest mistake of her life.

I was almost close to passing out when I reached the address and stormed into the clinic.

"Where is she?" I demanded. "A blonde with green eyes, where is she? Her name is Bianca."

The woman caught my rapid speech and pointed at a red door.

I pushed the door open and saw six more rooms. After budging into each room, I finally found Bianca on a surgery table, her legs spread and a doctor holding a syringe.

"Get away from her!" I yelled as soon as I saw her.

She looked terrified.

I yanked her off the table and stared at her teary eyes. They were void and cold like nothing I had ever seen before. Shaking her repeatedly, I was determined to find out.

"Did you do it?" I asked. "Did you go through with it?"


Chapter fourteen: Prisoner

"Did you do it?" I asked her. "Did you go through with it?"

She started crying and managed to shake her head.

Feeling relieved, I pulled her into my arms. She cried softly and I soothed her by rubbing circles around her back.

"Let's get out of here." I told her as I grabbed her bag and carried her out.

I didn't care that she was still in a hospital gown or that she was barefooted.

It was snowing furiously outside, the snow inches higher than it had been when I got into the clinic.

"Sir, this way." The private investigator guided me to his car.

I got into the back still holding her in my arms. I stroked her belly imagining the harm that could have come to my unborn child if I had been a second later.

He drove us to the hotel room Bianca was staying in. Once we were there, I set her down on the bed.

"I want full details about that clinic. I'm having it shut down. Is that clear?".

"Yes sir. I'll get right to it."

He left and when I got back in the room, Bianca was gone. I could hear the shower so I waited patiently outside the bathroom. I had come so close to losing my baby and Bianca as well.

I was trying to tame my rage but as soon as she opened the bathroom door and stepped out, I lost it.

"Are you insane?" I yelled at the top of my voice.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled back.

"The nerve! You almost hurt our child Bianca! What the hell were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking

Tony. I just wanted the baby out of me."

"At the cost of its life? How can you be so cold?"

She grabbed the table lamp and hurled it in my direction but I dodged it as it smashed against the wall.

I still couldn't shake off the fact that it was aimed for me.

"You shouldn't have gotten me pregnant! I told you I didn't want a bloody baby!"

"You still had no right to decide on an abortion without my bloody consent!"

It was a yelling battle coupled with Bianca hurling anything she could get her hands on at me.

"You didn't ask for my consent when you knocked me up you bloody idiot!"

This time, it was her shoes she was throwing one by one as I dodged each.

"Enough!" I yelled grabbing her by the shoulders and subduing her.

"Let me go!" She demanded.

"Not until you calm down." I insisted holding her until she stopped kicking and screaming.


After a couple of hours, she had worn herself out. She had cried her eyes out soaking her pillow as I watched. I felt pained seeing her like this but I couldn't allow her to do something stupid.

Something Jacob had told me surfaced in my mind.

She needed to grow.

Perhaps it was a mistake on my part to knock up a twenty one year

old thinking I could make get commit.

But like Erma always said, I made my bed, so I must lie on it.

"What now?" She finally spoke.

I wondered if it would have been a good idea to tell her about Monaco.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I don't want to have this baby."

My heart sank.

It was not an after shock of realizing I had impregnated her. She was serious; she didn't want to have my baby.

I sat on the bed not to close to her in case she decided to throw another angry fit.

"Its just nine months Bea. After that, you'll give birth."

"Easy for you to say. You aren't the pregnant one."

"I know but there is a life growing inside you, the fruit of our love Bea. Try and be a little positive."

"No. This is the fruit of deception Tony! You promised you wouldn't get me pregnant and you broke your damn promise!"

I had a feeling it would be a finger pointing game. A game I was tired of playing after the last four hours.

"Fine. It's my fault." I admitted. "I wanted a baby Bianca. I wanted to help you see

that a permanent setting is not so bad."

She sat up her puffy eyes burning with fury.

"You knocked me up on purpose?" She asked.


What was the point of lying to her? Either way, she was an angry mess.

She hurled a pillow at me and I caught it.

"Bea calm down, all this stress is not good for the baby."

"You are a despicable idiot!" She yelled.

What a potty mouth she had.

"That's enough! Calm down!"

"Or what?" She demanded. "What Tony? You'll shut me up?"

I don't know what came over me. I kissed her hoping it would sooth her but I was terribly mistaken. She sank her teeth into my lower lip to the point she almost drew blood. As I moved back in pain, she made a run for the door.

I was faster than her.

I grabbed her and shoved her back on the bed. Getting on top of her I pinned her hands on either side of her head.

"I've had enough of your childish tantrums. You're pregnant. In none months you'll give birth and become a mother. I suggest you come to terms with reality and grow up!"

She spat at me.

What I wanted to do to her at that moment was something the woman who raised me would have reprimanded viciously.

I had raised my hand halfway up when I recalled what she told Jacob and I repeatedly.

At no time should a man ever raise his hand at a


Her voice played put in my mind and I slowly wiped away the spit and got off her.

I made my way to the door and left her alone in the bedroom. I took a moment to breathe before dialling Ferrer's number.

"Are you still in town?" I asked.

"Yes. Why? Did you get shot again?"

"No. I need you to sedate Bianca."

Ferrer went silent.

"I'm sorry but what? Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm asking you to. I need to transport her to Monaco and she won't go willingly."

"Last time I checked, she has a right to decide where she wants to go Tony. Leave her alone."

"Not as long as she's carrying my baby. Please Ferrer, she's a danger to the child and herself. Please help me out."

After a short moment Ferrer grunted and cursed in Spanish.

"On my way. Text me your address."

I did as he asked and when I tried to open the door, Bianca had locked it from the inside.

"Bea! Open the door!" I called out.

There was no response.

I wanted to bring the door down but instead, I called management and explained my situation. I didn't mention the pregnancy but I told them Bianca and I were fighting and I had to talk to her.

A few minutes later, the manager personally used a spare key to get me into the room. When she saw the mess, she was alarmed.

It looked like a bloody hurricane had swept through the place.

"Ill pay for repairs and cleaning." I assured her.

"Okay sir, please excuse me."

She left and I went straight for the bathroom.

"Bianca, why did you lock me out?" I asked her.

She was leaning over the toilet.

"Are you throwing up?" I asked her.

"Go away Tony. I never want to see you again."


"Please just leave me alone." She said before breaking down and crying her eyes out.

After giving her a moment, I decided to tell her my plans.

"Tell me what you need packed up. We're leaving in less than an hour."

"Where are we going?" She asked from the bathroom floor.

"To Monaco. I bought a house for us. It will be our new home."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't want anything to do with you."

"You don't mean that Bea. Please, just allow yourself to accept reality."

"Go to hell!"

There was nothing much I could do.

Pulling out the key from the lock so that she wouldn't lock herself in the bathroom, I proceeded to pack her belongings.

When i was done, I checked up on her. She was still seated on the floor staring at her hands.

I would have to get used to the crazy Bianca for an entire nine months.

A knock at the door got my attention and hers as well.

I opened it and saw her peeking from the bathroom door. Ferrer looked gloomy as he walked in and I guessed he didn't want to sedate Bianca.

"She's pregnant?" He asked.

"Yeah and she tried to get an abortion."

"Mierda!" He cursed.

He set the bag he was carrying down on the bed and pulled out a syringe and a small bottle.

"Has she agreed to this?" Ferrer asked.

"No and I honestly don't care. Just tell me what you need me to do."

"I'm going to need

you to hold her in place." Ferrer spoke in a low tone.

Bianca was watching us but she knew what we were planning as much as she couldn't hear us.

"Will it affect the baby?" I asked.

"No. Let's get this done."

I walked over to the bathroom and Bianca was standing against the vanity. She was scared but I had made up my mind.

"Tony please don't drug me." She pleaded in a broken voice.

"Will you come willingly?" I asked.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Ferrer was already in the bathroom.

"If you touch me I will sue you!" She threatened him.

"Enough Bianca." I warned her as I grabbed her and turned her over.

Pinning her down on the vanity she fought to be free. She was strong for a girl as small as she was.

"Stay still, it will be over soon." I urged her as Ferrer stuck the needle into her bum.

After injecting the drug in, she stilled. She stopped squirming and she fell into mg arms.

"There. Shell be put for a couple of hours. Tony I know this is none of my business but what the hell is going on?"

"I intentionally knocked her up. She doesn't want the baby. I'm taking her to Monaco and locking her up until she is due."

"That's a bad idea but your mind seems to be made up. Be careful."

After Ferrer left, I carried Bianca out of the hotel. We took my private plane and we were in Monaco a few hours later.

Bianca's POV

I woke up to

the sound of chirping birds.

It was a rare sound in the city.

I was all alone on a large bed.

It was a foreign unfamiliar room. It had high ceilings and arched windows. The walls were a soft cream with long yellow drapes hanging by the windows.

After finally sitting up, I recalled Ferrer sticking a needle into me. I recalled Tony hushing me and then silence and darkness.

Was I in Monaco?

I made my way to the window and all I could see was a sprawling garden that stretched as far as the eye could see.

I tried to open the terrace doors but they were locked. I stared down and saw a few men in black suits patrolling the place.

What the bloody hell was going on?

A few seconds later, the large double doors opened and Tony walked in with a tray of food.

"Good morning." He greeted me with a smile.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"In our new home in Monaco." He answered. "Have some breakfast."

I stared at the tray he was holding. Without thinking twice, I shoved the tray put of his hand and watched the tea splattering all over.

Without saying a word, he made his way to the door. A servant came in and hastily cleaned up my mess. I felt bad about it but I had done it to annoy Tony.

After she was gone, he stared at me disapprovingly.

"Throw all the tantrums you want but you're not going anywhere. You'll stay here until you have my baby. After that if you want to jump off the Eiffel tower, I won't stop you."

"You can't hold me here against my will!"

"Get used it Bea. You're my prisoner, this room is your gilded cage and I'm the bloody warden!"

He left immediately and slammed the door shut. I heard him turn the locks. I banged my small fists on the door repeatedly.

"Tony let me out!" I yelled. "Let me out you bloody prick!"

My cries fell to deaf ears.

No one came and I ended up crying myself to sleep.


Chapter fifteen: Insanity

Six months later

James Lyons's POV

Bianca and I had a silent code. For every time she disobeyed me I punished her. She wasn't entirely my prisoner from the start. After arriving in Monaco she had all the freedom to do as she pleased. The first chance she got however, she ran. I had left to set up my new office in town and she left soon after. Had it not been for my bodyguards catching up with her at the airport, I would have lost her and my baby. The penance she paid was her freedom was limited to the estate.

A week later, she tried to drown herself in the pool and I had jumped in to save her. The penance was her freedom being limited to the mansion only. I had taken her for a scan soon after and her seeing that there were two innocent lives growing inside her calmed her down a little.

When I thought things would move calmly, the brain games began. She started to refuse food when I'm with her and after many sleepless nights, a servant informed me that she ate in private and that she was only tormenting me.

That ended and then began the destruction. She had a lot of violence running through her blood. She began smashing things and leaving the servants with a lot of work to do cleaning up after her.

Her waves of destruction had MD repairing the mansion every other week.

She then stole my black card and purchased very expensive antiques and donated them to a charity. It was a noble act although

she went about it the wrong way. If she wanted to contribute to charity she would have asked me and I would have happily written her a fat cheque. Her intentions were even more questionable as she contributed to a charity against slavery. She was trying to send me an indirect message.

Message received but I was not freeing her. She had only three months to go and then she could leave if she wanted to but not with my sons.

Bianca and I were having twins... boys for that matter. I was excited but she was not. She still hated me for getting her pregnant without her consent. We didn't talk anymore and when we did, we argued and she threw anything she could at me. I had mastered a lot of patience because I always managed to walk away.

There were days when I wanted to strangle the life out of her pretty neck and days when I wanted to drown her but I kept reminding myself that I loved this mad and cynical woman and that she was carrying my sons. I am not a saint... so these thoughts were frequent. She was spiteful and always threatening to leave but I was determined to make her stay.

At first my plan was to have her and the boys but now, I had come to terms with the fact that she hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. As soon as she gave birth, I would set her free and take full custody of my sons. I had enough evidence against her that would disqualify her as a good mother.

As I stood outside my bedroom in the terrace looking down at my vandalized cars, I realized that madness was something in born in all of us. It is only a matter of what brings the madness out.

For Bianca, it was the pregnancy. It made her an entirely different person. I regretted setting her free to roam the estate.

She had driven my cars out of the garage one by one all a dozen of them... the classics to the custom made ones... and paraded them where I could see her wave of destruction taking root.

She had smashed the windows and the lights with my golf club. She had keyed the perfect paint job and scribbled her name on each car. As the key met the metal of the car, my heart ached.

I loved my cars and she knew that much.

I could easily replace all the cars but it pained me that she would stoop that low... she hit me where it hurts but I was not going to dignify her actions with a reaction. That is what she wanted... for me to lose my mind like she had lost hers but I would not play into her little scheme.

If both of us lost our sanity, the whole world would burn down to ashes.

She reached my favorite car and looked up at me and smiled wickedly.

"Sir shouldn't we stop her?" Simon asked.

He, Esperanza and my two bodyguards watched in horror as my girlfriend put on the show of a lifetime. The maids were all watching with curiosity as Bianca got away with ruining my property.

"Let her vent. I will replace the cars once she's done."

"What if she does

it again?" Simon asked.

"Then we will keep replacing the cars over and over and over again until she stops the destruction."

She was only three months away and I was not the only one counting down to the seconds. Even the servants were tired of cleaning up after her. She was a handful. She had a fiery temper and the strength of ten men. She had a hunger for destruction and a deathly look in those gorgeous emerald green eyes.

Bianca's POV

I moved on to the Rolce Royce and looked up at Tony. I gave him a wicked smile and he just stared at me. I had made the biggest mess today. If Tony insisted on keeping me locked up then I would make his life hell.

He had burned my travel papers after he caught me trying to flee Monaco. He had taken away my phone and he had me followed even within the house.

After feigning depression and getting the doctor to convince him I needed freedom to walk around, he had set me loose to roam the estate. That gave me a chance to hit him where it hurts... his cars. Tony loved his cars. I did too but a message had to be sent home.

I positioned his golf club and smashed the windscreen of the Rolce Royce. Next I smashed the other windows. I moved on the lights before I pulled out a key and scribbled my name on the bonnet and the sides like I had done the other cars.

I don't know where I was getting the energy from but I had no regrets when I was done. I had entertained the maids and given them something to talk about other than the soap operas they watched.

I looked up at Tony who was now frowning and I blew him a kiss. I accompanied it with a wink before I dragged my heavy belly back into the house.

I was six months along... twin boys... I honestly didn't want them... I wanted my life back... I wanted the life I had before Tony came along and ruined my plans. I wanted my career back and my gorgeous body.

I was sweaty from the workout I had done this morning and I showered. After that I gazed at my body in the mirror. I hated the way I looked. I was so chubby and heavy. I missed my body... nothing seemed to fit for long because my belly grew with each passing month.

Tony walked into my room startling me out of my reverie. He clapped his hands and closed the distance between us.

"Did you have fun destroying my cars love?" He asked as he wrapped his hands around my belly.

Why was he unaffected?

He went down on his knees and he kissed my belly tenderly over and over again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. I was not immune to his kisses but I was not going to entertain him. I attempted to take a step back but he held me tightly.

"I hope my sons will not be as bad tempered as we are. I hope they will not inherit your thirst for destruction Bianca."

I hoped for nothing. I didn't want to become a mother.

He stood up and grabbed a robe wrapping it around my naked body.

"I have a small surprise. Come see."

I didn't want to but I followed him to a room that was in between our own. He opened the double doors and voila!

A nursery.


was amazing with two matching cribs at the center. It had a blue theme with beautiful furniture to match it. It was perfect... fully equipped and ready for use. I turned to watch him and he was smiling.

All these months I have been trying to get on his nerves but he always stayed calm taking his anger out on walls and punching bags but not me... the root source of his anger.

Did I still love him?

I was not sure... with all the anger and hate I was nursing I didn't have room for love.

Love is a trick played by the cruel on the foolish.

Tony was the cruel one. Locking me up as a prisoner and I was the foolish girl who got trapped in this cursed enchantment!

"Is this supposed to make me happy?" I asked him rudely.

"No love... nothing can make you happy. I've already accepted that. This nursery is supposed to help you realize you are about to become a mother and this is where our two sons will be sleeping."

I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"I have already told you over and over again Tony! I don't want to be a mother!" I screamed.

He rubbed his temples and for the first time he yelled back.

"Then what the bloody hell do you want? Tell me and I will make it happen."

"To be free from you!" I yelled again. "I want my life back Tony. I want my career back. I want you gone. I want things to go back to the way they were before I met you!"

James Lyons's POV

My heart ached. If felt like she had drove a knife through it.

I had tried everything

I possibly could to make this woman happy but she fought all my efforts.

"Do you want to have my sons? To raise them as their mother?"

"No. I don't want to be a mother."

Those words hurt more than a stub to the heart.

I placed my hands on her belly and looked at her in the eyes. She really wanted nothing to do with me and the boys.

"Okay love." I spoke in a defeated tone. "Hang in there for three more months and then you can leave once you give birth to my boys."

She looked down. Sadness crept up on her lovely emerald eyes.

"Tony, motherhood is not for me. I would give anything to be free of this pregnancy."

She walked away from me and left me alone in the nursery. My heart ached and so did my spirit. I love Bianca... I love her. How she could hurt me like this was amazing considering I was a strong man... Bianca had managed to bring me down to nothing... to reduce me to a fool in love... to make me hope she would reconsider her gloomy outlook only to leave me in darkness. I was tolerant of her madness because I was crazy for her... I was stupid in love with her and I would endure hell for her.

I left the room and followed after her.

"Love please can you at least give it a try? I want us to be a family."

"I don't want a family. I didn't ask you for a baby Tony!"

She had been playing on that line accusing me of ruining her life plans.

"I know you didn't but you are pregnant."

"I don't want them."

I sighed and reached out for her belly once more. It was the only part of her body she allowed me to touch. It was neutral ground.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes I am. I don't want the boys. I don't want you. I want my old life back. I'm nothing but your prisoner. All I am missing is a chain to my feet and wrists."

"You wouldn't be my prisoner if you just cooperated with me from the start."

"I promise you that I will leave you one way or another." She said bitterly.

My patience had run thin.

"If you dare try to leave I will tie you to the bed and burn this mansion down to the ground!" I yelled.

"Good! I'll leave even if it's in a bloody body bag!"

She pulled away from me and walked to her bedroom. She banged the door shut and I just sighed at the mess I had made. Jacob was right, I had screwed up badly. But there was no going back.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the incoming message.

Jacob: I'm meeting a business man in Monaco in three months. Can I crash at your place?

Me: Sure although you may get caught in the crossfire between my pregnant girlfriend and I.

Jacob: You need to tame Bianca before she puts you between a rock and a hard place. How are you two?

Me: Like tornadoes and volcanoes clashing... see you soon.

Jacob: Just keep your temper in check. One of you has to be sane. See you soon.

I was losing a grip on my temper and sooner or later I would become as insane as Bianca. It's only a matter of when.


Chapter sixteen: my life for yours

Two and a half months later

It was one of those mornings when I struggled to wake up. Bianca and I had argued through the night when she locked herself in the bathroom the whole day. I was worried that she wanted to hurt my sons but she only laughed at me once I brought the door down.

Jacob was there the whole time and he advised me to book her into a hospital and to get the twins removed even if it was prematurely.

He believed it would be the safest option for both Bianca and the twins.

The last two and half months had been pretty much the same although Bianca had turned down her madness by a notch. I thought that she was coming to terms with her condition but how could she when she was living in denial?

Something told me that her sudden calmness was like the calm that comes right before a storm. She was only two weeks away and I hoped she was fatigued enough not to fight any more.

I was starting to open my eyes when my bedroom door budged open and Esperanza stood there looking as pale as death.

"Sir Miss Bianca has just packed a bag and left."

"Where did she go?"

"She is down stairs sir. She wants to leave."

I got out of bed and put on a polo shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.

I followed Esperanza down stairs and I saw Bianca throwing her bag in the boot of one of my cars. She glanced at me and got into the car before I could stop her. I reached the car and tried to open

the door but she had locked it.

"Open the bloody damn door Bianca!" I yelled as I banged on the window.

She started the car and began reversing it.

"Get me my bloody keys!" I yelled at Esperanza who handed me the keys to my Corvette.

I got in and sped off after her. She was already out of the gate and her car was picking up speed. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled Jacob putting him on loud speaker.

"Jacob! I am chasing Bianca down. She got into my bloody McLaren and is trying to get away from me."

"Whoa! Tony, let her go." Jacob said in a pleading but serious voice.

"No! She's mine and I'm not losing her!"

"Let her go Tony, we will find her later. Let her go. Hit the brakes and let her go before you both get hurt."

"Even if it's to the depths of hell, I'm following her."

This right here was my snapping point. I was officially on the highway of insanity that Bianca was on.

I hang up and called Bianca.

"Leave me alone Tony!" She screamed.

"Pull over!" I ordered.

"No! I am not coming back to you! Leave me alone!" She yelled and hang up.

I finally caught up with her as we hit the almost empty highway. It being a Sunday morning, traffic was low. Bianca picked up speed and I hit the gas pedal as well. I gripped my steering wheel determined to get her to stop.

Bianca's POV

I was done with being Tony's prisoner. I wanted my freedom back no matter the cost.

I had stolen his car key after he went to bed and I had promised myself that

it was today or never.

As I hit the highway I stepped on the gas pedal. Tony's car was faster than mine and he was catching up. My heart was racing at the speed I was moving at but I had to get away. After I hung up, I turned to my right and saw Tony trying to overtake me. I stepped on the gas pedal speeding off but he was right behind me.

I turned to my left looking for a way out of the highway when I felt a sharp pain in my belly. I gasped and that is when I felt a little wet. I glanced down sticking my hand beneath my thighs and all I saw was red.

I paJacobed

In that very moment, I looked up at the road and there was a speeding truck coming my way. I had veered off to the wrong lane meant for oncoming vehicles without knowing. I gasped and froze as my whole life flashed right before my eyes. I released the steering wheel coming to terms with my fate which would happen in a few seconds. I turned to my right and saw Tony looking at me.

I was scared... very scared.

He stopped looking at me and sped off ahead of my car by a few inches.

James Lyons's POV

I saw Bianca veering off to the wrong lane.

Was she trying to kill herself and my sons?

I had to think fast. From afar I had spotted an oncoming truck. I had to catch up. I stepped on the gas pedal and my corvette almost took off like a rocket. I was moving so fast I could barely see the road. All I saw was Bianca's horrified face when she realized she was going into a head on collision. I was right next to her car when she turned

and gave me a look that sent fear through my veins. She had let go of the steering wheel... like she had come to terms with her impending doom.

I must have been a mad man for what I did next.

That is how I realized that I was stupid in love with Bea Bianca Buchanan. That I could do anything for her... that I could give my life for hers.

I wasn't thinking about the babies... I was thinking about her. The woman I loved more than my own life.

In the speed of light I managed to swerve my car hitting hers so that she got out of the way as the truck that was also trying to evade Bianca rammed right into my car. The last thing I remember was a loud thud followed by my air bags hitting me hard and my car in mid air... hearing the screeching of breaks and then my car landed down on the road and then total darkness and silence followed.

Bianca's POV

As my eyes were about to close hoping I wouldn't see my own end, I was hit by Tony's car and I veered off the road as his car was smashed by the truck.

I suddenly hit my breaks when I realized I was headed for a stone pillar. The car broke just in time before it rammed into the pillar as my head was banged hard against the steering wheel.

I looked up and saw Tony's car smashed after it flew into the air and rolled several times. The truck had stopped and the driver was running to Tony's aid.

"Tony!" I screamed.

I tried

to open my door but it wouldn't open. I was bleeding profusely and I feeling light headed. Next thing I know, I was passed out.

Twelve hours later

Jacob's POV

Tony is so stubborn! Why didn't he listen to me!

I stood outside the morgue trying to hold a very hysterical Bianca from attacking the hospital staff. I had had enough of her and I wanted to knock her out already but I couldn't. I just kept her at bay dragging her back to the main hospital. I handed her over to the doctors who sedated her and she calmed down once the medicine kicked in.

I went back to the waiting room and found Cole and Ferrer waiting. Bruce came in a few seconds later.

"I saw you by the morgue. Where's Tony?"

"He's in the morgue."

Bruce paled.

"Is he dead?" Bruce asked.

"Part of him is. He's there with his twins." I told him.

James Lyons's POV

I cheated death once again.

How many more lives did I have?... I was unsure.

I stood on a crutch looking at the two babies on the table. I was still unsure whether this was a nightmare or reality. I was still unsure whether I had died or was alive.

If I was alive then I felt dead inside. After my car crashed, a man had pulled me out just in time before it blew up. An ambulance had come soon after and the only injury I suffered was a broken leg and a broken arm. Apart from a few scrapes and bruises, I was fine. The doctors said I was lucky.

I was always lucky. When a bullet

missed my heart by only a few inches and now another narrow escape from death.

Bianca had been pulled out of the car unconscious and bleeding. I had held her hand calling out to her to wake up but she couldn't open her eyes. I was scared of losing her at that time. I was scared of losing my sons. When she got to the hospital, they had to work fast to resuscitate her and get the boys out. I had been separated from her after our arrival at the hospital and taken to a different ER. Soon after I was patched up, I had hopped on my crutch like a mad man looking for her only to run into Jacob. The devastation in his eyes said it all. Someone was dead... who?

He had accompanied me to the morgue where my lifeless sons lay. Two more weeks and I would have been a father... just two more bloody weeks.

Tears slipped my eyes and I took a deep breath as I felt a hand settle on my shoulder. I rarely cried. The last time was when I was a little boy. The pain was consuming me.

"Hang in there Tony." Jacob said to me.

"Hang in there." Bruce said the same thing.

Hang in there... Where exactly? In my darkest moment? In my misery?

"What happened Jacob?" I asked.

"Don't do this to yourself." Jacob told me as he released my shoulder.

His eyes were on me but I was looking at my dead sons. I knew he was sacrificing his own peace of mind to be here with me

while it was a reminder of when he lost his wife but I needed answers.

"Tell me what went wrong." I was firm. "She was just two weeks away."

"They cut her open in an effort to save the boys and the first baby they pulled out was still alive but he couldn't breathe Tony. They tried to resuscitate him but as soon as he opened his eyes, he died."

"What was the color of his eyes?" I asked.

He paused probably unsure of whether I wanted to hear it.

"As green as Bianca's." He said.

"And the second one?" I asked still determined to hear it all.

Jacob ran his hands over his face and sighed deeply.

"He had an umbilical chord wrapped around his neck. He was awake for only a few seconds before he died. Doctors say his lungs failed."

"Did he open his eyes?" I asked.

"Yes he did. He had your eyes Tony. He had your eyes."

He had my eyes. I had already thought of their names. Bianca had wanted no part in even coming up with a name. She didn't want to name a child she didn't intend to raise. I had settled for Scott and Kenan. Scott would be the older one who was pulled out first. The one with green eyes and Kenan would be the second one with my eyes.

"Did Bianca get to see them alive?"

"No. She was passed out the entire time."

"Good. I hope it haunts her eternally to her death and if not, I hope she suffers countless sleepless nights."

I was bitter... very bitter.

I leaned down and kissed both my boys on their foreheads.

"It's too bad daddy never got to hold you two." I told both of them. "I was really looking forward to it."

Silence dawned as I imagined what life would have been like if I had kept Bianca locked up for just two more weeks. Perhaps I would have been a father.

The end would have justified the means.

"Arrange a funeral for tomorrow evening. The little one with green eyes, his name is Scott Bellingerre. The little one with my eyes, his name is Kenan Bellingerre. Where's mom?"

"On her way from Brussels. She'll be here by tomorrow evening."

Was losing them worth the cost that came with chasing after Bianca?

I wished I had listened to Jacob and let her go. Maybe the boys wouldn't have died at the expense of their parents' madness.


Chapter seventeen: Cutting the rope

James Lyons's POV

Jacob had stayed true to his word. He had arranged a funeral. The flowers were white roses suitable for the innocence of my sons. I watched from a distance as the small coffins were lowered into the shared grave. I was still on my crutch but I had left the hospital that night. I needed to get away from the madness. All the boys were in attendance. Cole showed up with his twin Coleen. Bruce and Ferrer came solo. Jacob came with Erma and his daughter. I felt envious watching Madeline in his arms.

Perhaps I was not destined to be a father.

My heart was heavy.

I was in so much emotional pain it hurt like hell.

Bianca was not in attendance and so I imagined she finally realized what it felt like to lose a child. Except in our case we lost two.

"I'm so sorry Tony."

I turned and saw Erma standing next to me.

"Thank you." I said.

"It's hard to be separated from your own child. I'm here of you need anything figlio. Ti amo."

She reached out and took my hand into hers. We stayed like that in silence for a moment. After the twins were buried, she kissed my cheek and she left.

Jacob came by still holding Madeline. I gazed at the little girl and tears laced my eyes. I had come so close to being a father and it got ripped away by my obsessive need to possess Bianca.

"Do you want to hold her?"Jacob asked.

I nodded and I stabilized myself before I took the little girl into my arms. She was a year old now. I kissed her cheek and she smiled at me. She was pretty.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." I told him. "Maybe my boys wouldn't have died."

"Tony, it's not your fault. Shit happens. You acted out of love and you wanted to stop her from hurting herself and the twins but we can't save everybody we love. Take it a day at a time and you'll be okay."

A day at a time sounded hard... This bloody day was not even coming to an end. It seemed to be dragging by the second.

"Does the pain fade Jacob?"

"What pain?" Jacob asked as he turned to face me.

"The pain of losing someone you love to death."

"At first it feels like a recurring nightmare that never ends even when you wake up. It feels like an annoying song on replay. The pain feels fresh every day and you wonder if the days would stop being so long and if the sleepless nights will end. With time, it starts to fade but the smallest reminder throws you back into the dark pit of misery and you start all over again." He spoke solemnly. "Tony, it's going to hurt like hell for a while. Buckle up because you just boarded a roller coaster of misery."

He patted my shoulder and I handed Madeline back to him. He had fought the pain of losing his beloved wife and now I could grasp what he had been dealing with.

"I'm going away. I won't be around

for a while. Please don't look for me."

I needs to be on my own and find some sanity.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I won't tell you. That way you won't look for me. I just need to find myself Jacob. I need to be the man I was before Bianca messed me up."

"I understand. Take care of yourself and remember the answer is never at the bottom of a bottle. I love you kiddo."

He had always called me kiddo.

I offered him a small smile before getting into the waiting car.

"Let's go Simon."

"Yes sir."


I got home a few hours later after I told the boys I wanted to be alone. My servants all offered their deepest condolences and I thanked them. I made my way up stairs to the nursery that would have housed my sons. I was searching for some sort of proximity to them. I was searching for some closure.

I heard sobbing and I caught a glance of Bianca in a corner holding a baby blanket. I was moved by the sight of her but again all she reminded me of was how desperately she had wanted to leave me. How desperate she had been to leave me and my sons behind to go back to her career. To her life.

I pushed the door open and Esperanza walked my way. She had been consoling her.

"My deepest condolences sir." She said sympathetically.

"Thank you. Please leave us alone."

She nodded and left. I sat on a chair facing Bianca and for the longest time we just stared at each other. I was feeling upset with her for her carelessness and part of me was glad she was alive. I still loved her

despite the anger I felt towards her. I wanted to pull her into my arms and comfort her but then she got what she wanted. She was free.

She looked so innocent, tormented and distraught.

She stood up and walked my way. She was in pain probably from her surgery.

She collapsed on her knees beside me and took my hand into her own.

"Tony please forgive me."

I just stared at her. How could I forgive her?

"Please. I am very sorry for the way I behaved. I'm sorry about the death of our sons."

"Are you really?" I asked as I pulled my hand away from hers.

"Yes I am. I'm sorry Tony please forgive me."

How could I possibly forgive something she did intentionally?

"You got what you wanted love. Scott and Kenan are six feet under and they can't slow you down anymore. Go on and live the life you wanted. I'm setting you free."

"No please Tony don't let me go."

"I love you." I said as I cupped her face with my good hand. "I love you so much that I was willing to die just to save your bloody life. I was willing to trade places with you in a heartbeat. The love I feel for you made me blind Bianca. It made me blind to the fact that happy endings don't exist with you. I was hoping I could make you happy and give you a home and children to love but I was wrong."

I managed to stand up with difficulty and I leaned in and kissed her lips as tenderly as I could.

This would be the last time I kiss her.

I looked into her eyes and rubbed her cheek.

"You wanted me out of your life. I am cutting the rope. I'm cutting you loose love. Go ahead and leave. But I want you to know that you are the first and only woman that I will ever love. Now please leave my house and I never ever want to see you ever again."

I turned and I left her on her own. I gave her what she was craving for... her freedom... and now she was free... although my heart ached, I knew this was the right thing to do... our love was just too toxic.

We were not a match. I had loved her and if had all gone to waste.


Chapter eighteen: The Charity Ball

Bianca's POV

"Excuse me miss, are you Bea Bianca Buchanan?" A waitress leaned in and asked.

I looked up at her and smiled.

"Yes I am. Is anything the matter?"

"No madam, I just wanted to inform you that you have been selected to be tonight's bid."

"No, there must be a mistake. I didn't submit my name for selection."

"I'm sorry but I'm only a messenger. If you have any queries you should probably take it up with Sir. Wayne Bellingerre. Please excuse me."

Wayne Bellingerre; Tony's father. Two years ago he had selected me as the bid and Tony had parted with over ten million to take me home with him.

I had received an invitation to Wayne Bellingerre's Annual Charity Ball which consisted of the crème de la crème of high society. To receive an invitation meant you were part of their circle.

I had spent the entire week looking for something to wear. I had settled on a beautiful deep sweet heart cut jade green silk dress that left most of my back bare and ended slightly below my knees. The color of the dress brought out my eyes even more and I paired it with black ankle boots. I had a diamond chocker on my neck and simple diamond stud earrings. My hair was pulled back away from my face.

In my opinion, I looked stunning.

I peered through the crowd and saw Wayne Bellingerre making small talk with some business men.

I stood up and made my way towards him. I got a lot of stares but I didn't mind. I had gotten used to them. Since Tony and I split, all sort of rumours spread about why we broke up. Some of them hurt a lot and I stayed locked up in my house for months before I was back on my feet. My manager had been very understanding and she gave me time off.

Some stares though were not based on the rumours about Tony and I but on the obvious. Since I stopped being seen with Tony, men stared a lot some of them undressing me with their eyes. I was okay with it as long as they didn't touch. There was nothing much I could do anyway.

I reached Wayne Bellingerre and his associates and they all gazed at me.

I caught Wayne Bellingerre looking me over and he smiled. His eyes reminded me of Tony's. The darkness within them and how they quickly brightened up with a smile. Tony's eyes were dark brown while Wayne Bellingerre's were a silver but these two men had a striking resemblance to each other.

"Miss Buchanan, it's lovely to see you again. It's been two years " He greeted as the other men dispersed.

"I don't want to br tonight's bid." I got straight to the point avoiding small talk.

"Last time you raised ten million. I'm hoping to get the same tonight." He responded with a small smile.

He held out his arm to me. I took it and he looked down at me, his height matching Tony's.

"Walk with me." He said and we started walking.

I got nasty looks from the women in the ball room but I ignored them. Tomorrow's headlines in the tabloids would probably read Supermodel ditches son for father.

I sighed and he heard me.

"Anything the matter?" He asked me.

I looked up at him and smiled shaking my head.

We got out to the garden and he released my arm putting both his hands in his pocket. He expression turned a little dark as he focused on me.

"It's nice to meet the woman who has my son by the balls. Forgive my blunt language but no woman has ever captivated Lyons like you did... and still do."

I still meant something to his son?

"Thank you sir but I would prefer not to talk about Tony."

"I understand but just because you won't talk about him doesn't mean the problem is resolved."

"What problem?" I asked.

"You are a clever woman, no doubt you know that you broke my son's heart and now he is this dark hearted man working on auto pilot. You tamed him, something I could never do. Now that you aren't with him anymore he is back to raving, sex, alcohol and making his billions. I do not know how he hasn't had a nervous break down yet."

Tony had been raving, that was no secret and he had gone back to his old womanizing ways. I hated seeing him with a

new woman every other time but I no longer had any rights to him.

"I have no control over what your son does sir."

"You do Bianca. Like I said, you have him by the balls."

He pulled out a cigar and he lit it up and took a puff facing away from me. He then turned his head and gazed at me. I placed my clutch on my chest to hide my exposed cleavage from him.

He chuckled and stopped smoking.

"Bianca, there is no need to hide your well endowed chest. You are a very beautiful woman."

I removed the clutch and set it on my side.

"Don't tell him you saw me with this cigar."

"I can't. The last time I saw him was two years ago."

"Really now? Well there he is." He said pointing to a man in a sharp black tux walking towards the entrance of the ball room.

Wayne Bellingerre pulled out his phone and smiled at me. He dialled a number and I could spot Tony with a phone to his ear.

"Turn to your left." He said to his son.

Tony turned and voila!

"Come over." He said and he hang up.

He turned to me and smiled. He handed his cigar to his body guard and then popped some mints into his mouth. As Tony got closer, I wanted to run but Wayne held me in place by wrapping his hand around my small waist.

"Watch and see how stiff your presence makes him." He whispered with a muffled laugh.

Tony finally reached us and true, he seemed

stiff. His eyes were settled on me and his gaze burned through me. It felt like i was seeing the sun for the first time. He looked so good. He had not aged a bit except for the stubble growing on his face. He locked gazes with me for only a second more after he arrived.

"Good evening Miss Buchanan." He said and he didn't wait for a response before he turned to his father.

"What do you want?" He asked sternly.

"I wanted you to see what you threw away Lyons." Wayne said as he pushed me forward right into Tony's arms.

Tony barely looked at me and it hurt like hell.

He released me and took a step back. If Wayne Bellingerre found this amusing, I didn't.

We remained in silence till he broke it.

"Can I go now?" He asked his father.

Wayne took Tony's hand which he gave begrudgingly and then he took mine and he placed them palm to palm. Tony barely folded his fingers to hold mine. Wayne held our hands in place.

"I know this is not the right forum to discuss this but can the stand off end already? Lyons I liked you better when you were with her. Can't you two kiss and make up already?"

Silence dawned.

I wanted to make amends with Tony whatever the cost but Tony seemed unwilling.

"Father I mean you no disrespect but I have moved on. Miss Buchanan has too. I prefer leaving the past where

it belongs. Please excuse me."

He withdrew his hand from mine, straightened his coat and walked away from us. As soon as he left my hand dropped to my side. The heat that had been surging through me left with him.

"If the two of you have really left your past behind, why are you both so affected by it?" Wayne asked.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"What is it you wanted to ask Bianca?"

"I want you to pick someone else for the bid. I can't do it. I need to go."

"I can't pick someone else because I settled on you. You are stunning and many rich men will be bidding tonight. Imagine the amount of money we will raise for charity tonight."

"What happens if someone wins the bid?"

"If it is Tony, he takes you home and makes love to you... if it's any other man, it's just dinner and that's all."

Tony... would he bid on me?

"You look pale. Take in some fresh air and come in the next half an hour." He kissed my cheek and left me on my own.

Would Tony bid on me? Most likely not.

I went to the ladies bathroom to touch up on my make up and found a beautiful woman with moss green eyes and long brown hair applying blood red lipstick. She glared at me and I had just had enough of the glares.

"Do we have a problem?" I asked her.

"As long as you stay away from my man, we shouldn't have a problem."

Her man? What man?

"Pardon me but who are you referring to?"

"I guess a woman like you has been with so many men you don't even know who I'm talking about."

"Please don't judge me and you don't know me." I shot at her.

"Whatever!" She said. "Just keep your knees together around my man."

She left and I wondered what man she kept referring to.

After a touch up, I left the bathroom. When I got to the ballroom, I spotted Tony at his table with Jacob, Bruce, Ferrer and Cole. That woman who had been threatening me was sited in between Jacob and Tony.

Which of the two was her man? Tony? Would he have replaced me that fast? It had been two years after all. Was it Jacob? Not a chance. Why would she feel I have been with Jacob before?

Although it wouldn't be so bad considering how good he looked.

All those thoughts lingered in my mind as I took my seat and waited to be bid on. A few minutes later Wayne Bellingerre took the stage.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, as usual, we gather here every year to contribute millions for various charities under the Bellingerre Foundation. I know most of you are here for a good course while a selected few are here for dessert."

The audience laughed a little as Wayne's devilish eyes settled on me. I felt a little uncomfortable as everyone witnessed the private look he gave me.

"So let's get to it then Gentlemen, get your cheque books ready. You know how we do. Tonight our lady for auction is the beautiful and stunning Miss Bea Bianca Buchanan!"

There was a round of applause as I stood up and gracefully

walked towards the stage. Wayne held out a hand for me and led me up the steps. I felt shy standing in front of all the curious men. My eyes met Tony's for a moment before he looked away. Jacob's eyes tore through me as Tony whispered something to him. He broke into a rueful smile and whispered to Cole right next to him. Cole nodded and Wayne kicked off the bid.

Bloody hell they were talking about me.


Quarter an hour later, it was over. Wayne Bellingerre walked me over to James Lyons's table and smiled at his son.

"Here I was thinking you would bid on your ex." He said and turned to Cole. "Mr. Harrington congratulations."

He handed me to Cole who gave me a comforting smile. Jacob was not smiling at me and Bruce had a poker face I couldn't read. Ferrer offered me a small smile and Tony ignored me. And then there was the rude woman from the bathroom who held on tightly to Tony's arm.

Sitting at the billionaires' table would be interesting.

All the men suddenly stood up as Cole pulled out a seat in between him and Ferrer. Only after I sat down did they sit.

Talk about being gentlemen.

A conversation about a business project Bruce was doing picked up and I felt left out. I glared back at the rude woman I met in the toilet and then back at my plate. Tony glanced my way occasionally his eyes settling either on my lips or my cleavage and I knew what he was thinking.

I felt awkward so I played with my ice cream. I didn't eat it at all and Cole placed his hand on my thigh underneath

the table. The warmth of his hand startled me.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I want to take off." I told him. "Thank you for the cordial treatment."

"Can you give me ten more minutes then we can go?" He whispered back.

His hand didn't leave my thigh and he kept squeezing as if giving me some sort of reassurance that everything is okay. They kept talking about business and sports and I phased out thankful that Ben Arden had lost the bid to Cole.

He had gotten over his blackmailing phase for one reason or another. Since I handed him the one million, he had moved on.

Cole gave me a tap on my thigh as he stood up. The other men stood up as well and only sat down after I left with Cole. I glanced back at Tony and he was looking at me.

"Are you okay Bianca?" Cole asked once we reached his car.

It was a beautiful black Bentley.

"Yes I am." I said.

He took off his coat as a yawn escaped me. He draped it over my shoulders and gave me a smile.

The deep dimples on either of his cheeks made him look sinfully good. He helped me into his car and he moved on to his side. He got in and drove off. I gave him directions to my place as we went. We caught a little traffic up ahead and he took the chance to look my way.

This man was gorgeous. Sinfully good looking. And he had the kindest heart.

"Thank you for bailing me from Ben Arden." I said.

"Thank Tony."

Tony? Why?


I asked.

"He asked me to bid on his behalf." He said. "Actually he asked Jacob but he refused."

"He hates me too?" I asked.

"Nobody hates you Bianca. You have to understand that Jacob and Tony are like brothers. You offend one of them, you offend them both. Jacob wasn't for the idea of Tony bidding for you because he doesn't want him going through what he went through two years ago."

"Why didn't you refuse?" I asked.

"Because I had nothing to do with what happened and it is not your fault neither is it Tony's. You two made bad choices and that is all there is to it. The past should be left in the past. Besides Ben Arden is not the kind of man to entrust a woman to. In my opinion, Wayne Bellingerre should not allow him to bid."

I smiled at the thought of Tony saving me from Ben Arden. He still cared about me. But how did know about Ben Arden? Maybe it was his bad reputation.

"What if you weren't there? Who would he have asked?"

"Ferrer but with him, you can be sure he will want something in return... maybe a sexual favor."

"Do you want a sexual favor?" I teased.

He smiled at me and shook his head.

"Tony would kill me."

"Would you want a sexual favor?" I pressed on curious about this reserved and well mannered gentleman.

He pulled up in front of my house and he took my hand into his.

"Of course I would. How can a man say no to a beautiful woman like you? Besides I just spent almost twenty million on you which Tony will have to give back."

"I can write you a cheque." I offered. "I can pay you back in installments. I'm not that rich."

"Don't worry, Tony will take care of it. Besides, twenty million is not that much."

In their word it was probably loose change.

I leaned in his way and I wanted to kiss his lips just to say thank you but he placed a finger on them.

"Don't worry it's okay. It was for charity. Don't kiss me because I will want to go all the way and then we will have Tony to deal with."

His voice was low and seductively deep.

"It's just a kiss." I said.

"No need for me to taste what I can't have. It will be torture. Besides, we have a code. Your Tony's ex, you're off limits."

He kissed my cheek and stepped out. He got my door and he walked me all the way up to my apartment. I handed him his coat and he bid me good night before he left. He glanced back and smiled at me.

My breath caught.

Tony's friends were hot!


Chapter nineteen: The flower shop

It was a rainy afternoon when I decided to take shelter in a flower shop. The old lady saw me and smiled.

"Summer rains are so unpredictable." She said to me.

I nodded and I gazed around the shop.

"Looks empty in here. You must have a good business here. You've sold out!"

"Actually it's quite the opposite my dear, I hit some financial trouble and I want to sell the place."

I felt sorry for her as she sounded sad. She was filing some papers and I sat down on the vacant seat.

"Isn't there another way?" I asked her.

"I am old and tired. I can barely keep up with this business."

I was hoping to retire from modelling. I was only twenty three but I was tired of it. I had done it for six years and I hoped to move on to something else. Owning a flower shop wouldn't be such a bad idea. It would be simpler and I could even stay in one place.

Me staying in one place was something new to me. I was hoping for something permanent this time round. I wanted to remain grounded.

"Here is my number." I told her as I scribbled my number and email on a piece of paper. "If you want to sell, I'm interested."

She smiled appreciatively and I glanced at my watch. I was running late for a lingerie photo shoot. I would have to brave the rain.

I thanked her for the shelter and dashed out with my clutch covering my head. If I was going to get drenched, I thought there is no point so I stopped covering my head and walked in the rain. My seven inch boots clicking on the pavement as I walked.

I had

left my car at home because the photo shoot venue was a stone throw away from where I lived.

James Lyons's POV

I hate losing bets.

I had lost one to a good friend of mine and now he was holding me down to deliver my end of the deal. As I drove slowly in the pouring rain, I couldn't help but think about Bea Bianca. She had looked ravishing at the Charity Ball. Her absence from my arms gave a lot of men the liberty to gaze upon her beauty. Her full breasts still lingered in my mind.

Damn that dress she had on!

I had asked Jacob to bid on her just to keep her away from other men but Jacob being the stubborn man he was refused. He turned me down! Cole was more than willing to help and I had followed his car from a distance to make sure he didn't stay the night after he dropped her home.

Bianca was an enticing woman and as much as we were over, she was still mine. I was her first lover and I will be her last. If any other man dared touch her I would make sure they never see day light again. I had been keeping tabs on her to make sure no other man made moves on her. They could look all they want but touching her was a crime.

My obsession with her had only gotten stronger instead of fading.

I still craved for her in ways that left me harder than steel. She caused me sleepless nights.

I had gotten myself a girlfriend to keep me occupied but she lacked the wildness that Bianca had.

She bored me but she fulfilled her purpose.

I turned to my left on the pavement only to see a woman braving the rain. On closer inspection, it was Bianca.

My first instinct was to pull over and offer her a lift but then my black heart wanted her to get rained on. I wanted her to suffer for the pain she had caused me.

I did what any other gentleman would do. I pulled over and honked at her. She turned my way and I lowered the window on the passenger side. I signalled her to come over and she froze looking at me for the longest time. Her green eyes sparkled causing my heart to skip a beat. I had missed getting lost in those eyes. I switched off the car. I grabbed an umbrella from the back and stepped out into the rain. I walked up to her and covered her. Her white chiffon blouse clinged to her molding out her full breasts. Apart from her sweet lips that was my best part of her. I smiled at her and she just stared like she couldn't believe it was me.

We stood there for the longest time as we just gazed into each others eyes. We had made the tabloids today with a photo of us holding hands after my father had made us hold hands. The caption was still clear... 'Getting back together?'

Would it be so bad?


But I didn't want that toxic relationship back. I was done with her. She was my poison.

"Where to?" I asked her.

"Just a few blocks from here." She

said and her beautiful voice made me catch my breath for a moment.

"Me too. Let's go then?"

Bianca's POV

I was shocked to be standing next to the very man I thought about each second of my life.

"Yes. Let's go." I agreed.

I followed him to a white Range Rover and he opened the door for me.

Once he got in, he shoved the wet umbrella in the back. Thank goodness his seats were leather. I would have hated getting them soaked.

He began driving and I noted his casual wear. He was in a pair of khaki trousers folded at the bottom with a fitting pilot shirt and a pair of expensive Italian loafers. He had a gold Cartier watch on his right wrist and a Gothic ring on the middle finger of his left hand. The stubble on his face made him look more perfect than ever.

"You lost your privilege to stare love." He stated bluntly.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and looked away. "Thank you for asking Cole to bid on your behalf. I really didn't want to go home with Ben Arden."

"Sure. It was my obligation as a descent man. Ben Arden is a pervert."

His tone of voice was sharp and I ignored him. He glanced my way and then scoffed.

"Have you grown so sensitive love that you get offended so fast?"

Love... he still called me love.

"I believe I lost the privilege of being called love. Shouldn't it be Miss. Buchanan as you insisted on calling me yesterday? As I should probably

call you Mr. Bellingerre?" I asked calmly.

He went quiet and he didn't say a word even after I directed him to where we were headed. After he parked the car, I reached for the door ready to open it. Without glancing his way, I thanked him for the lift and I stepped out of the car walking in the rain until I reached the building.

James Lyons's POV

I couldn't believe my luck.

The photo shoot I submitted to was for a fitness magazine. What were the chances that Bianca was headed to the same place?

I got out of the car with my umbrella and walked inside.

I got on the same elevator with Bianca but we didn't speak. She literally looked away from me the entire time. When we got to the floor we were both headed to, she went the opposite way and I went the other way.

At least it wasn't the same shoot.

I got to the venue and my good friend Fabio, owner and editor of the health and fitness magazine greeted me.

"Tony!" Good to see you." He said excitedly.

"Fabio, I trust I made your day by losing the bet ."

"You have no idea amico. This issue of my magazine will sell like hot cakes with your handsome face and perfect body gracing my cover. Come, let's get you undressed and get some shots of those muscles you hide beneath your shirt." He said as he handed me over to women who looked abnormally happy to see me.

I gazed around and sighed.

I hated photo shoots!

Bianca's POV

I hated lingerie photo shoots. It was a closed set but still I felt a little uncomfortable. The pieces

I was displaying were very sexually alluring lingeries. My worst was the shoots that required me in a thong only with my fingers covering my pink buds.

I had modelled most pieces except for my nightmare.

That came a half an hour later.

This is the part of my job that I hated but my manager always got me these gigs saying I had a perfect body.

As I placed my index and middle fingers on either nipples of my breast and posed with lacy under wears only, I spotted Tony watching me. I lost my resolve and just stood still as I looked at his dark eyes. I then remembered he said I wasn't allowed to look at him anymore and I turned my back to him. Tears stung my eyes at how much I wanted to get back with him but only he could let me back in if he wanted to.

"Okay Bea we are done!" The photographer announced.

When I turned, he was gone.

I was offered some dry clothing and I accepted gladly. It was a pair of denims and a crop top. It was already sunny outside. I thanked the staff and I left after looking at some of the photos I took. I was just waiting for the elevator when Tony joined me.

"You got your body back." He said.

"Am I allowed to speak to you Mr. Bellingerre?" I asked respectfully.

"Only when I speak to you. Last time I saw you naked you were nine months pregnant. Do you remember how much you hated your figure? How you smashed mirrors so that you wouldn't have to look at yourself? How you hated me for getting you pregnant?"

His words were sharp and cold and

tears slipped my eyes. I wanted him to stop. I still thought about Scott and Kenan. I could have handled the pregnancy better. I wiped away my tears.

"Are you happier now that my sons are no longer a bother and hindrance to your career?" He taunted some more.

What the bloody hell was wrong with this man? I had suffered just as much as he had.

The elevator opened and I walked in. He joined me but as soon as it moved he hit the stop button. I glanced at him as he approached me.

"What good does crying do love? Does it help you to sleep better at night?" He taunted viciously.

My breath caught as I sniffled and sobbed a familiar pain that I had fought for two years took root in my heart. Why was he taunting me?

"Answer me!" He yelled as his fist met the steel wall just an inch from my head.

I gasped at how close he had come to punching me in the face.

I refused to look at him despite that and he cornered me and forced me to look at him cupping my chin tightly with his spare hand.

"I barely sleep thinking about my sons day and night Bianca! Day and night! They would have been two years old today!"

I looked down.

"Look at me damn it!" He demanded.

I looked up and his eyes burned with anger. I was vulnerable right now. First we were in an elevator that was locked from inside, then he was in a foul mood and lastly, I was not pregnant so he had nothing

to loose if he slammed repeatedly against the cold steel of the elevator.

"Tell me what I can say or do to make it better Tony." I begged.

He scoffed and slammed me against the steel wall. His eyes were murderous.

"You can go back in time and stop yourself from getting into my bloody Benz and speeding off or better yet, I should go back in time and stop myself from saving your bloody life. I should have let you die!"

"Then kill me already if it will make you feel better!" I yelled.

He turned in the opposite direction and delivered a series of punches to the steel wall of the elevator. He growled angrily before he turned to face me. He took deep breaths and counted silently.

"I want to hate you Bianca!" He said. "But even after all you did I still am foolishly in love with you. You are my first thought when I wake up and my last thought before I sleep. I love you Bianca. I love you more than my own life and the truth is, I would die for you all over again if you asked me to. I will do anything for you. You have messed me up."

I was speechless.

He hit the button and the elevator moved as I tried to compose myself. I wiped off the tears from my eyes and my mascara ran as he acted like nothing had happened. When it opened, he got out and he left me there. I followed at a distance and hailed a taxi as he got into his Range Rover. He drove off and threw me a spiteful look.

I gave my address to the driver and in a few minutes I was home. I got into the house and I broke down sobbing like my life depended on it.

What did Tony really want from me? One second he wanted me dead... another second he would die for me?

I still remembered how he had wedged his car in between me and the truck to save my life. I owed him my life. I was indebted to him. My door bell rang and I hesitated to open. It rang again and I opened it.

"Cole." I said.

"Bianca." He responded. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing." I said as I stepped out of the way to allow him in.

He walked in and I observed his towering height and his casual wear.

He smiled at me and sat down on the couch.

"Tell me why you are crying." He said.

I broke down and cried even more and he held me tightly. I just cried continuously until I couldn't anymore. Since the death of the boys, this was the first person to hold me and console me. I narrated what happened with Tony as he listened attentively.

"Bianca, don't take anything Tony does or says personally. He's just grieving the loss of his sons and his brother."

I raised my eyes to him and he nodded.

"Yes, he lost his brother about a week ago. That is why he is in London. Otherwise he would still be clubbing in Abu Dhabi."

"I didn't hear about it." I said.

Wayne Bellingerre never even showed any sadness.

"It was a suicide. Not many people know about it. Keep it to yourself."

Poor Tony, no wonder he was so moody earlier. He's still grieving.

"Bianca, take my advice and give Tony his space. When he is ready to let you in, he will but don't push your way in."


Chapter twenty: a new friend

Bianca's POV

I woke up at noon the next day and sulked. Cole and I had talked for most of the night and he left later than I had expected. He had to be the nicest guy among Tony's friends. I felt so bad that I hadn't consoled Tony after he lost his brother.

Cole had helped me with my business plan and even offered me a small loan that I could refund once my soon to be flower shop was up and running. He considered it a small loan but it was a significant sum. Of course to these billionaires it was loose change.

I got out of bed, showered and dressed. I had received an email from the old lady at the shop. She informed me that she was ready to sell and had even sent the purchase price. I replied back asking her not to sell to anyone else. I would go to the bank and make the transactions necessary to buy the place.

I was thrilled!

This is what I needed, a distraction.


James Lyons's POV

I woke up in a very bad mood.

First thing I did after I got home yesterday was to bang my new girlfriend. Afterwards, I went out clubbing with Ferrer as it was his last day in town. I of course took two girls to a hotel room and we had our own private party.

I came back at three in the morning and found Hanna by the door of the Bellingerre mansion staring at me spitefully. Of course she went on and on about me being unfaithful and blablabla... I didn't hear most part until she dared drag my Bianca into the conversation. I had given her a piece of my mind. After that I kicked her out.

I hated clingy women. Only Bianca was allowed

to be clingy.

Now I was single again.

My head was throbbing and I had an epic hangover.

I got out of bed late in the afternoon and showered. Afterwards I put on my sun glasses and went down stairs for lunch or whatever the kitchen staff had in store. That house was too bloody bright. I met my father on his way out and he stopped to examine me.

"Lyons you are going down hill." He said to me.

"Good afternoon to you too." I mumbled as I attempted to walk past him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He had a strong arm for a man of his age.

"Lyons, I just lost a son a week ago. I won't lose you too to your over drinking. Did you drive yourself home last night?"

"Yes. So what?" I asked.

"You could have gotten into an accident. Lyons please take care of yourself. Grief shouldn't weaken you like this."

"Not everyone's heart is as dead as yours Wayne. You kicked my sister out and then me. You then drove Rei to his own death by forcing him to marry that crazy Brianne! It's your damn fault you are alone. Don't pin it on anyone else."

I was getting fired up. My father just gazed at me.

"Get your shit together Lyons."

That is all he said as he left.

What great advice from a living father.

Bianca's POV




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