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Vegas Virgin: Bad Boy & Virgin Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 1) by Callahan, Kelli (16)


C hapter 1: Heather

The sun had been down for a while and what was supposed to be a great trip to the Appalachian Mountains with friends had turned into a miserable tour of falling snow as I drove down a long, seemingly deserted road. Even the radio had given up on me as I fought between bouts of static for a brief melody of actual music. I didn’t even care if it was a genre I hated if it kept me company and reminded me I wasn’t alone in the world. Each push of the radio’s scan button brought a little bit of hope, but it wasn’t long until the static started again and the music was drowned out.

“Come on. Give me something.” I tapped the radio and hit the scan button again.

My cell phone was dying and I hadn’t even thought to pick up my car charger because I thought I would find the cabin I was searching for long before it ran out of juice. It wouldn’t have helped anyway because the reception was so bad my GPS couldn’t even get a signal. I stared at the spinning circle indicating it was searching for satellites, but it always timed out before anything was found.


I cranked the heater up another notch and tried to peer through the mixture of snow and ice forming on my windshield. The wiper kept pushing it out of my line of sight, but the cold outside was making it harder to defrost as the temperature dropped. I squinted my eyes against the darkness and tried to see with the abysmal light the high beams were managing to produce in the falling snow. Mostly I just got a reflection of snow that seemed to be falling in sheets instead of flakes.

Yeah, this is bad.

The situation was going to turn from bad to dangerous very soon if I didn’t find a road sign to guide me back to civilization. I wasn’t even sure where I took a wrong turn. I tried to remember the landmarks and follow my GPS even when the signal went out, but I had made a terrible mistake somewhere along the way. The road stretched on, my eyes got weary, and the gas meter signaled that the end of my journey was coming fast.

“Please, just a bar. A half a bar? A quarter of a bar?” I picked up my cell phone and tried to get a signal but I was still met with nothing. I even tried flipping it into airplane mode in hopes of somehow picking up a distant service tower, but it went right back to zero bars when I told it to search for a cellular signal.

Driving around in the dark until my car ran out of gas wasn’t going to help the situation and there was nothing for miles that I could see. It certainly didn’t help that my vision was fairly obscured by the frost on my windshield and the blinding snow falling in front of me. I let my car roll to a stop and kept the engine running as I thought about my situation.

Am I the only person on this freaking road?

I pulled my coat from the bag behind me and opened my door. I just needed to get a lay of the land and see if I could somehow get a signal if I wasn’t confined to my car. My coat did little to protect me from the elements as I wandered away from my headlights with my phone in the air, searching for any sign of service. I was met with a constant row of empty bars, and every step I took plunged me further into the darkness.

“Come on...” I muttered through chattering teeth.

I heard noises in the distance and felt fear creeping up my spine. It was cold, but there were still wild animals out there, especially in the mountains. I turned towards my car and quickly ran back to safety.

Yeah, forget that.

Exiting and entering the vehicle had broken the warm seal I was enjoying from my heater, so I cranked the heater up as high as it would go and blew into my hands. After a few minutes, I could no longer see my breath so I took off my jacket and killed the headlights. It wasn’t like anyone was going to see them anyway.

What in the world am I going to do?

Somewhere in the distance, further up the mountain, was a cabin filled with some of my closest friends. It was supposed to be a party far from civilization, a party that lasted several days. My friends were probably already drunk, and rightfully so. I would have been doing the same thing if I wasn’t lost in the middle of nowhere facing the darkness and starting to panic.

I wasn’t sure how long my car would run if I just left it sitting there with the heater going, but I was certain it wasn’t going to last the night. I had no idea if the road I got lost on was traveled or if I was going to be stuck there until I eventually froze to death.

I peered out every window, looking for some sign of light—any sort of beacon to guide me towards civilization—but the only light I saw was the reflection of the moon peeking through part of a cloud and bouncing off of the snow around me. It was accumulating fast. If I hadn’t gotten started late, I would have made it to the cabin before nightfall and everything would have been fine. I silently cursed my terrible sense of direction.

“Drive until I run out of gas or sit here and hope someone shows up before I run out of gas...” I stammered angrily. “I’m too far down this road to just turn around.”

It was a risk either way. I could get ten miles out of the gas I had left if the screen on my dash was correct, but I had no idea if ten miles would put me any closer to safety. If I just stayed in one spot, I would be able to last a lot longer, but I was gambling on someone finding me. I wished I had Google to tell me what to do instead of needing to rely on my own intuition because I was certain I shouldn’t be trusted to decide my fate in a life or death situation like the one I was in.

Nature seemed to make the decision for me as I realized exactly how tired I was. The adrenaline of the situation was starting to wear off and the coffee cup in my console had been empty for a very long time.

If I was going to be forced to walk, doing it in the daylight seemed like a lot better option than trying to do it in the dark, and I seemed to remember my friends saying we might get bad weather Friday night, but the rest of the weekend was supposed to be clear. If they were right, I would only have to battle melting snow and ice when morning came. I decided that I was there for the night, or until I was found, so I tried to make myself comfortable.

“I’ve slept in a car before.” I said aimlessly. “I’ll just bundle up.”

I felt fear rising inside of me as the gas gauge dropped and finally gave out. Once the engine stopped, the heat that was blowing out of my vents was sorely missed. I had no options after that. If I was going to survive until morning, I was going to have to do it in the cold.

The fog on my windows started to frost over even worse and it got really dark when the moon disappeared behind the clouds that seemed to come together and close the crack. My car didn’t do enough to insulate me from the sounds all around me without the engine running. I could hear the whirling wind whipping against the car and I could hear the trees shaking—creaking. I could even hear the distant howls of a wolf but thankfully it sounded far, far away.

I closed my eyes and tried to force sleep, but while I was tired and drained, I was also starting to get colder. I pulled my coat around me, and then stacked a couple of shirts on top of it. My face was still cold, so I pulled a couple of shirts up over my nose, letting my breath warm them enough to dull the chill.

I felt like a natural survivalist for a moment, somehow managing to improvise with the meager supplies I had to create a cocoon of warmth. I dug into my bag again for more clothes, stuffing them in the seat around me to provide more insulation. When I got to the bottom of the bag, I felt the bottle of wine I had packed as tribute for the communal alcohol pool we planned to drink our way through before the end of the weekend. I thought about it for a couple of minutes and then pulled the bottle out.

“I always get warm when I drink...” I muttered as I started to remove the seal around the top.

I didn’t have a corkscrew and my plan seemed to be for naught as I stared at the bottle, but then I got an idea based on a video I had seen someone post on their social media page. I dug in my purse for a pen and used the flat end to start pushing on the cork from the top. It took a little effort and caused most of my covers to get tossed around as I fought with it, but I was finally able to push the cork into the liquid below.

“Victory! Thank goodness something is going my way.” I stared at the cork with a bit of a smile forming on my chilled lips.

Once the cork was shoved through the top of the bottle, I was able to pour some wine into my coffee cup. It had a coffee taste at first, but the wine cut through it quickly. I wasn’t drinking it for the taste at that point. I hoped the wine would not only warm me up a little bit, but also make me tired enough to get some sleep. My stomach was rumbling a bit as well and I didn’t pack any snacks.

Down the hatch. Just drink it.

I stopped worrying after I finished off a couple of cups and felt like I could survive the night without any issues at all. The bulletproof feeling I often got after a few drinks came on quickly when the wine mixed with the emptiness of my stomach. The alcohol started to warm me up significantly after about an hour and I was feeling a lot better. The tips of my fingers were no longer cold to the touch and the blood was coursing through my extremities with ease once again. I still wasn’t tired, but I was feeling something else taking over—another urge that I often felt when I had a few drinks.

“You’re in the middle of nowhere, Heather...” I poured another cup and stared at the red liquid. “Why not?”

The seat was leaned back and the windows were frosted. A light layer of snow had already formed over the car. The fact nobody had come by so far suggested my future would involve walking towards civilization when the sun came up if I survived the night.

If I’m going to die, at least I can die happy.

I knew one way to easily raise my body temperature and my inhibitions were lifted thanks to the wine. I slid both hands under the bulk of clothes covering me and unbuttoned my jeans. I pushed them, along with my panties, down to the floorboard and started to move my finger in a circle around the outside edge of my clitoris. My legs got cold, but the pleasure made up for the momentary chill.

Damn, it has been a while.

Even though I had never experienced a vaginal orgasm, I was certainly no stranger to rubbing my clitoris until it hummed with pleasure. The safety of bringing myself to orgasm using my clitoris had been my go-to method of masturbation since I first discovered how great it felt. My pussy was still a bit of a mystery that I didn’t understand. I wasn’t even sure how to get the same sense of pleasure out of it. I tried to penetrate it a couple of times with my fingers, but I was afraid to push them too far in, especially when I put too much pressure on my hymen. Being a virgin at nineteen seemed to be a bit of an anomaly amongst my friends, but I wasn’t really interested in having sex with someone just to do it. I wanted to find the right guy and possibly even wait until marriage—I was flexible on that part. I rubbed my clitoris a little harder and moaned.

There we go.

My hips moved in a grinding motion as my finger swirled around the outside of my clit and the sensitive bundle of nerves started to get even more aroused. When it was fully exposed, I used some of the vaginal secretions from my excitement to get a smooth glide across the hard knot formed from the overwhelming feeling of bliss flowing through my whole body.

“Oh God...” I tightened my lips and felt a moan rising in my throat.

I had a few fantasies in my imagination that always got me excited and the scrolling list of men willing to make me cum spun faster in my head as I picked up the pace. One day I hoped to find the right man so I wouldn’t have to rely on my imagination for excitement. Until that time came, my mental images were all I had.

“Don’t stop.” I moaned again, a little louder—I had no reason to be quiet while my imaginary lover ravaged my body.

I imagined his kiss, his touch, and a hard cock that swelled because he wanted me. I spread my legs wider and felt a strong tingling sensation in my abdomen. It was like electricity centered in my clitoris, expanding through me as I got closer and closer. I moaned slightly, groaning with each passing second of pleasure. The pace got faster and I was practically abusing my clitoris, forcing as much pleasure as I could out the moment.

“Harder.” I drew a panted breath that was coupled with a groan. “Make me cum!”

I bit down on my lip and kept going, pressing my hips upwards and then letting them sink down as I recoiled with the lust of my own touch. It didn’t take long for the feeling to overwhelm me and I knew I was at the point of no return. I held onto that moment, clinging to every bit of elation before the intoxication of titillation wore off—it came quicker than I would have liked. My orgasm was powerful, causing my vaginal walls to spasm slightly. I kept encircling my clitoris even as the orgasm started, trying to keep it going as long as possible. My whole body surged with pleasure as the feeling engulfed me. I kept my finger moving until it was so sensitive I couldn’t even stand to touch it.

“Wow...” The afterglow of my orgasm held me in the cradle of tranquility for a moment.

I think a performance that good deserves a cigarette.

I rarely smoked, but when I had a few drinks with friends, I usually ended up asking them for one. The first pack I had ever purchased with my own money was in my purse because I didn’t want to be a leech the whole weekend.

I tore the plastic that surrounded the pack and flipped open the box. The smell of tobacco made my stomach curl a little bit, but I knew I wouldn’t care once it was lit and I felt the first hit of nicotine. I pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it, feeling warm all over. After a few drags, the car was filled with smoke and began to rethink the decision. I couldn’t crack a window which meant all my stuff would smell like smoke and the limited air supply I did have would be recycled nicotine for the rest of the night. I hated the smell of stale smoke, especially when it started to build in a circle around my face. I let it burn for a couple more puffs and then put it out in the bottom of my coffee cup, quickly covering it with the lid so the smell would be suffocated.

That was disgusting.

I was finally tired, to the point that I couldn’t keep my eyes open if I tried. The wine mixed with my orgasm had made me quite toasty, to the point I didn’t even care that I could see my breath if my lips weren’t covered. Sleep was coming for me so I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle when the sun came up—if I could sleep that long. I pulled my coat and my extra clothes close as I snuggled in for what I expected to be a difficult night of sleep. The light buzz of nicotine wasn’t enough to overpower the fatigue I was feeling from head to toe.

Dear God, if you’re out there—please don’t let me die. I promise to go to church, read the Bible, sing hymns, whatever you want—just get me out of this alive.

Chapter 2: Shane

Earlier that day

After six years of living alone in the mountains, preparing for a snowstorm was second nature. When the weather said we were going to get hit by some snow and a little ice, I headed to the closest town so I could stock up. Kerosene for the generator was the main concern so all the food I had stored wouldn’t go to waste if I lost power, and then a little bit of inebriation to pass the time. I usually went for a bottle of whiskey and a few overpriced cigars.

The whiskey could be shit, but I would add a zero to the purchase for good hand-rolled tobacco. The impending storm would require a little distraction and I felt like I deserved it since I was celebrating another year in the middle of nowhere with nothing to worry about but my own survival. The weatherman on television said the coming storm was nothing to be afraid of, but I knew he was talking out of his ass. I could smell it in the air.

The fancy electronics they used to predict the weather had nothing on good old-fashioned experience and I knew we were looking at a rough few days—that would be the best-case scenario. If I didn’t trust my own judgment, the fact that the locals were busy clearing out the shelves was proof enough. I was overly cautious sometimes, but when the poorest residents on the mountain were grabbing premium bread because the generic brand was sold out, it was cause for concern. I had no reason to panic, I just simply got the stuff I needed and loaded them into my truck. Everyone was nice even enough, even if their accents were as Tennessee as they could be.

“Only one bottle?” Mr. Blanchard stared at the bottle of whiskey on the counter in front of him and then lifted his eyes to meet mine.

“Do you think I should go for two?” His stare was less than subtle, so I made the decision in my mind before he confirmed it.

“I would go for three—of the big bottles.” He pointed at the rack of whiskey and moved his finger towards the largest one they had. “I got those cigars you wanted as well.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you, Mr. Blanchard.” I picked up the bottle on the counter and walked back to the display. I traded it for the larger bottle and gathered three more in my arms.

My total flashed across the screen and I handed him some cash. I trusted Mr. Blanchard more than I trusted most folks. He wasn’t the type to push sales on anyone, so if he said I needed three, I probably needed four. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in a snowstorm without booze. It wasn’t like I had anything else to entertain myself with.

Fuck that.

I finished loading my truck with the things I needed to survive and partially enjoy the damn storm. I looked around the sleepy town, bustling with more activity than I normally saw there when it wasn’t tourist season. I was ready to go home and crack open a bottle of whiskey, but I was hungry. I decided to walk across the street to the local diner for a late lunch. Even with all the activity in the town, it didn’t seem like anyone was eating there. I walked inside and surveyed the empty room. It didn’t take long for Mrs. Eaton to appear around the corner and wave for me to take a seat.

“Shane! It’s so good to see you. Let me get you a glass of sweet tea.” She smiled and then rushed over to the fridge.

“Thank you, Mrs. Eaton. Are you all set for the storm?” I sat down at one of the chairs in front of the long bar which was adorned with glass covered cylinders filled with cakes and pies.

“Yeah, Hank has boarded up the windows and fired up the generator. I’ll be heading home when the first flake starts falling.” She poured a glass of sweet tea and pushed it over to me. They had the best sweet tea I had ever tasted and I had no idea how the people who drank it every day weren’t already diabetic.

“Are you two going to make a snow baby?” I grinned at her and winked.

“Oh my.” She giggled and her tired wrinkly face started to blush. “I won’t be making any more babies, but I told Hank to refill his Viagra.”

“He’s a lucky man.” I sipped the sweet tea again.

“You just got yourself a free slice of pie. Keep those compliments coming and you might even get free refills.” She picked up a menu and leaned over the bar.

“If I keep it up, I might have to steal you away and take you home with me for the storm.” I took the menu from her.

“You need to come around here more, Shane. Everyone in town is so...into Jesus.” A cackle rose up in her throat and shook her head.

“I’m not really friends with him, so I don’t have to watch what I say.” I pointed at the Country Fried Steak. “You know what I want.”

“Yep, it’s always the same. Extra gravy and mashed potatoes?” It was rhetorical since I hadn’t changed my order once since I started coming in there.

“Yes ma’am.” I nodded.

Country Fried Steak covered in her delicious gravy was one of my favorite meals. I had enough food on my shelves and in my freezer to last the entire winter, but my sweet tea was terrible and my gravy was barely more than liquid slop. Since I couldn’t make those, it was nothing more than a waste of time to sludge through the ordeal of making Country Fried Steak. Normally I just threw a piece of meat on the grill and ate it with fresh vegetables from the garden—during the winter, I just ate the extra stuff I had canned.

It took a while for Mrs. Eaton to get everything prepared since Hank wasn’t there to help her, but it was amazing when she finally did get it finished. Adding the pie on top of the sweet tea was an overdose of sugar, but I couldn’t turn it down since it was free.

“You stay warm.” I dropped some cash, along with a tip that was almost double the cost of my meal next to my plate. “Tell Hank I’m coming for you if he doesn’t treat you right.”

“He’ll probably tell me to pack my shit.” She laughed as she picked up my plate. “You still haven’t kidnapped a hiker or clubbed a tourist so you have someone to keep you warm?”

“Not yet, but tourist season will be here soon.” I winked at her and walked out of the restaurant.

With my belly fuller than it had been in a long time, I climbed back into my truck and set out for the edge of town and the long stretch of road that led up the mountain to my cabin with one thing on my mind...

Time to drink my way through this fucking storm.


I LOVED HAVING A CABIN that was out of the way and tucked into the mountains, but close enough to get back and forth to town when the situation called for it. I pressed on the gas and let my hand rest on the wheel. It was getting colder, but it would be a few hours before the snow started to fall. I looked ahead and saw a red sedan driving well below the speed limit in the slow lane. I wasn’t in the mood to go slow, so I hit the accelerator and pulled into the passing lane. I saw a glimpse of blonde hair hanging around a gorgeous face.

“Oh, what do we have here?” I looked to my right as I accelerated and narrowed my eyes to get a better look at her.

It was rare to see a young, beautiful girl in Wolf Creek, so I couldn’t help but take notice. Wolf Creek was a dying community and most of the younger people had moved away. Even with a few years of my thirties behind me, I was still one of the youngest residents. They had welcomed me, mostly because I flirted with the older women and made their husbands jealous. They knew I wasn’t serious, and I’m sure I caused a few of the men to get some enthusiastic sex after I complimented their women. Hank might even need two pills when Mrs. Blanchard got home.

There was enough tourism to keep the retirees afloat, especially in the winter months. I assumed the blonde goddess struggling with her electronic devices was on vacation. I could tell by the frustration on her face that she was not getting what she wanted out of them. It was early in the year for tourism since we hadn’t received even a hint of snow, but based on her age, it made sense.

Keep it up, princess. Frustration looks great on you.

Wolf Creek didn’t exactly have the best reception for modern technology. Cell phones were less popular than land lines and the towers were pretty far away. It was like driving into a technological black hole for most people. The sheriff usually stayed busy during the vacation months, helping those that got lost on the way to their destination because they couldn’t read a fucking map.

I knew the mountains like the back of my hand, along with every back road and well-worn trail. I let my truck keep the same speed as her sedan for several miles, but she never looked over. She was entranced by her devices, which clearly weren’t working. All of her flailing was enough for me to get a damn good view of her and I sure as fuck liked what I saw. It was a shame I couldn’t just run her off the road and kidnap her like Mrs. Blanchard jokingly suggested.

“So pretty.” I muttered. “I’ll be thinking about you tonight—especially those tits.”

I hit the gas and passed her, keeping her car in the rear-view mirror for a little while. Laying eyes on the blonde goddess snapped reality back to my cock and it gave me a throbbing sensation against my zipper to remind me how long it had been since I used it to pound a beautiful piece of ass.

Fuck. I probably would bury it in Mrs. Blanchard at this point...

Retiring at a young age and leaving the world behind for the solitude of the mountains had some negatives. It wasn’t like the local bars were going to offer me anything worth fucking except for the occasional tourist, but they were usually there with a boyfriend or a husband. The single girls usually traveled in packs and there were usually a few guys with them, even if they weren’t actively dating. The blonde in the red sedan was an anomaly, but she was likely headed to meet friends.

As I neared my turn, I noticed she had disappeared in the rear-view. I slowed down to wait, just to make sure she didn’t do what I thought she did. When her car didn’t appear on the horizon, I realized she had turned down Devil’s Pass. None of the locals used that road and there were no vacation cabins anywhere near it. It was originally planned to be an interstate route, but some rich asshole convinced them to run it through a town fifty miles away so it would be closer to his hotels.

“Good luck, blonde goddess. I hope you don’t get eaten by wolves—unless they save the good parts for me.” I laughed and headed up the mountain to my cabin.

I doubted she would continue down the stretch of road for long. Even with the technological black hole we were in, she would have to realize the road wasn’t taking her anywhere. Either way, she wasn’t my problem.

I got the visual. That’s good enough for tonight.

The storm was coming and I had things to do before I was ready to weather it. I pulled my truck up to the front of my cabin and immediately attached my snow chains. If there was a reason to go, it would be easier to do that if they were already on the tires. Once that was done, I boarded the windows, got a fire going in the fireplace, set up my backup generator, and made sure the fuel was filled.


The fire would be enough to keep me warm, especially with the amount of wood I had, but I didn’t want to take any chances. The locals still talked about the storm that came through in the 1950s when the weatherman predicted a light dusting, but instead the area got a blizzard of epic proportions that shut things down for weeks. Unfortunately, some people froze to death before it was over. I had enough supplies to last for months, so that wasn’t going to be an issue. If there was one thing the corporate world taught me before I left it all behind, it was to prepare for the unexpected.

“Okay...” I looked around the cabin with a satisfied smile. “Time for a drink.”

I filled my favorite glass and lifted one of the cigars to my nose, inhaling the pleasant aroma of a plantation somewhere in South America that didn’t even know what snow was. I sat down in my chair and sipped whiskey while the first sounds of the storm really started to hit the side of the mountain. It already sounded worse than predicted.

I lit the end of my cigar and let the smoke seep out of the edge of my lips. I had everything I needed, except a good set of lips around my cock or a tight pussy in my lap. Women were just more trouble than they were worth. I had one once—a damn good one—or so I thought. I lifted my glass angrily to her memory.

Here’s to you, bitch. This place is perfect because you’re not here.

She was gorgeous with an ass I could stare at for hours, but I rarely took time to stare. Usually I was fucking something—mouth, pussy, ass—I didn’t care. I loved everything about her, from the way she enthusiastically swallowed my cock, to her insatiable appetite for taking it in every damn hole.

We were young and stupid. We liked fucking each other so much we thought that was worth marrying over and as fun as it was, it was the only thing we really had in common. She was a spoiled brat who thought she should have everything she wanted and I ran a minimalist, frugal household dedicated to saving and preparing for the future.

Fuck being responsible, right?

My dream was to retire to a nice cabin in the woods and live off the land. Her dream was to build a mansion and hire people to do everything for her—just like she had growing up. The company I was working for required a lot of extra time and she hated that, until it took off and my stocks were worth more than her Daddy’s fortune.

She hit me with the divorce papers the minute I told her I wasn’t interested in building her dream house because I didn’t want to waste money when we had all we needed in our tiny two-bedroom home. Fifty percent wasn’t enough to break my wallet, but it was enough to break my spirit. It crushed every bit of trust I had for members of the opposite sex.

A few months later I saw her out with another man—a man I once called a friend—and I lost it. My ex-wife and I started yelling at each other in the middle of the restaurant, laying out everything we hated about each other. Somewhere in there, she confessed she had been sleeping with him during our marriage. All I could see was red. I took a swing at him and while I connected with his jaw, he acted like I had just broke his neck. He played it up like a bitch, falling on the floor, wailing, and when the doctors got done with him, he had conditions I had never heard of. It was bad enough that I lost my cool and punched him—I found I didn’t like that side of myself, with rage and jealousy coming out in the form of a monster who lost control.

When my lawyer started talking legitimate jail time, over a punch that barely connected, I knew I was about to be railroaded by a system I didn’t trust. I packed everything in the back of my truck and left. As much as they might have wanted to prosecute me, they weren’t going to chase me across the country for an assault charge when the case was shit to begin with.

“Fuck people...” I muttered as I stared at the burning tip of my cigar.

I didn’t like thinking about that shit. I was happy in my new life. I retired early and my dream came true. I was living off the land and didn’t have to worry about anything. I pushed the anger of my ex-wife’s betrayal out of my head and started thinking about the blonde goddess I saw on the road. I might not be able to fuck her, but I could do a lot of things to her in my head.

My hand slid down to my cock and I caressed it through my jeans. It was more than ready for a little bit of fun. I slid my boots off and then tossed my clothes on the floor by the fire. They would be nice and toasty if I got cold again.

I took another sip of my whiskey and caught a glimpse of my naked body in a mirror. Six years in the mountains had transformed my body. I was no longer thin and athletic. My muscles had grown and hardened over the years, especially my upper torso. As well defined as they were, there was one muscle that needed a real workout, so I sat down in the chair and let my cigar rest in my lips.

I knew it wasn’t going to be a marathon when I wrapped my hand around my cock. The sensitivity reminded me of my teenage years when I barely had to touch it to get off.

“Damn that feels good...” I muttered as I gave myself a few strokes.

I always preferred the real thing over jacking off, but I had to do it from time to time just to keep myself from going insane. Even after six years alone, it still didn’t make me cum like a nice tight pussy, but it was enough when I thought about the baggage that came with an actual relationship.

Just a quick release—then I can drink in peace.

I puffed on my cigar, stroking my cock with my eyes closed. The image of the blonde goddess filled my thoughts and I imagined her there in front of me, ready and willing to bend both knees and wrap those gorgeous lips around throbbing cock. That would just be the beginning, of course, because I would fuck her like she had never been fucked before.

Every hole. All mine.

It was nice to have a face to go with my fantasy for a change. Normally it was just a faceless wonder with big tits, a nice ass, and a soft mouth. I hated that I hadn’t seen the blonde goddess’s eyes; I would have loved to know what shade of perfect I would have been staring into when I made her cum.

I lasted longer than I thought I would, but there wasn’t much build. When it was ready, the pre-cum was already erupting so I had to quickly grab a towel for the finish. It was a lot of cum. The reserves hadn’t been emptied in a while. I stared at the mess and sighed at the sight of it on the towel when it could have been inside of someone who would have enjoyed it.

“Oh man...” I shook my head. “What a waste.”

I continued drinking and enjoying my cigar until the latter was burned out and the former needed a refill. I flipped on the television and surfed the channels, finding the weatherman rapidly filling the audience in on how off his prediction was. It was going to be a real storm after all—even he had to admit his fucking mistake.

I went back to my chair and watched for a little while longer before deciding it was time to retire for the evening. I filled the fireplace up with enough wood to last the night and walked into the bedroom, feeling a heaviness in my eyelids as I stared at the bed. As much as I liked the peace and quiet, there was something about the city I missed, and that was the dull roar when I went to sleep.

I could go all day without hearing a single sound except nature’s song, but when it was time to sleep, I would roll around for hours if I didn’t have something in the background. I flipped on the radio and climbed into bed. It would give me enough meaningless noise to go to sleep. It took one hell of an antenna pyramid to get good stations, but it was worth the cost. I felt my eyelids growing heavier and heavier as the music played, and then a commercial came on, followed by some local news.

“Authorities are still searching for missing nineteen-year-old Heather Westbrook. The Tennessee native was supposed to be meeting friends at a cabin near Lake Rutherford, but she never arrived. Authorities are asking everyone in the area to be on the lookout for a 2014 burgundy Volvo with Tennessee plates... Ms. Westbrook is 5’6 with blonde hair and green eyes...”

“Wait a second...” My eyes opened.

Every bit of progress I had made towards falling asleep evaporated in an instant. I thought back to the car I saw and the blonde goddess driving it. I called it red, but perhaps it was burgundy. I didn’t pay attention to the license plate, but there was an orange T in the corner of the back window.

Fuck. It was a University of Tennessee logo.

If she was headed towards Lake Rutherford, she was way off course. There was no way they would go looking for her as far out as Wolf Creek and they certainly wouldn’t check Devil’s Pass. As much as I wanted to just ignore the news and go back to sleep, I couldn’t. I was probably the only one who knew where she was.

Not my problem. Not my—ugh.

I thought about calling it in, but I was a lot closer than the sheriff to Devil’s Pass. If her car broke down, she was likely going to freeze to death. It really wasn’t my problem, but I couldn’t just go back to sleep and ignore it. I got dressed and bundled up in my coat before tossing a couple of gas cans in the back of my truck.

The snow tires were going to get used a lot quicker than I had planned. My truck moved down the mountain at a crawl until I reached the flat part of the road. Snow was already accumulating and it wasn’t an easy drive. Devil’s Pass was going to be even worse if she had put some miles on her tires without turning around.

Chapter 3: Heather

I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up, I realized something was clearly wrong. The weather outside was a lot colder than I anticipated, and the storm wasn’t letting up. I tried to turn the car on, just to get something flowing in the vents for a moment, but it was totally out of gas. It wouldn’t even turn over.

Oh God. This is really, really bad.

I couldn’t even get it to power on so I could use the radio for a possible weather update. I sat there with my teeth chattering, my skin cold to the touch, and not even enough heat from my breath to warm me up. I got my lighter from my bag and struck it, using it to just warm my hands.

Sweet Jesus. Heat!

Once they were slightly warm, I rubbed them on my neck and face, trying to transfer some of the heat. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a temporary relief. I lit a cigarette, no longer caring about the air quality, willing to just trade it away for a little bit of warmth. My situation was getting desperate.

I don’t want to die out here.

My phone was completely dead and if I didn’t have help soon, I was going to be joining it. I started to regret my decision to stop. I should have pushed on or turned around. It was too late for that, too late for anything except the cold misery of my impending demise. I reached down and pulled my jeans back up—at least they’d find a corpse with some dignity intact. The clothes I had used to cover them had been totally ineffective and they felt like icicles. Even my pussy felt like it had frozen shut.

“I’m going to die a virgin.” I tried to fight back tears. “I’m actually going to die here...”

Attempting to fight the tears didn’t stop me from crying, but nothing ran down my face. My tear ducts were apparently so cold and frozen I couldn’t even produce tears. I couldn’t see out my windows so I had no idea if I was buried in snow or not, but I was not going to try and open the door. The little bit of heat I had would be gone in an instant if I did.

Please. I meant it, God. I’ll go to church! I promise!

I tried to think of the good times, the fun I would have had with my friends, but dark thoughts clouded my mind. I thought about my funeral, the tears that would be shed, and the life I would never live. I would never fall in love—not really. I would never have a wedding or a honeymoon. I would never have a baby.

Stay positive, Heather. Try to stay positive.

My attempt at positivity failed before I even thought the words. Time would forget I even lived and there would be nothing left of me except a few news articles about my stupidity, freezing to death in the middle of nowhere. Even if I could somehow get word out, I didn’t even know how to tell someone where I was.

This is how it ends. This is how I die.

I lit another cigarette and nursed the little warmth it provided, but it was minuscule. When it went out, I tried to just use my lighter for heat again, warming up my hands the best I could. My feet were hopeless and felt like numb ice cubes stuffed in my shoes.

“God...” I muttered. “I know we don’t talk much, but I really need a miracle right now. I need something Biblical here with divine intervention...”

I doubted I was worthy of that kind of intervention but I didn’t know what else to do besides pray. The wind was louder than my thoughts.


I SLIPPED IN AND OUT of frozen consciousness, seeing warmth in my mind even though it didn’t exist. I wondered if the warmth was death, beckoning me into the afterlife with an illusion of warmth. My mind was in absolute disarray and it felt like madness gripping my brain. Suddenly, I heard a noise that didn’t sound like the weather.

Was that in my head?

I opened my frosted eyelids slowly. The sound was like a clicking or a scraping. I listened intently, trying to listen past the echo of nature. The sound got louder. I had no idea what it was. I pushed my face towards the window and then I leaped back when something metallic scraped across the glass, followed by a beam of light. It scraped again and again, exposing more light, and then I saw a face peering in. Was it an angel? Was it God himself? Had he personally come down to save me?

Church! Every Sunday!

The face disappeared and I moved to the window, pounding on it. I heard more scraping and my heart started to race. I wasn’t going to die. Someone or something was out there. My car door moved and I realized it was locked. I tugged on the frozen lock to no avail. I slammed my shoulder into the door several times, just trying to force it open, but all I got for that was a searing pain in my arm.

There was more scraping and then the face appeared in the window again. A fist pounded on the door.

“Are you in there? Heather?” A man’s voice yelled out over the whipping of the wind.

“Yes!” I yelled.

He knows my name! I’m being rescued!

“Get away from the window; I’m going to have to break it. I can’t get the door open.” His voice was nearly drowned by the wind, but I understood enough to crawl over the middle console.

My joints hurt and my flesh was cold, but I started rapidly pushing stuff back into my bag, everything that I could grab. A hard thud hit the window, followed by another one, and then the window shattered. It stuck in place, not falling immediately.

My savior tapped it several times until it fell inside the car, almost like a perfect sheet of shattered glass. The ice that had built up held it together, even though he had scraped some of it off. He reached a hand through and I pushed my bag into his hand. He pulled it out the window and tossed it on the ground, reaching inside for me again.

So cold...

I grabbed onto a strong, rugged arm that hauled me towards the window with a quick heave. He carefully pulled me through the remains of the shattered glass and tossed me over his shoulder like a caveman. I was a bit taken aback by it, but I was so happy to be rescued I didn’t care. My joints were stiff and sore, resisting every bend that my body received.

He leaned over slightly, picked up my bag, and threw it over the opposite shoulder. I looked around and I saw just how bad the situation was. My car was almost completely covered in snow. It definitely was more than a regular, or even moderate storm. It looked like the beginnings of a blizzard.

My savior stomped through the snow, using a shovel to push it aside until we approached a very large truck that was still running. Just feeling the heat from the distance felt like heaven.

Heat. Heat!

“You’re probably going to feel a little dizzy.” He put me in the passenger seat and aimed one of the vents at me.

“What? Why—” The heat engulfed me and I passed out immediately when the door closed.


“I WARNED YOU.” I HEARD his gravel coated voice when I finally opened my eyes again.

“Where are we? What happened?” I looked around in shock.

“Intense cold and heat don’t mix. You were in the cold so long that your body couldn’t handle the heat. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” His voice was practically a growl, deep and rugged.

“Did someone send you to get me? You knew my name...” I held my hands to the heater. “Are you a policeman?”

“No.” He chuckled. “They’re talking about you on the news. You probably don’t remember me, but I passed you on the road earlier today. I saw you turn down Devil’s Pass and when the news said a blonde girl in a burgundy car was missing, I figured it was you.”

“Wow...” I blinked a couple of times. “I guess my friends really were worried about me.”

“It’s a damn good thing too. You’re fucking lucky. You weren’t going to survive the night out there.” We reached the end of the road I drove down and he took a left turn. I could hear the snow and ice crunching under his tires.

“I thought it was supposed to be a pretty light storm...” I muttered. “Nothing more than some snow and a little ice. My friends said it would pass by morning.”

“Yeah, that’s what the news said.” He nodded. “Everyone is so fucking surprised it turned into a blizzard—everyone except the locals around here who know how bad storms can get when they hit Wolf Creek.”

“I’m in Wolf Creek?” I looked out the window, not that I could see anything except darkness and snow. “I was headed for Lake Rutherford.”

“You missed that by a few exits.” He laughed and looked over at me. “Let me guess, your GPS quit on you?”

“And my cell phone!” I folded my arms across my chest and shook my head angrily.

“You can’t trust that kind of stuff around here. If you don’t know the area, maps are the only friend you’ll have.” He peered out the window and rolled slowly towards a turn.

“Where are we going, anyway? Is there a police station in Wolf Creek?” I asked.

“There’s a sheriff, but you won’t find him at the station. He’s at home in bed, like everyone else except for the ones out near Lake Rutherford looking for you. I’m sure most of them have given up by now. I’m taking you to my cabin. I’ve got a radio we can use to let people know you’re safe and when the storm breaks, I’ll get you to town so you can get a tow for your car.” He looked over at me again. “I’m sorry about your window.”

“It’s fine.” I muttered, not really caring much about the car itself, but my father’s reaction wouldn’t be quite as nonchalant. “My dad’s going to kill me.”

“Probably, but he’ll want to hug you first.” He pointed at the windshield. “Just a little bit further.”

“Thank you... Um, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Shane.” He replied. “Shane Black.”

“Thank you, Shane.” I forced a smile across my frosted lips that were slowly thawing out.

He I’m not sure if it is the delirium in my frozen brain or if he’s the hottest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

It was a lot to take in all at once. I had been lost in the snow, nearly dead from the cold, or at least it seemed that way. Shane had saved me and now we were on the way to his cabin. It occurred to me that I really had no idea who Shane was. He seemed nice enough and he said the right things, but I was probably delusional from the cold.

Should I really be going with him to a cabin in the woods—alone?

For all I knew, I was on my way to be raped, murdered, and possibly even eaten. I looked over at him and tried to determine if he looked like the kind of man that would eat people. He looked like a mountain man, the kind of man you would expect to live in a cabin, but he was clean for the most part. His dark brown hair was a little long, but it was trimmed. His beard was thick, but it was groomed around the edges and not totally out of control. He looked over at me with a peculiar arch in his brow and I looked away quickly.

I really hope he can’t read my mind—that isn’t possible, right?

No, he didn’t look like a murderer, but what did one look like anyway? It wasn’t like I had researched them or studied them. The truck rolled through the snow, climbing the incline in the mountains easily, and then the headlights illuminated a moderate sized log cabin. It was quaint, but it was a lot better than my car.

“We’re here.” He said as he put the truck in park. “I’ll help you down.”

He pushed on his door and found it frozen shut, so he gave it a hard nudge with his shoulder which quickly dislodged the ice and allowed him to exit the truck. It was a rather large four-wheel drive pickup, so I was happy I didn’t have to get out of it on my own considering I still felt a little weak. He walked around the truck and pulled my door open easily, swinging it wide like it was nothing even as the ice cracked and fell against the ground when he broke the seal that had formed while he drove.

Wow, very strong.

I handed him my bag and then braced myself on the edge as I tried to step out. He took my hand and tried to guide me down the side to the running board, but I felt my feet give way. They were still cold, even with the time I spent in the heat. I went tumbling towards him and grimaced at the thought of hitting the cold ground below, but instead I felt straight into his arms.

Very, very strong—and great reflexes.

He caught me easily, one hand around the back of my neck and one hand firmly on my bottom. I looked in his eyes in shock and he laughed with a shake of his head. He sat me down on my feet and picked my bag up off the ground.

“Thank you. I’m sorry, I am a little out of it.” I held my hand to my head for a moment.

“No problem. Can you walk to the cabin?” He kept his grip on my arm.

“Yeah, I think I’m fine.” I nodded.

I followed him towards the door and he opened it, which cause a wave of heat to rush out towards me. The walk from the truck to the cabin was already giving me chills again, so I was happy to find a fire roaring inside. I walked to it immediately and held my hands out. He walked behind me and put his fingers on my coat. I let him take it from my shoulders and I rubbed my arms, trying to force the chill away.

Murders aren’t chivalrous—I don’t think.

“First things first, let’s use the radio and let everyone know you’re okay. There could still be some people out there searching for you and it would be nice if they could go home to their families.” He motioned me over to an old desk that had a rather ancient looking radio.

“Good idea, thanks.” I walked over.

I didn’t understand half of the lingo he used, but a few minutes later he had someone on the radio who said they had been in communication with my family and friends. I let them know I was safe and Shane gave them my location. They suggested I stay where I was since I was safe, at least until the storm was over. The roads had been closed and travel wasn’t recommended at all.

I could only imagine how worried everyone was. It made me feel sick to my stomach thinking about the repercussions of that wrong turn. The radio went quiet and I walked back to the fire. I was feeling a little better overall, but my toes ached and my joints were still a little sore from the cold. My ears were ringing as well.

I felt like I should be tired, but I just didn’t have the energy for sleep—it was a strange feeling. I sat down in the chair and started removing my shoes. They were not made for walking in the snow, and my heavier bag with actual winter wear was in the trunk. Shane poured both of us a glass of what smelled like whiskey when he handed one of them to me.

“You should probably drink this.” He motioned to the glass.

“Thank you.” I smiled and sipped it.

It was rough on my throat, but it felt good once it was in my stomach. I was never one to do shots or drink hard liquor but I appreciated the way it started to dispel the chill from the inside out. It was definitely stronger than the wine I had tried to use to keep me warm.

Chapter 4: Shane

I love snowstorms—snowstorms are amazing.

The blonde goddess was sitting in my cabin. She was sitting in the same damn chair I sat in hours before when I fantasized about her. Her body, even hidden behind her clothes, was so much better than my imagination.

Fuck me, she’s a damn angel.

I could tell she was younger than I imagined. I thought twenties when I saw her on the road, but she clearly hadn’t made it there yet. My fantasy didn’t do her justice and as I stared at her, I couldn’t help but want the reality that lingered in my thoughts when I envisioned her earlier in the evening. If my predictions were correct, we would have a few days before travel was recommended.

I don’t even need that long.

There would be plenty of time for the things I wanted to do to her. I risked my own life to track her down and save her. She was alive because of me and that was going to require a little bit of payment. I was sure with her beauty, she was used to guys like me who wanted a little bit from her when they saw how gorgeous she was. It was probably the time I had spent alone without a woman’s touch, but there was something primal inside of me that was trying to get out. It was a piece of myself I had forgotten while I lived off the land and took care of my own needs.

Calm. Stay calm.

She had already finished her first drink and I certainly needed another so I took her glass and walked over to the bottle of whiskey. It was a damn good thing I decided to stock up. I poured two more generous glasses of whiskey and handed one to her. As I did, I realized her feet were practically frozen. They weren’t frostbitten but they were damn close.

“You need to soak in a warm bath.” I said as I looked at them.

“Is that safe? I read somewhere that it wasn’t a good idea after nearly freezing to death.” She looked up at me with her innocent eyes blinking, resonating with concern.

“You weren’t that far gone.” I put my hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

“It sure felt like it...” She held up her hands and compared them to her feet.

“Luckily, you were in your car, so that helped. The wind and the snow would have done the job a lot quicker if you weren’t. The heater in the truck and the fire has done most of the work, but a bath will make you feel a lot better.” I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. “We should check you for frostbite though, just to be sure.”

You’ve got a lot of places I want to check.

“They look okay.” She walked into the bathroom and put her foot on the edge of the tub. “But my toes are still cold.”

“Well frostbite can get you anywhere, so we’ll need to check more than just your toes.” I tried to suppress a smile, but I saw a slight grin forming on her concerned face.

“Oh.” She looked over at me and her eyes got wide. “You mean?”

“A full body examination. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.” I suppressed a laugh, only allowing a slight chuckle.

“Um...” She furrowed her brow and looked at the water.

“Come on, strip down before the water gets cold.” My words had a bit more bite than before.

“You better not be lying to me.” She started removing her shirt.

Why would I lie? Who would lie to see your gorgeous tits?

“I’m not.” A huge grin spread across my face while her shirt was covering her eyes, but it retreated to the serious stare when she could see me again.

“This doesn’t look very good.” I reached over and touched her shoulder, which was red and starting to bruise. “Did I do that pulling you out of the car?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I banged it on the door when I tried to force it open.”

“The skin isn’t broken, so it should heal without any issues.” I looked at her other shoulder, tilted her chin to look under her neck and then examined the rest of her upper torso except for her breasts, which were still covered by her bra.

“Anything?” She asked.

“Everything looks good so far.” I replied. “Let me help you with this.” I took her bra clasp between my fingers.

I bet they’re beautiful.

“Can nipples really get frostbitten?” She held her hands over her breasts as I unsnapped it.

“Yes, they can.” I nodded with confidence. “Let’s have a look.”

She didn’t say a word as the bra fell loose. I turned her back around and lifted it so it wouldn’t touch the injured area on her shoulder, dropping the strap on her arm. I pulled her hands down and let the bra fall to the floor, exposing her breasts.

They were perfectly rounded with small circular areolas. They still had the firmness of youth and they were voluptuous. I was seeing them at their best. I couldn’t help but stare for a moment as I let the image sear into my mind.

I won’t have to imagine those again—that’s a permanent memory.

I knelt and pretended to examine the area underneath them, while keeping both eyes firmly entrenched on the splendid sight. If I hadn’t taken time to pleasure myself earlier in the evening, I would have been rock hard seeing them so close. When I felt like I couldn’t stare any longer without causing her to get uncomfortable, I stood up and gave her a nod that everything was okay.

She had a rosy tint to her cheeks and they were flushed with a little bit of embarrassment. I got the feeling she had never been examined like that before. She reached down to her jeans and unfastened them. My heart was pounding with excitement when I got a glimpse of her neon pink panties peeking over the top of the denim.

“Pretty sure I’m safe down here.” She pushed her jeans to the floor and stepped out of them.

“Put your foot on the edge of the tub.” I motioned towards the edge of the ceramic.

Let me see that gorgeous pussy—I’m ready to add that to my permanent memories as well.

“Okay.” She perched on her right foot and I took a moment to examine her long slender leg.

“Looks good.” Now the other one. She swapped over to the other leg and I gave it the same treatment.

“Am I in the clear?” She asked.


“We’ve got a couple more places to check.” I motioned to her panties.

“I think everything beneath them is perfectly fine. I’ll check it myself while I’m in the water.” She raised her eyebrows in concern.

Nope, not interested in taking no for an answer.

“Heather, let me make sure you’re safe.” I reiterated in a rather commanding tone that caused her to snap to attention and swallow a lump in her throat.

“Fine...” She reached into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. “Just a quick look though...”

That’s really all I need, blonde goddess.

“The front looks okay, both hands on the tub and I’ll check the rest.” I walked behind her.

“Seriously, it’s okay.” She placed her hands on the tub, bending over. “I really don’t think my butt got frostbite.”

“If you were going to get it, that would be the best place for it.” I leaned over and admired the curves that formed a heart-shaped aura around her lower abdomen.

“Why is that?” She asked.

Of course she fell for that line.

“Because it is the easiest spot to warm up.” I gave her a firm smack in the center of her ass.

“Hey!” She said with in a startled tone. “That wasn’t very professional.”

“Just checking to make sure you still had feeling back here.” I suppressed a laugh as I stood up.

“I definitely have feeling back there.” She muttered as she stood back up.

“Hold on...” I took her right leg in my hand. “There’s something...Oh.”

I would recognize the sight of a woman’s orgasm anywhere, especially when it’s all over the outside of her pussy and dried up in the crevice of her thighs.

“What?” She stood up and looked at me with a confused stare.

“I see you found a way to pass the time while you were waiting on a rescue.” I winked at her.

“Oh my God!” She took a step back and then climbed into the tub. “That’s beyond embarrassing.”

“Don’t be embarrassed. That is what I’d do as well if I thought I was going to freeze to death.” I gave her another wink and walked back towards the living room.

That was surely unexpected.

Heather gave into the examination easily, so I felt like the odds of getting her into my bed before the storm was over were in my favor. While she was soaking and cleaning herself, I sat down in my chair and picked up my drink. The chair had a very strategic location I had never really realized until that moment.


The mirror in the bathroom reflected the tub and the mirror reflected off the window. I could watch her bathe without her having any idea. My cock started to swell up in my pants, lusting for the beautiful blonde goddess that was there in the flesh. We had no future and frankly, I didn’t want a future with her, I just wanted to fuck her.

I’m so going to fuck you.

She was the hottest piece of ass I had seen in six years and the fact she was deposited in my lap—figuratively and soon to be literally—was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. She soaked for nearly forty-five minutes before finally draining the water and standing up.

I watched as the towel glided across her smooth skin and then rubbed the water out of her hair. I had a chuckle when she tied it around her breasts to reenter the living room. She had nothing to hide at that point.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” She picked up her bag and walked around the corner to the bedroom.

“Take your time.” I nodded and smirked.

She shuffled through her bag and then I heard a hairdryer, followed by silence. I was disappointed I couldn’t watch the process, but I decided to just bide my time with my drink and the thoughts I had already turned into permanent memories I would remember long after she was gone.

When she was done, she walked around the corner looking like the same goddess I had seen earlier that day. A fresh pair of yoga pants formed a perfect seal around her ass and the t-shirt she chose to wear was tight on her stomach. The University of Tennessee logo was stretched across her breasts and I couldn’t help but laugh at the word Volunteers along the bottom—I certainly had a lot of wonderful, dirty things she could volunteer to do.

She entered the room and picked up her cell phone, staring at the screen. I watched as she walked to the wall and pressed her charger into the outlet, letting it remain on the table to charge. It wasn’t going to matter much if she did get it charged because the spotty service wasn’t going to let her send or receive calls. She finally got her necessities tended to and walked over to the chair across from me, taking a seat.

She immediately picked up the glass of whiskey and swallowed an impressive gulp. There was color in her skin again and she didn’t seem to have any hint of the time she spent in the cold except for a few light red spots around her feet.

“Are you feeling better?” I lifted my glass and stared at her.

“Much better, thank you.” She nodded. “I really do appreciate you saving me and—just everything you’re doing for me.”

“Are you hungry?” I looked over at the clock on the wall. “It’s technically morning now.”

“I’m okay for now. I don’t think I’m quite ready for food. Did you even sleep?” She followed my eyes to the clock.

“No, not really.” I answered honestly.

“I’m feeling pretty worn out.” She sighed and stared at the floor. “Do you have a couch I could crash on hidden anywhere?”

“Don’t be silly, you can sleep in my bed.” I pointed towards the bedroom.

“I’m your guest, I can’t make you sleep on the couch.” She yawned.

“I don’t have a couch, but it is a king-sized bed. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.” I shrugged with a smirk on my face.

“Well you’ve seen me naked, so I guess it’s okay to sleep with you.” Her words lingered there for a moment. “In the same bed.”

Right. Nice play. I should have come up with that.

“I’ll be in there in a minute. The right side is mine.” I stood up and gathered our glasses.

I cleaned up the living room as she walked into the bedroom. I wasn’t going to push for what I wanted so soon after what she had been through, especially after I plied her with alcohol, but there would be plenty of time when she had some sleep to refresh her beautiful eyes.

My possessive nature was already starting to really kick in. I hadn’t felt that way about any other woman except the one I married. The hardest part would be just letting her get back in that red sedan and drive away once the storm passed. I hoped the lust and desire I was feeling would pass once I was able to finally fuck her. I really didn’t want to get involved with anyone, I just needed to get my dick wet.

I finished cleaning up enough for it to be presentable again and walked into the bedroom. She was already in bed with the covers pulled up tight, but her eyes were open. I pulled off my shirt and tossed it in the hamper. I could see a bit of interest in her sparkling green orbs when she saw it come off.

That’s right baby. You’ve never seen a man like me.

I removed my pants and stood there in my boxers, turning away to put them in the hamper with my shirt. She didn’t take her eyes off me as I walked around the bed and pulled back my side of the covers. I stretched once to let her see the outline of my cock against my boxers before I put a knee on the bed. If she wanted to stare, I’d give her something to look at.

Eye-fuck me all you want right now—you’ll get the real thing soon enough.

“You don’t wear pajamas?” She watched as I started to climb into bed.

“Normally I go to bed naked, but I figured I should keep my boxers on tonight.” I slid under the covers and lifted her side to see what she was wearing. “You’re one to talk.”

“I’m wearing a nightgown.” She replied harshly.

“Yeah, what’s underneath it?” I reached over and grabbed the edge.

“Stop it!” She smacked my hand.

Mmm. Foreplay.

“That’s going to cost you.” I slid over and grabbed her hip, rolling her towards me so I could smack her ass through the gown.

“Okay, I’m sorry!” She squealed and turned her ass away from me.

“See, you aren’t wearing pajamas either.” I pulled the edge of her nightgown up. “I’m not even sure I’d call those panties. I hope you didn’t pay full price for that strip of fabric.”

“My panties are none of your concern.” She pushed her nightgown back to her knees. “Go back to your side of the bed like you promised!”

“Good night, Heather.” I planted a quick kiss on her forehead and laughed as I turned over to face the wall.

She will be mine.

I could have probably had her right there if I pushed for it, but anticipation was part of the fun. It would make the inevitable a lot more pleasurable if she was burning with desire for me before she even saw my cock. I felt like I could easily seduce her; I could play the hero card, I could tell her she owed me, I could say a million things that would make her reluctantly remove her panties so I could do what I wanted, but that wasn’t how I wanted it. I needed it to be real.

I wanted her to be invested in the experience—I wanted to feel enthusiastic lips around my cock instead of a reluctant girl swallowing my cock because she thought she owed me one for saving her life. We could have a lot of fun with the little bit of time we had together if the desire was mutual. I needed a few hours of sleep anyway.

I closed my eyes and I could tell I wasn’t going to be lying awake at all. I was so exhausted I didn’t even need the radio going to knock me out for once. I doubted I would sleep for long. The sun would be up soon and even if there were clouds covering the sky, there would still be too much light for me to keep my eyes closed.

Chapter 5: Heather

When my eyes opened, the only thing on my mind was Shane Black. I knew there was no way I had frostbite and I knew he was just using it as an excuse to get me out of my clothes, but there was a part of me that wanted him to see me naked.

I’m a virgin acting like I know what the hell I’m doing, but I’m in way over my head.

There was a part of me that wanted to do a whole lot more than just sleep beside him. What the hell was wrong with me? I had known the man less than a day I was already taking off my panties for him. The furthest I’d ever gone with a man was a hand job from a guy that made me cum with his finger.

I decided to just blame it on the wine, the emotional trauma of being lost in the snow, and the whiskey he gave me when we got to his cabin—it was good to have scapegoats. Perhaps my inner damsel-in-distress was just trying to reward her hero, but that wasn’t me. I was supposed to be the good kid. My sister was the promiscuous girl who went home with random strangers she met—that definitely wasn’t me.

Good girl. You’re a good girl, even if you want him so bad your pussy is wet just thinking about his eyes on you.

“You’re finally awake?” I heard Shane’s voice in the other room. “There’s coffee and breakfast if you want some.”

“Thank you. I’m definitely hungry now and coffee sounds amazing.” I crawled out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

I was struggling with the lack of privacy in the cabin. It clearly wasn’t designed for guests. There wasn’t even a door on the bathroom. The entire cabin was open with a bar separating the kitchen from the dining room and a wall separating the bedroom from the living room. It was perfect for one person, or a couple that didn’t mind if someone watched them pee.

The bathroom was just a box against one of the walls. It had the necessities, but I wasn’t sure I could spend very long in such a strange environment. I walked to the kitchen and poured coffee into a mug that was waiting. I wasn’t sure what kind of caveman monstrosity he had cooked, but I was so hungry that I didn’t care—I just hoped he didn’t turn an animal I liked into breakfast sausage.

Please don’t be Bambi.

I bit into the end of the sausage link and realized it wasn’t bought at a store. I recognized the wild taste from when my grandfather used to cook us things he brought home from his hunts. It had so much butter soaked into it that I thought I was going to be on medication for high cholesterol by the time I was done, but it tasted amazing.

Shane showered while I was eating, making no effort to hide his half naked body as he headed towards the bathroom. I had been a little taken aback the night before, but I was starting to mind it less and less.

Damn he’s hot. I guess turnabout is fair play.

I walked towards the edge of the kitchen and peeked around the corner. There was something extremely desirable about Shane, even if he didn’t have a chiseled celebrity frame. He was the very definition of a real man. Every muscle in his body was built with purpose and hardened from actual labor. He didn’t have the inflated frame from lifting weights at the right angle to work muscles nobody ever used in the real world.

His shoulders were broad and his chest was thick, like a bulging mountain of muscles on his frame. I hadn’t gotten a chance to see him very well in the darkened room the night before and I was more caught up in shock than anything else. I had to catch my breath when he peeled off his towel and reached for a pair of clean boxers. He had a butt that was round on each side, tight with muscles, and resting comfortably on top of some very well-defined thighs. They were even more muscular than the rest of his body. I had never seen a man built like that in real life—he was straight out of a magazine or a movie.

That’s now the first card in my scrolling list of sexy men ready to pillage me.

When he went for a shirt and slipped it on, I retreated to the kitchen as quietly as I could. A couple of minutes later he walked around the corner, fully dressed except for his boots. I grabbed the pot of coffee and aimlessly refilled my cup.

“It looks like the worst of the storm is over.” I tried to make small talk, hoping he didn’t know I was literally gawking at him moments before.

“The first wave is over, yeah. We’ll get hit again tonight.” He picked up his coffee cup and sipped it.

“Seriously? How do you know?” I asked.

“Come with me.” He walked to the window and pointed up into the sky. “You see those clouds over there?”

“Yeah?” I replied with a half-question, half-statement.

“Those are moving away from Wolf Creek. That’s what hit us last night. Now look over there.” He pointed to the left. “Those are headed our way.”

“My friends said it was supposed to be over by this morning...” I sighed.

“Yeah, they got their news from the weatherman. You can’t always trust what the radar says when you’re dealing with a storm in Wolf Creek. My grandfather used to say the atmosphere here was just different. I didn’t know what he meant back then, but after living here for a while, I can smell it in the air.” He walked back to the kitchen counter and sat down on one of the stools.

A hero and a weatherman; how delightfully delicious.

“So, what’s your story anyway, Mr. Shane Black?” I asked. “Why do you live in a log cabin?”

“What kind of question is that?” He asked.

“I mean, do you have a job? Do you live here part-time? Are you just having some kind of mid-life crisis?” I sat down on the stool next to him.

Well, he’s not that old, but I guess it fits.

“You ask a lot of questions, Heather. No, I don’t have a job. I don’t need a job. I have everything I need right here. This is my home, not somewhere I go on vacation. As for a mid-life crisis? Who doesn’t have one from time to time?” He sipped his coffee and shrugged.

Well that revealed...nothing.

“I see...” I nodded, taking in the information.

“How about you? Do you have a job? Do you live in a red sedan buried in the snow or do you just vacation there? Are you just having some sort of mid-life crisis?” He mocked me in a tone that was a cartoon version of my own.

“Fine, I get it. I do ask a lot of questions.” I sighed. “I’m a student. Some of my friends rented a cabin for winter break and I was headed there for a party. Obviously, I’m having a very bad mid-life crisis.”

“You left out the part where you’re also very bad with directions.” He raised his eyebrows.

“Come on...” I shook my head. “It isn’t my fault you live in the stone ages where the Internet hasn’t been invented yet!”

“We have road signs. You can buy a map at every gas station you pass. That’s how people navigated back in the olden days before you were born.” He sipped his coffee again.

“Oh, you mean when you were my age?” I wrinkled my nose at him.

“Ouch...” He shook his head. “I’m not that old, jeez.”

“So, what do you do for fun around here?” I looked around the cabin. “When you’re not saving girls that nearly freeze to death in their cars...”

“Well, I have a nice library. The television works. The radio works, lucky for you because that is where I heard you were missing. Honestly, I don’t have much need for fun. There’s always something to do between hunting, fishing, tending to my garden, and keeping this place standing.” He nodded and motioned to the cabin.

“Most of those aren’t really doable now, considering the blizzard.” I pursed my lips and raised my eyebrows. “I mean, we could read...I guess.”

“Oh, you mean a day like today?” He slid off his barstool. “No, there ain’t shit to do today—except get drunk.”

“I’ve never been a whiskey girl, but it’s growing on me.” A smile spread across my face.

The coffee had barely settled into my stomach when it was joined by a generous gulp of whiskey. It didn’t taste nearly as bad as it did the night before, but it still burned my throat. After my first glass, I decided to take it slow, but the buzz was already starting to create the kind of thoughts I really didn’t need to have with a man like Shane so close to me.

Breathe. Just breathe.

I walked over and checked my phone, but even though it was fully charged, I had the same blank bars I had when I was trapped in my car. Shane turned on the radio and walked up behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. It wasn’t a song I loved, but it was a nice melody. Shane took my hand and lead me to an open area in the middle of the cabin.

What the heck is he doing. Are we going to dance?

The tough man who looked like he could punch a hole straight through the log cabin wall suddenly broke out some dance moves that looked like they were out of a movie. It was sensual and sweet, with his hips moving like they were guided by magic when he pushed up against me.

I was raised on hip hop, which didn’t have a lot of great technique to the moves, so I couldn’t keep up very well, but he guided me through the steps. I felt like a ballroom dancer, and when he spun me around to pull me close, I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

This is...this is bad. Oh God, he’s an amazing dancer.

I couldn’t help but be impressed. The song ended and the station went to commercials, which ended our attempt at creating our own version of Dirty Dancing. I left his embrace and picked up my drink, lifting it to my lips for another generous gulp of the whiskey. Shane picked up his drink and took a seat on the stool he was previously occupying.

“So you like to dance?” I sat down beside him again, lifting my glass to my lips.

“I enjoy a few nice things.” He looked over at me. “When I have the right partner.”


That sent a tingle through my body.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I ran my finger down his arm and took his glass in my hand. “You need a refill.”

“I need something .” His eyes reflected a hint of desire and I knew it was the same thing I was feeling.

I refilled our drinks and walked back over to him. He let his finger graze my hand when he took the glass, holding it for a moment before he finally lifted the whiskey to his lips. His eyes were locked on me and they were more intoxicating than the whiskey. He finally broke the gaze and slid off the stool.

“My family used to own all of the land on the mountain. Everything west of Wolf Creek used to belong to someone with the last name Black.” He looked out the window at the snow.

Well that is one way to change the direction of the conversation when it is getting good.

“What happened?” I walked over and stood beside him.

“Divorces, mostly.” He chuckled. “My great-grandfather loved women and they loved to get a piece of his land when he was done with them.”

“Too bad they didn’t have prenuptial agreements back then.” I shrugged as I sipped my whiskey.

“Yeah, needless to say the women didn’t care much about keeping the land in the family. They sold it off when the offers were right and tourism took over.” He took another drink. “His divorces probably saved Wolf Creek, because if it wasn’t for the tourists, everything would be shut down.”

“But you got your spot?” I pointed around the room.

“I own a lot of land up here; land that I’ll never see.” He shrugged. “I have a good barrier between myself and the tourists.”

“Let’s dance again.” The music started back up with a song that I liked and I took his hand.

“I don’t really know this one.” He watched as I started to move around the floor.

“It’s a club song.” I moved back to him and gave my imitation of a twerk.

“Do I just stand here and watch?” He tilted his head and stared at my butt as I tried to shake it.

“Sorry, you probably have no idea about this stuff.” I moved closer and slide my butt against his leg.

“I definitely do not.” He laughed. “I like it though. I should learn. I’m not sure I can shake my ass like that though.”

He reached down and put his hands on my hips, grinding against my body as I slowed down my movements. I really had no idea how to actually dance like the girls at the club, but I had watched enough music videos to get a terrible imitation of their shake down. The song ended and I started walking back towards my drink.

“Running away so soon?” He took a step forward and reached for my hand.

“Well I can’t run very far.” I turned back towards him. “We’re in a wooden box.”

“Yeah.” He pulled me close and wrapped an arm around my back. “You’re pretty much my prisoner.”

“Is that so?” I looked into his eyes and grinned as he held me close.

“It is.” He replied. “You know what they say about prison...”

“Find the biggest and baddest guy there—kick his ass on the first day?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No...” He said with a smile and spun me around. “Don’t drop the soap.” He put a hand on the back of my neck and one on my hip. He bent me over with very little effort, keeping me tight against his hips.

“Okay, I don’t think I like prison anymore!” I laughed as he held onto me—I was getting turned on, but it was dangerously close to getting out of hand.

“This is the best part.” He slid a hand into my yoga pants and started to pull them down.

Oh God—No, I can’t do this .

“Wait!” I grabbed my yoga pants and held them around my hips. “I like you, I really do, but I’m a virgin.”

“You’re a what?!” He let go of me instantly and recoiled slightly, a look of horror on his face.

He hates me. Great.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have led you on.” I stood up and grimaced. “I thought I was going to just let it happen, but I’m not sure I can do that.”

“Forgive me if I don’t quite understand, but you’re gorgeous. How did you survive high school or a single party in college without losing your cherry?” He took a step back.

“Well, my parents were strict so dating in high school was pretty much out of the question. Don’t get me wrong, I fooled around, but I think my dates were more terrified of my father than I was.” I shrugged. “As for college? I just really haven’t had time for a relationship.”

“That’s fucking nuts.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“I’m sorry you didn’t rescue someone who was ready to put out.” I walked over and picked up my drink.

Well, that moment is ruined. Now I get to spend the time locked in a wooden box with someone who hates me.

I had never seen a man literally treat me like I had a plague when I told him I was a virgin. The people that found out seemed desperate to be the ones to own the privilege of deflowering me. Granted, most of them were my age and didn’t have a few years on me like Shane had. I felt unwanted and confused as we sat down in the living room. We watched television in silence until it was lunch time. I sat down in my chair, feeling rather angry as more time passed and he casually made lunch like it was nothing, sipping his drink as he sliced up some meat and vegetables.

Not even conversation? Wow.

Part of me wished I hadn’t said anything at all. My emotions were in turmoil. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to just get bent over in the living room for his pleasure. I wanted more than a bend-her-over-and-fuck-her experience. The dancing was nice and if he had pushed me towards the bedroom, I would have probably already had him inside of me by that point. I wanted privacy more than I ever had before, but the cabin was madness. I couldn’t even go outside. The wind had picked up and snow was falling again. I really was a prisoner and the warden didn’t even want me.

Chapter 6: Shane

A virgin? What the fuck.

My beautiful blonde goddess was untouched. She had never felt a man’s cock inside of her. I hadn’t even really considered that possibility. It didn’t change my desire for her, but it made the situation a little different. The primal feeling of protective possessiveness was starting to amplify as the news rolled around in my head.

Can I really take a virgin into my bed and let her walk away?

Her confession of virginity made me more aware of our age difference and the different point we were in our lives. A woman for me was nothing more than a fuck, especially after not having one for six years, but what happened between us would mean a lot more to her if we went over that line.

God damn it—I want her so bad.

I had been so determined to live in solitude that I never considered sharing the cabin with anyone else. Heather toyed with that mentality and made me question it. I stood alone in the kitchen, making dinner and continuing to ponder what she said. In a way, she was right—if I would have rescued someone who wasn’t a virgin, it would have been a lot simpler to get what I wanted and send her on her way when the storm passed. Unfortunately, there was no going back. I had rescued Heather, and I still wanted her, even if it was complicated as hell.

“Lunch is ready.” I topped a steak with vegetables and put the plate down where she sat the last time we ate.

“Thanks.” There was a difference in her tone that I picked up on as she sat down and started to saw through the slab of meat.

“Like this.” I held up my knife. “Cut at an angle, just like this. Make one quick cut and then saw if it doesn’t go all the way through.”

“Great.” She repeated the motion and still had to saw, but it was a lot faster. “What did you learn while you were lost, Heather? I learned how to cut meat. It’s a valuable life skill.”

“Are you mad?” I looked into her eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t.” She shook her head and made another cut. “I’m fine .”

Oh shit, not the dreaded “I’m fine”—that always means things are far from fine.

“Now you just sound like a brat.” I glared at her with my face twisting to a scowl. “If you want to talk about something, let’s talk like adults.”

“Whatever.” She pushed her plate away. “I’m done.”

“You need to eat something.” I pushed the plate back over. “Don’t waste food. You’ll be hungry before dinner if you don’t eat this.”

“Fuck you.” She slid off her stool. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. It’s bad enough I’m stuck here until the storm breaks.”

“You disrespectful little...” I stood up and looked down at her face which was had turned red with a bit of boiling anger. “We can discuss this like adults.”

Adult this.” She grabbed her plate and threw it on the floor. It immediately shattered and food went everywhere. “Is that adult enough for you? Sorry, I guess I’m just a brat.”

“You want to act like a little brat, I’ll treat you like one.” I grabbed her arm and walked to my chair, pulling her across my knee as I took a seat.

“Hey! What are you doing!?” She started kicking her feet.

“You want to throw a temper tantrum? I’ll give you something to be mad about.” I yanked her yoga pants down, along with her panties, exposing her beautiful bare ass.

“Stop it!” She threw an arm back and I grabbed it firmly with my left hand, pinning it to the small of her back. I lifted my right hand and brought it down firmly in the center of her bottom.

“Ow! You can’t spank me!” She argued and struggled against my grasp.

“I’m not just going to spank you, Heather.” My words were firm, but without any hint of real anger. “I’m going to wear your ass out.”

I brought my hand down a little harder in the center of her ass, seeing an outline of my hand when I pulled it back. The next few minutes were filled with squealing and fighting as I gave her beautiful white ass a well-spanked red glow. I felt like she needed a reset button and she was totally off the rails with her attitude and her behavior. I had never actually spanked anyone before, but I got my fair share growing up so I had a good idea what it was supposed to be like.

I bet you won’t act like a brat after I’m done with you.

I always liked giving a few playful smacks here and there during foreplay, but actual discipline was a little outside of my normal demeanor. Heather had gone from intriguing to frustrating to full on brat in a matter of minutes. She had to understand I wasn’t going to put up with that shit.

If there was no storm, I would have sent her straight home, but there was little else I could do. I wasn’t going to throw her out into the snow to freeze to death, but I wasn’t just going to let her break all my shit because she wanted to have a tantrum over the way I reacted to her virginity. I probably overreacted and I could own that, but what she did was completely inexcusable. Once I heard her anger turn to apologies, I slowed down my hand and finally stopped. She clung to my leg for a moment, tears running down her face.

“I’m really sorry...” Her words came out with a slight sob and they were followed with more tears.

“What the hell got into you?” I sat her on my lap with her ass hanging off the edge of my jeans.

“I don’t know. It was stupid.” She rubbed the tears out of her eyes. “I was enjoying what we were doing, I just wasn’t prepared for sex so fast—I thought there would be romance. I didn’t realize it would turn you away. Most of the time it just makes guys try harder.”

“I just needed a damn minute to process it, Heather.” I held her head against my shoulder. “I don’t give a damn if you’re a virgin or not, I still plan to fuck you.”

“Prove it.” She pulled her head away and looked into my eyes.

Prove it? Oh, I’ll prove it.

I didn’t need an invitation, but it was the most open one she could ever give. I wrapped a hand around her hair and pulled her close, planting a kiss on her lips. I wanted her and I was going to have her. I might have hesitated when I found out she was a virgin, but I wasn’t hesitating anymore. I ran my tongue between her lips and ravaged her mouth with the force of my kiss. I wanted it to be very clear that I wanted her—and that I was going to have her. Her lips tasted sweet, and the way they formed a perfect seal with mine made it difficult to break from them.

She’s just straight fire in my mouth.

I caressed her back, pulling her shirt off as our lips continued to move against each other in harmony. I could feel timidness in her touch and taste the inexperience in her kiss, even if it was amazing. I would teach her to be better than she ever knew she could be. I reached around her back and removed her bra, pulling it free and tossing it on the floor.

So fucking gorgeous.

I lifted her up and started to kiss her breasts, letting my tongue drift down to her right nipple. It quickly got hard and tight underneath my swirling tongue. I wrapped the hand that wasn’t firmly twisted in her hair around her breast, squeezing it for a moment before sliding my hand down to her ass. It was warm to the touch from her spanking and she winced a little bit from my touch. I gave it a squeeze anyway and then ran my fingers up her back. My lips moved to her left breast and she let out a long sigh of pleasure.

“I think it is time to relocate this to the bedroom, wouldn’t you agree?” I stood up and lifted her in my arms.

“Yes.” She nodded and saw that sense of desire returning.

I continued to kiss her lips as I walked to the bedroom with her still in my arms. Once we were there, I dropped her down to the bed. A smile spread across my lips as I saw the desire flaring up with even more intensity in her eyes. I reached down with both hands, taking her yoga pants in my grasp.

They were already halfway down her thighs from the spanking, so it was a quick tug to get them past her knees and with another one, they were on the floor beside the bed. Her legs opened and I got my first real view of her pussy.

I could smell her lust even before I saw the wetness. I stripped off my shirt and sank between her thighs, pulling her naked body against my chest. My cock was hard against my zipper, but I wasn’t ready to unleash it quite yet. I wanted to enjoy her touch and feel her carnal thirst growing. I slowly pressed myself against her pussy as we kissed. When my lips drifted to her neck and her ears, I could feel goosebumps erupting across her whole body.

She’ll be begging for it soon.

I held her tight, feeling the heat of her breath on my neck. The heat between us could have melted the ice that had entombed us in the cabin, but I never wanted it the storm to end. The one we were creating was a lot more dangerous than the one nature had sent our way.

“I want you.” She let out a moan as my hips pressed against her.

“You’re going to get every bit of me.” I gave her a grind that was a little more forceful, letting the head of my cock brush against her pussy through my jeans.

Her hands slid underneath my stomach and started to fumble with my button. I wasn’t going to deny her any longer if she wanted it enough to go after it on her own. I let her unzip me and push my jeans down, exposing my cock.

My cock swelled once it was free from the prison and she wrapped a hand around my girth. I was well-endowed to begin with, but her touch made it start to get really hard in her hand. There were several years of pent up blue balls ready to be released. I kicked my pants off and rocked back on my knees, letting my cock rest against her pelvis. She stroked it with her hand, making it even more engorged.

“I don’t have a condom here.” I looked down at her and saw her eyes start to widen.

“I don’t even care.” Her lust was so fierce that she didn’t resist at all.

Unprotected with a virgin—this is going to be the best storm ever. I know I’m clean, so fuck it.

I would have loved to sink my cock in her throat or slide it between her voluptuous breasts, but all I could focus on was the thought of being inside her virgin pussy. There was a primal excitement, a fervor of lust that drove me towards the destination. I pushed my hand between her legs and rubbed her labia, caressing it gently with my finger.

She’s so fucking wet.

I pressed a finger inside of her, feeling a tightness that made my cock throb with desire. She was so unbelievably tight my finger barely fit past the first knuckle. I pressed my thumb to her clitoris and rubbed it as I slowly pushed my finger in and out of her tightness. When I felt her hymen, I pulled back slightly and started sliding my finger in and out until I hit it every time. I felt her vaginal cavity start to relax and I knew her pussy was ready for its first taste of cock.

“You’re going to make me cum before I even get to feel you inside of me.” She moaned and her body writhed with pleasure from the stimulation of her clitoris.

“You think I intend to stop after one orgasm?” I laughed slightly as I continued to massage her clitoris.

“I’m going to fuck you until I can’t even get an erection anymore.”

“Jesus...” She let out a groan and started to stroke my engorged dick faster.

I let her stroke it for several minutes while I fingered her tightness and rubbed her clit. She had started to relax, but she was still ridiculously tight. I pulled my cock out of her hand and guided it towards the opening of her vaginal cavity. I pressed the glans into her wetness and was able to push it inside slightly. I started to move in and out of her pussy, stretching it for my girth, and covering my cock with her lubrication. I massaged it up the shaft until I was able to stretch her enough for my cock to press against the thin webbing inside.

Time to claim your virginity, blonde goddess.

“It hurts.” She groaned when I pushed against her hymen.

“It won’t hurt for long. I’ll have you craving it in no time.” I leaned forward and kissed her lips while my cock slid further into her virgin pussy.

I pressed against her hymen with several thrusts until I felt it give and then pushed hard to get past it. There was an expression of pain across her face that caused her to break from our kiss when it tore but she relaxed after the initial shock was over. Her pussy was forced to stretch to accommodate my girth and I continued to fuck the area I had already stretched until I could push it deeper.

“I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my entire cock.” I pulled my lips away and attacked her neck with my tongue.

“It is starting to feel good.” She moaned and I could feel her pussy squeezing on my cock.

I kept pushing my cock in and her expression of pleasure was the first taste of her g-spot being stimulated. With her tightness, it was in a permanent state of bliss, stretched and pressed with each thrust igniting it. The pleasure she felt from it was masking the discomfort and I was able to push my cock in deeper. My excitement built as I thrust a little harder each time, feeling my cock going deeper and deeper until I felt the satisfying contact her thighs made against my pelvis.

“Oh God...” She moaned and her body writhed underneath me, panting with the pleasure of my thrusts.

“God has nothing on me.” I let out a laugh as I gave her another thrust.

I slid my cock back several inches and drove it in again, not as hard as it could have been, but enough to feel that twinge of pleasure I craved. I pressed both sides of my palms beside her head and positioned myself between her thighs so I could get a better angle.

Slow and steady until I can really start fucking her.

Several minutes of gentle intercourse followed, but I picked up the pace as fast as I could without really hurting her. I leaned in to claim her lips again with my own, driving my dick inside of her as I did. She was barely able to concentrate long enough for our lips to touch because she was lost in the euphoria of the moment. I leaned back, wrapping both of my hands around her waist.

So fucking good. Her pussy is fantastic.

I held her steady as I drove my cock inside over and over, using every inch of my length with each thrust. I pulled back until my cock was almost visible beneath the mound of her labia and then slammed it inside. The haphazard thrusts became a continuous rhythm and my cock was throbbing with the need to ejaculate. As much as I wanted to feel the release, I was enjoying her pussy too much to stop. I kept myself on the edge, refusing to let go, but I could tell she didn’t have the same level of control I had.

“I’m...” Her breath picked up. “I’m gonna cum...” A loud drawn-out moan erupted from her throat.

“You and me both.” I felt the building pressure of cum swelling in my balls.

Her body roared with excitement and her vaginal walls spasmed as I made her cum. The orgasm seemed to loosen her up a little bit and there was a lot more lubrication so I really started to pound her pussy as hard as I could. She bit down on her lip and I knew she wasn’t going to be done with just one.

“I’m going to fill your pussy with my cum.” I felt my body jerking and spasming.

Another orgasm built up and came out of her like a wave as I talked dirty to her. I was so turned on I couldn’t hold on any longer. I leaned close to her and started the steady thrusts I knew would release my seed. She panted in my ear with the elongated pleasure of her second orgasm. I felt the pressure building in my balls reach a fever pitch and I knew I was at the perfect point—the point where I couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to, but able to prolong the pleasure if I didn’t rush it.

I just want to enjoy this pussy a little bit longer.

I enjoyed her tightness as long as I could until my cock just couldn’t take any more. I felt the surge rush up my shaft and then I let out a loud grunt as I exploded inside of her. Even though I had masturbated the previous day, it was one of the most powerful ejaculations I had ever felt. It kept going with my entire body shuddering as I released what felt like a lifetime of stored up semen. My body got tight, each muscle squeezing while my cock throbbed and pulsated. When it was finally over, I lay between her legs, pressing my lips to hers with gentle kisses.

“That was amazing...” She whispered. “I thought it would be terrible the first time.”

“With anyone else, it might have been.” I let my tongue drift across her lips. “You’re just lucky you were with me.”

We lay there with our bodies connected until we were both feeling our energy drained by our orgasms. I rolled over onto my back and held her against my chest. The storm outside the cabin continued to rage as nightfall started to settle on Wolf Creek again. I felt myself starting to doze. After nearly an hour, she sat up and I immediately felt a sense of discomfort from our separation. She slid out of bed and walked to the living room, picking up her glass of whiskey and sipping it.

“I didn’t give you permission to leave.” I pushed up on my hands and looked over at her.

“Sorry, I’m parched.” She sipped the whiskey again.

The moonlight caught the outline of her figure and she looked stunning. She really was my beautiful blonde goddess and I was already feeling a desire to be inside of her again. I slipped on my boxers and walked to the living room, wrapping my arms around her.

“One drink and then we’re going back to bed.” I reached down and squeezed her ass. “Unless you want another spanking.”

“I deserved to have my bottom spanked, but I’m not going to do anything to earn another one today. I’ll save up all my bratty behavior for tomorrow.” She winked and smiled.

Apparently, sex isn’t the only thing my blonde goddess wants to repeat.

After a few kisses on her neck, I poured us both a fresh glass of whiskey. The drink was harsh on my dry throat after our lovemaking but I needed something to drink and the buzz had worn off. I put one back quickly and watched as she nursed her first drink.

Come on, drink it faster. I’m ready to fuck you again.

She finally walked back to the bedroom and placed her glass on the nightstand. I followed behind her as she slid into the bed and opened her legs. The look on her face was pretty fucking clear—she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I climbed back into bed, my cock throbbing before our skin even touched again.

Chapter 7: Heather

I’m not a virgin anymore.

Nineteen years, four months, six days, and I could have counted the hours if the clock on the wall hadn’t been blurry from the darkness. There had been pain, but it was definitely worth it when I felt the power of my first vaginal orgasm—I finally understood what the hype was all about. I wasn’t sure I could just go back to boring old masturbation after that.

Shane Black was amazing. I didn’t believe there was another man on the planet more deserving of being my first. I didn’t care if we barely knew each other—I knew what I wanted. He was a real man, but he was the kind of man that would probably break my heart if I gave it to him. I wasn’t sure I could avoid it, especially with what we had shared. I wondered if I was anything more to him than an opportunity to get laid.

Will you even remember me when the storm is over and I go home?

I didn’t want to dwell on it. I wanted something else—a lot more. I wanted to feel him inside of me again, to feel the closeness of two bodies becoming one. I wanted to feel the pleasure overwhelm the pain again. I let my knees drift apart and stared directly at him, locking eyes with his hungry stare.

“I can’t wait to be inside of you again,” he whispered as he sank against me and started kissing my neck.

“I’m ready...” I moaned in his ear as my fingers ran through his hair.

He lifted me off the bed with one hand and pressed his lips to mine. I loved the roughness of his kiss, a hunger that felt like it couldn’t be satiated. I let my lips part and his tongue slid between them, contacting mine. I felt like every kiss I had up to that moment was amateur hour compared to the way he kissed me. It was like he wanted to pillage my mouth and there was so much fire and passion I struggled to concentrate on anything else.

It felt like more than a kiss—it felt like his whole body was connected to mine when our skin met. He held me tight and caressed my body, sending shivers that collided with the heat. He knew exactly where to plant his lips to make me burn with desire for his touch. He held me suspended in air, captivated by his touch, ravaging my body with his tongue.

All I could do was hang on and enjoy the ecstasy. I did my best to keep up but his experience was dominating every attempt I made. I slid my hand between his legs and started to stroke his cock. I might not have been an expert of every sensual spot of the male anatomy, but I knew how to get a response. I slid my hand up and down his shaft, pushing the head against my pussy, which was already wet again.

“You’re not a virgin anymore.” His lips drifted across my ears as he spoke.

“No.” I leaned against his neck. “I want you again.”

“You’re going to have me. It’s time for you to really get fucked.” He leaned back with a hungry look in his eyes.

Yeah... Talk dirty to me. Tell me what you’re going to do.

He held me up with one hand on my ass and one on my back. I stayed suspended there for a moment, our flesh pressed together, but then he flipped me over and pushed me face first into the bed. A hand slid under my stomach and lifted my hips until I was on my knees in front of him, but he kept one hand on the back of my neck, holding my face against the bed.

“I like it rough sometimes.” The hand on the back of my neck wrapped around my hair.

Do I like it rough? Oh God, I think I like it rough. I’m so turned on that I’m going to orgasm before he ever fucks me.

His hardened cock pressed against my pussy as he positioned himself. I felt a new surge of desire resonating from within me. He slid me closer, driving his cock inside as he did. It went in hard and fast with no time for me to adjust to his girth. I winced for a moment, but he quickly withdrew—only to follow up with an even harder thrust. Several quick ones followed, and I felt myself starting to adjust.

“That feels good...” A moan of pleasure roared across my lips.

“I bet it does.” He landed a hard slap on my ass and it reignited the fire he had created there earlier. My body reacted with a quiver and the sting quickly turned to pleasure.

The sensation from that angle was different and it felt like his cock never left my g-spot. The stories of how great it felt could never have prepared me for the pleasure it caused me to feel. After a few dozen thrusts, I was fully adjusted and I was moaning every time he drove himself deep. I was enjoying it so much I found myself pushing back against him, trying to force his cock deeper each time.

“Don’t stop...” I moaned through drawn, panted breaths.

“I don’t intend to.” He picked up the pace. “Not until I fill you with cum again.”


The roughness of his thrusts were so hot I thought I would spontaneously combust from the feeling that was building inside of me. My g-spot was almost pulsating with pleasure as he slammed his cock into it hard and fast. As soon as I felt the sensation crash into my body, he was withdrawing his dick and slamming it again. The hand that was wrapped around my hair kept me pinned to the bed and I could barely move, but I continued to try and lift my hips against his thrusts.

My pussy may never recover from this, but I don’t care.

As much as I wanted to see the passion in his eyes, I was lost in the bliss of the moment. The bed creaked with the fury of his thrusts and I was gasping for air between the surges of pleasure. I couldn’t believe I had gone from a virgin who had never felt a cock to a full-blown slave to his lust in a matter of an hour.

I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I wanted to be his in every way. The blizzard had started to pick up outside yet again, but the sound of the wind was nothing compared to the storm brewing between us. The thrusts got faster as I heard him grunting with pleasure. I was right there with him, engulfed in the majesty of the moment.

I’m not going to last much longer.

When I felt him start to throb and tense up, I knew he was nearing his breaking point again. I couldn’t wait to feel the ferocity of his release once more. I wanted every drop of his passion, deep inside where no man had been before him.

“You’re going to make me explode...” He said with a hard grunt.

“Me too...” I moaned.

The tense muscles inside of my pussy started to spasm as my body felt the first stream of his ejaculation. I bit down on the sheets as I let out a light scream of pleasure when my orgasm began.

It was more intense than the ones I had experienced earlier, magnified by the way his cock throbbed against my g-spot while it unleashed the entirety of his lust. My head buckled backwards against my neck as he yanked on my hair. He pulled my head back while he continued to drive his cock inside of me.

Damn, why do I like that so much?

I did my best to push back and bounce against his thrusts, but my orgasm was already overpowering my sense of self-control. He slammed into me hard and then held himself there, at the deepest point where his balls rested against my clitoris. They seemed to almost vibrate as he unloaded the last drop of his pleasure into my exhausted pussy.

When he was spent, his fingers released their grip and I fell forward into the bed. He slowly withdrew and then dropped beside me in the bed. Sweat had formed on the edge of his eyebrows and he had a look of intense satisfaction on his face.

“That was incredible.” I rolled to the side and put my hand on my chest. “I’m almost out of breath.”

“Find it quick.” He looked over at me. “I’m not finished with you.”

“I don’t know if I can take any more.” I shook my head, feeling heaviness in my eyes as the afterglow of the orgasm sent calming endorphins through my body.

“Oh, you can take a lot more, trust me.” He pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine. “You’re mine, whenever I want you.”

How could I say no to that?

I dozed in his arms fairly quickly, completely exhausted by the fury of our lovemaking. I was semi-aware of a shift in the bed when he moved closer and started to run his fingers down my naked body. It tingled a little, but I was beyond the point of being able to lift an arm or even open an eyelid. It was hard to tell if it was happening in real life or if I was dreaming. I finally felt the deepest sleep pulling me into a dark embrace.


I DIDN’T SLEEP VERY long, despite the exhaustion that settled into my bones. When I woke up and felt the cold on his side of the bed, I fully opened my eyes and looked around the cabin. I could hear him in the kitchen, so I slid out of bed and walked into the living room.

My stomach had a bit of a cramp and a hunger pang—another part of my penance for throwing my food on the floor earlier in the day. Only a few hours had passed, but it seemed like so much more. I still didn’t understand what came over me when I chose to take my anger out on his plate and the food he fixed for me, but there was a soreness in my bottom to remind me of the price I paid for that temporary bit of bratty insanity.

And it’ll probably happen again if I misbehave—I’m not sure that is a bad thing.

“Ah, sleeping beauty has risen.” He smiled as I entered the living room and yawned.

“Yeah...” I nodded. “I’m famished.”

“I should send you to bed without supper after the stunt you pulled earlier.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“I’m sorry...” I replied.

“There’s plenty of food in the fridge. Help yourself.” He motioned towards the fridge behind him. He had already piled some food on a plate and was digging into it with his fork.

The kitchen was filled with various items, but none of the junk food I preferred was present. I settled on a tomato sandwich, topped with some lettuce. As much as I would have liked a couple of pieces of bacon to complete the ensemble, I didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask after what I did earlier so I topped it with salt and pepper.

“This stuff is so fresh.” I bit into it and felt the fullness of the flavor—it was so much tastier than what we normally got at the grocery store.

“I grew them myself. I have a small greenhouse out back that I use when the weather is a little cold. I’ll have to can whatever is left after the storm, so enjoy it.” He smiled as he watched me bite into the sandwich again.

It was a great sandwich, even without the protein, and I felt full after it was gone. I sat down in the living room and watched the television for a moment, staring at the various news from around the area. The storm was going to be legendary before it was over and they were predicting another day of snow. The local weatherman had completely failed to predict the storm that was coming and my friends were likely holed up in their cabin with booze supplies running low.

Not me. I could drown myself in alcohol and barely hurt his supply.

A look at the well-stocked array on Shane’s counter suggested he was well beyond the capabilities of the experts to determine what was needed in such a situation. I really had been extremely lucky and it felt like a twist of fate in my favor that had landed me exactly where I needed to be. I stood up after staring at the television and walked to the window.

“Are you trying to melt the snow with your gaze?” He laughed as he watched me stare.

“No.” I shook my head. “I’m in no hurry to leave.”

“Does that mean you’re about ready for bed?” He had a certain hint of excitement in his tone.

“Not yet...” I turned and walked over to him.

I was in a full blown sexual revolution and there were things I had never done—things I wanted to experience with someone I trusted as much as I trusted Shane. I placed my hands on his shoulders and kissed him deeply, sinking into his arms. As much as I enjoyed our kiss, I wanted to try something else, something I had thought about since I first heard stories about all the things couples did together when they were alone.

I want to suck his cock.

I kissed down his neck and then slid between his legs, dropping to my knees. His eyes lit up with a bit of excitement when I started to stroke his shaft through his jeans. I unfastened them and pulled them down until I could see the bridge of his cock along the top part of the fabric. I slid a hand into them and extracted it carefully watching it grow in my hand.

He realized what I wanted to do and slid forward in his seat, positioning his cock in front of my lips. I stroked it with my hand as I studied it. I had a strong desire to taste it and feel the force of his ejaculation in my throat. I parted my lips and extended my tongue, swirling around the engorged head.

“I’ve never done this before.” I kissed along the side lightly.

“I trust you.” He leaned back in his chair. “You can practice on me all you want.”

The veins on his engorged dick were thick and twisted around the shaft. I let my tongue drift down the underside of it and I felt him tense up with a look of pleasure on his face. I dragged my tongue across the head, across the back, and all the way down to his balls, measuring each reaction as I tried to learn what made him feel good.

Oh, he liked that.

The bottom part seemed to be the most pleasurable, so I focused there with my tongue as I moved across it quickly. Once I had it fairly saturated I moved back to the head and prepared to feel a cock in my mouth for the first time. I parted my lips and slid it past them, letting my tongue adjust to the texture.

There was a certain excitement in the experience that made me start to get wet again. The idea of sucking a cock and the actuality of it were two very different things. I found my jaw hesitant to accept his girth, as much as I wanted to pleasure him. I struggled with it, sliding as much as I could inside my mouth and rolling my tongue around it.

After several minutes, I felt my jaw start to relax and I could open it further. I continued the repetitive motion as he moaned and then let it slide further inside my mouth once I adjusted.

“That feels really good,” he said with a moan of satisfaction.

I was determined to make my first experience a good one for both of us. I felt his cock throbbing inside my mouth as I pushed it further and further into my throat. Each time I felt it hit a point I couldn’t get past mentally, I pulled his cock to the edge of my lips and licked it before pushing it down my throat again.

The excited breaths and moans of pleasure I heard from him each time I did it suggested I was doing something right. I picked up the pace, trying to get faster as I slid his cock down my throat.

“Your mouth is so warm and wet.” He moaned again. “Your lips are so hot.”

I’m going to make you cum.

After several tries, I felt the back of my throat finally starting to relax and I pushed it as deep as he could go. My lips connected with his pelvis and he started to lightly grind himself against me. It took several tries to really adjust to the feeling of his cock inside the deepest reaches of my throat, but once I could consistently swallow him, I felt a difference in his grunts. I moved his cock deep as fast as I could and I felt his hand on my head.

“I’m gonna cum.” A loud moan and a grunt followed his words.

His words brought on a new sense of enthusiasm and vigor. I wanted to feel his release inside of my mouth. I wanted evidence I had given him the kind of pleasure I set out to deliver. I could feel the cum surging in his balls and I could feel the pressure in his shaft.

I let him show me what he wanted as he guided my motions. When there was so much pressure I was sure he would explode, I picked up the pace and swallowed his cock over and over until I felt him throbbing against the back of my throat. He grabbed my hair and slid himself deep.

I knew he was going to explode, so I braced myself for the full force of his lust. It didn’t take long once he was ready. I could feel the surge of his cum in the shaft and then it erupted inside my throat. I immediately started swallowing, just trying to stay ahead of his excitement.

This is harder than I thought.

I felt myself choking, but I kept my tongue in motion to extend the pleasure. There were several long streams of cum before he was done, but I managed to swallow every drop before he was spent. There were little words after that. I crawled into his lap and rested my head against his chest, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride in the pleasure I had given him.

Chapter 8: Shane

I wanted the storm to last forever because that would make it less complicated. Things would change when it passed. The beautiful blonde goddess in my arms was mine—she was mine forever.

No man will ever touch you again. I’m the first and the last.

I wouldn’t make the same mistakes I made when I let myself love before. Heather would be dominated, taught, controlled, and disciplined if necessary. I would train her to be exactly what I needed. She had no idea how my far I would go to make sure she remained mine.

I’ll do anything it takes to keep you here with me.

There was a darkness in my soul that had not been tapped for some time. I thought the mountain consumed it and turned me into a celibate hermit, but the conversion had been unsuccessful. I was filled with a new vigor for life, a new desire for the future I dreamed of before. I wanted to grow old in the cabin with her, surrounded by our children. I wanted to provide for her and the family we raised. We wouldn’t need anything else in the world but each other.

“Is it morning?” She opened her eyes and looked up at me.

“Almost...” I replied, pressing my lips to her head. “You can sleep longer if you want to.”

“I’m not tired...” She looked towards the window. “Will the storm pass today?”

“It should. The roads will be open tomorrow.” I nodded.

She withdrew from my arms and the angst of separation was instant. She walked into the bathroom and started a shower. I heard the sound of the water beating in the tub for several minutes before I finally slid out of bed.

Coffee and breakfast would have to wait because there was something I wanted a lot more than either of them. My cock was already hard when I saw her silhouette against the wall. I walked into the bathroom and pulled back the curtain slowly. She didn’t react with any sort of surprise when I joined her—it was almost as if she was expecting it.

You want me as bad I want you.

She slid her hair to the side and I started applying soap to her back, scrubbing it lightly with my fingernails. When she was rinsed, she started washing me, moving the soap across my torso and around my neck. I turned so she could get my back and as her fingers drifted down to my waist, she reached around and started to stroke my cock. I leaned back against her, feeling the need growing with each motion of her hand.

I reached back and started to stroke her clitoris with my middle finger, moving around it in a circular motion. She was already wet, so wet that the shower couldn’t wash away her desire.

“I’m ready for you.” She pressed her pussy against my finger.

I turned to face her and our lips connected underneath the water, twisting against each other with the passion of unsatisfied lust that had formed since we had fucked the day before. I lifted her leg and placed it on the edge of the tub, dipping my knees so I could press the head of my cock against her pussy. She had gotten extremely tight again, and I had to work my cock in slow. It took a couple of minutes, slowly going in and out as she moaned.

I’ll never get tired of this—damn—so fucking tight.

The shower washed away some of the outer lubrication, but once I was inside, it was nirvana again. When we were connected, I picked her up by both thighs and spun her against the back of the shower. It was slick from the water but I could hold her there for quick, powerful thrusts.

“You’re so freaking strong.” She let out a pant as I held her against the wall.

Strong enough to keep you here forever.

It didn’t take long for her eyes to roll back and her head to fall against my shoulder as she felt the fury of my desire. She was still so tight that there was resistance as I fucked her, but it felt amazing. It wasn’t going to be a marathon by any means, but I was determined to make sure she started her morning with an orgasm. The water ran down our bodies, creating steam in the shower that was magnified by the heat between us.

“You know you’re mine now.” I said in a tense growl against her ear.

“I know.” She whispered back and then a long moan of satisfaction escaped her lips.

You better know.

I wasn’t sure if she truly understood what I meant by the statement, but it needed to be said. The words seemed to bring a new sense of passion in her as she started to kiss my neck, moaning in my ear. My blonde goddess was getting close to an orgasm but I was still hungry for a whole lot more.

I held her close and picked up the pace, pounding her pussy as hard as I could without physically harming her. She reacted as I expected, clenching on my cock as her pussy started to spasm with an orgasm. I focused on quick thrusts, hitting her g-spot each time I drove myself in. She dug her fingernails into my neck and my back as her body surged with pleasure.

A loud series of moans ripped from her throat in gasps as she started to orgasm. Her pussy spasmed as she was sent to the moment of ecstasy and the additional lubrication combined with her orgasmic contractions made my cock throb even harder. I barely had time to adjust before I felt another one surging from within her.

Another one? Damn.

I continued my thrusts against the wall, attacking her neck with my mouth as both of our desires became one. I knew I was close, but I was enjoying her pussy so damn much I didn’t want it to end.

“I want to feel you explode inside me” She leaned forward and whispered into my ear. “Please.”

She was craving the sensations of my release as much as I was and her words made me more excited. I was trapped at the point where I couldn’t stop myself from ejaculating, but I was able to prolong it with the right motion. I kept myself there as long as I could, in that moment of perpetual perfection, but it couldn’t last forever.

“You feel so good.” Steam rose from my lip as a grunt echoed from my throat.

I pressed against her and drove my cock deep, feeling the first tightening of my cock as it prepared to unleash every drop of my cum. I pulled back and drove it in again as the first explosion erupted from the tip of my cock. I knew it wouldn’t be the last because I could already feel another one building up inside.

You make me cum more than anyone ever has.

It only took a couple of thrusts for the second eruption to unload inside of her. A few quicker ones followed and I was spent. My balls tingled and my cock was immediately exhausted from the encounter. I held her in an embrace, lightly kissing her neck and her cheek before finally withdrawing.

She let out a groan as my cock was completely removed. We stayed in the shower a little longer, cleaning up the results of our lust, and then I reached over and turned off the water.

“I like shower sex.” She grinned as she stood in front of me, dripping water on the ceramic below us.

“I like it with you.” I reached for a towel and began drying her gorgeous body.

There was a calmness in the air. The storm had officially broken. All that remained was snow on the ground and an overcast that would give way to the sun. Once the sun finally peeked out of the clouds, it would start to melt.


T HE WORST OF THE STORM was over, but I felt like the real storm was about to brew inside of me when I walked into the living room and saw Heather sitting at the radio. She used the radio to talk to the local authorities and make arrangements for her car. They would send someone to pick it up and make sure it was operational when the roads were clear.

Fuck. I’m not ready for you to go.

I started drinking early, feeling the solace of the whiskey’s warmth. The day lingered on, with us spending a lot of quiet time together, kissing and just enjoying the comfort of skin on skin. By the afternoon, there was a hint of sunlight. I stared at the sun with an angry glare, just wanting it to go away.

“Our first sunrise.” She looked over at me.

“I can’t lie to you, Heather.” I stood up. “I don’t even want to see it.”

“Yeah...” She sighed. “Tomorrow is going to be rather complicated.”

“You don’t have to leave.” I said firmly. “You’re mine.”

“I can’t stay.” She shook her head. “I don’t have a choice. This was supposed to be a vacation. I didn’t expect to meet someone like you. I didn’t expect to feel the way I do.”

“I can’t let you go.” I leaned towards her on the couch and kissed her ear. “I don’t want you to leave.”

“How would I explain that to my parents? I can’t drop out of school and move to the mountains.” She pulled away from me. “This is hard for me too—my heart is telling me to give the world a middle finger and stay here in your arms forever.”

“You should listen to your heart.” I closed the distance she had put between us and wrapped my arms around her. “This is a simple life. I can provide anything we need and we don’t need much. We just need each other.”

“I want to stay...” She muttered.

“Then stay.” I pulled her close.

Just fucking stay.

I wasn’t ready to force it, even if my soul was being ripped apart by the thought of her leaving. I didn’t want a slave that I had to keep chained to the wall. I wanted my beautiful blonde goddess to be there with me because she wanted to be there. I didn’t want to take no for an answer, but I felt like it was the answer she was prepared to give me.

I kissed her deeply, letting it linger there to the point I felt myself getting hard again just from the fire burning between our lips. We were so different, yet we fit together so perfectly. There was a definite difference in our mentality, a long cord of complications which had to be overcome, but I was up for the challenge.

I had to be the only man she would ever love. I had to be the one that held her forever. She was obsessed with a world I had left behind, and she didn’t see the majesty of a simple life. We finally stopped ourselves short of the bedroom and decided it was time for dinner. There wasn’t much conversation at the dinner table because we both seemed to be consumed with the harshness of the following day.

It couldn’t break us. I had to make sure of it. I was ready to bring damnation to heaven and earth if it meant we didn’t have to part ways. I just hoped she would understand.

“We can’t dwell on tomorrow.” She sipped her drink. “We have to make the most of our time together.”

“I can’t help but dwell...” I shook my head. “Tomorrow changes everything.”

“Just...” She shook her head. “Just make love to me one more time before I have to go.”

A darkness started to fill my soul. She was telling me it was over. She was setting fire to everything I wanted.

I’m not a fucking vacation fling...

I took her by the hand and lifted her off the couch. She wanted to be fucked one more time, so she would get fucked.

I clenched my fingers around her ass, holding her tight as we kissed. The primal lust started to build as much as I wanted to tell her exactly how things were going to be, I just couldn’t stare down the face of reality without satisfying my desires.

I took her to the bedroom and started removing her clothes. She was a radiant goddess in the moonlight, a glimmer of heaven that just couldn’t be ignored. By the time I crawled into bed on top of her, I was hard and focused on enjoying the moment. There was a hunger in her kiss and a lust in her eyes. She was no longer a timid virgin—she was a woman who needed the passion of our embrace.

Chapter 9: Heather

Shane seemed like an animal when he took me to the bedroom. I was so hungry for his touch that I didn’t care if it was gentle or rough—I just wanted him. I knew he didn’t want me to leave, and I really didn’t want to go, but it was too complicated to stay.

How can I explain it to him ?

I had enjoyed our time together and I wanted to be there with him, but the weight of my life was on my shoulders. I just wanted one more night, one more feeling of passion before we parted ways. When he descended between my thighs and I felt his cock against my pussy, I couldn’t wait to feel him inside of me again, even if it was the last time.

The thoughts of what the sunrise brought evaporated as his cock entered my pussy. I reached out and clamped my hands behind his head, feeling the first thrusts. They hurt because my pussy was still sore and it was like a reflection of the storm in his eyes. Even though there was discomfort at first, it didn’t take long for his thrusting to start moving across my g-spot and bringing back the pleasure I craved.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and one on my ribs as he started to passionately drive his cock into me and my hips joined his thrusts, trying to keep up with his fury. I stared into his eyes, watching the storm continue to build behind his dark round orbs. He pressed his lips to my neck and kissed me with a fervor that made me even more excited.

“Show me how much you want me.” I begged.

He took it as a sign to pick up the pace, and I was quickly overcome by the rapture of my body’s erupting pleasure. His hands moved to my breasts, squeezing them as he continued to fuck me. My mind flashed to all the moments we had together and I wondered how I would ever live without him.

There was so much I didn’t know about him and there was plenty he didn’t know about me, but none of that mattered when I was in his arms. Nothing seemed to matter except the moment we were in. I felt myself bouncing against the mattress as he moved inside of me, going deep with every thrust.

“Harder...” I squeezed his arms.

He slid his arms behind my back and lifted me up, leaning back on his knees. He used the tremendous strength in his legs to bounce me there against his hips and I could meet each thrust. When he slowed down, I took over, planting my feet on each side of his legs and wrapping my hands around his neck.

I lifted myself up and down, riding his cock like it was the only thing that mattered, because in that moment, it was. He leaned back further, letting my legs buckle at the knees so I was straddling him. His hands rested on my hips as I tried to satisfy the ache inside.

“You’re so beautiful.” He said. “I could stare at you forever.”

I couldn’t respond because my body was enthralled in the moment. The first sensations of an orgasm were starting to build. After I rode his cock for several minutes, he lifted his knees and started thrusting upwards. The pleasure was so overwhelming I sank down against his chest.

He wrapped one arm around my back and held my ass with the other as he drove himself into me. They felt like they were powerful enough to send me toppling off the bed if he wasn’t holding me so tight. The first sensation of orgasm quickly started to give away to a full-blown moment of bliss. I could feel his cock throbbing inside of me, getting harder as his panting growls gave way to exacerbated moans of pleasure.

Damn this is good...

I knew I didn’t have much left before I went over the edge, but it felt so amazing that I pushed for more. His powerful thrusts suddenly turned to quick ones and I couldn’t hold myself back. The tingling sensation gave way to spasms and then my whole body erupted in an orgasm.

My head rolled back and I let out a scream of pleasure. He started to pick up the pace with his quick thrusts as my pussy clenched his cock while I came.

“You feel so good.” He muttered as the first stream of cum erupted from his cock.

The lubrication of our combined excitement made it easier for him to slide inside of me, picking up the pace even more. I felt another orgasm coming and I just held on as he pummeled my pussy until it was complete.

Holy shit.

I was a blubbery, slobbering mess by the time it was done, especially as the remainder of his load came out in long streams while I erupted. I collapsed into his arms and felt the sticky sweat between us. The fire had warmed up the cabin a good bit, but our lovemaking had burned brighter than the inferno of the logs. We stayed there in silence, just enjoying the exhaustion of our embrace for what seemed like an eternity in the afterglow. I felt myself drifting away to sleep and I didn’t even care enough to move to the pillow—I just fell asleep in his arms. I didn’t wake up until the sun was already illuminating the cabin.

He was still asleep, still holding me. As much as I wanted to get up and see how the snow looked, I wanted to stay there more. I fell asleep again and was eventually awakened by the sound of breakfast and coffee going at the same time. I stumbled out of bed and walked to the window.

“I can see the road.” Those words would have been filled with excitement when I first got there, but they contained very little emotion after our time together.

“Yes.” He replied. “I called ahead on the radio and made sure your car was towed. They can get it running, but the window is going to have to wait. They’ll put some plastic on it so you can drive it if you want.”

“So, this is it.” I looked over at him.

Has he finally come to terms with the inevitability of my departure?

“Yes.” I could tell his mood was darker than what I had seen before.

I ate breakfast with him and had a couple of cups of coffee before making my way to the shower. I hoped he would join me, but there was no sign of him. The damp towel on the wall suggested he had showered before me and when I left the bathroom after I was done drying off, he was completely dressed.

So much for starting my last day with an orgasm.

I packed my bag, stuffing everything I had worn over the course of our time together inside of it. I would just have to deal with sorting the laundry when I got back home. There was very little hint of the man I had spent all my time with behind the coldness I felt as he helped me get everything into the truck.

I guess we’re done...

He seemed like he had retreated into the shell I imagined he lived in all the years alone in the cabin. He drove down the mountain carefully, avoiding the tough spots on the road thanks to the size of his truck. When we hit the main highway, I saw that the ice was already melted into slush that was fairly easy to drive on.

The town was alive with people, and I saw my car sitting in the parking lot of the gas station where the man on the radio said it would be. When we got closer to town, my phone erupted with nearly a hundred text messages and dozens of missed calls. The world was finally starting to catch up with me.

“I guess there is cell service here.” I stared at the screen and flipped through messages from my family and friends.

“Yes.” He nodded. “It’ll get better as you head north.”

“I’ll be up all night responding to these messages.” I put my phone in my lap and looked over at the gas station where I saw a number of people gathered. “Wow, I didn’t realize there were this many people in Wolf Creek.”

“What the fuck...” He tensed up as we turned into the parking lot of the gas station.

It was a strange sight when his truck came to a stop. It was like someone took a scene from Hollywood and dropped it right in the middle of Wolf Creek. I saw news vans, reporters, and all of them started pointing at me. There were several people who appeared to be locals, staring at the sight. Several people that appeared to be reporters ran up to the truck and camera lights started to flash.

“This is nuts. Who are all these people?” I stared at the crowd, which seemed to get larger as each second passed.

I pushed open the door and held my hand over my eyes as the cameras rapidly flashed. The ones that weren’t snapping pictures were videoing the entire thing. Microphones got shoved in my face and there was a roar as the questions just overlapped each other. Shane remained inside, a scowl across his face. I had no idea what was going on. People were talking over each other, pushing against the crowd to get closer to me—everyone seemed to know my name.

What the hell is going on?

I looked to Shane for comfort as I closed the door. He must have saw the panic in my eyes. He pushed his door open and weaved between the mob of reporters, pushing them aside to take me under his arm. We quickly walked towards the gas station and once we were past the mob, we ran the rest of the way. I could tell by the shock on his face that he was as surprised as I was. His eyes were wide and confused.

“Why are all those people here?” I took a step towards the window and stared at them.

“You’re a celebrity, ma’am.” A voice surprised me and I turned to see a man in overalls at the counter. “You’re safe in here though. I told them I’d get out my shotgun if they didn’t stay twenty feet from the gas pumps—unless they’re buying gas, of course.”

“A celebrity? What?” I walked towards him as he pointed at the television.

“It has been on the news all day. The girl that got lost in the snowstorm.” He looked over at Shane. “And the man who saved her from it. It’ll probably be good for business.”

“Fuck me...” Shane muttered angrily.

I stared at the television screen as a picture of me was shown. There was an aerial view of Wolf Creek covered in snow, and a circle around the spot where my car was. My friends were interviewed from their cabin, the destination I never arrived at, talking about how I was supposed to be joining them.

After they got their words in about how worried they were, the news anchor cut to my parents. My mother was crying and my father was as stoic as ever. They talked about being afraid something had happened to me—afraid I was dead. My mother started to gush her thanks to the mysterious Shane Black who saved me.

I bet neither of you would be thanking him if you knew what we did.

The reporter then started talking about Shane, showing an image of him that I didn’t recognize. He didn’t have a beard and he looked ten years younger. Several locals were interviewed and they talked about how nice he was and how he treated everyone with respect, even if he was a bit of a loner.

I wanted to be in Shane’s arms. I wanted to run away from it all. When I looked at him, I saw a different man staring back at me. He had a gaze on the screen that was filled with terror—it was almost like he had seen a ghost.

“I should go.” He gritted his teeth and looked at the door.

“Go?” I shook my head. “Not yet...”

“Heather.” He sighed. “Things are about to change. I want you to get in your car and I want you to drive. Don’t listen to the news. Don’t watch television. Just drive.”

I reached out for him, but he was already leaving me. He moved through the sea of reporters and got into his truck, driving away without even saying goodbye. I looked towards the man at the counter who just shrugged.

What the heck was that about? What was he afraid of?

“Can you take a credit card?” I dug into my purse and pulled out my wallet.

“Yes ma’am. Nobody seems to have cash anymore.” He chuckled.

“Thank you so much.” I slid my card across the counter to him.

“You got lucky. Your car didn’t get messed up too bad. I had to replace the radiator, but I had one in stock, so that was an easy fix. I filled it up with gas as well. You’ll need a window at some point, but the plastic will do for now.” He picked up my credit card and swiped it.

His words bounced around in my head, but they didn’t stick. I couldn’t focus on anything but Shane. Once my bill was paid, I battled my way through the reporters and got into my car, leaving them all behind as I started driving through the slush. I had no idea what Shane meant or why he had abandoned me like that, but I knew it had to be serious. Even though he warned me against it, I couldn’t help but turn on the radio.

I have to know. I can’t ignore it.

I fumbled with the stations until I found one broadcasting our story. It started off simple enough, a tale of a girl lost in the storm, and the man who saved her.

Then I got the shock of my life.

“Breaking news... We’ve learned that the hero of our last story, Shane Black, is a wanted man. Despite being young Heather Westbrook’s savior, he’s been taken into custody in Wolf Creek awaiting extradition. Six years ago, he was arrested for assault, attacking his ex-wife’s new boyfriend. Before he could face criminal charges, he fled. Authorities have been looking for him ever since. Wolf Creek Sheriff, James Anderson, apprehended him at his cabin without incident ...”

I turned off the radio and burst into tears.

NO! Fuck. This is all my fault.

Chapter 10: Shane

Fucking shit.

I swore I would never wear handcuffs again. As much as I wanted to run and as much as I wanted to fight for my freedom, I just couldn’t do it. There was a time when I would have loaded up every single one of my guns and fought to the death to avoid going back to jail, but I no longer craved death over incarceration.

Time to face the fucking music.

Incarceration would be temporary, but there was life on the other side, even if it wasn’t the one I truly wanted. I never dreamed when I went to save Heather that it would turn into a national news story. Even with that realization staring at me behind the iron bars of my cell, there wasn’t a damn thing I would have changed. I would have spent the rest of my life behind bars to keep her from dying in that storm.

I had one final pitch to throw at her before she drove way—one proposal that I hoped would change everything. All hope of making her mine for eternity faded when I saw that news story. I doubted she would even speak to me again when she saw the news story. Even if she made it home without turning on the radio, she was going to find out eventually. I just hoped she made it home safely before the illusion was shattered. It was easy to forget why I didn’t want to be found when she was in my arms, but I had been a fool to think she could be mine forever.

“I don’t like this.” I lifted my head when Sheriff James Anderson walked into view with a solemn look on his face. “You’re a fucking hero, Shane. That girl would be dead if it wasn’t for you. You have been nothing but a damn upstanding man since you moved here and I’m going to tell those motherfuckers that.”

“Thank you, Sheriff.” I nodded and sighed. “I made some mistakes a few years ago.”

One very big one—the one that would cost me my freedom.

“Fuck that. Every man watching the news knows they would be tempted to do the exact same fucking thing you did if they were in your situation. You had just found out he was fucking your wife before the divorce was even mentioned.” He spat at the floor.

“They would be tempted, but I actually did it.” I shook my head angrily. “Unfortunately, some of the charges and the medical conditions he claimed were just made up.”

“Yeah, I think anyone who heard them would believe that. If you could give a man permanent concussion symptoms and PTSD from one punch, I think you’d be a professional cage fighter with a championship belt around your waist. The story just makes him sound like a bitch. Try to get some rest. They’ll be here for you tomorrow.” Sheriff Anderson walked back towards his office.

I stretched out on the hard cot and stared at the ceiling. I hadn’t heard the latest news story about who I really was, but I could imagine what they were saying. I knew what I had done. I remembered every bit of it in vivid detail, from the anger I felt when I found out to the rage that engulfed me when I swung my fist in a blind attempt to quench my thirst for vengeance. It was like watching a movie in my head where the star was someone who looked like me, but had a completely different mentality on life than I did back then.


M ORNING CAME AND I was escorted to a police car by two officers with reporters all around me. Wolf Creek had never had the attention of the national media before and I hated being the one that brought the negative spin on what could have been a very positive boost in tourism. I hoped we would make the trek by car, but when the police car pulled into the airport, I knew they were taking me by plane.

Fuck. I hate flying.

I sat at the back of the plane while people whispered about me. The words they said were both negative and positive. It seemed like some of them felt my actions deserved to erase my past. I knew that wasn’t reality, but it was nice to hear. I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep, but the roar of the plane just wouldn’t let me rest.

I really hate flying.

The storm was gone, but there was enough turbulence in the air to make it bumpy. I looked out the window and saw the sprawling lights of the city below me. I never wanted to see so much overpopulation again, but I didn’t have a say in the matter.

“Come on.” One of the police officers took me by the arm when the plane came to a stop at the terminal.

The city appeared before me when we exited the airport. All the bright lights, the artificial colors, and the dulling of nature was just as awful as I remembered. And the air smelled like shit. It didn’t get any better in the six years I was away, and I certainly didn’t miss it for a moment. I caught a glimpse of a television screen and saw my ex-wife for the first time in years, talking to a reporter outside of the home we used to share together.

She was standing there with my replacement at her side. At least she did stay with him; it was the same guy I attacked. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but she seemed to be angry. She looked old with the shimmer of youth gone from her eyes. I didn’t see a single trace of the woman I once loved behind her hollow expression.

Damn. Life hasn’t been kind to you.

The caption at the bottom of the screen made it seem like a nationwide manhunt had been going on for six years, but I knew the truth. I was a forgotten man before I saved Heather. My actions had brought me back into the spotlight and it was the only reason they gave a damn about me or the charges that had been pending. I was basically hiding in plain sight, using my real name, and relying on the fact they didn’t care enough to look to stay out of jail.

Maybe that was a mistake.

After spending the night in a jail cell surrounded by drunks, I was taken to a small room to meet my lawyer. I hadn’t hired a lawyer, but I assumed someone had sent a public defender my way since I didn’t bother trying to get one. I could have afforded it for sure, but there didn’t seem to be a reason since it was pretty damn clear I was guilty.

“Mr. Black.” He entered the room. “I’m Amos Livingston.”

“Just let me plead guilty and get this over with.” I shook my head. “I’ve had enough of this circus.”

“Plead guilty?” He sat down at the table. “You obviously have no idea who I am.”

“You’re Amos Livingston.” I looked at him. “You just told me that.”

“Yes, I’m Amos Livingston...of Westbrook, Westbrook, and Livingston.” He opened his briefcase.

“Westbrook?” I leaned towards the table.

“Do you really think Heather’s father is going to let the man who saved his daughter serve a fucking day in prison? These motherfuckers are lucky he didn’t come out here himself and just start busting skulls.” He chuckled. “Legally, I’m not licensed to practice here, but that won’t be an issue because you’re about to walk out of here a free man.”

“How?” I narrowed my eyes at him, still a bit suspicious.

“These charges?” He threw papers on the table. “They’re all bullshit. You could drive a truck through their case. I know you haven’t been watching the news, but the people fucking love you. Women are praying they get lost in the snow just so you can save them. Men are wishing they had the balls to do what you did to that motherfucker.”

“I was young.” I shook my head. “It was stupid.”

“It was the heat of the moment. You were scorned. Who gives a shit, it’s been six years? Obviously, nobody gave a damn about finding you or they would have. You were living on land you owned before the incident happened, so it isn’t like you were hiding in fucking Mexico or something. Besides, everyone in Wolf Creek is ready to mobilize the town and come testify on your behalf. Your ex-wife wants nothing to do with this and her husband is ready to drop all charges. The last thing either of them wanted was to be caught up in this. As far as the public is concerned, they’re the bad guys now.” He pushed paperwork across the table.

“What’s this?” I looked down at the papers.

“Sign it and you’re a free man.” He folded his arms and smiled.

My freedom was in front of me. I flipped through the paperwork and tried to comprehend what it said. It was all sorts of legal talk with words I didn’t totally understand. After I finished flipping through them the first time, I had to start over at the beginning and try to really read it.

Why can’t they print this in fucking English?

It basically stated that I wouldn’t talk about anything that occurred between my ex-wife, her new husband, and myself. I would be bound by a confidentiality clause, because they didn’t want to be brought into the discussion. There was talk about book deals, television, and other stuff, basically stating that if any of it happened, I had to avoid all mentions of them. I was free to discuss anything that happened after I got to Wolf Creek, but nothing that happened before it.

Wow. Leave it to my ex-wife to just take a scorched earth approach to our past.

My life before that moment was pretty much erased. I couldn’t discuss the divorce, the reason for the divorce—hell I couldn’t even talk about my previous marriage. I couldn’t mention that she cheated on me. I couldn’t mention that the guy I caught her with was fucking her while we were married. It was clear that they wanted out of the spotlight and wanted to trade anything to get it. There was a time when I would have been more than willing to sign such an agreement, but there was something that didn’t sit right.

“No.” I shook my head.

“Seriously?” He unfolded his arms and placed them on the table. “Do you realize how hard it was to get that agreement put together in one day? They’re willing to drop everything! The District Attorney has agreed not to press charges, even though he can, because they won’t testify!”

“You’re my lawyer, right?” I looked up at him.

“Yes sir.” He nodded. “And as your lawyer—”

“Get your pen out.” I tossed the paper on the table, interrupting his sentence.

For the next hour, we carefully wrote down my terms. I wasn’t going to run from my problems. I was guilty. I was guilty of assaulting the motherfucker, and I wanted that to be known. It had to be public record. I wanted the accountability and if that meant prison, I would do the time.

If they wanted to avoid testimony, the price for that was my freedom, but there was no way I would let the past be completely erased. I knew it was foolish pride, but there was no way I was just going to pretend none of that ever happened to please them. I had no intentions of ever giving an interview, or talking to the press, so that part was fine, but they weren’t going to just pretend I never existed.

I didn’t feel like it was too much to ask for. I wanted to be left alone and I wanted to live in my cabin away from it all, but they didn’t get to decide who I was. My lawyer didn’t seem happy with the terms, especially when I had to be led back to my cell, but the next day I got word they agreed to what I outlined without question.

I talked with the District Attorney and entered my guilty plea, but since there was no testimony, they declined to prosecute it. A few hours later, I was sitting in first class on a plane heading back to Wolf Creek.

Fuck it. I might as well splurge since it’s the last time I’ll ever be on one.

“You’re him, aren’t you?” A stewardess moved her cart towards my seat. “You’re Shane Black.”

“Yes.” I sighed. “Can I get a whiskey?”

“Of course, absolutely.” She poured it into a glass and handed it to me.

“So, tell me...” She leaned in. “You didn’t spend all that time in your cabin just staring at the fire, right?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean...” She winked. “You and that girl? Have you heard what people are saying?”

“A gentleman doesn’t tell.” I finished my glass of whiskey in one gulp. “Can I have another?”

“Sure...” She poured another one and put it in front of me. “Well just so you know, I’m hoping there’s more to the story.”

You and me both, but that doesn’t seem possible anymore.


T HE PLANE LANDED AND I got a cab back to Wolf Creek. I could have gotten one of the locals to drive me up the mountain, but I just had the cab drop me off at the bottom. I felt like I needed to walk and clear my head a little bit in the beauty of nature before I got to my cabin. The snow was mostly melted but the storm wouldn’t be our last taste of winter. I could already smell another one coming, but it didn’t seem like it would be as bad.

Too bad there won’t be a beautiful blonde goddess to keep me warm.

It felt good to be out in the woods when I started up the mountain and I didn’t care if it was going to take a while to get there. When I saw the cabin on the horizon, I was immediately met with a sense of relief. The years I had spent there wondering if there would ever be a time when I had to face the things I had done in the past were over. I was a free man and I was free on my own terms. There was a time when that mattered more than anything. The hands of fate had stepped in and gave me a chance to do that and I had Heather to thank for it.

I opened the door to my cabin and walked inside, immediately starting a fire. The bottle of whiskey on the counter called my name, but I didn’t even need a glass—I was definitely finishing the bottle. I sat down in my chair and lit a cigar as I unscrewed the top of the whiskey.

“Here’s to freedom...” I muttered to myself and took a drink.

The fire roared, the smoke rose from my cigar, and the whiskey settled into my veins. Everything should have been perfect. I was exactly where I had wanted to be with all the weights my past put on me finally lifted, but something was missing. Heather was missing.

She was immediately on my thoughts, consuming them in an instant. I had planned to make her mine and I had planned to do anything to accomplish it. I had no idea we would become celebrities. The world had nothing better to talk about in the wake of the storm, so they forced us into a role that neither of us really asked for.

I turned on the television and cringed when I saw the news still covering the story. It had been dramatized and exaggerated. They made it seem like she was frozen, to the point of death, and I spent the days nursing her back to health just so she could return to her family.

The real story is a lot better, trust me...

There were shots of her with them, the loving embrace of her parents, the cheers of her friends—everyone seemed so incredibly happy. When the image of Heather flashed on the screen, I saw something in her eyes. They reflected the same sense of loss that was present in mine.

I miss you too.

Chapter 11: Heather

My parents were so happy to see me. My friends acted like it was a miracle I survived the storm. There were tears and questions, but I tried to dance around them. I really didn’t want to talk about any of it. I just wanted to hide in my room until everything was forgotten.

The news made a big deal of the story, and I was in shock when I heard them spin our story to be one that continued to push headlines. My situation was never as dire as they painted it, but it would have been if Shane hadn’t saved me. They seemed to be willing to overlook his past because of his heroism, but the words I heard bothered me.

He wasn’t just a hermit in the mountains. He was hiding from the things he had done. It made me sick to my stomach to see him in handcuffs, but his crime didn’t sit right with me. There were a lot of conflicting stories—some even suggested the man might have been with his wife prior to the divorce, but there was no evidence to support it without Shane himself saying it was true. The injuries claimed by the man he hit sounded a little exaggerated to say the least.

I had to admit that I didn’t understand the situation and I couldn’t exactly ask Shane about it. I waited until my parents were asleep and I walked out to the back porch with a glass of wine. I just needed to feel something besides the melancholy of my own thoughts and the buzz would remind me of my time with Shane. As soon as I got the glass to my lips, I heard the door open behind me.

“Daddy.” I groaned. “I thought you were asleep.”

“It’s okay Heather. I’m not here to judge you for a glass of wine.” He waved off my transgression. “You’re an adult now and after what you went through, I’m just happy you’re alive.”

“Thank you...” I muttered. “The news is making it so much more than it was.”

“They get paid to do that.” He sat down beside me and put an arm around me. “It’ll be over soon. There will a Kardashian mishap or a rapper will slap his girlfriend and then you’ll be old news.”

“It just sucks.” I shook my head and sat down my glass of wine. “Shane doesn’t deserve to be arrested for helping me.”

“He was arrested for what he did long before he met you. The news story made a big deal out of it, but it’s hard to know how you would react if you aren’t in that situation. I can’t even imagine what I would do to any man that was stupid enough to climb into your mother’s bed while I wasn’t home—there would be hell to pay, that’s for sure. Shane will be fine.” He patted my arm and smiled.

“How do you know?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“There’s no fucking way Shane is going to jail after he saved my baby girl. I sent Amos to deal with those assholes.” His brow furrowed with a hint of anger.

“Wait...” I pulled away. “Are you serious?”

“You’re damn right.” He nodded. “The man is a hero and he saved your life. Amos will have him out of jail tomorrow. I promise.”

“You’re amazing...” I shook my head. “Thank you so much.”

“From what Amos has heard, Shane’s ex-wife wants this to be over. They don’t want to drag any of the past up.” He shrugged. “I can’t say I blame them. It has been six years.”

“Yeah...” I nodded.

“Don’t stay up too late.” He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

There was a time when my father would have lost every bit of his cool if he walked outside and saw me with a glass of wine. It was clear that he saw me in a different light after the ordeal. I was no longer his little girl, the one he had to look after. I had grown up and I made mistakes, but I had gotten lucky because Shane was there to save me. Shane had shattered the veil of innocence that made me a child.

I was a woman in his arms. Once my father was back inside, I picked up my wine glass and kept drinking. I liked the peace and quiet of the evening, but it was nothing like the peace I felt in the mountain cabin with Shane. It was easy to admit I missed him, but hard to do anything about it.

I hoped my father was telling the truth when he said that Shane wouldn’t have to do time because of his crimes. The man that had existed six years ago was clearly not the man who came down the mountain just to keep me from freezing to death.

I would never be able to thank him enough and I would never forget him, even if our lives never came together again. It hurt to think about that, but I knew life had to go on.

I miss you.


M Y CELEBRITY STATUS faded when classes started. I got the window replaced in my car, but it never really ran the same again. It made me late for class a couple of times and I had no choice but to trade it in. My father was willing to get me a new car, but I didn’t really care about having anything fancy.

I settled for an old Toyota that promised good gas mileage instead of the BMW he tried to push on me. I faded into the scenery of school, not really caring much about the parties on the weekend or getting wasted with my friends. I just wanted to finish school and leave it behind.

I often thought of Shane. Sometimes it was over a glass of wine at the end of the day and sometimes it was long nights alone in my bed, imagining the things we did when we were together. I had no idea if he even thought about me, but I knew I could never forget him—I didn’t want to forget him.

God, I miss having you inside of me.


A YEAR PASSED AND THE winter winds blew through Tennessee again. A storm was on the horizon, but it was nothing like the one I faced the previous year when I met Shane. They said that one was once in a lifetime. They didn’t know how true those words really were.

“You really won’t come to the mountains with us this year?” One of my friends, Amelia, nudged my arm as she walked beside me.

“I think I’ve had enough mountain vacations to last a lifetime.” I shook my head.

“We’ll give you directions.” She laughed. “Hell, you can ride with us this time.”

“I think I’ll just spend my winter break at home.” I shrugged and shook my head. “I’d prefer not to risk it.”

“Have you heard from him at all?” She asked. “The guy that saved you.”

“No, he doesn’t really have a phone.” I sighed. “He probably doesn’t want to hear from me anyway since I got him arrested.”

“Damn, he was hot.” She raised her eyebrows a couple of times. “I’d love to get trapped in a cabin with him for a few days.”

“He was a gentleman.” I said, although technically it was a lie.

“I wouldn’t want him to be a gentleman.” She licked her lips. “You missed out.”

“Yeah, I guess...” I shrugged.

I didn’t miss out on anything—I had every inch of him inside of me.

She had no idea what it was really like at that cabin—nobody did except for the two of us that spent time there. The chill of winter was in the air and the cold made me think of him. I had thought time would separate me from those feelings, but it hadn’t done anything to pause the longing I felt when he crossed my mind. When he entered my thoughts, my heart shuttered. When the thoughts got a little hotter, I got so wet and excited I had to satisfy myself just to maintain my sanity.

I drove in silence as I approached my apartment. I could have gone to the mountains with Amelia and the rest of my friends, but Wolf Creek almost felt like it occurred in another lifetime. I wasn’t sure I could see a mountain cabin and not go rushing off in the middle of the night to find him. He might not be there to save me if I got lost again.

I parked in the back of the apartment building and walked around the corner to the front door. It would be a lonely night, a lonely winter break—a continuation of what had become a lonely life. When I got to the top floor, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see my neighbor, Paul, opening his door. He stopped when he saw me and gave me a slight nod.

“I know you keep telling me no, but the invitation is always open.” He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. “One night out wouldn’t kill you, you might even enjoy yourself.”

“You’re sweet.” I smiled. “I’m just not looking for that right now.”

“You can’t blame me for asking.” He turned and walked towards the elevator.

Paul wasn’t the first guy to ask me out, but he was the most persistent. The problem with all of them was they barely even compared to Shane. I couldn’t take them seriously when I was certain they didn’t know how to build a fire, much less protect me. They were nice enough, but there was just something missing in every one of them.

I didn’t feel like I could just settle for a lesser man. The fact it would be settling was the worst part. I had tasted something that couldn’t be replicated, which meant I was always going to compare them to the man who showed me what it meant to be a woman. I sat down on my couch and turned on the television, trying to find something decent to watch.

I poured a glass of wine and sipped it while I skimmed through the television. A yawn confirmed it would be a short evening, and I didn’t care. Sleep sounded better than the meaningless rattle of the television and it came quickly once I turned the television off.


I WOKE UP THE NEXT day and showered, putting on my makeup just for the sake of going out to get food. I checked my mail and headed towards the exit, when I saw the man at the front desk waving towards me.

“Ms. Westbrook.” He smiled when I approached.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“This came for you. I was supposed to give it to you last night, but I was on break when you arrived. I hope it wasn’t time sensitive.” He grimaced as he handed me a folded piece of paper.

“Thanks.” I took it from him and held it up to the light.

I had no idea who could have left something for me at the front desk. Everyone I knew would call or text before they would bother with the trouble of pen and paper. The front was scrawled with ‘Heather’ in dark black ink. I turned it over in my hands and then started to open it, trying to figure out exactly what it was.

Across the top of the paper were the words Wolf Creek, faded but clearly visible. It was a map. I continued unfolding it and I saw a red line drawn from my apartment to a spot in the mountains. My heart started to beat hard in my chest when I realized exactly where it was pointing.

Holy shit...Is this?

It felt like a dream suddenly manifested in real life. I walked over to the light and unfolded it completely on a table. It was the size of two regular sheets of paper with my apartment on one side and Wolf Creek on the other. I traced the line, one that led straight to Shane’s cabin.

I looked over at the man at the desk to ask him who left it for me, but he was already gone. I stared at the paper and then I noticed there was writing along the bottom. I traced it with my fingers as my eyes opened wide.

You know where you belong.

Chapter 12: Shane

Someone once said that if you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it was meant to be. That person was a fucking idiot. There was no glory in letting love slip away over a proverb.

There was certainly no excitement in spending the long months alone in my cabin once Heather was gone. I missed her every day. I craved her. Each day we were apart drove me mad and I simply couldn’t allow the madness to consume me. I considered getting a cell phone, but I didn’t even know her number.

I knew I could probably find out if I tried, but embracing technology wasn’t me, even if it meant I got to hear her voice again. It was strange to try and comprehend how a few days together turned me into a monster hellbent on possessing my blonde goddess once again, but I couldn’t get her off my mind.

I need you so fucking bad.

The idea of her finding another man and giving herself to him made me angry when there was no evidence it was even happening. I knew it was only a matter of time because time was the ultimate enemy. If I didn’t do something, she would move on. I had to connect with her again, to show her why she belonged with me for as long as we both drew breath.

“Have you heard from that girl?” Mr. Blanchard asked as he ran up my purchase at the local liquor store.

“No.” I shook my head.

“That’s a shame.” He sighed. “Maybe one day.”

Very soon if I have anything to say about it.

I found myself buying more and more liquor each time I went to town. It wasn’t because I was drinking more, I just didn’t like the questions. I only made trips when I had to. Mr. Blanchard always asked about Heather. I couldn’t even stand to go to the diner and have a Country Fried Steak because someone was always there to ask more fucking questions.

Our story may have passed from the world’s voice and the evening news, but she was still a celebrity in Wolf Creek. She had only spent a few nights there, but they were ready to adopt her as one of their own. They would have probably thrown her a parade if she showed up again.

Business had been booming since the town became famous and I hated every bit of it. Occasionally, a group would get a little too close to my cabin and I would have to send a warning shot their way. When the months started to wear on, I decided it was time to move. I started building another cabin nearby, far enough away from the one we spent our time in, but close enough to easily walk there if you knew the way.

It was a little fancier than the first one, with a few modern upgrades to make life a little easier. It even had doors on all of the rooms. I worked on it most days, just letting the toil take my mind off the things when it could.


“I ’M SORRY, WHERE DO you want me to put this?” The older man wiped his brow as he delivered a load of materials.

“Just up the hill is good.” I pointed in the direction of the new cabin, which was hidden from his view.

“If I get stuck, you’re paying for a wrecker.” He spat on the ground and climbed back into his truck.

When the winds of winter came, I felt a desire for Heather’s touch that couldn’t be simply washed away with a night of drinking. The new cabin had been completed and the old one was just a shell. The upgrades I made were nice, but they just couldn’t distract me from my thoughts.

I need you so fucking bad.

I woke up one morning with a new conviction. I wasn’t going to wait around for the world to spin in my direction again. I was going to take the motherfucker by the balls and do something about it. I was going to hold her again.

I got in my truck and drove. I passed landmarks, small towns, and even a city before I rolled into her bustling college town. It took some time to figure out where she lived, but it wasn’t difficult. She was a student and practically a celebrity.

A few harmless questions brought me closer and eventually I figured out which apartment building she lived in. I sat in the parking lot with my truck running, just trying to figure out how I was going to approach her without seeming like a crazy person. I might have been going crazy without her, but I didn’t want to seem like the desperate asshole I was. As I sat there in my truck, I saw her turn the corner. My chest started to tighten.

Damn, you’re even more beautiful than I remember. How the fuck did I make it so long without you?

It took everything in me not to open my door and walk over to her. Watching her enter the apartment and disappear into the sea of humanity was a struggle, but I couldn’t put her on the spot. I had to give her a choice, even if I wanted to take control of the situation.

I devised a plan and pulled out an old map. I tore a square that connected the place she was to Wolf Creek and drew a line to connect them. Once I was satisfied with my work, I dropped it off at the front desk and asked them to deliver it to her that evening. Despite my possessive nature, I knew it was the right thing to do.

It has to be your choice, blonde goddess. You know where you belong, but you have to be the one that decides to come to me.

If she understood the message and followed the directions, she would be in my arms before the first snow fell. It wouldn’t be anything like the storm I saved her from, but it would coat the ground. I got back into my truck and drove home, hoping she cared enough to find me. If she didn’t, I had to be man enough to let her go forever.

The miles I put between us felt like lifetimes, especially after seeing her in person. I had made the first move, the move that would bring her back to me if she had the same feelings inside that resonated in my heart. If she didn’t come to me, I would die alone in the cabin after thinking about her every single day.


“A NY TIME NOW...” I muttered as I sipped my drink.

The sound of tires on gravel brought a smile to my face. At first, I feared it was another group of tourists determined to see where we spent our time. The car approaching my cabin wasn’t the one I saw her drive away in.

I held my breath as I stared, letting my finger rest on the shotgun by the door just in case. I had no problem firing a warning shot if it was needed. When the car came to a stop, I knew it wasn’t a tourist. There was too much determination. The door opened and my beautiful blonde goddess stepped out from the driver’s seat.

She is mine.

I pulled open the door of the cabin and our eyes met. There were fireworks before we ever started walking towards each other. I had never felt happier than I did in that moment, a few feet away from the woman I had missed so much. I wrapped my arms around her and our lips met, an immediate rekindling of the fire we had left burning the day she drove away. I lifted her off the ground and spun her around for a moment, feeling more happiness than I even knew was possible. When our lips finally departed she had tears in her eyes.

“Damn.” She smiled. “I’ve missed you.”

“Not as much as I’ve missed you.” I took her by the hand and walked towards the old cabin.

I wanted to show her the new cabin, but I wanted something else a whole lot more. I pushed open the door and led her inside. The second the door closed, our arms were around each other again. I pulled at her clothes, wanting to feel her naked skin against mine.

She did the same, pushing me towards the bedroom. I had left the old bed and most of the old furniture when I relocated, which was a great decision considering the circumstances. We undressed each other as the fireplace roared, our bodies reflecting the flicker of the flames. I quickly began to explore her body with my tongue.

It was familiar, yet the time we spent apart made it foreign and it almost felt like the first time. I wrapped my arms around her again and moved towards the bed. My cock was already hard and begging for her touch, even if it was just foreplay for the inevitable.

We sank into the bed, her legs around my waist. I ran my hands across her naked body, feeling those familiar curves I loved so much. It was like our minds connected with the same hunger, desperate to satisfy a craving we both desired. I wrapped my hand around my cock and guided it towards paradise.

“This was the best treasure hunt ever.” She giggled excitedly.

“What took you so long?” I asked rhetorically.

I pressed my cock against her pussy for a moment and then slid it inside. She was wet and practically saturated with her desire for me. She lifted and pressed her hands to my stomach as my dick penetrated her for the first time in almost a year. She was as tight as she was the first time I entered her, but she stretched out to accommodate the only cock she had ever known.

This is where I belong.

I kissed her with more passion than I had ever felt in my life and I got the same response from her. My gorgeous blonde goddess wasn’t lost. She was exactly where she was supposed to be. I started to slowly move my cock inside of her, feeling her body react as I thrust against her g-spot.

As I started to feel my urges grow, I knew it wasn’t the only thing I missed. I missed the closeness, the embrace, the way she became mine to begin with. There was a new drive in her—something I hadn’t felt when we were together before. I met her desire with my own lust, thrusting quickly into her pussy. Her face slipped into ecstasy and mine mirrored the expression. I squeezed her breasts and kissed her neck, continuing to drive my cock into her pussy with the fury of a man who hadn’t tasted paradise in ages.

“This is better than I imagined.” A moan escaped her lips.

“You don’t have a very good imagination.” I lifted her legs a little more and pressed myself against her thighs.

Neither do I apparently, because this is beyond imagination.

My lust for her was stronger after nearly a year apart than the need I felt after being alone for six years. I didn’t hold anything back. I pounded her as hard as I could, my needs taking over rational thought. My balls were tingling and tight, begging for the triumphant release. Her body was moving in perfect harmony with mine, building towards the moment of bliss while satisfying every second of the prolonged excitement.

She bit down on her lip as the pleasure intensified and I kissed her, our lips interlocking between the passion. They formed the perfect seal I remembered, the one that made me never want to break it. I lifted up as I continued to drive my cock inside of her, squeezing her breasts and staring into her eyes. I had missed her gaze. I had missed the innocence reflected in her eyes. I felt her pussy start to squeeze on my cock and I knew she was as close as I was.

This is going to be a big one.

I furiously pounded myself into her as she gasped with pleasure. A few seconds passed before I heard the first moan of her orgasm. I wasn’t far behind and my cock started to throb with pleasure when her pussy started to spasm. I unloaded inside of her—a year without her touch, all culminating in a series of thrusts. Cum surged from within me and exploded out of the end of my cock. Her body quivered and she squeezed my arms as she shuddered in unison with my ejaculation. We lay there for several minutes, exhausted from the experience.

“I’m sorry I stayed away so long.” She crawled into my arms when I finally pulled my cock free and dropped down beside her.

“It’s okay...” I looked into her eyes and ran my finger along the edge of her chin. “You’re here now.”

“The cabin seems different.” Her eyes darted around the walls.

“Yeah...” I nodded. “I’ve got something to show you.”

“Now?” She asked.

“Soon.” I smiled. “Let’s just enjoy being here together for a little while.”

We lay in the embrace of skin on skin for a long time, our fingers tracing each other. The only sounds we heard were the sounds of the logs crackling on the fire and the wildlife outside the cabin.

It was such a surreal experience to have her here with me again. Eventually our embrace broke and we shared a drink. It didn’t taste as good as it once did because what I really thirsted for was there with me. I was excited to show her the new cabin with some modern upgrades I thought she would like.

I didn’t know how much time we had together, and I was afraid to ask. If she told me it was only one night, I knew I would lose my mind. I wasn’t sure I could go through the separation again and maintain the control I exhibited for so long.

She was mine and while I lost her the first time due to happenstance, I had to find a balance that would maintain my sanity. Those were thoughts for another time because she was in my arms and I didn’t want to waste the time we had together, regardless of the duration. Our lips met again and I moved my fingers down her abdomen towards her legs. They instantly parted and I knew the yearning was burning within her again.

Chapter 13: Heather

The drive to Shane’s cabin was one I struggled to make. There were times when I considered turning around, but I pressed on because my heart told me it was the right thing to do. We had been apart for nearly a year and the anniversary of the day he saved me was approaching—as was the anniversary of the first time we made love.

I still felt the same way about him, even if it was extremely complicated to try and figure out what that meant. The moment I saw him, I knew he was right—I knew where I belonged. I belonged with him. I belonged in his arms. We were right for each other, even if we came from very different worlds.

I lay there in his embrace for the rest of the night, sleeping better than I had in a very long time. When the morning finally came, I stood up and walked into the main part of the cabin. Everything was missing. I hadn’t noticed it when I first arrived, but it wasn’t the same cabin I remembered. The television was gone, the things on the wall were removed, and it looked like a shell. I turned towards the bedroom and saw him standing up. He walked towards me and took me in his arms.

“Where is all of your stuff?” I looked over at him in confusion.

“Get dressed.” He smiled. “I have something to show you.”

I walked back into the bedroom with my eyes heavy from sleep and a strong need for coffee in my veins, but curiosity pushed me forward. He picked up my bag and we put our coats on, walking along a path that led up the mountain.

I tried to follow along, but he was used to the terrain and I was not. By the time I got to the top of the hill, I considered it a miracle I hadn’t broken both of my ankles along the way. When my eyes followed his outstretched hand, I got a bit of a shock. Tucked in the woods away from the path was another cabin.

A long road stretched out from it to the main road, at least I assumed that was where it went based on the direction. I followed him with my curiosity officially in overdrive, wondering what he was showing me exactly. The cabin looked new and the road looked so fresh that the trees cut down to create it were still white in the center.

I continued following him down the path until we were at the front door. When he pushed it open, he turned and scooped me up without warning. I grabbed his neck to hold on as he walked across the threshold with me in his arms.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Our new home.” He leaned in and kissed me.

“Ours?” I blinked a couple of times as he put me down after a tender kiss.

“It could be, if you decide to stay.” He pointed towards the other side of the cabin. “I even put in doors.”

“You did...” I said apprehensively as I walked around. “Wow, this is amazing.”

“I tried to incorporate a few modern upgrades so you wouldn’t feel like you were literally living in a shack. I know it isn’t a mansion or anything, but I think it will suffice.” He walked to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. “I even got some wine.”

“Well I’ll definitely take a glass of that.” I nodded enthusiastically.

“It’s six in the morning.” He laughed.

“I’m on vacation.” I shrugged.

“Sure thing.” He grabbed a glass and poured it to the middle.

“So, you built this?” I asked as I ran a finger along the wooden surface of the walls.

“I did, just like I built the other one. I’ve had a lot of time on my hands. You know what they say about idle hands.” He winked at me.

“This is great.” I shook my head. “But, I still have school.”

“And you’ll finish.” He wrapped his arms around me after handing me the glass of wine. “You’ll finish school, you’ll visit when you can, and when you graduate, you’ll move here. I’ll take care of you. Money isn’t an issue.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into a life with a girl you’ve only spent a few days with.” I looked into his eyes.

“I’ve missed you every day you’ve been gone.” He replied. “Who fucking cares if it isn’t traditional? I know what I want, and what I want is you, Heather Westbrook.”

“I’ve missed you too.” I sighed. “I didn’t want to admit it because I had no idea if you even felt the same way, but a day hasn’t gone by that I didn’t think of you. Still, this is a lot to take in.”

“You’ve got time to think about it, but we don’t have much time together right now, so there’s no reason to waste it.” He slid a hand into my pajama pants and started massaging my clitoris.

“Idle hands, huh?” I closed my eyes and leaned against his shoulder.

“I’m sure I can find something useful to do with them...” He moved his other hand to my waist and started pushing my pajama pants down.

Our lips met and we started kissing immediately. I was hungry for his touch again and I really didn’t want to waste a second of our time together. I wasn’t sure about the entirety of what he put on my shoulders, but I knew what I wanted right then.

My pants were slid to my knees and his finger quickly circled my clitoris as I groaned. I rubbed his cock through his jeans, feeling it hard and ready for action again. I unbuttoned them and slid the zipper down, quickly exposing his engorged dick. I wrapped my hands around his enormous shaft.

I had idle hands too and they certainly weren’t going to be denied. I stroked his cock while he circled my clitoris, feeling my body shudder with his touch. After several minutes of pleasure, he removed his finger and finished undressing me.

I quickly started to do the same to him. Our naked bodies pressed against each other as we stood in a heap of our clothes. I shivered once I was naked, realizing the cabin was cold even if there was a lot of heat between us. He walked over and hit a button, instantly igniting a fire. I was impressed with the upgrade, especially since it didn’t take him long to return to me. Our lips met again and he started pushing me towards one of the doors. When it opened, I saw a very nice bed waiting on us.

“So, we’ve got to christen that, right?” I looked at it slyly.

“You’re damn right.” He picked me up and walked me to the edge.

Being in his arms felt right. It was difficult to comprehend, but there was just a sense of peace that I hadn’t felt the whole time we were apart. Life was so much simpler with Shane. I didn’t have to worry about all of the nonsense surrounding me or the nuances of everyday life.

I spread my legs as he slid between them and used my hand to guide his cock towards my pussy. I was already wet and ready for him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me again. The previous night had hurt a little bit, especially after being apart for so long, but all of that was erased. I quickly adjusted to his girth and he began to rise and fall against my thighs.

Yeah, don’t stop.

The feeling of his warmness against my body was more comforting than anything I had felt in our time apart. I moved my hips against his motion, wanting every bit of his cock to penetrate me. He picked up the pace and his light moans turned to grunts.

I clutched the bed and let out long groans of pleasure when he started to furiously glide across my g-spot. He seemed to be a bit bigger in the shoulders than I remembered, and his muscles bulged more than before. A year of hard work had made him even more chiseled.

“I’ve missed this so much.” I moaned.

“It’s been less than a day.” He grunted and let out a chuckle.

“A day is too long,” I replied and moaned even louder.

His body collided with mine in harmony and I met it with the fury of my lust. I couldn’t focus on anything but the intensity of the pleasure he was bringing me. Even in the chill of the cabin, we were both starting to sweat. The warmth of the fire hadn’t completely washed away the cold, but it was hardly noticeable with the heat between our bodies.

I wasn’t ready for it to be over, but I could feel an orgasm coming. The storm in his eyes suggested he was close as well. My body started to shudder and I could feel the muscles in my pussy squeezing his cock. He reacted with even louder grunts and started to drive himself into me even faster. I knew he was close, but I was a lot closer and with a long sigh I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him close.

“Harder.” I begged and a load moan followed.

I kissed his neck and his ears as my orgasm started, a long drawn out explosion of pleasure that quickly sent a shock of exhilaration through me. It wasn’t long after I felt my orgasm begin that I felt the beginnings of his ejaculation. The feeling of him exploding inside of me made me start to orgasm again.

Our bodies moved in unison as the height of pleasure overwhelmed us both. He continued to pound himself inside of my pussy until both of us were spent and the last glimmer of pleasure began to fade.

“Well that is one way to get me to stay.” I caressed his stomach as he slumped down beside me. “I’m too exhausted to move.”

“Now I know your secret.” He leaned over and kissed my lips, letting it linger for a moment before pulling me closer.

“Nobody even knows I’m here.” I let out a sigh. “Do you think we could go into town later today so I can use my cell phone?”

“You can call anyone you want from right here.” He smiled.

“I don’t think my parents will be checking the radio.” I shook my head.

“No, but I made a few modifications to my technology as well.” He said. “I have Wi-Fi now.”

“What?” I blinked. “How?”

“Do you think the folks around here were going to deny a request from a celebrity hero?” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

“I guess not.” I replied with a giggle.

“I’ll warn you though, if I catch you taking selfies or doing any of that social media nonsense, I’ll turn it off.” His expression was a mixture of playfulness and seriousness.

“I’m shocked you even know what that is.” I rolled my eyes.

“I know a few things.” He replied as he slid his hand down my belly. “Like what I need to do with these idle hands.”

Oh God, he’s ready to go again.

I had barely recovered from our encounter, but his finger was already exploring my wetness and rubbing my clitoris. Despite the exhaustion, his touch brought new life to the area I thought had given him my last orgasm for some time. It was like magic when he started strumming new life into it.

I rolled back and spread my legs, just enjoying the pleasure. As he rubbed and circled it, I felt his cock getting hard again. He was feeling the same desire that was quickly building inside of me. I ran my fingers down his arms and then slowly moved towards his cock.

It was damp from our lovemaking but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel the same excitement in his cock that I was feeling inside. After he rubbed me for a little bit and I stroked his cock until it was fully engorged, I pulled him back between my legs. He obliged without question, moving his cock towards my pussy.

He lifted me up and we met in a kneeling position, my legs around his waist and his cock slowly sliding inside of me. I was in his grasp, suspended in the air as he bounced me slightly. I responded by rising and sliding down his enormous shaft, letting out a groan when he went deep.

“I don’t know if I have another in me.” I said with a sigh. “It feels so good though.”

“You let me worry about that.” He bounced me a little bit and squeezed my ass with both hands.

I could tell that my exhausted body craved another one, but I just wasn’t physically there yet. He moved me up and down his shaft without any trouble at all. It was practically a marathon as we stayed there interlocked for so long we were both sweating, just from the heat between us. My muscles were tired and sore, but I still wanted to keep going.

I would have been satisfied if he felt pleasure, even if I didn’t get an orgasm, but he seemed intent on making sure I did. I was trapped on the edge more than I had ever been in any of our previous encounters. I was close, but it was so close that frustration grew from the tease.

I felt desperate to feel the explosion—in both of us. He continued to move in perfect unison with my pleasure and I did everything I could to respond with the movements I had learned he liked. Even as the frustration grew, the pleasure was unquestionable and I felt the tingling begin inside.

I knew it was possible again and as my excitement began to show, his cock throbbed against my vaginal walls. He pulled me close and kissed me with a fervor I hadn’t felt before, both of us moaning to the point we were nearly hyperventilating.

“This is going to be a big one...” I said, leaning into his shoulders and hungrily kissing his neck.

“You won’t be alone.” He grunted.

When my excitement got to the point of no return, I was wetter than I had ever been. He picked up the pace, still holding me suspended in his arms. I leaned back and just let him slam his cock into me, barely able to move with the intensity of my desire boiling over.

It was like fireworks exploding, one big one that lingered in the sky while multiple smaller ones burned out around it, accentuating the beauty. I knew every single one of them would be ignited and it wasn’t long until that came to fruition. It was like a slow roar that turned to a silent scream, followed by an exacerbated cry of pleasure.

My orgasm came in waves. It started with a couple of smaller ones before a gigantic one just totally engulfed my tiny frame. As soon as it slowed to a simmer, he started to grunt and I felt the first stream of his ejaculation. He wasn’t kidding about it being as big as mine.

It erupted, followed by several hard streams that sent me over the edge again, more tiny orgasms following his. There was a look of peace in his eyes as I sank back close to his chest, our bodies still intertwined. I knew I had nothing left and it seemed he was in the exact same place I was when we slowly let our entire bodies connect with the mattress.

Chapter 14: Shane

I had never fucked a woman the way I fucked my beautiful blonde goddess. Heather took me to a place I had never been and one I thoroughly enjoyed. Marathon sex was never my thing, but it was hard to put her down and let her rest when there was even an ounce of cum left in me.

I’m going to make the most of this and fuck you every chance I get.

The moment it regenerated, I felt a hunger for her. It was almost like an unending cycle I couldn’t wait to begin again when our bodies when we were exhausted and we lay in the afterglow of our passion. I had done most of the work, but I was wired. I slid out of bed when she fell asleep and ate some leftover stew from a few nights before.

It had been a while since I wanted a drink in the middle of the day, but I felt like I needed the little bit of boost it gave, so I poured some whiskey over ice. I stood in the doorway of the bedroom, watching her sleep. Her slow, silent movements were amazing to see, and her naked body was a sight to behold.

I wondered what dreams consumed her mind after our encounters—if she was anything like me, she was in the deepest sleep possible. I would have loved to join her and let the day tick away in our tired embrace, but I was brimming with the buzz of our climax.

“Sleep well, blonde goddess. I’ll enjoy your touch again soon enough.” I smiled and lifted my glass to my lips.

I sat in a chair and watched her breathe, the lifting of her breasts and the slow exhale of her breath like a soft song of tranquility in the glow of daylight. When my drink was finished, I walked to the shower and opened the doors.

I still hadn’t gotten used to being closed in a room after the openness of my previous cabin, but I pushed the door shut to muffle the sounds of the water. My muscles had grown slightly during the time I spent building the new cabin and I had gotten leaner. I was never one to care very much about my own figure, but it was noticeable.

After my shower, I trimmed a few errant hairs from my beard and exited the bathroom with a towel around my waist. She was still sleeping, but she had rolled over while I was showering. The curve of her hips against her ribcage was mesmerizing. I started to feel a bit of interest, but I was too exhausted to act on it at that moment.

She needed sleep and I was finally feeling a bit of that weariness after being relaxed by the shower. I slid into bed and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close against my chest. It wasn’t long until my breath was matching her softness and then sleep consumed me when the buzz wore off.


“Y OU’RE AWAKE...” HEATHER was wide awake when my eyes slowly parted.

“That was some damn good sleep.” I stretched and reached out to her.

“Yes, it was.” She nodded. “I should probably shower.”

“Later.” I slid to a seated position and took her hand. “Come with me.”

“I still can’t get over how big this cabin is.” Her eyes moved along the walls.

“Wait until you see the screened in porch.” I walked to the door with her and pushed it open.

“Oh...” She let out a bit of an excited laugh. “Is that a hot tub?”

“Yes, it is.” I walked over and slid the cover off.

“Hurry up! It’s cold out here!” She danced in place as I positioned the cover so we could get into the water.

“I’ll warm you up.” I took her hand and then brought my hand down firmly on her ass.

“Hey!” She ran to the hot tub and started climbing inside.

“You said you were cold.” I said, climbing behind her and giving her another swat that landed squarely on the right side of her ass before she submerged.

“Meanie.” She laughed as I dropped into the water and wrapped my arms around her.

“That wasn’t mean.” I leaned in and kissed her neck. “You know I’ll wear your ass out if I want to.”

“Oh, trust me, I remember.” She shook her head. “That wasn’t one of my proudest moments.”

“I seem to remember you didn’t mind it so much after we were done.” I pulled her close and kissed her neck.

“Yeah, it was strangely erotic.” She leaned against my kiss. “Even if it did hurt.”

“So, should I plan to give you another one before you go?” I let my tongue drift up to her ears.

“Only if I deserve it!” She narrowed her eyes at me for a moment and then smiled.

We lay together in the hot tub for a while, enjoying the serenity of the mountain and the closeness between us. The hot tub had been a beast to get delivered and even harder to install, but it was worth it. The jets came on and massaged muscles that had been worked out quite a bit during our brief time together.

She snuggled close to me and I felt her getting close to dozing off, so we exited the swirling water and I pulled the cover back on. I walked into the kitchen and fixed a pot of coffee while she showered. My stomach rumbled and I knew she was likely hungry as well so I put together a quick meal for the two of us.

One addition had been a proper dining room table, something I never needed when I was alone. It felt right doing normal things with Heather. She took me out of my loneliness and when she was gone, I felt it for the first time since moving to the mountains for the sheer purpose of being by myself.

I knew I couldn’t go through that again. I had to have her there with me forever, but forever could wait if the promise of a life together waited on the other side of our intermission.

“Are you sure you’re going to wait on me?” She asked when we settled on the couch in front of the television.

“What makes you think I wouldn’t?” I felt a little offended by the question.

I’ve been a man of my word since we met.

“There’s so many options in Wolf Creek.” She teased. “You could have your pick of the retirement home.”

“Heather...” I pulled her close. “You’re the only one for me. I don’t want to let you leave, but I realize it is the only way to have you forever.”

“I’ll come back, I promise.” She looked into my eyes. “I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”

“Good.” I pulled her into my lap and pressed my lips to her neck. “I’d have to hunt you down.”

She tensed at my words, but I could tell they also made her rather excited. She started to kiss me passionately and I could practically smell her lust. I guided her to my waiting cock which had started to pulse with desire again. She slid against it, rubbing the edge of her clitoris against the glans.

It was a tease for me, but she was clearly enjoying it too much for me to make her stop, even if I really just wanted to be inside her. I squeezed her ass tightly and started moving her against the head of my cock faster, giving myself a little more pleasure as she moaned.

My lips moved down her shoulder and to her breasts, sucking on each one for a moment as she let out exacerbated sighs. She finally positioned herself over my cock and I knew she was ready, so I lifted her up and spun her around on the couch. I placed her on her knees and entered her from behind, holding her hips tight as I positioned myself for quick, powerful thrusts.

She was already moaning after a dozen of them, but there were a lot more coming. I kept one hand on her hip and moved the other one up to her long, beautiful hair, taking it in my grasp. I pulled her head back and started slamming my cock into her even harder.

“Yes...” She whimpered as the thrill started to engulf her.

I took it as a sign that she was enjoying it so I pulled her hair harder and heard another truly satisfied moan. My lust started to get the best of me and I drove my cock in so hard my hips were slammed into her smooth ass and my balls were landing directly on her clitoris.

She moved against me until the position was a permanent fixture with every forceful thrust. There seemed to be new excitement growing inside of her as I fucked her as hard as I could, to the point I thought I might hurt her, but the passion was so overwhelming and she was groaning with pleasure like I had never heard before.

It made me feel like a savage, but I loved every second of the building pressure. Her pussy tightened around my cock and her body moved in perfect rhythm with mine. The muscles in my abdomen were practically cramping from the intensity of my thrusts, but it felt too good to even consider stopping—I couldn’t even slow down. I was trapped in a moment with my goddess and I knew I wouldn’t stop until we were both satisfied. I craved the release, but I was hungry for so much more.

“Don’t stop.” She said with a long sigh. “This is incredible.”

I let out a growl that signified I had no intention of stopping. I tightened my grip on her hair and she responded with another long, satisfied moan. I pulled her hips towards me each time I thrust forward, bringing our bodies together over and over. I felt the tension growing inside my balls and I knew I was going to have to slow down if I wanted to hold out until she was done.

As I contemplated it, her body started to shudder and I knew she was about to orgasm. I held the position, just willing myself to stay my climax a few more glorious minutes until she was ready. A line of sweat formed on my brow, but I didn’t care enough to pause and wipe it again.

The first spasm of her pussy was like music to me and her sounds of orgasmic pleasure completed the song. She orgasmed almost violently, thrusting backwards onto my cock each time, squeezing it to the point I could no longer consider holding back. I ejaculated with a powerful stream, leaning against her as I bucked my hips and let her orgasm keep milking the personification of my lust.

I slowed down and just moved myself from the edge of her pussy to the deepest part while the last of it drained from me.

“Damn that was hot...” She muttered in the afterglow of our mutual orgasm.

I can’t wait to do that to you every day for the rest of our lives.

“I love you.” I leaned over and kissed her on the side of her cheek.

“I love you, too.” She looked over to me and I could see contentment in her eyes.


W E SPENT A FEW DAYS together in the new cabin before she finally had to go back to school. It was like a part of me broke off and left with her, leaving me fractured without my blonde goddess there with me. I watched her car until it was gone and prepared once again to weather the storm of loneliness that was to follow. The one thing I knew without question was that she would be back. I could survive our time apart as long as I had her promise to hold onto.

She knew where she belonged.

Epilogue: Heather

Leaving the cabin was the hardest thing I had ever done. I was head over heels in absolute love with Shane Black. I didn’t know how I was going to tell my family that I was planning to move to the mountains and live with him after graduation. It would be difficult to explain the emotional connection I had with him.

He was more than my rescuer and more than the man who took my virginity. He was my destiny, my soul mate, and my forever. I felt tears in my eyes as I drove, a stark sense of despair creeping in my heart, and a crushing feeling in my chest. I felt like school was just motions I had to go through to get back to him.


I VISITED SHANE EVERY time I could, even making random weekend trips when my schoolwork would allow it. As my final semester came calling, my last winter break was threatened by another storm. I wanted to visit Shane, but my parents were insistent I return home before the storm began.

I agreed out of respect, but my heart ached when I drove in the opposite direction of my beloved. I arrived at their house as a few flakes of snow fell, and quickly walked inside. The living room was decorated for the holidays like I remembered from my childhood and that brought a smile to my face.

“Welcome home, honey.” I heard my father’s voice.

“Daddy!” I ran over and gave him a hug.

“I know you’re not a big fan of Christmas with the family, but I’m happy you decided to come home this year.” He leaned back and smiled at me. “Your mother and I didn’t like the idea of you being away during a storm.”

“Yeah...” I still hadn’t told them the truth, but the time was approaching. There was no reason to ruin the holidays though, so I just nodded.

“We did get you an early present though.” He stepped to the side and I flushed red with surprise.

“Shane!?” I stared in disbelief. He was literally standing in my living room.

“Hello, Heather.” His face stretched to a grin beneath his beard.

“Daddy? Shane?” I looked between them. “What is going on here?”

“Do you think we didn’t know where you were spending all of your time?” My father asked. “You have been a ghost for the last couple of years and it took me some time to put it together, but I’m no fool.”

“You told them?” I asked Shane.

“I wasn’t going to lie to your parents.” Shane shrugged. “They deserve to know I love their daughter.”

“Daddy... I...” I stumbled over my words.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Heather.” My father’s eyes narrowed. “You’re a grown woman. Shane and I had a long talk today. I’d be proud to call him my son-in-law.”

“Son-in-law?” I looked over at Shane. He approached and knelt.

“Heather Westbrook.” His hand reached into his pocket.

Is this happening? Is this for real?

“Oh my God!” I practically jumped out of my shoes as he took my hand.

“Will you marry me?” He pulled out a wooden box and opened it—a gorgeous diamond sparkled on top of a gold band.

“Of course, I will!” I nodded furiously as he removed the ring and slipped it on my finger.

“Yay!” I heard my mother’s voice. She ran into the room and hugged me.

I burst into tears as I hugged my mother and my father, but I cried even harder when Shane took me into his arms. He had made everything right without me even asking. I no longer had to figure out how to tell them. They knew everything and they had given their blessing.

I looked at my father over Shane’s shoulder and he was beaming with pride. Knowing they approved made it even better. I was ready to spend my life with Shane and all the guilt I expected to feel over abandoning what I thought was my future to live in the mountains with him was instantly evaporated.

I was going to be his wife. I was going to be his wife! The words tumbled around in my head several times before I finally managed to settle down. He took me by the hand led me out to the screened in porch. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. Once we were out of view of my parents, he planted much a longer, much more passionate kiss on my lips and I melted in his arms.

I had so many questions, but they could wait for a moment. The kiss lasted for so long my head spun and when it ended, I had to sit down from the rush of emotions flowing through me.

“How did this happen?” I finally regained my computer enough to speak.

“I wanted to make you my wife and I’m an old-fashioned guy. I needed your father’s blessing.” He sat down beside me.

“Well that had to be quite a shock for him...” I muttered.

“He knew. He knew why I was here the moment he opened the door. Like he said, he’s no fool. He knew where you were going.” Shane put an arm around me.

“This is perfect.” I leaned against him and felt a wave of emotions sweep through me.


W E DECIDED TO GET MARRIED in Wolf Creek after I graduated from college. It wasn’t a huge ceremony, but the entire town showed up to see us say our vows. Several major media outlets came to cover the ceremony so they could show the nation that the couple they drooled over actually did end up together in the end. It was a heartwarming story, even if they got most of the details wrong since neither of us were willing to give an interview. It was the conclusion of the story for them, but it was just the beginning for the two of us.

I finally got to meet Shane’s family and they welcomed me with open arms. His mother called me the daughter she never had and his father insisted on grandchildren the first time he gave me a hug—someone had to carry on the legacy and Shane was their only son. It made me blush, but I couldn’t deny that I had had already thought about it.

The reception went well into the night with lots of dancing and music. When the crowd finally started to disperse, I was exhausted. We said goodbye to our families, promised to call everyone, and then climbed into his truck. I slid close to him and held his hand as we drove up the mountain towards our future. There was no reason for a honeymoon—the cabin was the only place either of us wanted to be.

It felt amazing to know I didn’t have to leave, to know that it was more than a vacation for once. He picked me up when we arrived and walked me across the threshold, just like he did the first time I saw the new cabin. I was tired, but the energy between us was still simmering and we went straight to the bedroom without a moment of hesitation.

“Today was perfect...” I said as I slipped out of the clothes I had changed into after the wedding.

“You’ll never get me in a tuxedo again.” He growled.

“That’s okay.” I smiled. “Once was enough.”

“I might even burn it for good measure.” He slid off a shoe and stretched out his foot.

“Don’t you dare...” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Fine...” He tossed his shirt on the chair. “Now, I think we have a marriage to consummate. I’ve been waiting all day to have you to myself. Everyone was so stingy today, wanting photographs and all that bullshit.”

“I don’t know if I’m up for sex tonight.” I grinned at him. “I have a headache. You should get used to that. Now that we’re married, we can just go to bed and sleep.”

“Don’t even try that shit.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around me.

“So tired...” I faked a yawn.

“I’ll wake you up.” He turned me around and gave me a firm smack on the seat of my panties.

“You’ll have to do better than that.” I shook my head and wiggled my ass at him.

“Will I now?” He slid my panties down and gave me a harder one.

“Yeah, that’s a little better. Still tired though...” I faked another yawn.

“Now you’re really going to get it.” He took me by the arm and sat down on the bed, pulling me across his knee.

“What kind of man spanks his wife on their wedding night?” I teased.

“Your man.” He gave me several firm smacks.

“I’m awake now.” I laughed.

“Yeah, I bet you are.” He spanked me several more times, a little bit harder than the others. “How about that headache?”

“All gone!” I said quickly.

“So, you’re not going to try and hold out on me?” He delivered two more in the center of my bottom.

“No!” I squeaked. “I’m ready!”

“I’m glad we had this talk.” He gave me a few more for good measure before he finally lifted me off of his lap.

Shane stood up from the bed and removed his pants as I finished undressing. He climbed into bed with his cock already hard and ready for action. He slid between my thighs like he had so many times before, but it felt different knowing he was my husband.

His cock pressed against the wetness between my legs and then he entered me. I slid my hips forward against him, welcoming my husband for the first time as his wife. He slid in a little more with each thrust and I was almost in orgasmic bliss as soon as he was all the way inside. I could sense the same intensity in his eyes.

The exhaustion I felt was washed away quickly when my body reacted to his touch. He picked up the pace and I moaned with pleasure, thankful it was something I would feel for the rest of my life. I closed my eyes when he started kissing my neck and slid his hands along the side of my ribs.

“You’re mine.” He whispered.

“Forever.” I replied with a moan.

It didn’t take either of us long to reach the climax of our pleasure. We had been apart for a while until I finished school, and neither of us wanted to wait long for our release. Perhaps it was the comfort of being there, the knowledge we didn’t have to rush anything, or the fact we could enjoy it anytime we wanted that let us relax so easily.

My pussy clenched on his cock as an orgasm swept over me and he started to cum inside of me. He drove himself deep one final time and his cum exploded with several hard streams. I sank into his arms and felt a calmness sweep across me—one that I had never really felt before because I always knew the moment would come when I had to leave.

There was no deadline approaching and no need to worry that someone would be concerned that I didn’t check in. He held me and kissed me lightly, letting his tongue move along my body as I sighed with excitement. We finally let the exhaustion overtake us as we closed our eyes with sleep teasing the edge of our minds.

The fire roared in the background, crackling in the otherwise dark cabin. I knew I was where I belonged, exactly where I wanted to be. I leaned against him and pulled his arms around me tighter. He squeezed lightly and ran his hand down my arm.

“I love you, Shane.” I said softly.

“I love you too, Heather.” He whispered back.


F OR SEVERAL WEEKS, the tale of the heroic man who saved me circulated around the world, complete with pictures of our wedding. The things he had done in the past were only mentioned briefly and mostly glossed over as a misunderstanding. That was a direct quote from his ex-wife, who was likely less than thrilled to once again get caught up in a story.

Things settled down in the world and we were an afterthought once again to them, but our passion had never burned brighter. Several months after we were married, I felt an uneasiness in my stomach, but a sense of excitement rushed over me when I realized what it meant. I had actually begun to worry that nothing had happened considering the number of times we had sex without protection, but just like our love, it seemed that our child had waited for the perfect time to greet us.

Shane practically wept when he heard the news and within a few days, he had already turned one of the rooms into the beginnings of a nursery. If it was a boy, he would get Shane’s grandfather’s name, Luke. If it was a girl, she would get my grandmother’s name, Iris. We would be excited either way.

As the months passed, my stomach grew and the doctors had news we didn’t expect—twins. Luke and Iris would arrive together. Shane immediately went to work adding a second handcrafted crib to the nursery and both of us prepared for our lives to change dramatically. We were nervous and excited at the same time, but I knew Shane would provide for us.

If we had our love, we could weather any storm.