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Whiskey Burning (Iron Fury MC Book 1) by Bella Jewel (20)



I play, but I know they’re not here.

I know Susan made sure they weren’t allowed in the concert. I knew it the second I saw they weren’t there and fury exploded deep inside me. Because she has no right, none at all, to take people out of my life because she doesn’t agree on the company I keep. Better yet, she doesn’t get to take away my protection. I need those men, I don’t feel safe without them.

I put on a good show, because I will always give my very best to my fans. So, when I’m on stage, I zone out of everything else happening, and rock out an incredible show. By the time it’s done, I am more than ready to confront Susan and put this to bed once and for all. I am also going to need to find a way to contact Maverick, because he’ll no doubt be freaking out that he hasn’t gotten in contact with me, and that he wasn’t allowed into the show.

When I reach back stage, I move directly to my dressing room in search for Susan and mostly my phone so I can call Maverick. I wave to Amalie as I pass, and she gives me a happy, excited wave back. She’s loving joining in on the shows, and, as I knew she would, she’s doing an incredible job. She has a natural talent, but she also has something more—she has feeling, deep-rooted feeling, that makes it seem so much more powerful when she plays.

I reach my dressing room and go in.

I see Susan right away, my phone in her hand, scrolling. For a moment, I just stare, and then my ears start ringing and my skin prickles. My vision blurs with anger, and disappointment, and completely devastation. She’s my manager, but she has no right, none whatsoever, to go through my personal things, definitely not my phone.

“What are you doing?”

She spins around, phone still in hand, and for a moment she just stares at me with wide eyes, then she gathers herself, as Susan always can, and says, “I’m checking what you’ve been up to.”

“You have no right,” I say, walking forward, but she snatches the phone backwards.

“I do have a right when you’re interacting with criminals, Scarlett. Your career is on the line, and I’ve worked hard to keep it in a good place. I can’t have you contacting bikers and making a scene. It’s dangerous.”

“Please give me my phone.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”

“Susan, I won’t ask you again. Give it to me.”

“Scarlett, I know you don’t see it now, but I’m doing what’s best for you. If word gets out that you’re hanging around with ... with ...”

“With what?” I snap.

“With those kinds of people. Those ... men ...”

“Those men are no different to you and me, those men are not doing anything but keeping an eye on me and protecting me. Which, by the way, if your men did their jobs properly, I wouldn’t need ...”

Her face gets red. “I’m not going to argue with you again. We’ll be heading back to the hotel momentarily. Have your things ready.”

I’m done.

So. Done.

I turn, without another word, and walk out of the dressing room. “Scarlett!” Susan calls. I ignore her.

I storm down the halls, past security who quickly realize when Susan’s voice trails down the hall after me, that I’m not meant to be storming off. I know where the back exits of this place are, and I’m not spending another second in the confines of this ridiculous fucking world Susan thinks she’s going to create for me, and trap me in. I start running, hard and fast, toward the back exits. Security barks at me to stop. I don’t listen.

I hit the back doors and slow down, calming myself so as not to make too much of a scene, and step out. Every entrance is guarded, for obvious reasons, but the back exits not so much because the doors only open outward, they don’t open in, which means no crazy fans can get in, even if they did get past security and get close enough. There are two guards standing by the back door, who have yet to realize I’m not allowed out. They don’t question it. They know the show is over. Their job is not to protect me but to simply make sure nobody gets in.

“Goodnight, guys,” I smile happily and give them a wave. “Thank you.”

They nod at me, and I run. Fast. There is a parking lot behind the stadium, and if I weave through the cars and keep going, eventually I’ll end up out in the street. I’m not covered, I’m still dressed in my show outfit, and the second I hit that sidewalk people will recognize me. It’s a risk I’m willing to take. Because I’ve had enough. I duck around cars, using them to block myself from view. I can hear frantic, angry voices. Susan’s, no doubt, and I know she is going to lose her mind over this.

Screw her.

Screw it.

I have every right to a life.

I reach the sidewalk and peer out. There are still people pouring out of the stadium. It’ll take a good hour or more for them to clear the streets. If I walk out there now, I’ll be swarmed.

That’s when I notice them.

Maverick, Koda, and Malakai standing to my right, a good distance away from the entrance, which is to my left. They’re leaning against a few street lamps, watching the crowds of people flow out. No doubt keeping an eye out for any sort of danger. Considering there wasn’t much they could do, I guess that’s the best they were able to offer tonight. The fact that they’re still here, and have been for probably hours, makes my heart swell.

So, I take a deep breath, I do not think it through, and I put my head down and run.

I hear someone call out my name the second I hit the sidewalk, and then I hear the frantic chatter of fans as they realize who I am. Mal is the first to notice me, and when he does, he shoves Maverick. By the time Maverick’s eyes hit me, swing to the fans, and then back to me, Koda is already moving toward their bikes parked on the street.

I pick up the pace.

My fans scream behind me.

I run hard and fast toward Maverick’s bike.

He has his leg over it and the engine running by the time I reach him. I launch on the back, with little thought going to the fact that I’m wearing a sparkly, silver, short dress. I hang onto Maverick’s waist and he pulls out with an angry rumble from his bike, weaving through the traffic until we’re out of sight.

I already know someone would have captured a photo.

I know by morning, Maverick’s face will be all of the news right alongside of mine.

But right now, I don’t care.

I just don’t care.


“What the fuck happened?” Maverick asks when we’ve come to a stop at a quiet parking lot by the beach. “We couldn’t get in.”

Mal and Koda have pulled up beside us, and gotten off their bikes. I keep leaning against Maverick’s, still trying to catch my breath. That was the craziest, most insane thing I’ve ever done, but damn it felt good. It felt so good to just ... feel. Even if it was fear, and guilt, and adrenaline all mixed in one. It still felt amazing.

“My manager found out about you all, and decided she was going to stop you coming near me. She even took my phone. So, I took a runner tonight, which wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done, because now your faces will be all over the news by morning.”

Mal snorts. “Won’t be the first time, sweetheart, and certainly won’t be the last. We’re always gettin’ bad attention, this ain’t goin’ to do us any harm. It’s you that’ll cop it.”

I shrug. “I’m not honestly worried about it. I’m good at what I do. I always follow the rules, but even I have my limits. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life locked in a hotel room and then shoved onto a stage. I’m tired of not having a say in how I’m allowed to feel, who I’m allowed to talk to and what I’m allowed to do.”

Koda nods, face tight. “Fuck that. I’d rather die than be tangled in those kinds of boundaries.”

Sometimes, so would I.

“You goin’ back tonight?” Maverick asks me, and I meet his eyes.

Something rushes through me, hard and deep, hitting me right in my core. Memories of the last time we were together flood my mind and I bite my bottom lip. His eyes drop to it, and I swear, you could cut the sexual tension with a damned knife.

“No,” I murmur. “No, I’m not. I don’t have a show now for another few days, I’m not going to spend that entire time on my bus.”

“Playin’ with fire, babe,” Maverick says, his voice so husky I shiver at the sound. “I fuckin’ like it.”

I swallow, and smile.

“Rented a cabin out of town,” Mal says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a set of keys. “Go there, have a night off. We’ve got business that will take up the night. You’re welcome to use it.”

He tosses the keys, and Maverick catches them, nodding with appreciation. I flush and Koda grins, and winks at me. It’s obvious exactly what they’re saying, even though none of them are saying it. Go and have alone time, we’ll leave you be and let you do whatever it is you want to do when you’re there.

“Appreciate it,” Maverick mutters. “Address?”

“Text it to you. We gotta be on our way. Got some leads. Talk to Scarlett, fill us in in the morning. Otherwise, enjoy your night. Don’t mess my fuckin’ sheets up.”

I blush so hard my cheeks burn, and Mal grins at me. “Be nice to him, darlin’, if you ride him, ride him slow.”

My mouth drops open, and the two men laugh, low and deep, and climb onto their bikes, disappearing into the night with an angry rumble in the darkness. I turn to Maverick, suddenly nervous, suddenly alone for the first time with no strings attached, no drama, no singing, no protection, just us. Maverick and me. For a whole night. To do whatever we want to do, with nothing holding us back.

My heart swells with anticipation.

“Let’s get rollin’ before you get cold.”

I nod, rubbing my arms. It is a little chilly, but that could be the sudden onset of nerves rushing through my body. I swallow and turn, facing the bike and waiting for Maverick to climb on. When he does I slip on behind him, shuffling close and leaning in, breathing in his smell and shivering at the thoughts that start invading my mind. Maverick is every woman’s fantasy, but he also holds a scary, uncertain edge that makes you wonder just what it is he might have up his sleeve.

I guess I’m about to find out.


The ride to the cabin takes just over half an hour once we get out of the city. I don’t mind. For a few minutes, I just close my eyes and take it all in, letting the weight of the world slip off my shoulders and bring me peace. I forget about my music and the trouble I’ll be in when morning comes and just focus on the here and now. Maverick, me, and the road. Nothing in my way. Nothing to hold me back.

Just us.

We arrive at the cabin, and the small outside light has been turned on. It isn’t too far into the deep woods behind it; in fact, it’s kind of sitting just off the road, so Maverick’s bike easily moves down the smooth dirt. It looks quaint, comfortable, and it makes me wonder why a biker would pick it. I guess for the privacy. They don’t seem like the overly social types. Maverick brings his bike to a stop, and I climb off, exhaling and tipping my head back, closing my eyes and breathing in the fresh air.

“For someone that has her own ranch, anyone would swear you ain’t seen fresh air before, darlin’.” Maverick chuckles, taking the helmets and putting them on the bike before reaching for my hand.

I’m nervous all of a sudden. Tiny little butterflies flitter around in my belly. It’s been so long since I’ve been with a man, suddenly I don’t know what to do. Will it be awkward? Will I sound terrible in the throes of passion? God, what if my orgasm sounds like a dying cat? Was I a screamer before?

“Breathe, Scarlett,” he murmurs, snapping me from my thoughts. “Stop thinkin’ about everythin’ and just let the universe give you what it needs for one night.”

“The universe has given me a biker and a cabin, I’m not sure I trust those two combinations.” I laugh a little.

“Don’t worry, baby,” he says, squeezing my hand and leaning in close enough that his breath tickles my ear. “I’ll only bite a couple of times.”

I shiver and swallow, turning my head to gaze into his eyes. God. He’s perfection. Fucking terrifying perfection. “Okay,” I whisper.

His gaze grows hungry and he tugs me towards the cabin. I don’t take in a lot as we’re walking in because my mind is spinning with all the possibilities that tonight holds. What will he do to me? How will it make me feel? Dammit, I probably shouldn’t be here but hell if I have the strength to stop it now. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

It’s about time I did something for me.

The cabin is open plan, so everything is in one, big room. A fire place crackles to the left and a bed is situated in front of it. There is a small but gorgeous white timber kitchen, a living area, a table and chairs, and then two rooms off to the right where I’m assuming the bathroom is. Big windows line one wall with double glass doors in the middle that lead out the back of the cabin, no doubt into a gorgeous yard. I make a note to have a look in the morning.

Maverick leads me towards the bed, and suddenly, my heart is in my throat and I’m struggling to remember how to breathe. When we reach the bed, I can feel the warmth of the fire tickle over my skin. “What do you want to do first? Shower, or fuck, or both at the same time?”

His voice is low and husky in my ear, and I tremble at the sound. I turn toward him, tipping my head back and looking into his eyes. I’ve been singing all night, so I want to shower, and I want to do it with him. The idea of being in the shower with him, our bodies pressed together, those big hands roaming all over me, has every fantasy in my mind coming to life.

“Shower, together,” I breathe, biting my bottom lip.

“Bite that lip again and we won’t make it that far,” he growls.

I swallow and he wastes no time leading me to the second door in the cabin that opens up into a big, beautiful shower room with a deep bath and a massive double person shower. Wow. I gaze around but quickly lose my focus when Maverick drops his jacket to the ground and grabs the hem of his tee, pulling it up and over his head. Then he’s standing before me in nothing but a pair of jeans, a belt, and nothing else. My eyes travel the length of him, and fire erupts between my legs. His body is perfection, which I already knew, but I don’t think I could ever tire of seeing how utterly incredible and powerful he is.

I reach for the zip of my dress, and Maverick’s eyes swing to me, lusty and intense. “Do not open that dress, sweetheart. When your clothes come off, it’s by my hand and my hand only.”

I tremble, nod, and drop my hands. He steps forward, catching me around the waist and pulling me against him, then he dips his head and kisses me, slowly at first, just a graze of the lips, a touch of the tongues, and then he tips his head just a little to the side and makes the kiss deeper, bringing my body closer, crushing my mouth with his. I moan and reach up, tangling my fingers in his thick hair and pulling, as if somehow I can get him closer, deeper.

His hand glides down my back and when he reaches my ass, he cups it and rocks me against him. His strength takes me by surprise as he lifts me off the ground a little, giving me just enough height to rub against his cock, which is now hard inside his jeans. I need more, and with a desperate mewl, I start scratching at his back, running my fingernails down the skin, reaching his ass also and curling my fingers around one cheek. God damn, the man even has a perfect ass.

He lowers me back down with a frustrated grumble and his hands go to the zipper on my dress, quickly undoing it and gliding it down, letting the layers of material fall to the floor. Then he takes my bra, unclipping it and tossing it somewhere in the room. Then, slowly, his hands glide down my back, circling around to my sides, and then dip to my bottom where he takes my ass in both of his hands and squeezes, before hooking his thumbs into my panties and lowering them down my legs, going with them.

I stare at his head as he moves down my body. He brings his lips forward, capturing a nipple and sucking it, then kissing down my stomach until he reaches my pussy. There he kisses lightly, not delving inside, just teasing, taunting, driving me crazy. I whimper and my knees start to shake as I lift my feet and move them from my panties so he can throw them somewhere in the room, also. Then he makes his way back up my body, kissing my pussy again until it’s throbbing and aching, then kissing my stomach and my breasts until I can hardly stand it a second longer.

“Now, Maverick, please,” I whimper.

He steps back, cock rock hard in his jeans, straining against the fabric. He reaches down, slowly taking the button and undoing it, never once taking his eyes off my body. He lowers his jeans as his eyes scan over me, taking in every inch while he gets undressed. When he’s standing before me, fully naked, cock jutting upward, so red and so hard it looks angry, my breath completely disappears.

Utter. Perfection.

“You’re ... you’re ....”

There are no words, because there is nothing in the world that could describe the way seeing him standing before me naked makes me feel. There is something deep in my chest, an affection I never thought possible, a connection that delves into the darkest parts of me, that slowly starts unraveling.

I’m falling in love with him.

Oh, God.

He steps closer, capturing me around the waist again, snapping me from my terrified thoughts of how much he has gotten into my heart, and pulls me into the shower, turning the water on. Before I can think even a second more about anything, he’s kissing me again, his mouth hungry, his actions desperate. His hands travel all over my body as he backs us into the warm water, letting it cascade over us. I moan when his lips drop to my neck, and he sucks softly, while his hands hold me close, pressing me against his hard, warm body.

“Maverick,” I whimper, dropping my head back as his mouth travels down to my breast, capturing my hard nipple and sucking it so deeply I cry out.

He doesn’t waste time, he lowers himself to his knees, takes one of my feet, and brings it up to his shoulder. Heat floods my chest and I blush furiously as I realize exactly how open I am to him right now. I’m just standing here, legs spread wide apart, pussy on display, completely exposed.

“You’re so fuckin’ perfect,” he growls. “Fuck me. I’ve never seen anyone like you, Scarlett.”

He brings his mouth forward, capturing my clit and sucking it deep. I moan, slapping my hands on both of the walls to hold myself up. One of his hands goes to my ass and he hangs on as he starts devouring me, licking and sucking, fucking me with his mouth in a way I’ve never been fucked by a mouth. Fire explodes in my core and my knees start to shake as the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had starts building inside me.

“Been waitin’ all fuckin’ night for my dinner,” he growls, nipping at my clit. “Was worth the fuckin’ wait. You taste like god damned honey, baby.”



My knees shake so hard I try to claw at the walls to stay up, Maverick’s bicep bulges as he hangs onto me, holding my weight when I fail to do it on my own. His mouth drags every single bit of pleasure building inside me to the surface, and I explode with a moan that’s so loud, I’m actually glad we’re not in a hotel room, because someone would most definitely hear me.

My knees are still wobbling when Maverick slowly pulls his mouth from mine and gets back to his feet. I reach between us, a little light-headed from my orgasm, and curl my hand around his cock. It’s as big as it looks, and in my palm, it feels even more powerful, even more intense. I moan and take his mouth with mine, tasting myself on his lips. A feral rasp slips from his throat and he reaches down, forcing me to let go of his cock, and hauls me up so my legs are around his waist and my back is against the wall.

“You keep touchin’ my dick baby, and I’m goin’ to come before we get started. There is no way I’m not fuckin’ you tonight.”

I swallow and look at him through hooded lashes as he slowly lowers me down onto the tip of his cock. He pauses just before he sinks inside, and murmurs, “You protected?”

I nod, my head light, my heart full of lust and love, and my body ready to let him take whatever the hell he wants. “Yeah, I’m protected. And clean. I got tested after ... him ... and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

“Same. Clean. Always use protection.”

“Okay, honey,” I murmur.

“Fuck me, sounds so damned sweet hearin’ you say that. Goin’ to fuck you now, baby, hang on, okay?”

I tremble and nod.

Then he lowers me down onto his cock, not hard, not fast, just inch by agonizing inch. My body stretches around him, and I whimper at the deep burn that travels through my body. It’s been a while, and Maverick isn’t lacking in size. I drop my head onto his shoulder, and carefully bite the flesh there, smothering my moan into his skin. He growls and then thrusts his hips upward and drives home.

I gasp. He grunts.

And then he starts moving his hips. Slow at first, gliding his cock in and out of my pussy, as it desperately tries to loosen around the invasion. After a minute or so, it gets a little easier and pleasure starts to do away with the pain. I lift my head and find his lips, desperately needing to taste him as he starts fucking me harder. Our skin makes a loud slapping sound as water gets trapped between us, but the sound is incredible and the moment is out of this world.

“Oh, god,” I cry, clawing at his back as a pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever felt takes over my body. “Maverick. God.”

“Fuck. God damn fuckin’ perfect,” he rasps, clutching my ass so hard pain ripples over my skin, but I don’t care. God. I want him to grab me harder, to fuck me harder, to do whatever the hell he wants to me.

My orgasm rises, quickly and rapidly, and after a few more hard thrusts, I let it loose. I scream and arch, fingernails gliding up his skin, mouth parting, head dropping back, water traveling over my body. I cry out his name, I moan, I squirm, and he just keeps fucking me, harder, faster, deeper. My screams blend with his grunts and then he bellows loudly and drives into me one last time, cock pulsing inside me as he finds his own release.

I drop my head into his shoulder and close my eyes, the warm water trailing down my back, Maverick’s big hands holding me up, my legs aching around his hips. I feel incredible. I don’t want to move. I just want this moment to stay with me forever. To never end. I could just sit here, just like this, for the rest of my life and never feel anything but truly happy.

I’m not falling in love with him.

I am in love with him.