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Wicked Lies (Wicked Bay Book 3) by L A Cotton (32)

Chapter 32


“I love your hair, Laurie,” Rebecca beamed at me and I blushed, fingering my short honey-blonde bangs.

“Thank you, I’m still getting used to it.” I wasn’t sure if getting my hair cut was the right thing to do but after everything, it felt like a good time to have a change. School started in a little under two weeks and it was a fresh start.

And I couldn’t wait.

“Well, I think it looks great.” Kyle hugged me into his side, completely at ease with being touchy-feely with me around his family. He was happier. Back to his usual goofy self. But it was more than that. Something had settled in him. Meeting his mom had filled a missing piece of his soul, and we all saw the change.

“Gentry, Son, have you got that grill fired up yet?” August called across the pool.

Everyone was here, at the Stone-Prince house. His parents. Summer and Nick. Lo and Maverick. Even Macey had made an appearance; and Beatrice and August, Kyle’s grandparents, too. Lo’s Dad, Robert; his girlfriend, Stella; and her daughter, were also present.

It should have felt awkward in light of recent events.

It didn’t.

I admired their way of overcoming adversity; of remaining a family in the face of doubt, rumors, and scandal.

“It’s taken care of, old man,” Gentry shot back. “Just sit back and relax.”

Old man? Watch your tone, boy.”

Laughter filled the air as we watched father and son go at it. They were so alike, and I knew I was getting a glimpse at Kyle in twenty-five years’ time.

“Babe, watch this.” Kyle dropped a kiss on my nose and stood up, moving stealthily around the edge of the pool to where his grandad stood.

“Kyle, I don’t think—” I whisper-hissed, but it was too late. Kyle shoulder checked his grandfather, and August toppled right over the edge. But the old man was quick. Too quick. Snagging Kyle’s wrist, he dragged his grandson in right alongside him. Water sprayed up around them as they broke the surface.

“Jesus, boy,” August spluttered, his arms flailing at his sides. “Are you trying to give this old man a heart attack?”

“Oh, now he plays the old man card,” Kyle said around a huge grin, helping his grandfather to the edge of the pool.

“Honestly, Kyle, do you have no decorum?” Beatrice rolled her eyes, flashing me a knowing smile before dragging two towels off the chair.

“You have met, Kyle, right, Bea?” Maverick tipped his soda bottle toward the pool. “I’m surprised he didn’t get you too.”

“He knows better than to mess with me.” She stood straighter, puffing out her chest, earning her another round of laughter.

“Hey.” Lo sat down beside me, dipping her toes into the pool. “I got you a soda.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, uncapping the bottle and taking a sip. “How are you?”

She’d finally found out that Stella and her daughter were moving in with them and I knew she was having a hard time dealing. Even if she was putting on a brave front today.

“Okay, I guess.” Lo shrugged, keeping her voice low. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. I don’t even think it’s the fact she’s moving in. It's that he kept it from me, you know?”

I nodded, offering her a sympathetic smile.

“And Kyle and Maverick knew. They bloody knew. I know they weren’t all colluding behind my back or anything, but it feels like it. I’m so angry at him.” She glanced over at Maverick who was busy talking to Gentry and Nick. “But...” her voice trailed off with a defeated sigh.

“You love him.”

“Yeah, I do. God, what are these boys doing to us? I swear, I’ve never felt so confused in my life. One minute I want to beat him with a stick, the next I want to...” Her cheeks flushed, and her mouth curved in a secret smirk.

“What are the two of you whispering about?” Kyle swam over to us, ducking under the water. When he surfaced, he ran his hands through his hair and I may have drooled.

Just a little.

“Nothing.” Lo played dumb, nibbling her thumb while watching Maverick out of the corner of her eye.

“Is that right?” Kyle arched his brow, curling a hand around my ankle.

“Kyle,” I warned gripping the edge of the pool, trying to yank my leg free. “I don’t want to get wet.”

“Who said anything about getting wet?” A bolt of lust shot through me as his heated gaze fixed on my mouth and he made a show of licking his lips.

“Hmm, cousin sitting right here.” Lo’s voice was background noise to the electricity zipping between us as his thumb brushed circles along my foot.

“You sure you don’t want to get wet, babe? You do look a little hot. Too hot, in fact.”

“Ugh, I give up,” Lo groaned. “I’ll be over there, away from all the sexual innuendo and tension.”

I was vaguely aware of her getting up and leaving, but my eyes didn’t move from Kyle’s face. He looked so gorgeous. Broad shoulders and smooth, tan skin from all the days we’d spent at the beach. It had lightened his hair too, giving him a surfer look.

I loved it.

Almost as much as I loved him.

“Babe.” He swam closer. “You really need to stop looking at me like that. We have company.”

“I...” My breath caught as his fingers glided further up the inside of my leg.

“Kyle.” It came out somewhere between a warning and a soft moan. “Your family are right over there.”

He shrugged, shooting me a mischievous grin and then the world fell away as he snatched my wrist and pulled me into the pool. Strong arms wound around my waist as I broke the surface.

I wanted to be angry.

I should have been embarrassed.

But when I wiped the water from my eyes and found Kyle staring at me with lust and love glittering in his eyes, all I could do was smile. This was the guy who had stolen my heart.

He was back.

And I wasn’t ever letting him go.


“SO, LAURIE,” BEATRICE said across the table. “Kyle tells me you’ll be applying to USC with him.”

“Yeah, I think I want to study English.”

It wasn’t pre-law like my parents had hoped, but I didn’t have to decide on a major yet. And I’d always liked the idea of teaching.

“I think that is wonderful news, dear. Too many young folks don’t understand the meaning of the word commitment these days. In my day, you dated one guy and usually ended up marrying him.” She gave August a dreamy-eyed look.

“Okay, Mom, let’s not scare away the young folk,” Gentry gave a hearty chuckle, but she waved him off. “August, dear, tell him I’m right.”

“What?” He choked on his steak, slamming a hand to his chest.

“August, will you please pay attention.” The two of them started muttering at one another. Kyle leaned in close and whispered, “That’ll be us in forty-five years.”

My eyes snapped to his, widening at the conviction in his voice, the love shining in his eyes. “You don’t believe me?” He stole a quick kiss while everyone else watched the Stone-elders go at it.

“We’re only young, Kyle,” I said around a half-smile. Because I wanted that too. Ever since he took me to The Coliseum Stadium, it was all I dreamed about.

Blond-haired, blue-eyed, Kyle-babies.


A long happy life together.

But I’d never tell him that.

At least, not until we were in college, far, far away from my parents.

“You’ll see.” He winked going back to his burger.

“To be young and in love,” Stella said with a dreamy sigh and I glanced at Lo who had gone rigid and pale as a ghost.

“We just need Macey to find a good boy now,” Beatrice said out of nowhere, sending Kyle and Maverick into choking fits as their sister’s face twisted with contempt.

“I’m good, thanks, Mrs. Stone.” She stabbed her fork into the steak on her plate as if she was going right for the jugular.

“Okay.” Robert clinked his glass and rose from his seat, clearing his throat. “I’d like to make a toast. It isn’t often I get my family in one place. Gentry, Rebecca, thank you for opening your home to us once again. The barbecue is divine, and your cooking isn’t so bad either, brother. Maverick, I’m still not entirely happy at the thought of you and Lo... well, let’s just say she’s my little girl and just because you're family doesn’t mean I won’t break every bone in your body if you ever hurt her. But I wish you every success at Steinbeck University. Go get em, Scorpions.” He winked at Maverick who sat coolly in his chair, arm slung around Lo’s shoulder, giving nothing away. “Kyle, you’ve had some big changes in your life recently, but change can be good. It brings new opportunities, but it also gives us time to reflect. Know that we’re all here for you and support you and I’m sure everyone agrees with me when I say we look forward to welcoming Maria and Kiera into our family one day.”

Kyle squeezed my hand under the table and I squeezed right back feeling my throat constrict.

“Stella and Bethany.” He ruffled the little girl’s hair and she smiled up at him. “I can’t wait to start the next journey of our lives together.”

“Oh, shit,” Kyle said through gritted teeth as we both watch the last of the blood drain from Lo’s face.

“And Lo, I know our lives are about to change yet again, but I love you, sweetheart, and I am so proud of you. For the way you’ve handled the events of the last year. For the young woman you’re becoming. Senior year is a big year for you, for making decisions about your future, but whatever you decide, I’ll be right behind you.” He grabbed his glass from the table and lifted it in the air. “A toast, to family.”

“Family,” everyone said.

Kyle snaked his arm around my waist as we ate the rest of our meal. The Stone-Prince’s weren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination. They were flawed: with their tainted pasts, messy presents, and uncertain futures. But there was something beautiful about that.

And when I thought it couldn’t get any better than a day spent with my boyfriend, friends, and their family, Kyle turned to me, gave me a sloppy grin and said, “You too, you know?”

“Me too?” I frowned wondering what crazy thoughts were going around in his head now.

“Family. You’re family, Laurie.”