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Won't Feel a Thing (St. Cross Book 1) by C F White (7)

Chapter Seven

Anatomy Lesson

Ollie bustled out of room four, leaving a screaming baby in the arms of his frantic mother after having to insert the feeding tube through the poor little kid’s nose, down his esophagus to his stomach. He stopped short when he nearly knocked into Jacob lurking outside.

“Is the baby okay?” Jacob asked, and his hands trembled as he pushed his hair away from his face.

Ollie glanced behind into the room. The baby had calmed considerably, and the mother was now lying on the bed with him. Closing the door, he turned to Jacob and nodded.

“Yeah. He can’t feed orally, so we have to give him the tube. Obviously, he doesn’t like it and pulls it out quite a bit. Can’t blame him. I’d hate it too.”

Ollie swallowed and continued his walk to the nurses’ station. He needed to get a handle on the rush of emotions surging through him. Jacob being there wreaked havoc on Ollie. A brief interlude and mind back on the job had allowed Ollie to realize his stupidity. He couldn’t let anything more happen. A kiss, a hand caress—they all spelled trouble. And gross misconduct. Even if his heart desired more of this man, it couldn’t happen. It shouldn’t happen.

Ollie scooted behind the desk for no other reason than to gain a protective barrier. He closed his eyes to regain some composure. When he opened them, Jacob stood right in front of the desk.

“I—” Jacob started.

“Jacob, please,” Ollie replied, practically begging with his voice alone. “I can’t—”

“I’m sorry,” Jacob said and edged back. “I just wanted to say that.”

He retreated toward his daughter’s room, and Ollie’s every impulse was to follow him. To hear more. To say more. But he’d already crossed the line more times than was acceptable with this man, and he couldn’t put a finger on why. Even if his thumb had tried. There was something about Jacob Monroe that had cracked through Ollie’s professional shell and seeped into his vulnerable side. Oh, not the way Dr. Rawlings had. He’d preyed on Ollie’s vulnerability; Jacob was caressing it. With his damn thumb.

“Jacob,” Ollie called before he could stop himself. “I’m sorry too.”

Jacob smiled, but it deteriorated as the ward doors flapped open and Dr. Rawlings marched in. Flipping his stethoscope to drape it around his neck, he approached Ollie at the desk. Ollie reluctantly tore his gaze from Jacob to address the doctor.

“How was your father?” The question came out mere chitchat, void of any real concern.

“Same,” Ollie replied and shuffled around the desk for the files. He placed a few on the surface and slid them over.

Dr. Rawlings hummed in response and flicked open one of the patient folders. While he was busy checking the notes, Ollie took the opportunity to throw a glance Jacob’s way. Jacob stood, leaning against the doorframe, arms folded. Ollie hated to admit the comfort he felt from that stance.

“Right.” Dr. Rawlings slapped the first file shut. He tucked his hands into his chino pockets and pulled out a box. He slid it over the desk. “Replacement.”

Ollie stared down at the leather casing and back up to the doctor.

“I don’t want that,” Ollie replied, his voice threateningly low.

Jacob had pushed away from the doorframe, arms now down by his side. Ollie blinked several times to refocus his attention where it was needed. “I want the one my father bought me.”

Dr. Rawlings leaned over the counter, his face so close that Ollie could taste the espresso breath on his tongue.

“Then don’t leave it lying around in places my cleaner can find it.” Dr. Rawlings voice sounded eerily quiet.

“Fuck,” Ollie whispered through gritted teeth and edged out of the nurses’ station, “you.” He finished the sentence just that little bit louder.

Jacob cleared his throat, and Ollie whipped around to witness Jacob’s eyebrows drawing in. Ollie swallowed down his resolve and stomped toward him. He had no idea why—Daisy wasn’t due for obs, or anything else, and was sleeping soundly in her bed. But he had an overwhelming pull toward it. Or more accurately, to Jacob and the protective qualities he offered. It was a low move. Ollie knew that. But what choice did he have?

“Oliver,” Dr. Rawlings called.

Ollie paused. Jacob’s gaze flicked over Ollie’s shoulder to the doctor.

“Some help in room seven, please.”

“That’s Taya’s patient.” Ollie didn’t take his eyes off Jacob as he spoke. The disrespect was foolish.

“She’s otherwise engaged.”

Ollie threw a cantankerous glance over his shoulder. Dr. Rawlings gripped the file to his chest and arched an eyebrow.

“It’s urgent. So I’ll need you.” The doctor lowered his voice. “Now.”

Ollie turned back to Jacob. He blinked, fading out the concern in the blue eyes that stared across at him.

“I’ll be right back, Mr. Monroe.” Ollie straightened himself out before following Dr. Rawlings down the ward.

* * * *

Ollie tugged on his gloves, blew steam into the freezing morning air, and shuffled on his feet outside the hospital exit. Dr. Rawlings had kept him by his side the rest of his shift, tending to tasks he was sure the other nurses could have fulfilled. It meant by the time he had made it back to room one, Becky had returned and Jacob had been given his marching orders. Ollie hated to acknowledge the sinking feeling in his gut. He had to remind himself that Daisy was more than likely going to be discharged as an outpatient soon. Her recovery was all going to routine, and Jacob would no longer be in room one, or any room in the hospital.

He tapped his coat pockets, searching for his Oyster card to jump onto the first bus and go home to get some much-needed sleep. No dawdling this time for a drink with Taya, no visiting his dad—just straight to bed.


Ollie looked up at the take-out coffee cup wafting under his nose, and his eyes widened in surprise.

“Latte, right?” Jacob asked.

Ollie smiled and wrapped his gloved hand around the cup. Returning the smile, Jacob let go.

“Thanks.” Ollie took a sip through the hole in the lid.

The drink was perfect. And forbidden. Accepting gifts from patients was another no-no in the big nursing book of ethics. Nurses were meant to refuse all gifts, no matter how big or small the gesture: it could be deemed a way to receive favorable treatment and care. And this cup of coffee couldn’t exactly be shared among his colleagues. Ollie guessed that was why it tasted that much sweeter.

“I thought you might need it.” Jacob shrugged. “Busy night?”

“Yeah,” Ollie agreed and avoided the worry seeping through Jacob’s expression. “Home to bed. Sleep,” he added by way of final confirmation. Jacob nodded, hanging his head to look at the floor.


The voice made Ollie’s skin crawl. He didn’t acknowledge the oncoming demand and idly sipped his coffee.

“I’ll give you a lift to your father’s.” Dr. Rawlings approached Ollie’s side. The man never let up and was the main reason Ollie often gave in. But as Ollie flicked a glance at Jacob, he finally found his courage.

“Sorry, Dr. Rawlings.” Ollie nodded to Jacob. “I promised to take Mr. Monroe here to the parent support group over at Heart Lake House.” Ollie nudged Jacob’s arm, making him twist on his heel to start walking up the High Street. “See you next shift, Doctor,” Ollie added over his shoulder.

Ollie gripped Jacob’s elbow, steering him across the busy road and away from the hospital. Once out of sight by the adjacent buildings, Ollie finally released him and breathed out. “Sorry,” he said. “And thanks.”

Jacob nodded. “No problem. So what’s this parent support group?”

“Oh, something the Heart Lake charity lays on. Coffee, cakes, and compassion for parents whose kids are undergoing heart surgery. Pretty sure Becky’s been over.” Ollie shot a worried glance at Jacob by his side. “I mean, I can really take you, if you want?”

“No.” Jacob shook his head. “No, it’s okay. Becky’s the one who needs the support.”

Ollie nodded to let the statement not affect him either way. Fathers needed support just as much as mothers, and separated ones ever so much more so. But Ollie guessed Jacob was trying to keep things on an even keel with his ex—their relationship was tempestuous, to say the least. No need for Ollie to go sticking his oar in. He’d already done that too many times already these last twenty-four hours.

“So, you heading home?” Ollie asked, out of pure conversational habit rather than needing to know where Jacob sauntered off to during the day.

Jacob ruffled his hair. “Actually, I’m starving. Was thinking of getting some breakfast. Ever been to the Breakfast Club, Ollie?”

“The film?”

Jacob laughed. “No, it’s a restaurant. Multitude of breakfasts from all over the globe served all day.”

“Ah, I see.” Ollie stroked his gloved thumb over the rim of his coffee cup and shook his head. “Then, no. Breakfast for me usually consists of the St. Cross canteen or whatever I have clogging up my cupboards in the way of cereal.”

“Right, then.” Jacob nudged Ollie’s shoulder with his. “I’ll treat you to one. Come on, there’s one near my place that always saves a table for me when I’m in the area.”

Ollie stopped in his tracks. Jacob hadn’t noticed and trotted on ahead. He’d gone as far as the corner shop before he turned and cocked his head. Ollie should say no. There were a million reasons having breakfast with this man was a no-no. If he whittled it down to its very simplicity, it was a matter of nursing ethics. But what really bothered Ollie were his increasing feelings for the complete stranger and how they could never be reciprocated. Jacob was under momentous stress and, whatever his reasons for clinging to Ollie, for the kiss, for the delicate hand stroking, it all boiled down to distraction. Jacob was using him as a distraction from his feelings toward his daughter and her mother. And that left a bitter taste in Ollie’s mouth, and not from the latte. The latte was all sweet.

“You like pancakes, Ollie?” Jacob called.

Ollie breathed in. He nodded.

“Good. ’Cause theirs are to die for.”

The pancakes, when they reached the place and ordered, were particularly scrummy. And Ollie wolfed them down like he hadn’t eaten in days. And now that he came to think of it, the last particularly substantial thing he had consumed had been Jacob’s seafood pizza.

“So how come you have a table set aside for you here?” Ollie asked, wiping his mouth with the napkin. After having dribbled the maple syrup all down his chin.

Jacob breathed out a laugh and tapped his fingers along the cutlery next to his cleared plate.

“I’m a terrible cook,” he admitted with a wince.

“Ha!” Ollie laughed. “Snap on that one too.”

Jacob blushed beneath his dark stubble.

“When I was at uni doing my nursing degree, I pretty much lived on noodles. Great hangover cure right there. And the student special canteen food. When I graduated and got the job at St. Cross, I vowed to learn and eat healthy.” Ollie shoved his glasses up his nose. “Turns out, canteen food will forever be my staple diet. I throw in the odd smoothie for the five-a-day intake. We must practice what we preach, I suppose.”

Jacob laughed, and the deep rumble undulated across the thick oak table.

“I’m always sent away for work,” he explained, stroking back his hair. “I end up eating out on expenses. When I get home, I don’t much fancy cooking for myself. This place”—he nodded over to the waiter at the front, who smiled and waved back—“became my go-to. Got to know the owners.”

Ollie leaned back in his chair and rubbed his satisfied stomach. “Where is it you work?”

“It’s a relatively new start-up company.” Jacob shifted in his seat and his eyes brightened. “Based on the new Silicon Roundabout? I used to work for a big corporate doing ethical hacking. After a while, the thought of wearing a suit all the time just to sit and tap at a computer in a closed-off booth took its toll. Found this new start-up that wanted to branch out. Decided to take a pay cut and have a go.” Jacob shrugged. “They let me out into the world. Not only can I build the software that companies want and protect it for them, but I get to actually mingle with real life for a while.”

“And I’ll bet you’re good at it.” Ollie smiled.

“I’m no you when it comes to people, but the more I got out of the office, the more I enjoyed it. Meeting new faces.” Jacob glanced out of the window at a passing unmarked police car with blue flashing lights racing by. “I didn’t do much of that when I was with Becky.”

Ollie didn’t have time to respond as the waiter approached their table, interrupting his next question. Jacob rootled around in his back pocket.

“Wait.” Ollie held up a hand. If he paid for this, it wasn’t technically a gift offering. So he pulled out his wallet. “Let me.”

“I said I’d treat you, Ollie.”

Ollie shrugged and handed over his card to the waiter. The man zapped it on the front for the contactless payment to whiz through. The high-pitched bleep made Ollie flinch.

The waiter winced. “Terribly sorry, sir, but the card has been declined.”

Ollie’s cheeks burned. He closed his eyes with the realization Christmas had sucked him dry and he had a whole three weeks to wait for his wages. He took the card from the waiter and made a mental note to go find a payday loan. He couldn’t very well borrow money from his usual source. Certainly not now. Jacob said nothing more and handed over his card. Bleep. Accepted. A brief tap on the shoulder and the waiter sauntered off.

Ollie couldn’t help the feeling of disappointment that it was all over as he followed Jacob to the exit with heavy steps. Jacob held the door open for him, and Ollie shuffled out onto the pavement. The restaurant was set away from the bustling Shoreditch High Street and located down a secluded alley where tourists would no doubt get lost trying to find the sought-after haunt with its four-star recommendation on Trip Advisor. It meant that when Jacob joined him on the path, they were alone.

“Thanks.” Ollie bounced on his loafers and rubbed his hands together to stave off the chill. “For breakfast. That was really generous.”

“No problem,” Jacob replied. “The way you made Daisy giggle and what you did for her when she was upset, you deserve it.”

Ollie shrugged and drifted his gaze down to the pavement. “All in the job.”

Jacob held a finger under Ollie’s chin and lifted his face to look deep into his eyes. Ollie exhaled a mouthful of steam, and his lips trembled.

“I don’t believe that,” Jacob said. “I believe you’re a miracle too.”

Ollie could do nothing more. Keeping his finger curled under Ollie’s chin, Jacob coasted a thumb across his lips. Ollie needed to move away. He had to stop this before—

It was too late. Jacob leaned in and kissed him. This time, however, it wasn’t an accident, a mistake, or immediately followed by remorse. Jacob’s lips lingered on Ollie’s, spreading warmth through his entire body. Ollie switched off his mind and could no longer hold the urge within. He parted his lips and kissed him back. That tiny reaction seemed to give Jacob all the encouragement he needed, and he deepened the kiss, spearing his tongue into Ollie’s open mouth. With a sharp inhalation of breath through his nose, Jacob pushed Ollie back against the restaurant wall with the force of his kiss alone. Ollie hit rough brick with a thump, but neither of them stopped, and Ollie slid his hands around Jacob’s waist to squeeze him closer. Jacob moaned a deep rumble and responded with his tongue, demanding deeper access to Ollie’s mouth with heated desire. After a brief moment of mouths crashing, heart rates elevating, and hands roaming places they shouldn’t in a daylight alley, Jacob pulled away, his chest heaving as he shivered.

“I should stop,” Jacob muttered through deep breaths.

Ollie paused. He needed to think about this. He should think about this. He knew the correct response. Trouble was, he didn’t like it. This, he needed. So he tugged Jacob closer, grinding his groin against his own. Jacob was already as hard as he was. Perhaps he needed this just as much. Which made Ollie respond the only way he would.

Don’t,” Ollie whispered in his ear.

Jacob exhaled noisily and slapped his mouth onto Ollie’s again, dragging a hand to the back of his neck. Ollie couldn’t have stopped even if he’d tried. So entangled in the kiss that was sending shock waves through his entire body, he didn’t even notice the shuffle of feet as another couple approached the door to the restaurant. It was Jacob who stopped. Averting his eyes from the disapproving couple, he tugged on Ollie’s arm to walk farther up the alley.

“Where are we going?” Ollie asked.

Jacob didn’t loosen his grip, eyes focused on the road, but his trembling hand over Ollie’s biceps told Ollie a different story was going on in his head.

“My place.” Jacob’s reply came in a voice so seductively low that the vibrations went straight to Ollie’s sparking groin.

Ollie didn’t respond. He allowed himself to be dragged through the backstreets until they reached the entrance to a block of flats. Only then did Jacob take his hand away in order to search in his pocket. He pulled out a set of keys, shoved one in the lock, and shoulder-boosted the communal entrance door open. He held it ajar with his back and turned to Ollie still hovering outside.

“You can say no.” Jacob’s eyes pierced into Ollie’s twisted mind.

Can I?

“We can just talk. Or maybe, really, you should go home…” Jacob’s once-confidence drained away.

Ollie swallowed. He was under no illusion that this moment, right then, right there, would forever be ingrained in his mind as the one in which he suspended all rational reasoning and responded only in the way he wanted.

He stepped forward and kissed Jacob. Softly at first, but slowly building up to a full-on mouth fuck with his tongue. Jacob countered that action by pushing Ollie into the building via a forceful hand to the small of his back. There were no stairs that Ollie could see, so Jacob slapped his palm on the lift’s Call button. They stood side by side, watching the illuminating numbers detailing its gradual descent from floor ten to zero. Nothing further was said as they waited. Ollie feared that in the time it took for that lift to reach them, his conscience would eventually kick in.

The ding and slide of the lift doors indicated that his resolve had left him for good, and Jacob urged him in with another shove to his back. Ollie clambered into the small stainless-steel box and leaned against the far wall to regain some breath. As the doors glided closed, Jacob hit the button without Ollie even noticing which floor had been pressed in order to prepare for how much time he had.

He sucked in a deep breath, and Jacob didn’t break his penetrating eye contact as the lift shunted to an upward climb. Ollie thought he’d have a moment to breathe, to evaluate, to reconsider. But Jacob launched forward and rammed his mouth on top of his, kissing him with frantic urgency. Ollie returned the kiss, but he couldn’t touch. Not then. His arms dangled by his side, waiting to be told what to do.

Without words, Jacob grabbed them with his sturdy hands and held them out against the back of the lift, making Ollie into a cross. Jacob pressed his entire body into him, sustaining his possession of Ollie’s outstretched arms to grind against his.

“Oh God,” Ollie groaned as Jacob nipped at his neck. He couldn’t move. He was pinned to the back of the lift by a man who was proving he was more of a beast than Ollie’d first thought.

Jacob pulled back from exploring Ollie’s neck further and looked him in the eyes. He didn’t let up his hold on Ollie’s arms, or stop thrusting against him.

“You okay?” Jacob asked, voice barely audible but the concern starting to outweigh the lustful desire displayed moments ago. “I can stop.”

“You better not.” Ollie surprised himself by how aggressive the statement came out. “’Cause I can’t.”

The flicker in Jacob’s eyes made Ollie’s stomach flutter. Jacob smacked his mouth back onto Ollie’s and slid in with his tongue, immediately lapping and no doubt tasting the remnants of syrupy-sweet pancakes. Ollie sucked on Jacob’s bottom lip like a starved animal and the rasping of his stubble made Ollie’s lips sore. The lift suddenly jolted, but Jacob didn’t stop his insatiable kissing. He released Ollie’s arms, and they flopped to his sides, but Ollie soon had to throw them around Jacob’s neck when Jacob trailed his thick hands around Ollie’s hips, sliding them down to his arse and lifting him clean off the ground.

Ollie was more than a little startled. He’d never been picked up before. This self-proclaimed nerd clearly worked out. He latched on to Jacob’s neck and had to wrap his legs around Jacob’s waist as Jacob lost his balance and staggered Ollie back against the wall. The doors slid open, and Jacob threw a glance out into the corridor. With a grunt, he set Ollie down on his feet, curled his fingers around the front of Ollie’s puffer coat, and yanked him forward out of the lift. The doors shut behind them, and Jacob stopped at the first numbered flat, fishing around in his pocket again. Ollie stood behind him, his heart rate reaching new levels as he waited in anticipation.

The door along the corridor opened, and Jacob quickly let go of Ollie’s coat. A young blonde vacated the next flat along. Ollie offered one of his smiles but didn’t have the brain capacity to think which category it came under. Nor did he really care at that point.

“Hey, Jake,” the girl said.

Jacob offered over a brief nod of recognition as his key jangled in the lock and his door opened.

“I took in a parcel for you. Shall I go get it?”

“I’ll get it later,” Jacob rushed out as he held the door open and ushered Ollie in. “Thanks, Kelly.”

Ollie didn’t hear the response as it was muffled by the sound of the front door slamming. Ollie lingered, glancing around the open-plan flat, and Jacob hovered by the door, as if the interruption of his neighbor had made him rethink his actions. The hesitation made Ollie nervous. So used to waiting for instruction, he was unsure what to do. Throwing caution to the wind, Ollie pulled Jacob forward by the collar on his coat and kissed him. Jacob left his lips on his, previous franticness making way for a more subdued response. Ollie couldn’t bear for it all to end. He ground his groin to Jacob’s, hoping for the same reaction he’d gotten in the alley. When he did, Ollie smiled and kissed across Jacob’s jawline along to his neck.

“Ollie, I don’t think… We shouldn’t, not with everything happening.” Jacob breathed, then moaned. “Not like this, not with you—”

Ollie cut him off from saying anything more by nipping his neck and trailing his hand to unzip Jacob’s fly. Jacob growled and pushed Ollie back against the door and covered his mouth with his. To say Ollie felt the impact of his head hitting solid metal was an understatement, but the tongue slipping into his mouth robbed him of his ability to complain about anything. Jacob scrabbled and found the zip to Ollie’s coat, yanking it down to split the garment apart and drag it along his arms. Ollie flapped his hands, and the coat trailed to the floor. He gasped as Jacob slipped his cold hands up his top and gave that the same attention, ripping his glasses from his face to the floor in the process. With Ollie’s coat and top discarded, Jacob finally removed his mouth from Ollie’s. The deep moans as Jacob trailed his neck, his collarbone, and licked across to his chest knocked Ollie back against the door with a quiver.

Jacob took particular time roaming his tongue around Ollie’s hardened nipple. Ollie was relieved he’d done the wax job only a couple days back, or Jacob would have felt the prickles of stubble. He sucked in a further breath when Jacob scratched his thick, smooth fingers down Ollie’s sides, finding the waistband of his jeans. Standing to his full height, Jacob rammed his mouth back onto Ollie’s and kissed him while making light work of unclasping his belt and popping open his jeans’ button. The noises coming from Ollie’s mouth as he entwined his tongue with Jacob’s were ones he was sure he hadn’t ever uttered before. Especially when Jacob tucked his hand into Ollie’s jeans and wrapped tough fingers around his throbbing cock.

Jacob tugged Ollie’s jeans and boxers farther down his thighs and stroked feverishly. Jacob let up on the kissing and watched the head of Ollie’s cock disappear on every upstroke only to reappear with demanding vigor on every downslide.

“Ollie,” Jacob breathed.

“Fuck,” was Ollie’s only reply. Forming words was increasingly difficult with the sensations of Jacob’s hand pumping him, making his knees weak and toes tingle.

Jacob looked back up, locking eyes with Ollie but refusing to stop his delectable handjob. Ollie was in danger of losing it there and then with those piercing fuck-me eyes delving into his own that were pretty much saying the same thing. Jacob leaned in for a softer kiss, tasting him with renewed diligence. Jacob planted softer kisses down Ollie’s neck, to his chest, and his tongue tasted skin as he went. Sinking to his knees, he tugged Ollie’s jeans down farther to his ankles, and Ollie flicked both off with his, thankfully, slip-on loafers. Jacob took a deep breath, then sucked Ollie’s cock to the back of his throat.

Ollie inhaled loudly. Not taking his eyes off the sight of his cock bobbing in and out of Jacob’s mouth, he dragged his fingers through Jacob’s shock of thick, luscious hair. At first he did it to slide away the locks that prevented his view, but as he held it bunched in clenched fists, he used it to control Jacob’s depth and velocity. Ollie banged his head against the door once again with real concern he was causing damage to his skull. His knees buckled, and Jacob slurped his mouth off his cock, but still used his hand to stroke up and down.

“Can I get you off like this?” Jacob stared up with those absorbing blue eyes.

“If you do, I might not stay standing.”

Jacob chuckled deeply. “I’ll hold you,” he said and again wrapped his lips around Ollie’s cockhead and guzzled it with a groan.

It only took a few more sucks, and Ollie gripped Jacob’s hair, scratching his fingernails into his scalp, growling out his name while coming down his throat. His legs trembled, and he released Jacob’s hair to try and hold on to something to keep upright. He couldn’t find anything and was in danger of collapsing to the floor. But as his cock fell from Jacob’s mouth, Jacob stood and pinned Ollie to the door with a demanding kiss. Not giving Ollie any time to react, Jacob squeezed Ollie’s arse and yanked him away from the door. He staggered backward along the corridor, his mouth not leaving Ollie’s all the while. Tasting himself on Jacob’s tongue was enough to make Ollie’s desire grow exponentially. It hit further heights as Jacob banged open a door with his back, spun Ollie around, and pushed him down onto a king-size bed.

Ollie sank into the soft white duvet and scrabbled up to reach the headboard. He stopped short when Jacob proceeded to strip out of his coat and remaining clothes. Ollie licked his lips. The man’s body was certainly not what he would have expected of a computer geek. It was broad, tough, and muscular, scattered with thick dark hair over his chest that snaked down to his firm stomach. And when Jacob shunted off his boxers, his thick, hard cock bobbed out of a further nest of dark curly hair. Ollie’s eyes widened at the sight, and he propped up on his elbows as Jacob crawled onto the bed by his knees.

“Oh fucking God, I want that,” Ollie blurted out.

“Yeah?” Jacob replied with a slight chuckle. He edged closer on his knees, flicking Ollie’s legs open with his powerful hands to perch in between.

“Fuck, yes.” The drool coming out of Ollie’s mouth was enough to back the statement up.

Jacob smiled and leaned down to kiss him. Ollie wrapped a hand around Jacob’s cock and slowly teased it up and down, gliding his thumb over the head as he kissed back.

“Can I…” Jacob gasped, brushing his lips with Ollie’s, making them tingle. He trailed off and trembled, so Ollie encouraged him by speeding up the strokes on his cock. “Fuck you?”

“You’d better,” Ollie replied and crashed his mouth back onto Jacob’s. He pulled away and pumped more vigorously, making Jacob’s eyes roll to the back of his head. Jacob groaned and leaned over to reach the bedside cabinet. “But before that,” Ollie said, and Jacob arched an eyebrow, kneeling back in front of him. “I need to taste this.”

Ollie opened his mouth wide. Jacob thrust forward and his deep gasp as Ollie wrapped his mouth around Jacob’s cock was breathtaking. Ollie curled his hands around Jacob’s pert, rounded arse cheeks, encouraging Jacob to use Ollie’s mouth to get himself at least halfway ready to spill. Ollie could take it and lapped it up with hunger.

Jacob stroked a hand through Ollie’s hair. “Ollie,” he urged, and his name being uttered so delicately made Ollie’s chest tighten. He let Jacob’s cock fall from his mouth and looked up with a smile—this one in the ‘yes, please’ category.

Jacob offered one last sloppy kiss before leaning over to pull open the drawer of the bedside unit. The ruffling of a condom wrapper and popping of a cap sent Ollie to renewed levels of eager anticipation, and he lay back to the soft mattress to offer himself up to this man who, forty-eight hours ago, hadn’t known he existed. In real life or his dreams.

Jacob shuffled forward, having sheathed his pulsating cock and slicked it up with a handful of sweet-scented liquid. He paused, gazing at Ollie’s naked body.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Jacob’s soft deep voice quivered with the delivery, and Ollie’s whole body felt the vibrations.

Ollie smiled and held out his arms. “Come here.”

Jacob did. He leaned down to kiss him, and Ollie curled his legs around his back, digging his heels into solid muscle. Jacob trailed a hand over Ollie’s leg to inside his thigh and began to push it back. Ollie knew what Jacob was about to do. But he didn’t need it. He needed Jacob. In him. Now.

“Just fuck me, now,” Ollie croaked. “Please.” He was used to begging, but somehow this time it felt far more desperate. Not lip service. Real.

Jacob sucked in a lungful of air, nodded, and shuffled back to line himself up. Ollie lifted his legs higher and wider, and once Jacob entered him with a fierce thrust of his hips, Ollie moaned. Jacob spread him, filled him, and completed him.

Jacob garbled incoherently, slamming in and out of Ollie. The mattress shook and Ollie had to hold his arms up to the jarring headboard to prevent any further injuries as he was forced up the bed. Jacob grabbed one of Ollie’s legs, bending it farther, and forced it across Ollie’s body, making Ollie swivel onto his side. Jacob leaned down to spoon behind him and wrapped an arm around his midsection. He bit at Ollie’s neck and thrust in harder, letting out one long rasping groan as his orgasm shot through into Ollie, to make his entire body tremble.

Ollie felt as though he was in a vise grip when Jacob’s arm sank into his stomach. Jacob blew out a gush of air, and Ollie had to peer over his shoulder to see the hair wafting away from his sweaty face. Jacob used that opportunity to kiss his lips, and then collapsed down beside him onto the mound of fluffy pillows, finally releasing Ollie and allowing him to breathe again.




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