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Worth the Fight: Giving Consent Book Three by Hawthorne, Kate (11)



“I want you both to know that I’m fine with you two kissing or being affectionate with each other when I’m not around.” Justin lingered at the foot of the stairs while Micah and Keith checked their pockets in the doorway.

“You won’t be jealous?” Micah teased.

“Watch your mouth,” Justin warned, taking a step backward up the stairs.

“Do we have a curfew?” Micah pressed further, grinning at Justin as he reached for Keith’s hand. Keith’s palm was warm and sweaty. Micah glanced his way and smiled, pulling him toward the open door.

“Have fun.” Justin shook his head and turned, retreating up the stairs.

“Are you ready?” Micah asked Keith, locking the front door behind him and guiding Keith to the car. He opened the door for Keith and waited until he was buckled in to push it closed, then walked around to the driver’s side and got in.

“Where are we going?” Keith asked him with a hint of a smile.

“The arcade,” he answered, backing out of the driveway. He knew Justin had taken Keith for ice cream, which Micah had found endlessly adorable. It endeared his husband to him further because ice cream had been one of their first dates. Micah wasn’t sure if Justin remembered, or if he would acknowledge the significance, but Micah did.

“Like video games?”

“Is that okay?” Micah looked at Keith briefly, relieved to see a huge smile spreading across his face.

“It’s definitely okay.” Keith turned the radio on and rolled down his window, smiling at Micah before shifting his attention to the setting sun on the horizon.

* * *

“What do you say to a friendly skee ball competition?” Micah asked, one eyebrow raised in challenge. Keith was in front of him, mug of root beer in one hand and a fistful of prize tickets in the other.

“Do you want me to beat you at that, too?” he laughed.

Keith had been kicking his ass all night, whether it was two-person shooter games or air hockey or that embarrassing dancing game. Micah was failing spectacularly at everything beyond making Keith smile.

“This could be my lucky game!” Micah protested, dropping tokens into two connected lanes. The balls rolled down to the end with a thud and the scoreboard reset. “You better hurry.”

Keith set his drink down and dropped the tickets between their feet. He picked up a ball and rolled it, lobbing it directly into the fifty point bucket. He turned and looked at Micah expectantly. Micah picked up a ball and rolled it up the ramp. It bounced off the edge of the fifty point and dropped into the bottom ten point ring.

“Did you want to quit now?” Keith teased, grabbing another ball and landing a solid forty.

“Definitely not.’ Micah reached for another ball.

“Do you want to make it interesting?” Keith challenged, tossing his own ball from hand to hand.

Micah stopped and narrowed his eyes. “Interesting how?”

“Whoever scores the highest on each roll gets to ask the other a question.”

“Looks like I’ll be doing a lot of answering.” Micah laughed and turned back toward his lane.

“I just rolled forty, so you have two chances to beat me.”

Micah rolled a thirty and cursed under his breath.

“What is your favorite thing about Justin?” Keith asked.

“What?” Micah asked, incredulous. He’d been expecting something about movies, or colors, or breakfast foods.

“What’s your favorite thing about your husband?” Keith asked again.

“Uhm.” He scratched the back of his neck, not certain he could pinpoint a specific thing about Justin that he favored over any other. “I mean, it’s really hard to choose, but I guess it would be the way he loves me.”

“How does he love you?” Keith followed up.

“Don’t you need to outroll me for that one?” Micah asked, picking up another ball and rolling it up the ramp. It bounced in a hard arc over the lip, dropping into twenty.

“Yes!” Micah shouted, happy to have more than ten.

Keith grabbed a ball and rolled it up the lane, scoring thirty. “How does he love you?”

Justin loved Micah more than anyone ever had, more than anyone probably should. Justin’s devotion to Micah was infinite.

“Like I’m his whole world.”

Keith made a thoughtful sound and took his next turn, only coming away with a ten. Micah managed a forty.

“Does it make you jealous?” he asked Keith, legitimately curious about how Keith felt coming into such an established relationship. He knew Justin had been opening up, but he was still a hard sell and Micah knew first-hand how daunting that could be.

Keith picked up a ball and rolled it in his hands, staring at it speculatively. He shook his head and looked up at Micah. “It makes me hopeful.”

Keith scored a thirty.

Micah grabbed a ball and noticed there were only four left in the chute. He rolled, snagging a twenty.

Keith tapped his chin thoughtfully, eyes sparking in the bright colored lights of the arcade. Micah thought he looked beautiful and was about to tell him so when Keith asked his next question.

“Why me?”

“Why not you?” he answered instinctively.

“Ah.” Keith wagged his finger. “You’ll need to win if that’s what you want to know.”

He playfully shoved at Keith, who reached up and caught Micah’s hands against his shirt, pulling their bodies closer together to keep them on balance.

“Why me?” he asked again, his breath hot and dusting across Micah’s cheek.

“I don’t know,” Micah whispered. “I like the way I feel around you.”

“How do you feel around me?”

Keith exhaled against his face and they stood frozen like that, fingers tangled between their chests and hot breaths mingled against their lips. Keith’s tongue darted out to lick his lower lip and Micah wanted to taste it.

“Like I just finished an amazing book and found out there’s a sequel.”

Keith kissed him. Closing the space between them and slanting their lips together, Keith licked his way into Micah’s mouth with a shocking dominance. He cupped his hand around the back of Micah’s neck and held him steady, taking what he wanted from Micah’s mouth, which seemed to be everything.

Micah groaned, his knees growing weak with every pass of Keith’s tongue against his. Keith pulled back and Micah gasped for air, his body pushing forward to chase another kiss.

“It’s your turn,” Keith rasped against his mouth. Micah groaned as Keith pushed one of the plastic balls into his hand.

He forced himself to take a step back, touching his kiss swollen lips with his fingers. Keith looked barely more in control, his pupils huge and his mouth shiny with spit.

“Take your turn,” Keith said, his voice breathy.

Micah rolled a zero, his brain focused on nothing beyond Keith’s mouth.

Keith did, too.

“What happens now?” Micah asked, darting his eyes to the scoreboard that showed him forty points behind.

“We go again.”

Micah grabbed him, pulling him close and stealing a kiss. Keith’s mouth parted with a shocked little gasp and Micah took the opportunity to slip his tongue between Keith’s lips, tasting the sweet sugar of his soda, before letting him go and stepping back.

“That’s not how you meant, was it?” Micah asked with a mischievous grin. He wished he could turn and see Justin behind him and take a kiss from the lips that had explored his whole body a thousand times over. There was something thrilling about the seasoned way in which Justin took from him, but something equally appealing about the eager way Keith devoured him.

“No, it wasn’t,” Keith mumbled, “but I didn’t mind.”

“Roll.” Micah tipped his head toward the lane and Keith rolled another zero.

“I can’t think straight,” Keith admitted. “I’ve been watching for a week, I want to touch.”

Micah swallowed hard and adjusted himself, his cock thickening in his briefs. He rolled a twenty.

“We’re almost tied,” he said.

“I think you’re the winner either way. You’re the one who’s gonna get fucked tonight.”

“Just think about how much it’ll be worth it when you can do more than just watch.” Micah picked up a ball and passed it to Keith. “Take your turn.”

Keith rolled another fifty.

Micah barked out a laugh and stepped backward. “I’m on to you. You’re trying to get me all hot and bothered so I’ll lose.”

“You’re kidding.” Keith feigned horror. “We don’t even have a bet about the winner or the loser. Just question for question, so take your turn.”

Micah snatched the second to last ball and rolled his eyes. He focused all his attention on the tiny hundred slot in the top corner. He missed it, of course, but did manage a twenty.

“Let’s have it then.” He turned to Keith and held his hands out in defeat.

“What do you like most about BDSM?”

Micah’s eyes widened, again shocked by the question. That wasn’t something he’d had to think about in years and he was hard pressed, again, to discern a suitable answer. He’d always had interest in pursuing the D/s dynamic and had been sorely disappointed when he found out just how vanilla Justin was. He was inclined toward dominance, though, and after some begging of Gregory, Justin found a groove and fell into it like a natural.

In retrospect, it was hard for Micah to even remember Justin the way he was before he’d learned about this life.

“I like the way it helps people realize more of their potential,” Micah answered, still thinking about Justin. “And I like the reminder.”

“What reminder?”

“That someone knows me well enough to be what I need even if I don’t know I need it.”

Keith snorted. “You two are ridiculous.”

“What?” Micah asked, bending over to grab the final balls and passing one to Keith.

“He said the exact same thing when I asked him, but in reverse.” Keith laughed and took his turn, the ball popping up into the thirty hole leaving Keith with a score of 240. Tickets spewed out of the machine and Keith collected them, picking them up with his earlier winnings.

“You need a hundred to beat me,” Keith teased. He took a step out of his lane and pressed his chest against Micah’s back, his cock, thick against Micah’s hip. “Can you do it?”

Micah shuddered and wiggled his hips to shake Keith off. “Not if you’re intent on trying to distract me.”

“Oh, am I?” Keith laughed and stepped away, his erection obvious.

Micah rolled a fifty, his highest of the game, but not enough to win. Keith leaned down and grabbed his tickets, rubbing his way up Micah’s leg in a deliberate show of affection.

“You’re killing me,” Micah groaned. “I’m going to feel like a huge asshole going home and begging Justin to fuck me.”

“Hmn?” Keith mumbled, reaching for Micah’s hand and pulling him toward the prize room. “Then why don’t you beg him to let me fuck you?”

* * *

Keith dropped the tickets onto the prize counter and Micah squeezed his eyes closed, thinking about Keith fucking him, thinking about Justin fucking him, Justin fucking Keith. It was an endless loop in his head that sent blood directly to his now noticeably hard dick.

“Oh, like five of those.”

Keith’s voice drew his attention and he looked over to see him pointing down through the glass display case.

“What color?” the bored teenage employee asked.

“What’s your favorite color?” Keith asked, attention turning to Micah.


Keith looked back down in the case. “They don’t have red, so, pink.”

The kid behind the counter dropped five pink and tan finger traps onto the counter.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Micah chuckled.

“You have thirty tickets left,” the kid informed them.

Keith looked back in the case, pushing the tickets to the side. “Oh! Definitely those. The tattoos.”

The kid dropped three small square pieces of paper on the counter and scooped all of Keith’s hard-earned tickets into a plastic bin. Keith shoved the tattoos in his pocket and grabbed the finger traps.

“I love these,” he said, squishing one together and pulling it apart, but not putting his fingers inside of it.

“I couldn’t ever make them work. I always got stuck,” Micah grumbled, snatching one from Keith and trying to make sense of it.

They strolled together to the car, Keith making fun of him for being useless when it came to paper bondage, laughing and carrying on until they reached the car. Keith boxed him in against the driver’s side door and he leaned down, sucking at the skin of Micah’s neck.

“I want you so bad,” he whispered against his wet skin. “I’ll happily jerk off while I watch you come because it’s better than nothing, though.”

Micah closed his eyes and dropped his head against the door of his car. His cock stabbed at Keith’s leg.

“I want you,” Micah admitted, even though it wasn’t a secret to anyone. “But I trust him to do what’s right, when it’s right.”

Keith rubbed himself against Micah’s cock, the friction alone nearly enough to make him come. “I know you do.”

He back-stepped around the car, getting into the passenger seat and waiting for Micah to get in. They rode home mostly in silence, Micah trying to think his erection away—unsuccessfully.

“I do, too, you know,” Keith finally said as Micah turned onto their street.

“What?” He dared a glance toward the passenger seat.

“Trust him,” Keith said with a nod. “I trust him to do the right thing for all of us.”