Branded Sanctuary

Page 43

Brendan had fit none of that pattern so far. Theyd met a year before the first real date happened, and here they were, just a few days later, in deeper and faster than any relationship shed ever had. She couldnt imagineand desperately didnt wantfor it to end, but this was unmarked wilderness. Still, so far he hadnt let go of her hand once, never making her feel lost or alone in there. He was like meeting a mysterious and yet reassuring guide in a forest, one she wasnt sure she valued solely for being a guide, or being who he was.

Steam is starting to come from your ears, Brendan mentioned. Theyd left the park, agreeing to stop at his favorite coffee place to pick up a hot beverage, because the inlet temperature hadnt been as comfortable as the fall Florida weather. He put the vehicle in park and stretched his arm over her seat, teasing her hair with his fingers.

I cant go swimming with you, she said, reaching for earlier, safer topics. You know, when you said I could go with you?

He lifted a brow. I didnt mean we were going today. The dip wasnt planned.

She chuckled, but shook her head. I mean I cant swim.

Not at all?

No. My parents dont swim, and I was involved in a lot of things growing up. A rt, nature classes, music, so that somehow got overlooked. We didnt live near any water, no friends with pools, so it never became an issue. We went to the mountains for hiking, but if there were streams we didnt go in unless it was for wading.

Do you own a swimsuit? His attention wandered over her knit button down shirt. It showed decent cleavage, particularly highlighted with the wooden Tree-of-Life pendant she wore nestled there. Preferably a bikini. Its much easier to learn to swim in a bikini.

She pressed her lips together in a smile. Im sure. Youre going to teach me?

Everyone should know how to swim. A nd youd love it. A t that park we went to today, theres a hike to a creek area that not a lot of people know about because it takes a while to get there. Theres a cave, and you can swim into it, listen to the drip of the water off the rocks. Youd love it, he repeated. His fingers shifted, tracing the soft skin beneath her eyes. But thats not why steam was coming from your ears.

No. But I need to keep thinking on it. Okay?

Okay. She could tell it took him some effort not to push, suggesting that, whatever being a submissive meant, it didnt mean he would blithely accept everything she dictated to him. Coming around the Jeep, he opened her door for her, handed her out. A s he did, she mercilessly let her body bump against his groin, a passing stroke of her hip. Im glad those boxers were too wet to wear under your jeans.

Im glad you were willing to keep watch while I stripped them off in the bushes and put my jeans back on. He gave her a wry look, not just about that, but also telling her he was well aware she was enjoying her power over him. That group of teenage girls was making me pretty nervous.

A big, strong guy like you, afraid of a pack of naturally curious fourteen-year-olds?

Pack being the key word there, he said, making her laugh again. Do you want some coffee?

Hot chocolate for me, with whipped cream and marshmallows.

Does it come any other way? When he slid his arm around her shoulders, she looped hers low on his waist, hooking her fingers in his waistband and feeling the movement of bare skin and hip bone under her touch.

You know, Brendan, Im not going to hold you to what you said, in the park. She grimaced over the surge of guilt. You dont need to Yeah, I do. He brushed a kiss over her brow. Not until you say it, Chloe.

What if I order you to abandon that idea? Climax a hundred times?

Id say Ill need hydration, fast.

She scowled at him and his evasion, but nature intervened before she could pursue it further. Their timing for departing the park had been propitious, because the sky had been darkening during their drive. Now a roll of thunder greeted them as they got out of the Jeep, sending them into the coffee shop, which was too crowded for the personal conversation to continue.

The late afternoon rain shower arrived as he was paying for their purchases, the lights flickering at a particularly sharp and brilliant shard of lightning. She loved storms, so shed moved to a table for two at the window to watch while he waited for their order. Shed offered to pay, but hed given her a look of mild horror and waved her off to get them napkins.

Old-fashioned, weird, submissive, gorgeous, mysterious guy-thing. She held onto the smile that thought brought, and eyed the thrumming flood of rain, the gray sheets of it coming down, broken into panes by the wind. The way the trees moved in the background, behind the shopping center across the street. Florida thunderstorms often blew up fast and scary, but she was pretty sure it would already be dying off before they left.

Brendan joined her then, sliding her cup to her. Can we admit to Marguerite we stopped in at a coffee shop?

I got hot chocolate, so Im safe. But shell sniff out your treason. Chloe grinned. Of course, Tyler prefers coffee over tea. She finally put a small pot on the counter for him, and she stocks his favorite brand.

Does she give him a hard time about it?

Chloe lifted her nose and gave him an imperious look, doing her best Marguerite impression. If you insist on drinking cowboy swill instead of a civilized beverage, you cant share in any of my substantial profits.

Brendan laughed. Yep. Thats exactly how shed say it.

Ive never liked the taste, but I love the smell of coffee, Chloe confided. It smells so reassuring, you know? It definitely has a very male aroma.

My dad drinks it before work, so maybe thats why Ive always thought about it that way. She folded her arms on the table and leaned in now, her eyes sparkling as if sharing an important secret. Truth, I think M has started to like it for the same reason. It reminds her of how Tyler smells in the morning, all coffee and unique Tyler-aroma.

What about you? He stretched out one leg so it was on the outside of her hip, smiling a little as she slid her foot out of her ratty canvas sneaker and placed it on his foot, pressing down so he could feel the pressure of her toes through his Nikes. Do you like the aroma of Tyler in the morning?

If he offered me ten minutes to take complete and total advantage of his body, are you asking if Id leap on it like a starving wolf on raw meat?

Her eyes danced at his expression, but she laid a hand on his. If youve had both men and women, you know theres no denying the man is a feast for the senses. Hes just powerful, and

When she sought the explanation, he had it ready. Commanding. Completely in charge of himself and everyone around him. A hundred percent Dominant. Hard for any woman to resist.

His tone remained neutral, but she couldnt argue with any of it, or deny what was left unsaid. Unless the woman was a Mistress. Marguerites situation was an unusual one Chloe knew that, even with her minimal exposure to that world. Two Dominants didnt often come together the way Marguerite and Tyler had.

Yeah, I guess you could say that, she admitted. But joking aside, he loves Marguerite with every cell of his being. Its so obvious, thats what adds to how wonderful I think he is. It makes him something different to me. Hes so good to her andeven before what happened to me, Gen and I knew there were terrible things in her past that made her how she is. Was. You still see it in her, but hes healing a lot of that. The open wounds are becoming scars. She gave him a steady look. I guess you know some of this. How long have you two known one another?

His fingers tightened on hers. Marguerite and I were in an orphanage together. When she was fourteen and I was six. I was there about six months before I was adopted.

Wow. I knew she said you were childhood friends, but I didnt realize. She digested that. You kept in touch all these years.

No. I didnt know where she was until a few years back, when I saw her at The Zone. Even then, she didnt recognize me, but I knew her. I eventually let her know, and we renewed the friendship.

Thats not fate, thats divine intervention. She shook her head, amazed. I mean, what are the odds? Is that why you walked her down the aisle, because she was a link to your past? Or her past, rather?

Brendan lifted a shoulder, drew her hands closer to him, pulling her attention back to his face. In a way. Chloe, I think its time Brendan.

Chloes gaze rose at the address, but not so quickly that she didnt notice Brendan stiffen before he raised his attention to the man whod approached their table. He was tall, lean and athletic like Brendan, making her wonder if he was a fellow swim team member. Handsome face and stylishly fashioned brown sandy hair showed off a movie star jaw line and prominent cheekbones. He had a models face, with a pair of sea green eyes to match. His mouth was held in a way that gave Chloe a moments unease though, his eyes a little too probing as they shifted between them.

Havent seen you for awhile. You dont usually stop by here this time of day. Still swimming at the Y in the mornings?

Yeah. Brendan rose, offered a hand, the handshake of men who were acquainted but who hadnt seen one another in awhile, though Chloe noted the touch lingered a little longer than would have been expected. She couldnt tell whod prolonged the contact, though. This is my friend Chloe. Chloe, this is an old friend of mine. Tim.

Before her lips could form a pleasant greeting or she could offer her hand, Tims gaze had returned to Brendan, dismissing her so curtly it left her blinking. Looks like youre playing on the other side of the fence now.

Brendan gave him an even look. I was always bi, Tim. You knew that.

Tim chuckled, a harsh sound. You arent bi. You just want one Mistress, and the rest of us are sloppy seconds. You could care less if we have cunts or dicks.

The words, spoken so low and deceptively pleasant, took a moment to sink in, a razor blade hiding inside the façade of a sugar-coated tea cake.

Chloe sucked in a startled breath, but it was then she registered what was burning in Tims gaze, what had given her that moment of unease. She hadnt been dismissed as much as he simply wouldnt look at her, refusing to acknowledge Brendan was with someone else.

You didnt have to stop and talk to us, Brendan said, just as low, but the gray in his eyes had darkened to match the storm clouds outside, the glitters of green like the flashes of lightning. If the only reason you did is to be an asshole, you can just keep going.

Does she know shell never measure up to your precious Mistress? Of course, looking at her, I doubt shes man enough to take you up the ass, anyway.

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