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Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3) by Shelley Munro (11)

“Are you going home?” Tyler paced the confines of his bedroom, his phone glued to his ear. The idea of Suzy leaving had him dragging his hand through his hair. Damn, his bloody hand was shaking.

“I’m not meant to tell you.”

“Please, put me out of my misery.” Tyler strode from his bed to the door and back, his nerves not allowing him to stand in one spot.

“Jasmine is going home.”

Elation soared then plummeted to the bottom of his gut. “Nolan picked you.”

“Yeah, I’m still in shock. So is Jasmine. She accused me of trading sex for my place on the show.”

“You’re having sex with me.” The possessive nature of the words flooded him with satisfaction. Huh, he was doing a caveman act—doing everything except beating his chest.

“Last night I thought Nolan suspected something.” Suzy paused. “I guess I was wrong.”

“You think Nolan is serious about you?” Over his dead body.

“I don’t know what to think.”

“Can you meet me tomorrow?”

“I’m sorry. If it’s fine tomorrow, we’re filming outside. The cameraman wants some farm scenes.”

“We haven’t had our date yet,” Tyler said. “Are you free tomorrow night?”

“The drive-thru isn’t on until the weekend.”

“No, wait. The show is tomorrow. I want to watch it. Friday night,” he said. “I’ll ring Nolan and ask him myself.”

The next day

“Do you know who Nolan picked?” Josie settled on the couch beside Tyler.

“Yes.” Tyler drummed his fingers on his thigh and waited for the reality show to start.

“Is it the same girl you’re meeting most days down by the dam?” Eric said.

Tyler’s fingers stilled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ooh, he’s good,” Josie said to her husband. “Just the right edge of innocence and surprise. If I didn’t know him well, I’d think we were way off beam with our assumptions.”

“Katey likes her. So do we,” Eric said.

“Nolan likes her too,” Tyler snapped.

“But you’re the one she visits in secret,” Josie said.

“I don’t want to sneak around. I don’t like it.”

“So you are serious about the girl,” Eric said with a healthy slice of satisfaction.

“The show is starting,” Tyler said. “From what Suzy says, we don’t want to miss a thing.” Eric and Josie exchanged a knowing glance, and even the fact they knew the truth didn’t settle the angst riding his gut. He needed to see, to hear what Nolan said on the show, how he worded his picks.

“Welcome to the knockout show,” Hailee cooed. “It’s been a very tense week down on the farm for our contestants and farmers. First, we’ll go to Graham in the far south and see which girls he’s picked to stay at the farm.”

Tyler’s fingers started into motion again, impatience fueling his need for movement.

“We like Susan,” Josie said.

“So you’ve said.” Tyler’s tart reply echoed in the lounge. He sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. That was rude.” He plucked his small notebook and pencil from his pocket and started drawing. Instantly, his nerves flowed out of him and a picture of Susan appeared on the page. “I like her too. Very much.”

“What are you going to do about it?” Josie demanded. “You can’t sit back and let Nolan steal her from under your nose.”

“I’m taking her out on Friday night. I called in the date I won.”

“Good plan.” Eric nodded with approval. “Where are you taking her?”

“I haven’t got that far yet. I rang Nolan and asked him if I could take Susan out,” Tyler said.

Josie and Eric gaped at him.

“You look like a pair of fish,” Tyler said.

“What did Nolan say?” Eric asked.

“Nothing. What could he say? I won the date fair and square.”

“Take the entire day,” Josie suggested. “Pick her up in the morning and go to Napier. Show her the art deco buildings and go to a vineyard for lunch. Go for a walk on the beach after your meal.”

“Stay the night somewhere in Napier,” Eric said. “Make it a real event.”

Tyler felt his mouth drop open.

“What?” Eric said. “You like the girl. You’re sleeping with her, aren’t you?”

Josie let out a girlish giggle and winked at her husband. “Good plan. We’ll babysit.”

Tyler let their teasing wash over him this time. They weren’t going to leave it alone. “I’m not sure Suzy will agree to staying out for the entire night.”

“Ask her,” Eric said. “She can only say no.”

“Shush, Nolan’s segment has started,” Josie said.

“Life is never boring with Nolan’s women,” Hailee said. “We never know what to expect and this week was no exception. At the end of the show, we’re going to place a special poll on the website to learn about popular opinion on a certain subject, so make sure you visit and have your say.”

“That sounds intriguing,” Josie said.

The show cut to an interview with Nolan. His big brother appeared at ease in front of the camera, his mouth quirked into a tiny smile.

“What is your ideal woman like?” the cameraman asked.

“I want someone who loves the land and the countryside as much as I do,” Nolan said. “I can’t imagine not living here in Clare.”

“And what about physical characteristics?”

“Someone who looks after themselves. They don’t have to be ultra skinny, but someone who is fit. A woman who is adaptable and possesses a sense of humor.”

“You’re determined to give a PC answer,” the cameraman said. “All right. What color hair do you prefer?”

“Dark,” Nolan said.


“A few inches shorter than me. I don’t like to get a sore neck.”

Tyler’s pencil skidded to a halt on the page.

“He’s describing Susan,” Josie whispered.

“He didn’t hesitate saying yes when I asked if I could take Suzy out on our date.” Tyler stared at the screen. What the fuck game was his brother playing? “Susan likes Clare, but I think she’s missing Auckland and her friends.” Which was a problem for him. He couldn’t leave Clare, not after Eric and Josie had done so much for him. Eric needed his help on the farm and Katey would start school in a few months.

No, his roots were here in Clare.

Somehow, he’d have to persuade Suzy that life in Clare was an attractive proposition.

The scene changed on the television screen. Eric let out a guffaw.

Tyler found himself grinning. So that was Mr. Blue.

“Oh my,” Josie said, her voice emerging in a weird squeak.

On screen, Suzy lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. “Doctors invented vibrators to cure hysteria. Maybe you should have a treatment. It might help your viperous tongue.” In the startled silence that followed, she snatched up Mr. Blue and stomped from the room.

“Oh my.” Josie flapped her hand in front of her face. “I do like that girl.”

The next segment was an interview with Suzy. Tyler stared at her familiar face, his heart aching. Damn, this was one battle he had no intention of losing. His parents might have deserted him, Rebecca hadn’t believed in him enough to fight for their marriage, but he didn’t intend to fail a third time.

“What happened after you stomped out of the kitchen?” the cameraman asked.

“I had a tantrum and threw Mr. Blue at the wall. He made a dent.”

“Damn, I wish I could have filmed that.”

“I broke Mr. Blue. If you’d been present, I might have aimed my wrath elsewhere.” Suzy stared right into the camera, and Tyler found himself smirking when she didn’t blink. “Now I’ll have to find a replacement.”

“Nolan seems to prefer women with dark hair,” the cameraman said, his slyness coming through in his tone as he shifted topic. “You might have the real thing soon.”

“Mr. Blue didn’t try to boss me around,” Suzy snapped, her cheeks full of color and her eyes flashing. “He did exactly what I wanted.”

Tyler couldn’t help but stare because she was beautiful in her anger. He made a mental note to go shopping online for more sex toys. He’d had a couple of things delivered already. A vibrator would make a great addition. His lips curled as he fought a smirk. He was man enough to cope with a faux penis.

“You go, Suzy,” Josie said in approval.

“Hey,” Eric said, but he was grinning.

The camera flashed back to Nolan, who was now with Suzy and the other two women.

“I had a big problem narrowing my choice down to two women,” Nolan said. “Jasmine, Lucy and Susan are wonderful and they all possess qualities I admire in a woman. Jasmine has a sense of humor and loves family. She enjoys the country and likes animals. Lucy also has a great sense of humor. She gets on well with my family and friends and enjoys living in the countryside. Susan is funny and makes me laugh. She’s also a great cook and is always helping others.” Nolan patted his tummy. “She’s a really good cook.”

“We’ll have Nolan’s results after a word from our sponsors,” Hailee said in her bubbly voice-over from the studio.

“I can’t stand the suspense,” Josie said. “Does he pick Suzy?”

Tyler gave a curt nod, heartsick at the acknowledgement.

“Damn.” Eric sent Tyler a sympathetic look, his brow furrowed. “If that’s the case, then why did Nolan agree to let you go on a date with her?”

“I didn’t give him an option,” Tyler said. “I told him if he didn’t permit our date I’d create a ruckus like he hadn’t seen since our mother kicked me out of home.”

“Go you,” Josie said, her eyes containing pride and approval.

The show started again.

“Please tell us your two choices,” the cameraman said to Nolan.

“As I said this was a difficult task, but after weighing the pros and cons, I decided to pick Lucy and Susan.”

The camera moved to Jasmine and caught her flash of disappointment, the slap of rejection. Tyler’s stomach flip-flopped in sympathy. He knew exactly how she felt.

Each show I think my embarrassment levels can’t get any higher. Big time mistake! I don’t think I’ll be able to look anyone in the face again. Actually, I’m surprised Nolan picked me after the dramatics I’ve brought to his life. Not that I’m going to apologize for being myself.

If anything, this latest debacle with Nolan’s mother has made me take a good hard look at myself.

I have a great circle of friends, but not so long ago, I almost destroyed that friendship by judging a friend and finding her guilty of breaking a stupid rule. A part of it was jealousy. I wanted what she’d found—a happy relationship.

My love life prior to this show wasn’t inspiring. Try learning that your bridesmaid is having an affair with your fiancé. That was only one blip. I started dating another man months later. The relationship was serious on my side and I was ready to take the next step. Then I discovered he was married, and I was his patsy—an innocent bit on the side for his amusement. Those two relationships warped my thinking, and I held myself and others to high standards. I became judge and jury.

Anyone seeing a theme here?

Mrs. Penrith doesn’t approve of me. That’s fine with me. It would be a boring world if people came with one character setting. But where I have a problem is when she tries to hold me to the standard of behavior that she perceives is correct.

If I’ve learned anything in the last couple of years, it’s that you should treat others as you would have them treat you. The saying about what goes around comes around is a cliché for a reason.

When my high and mighty attitude almost ruined my friendships, I took a good, hard look at myself. I didn’t like what I saw, and I’ve since made a conscious effort to become a better person. Some people might say that my friend let me off lightly. Heck, she did. She accepted my apology and we moved on. I think we’re all closer now because of it, and I know better than to judge anyone.

Individuals are responsible for their own behavior. For all the Farmer Seeks a Wife fans out there who are reading this blog, put yourself in others’ shoes before you react in a manner that might damage a close friendship, a marriage. We all make mistakes. It’s a human trait. It’s how we make amends or try to improve that makes us special.

Love Susan

P.S. Interesting poll results on Mr. Blue. I’m glad you guys are on my side!

This blog entry might come across as preachy, and to some, it might feel as if she was making a dig at Mrs. Penrith. Newsflash. Of course she was, but she was also sincere in what she said. If she hadn’t done a swift turnaround in her attitude, she wouldn’t have the great friendships she had now. She’d acted like a sanctimonious twit back then, and Maggie had been so nice, accepting her apology when Susan had acted the bitch, kicking Maggie in the teeth when she’d been at a low point in her life.

No longer.

She’d changed and no way would she let herself slide into another pair of judgmental shoes. And she wouldn’t put up with people like Mrs. Penrith telling her what to do or how to act.

Someone knocked on her door. “Susan.”

It was Nolan. “Come in.”

“Tyler asked if it were okay for him to take you out tomorrow.” A flicker in his expression snagged her attention, made her look closer. He leaned his weight against the door jamb.

“You don’t want me to go?”

“No, it’s okay. He won a date with you.” He hesitated. “I wanted to make sure it was okay with you. He said he hadn’t asked you yet.”

Susan frowned. “Why wouldn’t it be okay?”

“No reason.” His shoulders lifted in a kind of a half shrug. “I…um…wanted to apologize for my mother. Her behavior toward you has been disrespectful. I should have put a stop to it earlier instead of letting her trample your feelings.”

“Don’t forget the pawing through my belongings part and her bad-mouthing me all over town.”

His brows drew together, his cheeks turning ruddy. “Yes, that too. It’s unforgiveable.”

“Why do you let her carry on that way? She walks over everyone, bossing them around and telling them what to do. She’s horrible to your father.”

“She might try to tell me what to do, but I don’t always listen,” Nolan said. “My dad said he’s moving out. Their marriage has been over for years—for as long as I can remember. I didn’t think he’d ever have the balls to leave.” The last was said with a sense of puzzlement. “He wants to talk to me and to Tyler. He never says more than a few words to Tyler.”

Susan cocked her head, curious despite herself. “Do you know what he wants to talk about?”

“No idea. I guess we’ll find out.” Nolan pushed off the jamb. “Do you like my brother?”

Susan blinked and felt heat steal into her cheeks. “He seems very nice.” Ooh, very prim and proper.

“I haven’t been the brother I should be. I aim to change that.” He left abruptly, disappearing down the passage.

Susan stared at the gap where Nolan had stood, confusion settling on her shoulders like a heavy bale of hay. All the subtext, the hidden messages. Maybe Tyler would understand because she didn’t know what was going on with Nolan. One minute she thought he knew about her and Tyler and the next she didn’t know what she thought.

The phone rang in the kitchen.

“Susan, the phone is for you,” Lucy called. “Some guy.”

“It’s probably Tyler,” Nolan said when Susan entered the kitchen. “I wonder if Dad caught up with him.”

Susan picked up the phone. “Tyler?”

“Hey, Suzy. Are you free tomorrow? I’d like to take you out. I thought we could go wine tasting and maybe do a little sightseeing in Napier.”

“I’d love to.”

“Good, can you be ready around eleven? I’ll pick you up.”

“Sure, I look forward to it.”

Nolan signaled that he wanted to talk to Tyler and she handed over the phone. She heard Nolan mention their father before she went to her room.

Tyler arrived on time the next day, and with a cheery goodbye to Nolan and Lucy, she slipped outside.

“Did you catch up with your father?” she asked when she jumped into the passenger seat.

“He rang just as I was leaving. I told him I’d visit him tomorrow.”

“You don’t see him often.”

“No, usually only when I go into town or attend a sale. Ask Nolan. The atmosphere at home was always like Antarctica and university was like a warm haven. No more talking about the past.” He sent her a quick smile. “I don’t want to spoil our day.”

“Did Nolan act strange when you spoke to him?”

Tyler scowled. “He told me to make sure I didn’t hurt you, which made no bloody sense. My entire family is acting weird. Eric told me I should keep you out overnight. He practically ordered me to have a sleepover. Not that I dislike the idea…” He trailed off, his dark brows waggling.

She gasped. “They know?”

“I didn’t tell them. They guessed we’re seeing each other.” He shrugged. “No problem. Today, I thought we’ll do the sightseeing part first and have a late lunch. I know a great picnic spot where we can relax if the weather stays fine.”

“Are they going to tell anyone?”

Tyler shot her a surprised glance. “Of course not. They’d never do anything to hurt me and by extension you.” He reached over and placed a hand on her knee. “Don’t worry. Please, just enjoy the day. We have the entire afternoon to have fun, and for once we don’t have to sneak around.”

Tyler was right. Slogging down to the dam, through the mud and rain to meet with him got old, and the worry about someone catching them kept her awake. Score one for a guilty conscience.

Tyler was also right about enjoying the day. “Tell me about the art deco buildings.”

“You know about the earthquake we had down here in 1931. Most of Napier was destroyed in the quake and the resulting fire afterward. When the townsfolk wanted to rebuild, they chose the art deco style because it was cheaper and the buildings were strong. The buildings are cool. I’ve sketched quite a few of them. I’ll show them to you when we get back to Clare.”

Half an hour later, Tyler parked the car. They purchased a local guidebook and started doing a self-guided walk around the blocklike buildings. Susan kept busy with her camera, snapping photos of the art deco designs on the facades, the straight lines of the buildings and some of Tyler, handsome in his light blue shirt and jeans, his black vest cutting the cool air of the winter day.

“This is great. I’ll post some pictures on my blog tomorrow.” The instant she mentioned her blog, Tyler’s smile faded and she silently cursed—she who seldom uttered a naughty word. Instead of driving her to drink, the Penrith family was responsible for coloring her language blue. She reached out, placed her hand on Tyler’s forearm and gave a reassuring squeeze. “I’m sorry. What say we make a deal—no more talking about anything related to the reality show for the rest of the day?”

She needed to tell him Jennifer had decided to change the filming schedule. Both she and Lucy were going home in a few days. On Tuesday, to be precise. She opened her mouth to tell Tyler but changed her mind. She didn’t want to spoil their day. She’d tell him when he dropped her back at Nolan’s.

“Deal,” he said. “Would you like to have a coffee?”

“Hot chocolate,” she said. “With chili, if possible. I like it hot.”

His gaze went straight to her lips. “Me too.”

Laughing, she tucked her arm in his, and they entered the nearby café, coming face-to-face with Yvonne.

“Susan,” Yvonne said, her smile pleasant and welcoming until she spotted Tyler. “Tyler.” Her voice flattened with disapproval when she spied their linked arms.

Susan thought about jumping into explanations, even opened her mouth to blurt out one before she relaxed. She had nothing to be guilty about.

“I’ll order our drinks,” Tyler said and left the two women together, an awkward silence between them.

“Well, I’d better get moving. My aunt is taking care of the store on her own while I complete errands. She’s likely to bark at the customers and drive them off.” Yvonne half turned away.

“I’ll make sure I stop by before the final filming. I’d love to see you before I go home.”

Yvonne turned back to her. “You’re going home?”

Bother, she hadn’t meant to blurt the info out. “Early next week. This morning they decided to film a final show at home since both Lucy and I are from Auckland. Nolan will fly up and visit his chosen woman.”

Yvonne wavered on her feet, her face leaching of color.

“Are you all right?”

“I…I’m fine,” Yvonne whispered. “I…I’d better go.” She fled the café and Susan watched her race around the corner and out of sight.

“I thought you said Nolan and Yvonne only dated casually,” she said when Tyler joined her at a table by the window.

“They did, as far as I know. They’re just friends.”

“I think there’s more. They both acted a bit weird the other night at the pub and now, Yvonne practically ran away when I mentioned Nolan.”

“I don’t want to talk about my brother.”

An elderly lady carried over their hot chocolates and set them on the table.

“Thanks,” Susan said.

“You’re Susan from the television,” the woman said. Her gaze darted to Tyler and her eyes narrowed. “This isn’t your farmer.”

“No,” Susan said. “This is my friend.” She wasn’t about to explain to a stranger. She met the woman’s accusing gaze without faltering and finally the woman muttered something under her breath and stomped away. The minute she rounded the counter, she started whispering to her fellow server. “I’m starting to understand Ryan and Caleb a bit more.”


“Nothing,” Susan said and she picked up her mug. The rich scent of chocolate filled her nostrils and she closed her eyes to indulge her senses. Her first sip had her giving an appreciative sigh. “That is delicious. Do you like it?” Her eyes popped open when Tyler didn’t reply.

His pencil raced across the page of a battered notebook—the one he carried with him everywhere.

“Are you drawing me again?” Faint exasperation rippled through the air. “I’m starting to get a complex.”

“You’re my inspiration.” He leaned closer. “I’d love to paint you. I’d paint you sprawled against satin sheets, your hair loose and messy and your lips swollen from a night of passion.”

“Shush, someone will hear you.” Susan glanced at the cash register and intercepted a scowl from the elderly woman. “I should have brought a hat and sunglasses.” The reality show wouldn’t leave her alone.

“We can buy you a hat,” Tyler said.

“Done deal. That can be our next stop.”

With her new hat firmly in place, Susan followed Tyler around the rest of the buildings, taking more photos to remember the day.

“Are you ready to taste our local wines?”

“Lead the way.” His local wines, Susan thought. Leaving the town of Clare and Tyler was going to be hard. Really hard.

“I know the owners of this vineyard since I went to school with them in Clare. I thought I’d ask them to pack us a picnic lunch, and we’ll stay away from people.”

“Good idea.” No wonder Ryan and Caleb’s band had decided to use stage makeup. People intruding and butting into personal moments made her edgy.

While Tyler rounded up a picnic lunch, Susan started tasting wines, working her way from white to the reds.

“This is our Pinot Noir,” the woman dispensing wines said. “It tastes of plums and summer sunshine. There are also layers of rich chocolate. Do you taste them?”

“Nice,” Susan said, after taking a sip. “I need to take one of everything.”

The woman laughed. “Good, my job is done.”

“Do you ship to Auckland?”

“We ship worldwide.”

“Great. I’ll take six bottles of the Pinot Noir and six bottles of your Sauvignon Blanc, please.” She handed over her credit card. “Oh, I’ll take a bottle of the Sav now. No, make that two.”

“No problem,” the woman said. “I’ll need you to complete this form with your name and delivery address.”

“I’m sorry I took so long,” Tyler said, curving his arm around her waist. “Marissa wanted to catch up on the news.” He lifted the picnic basket in his other hand. “We’re all set.”

“Your friend has a great vineyard. The wines are excellent.”

“You should receive your wine next week,” the woman said.

“Perfect. Thanks for guiding me through the wine list,” Susan said. “It was fun.”

“You’re welcome,” the woman said.

Susan turned to Tyler and caught his frown. Uh-oh. “What’s for lunch and where are we going?”

His frown smoothed away and Susan’s panic subsided. Crisis averted. For now. He grasped her hand and led her to the right of the car park.

“Marissa said we can have a picnic on their property. There won’t be any interruptions. She said we’ll have total privacy.”

“Did she ask why you wanted privacy with a woman who’s meant to be with another man?”

Tyler grinned at the memory of Marissa’s pointed—nah—nosy questions. “She was nosy. She interrogated me, much in the way your friends grilled me when we first met.”

Suzy gave a theatrical shudder. “I’m glad I went wine tasting instead.”

“Don’t worry. She won’t spread any vicious rumors.”

“Someone is bound to start talking soon,” Susan said. “Jennifer said a few papers had contacted her wanting interviews.”

Tyler ignored the stab of pain near his heart, shoved aside thoughts of the show, his suspicions that Suzy intended to leave soon. Somehow, he needed to change her mind.

Today, he’d woo her—charm her with his teasing and conversation, feed her soul with delicious food and wine and when she was weak, he’d fuck her so good she’d never consider leaving him again.

Failure was not an option.

Tyler turned down a narrow gravel path and led Suzy to a clearing by a stream. While it was too cold to swim, the clearing was sheltered, and he intended to get Susan naked. His fingers itched to sketch her with the sunlight and the contrast of shade dappling her body while his cock ached to plunge into her silky depths and pour himself into her until he didn’t know where she ended and he began.

As they veered off the path, the traffic noises receded, replaced by the song of a thrush and the occasional guttural gurgle of a native tui.

“Do you know where you’re going?”

Tyler glanced over his shoulder. “I think I should be insulted.”

“Just checking. I didn’t bring my gumboots. If I’d known we were going bush, I would have chucked them in the car.”

“It’s not much farther.” Tyler started walking again, lengthening his stride in eager anticipation. Once the show ended and the publicity died, they’d be able to walk through town without attracting attention.

He burst into the clearing, satisfaction filling him because his memory hadn’t played him false. This was the perfect place for seduction.

After turning in a slow circle, he decided on a sunny spot near the water where the ground was fairly dry, despite the recent rain.

“It’s lovely,” Susan said. “Is that a kauri tree?”

Tyler glanced at the tall, straight trunk of the tree to their right. It seemed to dwarf the other trees in the vicinity and he had to crick his neck in order to glimpse the leaves of the lower branches. “Marissa’s grandfather decided to keep some of the native bush instead of clearing the land.”

“Wise man.”

“Come here.” Tyler didn’t want to talk about wise men. Already his dick pressed insistently against his fly. “Are you hungry?”

“Not really.”

“Great.” Tyler opened his wicker basket and pulled out a rug. He spread it on the ground then sat on a corner to pull off his boots. His vest hit the ground near his boots.

Susan let out a croak and he found her staring. Time to up the stakes. His fingers worked the buttons of his denim shirt. He shrugged it off his shoulders and started on his jeans. They slid down his legs with a rasp of fabric while his cock took the opportunity of the extra freedom. By the time, he tugged his boxer-briefs down his legs, he had a fully blown erection.

“What are you waiting for?” His voice was a husky interruption to the silence in the clearing.

Suzy cleared her throat. “Just appreciating the show.”

He grasped his dick with his right hand and slowly stroked up and down, teasing himself while watching Suzy closely. The color that flooded her cheeks and screened her freckles told him she wasn’t unaffected.

“Strip,” he ordered. “I want to bury my cock inside you. Hard and fast until I explode.”

Her body jerked at his explicit words.

“I want to hammer into you and take you like a greedy boy having his first experience. I want to suck on those pretty tits of yours and mark you with my mouth.” Tyler was the one who shuddered this time. He sought her gaze, her wide eyes. “I want to fuck you, Suzy.”

A noticeable tremble shook her hand when she started to remove her clothes and footwear.

“And I want to taste you. I want to fill my mouth with your salty-sweet flavor and tease your clit until you think you’re gonna explode.” Tyler tugged on his balls to the point of pain, scaring away his impending climax. Not gonna happen. He craved the tight fit of her cushioning his dick. His gaze traveled her naked breasts and followed her jeans as she pulled them down her legs. Tiny black panties were all that remained, guarding her feminine secrets. “I never tire of watching you.”


Tyler grinned. “And speaking of sex, I ordered some toys this week. I thought about bringing them today, but I want a bedroom, guaranteed privacy before I use them.”

“What sort of toys?”

He tapped his nose. “That’s for me to know and you to wait until I show you.”


“Off with the panties, Suzy. I want to see all of you. Good. That’s good.” He stared at her pussy and gave his balls another scolding tug. “Lie in the middle of the blanket and part your legs for me.”

Susan followed his instructions and slowly parted her legs until he could see her slit, the swollen folds of her labia and the glistening honey that told of her arousal.

“Tyler.” She held up her arms in invitation, her smile sultry with a solid edge of teasing.

His woman.

Tyler reached for his jeans and pulled out condoms. The way he was feeling right now, he wasn’t sure these three would suffice. He crouched between Suzy’s parted legs, his gaze stroking her jaw, down her neck and settling on her breasts. The faint chill in the air had already pulled them to tight peaks. He continued his visual journey, taking in her narrow rib cage and the sensual flare of her hips, memorizing every part of her so he could sketch her later while in the privacy of his bedroom.

Unable to resist, he ran a finger down her slit, grazing her hot flesh, then swirling his finger through her arousal. His finger glistened when he lifted it and he held her gaze while he licked her juices away.

“You’re teasing me.”

“A little. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t hurt me. I ache here.” She cupped her mound.

“Touch yourself while I put on the condom. I want proof that you’re ready for me. Suzy, I’m serious. I don’t have much willpower right now. I will take you hard.”

While he ripped open the foil packet, he watched her finger circle her clit, the way her eyes flickered. Then, as if she’d lost a battle, her eyes closed and she chewed on her bottom lip. She inserted one finger inside while her thumb rode her clit. A rose-colored flush started in her breasts and crept up her neck.

Tyler sucked in a hoarse breath. “Enough.” When she was slow to react, he grabbed her hands with his and lifted them to imprison them above her head. Her spicy scent filled every breath, underscored by the earthy smell of the ground and the piquancy of the surrounding trees and plants. Because he could, he kissed her, wild and fast, sliding his tongue against hers and enjoying the hell out of her eager response.

Not wanting to stop, but needing air, he separated their mouths. “I’ve got to get inside you.”


“God, Suzy. I love it when you say my name like that.” He pushed inside her, just his tip and the warmth of her made him gasp. There really was no chance of going slow. He pushed inexorably into her and paused, balls-deep and enveloped in her heat, his chest almost bursting with happiness. This woman—she really did it for him, made him feel whole again after Rebecca.

He pulled back, the muscles of his stomach flexing as she ran her hands over his back and pushed at his fragile control. With every stroke, blood crowded his cock, the sting of her nails drawing a raw groan from deep in his chest.

“Suzy. Suzy.”

She clutched his shoulders and buried her face at his throat. The warm suction at his neck was like an erotic caress, and he hummed a note of pleasure, not even caring she’d leave an obvious mark that would draw curiosity.

He pulled back, shuddered at the drag along her inner walls and lost hold of his fragile control. He hammered into her, desperate for the rip-roaring climax that only she could provide. Satisfaction swelled inside, his dick throbbing unbearably.

Pleasure. Pain.

The sensations combined until he thought his heart might fail him, then his orgasm stormed him, body and mind. All he could do was hold tight and ride out the passion storm.

Her hands pushing at his chest dragged him from stupor. “Hell, sorry.” He pulled out of her and yanked off the condom.

She attracted his attention by yanking on his ears.

Ow, woman. What are you doing?”

“I know the blood hasn’t redistributed properly yet, so you’re not thinking right.” She tugged on his hair this time. “I haven’t come. If you don’t get me off, an essential part of me might drop off. That would make me grumpy because I like sex, and I love orgasms.” She closed her legs in a prim manner.

Tyler stared at her in the seconds it took his brain to function. Humor notched into place next and curled his lips upward. “Can’t have that. I wouldn’t like any of your bits to drop off.” He shoved her legs apart, offering his best pirate grin. “I have treasures to plunder.”

Her snort made him chuckle, and the happiness dancing a jig inside him swelled until his chest ached. How was it possible for one man to hold so much joy?

Tyler slipped his hands under her butt and lifted her to his mouth. His inventive licking stopped her complaints dead. She moaned, the long, drawn out sound like heady music to his ears. His precision work on her clit drew another moan. Time to up the pace. He slipped two fingers inside her, stroking over her G-spot. A shudder pierced her tense muscles. More, he thought. His tongue circled. The swollen nub pulsed, and when he closed his lips around her clitoris and sucked, she shuddered violently and her vagina clenched around his fingers in rapid pulses.

“Tyler,” she whispered.

His name from her lips was the sweetest music ever.