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Asphalt Cowboy's Girl by Marie Savage (14)

Aimee Jo got up just before dawn. She had always been an early bird, since it was the only time she had where she could write and sing her songs. Luke was still dead to the world, so she carefully tiptoed out of the room, taking the guitar with her. Maybe if she went to the backyard patio, she could play and not disturb anyone.

She stepped into the kitchen, only to see the light on and Hud making coffee.

“Good morning, sunshine. Glad to see I’m not the only one up before the roosters,” Hud said, standing at the counter in just his pajama bottoms.

“Good morning,” she said, setting the guitar down in the corner before sitting down on a barstool. She was glad she’d changed into some pajamas instead of the nightgown she’d worn to bed.

“Leaded? Unleaded?” Hud asked, holding up a coffee cup.

“Definitely leaded.” She smiled.

“Attagirl.” He smiled, pouring her a cup and setting it down in front of her. “Creamer?” he asked, stepping over to the refrigerator.

“Yes, please.”

“Hope you like French vanilla, it’s all I have,” he said as he placed the flavored creamer and some sugar on the counter in front of her.

“That’s fine, thank you,” she said as she fixed her coffee.

“I take it lover boy is still sleeping?” Hud asked as he grabbed a stool and sat in front of her.

“Yes, he pretty much passed out as soon as we got to the room.”

“Wore him out already, have you?” Hud chuckled.

Aimee Jo blushed at Hud’s teasing. She liked his sense of humor, though, and the fact that he was comfortable around her.

“So, what have you two got planned for today?” he asked.

“I’m really not sure, he didn’t say. Maybe we should just stay here today so he can rest. That is, if it’s okay with you?”

“Of course, it is. I have to go to work soon, but mi casa es su casa,” he said.

“Thank you.”

Hud looked at her and was about to say something but stopped and took a sip of coffee instead.

“What? You were about to say something but stopped.” Aimee Jo called him out.

“Never mind, it’s none of my business.”

“Please, just tell me. What’s on your mind?” Aimee Jo suspected that Luke may have confided in Hud about her.

“Okay, but you have to swear not to say anything to Romeo in the other room. He would kill me if he knew I said this.”

“I won’t, I promise.”

“I was just about to say, you’re different. Different from any girl I have ever seen him with. He’s different around you. You’re changing him.”

“I …” Aimee Jo stopped, not knowing what to say.

“I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Change is good. I don’t want him to be like me—pushing forty with no one special in my life. I’m glad he met you, but I’m worried about him.”


“Look, I’m sure he has already said that he’s not looking for a relationship and that he is always gone. Blah, blah, blah. The reason I know he said this bullshit to you is that he learned those lines from me.”

Aimee Jo didn’t respond.

“I told him just to play the field. To find a girl at every stop. Don’t commit to anyone. Just let them know the score, have some fun, and take off. I realize now I should have never told him those things.”

“Then why did you?” she asked.

“Hell, I don’t know, to sound cool? I’ve always been a cocky SOB, but look where it’s got me.”

“I don’t understand. You have your own business, this incredible place.”

“Yeah, and no one to share it with. Being a bachelor is great when you’re young, but not so great when middle age is about to kick in.”

“So, what are you trying to say, Hud? I mean, no offense, but shouldn’t you be saying all this to him?”

“Oh, I plan on it, sweetheart, but I got to know, what’s in this for you? Are you determined to walk away from him and do your singing thing?” he asked, putting her on the spot.

“That’s what we agreed to do,” she lied. In all honesty, they’d never agreed to anything, they hadn’t really discussed it. It was just understood.

“Oh, great, so you’re just as stubborn as him,” Hud said, shaking his head.

They both sat there in silence for a few moments when Luke walked in.

“There you are,” he said, coming over to Aimee Jo and wrapping his arms around her, giving her a kiss good morning.

Hud watched his friend and knew exactly what Luke was doing. He was making it known whose girl she was, marking his territory, so to speak. He had never seen him being so intimate with a girl before. Luke was in love with Aimee Jo, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Now, all he had to do was get them both to admit it before it was too late.

Hud went off to work as Luke and Aimee Jo enjoyed the day at the house by themselves. Luke started off the morning by taking Aimee Jo back to their room, stripping her naked, and taking her into the shower with him. He made sure she got at least two orgasms of her own before lifting her sexy wet body up and onto him, so he could get his.

Then they fixed a late breakfast and enjoyed it together. As the afternoon was ticking away, they decided to take a dip in the pool. Aimee Jo went to change into the bikini he’d secretly bought her, while Luke got a few laps of swimming in. He felt energized and decided to take her out tonight. It should be safe, with no sign of the ex-boyfriend, plus he had Hud as his backup.

Luke was leaning against the edge of the pool, enjoying his beer, when Aimee Jo walked out in her bikini. He could have sworn the red garment had more cloth to it than it did. She looked hot. Too hot, he was afraid, because his friend could be home at any time. No way did he want Hud seeing her so naked.

Luke quickly leaped out of the pool and grabbed his towel, drying off. He wanted to throw her one to cover herself with.

“Why are you getting out? I thought we were going swimming,” she said as she approached him.

“I just did,” he said as he laid the wet towel down on a chair.

“I see that, but I wanted to swim too.” She laughed.

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea,” he said, walking over to her.

“Why not?” she asked, noting the seriousness in his expression.

Luke pulled her into his arms, taking her lips with his, his tongue dipping into her hot little mouth. He remembered how she’d confessed to him a few days ago that she had never given a blow job. It was time to see what else that hot mouth of hers was capable of.

“Luke, you’re all wet.” She laughed, trying to push him away.

With one hand on her butt, he took his other hand and reached down, working his finger under the front of her bikini bottom to find her little pleasure nub. A few rubs were all it took to have her melt in his arms. She no longer minded holding on to his wet body.

“Oh, Luke,” she sighed as he stopped and removed his hand from her crotch.

“Now, so are you,” he whispered in her ear as he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom, out of sight from anyone but him.

The three of them dressed up and hit the town. Hud decided to play third wheel and not invite a date. He wanted to just spend time with his friend and not worry about entertaining a woman. Besides, it was becoming one of those been there, done her, things. He was over it. He was looking for something special. Something like Luke had, although he was too much of a jackass to admit it.

He wanted to get his friend alone again and convince him not to let her go. He felt bad for putting all of this fuckboy bullshit in his head. He didn’t want Luke to end up like him.

They drove downtown to a Mexican restaurant that Hud often frequented. They were quickly seated at a booth as the hostess left chips and salsa at the table.

“Aimee Jo, would you like a margarita? My treat,” Hud asked.

Luke looked at her before shooting an evil eye to his buddy. Was his friend trying to impress her, he wondered.

“No, thank you. I had one a few days ago and it didn’t agree with me.” She didn’t want to cut the night short again by getting drunk.

Luke was relieved. He didn’t want her getting drunk, at least not yet.

“So, Jose Cuervo isn’t a friend of yours, I take it?” Hud laughed.

“No, he’s not. I’ll just have a glass of wine.” Aimee Jo giggled.

Hud watched in amusement as Luke pulled her a little closer to him. Even though Luke should know by now that buds didn’t mess with another guy’s girl, he was still acting jealous.

They finished their dinner and headed to the Cowboys, a country/western bar close by. Aimee Jo was amazed at all the people dancing and the music was incredible. They had a band and they were belting out all the latest hits. The energy in the room was incredible and she felt excited and extremely nervous.

“Are you sure it’s karaoke night, Luke? Looks to me they have a band playing.”

“They play almost every night, but at around nine they stop and people do the karaoke thing before they take over the stage again,” Hud answered for him.

“Oh,” Aimee Jo said, hoping that maybe she’d get out of singing. This was a big crowd, and she hadn’t practiced much for days. What if they booed her and didn’t like her? She looked at her phone; it was almost nine and she felt like she was about to puke.

“Are you all right?” Luke leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for this.” She looked up at him.

“Sure, you are. You’ve sang for a crowd before, you said.”

“Yeah, but that was my church, this is something entirely different.” She looked around the room once again.

“Well, just make sure you don’t sing a Sunday hymn and you’ll be fine,” he joked, trying to get her to lighten up, but her hand squeezing his tightly told him she was scared. “Come on, let’s go grab a table. It’s not like you have to be the first to sing. We’ll wait till the end. Save the best for last.” He smiled, kissing her on the cheek as they made their way through the crowd.

The karaoke time was winding down, and it was almost time for the band to come back. Aimee Jo still hadn’t found the courage to go up on stage. They sat and listened to some good singers and some not so good singers. But the crowd was nice to everyone and applauded, and some even cheered them on, no matter how badly they sucked.

Aimee Jo looked at both Luke and Hud, who kept pushing her to go up there for the last hour. Not wanting to disappoint them, she smiled and got up, heading for the stage.

She already knew the song she wanted to do and was happy they had it. She plugged the song number in and stepped up to the mic. The crowd was starting to get antsy and even the band was behind her, getting ready for her to finish so they could start. She was just about to say fuck it and head back to the table, when the music started.

It was now or never. If she couldn’t handle this, how was she going to handle auditions? So, she started to sing. At first, she focused on Luke and Hud, who were whistling and smiling and cheering her on, and then suddenly, she watched as the crowd started moving and dancing to her song. Then she heard the karaoke machine turn off. She almost stopped until the guitar player motioned for her to continue as they played along with the song she was singing, not even skipping a beat.

Luke watched proudly as she was belting her heart out. The crowd loved her. The band loved her and he loved her. She was a natural, and he had no doubt in his mind that she could be a country music star. Hud had been pestering him all night to tell her how he felt, but he kept brushing him off.

Now he knew why. He couldn’t let her give up her dream, not for him. She wasn’t destined to be a trucker’s girlfriend and stay on the road with him. This was what she was destined to do. He wouldn’t let her choose between being with him and pursuing her dream.

When she was done with the song, the crowd cheered her on to do another. She spoke with the band, and once again, she started singing.

“Damn, she’s good,” Hud said, slapping him on the shoulder. When she finally finished the song, she put the mic back and began to leave the stage to the cheers and applause of the crowd.

Luke, worried for her safety, got up and met her on the dance floor. She was so happy and hugged him as soon as she saw him. “They loved me, Luke.”

“I told you,” was all he could say. The band started playing a slow country tune and he started swaying with her in his arms. “Want to dance?” he asked her, still holding her in his arms.

“I would love to,” she replied.

He held her close. The reality that soon he wouldn’t be able to, was hitting him hard. He loved her all right, but he loved her so much that he had to let her go. No way would he spoil her dream.

After they danced, Aimee Jo needed to use the restroom so Luke went back to the table.

“Did you tell her?” Hud asked as Luke sat down next to him.

“Tell her what?” Luke was starting to get annoyed by Hud’s continuous interference.

“You, jackass. Did you tell her you love her?”

“Nope,” Luke said, taking a swig of beer.

“Why not?” Hud looked over at him.

“Did you not just see her?” Luke replied.

“Yeah, she was great, but that still doesn’t answer the question.”

“She’s so happy. The crowd loved her. I haven’t seen her so happy since the day I met her. I’m not going to yank that away from her.”

“I don’t know, I think you are making a big mistake.”

"Really? Well you’re one to talk. Guess who I ran into when we stopped in San Antonio?”

Hud immediately shut up.

“You know, she still asks about you. She told me when I saw you to say hello and for you to call her sometime.”

Hud was pissed that Luke brought up Lisa, the one he let get away. “All the more reason you need to tell Aimee Jo how you feel.” Hud stood up, shoved his chair under the table, and walked to the bar.

Luke didn’t mean to piss off his friend, but he wanted him to lay off. He was a grown man and he was perfectly capable of making his own decisions. He would let Aimee Jo decide what she wanted to do. If she asked him to be with her, he would, but only if she asked.

Aimee Jo stood in front of the restroom mirror, fixing her hair. She was on an incredible high, and she hadn’t even had a drink since the restaurant. How did her life go from being complete shit to wonderful, in just a few days?

Luke McIntyre was the reason. If he’d never seen her and asked if he could help her, there would be no telling where she might be right now. He was definitely the best thing to ever happen to her in life and she loved him. God, how she loved him. When she was singing, the words were for him. In the crowd of people cheering her on, she only saw him. If she told him how she felt, would he change his mind? Would he be willing to be in a relationship with her, she wondered.

The thought of telling him how she felt terrified her even more than stepping onto that stage. She was determined to do it, though. She couldn’t let him get away without telling him. Once again, she took a deep breath, and held on to her courage to go out and declare herself to Luke.

She stepped out of the restroom and was immediately grabbed and held to the other wall, trapped by the drunken stench of Matt Campbell, her ex. He looked around and tried to kiss her, so those that passed would think they were just making out in the hallway. She turned her head to avoid him and his wretched mouth.

“What’s the matter? I just want to kiss the new country star. Don’t you have a kiss for your boyfriend?”

“You’re not my boyfriend. Let me go.” She tried to push him off.

“No, not until I get what I want, you disgusting slut.” He pushed her toward the exit. He grabbed her again and pulled her beside him, and that’s when she felt something at her back. “Don’t even think of screaming. I will shoot you right here if you do and then I will find that trucker you’re fucking and kill him too.”

Matt walked with her outside, holding her close like they were a couple as he made his way to his truck. He opened the door and quickly shoved her inside.

“Matt, I don’t have the money. It’s lost,” she cried as she scooted to the other side of the seat.

“I don’t believe you. You had it on you when you went into the truck stop, didn’t you? That’s why I couldn’t find it in all your shit in the car,” he shouted, grabbing her arm and holding the gun at her.

“It was you! You stole my car,” she said, staring at the gun and wondering if she was about to die right there.

“Damn right, I did. What made you think you could take off with my money?”

“It was my money, not yours,” she screamed, hoping someone heard her.

“Scream one more time and it will be the last time, you understand?”

She nodded.

“I took care of you and that bitch of a grandmother of yours. You owe me.” He squeezed her arm tighter.

“It was in the car. When you tossed my things out, you tossed the money too. It was in a tampon box. You threw it out and now it’s gone.” She cried as he was hurting her.

“Well, maybe your new boyfriend will pay me. I saw his truck. He obviously has money. Or maybe I will just fuck you one more time and get paid that way,” he said as he pushed her down on the seat.




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