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Brother's Best Friend's Package: A Bad Boy Billionaire Christmas Romance by Cassandra Bloom (50)

Epilogue (Hope)


“Bienvenido a España!” A chipper woman at the Madrid Airport beamed at us as she handed over a pamphlet, advertising for the rental car company she worked for.


Andre ignored the woman as he wrapped his arm around my waist, towing me toward baggage claim.


“I can’t believe we’re actually here.”


“Neither can I.” Andre agreed, snatching our suitcase off the conveyor belt. “Also, what the hell did you pack in this thing? I swear it feels like we brought a couple of bricks overseas.”


“Maybe…” I giggled. “I just wanted to be prepared.”


“For what? The apocalypse? And, I thought I was supposed to be the responsible one.”


“Yeah, well, it’s your fault for buying me clothes. I didn’t know what to bring and what to leave behind.”


“If I had to guess this bag is 90% your stuff and 10% my stuff.”


“Pretty much.”


“Did you at least pack me some shorts so I don’t have to sweat my balls off?”


I chuckled. “Nope! You’ll just have to run around naked.” I winked, grabbing his hand as we headed outside.


“You know, that can be arranged. I rented us a pent house suite. It’s not like anyone is going to see us. Besides, I’m pretty sure I could find a couple naked beaches along the coast.”


I shook my head. “No way, I don’t want you ogling at other women.”


“Haven’t you learned yet that I only have eyes for you?”


“Yeah, still don’t trust you.”


“Wow. That hurts.” He pressed his hand to his chest like his heart was breaking.


“Oh, and what, you’re totally comfortable with me looking at naked guys on the beach?”


“I didn’t expect you to look. Why would you when you’re dating someone like me?”


I rolled my eyes. “You have such an ego.”


“It’s part of my charm. Don’t act like you don’t like it.” He teased.


Together, we stepped outside, where there was quite a breeze blowing. Andre managed to catch my hat before it flew away.




“You’ll have to put that away once we get in the convertible or you’re never going to see it again.”


“You rented us a convertible?”


“Of course I did.”


“Why? I thought you didn’t like them.”


“I don’t. But, I figured if I got a convertible you wouldn’t be so inclined to stick your head through the sunroof and nearly kill yourself.”


“I did that one time.”


“Yeah, one time too many.”


I shook my head. “I don’t remember you being so overprotective when we were in college. Pretty soon, you’re going to put me in a giant bubble.”


“You know, that’s not such a bad idea…”




“What? He said innocently as he opened the door for me, being ever the perfect gentleman.


I got inside, tinkering with the radio before I found an acceptable station. I loved Spanish music. It was so sexy. Definitely the kind of music I could find myself dancing to, especially if Andre was standing behind me, his hands on my hips, our bodies locking together.


Mmm, just thinking about it got me all worked up.


“What are you thinking about?” Andre’s voice broke me from my naughty fantasy.




“You had this look in your eye. The same kind of look you get right before you tell me you have a “surprise” and then pop up wearing brand new lingerie. So, tell me, what dirty little thought was going through your head this time.”


I chuckled, turning up the volume even louder so it reverberated through the speakers.


He shook his head before putting the top down.


A few people in the parking lot shot us a dirty look but neither one of us seemed to care as we both put on our sunglasses and cruised away.


Once we were on the highway, Andre lowered the music and looked at me. “Is there anything you want to do?”


“Yeah. I’m looking right at him.”


Even though I couldn’t see his eyes, I could sense he was rolling them at me. “I mean activity wise.”


“Sex isn’t an activity?”


“It is. But, we are finally in Spain. After two years of trying to make this trip, we finally got here without having you get kidnapped or me forgetting my passport at home.”


“Hey, I only got kidnapped once, you’re the one that forgot his passport twice.”


We both laughed, but I could sense that Andre was thinking of that dreaded day. It made me shiver as well. I never thought something like that would ever happen to me. Never before did I see my life flash before my eyes so many times. It’s a miracle that I’m still alive.


I reached over and grabbed his hand.


He nodded, but his expression was still serious.


“I’ll tell you one thing. I don’t know if I believe in fate or not, but I know, without any doubt, that we were meant to be together.”


“What makes you so sure?” He asked, playing the devil’s advocate.


“You know, just a hunch,” I responded in a playful tone. “But, seriously. Everything we’ve been through. All the hardships we managed to overcome. If we weren’t meant to be together, then neither does PB and J.”


“Are you comparing our relationship to a sandwich?”


“The perfect type of sandwich.”


“You’re a goofball.” He said, resting his hand on my thigh, squeezing it slightly.


“You love it.”


“No, I love you.”


“You’re going to make me blush…” I whispered, already feeling the heat rising on my cheeks.


“Good. That was kind of the point.”


“So, where are we going. You’re driving like you have a destination in mind.”


“Well, I figured that you’d be indecisive about what you want to do like you always are, so I came up with a backup plan just in case.”


“What’s your backup plan?”


“It’s a secret.”




We drove for nearly an hour. At some point, I was convinced he was driving in circles like he was trying to get someone to lose his tail.


“Are you lost or something?”


“No.” He said firmly. I knew he was lying.


“Do you have an address?”


“I’m not lost.”


“Why do you always have to be so stubborn when it comes to asking for directions? I’m not going to think any less of you if you use the GPS, you know that, right?”


“I’m not lost.” He repeated as he took the following exit. Doing so brought us to a quaint little town. All the houses were painted in vibrant colors. Flowerboxes decorated the windows. Elderly women sat on their front steps, conversing with their neighbors.


Instantly, I was filled with a cozy feeling.


This place was wonderful.


“Where are we?” I asked.


“This is the town of Ampesos.”


“What are we doing here?”


“I already told you, it’s a secret.” He grinned at me, flashing his pearly white teeth.


Oh, he was definitely up to something.


Andre was just about to cut into a small street when he was met with a barrier, blocking his way. Up ahead, a group of people decorated the streets with flower petals, making some sort of path.


“What are they doing?” I mumbled, not really expecting an answer.


“It’s the feast of San Pedro y San Pablo today.”


“Oh, so it’s like a religious holiday?”


Andre nodded, backing out of the street and going down another route.


“I didn’t know you were religious.”


“I’m not.”


Okay, this was definitely getting strange. What on Earth did Andre have planned?


Eventually, after navigating our way through the town’s maze-like street system, we finally arrived at the central plaza, where Andre skillfully wedged the convertible between two cars.


He waltzed over to my side and hoisted me out, making me feel as light as a feather.


“How do you do that?” I asked.


“Do what?”


“Pick me up so effortlessly.”


“Because I actually go to the gym to work out not to look cute in workout clothes.”


“Hey! I actually work out too.” I protested.


“Sure you do, babe. But, I already told you that you didn’t need to go the gym. You’re perfect exactly the way you are.”


I blushed deeply at his words.


He smiled, grabbing my hand, locking our fingers together.


“You’re acting very strange.”


“Am I?”


“You’ll have to tell me what you’re planning at some point.” 


“Sure. Sure. But not yet.” He teased before he grabbed me by the hips and hoisted me onto a nearby retaining wall, where a few other people had gathered. From this perch, we had a clear view of the church and all the activity going on around it.


A few older women, dressed in black, and with veils wrapped around their heads, were fixing the path of flowers leading up to the church doors. Inside the church itself, I could only glimpse at a few characters in the procession to come. One of which was a little kid dressed as an angel, who kept turning around and hitting someone with his wings.


I giggled at the sight.


“What is it?”


I pointed to the angel. “See that little boy?”




“Just watch him.”


The boy was still for a moment, looking up at the adult standing in front of him, who seemed to be some kind of leader.


Then, as soon as she looked away, he spun around, knocking out an older boy dressed in a dark suit.


“That’s horrible.”


“Oh, come on, you have to admit that’s pretty funny, getting slapped in the face by an angel.” I pointed out, poking his side.


“How about falling in love with an angel?” He asked, pulling me onto his lap before our lips came together in a sweet, passion filled kiss.


I lost myself against him as the sun shined down at us, making me feel warm all over.


I swear nothing could make this moment more perfect.


Eventually, we broke away but Andre kept me on his lap, his fingers occasionally tickling my exposed tummy. Maybe it was a bad idea to wear a crop top around him…


He stopped, however, as soon as the procession came marching out of the church, spearheaded by the energetic little angel. Others came dressed in robes, imitating patron saints. What was most impressive was the giant statues that were being carried on a litter. A total of six people carried the burden, a proud look on their faces.


“Which one do you suppose is San Pablo and which one is San Pedro.”


“I’m not too sure,” Andre said, resting his head on mine.


After that, we settled into an awed silence, watching the procession march by.


By the time it was over, night was starting to fall and the plaza was transformed. Vending carts popped up. Kids walked around with balloons. People danced in the main square while a motley crew played a variety of string instruments.


“Would you like to dance?” Andre asked suddenly, a rose in his mouth.


“Where’d you get that?”


He didn’t bother to answer me. Instead, he swept me off my feet and onto the dance-floor where our bodies synced into one. My hips swayed to the sound of the music, rubbing against his body, feeling his every inch.


I swear, we danced the night away, our eyes never leaving the other.


It was perfect.


When the music finally ended and everyone started to disperse, I expected we would do the same, but Andre didn’t follow me back to the car.


When I looked back, there was one man playing guitar while Andre was down on one knee.


My eyes widened in realization.


No. This couldn’t be. Could it? Was he really…


My heart thumped as I stumbled forward, trying to keep my footing as a surge of emotions spread through my body.




He took my hand and once I was close enough, he reached out, holding it tightly. “Hope.”


I watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box.

When he opened it, the diamond ring glittered like the North Star.


I was speechless, standing there, a dumbfounded look on my face, trying to figure out if I was dreaming or not.


“I’ve made my mistakes in the past. Mistakes that I thought you’d never forgive me for, but I’ve learned since then and I know that I’ll never again be able to leave your side. I love you, Hope, and I dream of us starting a family together, of watching our kids grow and then growing old together. But, I can only do that if you’re my wife. So, will you marry me?”


I couldn’t even answer him. I was so choked up that all I could manage was a nod of my head as tears streamed down my face.


When he finally slipped the ring on my finger, I knew that we would always be together.




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Copyright 2017 Cassandra Bloom; All Rights Reserved