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Good at Being Bad (Rock Canyon, Idaho Book 8) by Codi Gary (18)

Chapter Eighteen

Friday morning Ellie woke up and made Jenny and Dalton breakfast, but she was distracted. Her feelings were confusing and all over the place and she was pretty sure it’d be easier to swear off men all together.

And the worst part was, she’d done nothing but fantasize about what would have happened if she’d just dragged Mike into the house. The hot and heavy dreams of that kiss on the porch had escalated into something so dark and sensual that she’d woken up throbbing.

She was in deep and she knew it. No matter how many times she told herself she was making a mistake, she couldn’t imagine never kissing Mike again. He was in her system and she needed him, at least until this crazy, undeniable attraction disappeared.

Ellie was heading out the door to Gracie and Eric’s place. She was on babysitting duty, since one of Gracie’s employees had to leave The Local Bean early.

Her cell phone rang fifteen minutes later as she was picking up her car keys, and her father’s number flashed across the screen.


“Hello Ellie, how are you doing?” her dad said.

“I’m fine, on my way out. How are you?”

“I am well. I was hoping you would come over for dinner on Sunday. Your sisters and their spouses have already agreed.”

She would have immediately made an excuse, but was distracted by something off about her car. As she looked down at the back-passenger side tire, she noticed the large gash and wondered if she’d hit something with it and didn’t notice.

When she got closer to the front tire, however, she saw that it wasn’t just the one. In fact, as she walked all the way around, she realized that all of her tires had been slashed.

“Son of a bitch!”

“Ellie, honestly, do you have to talk that way?”

“Sorry, Dad, but some bastard cut holes in my tires. I’m going to have to call you back.”

“What about breakfast? I am trying here, Ellie, and your sisters—”

“I will be there, okay?”


“All right, I got to go. By the way, thanks for caring about my vandalized car.”

“Ellie, look—”

She hung up on him, and dialed the Rock Canyon police station. As she explained the situation, she couldn’t wrap her head around someone’s motivation for slicing huge gashes in her tires.

When Officer Sam Weathers told her he was on his way, she hung up and dialed Gracie.

“Hey, Ellie, are you on your way?” Gracie greeted her.

“I am not going anywhere, I’m afraid. I am so sorry, Gracie, but someone slashed all of my tires last night.”

“What?” Gracie’s voice was high-pitched with outrage. “Who the fuck would do something like this?”

“I’m thinking Wayne Coulter. I rejected him in front of the whole crowd at Buck’s a few weeks ago. He threatened me, and it shook me up a little.”

“But four slashed tires? That is a little ragey for a set-down.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. Sam Weathers is supposed to be out here soon it look things over. But if you want to bring the kids here, I’ll still watch them.”

“No, that’s fine. Eric’s here, I just wanted to let him sleep in, because I am a nice wife, but I’m over it. I’ll ask around and see if anyone saw anything suspicious, but you better be careful. This is how stalker Lifetime movies start, so watch your back.”

“Will do.” She ended the call and was tempted to call Mike, just to see what he said. If she did that, though, every argument she’d ever given him about handling herself would go up in smoke, but she was scared. Someone had come out to her home, destroyed her personal property, and she hadn’t heard anything.

Her phone started ringing. “Hello.”

“Young lady, I don’t appreciate you hanging up on me.”

Ellie rolled her eyes. “Sorry for being rude during my personal crisis, Dad.”

“I don’t care what is going on. You don’t hang up of people, especially your father. I would never do that to you.”

Ellie experienced a sharp twinge in her chest. It was true; her father had never hung up on her and usually came through for her, usually monetarily, when she was in a crisis. No matter his mistakes, he was still her dad. She loved him.

“I am sorry, Dad. I was just freaking out because I have no idea who did this.”

He stayed silent for several moments, and then said, “It’s all right. I can understand. Did you call the police?”

“Yes. They are on their way.”

“Good. How about money to replace the tires?” he asked.

“I’ve got it covered,” she said.

“Fine, then. I will see you Sunday and let me know how it goes.”

“I will. Thanks, Dad.”

Ellie hung up, surprised that for the first time in her life, she felt really good after getting off the phone with her dad.

Then her gaze strayed back to the slashed tires and she winced.

The good news is, my day can only go up from here.

Mike stopped in for coffee at The Local Bean, and was happy to see Gemma and Gracie sitting at their regular table. As he grabbed his cup, he walked over and sat down with them.

“Hey, ladies. What’s shaking?”

Gemma leaned over and kissed his cheek. She’d cut her brown hair just above her shoulders, and her hazel eyes sparkled at him.

“Funny, we were just talking about you.”

Mike turned his attention to Gracie, who looked ready to pour hot coffee over his head. “What did I do?”

“You mean besides whore out your services to the wench opening up a coffee shop across the street?” She picked up a piscotti from her plate and threw it at his head. It grazed his cheek, and he yelped.

“Ow, Gracie!”

Et tu, Brute?” she said.

“It’s an internet café.”

“Ha, that sells coffee and pastries!” she cried.

Mike looked to Gemma for help, but she shook her head. “Sorry, buddy, you know I love you, but I’m on her side for this one.”

Mike met Gracie’s furious green eyes and threw his hands in the air. “I’m sorry, okay? I should have told you, but I didn’t know how to.”

“How could you?” she hissed.

“For money, which buys me food, shelter, and toys for Smalls.”

“Do not bring my godpuppy into this!” Gracie had taken over babysitting duties for Smalls, who had fallen in love with Eric and Gracie’s dog. Gracie kept threatening to not give him back.

“I’m serious. I was on the verge of giving up my space before Wendy offered me the job.”

“I would have covered your rent—”

“I didn’t want that!”

Gemma cleared her throat. “Mike, I get wanting to be independent and not having to borrow money, but we’re your friends. We would have done that. But now, you’ve put The Local Bean in jeopardy.”

“Judas,” Gracie mumbled.

“Okay, I get it, I suck. I am a selfish, giant douche!”

“You said it, not me—

Mike stood up with his coffee cup in hand. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I don’t want to hurt you or The Local Bean, but this is business.”

He started to leave, but Gracie said loudly, “Speaking of business, did you hear about what happened to your little buddy, Ellie?”

Mike paused and turned back, his eyes narrowed at Gracie. “What about her?”

“I don’t know all the details, but apparently someone slashed all four of her tires.”

Mike’s heart flipped. “Is she okay?”

“Other than having to replace four tires, I think so.” Gracie looked at him suspiciously. “Why do you care?”

Mike glanced between two curious sets of eyes, and shrugged. “She’s helping me out with some stuff.”

“What kind of…stuff?” Gemma teased softly.

“The none of your damn business kind of stuff,” Mike said, flushing.

“Aha!” Gracie cried, ignoring the dozens of eyes that swung their way. “The clothes, the goatee, the freaking hair…You let her give you a makeover.”

“I did not. I just needed a change,” he said.

“A change she directed. I was wondering why you suddenly looked so damn hot,” Gracie said.

“Gee, thanks, Grace, you’re a pal.”

“No, I was your pal. Now we are arch-nemeses and you will rue the day you betrayed me!” Gracie released a maniacal laugh.

“Okay, Dr. Evil, take a breath.” Before Gracie could say anything else, Gemma broke in, giving her a warning look. “I think what Gracie meant is, we’re not used to seeing you so rough. You are usually so crisp and clean cut. It’s different, and might make other people look at you differently.”

Mike chuckled. “So, let me get this straight. If I had just grown a goatee, driven a motorcycle, and worn jeans and a T-shirt, the three of us could have…”

He trailed off and wiggled his eyebrows.

Two chunks of blueberry muffin Gemma had been eating came at him, hitting him in his chest and his neck. He exploded with laughter as they scolded him.

“Pervert!” Gracie hissed.

“Gross, Michael,” Gemma said.

As he wiped at his watering eyes, he shook his head. It was amazing to him that theirs had lasted longer than most high school friendships in spite of everything they’d faced. Most men didn’t have women friends past a certain age, but he had two amazing ones. He was a lucky man.

“I love you guys,” Mike said abruptly.

“Oh, no, there will be no buttering us up!” Gracie said, before adding, “Unless you spill.”

“Will you forgive me if I do?” He searched Gracie’s face, unsure if she was being dramatic or really angry with him.

Gracie grunted.

Mike sat back down, giving her his best pitiful look. “I was desperate and stupid. If I could pull out, I would.”

Gemma’s hazel eyes softened as she reached out to touch his hand.

“Ugh, Gemma, do not fall for his bullshit,” Gracie said, unmoved.

“I believe he really is sorry.” Gemma gave him a conspiratorial wink.


Mike ignored Gracie and leaned over to kiss the top of her head. “Thanks, Gem.”

Mike looked up at the jingle of the front door and saw Ellie walk in, her brow furrowed and looking so good it hurt.

His friends turned to see what he was looking at and he didn’t miss the sly glance that passed between them.

“Oh, yeah,” Gracie said. “Nothing going on there at all.”

Ellie just wanted a cup of coffee, and a little quiet time to process. Sam had looked over her tires and told her it most likely was caused by a serrated hunting knife, which narrowed down suspects to only at least a third of the town. Sam advised her to install a few cameras if she was concerned, but his advice was that she’d upset the wrong person and that they had just wanted to teach her a lesson. It had riled her, but there was little she could do except call a tow truck to haul her car to the nearest tire shop.

“Hey, I heard about your tires,” Mike said next to her suddenly. “You okay?”

Ellie looked up into his warm, brown eyes so filled with concern and was tempted to say no. Would he take her in his arms and hug her, with a shop full of people watching them?

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just frustrated and pissed off.” She was also a little nervous. The not knowing was the worst part.

“Do they have any idea who it was?” Mike asked.

“No, none.” It was her turn to order and she asked for a small coffee with room for cream. After they stepped away from the counter, Mike’s hand rubbed across her shoulder blades comfortingly.

The bell jingled behind them, and a snide voice said, “Well, that didn’t take long.”

Ellie looked behind her at Forrest, who had an ugly sneer on his face.

“Move on, Forrest,” Mike said, a clear warning deepening his voice.

“Can’t a guy get some coffee? If I’m a little upset that my girlfriend turned out to be a slut, well, who can blame me?”

Ellie jerked at his harsh words. “I was never your girlfriend.”

Mike started to move around her, his fists clenched, but she stepped in his path. “Don’t.” He didn’t push, but he pointed a finger in Forrest’s direction. “You need to apologize.”

“Make me, Grandpa.”

Mike’s face flushed purple and Ellie wrapped her arms around his waist, determined to be the anchor that slowed down Kung Fu Mike.

“Michael Stevens, not in my shop!” Gracie yelled as she ran past him and stood in front of Forrest, facing him as she pointed to the door. “You, get out.”

“Fuck you, Gracie. Your coffee sucks anyway.” He spun around and walked out the double doors.

Ellie squeezed Mike’s waist until he looked down at her. “Thanks for almost defending my honor, but you don’t have to.” She released him and grabbed her coffee from the counter. “Sorry for the trouble, Gracie.”

“Don’t be sorry. I hate that guy anyway, but what the hell did he say to you?” Gracie asked.

“It’s nothing I didn’t bring on myself.” Ellie mumbled goodbye and headed out the door, only to hear it jingle right behind her.

“Hey, what they hell did you mean by it’s nothing you didn’t bring on yourself?” Mike asked.

“Can we not do this on the street?” Ellie nodded at a couple of older residents as they passed.

“Ellie!” Mike took her by the arm and turned her around. “Look at me.”

Ellie couldn’t, not when she felt like such crap. She’d never been the type to apologize or feel bad for who she was, but it was obvious that no matter how she tried to change, it wasn’t possible. Not here.

“What is there to say? People don’t flatten tires or call you a slut unless you’ve done some serious fucking up. People hate me, Mike. Nothing you say or do will change that.”

“You listen to me.” He cupped her cheeks in his hands and brought her gaze up to meet his. “The only thing you did was walk away from a jerk when he pushed you too far. You are amazing and brave, and you don’t let anyone make you feel bad about that.”

Ellie blinked as her eyes stung with tears.

“That’s sweet.” She reached up and covered his hands with hers. “But it’s my problem, Mike. Not yours. I can handle it.”

“I know you can, but you don’t have to do it alone. You deserve respect, Ellie.”

“Respect? I’ve never had respect from anyone except my sisters. Definitely never from a man.”

“I respect you, Ellie. I am here, telling you that I will be by your side, telling you that you are worth more than a thousand of the jack asses you have dated.”

God, his words were exactly what she wanted to hear, which is why she pulled away. “That’s sweet, Mike, but I have always handled the hard stuff alone. Why would it need to change now?”

She pulled his hands down and squeezed them. And before he could open his mouth and say something that would make her break down and lean on him, she walked away.




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