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Rock Hard Prince Charming: A Royal Bad Boy Romance by Rye Hart (17)



I woke up to find my bed empty, but the smell of her perfume was thick in the air, and it came from the bathroom where there was still steam on the mirror. I jumped in the shower and rinsed off and then grabbed my robe, which I was certain she’d had on since it was still damp and held her scent. She must have gone downstairs to grab a bite.

I was good with that. She could build up more strength for later. I passed by a mirror on my way down and found my smile so wide that I couldn’t get rid of it. It had been a long time since I’d felt this happy. Cindy and I were going to be together, and I couldn’t wait to tell Esme and watch her face light up with as much happiness as mine. I could already see it. It was going to be great.

The only obstacle would be my mother, but I could handle her. I had in the past, and even though she’d never warmed up to Esme, she tolerated her, and it was a manageable life. With me as king, she’d have to change her tune, and it would make it bearable.

“Morning, Daddy.” Esme met me in the hall, and I leaned down and gave her a big kiss on the forehead.

“How’s my little angel? Did you have a good night?” She and Margarite were supposed to have had another nail polish double feature, and since her nails were blue and pink, I guessed they had.

“Yeah, but I need to find something that Margarite will like. She’s not much of a horror fan.”

“You watched horror movies?” I didn’t know if I liked the sound of that, but as long as she didn’t end up in my bed, we’d be okay.

“Just one, but it wasn’t too bad. There wasn’t any bloody stuff like Lucas likes.” She stopped at the landing. “Did you have a good time, Daddy? Did you see Cindy?”

“I did. She came home with me, and well, I think she might stay a while if that’s okay with you?” I knew it would be and her eyes lit up as bright as her smile and she fell against me, hugging my waist tight.

“That’s wonderful, Daddy. I love Cindy! Is she going to Aramis with us?” Her eyes were hopeful, and I wished I had the answer to that one.

“I’m not sure, sweetheart. I think so, but you might want to turn on your charm.” We shared a laugh and headed down the stairs.

I hoped to find her in the kitchen, and when I didn’t, I fixed Esme a bowl of cereal and went off to search the rest of the house. By the time I had searched most of it, I was beginning to worry. Had she left?

Lucas was in the study going over our flight plans with the pilot of our private jet. I stood waiting for him to get off the phone. “Yes, that’s right, there should be five of us.” Five including Cindy. He hung up the phone and looked up. “I’ve got everything all set, so we can leave as soon as you’re ready.

“Do you know where Cindy went?” I had hoped she’d told him she was going to run home and pack a bag, but his face went pale.

“She’s not here?”

“No, not that I can find and it’s odd since we solidified our relationship last night.”

He raked his hand through his hair and looked up at me with wide eyes. “I am so sorry, Enzo. I spoke with her this morning.” His eyes closed tight, and he looked as if he might be sick.

“And?” My tone was harsh.

“Well, I may have spoken out of turn about the article that came out this morning.” He took his phone and swiped at it a few times, typing with his thumb and then he turned it around for me to see.

The image of her was most unflattering, and she looked like a wild woman, which is just what the article had stated she’d been. “You showed her this and said what?” My nostrils flared with anger. It wasn’t his place to discuss anything with her without my say so.

“I just warned her that the media would be on her constantly if she were to be with you when you’re king. I never meant to scare her off or upset her, only to make her think before she acted next time.”

“I was right there, and this incident was blown further out of proportion than the last. Not to mention it’s not your place to scold her or to tell her how to act with me.” I turned and stormed out knowing I’d have to call her and sort things out.

Esme met me in the hall. “Daddy, are you okay? Did Cindy leave?” She’d been listening. Her eyes were full of tears, and I pulled her into my arms and smoothed back her hair.

“We’ll call her. It’ll be okay.” I took her back into the study and Lucas left us alone while we called.

A man answered the phone. “She doesn’t want to talk to you, Enzo.” The voice was apologetic and a bit feminine. “I don’t understand what’s happened Patrick. Things were fine this morning, and I’ve already told my daughter that we’re going to be together only to find her missing not ten minutes later. I need to talk to her.” I heard a shuffling on the other end and Patrick scolding her to take the damn phone.

“Hello.” She had been crying, I could tell by the sound of her voice.

“Cindy, what’s the matter now? Lucas said you had words, why didn’t you come to me?”

“He’s right. About everything and I can’t handle it. I’ve made things bad enough. My mind is made up.”

“This involves Esme now. She thought you were staying.”

“Tell her I’m so sorry, Enzo. She’ll be better off without me too. I’m not cut out for your kind of life. I can’t just be your girlfriend forever anyway. I’m sorry.”

“I want more than that. I want you beside me. Beside both of us.” I was asking her to be with me forever, but she didn’t seem to care.

“It just won’t work. Goodbye, Enzo.” The phone went silent on the other end, and I placed my phone down on the table.

“What did she say, Daddy?” Esme searched my eyes, and as the tears filled up in hers, I knew I had to be strong for my little girl.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ll all still be friends, but Cindy has decided to stay here after all. She sends her love.”

“Why doesn’t she like you anymore, Daddy? You’re a handsome prince and the future king, can’t you make her come home with us?” She turned and ran off before I could respond and I let out a deep breath as I heard her stomping up the stairs and slamming the door.

An hour later we were on a plane back home, and Lucas had apologized so much that I was beginning to grow tired of it. I didn’t need his pity. I’d go home and focus on my life and the things I had to look forward to as the king.

“Let me help,” said Lucas after some stretch of silence.

“No. I’ll be fine. I’m not trying to convince her again. I’ve spent enough time on it, and if she can’t see how much I love her without me having to hammer it into her skull, then it’s not for me.

“I’ll explain and I’ll apologize too.”

But I held my hand up and shook my hand.

“No, I’m going to go back to my life. I’ll find someone else. Someone who wants to be with me.”

He let out a long sigh as my phone rang. I reached for it and saw it was my mother.

“Yes, Mother, I’m in the air.” She always managed to call me while I was on a flight.

“I wanted you to know that the coronation has been moved up by a few weeks. Your father’s health is declining faster than we thought.”

“How is he?”

“Very weak and growing weaker by the moment. He wants to be with you when you take the crown, son. He wants that proud moment when he can pass on his reign to you.” Her voice was breaking, and she sniffled. I had never seen my mother give my father much affection. The two had always seemed as cold to one another as a pair of strangers, and I had often wondered if there was ever any love between them. Another reason I hadn’t wanted an arranged marriage.

“I’m so sorry, Mother.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“We’re ready for you to be home, son. Please come at once when you arrive. Your father wants to have a word alone with you.” I wondered if it was more advice like the last few times I’d spoken with him.

“Yes, Mother.” We exchanged our parting words, and I put the phone down and took a deep breath. I had too much to worry about without including Cindy. Maybe losing her was for the best.