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Seal's Professor: A Military Roommate Romance by Piper Sullivan (57)


Chapter 6


Two days later…

“C’mon buddy, we have to get goin’ before we miss visitin’ hours,” Joe called from the kitchen where he was busy rinsing his coffee mug. He’d enjoyed two fun-filled days with a walking question-machine. He’d been asked everything from how he’d learned to throw a ball so fast, to where babies came from?

The first was easy to explain, the second; not so much. With a hasty “they come from Target,” he’d managed to appease the little guy’s curiosity long enough to get him interested in something else.

Bathtime and bedtime had been tricky, but together they’d muddled through it. Joe hadn’t had much success getting the kid to brush his teeth properly, but hey, they were just baby teeth and he’d lose them anyway, so did it really matter in the long run?

They’d gorged on pizza, chips and cola to the point that Joe feared the kid would develop diabetes or high blood pressure, but at the end of the day – after bath time – he’d found great pleasure in relaxing on the worn sofa and watching cartoons with the little guy. They’d also played so many games on the PlayStation Wii that’d he soon found himself having more fun than he’d ever thought possible; especially considering he’d been the responsible one at the party. Jacob was the smartest, bravest and most interesting kid Joe had ever met.

He marveled at how Lucy had managed to raise such a perfect child. He’d had so much fun, that he’d soon found himself wondering if he’d be a good father.

“I’m ready,” a small voice declared from the kitchen doorway. Joe turned and nearly doubled over in laughter.

“You sure you wanna wear that?” he asked after pulling himself together.

Jacob looked down at his blue sweat-suit, red cape and boots and then back at Jacob.

“Why not?” Jacob challenged with a familiar gleam in his eye. Joe knew the look well; he’d used it often in his own youth. It hadn’t taken many instances to realize the method didn’t work for him, he decided to let the kid have this one.


“Looks good to me,” Joe agreed. “Grab your coat,” he insisted and grabbing the apartment keys Lucy left for him, they headed for the hospital.

Joe pulled his rental car into the hospital visitor’s parking lot and cursed his choice to go with the flashy sports car. Of course, he’d thought to impress his former lover with a hot car before he’d known the circumstances of her request for help. He tilted the rearview mirror and studied the kid in the back seat.  He’d had hell getting the booster seat strapped into the crowded area and knew Jacob wasn’t exactly comfortable as the seat raised him enough so that his head touched the headliner of the car.

“Sorry bud,” Joe murmured. “I guess I should have gotten a minivan huh?”              

Jacob smiled and shoved his glasses back onto his nose. Joe had figured out the kid had the habit of doing that when he was nervous.

“Don’t worry,” Joe reassured him and turned the car off. “I know your mom is excited to see you,” he said and got out of the car, heading around to the passenger side so he could get Jacob from the back.

“I know,” Jacob replied after he’d gotten out and reached for Joe’s hand. “I just hope she’s feeling better.”

Suddenly inspiration struck like a bolt of lightning. As they headed through the automatic double doors of the front entrance, Joe spotted the gift shop.

“How about we stop at the flower shop and get your mom some flowers?” Joe suggested and laughed when Jacob grinned up at him.

They stopped long enough for Jacob to pick out some yellow daisies, which he claimed was his mom’s favorite flower and they rode the elevator to the fifth floor. Joe made sure to keep a firm grip on Jacob’s tiny hand lest they get separated; he feared Lucy’s wrath should that happen.

Stepping off the elevator, Jacob clad in his superman outfit and gripping the slender vase of flowers, Joe tucked his finger in the neckline of Jacob’s red cape and turned him toward the nurse’s station when his little red boots veered off to the left.

“We’re here to see Lucy Conlay,” Joe spoke softly to the young blonde nurse when she smiled up at him.


“Visiting hours is for family only,” she announced and continued to smile up at him. “Are you family?” she asked and Joe didn’t miss the salacious gleam in her eyes. Realizing the pretty little thing was asking if he was Lucy’s boyfriend or husband, a cocky grin spread across his face and he leaned one arm on the waist high partition between them.

“I’m an old friend of the family,” he explained and then nodded down at the superhero clad boy. “This is Ms. Conlay’s son, Jacob.”

The nurse, Samantha, her nametag read, stood and peered over the counter to inspect Jacob. The little boy tucked his chin and stepped closer to Joe, partially hiding himself behind the man’s large leg.

“Are those flowers for your mommy?” Samantha asked and flashed a genuine smile at the child. “I bet she’ll love them,” she praised and turned back to Joe. “Ms. Conlay is in room 507, just down the hall on the right.” She pointed them in the direction.

“Thanks,” Joe drawled and pushed off the counter after shooting a wink at her.

“My shift is over in ten minutes,” she called and Joe tossed her a flirty smile over his shoulder.

A major part of Joe wanted to dump Jacob off with Lucy for a few hours and take the hot little nurse for a ride in his rental car. Tall, curvy and busty, she had all the assets he appreciated in a woman. Glancing down at his watch, he realized he had enough time for a quickie.

“C’mon buddy,” he murmured to Jacob. They turned toward the door marked 507 and Joe reached down to push the handle. The large door slid open on a whoosh and he inhaled sharply when he saw Lucy’s frail form snuggled beneath a thin blanket atop the hospital bed.  A multitude of tubes ran from her body to the machines sitting around the bed. Although her eyes were closed, she smiled and raised a hand riddled with IV tubes.

“There’s my baby boy,” she murmured. “I’ve missed you so much,” she added and tried to sit up. But no matter how much she struggled or wiggled, she didn’t have enough strength to move her body even a fraction of an inch.

It was in that moment that Joe truly realized just how bad Lucy’s health was. If she wasn’t strong enough to survive chemo or radiation, then she wasn’t strong enough to survive at all. He glanced down at the little boy he’d grown fond of and smiled when Jacob ran to his mother’s bedside, his arms outstretched and offering her the flower arrangement.

“Look what we got Mommy.” He shoved them toward her and she scrambled to catch the vase before both flowers and water spilled on the bed.

“My favorite,” Lucy exclaimed and brought them to her nose. “They’re beautiful, thank you,” she beamed at her son and then turned an appreciative glance on Joe.

“I dressed myself, Mommy,” Jacob added, prompting her attention back to him and moved back to show off his attire. Lucy giggled when she took in the superman garb.

“I see that,” she responded. “You look like you’re ready to save the world.”

When the child started rambling about everything they’d done the past few days, Joe stepped back toward the door and raised a hand to draw Lucy’s attention.

“I’m gonna step out for a few,” he murmured. “Let you two catch up, I’ll be back,” he added and hastily escaped when Jacob shrugged his shoulders and turned back to his mom.

He slumped back against the closed door and inhaled sharply. He didn’t understand the feelings running rampant in his gut. Never one to get caught up on just one woman, Lucy was taking up entirely too much of his attention for his liking. It was time he sought some different company.

Shoving off the wall, he sauntered back down the hall, approaching the blonde at the nurse’s station. She looked up and then grinned.

“How ‘bout we go somewhere quieter?” Joe drawled and grinned at her in return.