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The Billionaire Possession Series: The Complete Boxed Set by Amelia Wilde (79)



My phone buzzes as I take the last step out of the subway exit on the way back to my place from having drinks with Leah. She’d already ordered two Cosmos when I got to the bar we meet at when we meet up to go out after work.

I’d given her a stern look. “I prefer wine after work.”

“I prefer details when my best friend gets whisked off to a tropical vacation with a billionaire.” She spreads her hands over the table. “I ordered snacks, too, so don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud.”

I take my seat. “I don’t think you can call me that anymore. I went on a spontaneous vacation.” 

Leah’s eyes light up at the words, and she shakes her head. “I can’t believe you, Kennedy!”

“What’s not to believe?”

“I can’t remember the last time you did anything spontaneous.”

I can. Before the trip with Gideon, it was climbing into Eric’s car at that party. But now that I’m on the other side of our trip, I’m wondering if I should have done things differently. If I should have taken more vacations, risked doing more spontaneous things over the years. Too late for that now.

“I wanted to go.”

“That’s obvious by the way you’re still smiling about it. When did you get in last night?”

“After midnight.” Gideon had kissed me so long when his car dropped me off in front of my building that it was actually closer to one. “I’m kind of exhausted.”

“From the late flight, or from…other activities?” Leah raises her eyebrows in speculation.

That’s how our conversation over drinks starts, and that’s about how it ends, too. Leah walks me to the subway entrance and then gives me a hug that’s way too big for the occasion. “I’m so proud of you,” she says, her head pressed into my shoulder. “Good for you, Kennedy.”

“Thanks?” I pull back to see if she’s joking, the two drinks we had obviously going to her head, but her expression is misty and serious.

“I’m proud of you.” Then she does a little dance, taking both of my hands in hers. “And I didn’t even ask! So? Is he coming to the wedding?”

I laugh out loud. “Leah, don’t be ridiculous. I’m your maid of honor. I’m not bringing a billionaire as a date to your wedding.”

“But you can. You most definitely can, is what I’m saying. It’s settled. I’ll have a place card made up for him.”

I shake my head, laughing again. Maybe the drinks have gone to my head. “Leah, you don’t have to do this. I’m all about making your wedding day amazing, not focusing on me bringing a date.”

She looks at me again, her gaze steady, an odd little smile playing over her lips. “Ask him if he’ll come. And then let me know.” She squeezes my hands one last time, and then whirls around to hail a cab. “You deserve it!” she calls back.

That’s what I’m thinking about when Gideon’s text comes in.


Heat rises to my cheeks at the sight of his name on the caller ID.

What’s with all the dots?

Thinking about you.

I’m thinking about you, too.

What’s on your mind, pretty thing?

My thumbs hover above the keyboard on the screen.

We met at a bachelorette party for my friend Leah, remember? I have her wedding on my mind.

It was so long ago. I don’t know if I can summon the memory. Wait…let me…yes, I remember

I laugh out loud, my voice muffled in the damp heat. Her wedding is this weekend.

And you left her the weekend before to vacation in the tropics? How selfish.

I roll my eyes, even though he’s not here to see me.

Leah’s mother has this planned to an exact science. At this point, all I need to do is show up.

Are you bringing a date?

I haven’t asked him yet.

There’s a pause, and I wonder if maybe I’ve pushed this too far somehow, if even putting the idea into play is too much, too soon.

Kennedy Carlisle, are you dateless for your best friend’s wedding?

I’m the maid of honor, so it’s not exactly a tragedy.

It IS a tragedy. A woman like you without a date? When’s the ceremony?

5 p.m. on Saturday. Dinner and dancing to follow.

I’m taking this as a formal invitation.

My heart beats hard in my chest. It wouldn’t be the worst thing to have someone to dance with at the wedding, or take me home afterward, and Gideon has already met most of the bridal party, so they probably wouldn’t be overtaken by his incredible good looks, charm, or billionaire status.

If you’re sure. I’ll be spending most of my time with the bridal party...

I’d go anywhere with you.

Don’t I know it!

What time do you need to be at the church?

It’s not at a church. It’s at the Westbury Manor on Long Island.

Your friend has good taste. But what time?

We’re all supposed to be there at 11 for hair and makeup.

I’ll drop you off.

I don’t know what to say. What was I thinking, that I’d need to beg him to come with me? Gideon isn’t the type to be nervous about going somewhere new or being in a roomful of strangers. Unlike me, he’s not afraid of risk. Even the kind that involves a wedding and hanging out with lots of people he doesn’t know.

Before I can answer, another message from him lights up the screen of my phone. I don’t see it for a few moments because I’m unlocking my front door and locking it behind me, double-checking to make sure the deadbolt is flipped

There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.

What is it?

Call me.

My heart leaps into my throat as I scramble to dial his number. It still seems surreal that his number is in my phone in the first place.

He answers on the first ring. “Hello, pretty thing.”


“Long day at the office?”

“Longest day since Friday.”

“You must be anxious to relax.”

I stifle a yawn with my hand. “I met Leah for a drink after work. I’m so ready to…wait. What do you mean?”

“I’ve missed you,” he says, and in his voice is all the things we did over the weekend. A gush of wetness gathers between my legs. “I’m sure you don’t want visitors after a weekend away, but I wanted to hear your voice.” He takes in a breath. “I wanted to hear you moan. Are you sitting down?”

I drop down onto the sofa, my skirt riding up my legs. “I am now.”

“Are you wearing panties?”


“Take them off.”

I obey.

“Are you wet, pretty thing?”

“Oh God, yes…”

“Stroke yourself with your fingers. Run them over that hot slit of yours. I wish I was there.”

I gasp at my own touch, imagining that it’s his nimble fingers, imagining that I’m somewhere alone with him again. “I wish you were…”


I do as he says.

Harder. Now put three fingers in.”

My pussy clenches around my own fingers, and I throw my head back against the sofa, my legs spread wide.

“Reach for your clit, lovely.”

I do, and when I make contact, a low moan escapes my mouth.

“Yes. That’s what I want to hear. Rub in circles…small ones, softly.”

He guides me deeper and deeper into pleasure, his commands so reasonable, so dominating, that it’s almost like being with him.


I’m almost wild with lust when he finally says it.

“Come for me, pretty thing. Come so I can hear you.”

I don’t hold anything back, eliciting a guttural wail as the juices pour over my own fingers.

“Enjoy your shower,” he says softly, my ragged breathing finally slowing. “I’ll see you on Saturday.”