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The Halo Lodge by Ryder Dane (14)

Chapter 14



The ambulance workers closed the back doors and left the abandoned lot with sirens blaring in the early morning hour.

Dillon was sitting on a cement block, while Krom was glaring at him and making threats to kill him and his entire family for keeping him away from “his woman.”

He was fed up with the whole case. He was getting fed up to his gills with the threats, and although he hadn’t planned to ever tell Krom that he was his brother, it was past time for them to clear the air and come to some sort of mutual understanding, or at least respect. Hearing the threat to his nuts being shoved up into his ass via the tip of Krom’s boot pushed the lawman’s temper over the edge.

“Just shut the fuck up. You’ve got options here. You can shut the fuck up and hear me out, or you can shut the fuck up after I taze your ass again to make you shut the fuck up. Or I can haul your big ass to jail and book you with obstruction and resisting arrest.

“Now. As fucked up as this is going to sound, there are a few things that we need to get straightened out between the two of us before I take those bracelets off of your dainty wrists. You can’t beat me up and kill me slowly or what other shit you threatened me with because you are my brother.”

The sneer told him that Krom didn’t believe him, so Dillon drew in a deep breath and shook his head.

“My birth mother is your neighbor lady, Betsy. She met a young man the night before he was shipping out with the Navy. He left her with a bun in the oven and no promise of coming back to live happily ever after with her. Hell, man, you and I have both done shit like that, and never thought a thing about it.

“She was just under eighteen, and her parents made her give the baby up for adoption. A week after giving birth to her baby, in this case, we are talking about me, she had a stroke. It affected her memory and her fine motor skills. I believe that’s why she always stares at you all of the time. You told me it was creepy as hell, so now you know why. She must remember our father as he was back in the day. Since you have that rats nest under your chin and the hairy caterpillar over your lip, it’s confusing her even more.

“The adoption was coordinated through my parent’s church, and it was supposed to be what they call an open adoption. Betsy was supposed to get regular updates and pictures and report cards, you know, just stuff that parents want to know about. When she had that stroke, all of that became a moot requirement, and she never tried to visit or request information about me.

“I found out who my sperm donor was in a crazy way. I’m listed in the bone marrow registry, and I was matched with one other man and a girl that needed our marrow. I called to schedule the harvest of my marrow, and the lady told me that my father was already there donating while I was talking to her. I asked her twice, and she laughed, but gave me his name and address and asked if that was my father or not. She thought I was flirting or something with her. I told her yes, he was and hung up the phone. I checked into it, and the dates match. The DNA obviously matches and you have the same eyes and build as I do.

“I contacted our father and confronted him about it. He was as surprised as I was, but he kept saying that it all made sense now. He was all for telling you and his wife about me, but I didn’t want to disrupt anything. You had just come back from Iraq, and other things were going on in my life at the time. Johan seems like a decent sort of man, but your mother might not be so nice if she ever found out. To tell you the truth, I wonder how you couldn’t have seen the resemblance.”

Dillon waited to see what Krom had to say. He was sitting there and appeared to be thinking of far away things or thoughts, and Dillon stood up to walk behind him to remove the cuffs. He unlocked the stainless steel and removed them before Krom dropped his hands down to flex the muscles.

Dillon couldn’t resist adding a small, half-joking, brotherly threat.

“You can bitch all you want to me, but if you take a swing at me and make contact over a whore, I will run that damned bike over with my four by four. You can talk now you know. I wasn’t planning to tell you any of this, but damn you for a sonofabitch, you threatened me like I was some lowlife scum. Don’t talk to me like that again.”

Krom had heard him alright. He needed to get something out of the way first. “She’s not a whore. She’s my old lady- or will be once I talk her into it. Damn women are a pain in the ass.”

He tilted his head and saw the resemblance that Dillon had talked about. He remembered thinking that he recognized something familiar about Dillon before, but he hadn’t been able to put a finger on it and didn’t dwell on the thought at the time. Their father had the same color eyes and ready smile. Even the explanation about Betsy and her strange behavior rang true. More importantly, it explained why his father encouraged him to tolerate the old girl.

“Okay, I’m breathing now. Trixie is getting help. I have a brother now and damned me if most of what you’ve said hasn’t made sense. What the hell, man? I’m not some candy ass, tippy toe around, kind of man. Why didn’t you say something when you discovered the relationship for chrissakes?” He ran a hand through his hair and frowned when his fingers became entangled in the messy strands.

Dillon shrugged. “You tell me. It was right as you were coming back from that fucking sand pit overseas. Everyone in town knew that your woman was nailing any dick that wasn’t on a short leash around the county. Hell, she even tried to fuck her way out of a speeding ticket with me, but I don’t play that game.

“You picked a fight with me three days after you got home and the night before that, you found her with Beetle Martin. Did it ever occur to you that I could have thrown you in jail that night instead of driving by your club and rolling your big ass out of the backseat of my cruiser into the waiting arms of those punks in the parking lot?”

Remembering the way that Vivian had fucked him over didn’t have the sting that it used to have. She hadn’t been the only woman that had fucked around on him, but she had been the standard that he began categorizing women into. She was honest enough to tell him, “It’s not as if you were planning to be faithful to just me once we got married. I’ve seen how you treat those women at the club.”

She’d been right; he could admit that now. He hadn’t planned on getting married at the time, so it was just one more reason to label her as a whore. She thought that they would be getting married, and still fucked around like she did.

Up until a few months ago, his views of women had been pretty low. His views began to change when Trixie threatened to cut his dick off and feed it to him if he spoke to her again.

They had just finished a mind blowing fuck-a-thon, when he offered to let her move in with him. He had purposefully given her three good orgasms before he rolled onto his back and let her ride him. She had the tightest snatch that his cock had ever enjoyed, and he always told her so whenever he was held snug inside of her heated body. Her pussy had worked his dick over as if they had been custom made for each other, and he’d blurted out some stupid shit.

He could have had ten house cats, but pointing that out to her had been the wrong thing to do. She wasn’t impressed by his ability to attract women. He even offered to let her be his very own whore, which had been the final nail in his coffin. He knew now that he had said that and insulted her because she made him feel vulnerable. She could actually hurt him.

It was cold comfort to know that he was the dumbass that took the coward’s way out. He should have told her that he cared about her, and wanted to see if they could make a life together. No, not him. He’d just kept pushing to see how much more she would take before she broke away. They all left sooner or later. She had lasted longer than most, but he had indeed broken her down.

The police cruiser’s radio crackled and Dillon frowned and stood up.

“Fuck, I’m tired as hell, and some crazy started a fire in a corn field. It’s been so damned dry out this fall that that field will be nothing but ash before they put the fire out.”

He rested his head on the top of the door before straightening up and waving the van and the second cop car towards the space next to his vehicle. First things first. The rural fire department would take care of the fire; he didn’t have to go on every call in the county unless it was an actual emergency. He needed to sleep; there was no question about it. He turned to Krom.

“I’ve slept six hours in the last three days. These guys will take care of the scene here. Can I trust you to behave if I let you go to the hospital? You didn’t listen to the medics here, do I need to put a man outside of her hospital room to keep you out?”

Krom glared at his new found brother and shook his head. A brother, damn. He waved Dillon off. “I’ll be fine now. I’ve been searching every fucking rat hole in this county for her. Seeing her all curled up like that- I panicked. She means a lot to me, too damned much really, but it’s too late for me now. Go home and get some sleep, we can talk more later on.”

He walked over to his bike and followed the cop car out of the run down neighborhood. He ran home and showered, so he didn’t stink like that moldy fuckin’ prison that Trixie had been in. He didn’t want to have her wake up and smell the scent of that place on him. He called Trencher and Snort answered the phone because the Prez was busy getting his dick sucked. He said that he would pass on the word that the girl was found. His, “Good job, man; glad that she’s alive, now maybe you can get your head out of your ass,” made Krom grimace.

Looking back over the last couple of weeks, he had to admit to acting a little strange. It was all that damned woman’s fault. Oh sure, he still enjoyed having his dick sucked, but going to all of the trouble of fucking one of the passarounds’ at the clubhouse wasn’t worth the time and effort.

It took forever to get their cunt ready to work his cock into, and although it might have been easier for him to lube them up with oral sex, there was no way that he would put his mouth on a hole that had been servicing the club members for weeks or months. Some of those fuckers might bathe twice a month, and just thinking about licking at that shit made his stomach twist.

He wasn’t into shoving his dick into a woman’s dry holes. The few times he’d tried, it’d felt like he had skinned the shaft of his cock, and that shit hurt. Not that it mattered now. Trixie had his fucking cock wrapped around her little fingers, and she probably knew it when she threatened to cut it off.

He wrapped his own hand around his cock with a shampoo lube and leaned his head back onto the tiles as he remembered Trixie on her knees right here in this very shower. Her lips had been wrapped around his cock, and his hand had held a fist full of her hair. He’d tried to force his cock deeper into her throat and had felt her sharp teeth scrape the tender skin of his shaft. His hand left her hair, and he’d laid both hands flat on the tiles, while she sucked the cum from his balls.

Her fingers were slender and short. When she stuck a soapy finger up his ass and sent another one to join it, he couldn’t help pumping his hips a little. She’d pulled her fingers loose, and pinched and twisted the sack that his nuts rode around in. Her tongue teased the knot of skin and nerves under the head of his cock, and he’d blown his load with a set of her nails digging into the cheek of his ass.

Jacking off left a lot to be desired when it came to pleasure, but it took the edge off of his need, and that was what counted.

He wanted her, but he knew that he was going to have to work to get her to trust him and know that he didn’t really see her as a whore. Damn his pride and wide streak of self preservation. If he wanted her, he would have to lay himself bare, and that was not something that he looked forward to. Not at all.