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The Unreal Boyfriend (Captured by Love Book 9) by Miranda P. Charles (18)

Chapter 18

Bernadette’s heart started racing as Ross’s tone sent shivers down her spine. He was practically ordering her to stay. Suddenly, Derek’s warning that his uncle was dangerous bore down on her.

“If you like, Mr. Anton,” she said, “I’ll come back as soon as Derek and I finish talking. It has taken us weeks before we got to discuss what he did to me the last time we were here, so I’d like to take this opportunity before he shuts me out again.”

Ross laughed. “Fine. But I’d like to talk to Derek alone for a few minutes before you go. Could you wait for us inside? I won’t keep him long.”

She glanced at Derek.

“I won’t be long,” he said.

She nodded and headed back to the house, her nerves increasing with every step she took. Surely, Derek didn’t mean that Ross was murderer-like dangerous, did he? She’d never gotten that vibe from Ross. She’d always thought he was a nice, generous man, albeit exacting and demanding when it came to his networking events.

She had no idea what Derek had meant by calling Ross dangerous, but she bet it had something to do with money or reputation—not personal safety—so she let herself relax. It was stupid to be so concerned all of a sudden.

She walked to the kitchen so she could watch the two men from the window while she waited for Derek.

“Bernadette,” Boyd called from the hallway. “Could you help me with something in the living room?”

Drats. “Sure. What do you need done?”

“We need to move the big sofa. There’s a cigarette under there, probably left by a guest during the last party.”

“Maybe we should use a broom to sweep it out?”

“Nah. Easier for me to lift the sofa up and you can reach for it.”

“Okay.” She wondered why her mum hadn’t noticed it. Hopefully, Boyd wasn’t thinking that her mother wasn’t being thorough with her job.

“It’s under here,” Boyd said, pointing to the long, heavy couch.

Bernadette got down on her knees to check out the exact location of the cigarette.

And something large clamped over her mouth. Then she was being lifted bodily towards the front door, which she now noticed was open.

“Boyd!” she tried to scream, but all that came out of her were muffled sounds.

“Shut up and stop struggling!” Boyd ordered harshly, keeping her imprisoned with an arm around her waist and a hand over her mouth. She tried to flail her limbs to loosen his grip on her, but her efforts only served to make Boyd hold her tighter.

Boyd managed to carry her out the door without much effort, and Bernadette’s fear soared.

Derek! What was going to happen to him?

“You’re gonna drive,” Boyd said, pushing her into the driver’s seat of a car parked in front of the house and taking out a gun. Pointing the weapon at her head, he started to get into the backseat behind her.

But he didn’t get there. She heard a whacking sound and the next thing she knew, Boyd was lying on the ground.

She looked up at the man who’d hit Boyd. “Lawrence!”

Lawrence smirked. “Lucky I was here, huh?”

“What?… Why?” She got out of the car, her shock keeping her mind blank.

“I wanted to fire this,” Lawrence said, admiring his gun before putting it away to tie up Boyd. “But it probably wasn’t necessary to kill Boyd. Yet.”

She gaped at Lawrence as he moved a still-unconscious Boyd into the backseat of the vehicle she’d just exited. A little blood was on the pavement, probably from Boyd’s injuries, but she was sure the man would live.

“Thank you, Lawrence,” she murmured. “But why did Boyd try to kidnap me?”

Lawrence shook his head, huffing from his efforts as he closed the car doors. “You should ask Mr. Anton that. He might be happy to answer your questions. Let’s go back inside.”

Bernadette’s eyes widened, her fear returning tenfold. Derek had said his uncle was dangerous

And Derek was still in there!

She had to get help somehow, but… she was now scared to trust Lawrence.

“Oh, shit,” Lawrence muttered, looking at two cars coming from up the road. Then he got into the vehicle and drove off with speed.

Bernadette’s mouth dropped. What the hell was going on?

“Bernie!” a woman’s voice called out.


To Bernadette’s further surprise, Holly hugged her tight.

“Miss Luna?” a woman in a suit said. “I’m Detective Swanson. Who’s that man?” She pointed to the car Lawrence was driving.

“Um, his name is Lawrence Johns. He works for Mr. Anton. He… he has a guy named Boyd in the back of his car, unconscious.”

“What?” Holly asked in shock.

“Boyd tried to kidnap me,” she said, explaining how it all happened. “Then Lawrence appeared out of nowhere and hit Boyd on the head. He tied him up and put him on the backseat. Then when he saw you arriving, he just bolted—with Boyd.”

Detective Swanson called someone on the phone and relayed some information.

“Detective,” Bernadette interrupted. “Derek McCarthy is still in the house with Ross Anton. He said Ross is dangerous. It’s probably true, because Boyd works for Mr. Anton. But then… Lawrence does, too.”

Detective Swanson nodded her head, continuing to talk to someone on the phone as she walked towards two men huddled outside the front door of Ross’s house.

“What are they doing?” Bernadette asked angrily. “Why don’t they go in and save Derek?”

“Derek has his phone on speaker so my brother Xavier could listen in. That’s my brother there in the blue shirt, next to the other detective.” Holly indicated the two men standing close together, listening to one phone. “Derek learnt that you were here alone with Ross, so he drove straight here while Xavier called the police. Then, of course, I insisted on coming, too. Since Xavier couldn’t talk loudly to avoid Ross hearing our voices, he didn’t have a choice but to let me ride with him. Coincidentally, we and the detectives got here at the same time.”

Bernadette gulped. “So they’re still just talking, right?”

“Yes. Looks like Ross is trying to make some deal with Derek.”

“Yes. Derek’s client is looking to buy a Richard McCarthy and he wants to know if Mr. Anton is willing to sell his.”

Holly touched her arm. “No. Ross is saying he’s being blackmailed by someone who wants to make it look like he’s done some bad things. He’s trying to ask for Derek’s help.”

Bernadette shook her head slowly. She had absolutely no clue what was going on.

“I don’t know why Boyd tried to kidnap you, though,” Holly said.

And Bernadette couldn’t understand why Lawrence had helped her, then had run away. Was he scared of the police?

She bit her lip. What would she say to her mother? June would be devastated if Lawrence was a criminal.

The two detectives and Xavier were suddenly hurrying up to them.

“Derek is pretending to agree with Ross,” Xavier said. “They’re going back into the house now. They’re bound to look for you,” he said to Bernadette.

“Shall I go back in?” she asked.

“No,” Detective Swanson said. “We’ll be arresting Ross, but we need to take him by surprise so he won’t do something drastic while Derek’s still with him. He’s clearly desperate now. So you three hide where you can’t be seen from the windows or the front door. Quick!”

Bernadette nodded, running in front of one of the parked vehicles and crouching low. Anything to keep Derek safe.

She noticed that Holly and Xavier hadn’t joined her. She peered carefully to the side of the car and saw Holly hiding behind a tall row of hedges with Xavier beside her. They seemed to be listening to Xavier’s phone.

Ugh, why did she choose to hide behind a car? Did she have time to join them? She’d like to listen in, too.

She noticed the two detectives had positioned themselves on either side of Ross’s front door, presumably waiting for it to open.

And it did. Derek walked out first, faltering at noticing the detectives, but catching himself pretty quickly. He walked further down the front path, looking around.

“She out there?” Ross asked, himself stepping out the threshold.

The detectives swooped in, grabbing his hands and handcuffing them to the back.

“Derek, you have to believe me!” Ross cried out.

“We’ll see, Uncle Ross,” Derek said.

“Don’t just see it, do it! Or you and anyone you love will always be in danger.”

“You should have thought of the repercussions of your actions earlier,” Derek said, unmoved.

“Damn you, Derek! I’m your uncle! Holly! Xavier! What are you doing here?”

Bernadette was so engrossed in what was happening that she hadn’t realised Holly and Xavier had come out in the open.

The siblings didn’t answer Ross. Instead, they went to Derek.

Bernadette watched as Holly and Derek hugged. Derek was safe. That was all that mattered. She wasn’t jealous or hurting.

Her heart constricted, contradicting herself.

“What?” she heard Derek exclaim, then he broke off from Holly and looked at the cars. “Bernie!”

Oh. He was looking for her.

She stood up gingerly, and her gaze locked with Derek. Then he was running to her.

“Bern,” Derek breathed, pulling her to him and holding her tight. “I’m so sorry.”

She smiled sadly as she returned his hug. He only wanted to apologise for what she’d been through. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

Derek cupped her face. “Are you okay?”

She nodded.

“Tell me what happened.”

She repeated what she’d told the others earlier.

Derek’s brows furrowed. “I’m starting to think there’s some truth to what Ross had said.”

“What did he say?”

“He said another guy—who he didn’t want to name until the authorities would guarantee him protection—is pulling all the strings. Apparently, this guy was the one who’d written the names of the persons he’d murdered at the back of Man and His Secrets—including my father’s.”

Bernadette’s eyes rounded in shock. “I’m so sorry,” she murmured, at a loss for words.

Derek nodded in acknowledgment. “Anyway, Ross said that he was starting to believe that Holly, Xavier and I were suspecting something. He just didn’t know what. The puppetmaster—as Ross called the big boss he wouldn’t name yet—was also of the same mind. But the puppetmaster wasn’t concerned at all because, based on all the evidence, it would be Ross’s ass on the line, not his. Ross swore he didn’t commit any of the murders, although he was forced to steal valuable items, which he’d listed at the back of a painting he kept at his place at Palm Beach. I’ve seen that painting, so I know he’s telling the truth there. So…” Derek sighed raggedly. “Ross practically admitted he stole a valuable pearl necklace from my mother. But he’s saying he didn’t kill my dad or get him killed.”

Bernadette placed a comforting hand on Derek’s arm.

“I’ve waited four years to find Man and His Secrets,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I thought finding it would finally prove that my dad didn’t die from an accident—that his own brother-in-law had wanted him gone. So it’s not over yet. I still don’t know who really killed my father.”

Bernadette took him in an embrace, giving him comfort.

Derek breathed in a deep sigh, tightening his arms around her.

“Your uncle would talk now, though, wouldn’t he?” Bernadette said, pulling back to look at him.

Derek kept his arms around her. “Yes, only if the authorities promised him protection. Ross said no one has been able to touch the puppetmaster for over two decades. He’s too smart and powerful; everyone’s afraid of him. And I’m damned scared he’ll literally get away with my father’s murder.”

“Derek,” she sharply, remembering something. “Mum said she’d seen someone else in Ross’s office, seemingly working on Man and His Secrets while it was laid down on the desk.”

“Did she know who it was?”

Bernadette shook her head. “But she said he looked somewhat familiar.”

Derek led her towards the detectives, who were readying to leave with Ross. “Detectives! May we have a word?”

Detective Swanson approached them, and Bernadette relayed her mother’s story regarding the stranger in Ross’s office.

“We’ll contact you if we need to speak to your mother,” Swanson said.

Bernadette nodded and gave the detective her phone number and address.

They watched as the unmarked police car drove away with a dejected Ross in the backseat.

“We have to talk to Mum and Dad,” Holly said to Xavier.

“I know,” Xavier said. “Let’s do it tonight.”

“I’ll call them now to say we want to have dinner with them,” Holly said, walking a few steps away.

Derek faced Bernadette, taking her hands. “Thank you for remembering about that man.”

She smiled. “It wasn’t much in the whole scheme of things.”

“It could help a lot.”

“I certainly hope so,” she said with a sigh.

“I love you.”

Her heart skipped. “What?”

Derek smiled. “I love you, Bern.”

Bernadette glanced at Holly. Fortunately, Derek’s current girlfriend was still on the phone to her parents.

“Holly and I have been pretending for four years,” Derek said, “because that’s the only way I could help look for Man and His Secrets. Holly and Xavier know that Ross is not the upstanding man that people see him as. In fact, it was to Xavier that my dad had given the information about Man and His Secrets. Xavier and Holly both knew that if Ross continued to get away with his crimes, their parents could lose everything, including their reputations, possibly even their lives. I’ve been lucky to have them as friends who have stuck with me for four years as we looked for the painting.”

She gawked at Derek. “You’ve only been pretending to go out with Holly for all that time?”

“Yes, and I’ve never told anyone. For me, the stakes were too high. Getting justice for Dad is a priority, as well as keeping all my loved ones safe from smart criminals like my uncle.”

Bernadette touched Derek’s face with both hands. She couldn’t even imagine what he must have gone through since his father’s death. “I’m here for you.”

Derek pulled her close. “The last four years of my life have been a lonely hell. But a bright spot appeared two years ago. You. Even when I couldn’t act on my attraction for you, you still made my day whenever you were around. Will you forgive me for all the hurt I caused you?” Derek asked earnestly.

She smiled. “Only if you stop keeping things from me to protect me. I want to be able to help you with things that are important to you—just like Holly has been doing.”

“Okay,” Derek breathed.

“So… you and Holly were never ever together?”

“No. The chemistry was never there for us. We’re just very good friends.”

Bernadette looked into Derek’s eyes with all the sincerity she could muster. “I love you.”

A grin broke on Derek’s face. “I love you, too, sweetheart. Do you know how many times I’ve wanted to ask you out before and I couldn’t?”

“What about me? I’ve had a crush on you since the first time I met you.”

Derek laughed.

“It’s not funny,” she said with a frown.

“I know. I’m just happy. Really happy. Despite the lack of a full resolution today, I can’t help but feel happy. I’m free to tell the world I love you.”

Bernadette breathed in deeply before pulling Derek’s head down to hers for a passionate kiss.

“Heya, lovebirds,” a male voice said jovially.

“Go away, Xavier,” Derek said against Bernadette’s lips. “I finally get to kiss my girl in full view of everyone.”

“Yeah, I’m watching,” Xavier said cheekily.

Bernadette broke the kiss, chuckling and blushing.

Derek wrapped her tightly in his arms as he spoke to Xavier. “Okay, I’m all ears, Mr. Partner-in-Crime.”

Xavier shrugged. “I have nothing to say. Like I said, I was just watching.”

“Piss off, then,” Derek said lightheartedly. “Or listen to your sister talk to her real boyfriend.”

Xavier chortled, turning away from them.

“You know what?” Bernadette said to Derek. “Holly can now attend our get-togethers with the gang. She sounded like she really enjoyed our company.”

“She did. Because of her profile, she’d grown distant from some of her old friends. A few of them used their friendship with her for one thing or another.”

“That’s sad,” she murmured. “Xavier seems nice, too. We should bring him into the group, since we’ve run out of bachelors for our Captured by Love game. He’s single, right?”

Derek laughed. “Yes. And I’m sure Marilyn would be thrilled.”

Bernadette dipped her head on Derek’s shoulder. What a day.

But even though things were looking up, there were still plenty of unanswered questions.




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