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Damaged Goods by Dane, Cynthia (16)






Chapter 16




Delicious. That was the only word floating through Sylvia’s head as she was pushed into her bedroom and readily fell on top of her bed. Well, that and Joseph.

His mouth tasted so damn good. What? Who had a proper, above eighth-grade vocabulary when it came to describing what Joseph Montoya tasted like? All right. You want a better description? He was earthy. Musky. Clean and hygienic, but exuding a natural dirtiness that couldn’t be washed away by water – and thank God for that. Sylvia got higher off kissing this man and inhaling his scent than she did from marijuana contact highs on her bus commute.

Not to mention the energy levels consuming her. This was the happiest Joseph had been with her since they first hooked up. Yes, even since back then. He smiled against her cheek. He growled into the crook of her neck and snaked his tongue into her ear. His hands grabbed, moved, and groped parts of her body she didn’t even know needed stimulating. Sylvia was so willing to defer to him and what he wanted to do to her that she barely realized she had yet to touch him until she was on her back, legs wrapped around his waist.

Buenos fucking dias,” he murmured the moment Sylvia grabbed his cock through his jeans. “Hello.”

“Yeah, you like it when I grab your cock.” She was already unzipping him. Should they use her condoms or his? “You’re already hard for me.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He sat up, holding her down with one hand. Joseph apparently preferred to pull out his own cock. Or maybe he wanted to mess up her dress enough to fuck her within the next two minutes. “You wet for me?”

“I’ve been wet for you since three this afternoon.”

He pulled a condom out of his pocket. Oh, so we’re using yours. Got it. “Wasn’t that when Sheen was trying to finger you at that party?”

Yes. He didn’t get very far. “You’re naughty. I didn’t once stop thinking about you today. I didn’t want anything to do with that other man.” Sylvia pushed herself up, hooking her fingers into his belt and kissing his happy trail and the firm abdomen beneath. “I’d much rather be with you and the way you do me.” That was the truth, after all. “Now say something sexy in Spanish.”

Joseph was halfway to pulling that condom out of its packaging. Sylvia urged him on with a careful stroke to his stiffening cock. “You serious?”

“A girl does not joke about hot and sexy Spanish. Come on. Spill it. I know you got the goods to make me even hornier.”

Joseph tossed the wrapper into the garbage and hooked his hand around Sylvia’s neck. Her head tilted back, mouth open, eyes fluttering. “Cielito mio.

Hot damn! That didn’t hit the spot. It blasted it away with a battering ram. This time Sylvia’s shudders were nothing but pure pleasure. Damn. She shuddered so hard that if she wasn’t wet before…

“How the fuck do I compete with that?” she whispered.

“You let me fuck you, that’s what.”

“How do you say that in Spanish?”

Quiero que me cojas.

“My French is good enough that I think you said I want you to fuck me.

“Same difference. Just raunchy.”

“I love raunchy.”

His eyes met hers. Joseph was spending more time slowly stroking his cock than putting on that stupid condom. Get it on and fuck me, please! Sylvia was about to take matters into her own hands. Those matters included his cock and balls, of course. Fuck me in the pussy, in the mouth, in the ass for all I care. Do it!

“Now you say something to me.” Joseph eased her back down onto the bed, keeping her legs wide open. Am I wearing underwear? Meh. Doesn’t matter. It’ll be gone soon. All her underwear was good enough to tear to the side for some good ol’ fucking. “I want you to try saying…” He said his next few words in Spanish much too quickly.

“Come again?” And again, and again!

Joseph nipped her lips. “I’ll say it more slowly. Only because I want to hear you say it.”

“Then you’ll fuck me?”


Giggling, Sylvia tried to ignore the electricity exploding between them. But what was a girl to do when her lover’s excellent cock was two inches away from her? “Quiero que estés dentro de mi.” She tried to leave a French accent out of that. Tried to. It’s the only Romance accent I know. Joseph would deal.

“Fucking hell that’s hot.” Apparently it worked for him. Within five seconds he was on top of her, slowly, slowly pushing his cock into her. Sylvia yanked on his shirt, but it refused to come off his torso. That’s okay. This is hot too. Men could be as hot clothed as they were naked.

“What did I say?”

Inch by inch he filled her, his visage unchanging – always on fire, waiting for Sylvia to come undone around his cock. She was about to. “You said you wanted me inside of you.”


“Were you lying?”

Their kiss preoccupied Sylvia from saying much for a few moments. “No. This is a good place for you.”

He kissed her harder after that.

And fucked her harder after that.

It was an exquisite mix of last night and the night before. The urgency, the heated need of Monday night. The emotional connection of Tuesday night. Wednesday, so far, was shaping up to be the best of both worlds, and they had barely started.

“Do you know how much I want you?”

“I’m getting a pretty good idea right now.” Sylvia clung to him, as if there were a chance in hell he would get away from her. “Prove it. Fuck me like you’ve been waiting your whole life.”

“I think I have been.”

Prove it.

This was what Sylvia hurt to have. A man, as passionate as he was skilled, having his fill of her as if they couldn’t wait to do it. We couldn’t, though! Their clothes were still on, for fuck’s sake. Joseph couldn’t be assed to take off his shirt, and Sylvia? Her breasts were still constricted in the bust of her dress. This is only the first round anyway. She was already planning it, with Joseph several inches deep and fucking her with the full strength of his hips. After we take a break we’re doing it again! Sylvia’s determination could not be undermined. Not even when she was already on the brink of an intense orgasm that was sure to steal the breath from her chest.

Something chimed in the distance.

“Fuck,” Joseph muttered, his lips right on Sylvia’s ears. His hips likewise stuttered. Oh! Damn, that felt nice. The man was a menace inside of her even when he was startled by something else. “My phone.”

The ringtone continued to go off. “Ignore it!” Sylvia wrapped her arms so tightly around him that they could barely move. Up top, anyway. Down below? Joseph was back at it again, and very little was going to stop him. Even his ringing phone.

“Could be an emergency.”

This is an emergency! Sylvia groaned. There. Did that drown out the phone? “Finish the job, Joseph.” She was so close. So close! Sylvia wasn’t letting this man go until they both came.

“Yes, ma’am.” He rocked into her, his cock pulling out, pushing back in, again, again, with increasingly ferocity.

The phone rang the whole time. Or did it? It was possible that Sylvia cached the sound in the back of her mind to act as a steady beat to thrust her hips to. Because it wasn’t ridiculous enough that she and Joseph already had an easy rhythm for them both to follow. Now they had to lose their fucking minds in unison!

“I’m coming,” she gasped. Indeed, the entirety of her abdomen braced itself for orgasm. Endorphins fired before the physical sensations hit her. What she did feel right away? Her inner walls refusing to let Joseph pull out a final time. Fuck that. He was going down with her! “Fuck me, baby! I’m…” Her mouth was muffled by his. If Joseph wasn’t going to thrust like a jackhammer, he was at least going to suffocate her with kisses.

She squealed against his mouth; he groaned against hers. Joseph’s cock swelled in response to Sylvia tightening around his shaft, holding his tip as deep as it could penetrate. Right against my fucking G-spot, the stud! When an angle was as sweet as this, Sylvia couldn’t deny herself the ineffable pleasure consuming her.

She knew the moment he climaxed. The tensing of his shoulders. The stillness of his movements. His cock pulsing in heat, even if what he gave her wasn’t hers to feel. I want to feel you really inside of me one day… Sylvia held onto what she could experience right now. One of the best things was hearing her lover emit those two bursting groans that accompanied every one of his orgasms with her so far.

Sylvia checked out for more than several seconds. Climax had finally come for her too, and the only thing she cared about was savoring the connection between her and the man she never thought she could feel this for.

“Holy hell,” Joseph sighed against her chest.

“In a handbasket,” Sylvia confirmed.

They continued to ignore his ringing phone in favor of kissing – the kind of kissing that perfectly concludes an all-clothes-on-we-need-to-do-it-now lovemaking session like that.

Sylvia really wanted to say, “I’m so glad I had sex with you and not that other man,” but refrained. She didn’t want to jerk Joseph out of their mutual fantasy with something like that.

No, the only thing that could pull him away was that relentless phone ringing until it finally overwhelmed the sensations of sex.

“One moment.” Joseph walked away, leaving poor Sylvia alone on her bed while he threw out the condom, tucked himself back into his jeans, and picked up his phone. “Montoya.”

Sylvia rolled over, eyelids heavy. Please stay the night. We’re not going undercover tomorrow. Joseph would be going to his office and Sylvia would be waitressing most of the day. Couldn’t they spend this night together? She wanted to know what it was like to snuggle up next to him for half the…

“What?” Joseph’s tanned face paled. “The fuck are you talking about?”

“What is it?” Sylvia sat up. So much for the good feelings.

Joseph turned on his speakerphone, gaping in disbelief at his screen.

“I repeat,” came Jim’s flustered voice, “there’s a ten double-zero. Agent Kline is down. Also word of a 10-53 of unknown identity.”


“I’m sending you the coordinates they gave me! Also, next time, answer your fucking phone, Montoya!”

“What does that mean?” Sylvia asked. She didn’t understand police codes. She did, however, know when a man was about to fly into utter disbelief.

Joseph grabbed his jacket. “Agent Kline was attacked. I need to head to the scene. Now.”

“Oh my God. Is she okay?”

“I don’t know, Sylv. I’ve gotta go.” He stopped long enough to kiss her forehead, jacket already on again. “I’m sorry.”

“Let me go with you!”

“I can’t do that.”

Police sirens wailed in the distance. Sylvia scrambled off her bed and ran to her window. Sure enough, three police cars raced down her street. “What were her coordinates again?”

Joseph looked at his most recent text message. “Holy fuck.”

Cops spilled out of their cars, guns in hand. An ambulance shortly joined them. Everyone gathered around the front yard of the house across the street.

Sylvia had kept her opera glasses from a life long past lived. She pulled them out of her top drawer now, unfolding them until they were pressed against her eyes. Joseph was out of the house by then.

There was Agent Cindy Kline, bleeding all over the neighbor’s piece of sidewalk. Next to her, in plain view of Joseph’s parked car and also a bloody fucking mess?

The dumbass jogger. Sylvia would recognize that plum purple sports bra and those black yoga pants anywhere.