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Dear Captor (Letters in Blood series Book 1) by Liz Lovelock (9)


A loud shriek startles me awake, only to realize it was me who cried out. My eyes spring open. Where am I? I’m restrained to a platform of some kind. Glancing down at my hands and feet, I see metal shackles holding me in place.

Fear barrels through me like a freight train. What is this new kind of hell?

I wriggle and strain against the chains in the hope one of them isn’t secured properly.

“You won’t get out of those. They’re professional standard.” A threatening voice comes from behind me. Pulling in a breath, I strain to see. He steps into my view, still in his dark clothes with his mask firmly in place.

The room I’m in appears like a small operating room. It smells really clean compared to the dirty, dank cell I was held in. Beside my head is a tray of instruments, and some look menacing. There’s scalpels and tweezers, the hospital kind. Uneasiness floods me. Does he plan to cut me up into little pieces?

“What do you want?” My words shake as I speak them, and my whole body feels as though there’s an electrical current coursing through it, causing me to tremble. It’s the fear of the unknown. Not knowing if I’ll see tomorrow. I wonder if it’s going to be quick and painless, or slow and excruciating.

He walks around the table, his stare boring right through me as if he can sense what I’m thinking. His gloved hand picks up one of the scalpels from the tray. I hold my breath in the hope I’ll pass out again, and won’t have to be awake to endure what possibly might happen. His fist connects with my chest and the breath I was holding rushes out of me.

Coughing and spluttering, I attempt to suck in another breath, but my chest constricts tightly. My captor’s face comes within inches of mine. I shut my eyes tight so I don’t have to witness the blackness that sits in those swirls of death. The tickle of his steady breathing hits my cheek.

“I know every trick in the book. I’ve been at this a long time.” He keeps his tone so very low, and it’s as if he puts it on. His words pierce right through me. I now know I’m never going to leave this place.

He’s obviously played out this scene a number of times. Everything with him is strategic. He has a plan, and I know deep down I’ll never see full sunlight again.

I’ll not be getting that promotion.

I won’t get to go on that first date with Roman.

Suzie will be devastated. Hell, she’s probably already sent out a search party.

I couldn’t wait to tell her my good news, as well as to let her know I was actually going out on a date with a decent guy. Now, it will never happen.

I remember when she first stood up for me. It made me feel like a different person. Empowered, in a way. Well, as empowered as a fifteen-year-old can be.


As I clear the back yard once again, I reminisce back on the day I first met Suzie. She became my savior, someone who looked out for me, no matter if my parents threatened her.

It was a cold day. My chilled hands gripped the rake as I tried to keep all the leaves together and not allow them to spread across the yard even more with the breeze. My mother always wanted the lawn done on the windiest and coldest of days. I owned one thin jacket and no gloves. When warm water hit them, it felt as if they were burning. It hurt so bad.

“Lass?” a soft voice called.

Spinning around I’m greeted with a smile from my neighbor. We hadn’t officially met, though.

“Here…” Her arms extended over the fence and in her hands was a large thick coat and a pair of woollen gloves.

Slowly, I moved toward her, turning to the back door constantly in case my mom or dad decide to come out.

“I’m not sure I can take them.” They looked so tempting and warm. A cozy coat would work wonders for me, especially at night in my chilly room.

“Dear… I’ve watched you out here enough on these cold days, to know how freezing you must be. Hell, I’m standing here all bundled up and still trembling from this frost. You… you’ll be frozen in the garden in no time.” She laughed, and I couldn’t help but grin back at her.

Without another word, I took the jacket and wrapped it around me tightly. It was so warm and inviting, I thought I wouldn’t ever take it off. Maybe I’d glue it to my body so my parents can’t take it from me. Slipping the gloves on, it felt as if I was placing on the perfect-sized slipper. I felt like Cinderella, only I’m still the servant, but with a brand-spanking-new coat and gloves.

I looked up at her, with tears in my eyes. “Thank you so much.” I wanted to hug her. I didn’t know this lady very well, but she felt like safety to me.

“What are you doing, girl?”

I froze, and I was about to rip off my new coat and gloves, but Suzie stopped me. The fear shown on my face said it all. What happened next blew me away.

“Sorry. I had an old jacket and knitted some gloves too small for me, so I’ve given them to her. I hope it’s okay?” She’s was so kind to my monster of a mother.

The smile on mother’s face was fake; I’d seen it a number of times now and knew it well. “I’d rather you not talk to my daughter,” she snapped.

Suzie looked taken aback. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were actually trying to kill her out here in the cold.”

I took a step away, not wanting to be a part of this. Worry spread through me, for Suzie. She was poking the dragon.

Mom’s mouth went thin. “How dare you speak to me like that? My daughter is fed, clothed, and has a roof over her head. That’s what’s most important.”

“If you say so, but if I so much as see a bruise on this young lady, I’ll make sure the police pay a visit to your doorstep.” Suzie had her finger pointed accusingly at Mom. Never did I think I’d see fear on Mom’s face, but Suzie’s threat held promise, and she knew it. Deep down, I was loving how this situation played out, although later I’d probably receive some form of punishment for causing this.

“I’ll ask you again to mind your own business. Walk away, lady,” Mom hissed at her.

“Or what? You’ll hit me?”

Oh, my goodness. I thought, this lady had some woman balls. They’re made of steel. Never in my wildest dream would I have had the guts to say something like that to my mother.

“Finish your job, girl, and then get inside,” Mom barked at me and turned, leaving us. My lips twitched with pleasure. Knowing what was going to come later, it was worth it to see my mother twinge.

“Thank you for standing up for me,” I whispered, but kept my head down while I raked the leaves.

“Dear… I hate seeing how they treat you and not saying anything. No more, though. If I see anything at all, I’ll be stepping in for you. Look at you—you’re practically wasting away to nothing.”

I had a small frame, but I’d also only been allowed limited portions of food.

“What’s your name? I’ve only ever heard them call you girl.”

“That’s all I’ve ever been called. I’m not sure what my real name is. Although they have mentioned the name Gertrude, and my teachers at school use it, but at home it’s mostly lazy, stupid or girl.” As stupid as that sounded, it was the truth. I believed my name to be ‘girl.’ At school, the teachers probably saw me as the homeless girl, a wanderer going by my rag clothes. It took a long time for my parents to allow me to attend school. I only participated when I needed to. When other students gave me hell, I took it. I couldn’t be bothered reporting anything when the staff didn’t give a fat rat’s ass.

My life sucked. Would it ever get better?

“Oh, I’m so sorry, dear…” She paused a moment, a thoughtful look on her face. “Can I call you, Elenore?”

Hmm, Elenore… I let the name mull around in my head for a moment. It was a very nice name. “I like it.”

“Okay, Elenore it is, then. It suits you beautifully. Do you have a last name?”

“Smith,” I replied. She nodded.

“When you’re old enough you can go and change it legally to whatever you want?” Her hand extended as she rubbed my arm.

“Can I change my last name?” I hesitantly asked. I wanted to leave this life behind when I was old enough.

“You can change your last name possibly; I’d have to look into it. If you like, you could have my surname… it’s Burrows. How does that sound?” Her words were so gentle, it felt alien to me. Never had I ever experienced this softness when being addressed. My chest swelled with emotion.

“Elenore Burrows… I like it.” A big cheesy grin pulled across my face and Suzie’s as well.

“Well, there you go. If you can, come to my house at any time. I’ll always have food for you, and if you need anything, you’ll let me know. I won’t have you stealing like I’ve seen you do in the past.”

I hung my head in shame. There was nothing else I could do. I wanted a notebook to write in, and so I took one.

“You hear me, Elenore?”

My eyes met hers, and I nodded.


A burning sensation hits the bow of my foot and then the arch. I scream out in pain, my eyes falling on the now bloody blade he’s holding.

“Ah… there you are. You’re back in the real world now. Welcome to the final days of your life.” His evil laughter fills the room, and I die a little inside. The tip of the scalpel touches my foot again, his eyes close, and then he slices the most sensitive part of my foot. Another scream bursts forth from my chest.